Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/plugins/system/magic360/magic360_classes/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/plugins/system/magic360/magic360_classes/magictoolbox.imagehelper.class.php |
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plg_system_magic360 - Magic 360 for Joomla # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Magic Toolbox # Copyright 2011 MagicToolbox.com. All Rights Reserved. # @license - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0 Artistic License 2.0 (GPL compatible) # Website: http://www.magictoolbox.com/magic360/modules/joomla/ # Technical Support: http://www.magictoolbox.com/contact/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access.'); if(!defined('MagicToolboxImageHelperClassLoaded')) { define('MagicToolboxImageHelperClassLoaded', true); require_once('magictoolbox.params.class.php'); if(!defined('MT_DS')) { define('MT_DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); //define('MT_DS', '/'); } class MagicToolboxImageHelperClass { // link to original image file var $src = ''; // original file extension var $ext = ''; // destination file (without sufix and extension) var $out = ''; // full path for webdir var $path = ''; // web address for wesite var $url = ''; // full destination file var $file = ''; // path to Image Magick var $imageMagick = false; // options (imagick path, resize params, etc) var $options = null; //options hash for folder name var $hash; // is there critical errors? var $errors = false; //path to folder with cached images var $cache = ''; var $pid = null; /** * @constructor * @param string $path full path for webdir * @param string $cache cache folder path relative to webdir * @param object $options options (imagick path, resize params, etc) * @param string $pid product ID * @param string $url web address for wesite * @return nothing */ function __construct($path, $cache = null, $options = null, $pid = null, $url = null) { clearstatcache(); //prepare params $this->path = preg_replace('/(\/|\\\\)$/is', '', $path); if(!$cache) { $cache = MT_DS.'magictoolbox_cache'; } else { $cache = preg_replace('/(\/|\\\\)$/is', '', $cache); } if(!$options) { $this->options = new MagicToolboxParamsClass(); $this->options->appendArray(array( "square-images"=>array("id"=>"square-images","group"=>"Positioning and Geometry","order"=>"310","default"=>"disable","label"=>"Create square images","description"=>"The white/transparent padding will be added around the image or the image will be cropped.","type"=>"array","subType"=>"radio","values"=>array("extend","crop","disable"),"scope"=>"module"), "imagemagick"=>array("id"=>"imagemagick","advanced"=>"1","group"=>"Miscellaneous","order"=>"550","default"=>"off","label"=>"Path to ImageMagick binaries (convert tool)","description"=>"You can set 'auto' to automatically detect ImageMagick location or 'off' to disable ImageMagick and use php GD lib instead","type"=>"text","scope"=>"module"), "watermark"=>array("id"=>"watermark","group"=>"Watermark","order"=>"10","default"=>"","label"=>"Watermark image path","description"=>"Enter location of watermark image on your server. Leave field empty to disable watermark","type"=>"text","scope"=>"module"), "watermark-opacity"=>array("id"=>"watermark-opacity","group"=>"Watermark","order"=>"40","default"=>"50","label"=>"Watermark image opacity (1-100)","description"=>"0 = transparent, 100 = solid color","type"=>"num","scope"=>"module"), "watermark-max-width"=>array("id"=>"watermark-max-width","group"=>"Watermark","order"=>"20","default"=>"30%","label"=>"Maximum width of watermark image","description"=>"pixels = fixed size (e.g. 50) / percent = relative for image size (e.g. 50%)","type"=>"text","scope"=>"module"), "watermark-max-height"=>array("id"=>"watermark-max-height","group"=>"Watermark","order"=>"21","default"=>"30%","label"=>"Maximum height of watermark image","description"=>"pixels = fixed size (e.g. 50) / percent = relative for image size (e.g. 50%)","type"=>"text","scope"=>"module"), "watermark-position"=>array("id"=>"watermark-position","group"=>"Watermark","order"=>"50","default"=>"center","label"=>"Watermark