Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/plugins/vmpayment/sofort/sofort/library/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/plugins/vmpayment/sofort/sofort/library/sofortLib.php |
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /** * @mainpage * Base class for SOFORT XML-Api * This class implements basic http authentication and a xml-parser * for parsing response messages * * Requires libcurl and openssl * * Copyright (c) 2012 SOFORT AG * * Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2) * [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html] * * $Date: 2012-11-23 17:15:47 +0100 (Fri, 23 Nov 2012) $ * @version SofortLib 1.5.4 $Id: sofortLib.php 5773 2012-11-23 16:15:47Z dehn $ * @author SOFORT AG http://www.sofort.com (integration@sofort.com) * */ if(!defined('SOFORTLIB_VERSION')) { define('SOFORTLIB_VERSION','1.5.4'); } require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_abstract.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_confirm_sr.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_edit_sr.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_cancel_sr.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_ideal_banks.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_debit.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_http.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_multipay.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_notification.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_refund.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_transaction_data.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sofortLib_Logger.inc.php'; /** Include any available helper here **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/class.abstract_document.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/class.invoice.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/elements/sofort_element.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/elements/sofort_tag.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/elements/sofort_html_tag.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/elements/sofort_text.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/array_to_xml.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/xml_to_array.php'; /** * * Basic PHP Library for communication with multipay API and related products of sofort.com * @author payment-network.com * */ class SofortLib { public $errorPos = 'global'; //or su, sr, sv... public $errors = array(); public $warnings = array(); public $enableLogging = false; public $errorCountTemp = 0; public $SofortLibHttp = null; public $SofortLibLogger = null; protected $_apiKey; protected $_userId; protected $_response; protected $_products = array('global', 'sr', 'su', 'sv', 'ls', 'sl', 'sf'); private $_logfilePath = false; /** * Constructor for SofortLib * @param string $apiKey */ public function __construct($userId = '', $apiKey = '', $apiUrl = '') { $this->_userId = $userId; $this->_apiKey = $apiKey; $this->SofortLibHttp = new SofortLib_Http($apiUrl, $this->_getHeaders()); $this->SofortLibLogger = new SofortLibLogger(); $this->enableLogging = (getenv('sofortDebug') == 'true') ? true : false; } /** * Getter for warnings * * @return empty array if no warnings exists ELSE array with warning-codes and warning-messages * @public */ public function getWarnings($paymentMethod = 'all', $message = '') { if ($message == '') { $message = $this->warnings; } else { $message = $this->_parseErrorresponse($message); } $supportedPaymentMethods = $this->_products; if (!in_array($paymentMethod, $supportedPaymentMethods)) { $paymentMethod = 'all'; } $returnArray = array(); //return global + selected payment method foreach ($supportedPaymentMethods as $pm) { if (($paymentMethod == 'all' || $pm == 'global' || $paymentMethod == $pm) && array_key_exists($pm, $message)) { $returnArray = array_merge($returnArray, $message[$pm]); } } return $returnArray; } /** * Getter for errors * * @param (optional) array $message response array * @return emtpy array if no error exist ELSE array with error-codes and error-messages * @public */ public function getErrors($paymentMethod = 'all', $message = '') { if ($message == '') { $message = $this->handleErrors($this->errors); } else { $message = $this->_parseErrorresponse($message); } if (!$this->isError($paymentMethod, $message)) { return array(); } $supportedPaymentMethods = $this->_products; if (!in_array($paymentMethod, $supportedPaymentMethods)) { $paymentMethod = 'all'; } $returnArray = array(); //return global + selected payment method foreach ($supportedPaymentMethods as $pm) { if (($paymentMethod == 'all' || $pm == 'global' || $paymentMethod == $pm) && array_key_exists($pm, $message)) { $returnArray = array_merge($returnArray, $message[$pm]); } } return $returnArray; } /** * * Alter error array and set error message and error code together as one * @param array $errors */ function handleErrors($errors) { $errorKeys = array_keys($errors); foreach($errorKeys as $errorKey) { $i = 0; foreach ($errors[$errorKey] as $partialError) { if (!empty($errors[$errorKey][$i]['field']) && $errors[$errorKey][$i]['field'] !== '') { $errors[$errorKey][$i]['code'] .= '.'.