position","description"=>"Watermark size settings will be ignored when watermark position is set to 'stretch'","type"=>"array","subType"=>"select","values"=>array("top","right","bottom","left","top-left","bottom-left","top-right","bottom-right","center","stretch"),"scope"=>"module"), "watermark-offset-x"=>array("id"=>"watermark-offset-x","advanced"=>"1","group"=>"Watermark","order"=>"60","default"=>"0","label"=>"Watermark horizontal offset","description"=>"Offset from left and/or right image borders. Pixels = fixed size (e.g. 20) / percent = relative for image size (e.g. 20%). Offset will disable if 'watermark position' set to 'center'","type"=>"text","scope"=>"module"), "watermark-offset-y"=>array("id"=>"watermark-offset-y","advanced"=>"1","group"=>"Watermark","order"=>"70","default"=>"0","label"=>"Watermark vertical offset","description"=>"Offset from top and/or bottom image borders. Pixels = fixed size (e.g. 20) / percent = relative for image size (e.g. 20%). Offset will disable if 'watermark position' set to 'center'","type"=>"text","scope"=>"module"), "image-quality"=>array("id"=>"image-quality","group"=>"Miscellaneous","order"=>"560","default"=>"75","label"=>"Quality of thumbnails and watermarked images (1-100)","description"=>"1 = worst quality / 100 = best quality","type"=>"num","scope"=>"module") )); $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Invalid options (use defauls)'); } else { $this->options = $options; } $this->pid = $pid; if($url) { $this->url = preg_replace('/\/$/is', '', $url); } $this->hash = $this->getOptionsHash(); $cache = $cache.MT_DS.$this->hash; $this->cache = $this->path.$cache; //create cache if(!@is_dir($this->cache)) { $this->cache = $this->path; //recursively check/create subdirs $cache = explode(MT_DS, $cache); foreach($cache as $sub_dir) { if(!strlen($sub_dir)) continue; $this->cache .= MT_DS.$sub_dir; if(!is_dir($this->cache) && (!@mkdir($this->cache) || !@chmod($this->cache, 0777))) { $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Can\'t create cache folder or change permission ('.$this->cache.')', true); return; } } } // check path to Image Magick $this->imageMagick = $this->checkImagick($this->options->getValue('imagemagick')); } function getOptionsHash() { $params = array(); $wIDs = array('watermark-opacity', 'watermark-max-width', 'watermark-max-height', 'watermark-position', 'watermark-offset-x', 'watermark-offset-y'); $params[] = $this->options->getValue('square-images'); $params[] = $this->options->getValue('image-quality'); //$params[] = $this->options->getValue('use-original-file-names'); $watermark = $this->options->getValue('watermark'); if($watermark) { $params[] = $watermark; foreach($wIDs as $id) { $params[] = $this->options->getValue($id); } } return md5(implode('', $params)); } /** * create thumbnail * * @access public * @param string $src relative path to original image * @param string / array $type type of thumbnail to create ('original', 'thumb', 'selector') or sizes * @param string $out relative path to result image * @param string $pid product ID * @param boolean $force force to replace existing image */ function create($src, $type, $pid = null, $out = null, $force = false) { if($this->errors) { return false; } if ($retina = is_string($type) && preg_match('/.*2x$/', $type)) { $type = preg_replace('/(.*)2x$/','$1',$type); } $src = str_replace('/', MT_DS, $src); $this->src = $this->path.$src; if(!file_exists($this->src) || !is_file($this->src)) { $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Invalid image file ('.$this->src.')'); return false; } else { if(is_string($type)) { if($type == 'original') { $size = array(0, 0); } else { $size = array( $this->options->getValue($type.'-max-width')*($retina?2:1), $this->options->getValue($type.'-max-height')*($retina?2:1) ); $type = $type.$size[0].'x'.$size[1]; } } else { $size = $type; $type = $type[0].'x'.$type[1]; } if($pid === null) $pid = $this->pid; $this->ext = substr($src, strrpos($src, '.')); if($out === null) { if($pid === null) { $out = $this->cache.MT_DS.