$errors[$errorKey][$i]['field']; } $i++; }; } return $errors; } /** * returns one error message * @see getErrors() for more detailed errors * @param array $message response array * @return string errormessage ELSE false * @public */ public function getError($paymentMethod = 'all', $message = '') { if ($message == '') { $message = $this->errors; } else{ $message = $this->_parseErrorresponse($message); } $supportedPaymentMethods = $this->_products; if (!in_array($paymentMethod, $supportedPaymentMethods)) { $paymentMethod = 'all'; } if (is_array($message)) { if ($paymentMethod == 'all') { foreach ($message as $key => $error) { if (is_array($error) && !empty($error)){ $code = isset($error[0]['code'])? $error[0]['code']:''; $message = isset($error[0]['message'])? $error[0]['message']:''; return 'Error: '.$code.': '.$message; } } } else { foreach ($message as $key => $error) { if ($key != 'global' && $key != $paymentMethod) { continue; } if (is_array($error) && !empty($error)){ return 'Error: '.$error[0]['code'].':'.$error[0]['message']; } } } } return false; } /** * * checks (response)-array for warnings * @param array $message response array * @param string $paymentMethod - 'all', 'sr', 'su', 'sv', 'sa', 'ls', 'sl', 'sf' (if unknown then it uses "all") * @return boolean true if warnings found ELSE false * @public */ public function isWarning($paymentMethod = 'all', $message = '') { if ($message == '') { $message = $this->warnings; } if (empty($message)) { return false; } if (!in_array($paymentMethod, $this->_products)) { $paymentMethod = 'all'; } if ($paymentMethod == 'all') { if (is_array($message)) { foreach ($message as $error) { if (!empty($error)) { return true; } } } } else { //paymentMethod-specific search if (is_array($message)) { if ((isset($message[$paymentMethod]) && !empty($message[$paymentMethod])) || (isset($message['global']) && !empty($message['global']))) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * checks (response)-array for error * @param array $message response array * @param string $paymentMethod - 'all', 'sr', 'su', 'sv', 'sa', 'ls', 'sl', 'sf' (if unknown then it uses "all") * @return boolean true if errors found (in given payment-method or in 'global') ELSE false * @public */ public function isError($paymentMethod = 'all', $message = '') { if ($message == '') { $message = $this->errors; } if (empty($message)) { return false; } if (!in_array($paymentMethod, $this->_products)) { $paymentMethod = 'all'; } if ($paymentMethod == 'all') { if (is_array($message)) { foreach ($message as $error) { if (!empty($error)) { return true; } } } } else { //paymentMethod-specific search if (is_array($message)) { if ((isset($message[$paymentMethod]) && !empty($message[$paymentMethod])) || (isset($message['global']) && !empty($message['global']))) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * set Errors * later use getError(), getErrors() or isError() to retrieve them * @param string $message - Detailinformationen about the error * @param string $pos - Position in the errors-array, must be one of: 'global', 'sr', 'su', 'sv', 'sa', 'ls', 'sl', 'sf' * @param string $errorCode - a number or string to specify the errors in the module * @param string $field - if $errorCode deals with a field */ public function setError($message, $pos = 'global', $errorCode = '-1', $field = '') { $supportedErrorsPos = array('global', 'sr', 'su', 'sv', 'sa', 'ls', 'sl', 'sf'); if (!in_array($pos, $supportedErrorsPos)) { $paymentMethod = 'global'; } if (!isset($this->errors[$pos])) { $this->errors[$pos] = array(); } $error = array ('code' => $errorCode, 'message' => $message, 'field' => $field); $this->errors[$pos][] = $error; } /** * delete all warnings * @public */ public function deleteAllWarnings() { $this->errorPos = 'global'; $this->errorCountTemp = 0; $this->warnings = array(); } /** * delete all errors * @public */ public function deleteAllErrors() { $this->errorPos = 'global'; $this->errorCountTemp = 0; $this->errors = array(); } /** * internal send-method, will check http-errorcode and return body * @param String $message message to post * @return string error or body * @protected */ protected function _sendMessage($message) { $response = $this->SofortLibHttp->post($message); if ($response === false) { return $this->SofortLibHttp->error; } $http = $this->SofortLibHttp->getHttpCode(); if (!in_array($http['code'], array('200', '301', '302'))) { return $http['message']; } return $response; } /** * * define all headers here * @private */ private function _getHeaders() { $header = array(); $header[] = 'Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($this->_userId.':'.$this->_apiKey); $header[] = 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8'; $header[] = 'Accept: application/xml; charset=UTF-8'; $header[] = 'X-Powered-By: PHP/'.phpversion(); return $header; } /** * * prepare $this->errors for insertion of errors * @private */ private function _createErrorArrayStructure() { if (!isset($this->errors[$this->errorPos])) { $this->errors[$this->errorPos] = array(); } if (!isset($this->errors[$this->errorPos][$this->errorCountTemp])) { $this->errors[$this->errorPos][$this->errorCountTemp] = array(); } } /** * * prepare $this->warnings for insertion of errors * @see _createErrorsarrayStructure(); * @private */ private function _createWarningArrayStructure() { if (!isset($this->warnings[$this->errorPos])) { $this->warnings[$this->errorPos] = array(); } if (!isset($this->warnings[$this->errorPos][$this->errorCountTemp])) { $this->warnings[$this->errorPos][$this->errorCountTemp] = array(); } } /** * display stacktrace * @private * @param $provideObject */ private function _backtrace($provideObject = false) { $last = ''; $file = __FILE__; $args = ''; $message = ''; foreach (debug_backtrace($provideObject) as $row) { if ($last != $row['file']) { $message .= "File: $file<br>\n"; } $last=$row['file']; $message .= ' Line: $row[line]: '; if ($row['class']!='') { $message .= '$row[class]$row[type]$row[function]'; } else { $message .