$type; } else { $out = $this->cache.MT_DS.$this->getPathPrefix($pid).$pid; if(!is_dir($out)) { $out = $this->cache; $path = explode(MT_DS, $this->getPathPrefix($pid).$pid); foreach($path as $part) { if(!strlen($part)) continue; $out .= MT_DS.$part; if(!is_dir($out) && (!@mkdir($out) || !@chmod($out, 0777))) { $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Can\'t create cache folder or change permission ('.$out.')', true); return false; } } } $out = $out.MT_DS.$type; } if(!is_dir($out) && (!@mkdir($out) || !@chmod($out, 0777))) { $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Can\'t create cache folder or change permission ('.$out.')', true); return false; } //if($this->options->checkValue('use-original-file-names', 'No')) { // $this->out = $out.MT_DS.md5($src); //} else { //NOTE: added file path hash (if files have the same name) $out = $out.MT_DS.crc32($src); if(!is_dir($out) && (!@mkdir($out) || !@chmod($out, 0777))) { $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Can\'t create cache folder or change permission ('.$out.')', true); return false; } $this->out = $out.MT_DS.substr($src, strrpos($src, MT_DS)+1, -strlen($this->ext)); //} $this->file = $this->out.$this->ext; } else { $this->out = $this->path.$out; $this->file = $this->out; } if($force || !file_exists($this->file) || !is_file($this->file) || (@filemtime($this->file) - @filemtime($this->src)) < 0) { $this->resize($size[0], $size[1]); if(file_exists($this->file) && is_file($this->file)) { @chmod($this->file, 0755); return $this->getLink($this->file); } } elseif(file_exists($this->file) && is_file($this->file)) { return $this->getLink($this->file); } } return $this->getLink($this->src); } /*function createDir($dir) { //recursively check/create subdirs $dirs = explode(MT_DS, $dir); $_dir = ''; foreach($dirs as $sub_dir) { if(!strlen($sub_dir)) continue; $_dir .= MT_DS.$sub_dir; if(!is_dir($_dir) && (!@mkdir($_dir) || !@chmod($_dir, 0777))) { $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Can\'t create cache folder or change permission ('.$_dir.')', true); return false; } } return true; }*/ function getPathPrefix($str) { $str = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]+/i', '_', $str); //if(preg_match('/^_+$/', $str)) { // $str = ''; //} //$i = 0; //$pathPrefix = ''; //for($i = 0, $l = strlen($str); $i < 2 && $i < $l ; $i++) { // $pathPrefix .= $str[$i].MT_DS; //} //return $pathPrefix; if(strlen($str) < 2) return ''; return $str[0].MT_DS.$str[1].MT_DS; } function getLink($link) { $link = $this->path ? str_replace($this->path, $this->url, $link) : ($this->url.$link); $link = str_replace(MT_DS, '/', $link); return $link; } function getTotalSize($originalW, $originalH, $maxW = 0, $maxH = 0) { if(!$maxW && !$maxH) { return array($originalW, $originalH); } elseif(!$maxW) { $maxW = ($maxH * $originalW) / $originalH; } elseif(!$maxH) { $maxH = ($maxW * $originalH) / $originalW; } $sizeDepends = $originalW/$originalH; $placeHolderDepends = $maxW/$maxH; if($sizeDepends > $placeHolderDepends) { $newW = $maxW; $newH = $originalH * ($maxW / $originalW); } else { $newW = $originalW * ($maxH / $originalH); $newH = $maxH; } return array(round($newW), round($newH)); } function resize($w = null, $h = null, $square = null) { if($this->errors) return false; $watermark = $this->options->getValue('watermark'); if($square == null) { $square = $this->options->getValue('square-images'); } if($square == 'disable') { $square = false; } if($watermark) { $watermark = $this->path.'/'.preg_replace('/^\/|\/$/is', '', $watermark); if(!(file_exists($watermark) && is_file($watermark))) { $watermark = false; } else { $wpos = strtolower($this->options->getValue('watermark-position')); $wopacity = $this->options->getValue('watermark-opacity'); $woffsetx = $this->options->getValue('watermark-offset-x'); $woffsety = $this->options->getValue('watermark-offset-y'); $ww = $this->options->getValue('watermark-max-width'); $wh = $this->options->getValue('watermark-max-height'); } } else if(!($w || $h || $square)) { return; } $q = intval($this->options->getValue('image-quality')); //if($imagick = $this->checkImagick($this->options->getValue('imagemagick'))) { if($imagick = $this->imageMagick) { // use imagemagick if($imagick == 'native') { //not support yet //$imagick = new Imagick($this->img); //if($h === null) { // $imagick->thumbnailImage($depends != 'height' ? $w : 0, $depends != 'width' ? $w : 0, $depends == 'both' ? true : false); //} else { // $imagick->thumbnailImage($w, $h, false); //} //$imagick->writeImage($this->file); // TODO implement watermark // TODO implement square } else { $imagick = escapeshellarg($imagick); $size = $this->getImageInfo($this->src, $imagick); if(empty($size[0]) || !$size[0]) { $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Can\'t get the picture size. ('.$this->src.')', true); return false; } if(!$w && !$h) { $w = $size[0]; $h = $size[1]; } else { if($square == 'crop') { $s = max(($w ? $w : 0), ($h ? $h : 0)); if($size[0] < $size[1]) { $w = $s; $h = 0; } else if($size[0] > $size[1]) { $w = 0; $h = $s; } else { $square = false; $w = $h = $s; } } list($w, $h) = $this->getTotalSize($size[0], $size[1], $w, $h); } $imagickComposite = str_replace('convert', 'composite', $imagick); $escapedFilePath = escapeshellarg($this->file); $coalesceOption = $this->ext == '.gif' ? ' -coalesce' : ''; exec($imagick.' '.escapeshellarg($this->src).$coalesceOption.' -quality '.$q.' -resize '.$w.'x'.$h.'! '.$escapedFilePath); if($square == 'crop') { if($w > $h) { $offsetx = round(($w - $h)/2); $offsety = 0; $w = $h; //exec($imagick.' '.$escapedFilePath.$coalesceOption.' -quality '.$q.' -crop '.$w.'x'.$h.'+'.$offsetx.'+'.$offsety.'! '.$escapedFilePath); exec($imagick.' '.$escapedFilePath.$coalesceOption.' -quality '.$q.' -shave '.$offsetx.'x'.$offsety.' '.$escapedFilePath); } else if($w < $h) { $offsetx = 0; $offsety = round(($h - $w)/2); $h = $w; //exec($imagick.' '.$escapedFilePath.$coalesceOption.' -quality '.$q.' -crop '.$w.'x'.$h.'+'.$offsetx.'+'.$offsety.'! '.$escapedFilePath); exec($imagick.' '.$escapedFilePath.$coalesceOption.' -quality '.$q.' -shave '.$offsetx.'x'.$offsety.' '.$escapedFilePath); } } if($watermark) { $wsize = $this->getImageInfo($watermark, $imagick); $mins = min($w, $h); $ww = $this->getPercent($ww, $mins); $wh = $this->getPercent($wh, $mins); list($ww, $wh) = $this->getTotalSize($wsize[0], $wsize[1], $ww, $wh); $woffsetx = $this->getPercent($woffsetx, $w); $woffsety = $this->getPercent($woffsety, $h); if($wpos == 'stretch') { $wcmd = '-size '.$w.'x'.$h.' -depth '.$wsize[2].' NULL: -write mpr:watermarkblank +delete ' .escapeshellarg($watermark).' -quality '.$q.' -resize '.($w - 2 * $woffsetx).'x'.($h - 2 * $woffsety).'! -write mpr:watermark +delete ' .'mpr:watermarkblank -gravity Center mpr:watermark -composite -write mpr:watermark +delete '; } else { $wcmd = '-size '.($ww + 2 * $woffsetx).'x'.($wh + 2 * $woffsety).' -depth '.$wsize[2].' NULL: -write mpr:watermarkblank +delete ' .escapeshellarg($watermark).' -quality '.$q.' -resize '.$ww.'x'.$wh.'! -write mpr:watermark +delete ' .'mpr:watermarkblank -gravity Center mpr:watermark -composite -write mpr:watermark +delete '; } $escapedTmpFilePath = escapeshellarg($this->file.'.png'); exec($imagick.' '.$wcmd.' mpr:watermark -quality '.$q.' '.$escapedTmpFilePath); switch($wpos) { case 'stretch': case 'center': $wcmd = 'Center'; break; case 'tile': // TODO implement // we can use -tile option here break; case 'top-right': $wcmd = 'NorthEast'; break; case 'top-left': $wcmd = 'NorthWest'; break; case 'bottom-right': $wcmd = 'SouthEast'; break; case 'bottom-left': $wcmd = 'SouthWest'; break; case 'top': $wcmd = 'North'; break; case 'bottom': $wcmd = 'South'; break; case 'left': $wcmd = 'West'; break; case 'right': $wcmd = 'East'; break; default: break; } if($this->ext != '.gif') { //NOTE: this bad for animated GIF exec($imagickComposite.' '.$escapedTmpFilePath.' -dissolve '.$wopacity.' -gravity '.$wcmd.' '.$escapedFilePath.' '.$escapedFilePath); } else { //NOTE: this good for animated GIF (but without transparency) exec($imagick.' '.