= '$row[function]'; } $message .= '('; $message .= join('', '',$args); $message .= ")<br>\n"; } return $message; } /** * *Setter for an error * @public * @param string $message * @param boolean $fatal */ public function error($message, $fatal = false){ $errorArray = array('message' => 'Error: '.$message, 'code' => '10'); $this->errors['global'][] = $errorArray; } /** * * error while parsing xml * @public * @param unknown_type $message */ public function fatalError($message){ return $this->error($message, true); } /** * * Enable logging in object * @see SofortLib setLogEnabled * @deprecated * @public */ public function enableLog() { $this->enableLogging = true; return $this; } /** * * Disable logging in object * @see SofortLib setLogDisabled * @deprecated * @public */ public function disableLog() { $this->enableLogging = false; return $this; } /** * * Set logging enable * @uses enableLog(); * @public */ public function setLogEnabled() { $this->enableLogging = true; return $this; } /** * * Set logging disabled * @uses disableLog(); * @public */ public function setLogDisabled() { $this->enableLogging = false; return $this; } /** * * Set the SofortLibLogger object * @param object $SofortLibLogger * @public */ public function setLogger($SofortLibLogger) { $this->SofortLibLogger = $SofortLibLogger; } /** * * log the given string into warning_log.txt * use $this->enableLog(); to enable logging before! * @param string $message */ public function logWarning($message) { if ($this->enableLogging) { $uri = dirname(__FILE__).'/logs/warning_log.txt'; $this->SofortLibLogger->log($message, $uri); } } /** * * log the given string into error_log.txt * use $this->enableLog(); to enable logging before! * @param string $message */ public function logError($message) { if ($this->enableLogging) { $uri = dirname(__FILE__).'/logs/error_log.txt'; $this->SofortLibLogger->log($message, $uri); } } /** * * log the given string into log.txt * use $this->enableLog(); to enable logging before! * @param string $message */ public function log($message) { if ($this->enableLogging) { $uri = $this->_logfilePath ? $this->_logfilePath : dirname(__FILE__).'/logs/log.xml'; $this->SofortLibLogger->log($message, $uri); } } /** * * Set the path of the logfile * @param string $path */ public function setLogfilePath($path) { $this->_logfilePath = $path; } /** * sets the api version which should be used * @param float $version */ public function setApiVersion($version) { $this->_apiVersion = $version; } /** * * Handle Errors occurred */ protected function _handleErrors() { //handle errors if (isset($this->_response['errors']['error'])) { if (!isset($this->_response['errors']['error'][0])) { $tmp = $this->_response['errors']['error']; unset($this->_response['errors']['error']); $this->_response['errors']['error'][0] = $tmp; } foreach ($this->_response['errors']['error'] as $error) { $this->errors['global'][] = $this->_getErrorBlock($error); } } foreach ($this->_products as $product) { if (isset($this->_response['errors'][$product])) { if (!isset($this->_response['errors'][$product]['errors']['error'][0])) { $tmp = $this->_response['errors'][$product]['errors']['error']; unset($this->_response['errors'][$product]['errors']['error']); $this->_response['errors'][$product]['errors']['error'][0] = $tmp; } foreach ($this->_response['errors'][$product]['errors']['error'] as $error) { $this->errors[$product][] = $this->_getErrorBlock($error); } } } //handle warnings if (isset($this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings']['warning'])) { if (!isset($this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings']['warning'][0])) { $tmp = $this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings']['warning']; unset($this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings']['warning']); $this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings']['warning'][0] = $tmp; } foreach ($this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings']['warning'] as $warning) { $this->warnings['global'][] = $this->_getErrorBlock($warning); } } foreach ($this->_products as $product) { if (isset($this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings'][$product])) { if (!isset($this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings'][$product]['warnings']['warning'][0])) { $tmp = $this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings'][$product]['warnings']['warning']; unset($this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings'][$product]['warnings']['warning']); $this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings'][$product]['warnings']['warning'][0] = $tmp; } foreach ($this->_response['new_transaction']['warnings'][$product]['warnings']['warning'] as $warning) { $this->warnings[$product][] = $this->_getErrorBlock($warning); } } } } /** * * parse the XML received or being sent */ protected function _parseXml() {} /** * * Getter for error block * @param unknown_type $error */ protected function _getErrorBlock($error) { $newError['code'] = isset($error['code']['@data']) ? $error['code']['@data'] : ''; $newError['message'] = isset($error['message']['@data']) ? $error['message']['@data'] : ''; $newError['field'] = isset($error['field']['@data']) ? $error['field']['@data'] : ''; return $newError; } /** * * Static debug method * @param mixed $var * @param boolean $showHtml */ public static function debug($var = false, $showHtml = false) { echo "\n<pre class=\"sofort-debug\">\n"; $var = print_r($var, true); if ($showHtml) { $var = str_replace('<', '<', str_replace('>', '>', $var)); } echo $var . "\n</pre>\n"; } } /// @endcond ?>