$escapedFilePath.' -coalesce -gravity '.$wcmd.' -geometry +0+0 null: '.$escapedTmpFilePath.' -layers composite -layers optimize '.$escapedFilePath); } @unlink($this->file.'.png'); } if($square == 'extend') { /* $s = max($w, $h); if($size[3] == 'png' || $size[3] == 'gif') { // null for transparent images $wrapper = 'NULL:'; } else { // white background for opaque images $wrapper = 'xc:white'; } //$wrapper = 'NULL:'; //NOTE: this command causes problems with animated GIF $cmd = ' -size '.$s.'x'.$s.' -depth '.$size[2].' '.$wrapper.' -write mpr:resultblank +delete ' .'mpr:resultblank -gravity Center '.$escapedFilePath .' -compose src-over -composite '.$escapedFilePath; */ if($size[3] == 'png' || $size[3] == 'gif') { $bordercolor = '-bordercolor none'; //$bordercolor = '-matte -bordercolor none'; } else { $bordercolor = '-bordercolor White'; } if($w > $h) { $borderx = 0; $bordery = round(($w - $h)/2); } else/* if($w < $h)*/ { $borderx = round(($h - $w)/2); $bordery = 0; } $cmd = ' '.$escapedFilePath." {$bordercolor} -border {$borderx}x{$bordery} ".$escapedFilePath; exec($imagick.$cmd); } } } else { // use GD library list($data, $size) = $this->loadImage($this->src); if(!$data) { $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Can\'t get the image data. ('.$this->src.')', true); return false; } if(!$w && !$h) { $w = $size[0]; $h = $size[1]; if($square == 'extend') { $rw = $rh = max($w, $h); } else if($square == 'crop') { $rw = $rh = min($w, $h); } else { $rw = $w; $rh = $h; } } else { list($w, $h) = $this->getTotalSize($size[0], $size[1], $w, $h); if($square) { $rw = $rh = max($w, $h); } else { $rw = $w; $rh = $h; } } $out = $this->createImage($rw, $rh); $fCopy = function_exists('imagecopyresampled') ? 'imagecopyresampled' : 'imagecopyresized'; if($square == 'crop') { if($size[0] > $size[1]) { $offsetx = round(($size[0]- $size[1])/2); $offsety = 0; $src_size = $size[1]; } else if($size[0] < $size[1]) { $offsetx = 0; $offsety = round(($size[1] - $size[0])/2); $src_size = $size[0]; } else { $offsetx = $offsety = 0; $src_size = $size[0]; } $w = $h = $rw;//= $rh call_user_func($fCopy, $out, $data, 0, 0, $offsetx, $offsety, $rw, $rh, $src_size, $src_size); } else { call_user_func($fCopy, $out, $data, ($rw-$w)/2, ($rh-$h)/2, 0, 0, $w, $h, $size[0], $size[1]); } // include watermark if($watermark) { list($wdata, $wsize) = $this->loadImage($watermark); $mins = min($w, $h); $ww = $this->getPercent($ww, $mins); $wh = $this->getPercent($wh, $mins); list($ww, $wh) = $this->getTotalSize($wsize[0], $wsize[1], $ww, $wh); $woffsetx = $this->getPercent($woffsetx, $w); $woffsety = $this->getPercent($woffsety, $h); if($wpos == 'stretch') { $wdatanew = $this->createImage($w - 2 * $woffsetx, $h - 2 * $woffsety); call_user_func($fCopy, $wdatanew, $wdata, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w - 2 * $woffsetx, $h - 2 * $woffsety, $wsize[0], $wsize[1]); } else { $wdatanew = $this->createImage($ww, $wh); call_user_func($fCopy, $wdatanew, $wdata, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wsize[0], $wsize[1]); } //imagealphablending($wdatanew, true); //NOTE: if both (image and watermark image) are PNG $imagecopymerge = ($wsize[2] == 3 && $wsize[2] == $size[2]) ? 'imagecopymerge_extra' : 'imagecopymerge'; switch($wpos) { case 'center': //call_user_func($fCopy, $out, $wdata, ($rw-$ww)/2, ($rh-$wh)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wsize[0], $wsize[1]);//NOTE: 'watermark-opacity' does't work in this case //imagecopymerge($out, $wdatanew, ($rw-$ww)/2, ($rh-$wh)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, ($rw-$ww)/2, ($rh-$wh)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; case 'tile': // TODO implement break; case 'stretch': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, $woffsetx+($rw-$w)/2, $woffsety+($rh-$h)/2, 0, 0, $w-2*$woffsetx, $h-2*$woffsety, $wopacity); break; case 'top-right': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, $rw-$woffsetx-$ww-($rw-$w)/2, $woffsety+($rh-$h)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; case 'top-left': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, $woffsetx+($rw-$w)/2, $woffsety+($rh-$h)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; case 'bottom-right': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, $rw-$woffsetx-$ww-($rw-$w)/2, $rh-$woffsety-$wh-($rh-$h)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; case 'bottom-left': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, $woffsetx+($rw-$w)/2, $rh-$woffsety-$wh-($rh-$h)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; case 'top': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, ($rw-$ww)/2, $woffsety+($rh-$h)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; case 'bottom': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, ($rw-$ww)/2, $rh-$woffsety-$wh-($rh-$h)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; case 'left': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, $woffsetx+($rw-$w)/2, ($rh-$wh)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; case 'right': $this->{$imagecopymerge}($out, $wdatanew, $rw-$woffsetx-$ww-($rw-$w)/2, ($rh-$wh)/2, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $wopacity); break; default: break; } } switch($size[2]) { case 1: function_exists('imagegif') && imagegif($out, $this->file); case 3: imagepng($out, $this->file); break; case 2: imagejpeg($out, $this->file, $q); break; } imagedestroy($data); imagedestroy($out); } } //for merge with png alpha channel function imagecopymerge($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $pct) { // creating a cut resource $cut = imagecreatetruecolor($src_w, $src_h);//$cut = $this->createImage($src_w, $src_h); // copying relevant section from background to the cut resource imagecopy($cut, $dst_im, 0, 0, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_w, $src_h); // copying relevant section from watermark to the cut resource imagecopy($cut, $src_im, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h); // insert cut resource to destination image imagecopymerge($dst_im, $cut, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h, $pct); } //for merge two png images with alpha channel function imagecopymerge_extra($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $pct) { if(!$pct) return false; $pct /= 100; // Get image width and height $w = imagesx($src_im); $h = imagesy($src_im); // Turn alpha blending off imagealphablending($src_im, false); // Find the most opaque pixel in the image (the one with the smallest alpha value) $minalpha = 127; for($x = 0; $x < $w; $x++) { for($y = 0; $y < $h; $y++) { $alpha = (imagecolorat($src_im, $x, $y) >> 24) & 0xFF; if($alpha < $minalpha) { $minalpha = $alpha; } } } // Loop through image pixels and modify alpha for each for($x = 0; $x < $w; $x++) { for($y = 0; $y < $h; $y++) { // Get current alpha value (represents the TANSPARENCY!) $colorxy = imagecolorat($src_im, $x, $y); $alpha = ($colorxy >> 24) & 0xFF; // Calculate new alpha if($minalpha !== 127) { $alpha = 127 + 127 * $pct * ($alpha - 127) / (127 - $minalpha); } else { $alpha += 127 * $pct; } // Get the color index with new alpha $alphacolorxy = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_im, ($colorxy >> 16) & 0xFF, ($colorxy >> 8) & 0xFF, $colorxy & 0xFF, $alpha); // Set pixel with the new color + opacity if(!imagesetpixel($src_im, $x, $y, $alphacolorxy)) { return false; } } } // The image copy imagecopy($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h); return true; } function getImageInfo($src, $imagick) { $src = escapeshellarg($src); $imagickIdentify = str_replace('convert', 'identify', $imagick); $commands = array( $imagick.' '.$src.' -format \'%w::%h::%[depth]::%e\' info:', $imagick.' '.$src.' -format \'%w::%h::%z::%e\' info:', $imagickIdentify.' -format \'%w::%h::%[depth]::%e\' '.$src, $imagickIdentify.' -format \'%w::%h::%z::%e\' '.$src ); $info = array(); foreach($commands as $c) { $result = array(); exec($c, $result); if(!empty($result)) { $info = explode('::', $result[0]); if(!empty($info[2])) break; } } return $info; } function getPercent($p, $s) { preg_match('/^([0-9]+)(%|px|Px|pX|PX)?$/is', $p, $matches); if(isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] == '%') { $p = round($s*$matches[1]/100); } else { $p = $matches[1]; } return $p; } function createImage($w, $h, $op = 127) { $fCreate = function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor') ? 'imagecreatetruecolor' : 'imagecreate'; $out = call_user_func($fCreate, $w, $h); if(function_exists('imageantialias')) { imageantialias($out, true); } if(function_exists('imagealphablending')) { imagealphablending($out, false); } if(function_exists('imagecolorallocatealpha')) { // white transparent BG $clr = imagecolorallocatealpha($out, 255, 255, 255, $op); imagefill($out, 0, 0, $clr); } if(function_exists('imagesavealpha')) { imagesavealpha($out, true); } if(function_exists('imagealphablending')) { imagealphablending($out, true); } return $out; } function loadImage($src, $size = null) { if($size === null) { $size = getimagesize($src); } /* 1 GIF 2 JPG 3 PNG 4 SWF 5 PSD 6 BMP 7 TIFF (intel byte order) 8 TIFF (motorola byte order) 9 JPC 10 JP2 11 JPX 12 JB2 13 SWC 14 IFF */ switch($size[2]) { case 1: // unfortunately this function does not work on windows // via the precompiled php installation :( // it should work on all other systems however. if(function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) { $data = imagecreatefromgif($src); } else { $data = false; $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Sorry, this server doesn\'t support <b>imagecreatefromgif()</b> function', true); } break; case 2: // php5 & gd2 bug. see issue #0024583 for details @ini_set('gd.jpeg_ignore_warning', 1); $data = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); break; case 3: $data = imagecreatefrompng($src); break; // GD doesn't support other formats default: $data = false; $this->logError('MagicToolbox ImageHelper :: Unsupported image type ('.$size[2].')', true); } return array($data, $size); } function isFileExists($f, $check = false) { if(@file_exists($f) && (!$check || $check && @is_file($f))) { return true; } elseif(@exec('ls -l '.escapeshellarg($f).' | grep '.escapeshellarg($f))) { return true; } else { return false; } } function checkImagick($imagick) { if((strtolower($imagick) != 'off') && !preg_match('/\bexec\b/is', ini_get('disable_functions'))) { if(empty($imagick) || strtolower($imagick) == 'auto') { $imagick = false; // auto detect if($this->isFileExists('/usr/bin/convert')) { // found UNIX imagick tools in /usr/bin $imagick = '/usr/bin/convert'; } else if($this->isFileExists('/usr/local/bin/convert')) { // found UNIX imagick tools in /usr/local/bin $imagick = '/usr/local/bin/convert'; } else { $output = array(); @exec('compgen -ac', $output); if(in_array('convert', $output) && in_array('identify', $output)) { // UNIX imagick command line tools is available $imagick = 'convert'; } } } else { if(!preg_match('/convert$/s', $imagick)) { if(!preg_match('/\/$/s', $imagick)) { $imagick .= '/'; } $imagick .= 'convert'; } if(!$this->isFileExists($imagick)) { $imagick = false; } } } else { $imagick = false; } if($imagick) { // we should also check does we can run imagick bin file @exec(escapeshellarg($imagick).' logo: /tmp/logo.png', $ret, $exitCode); if($exitCode > 0) { // got error, disable imagick $imagick = false; } } // check imagick version (for some reason, resize option dosn't working in imagick 5.x) if($imagick) { @exec(escapeshellarg($imagick).' --version', $ret); foreach($ret as $line) { if(preg_match('/version:/is', $line)) { $v = preg_replace('/^.*?\s((?:[0-9]+\.){2}[0-9]+)(\-\d+)?\s.*$/is', '$1', $line); if(version_compare($v, '6.0.0', '<')) { $imagick = false; } break; } } } // temporary disabled /*if(!$imagick && (in_array('Imagick', get_declared_classes()) || in_array('imagick', get_declared_classes()))) { $imagick = 'native'; }*/ return $imagick; } function logError($message, $critical = false) { if($this->options->checkValue('imagehelper-errors', 'Yes')) { error_log($message); } if($critical) { $this->errors = true; } //for debugging purposes global $_GET; if(isset($_GET['magic']) && $_GET['magic']) { die($message); } } } }