Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/plugins/system/jsnpoweradmin/libraries/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/plugins/system/jsnpoweradmin/libraries/jsnjoomlaxtc.php |
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # JSN PowerAdmin # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # author JoomlaShine.com Team # copyright Copyright (C) 2012 JoomlaShine.com. All Rights Reserved. # Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com # Technical Support: Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/joomlashine/contact-us.html # @license - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL # @version $Id: jsnjoomlaxtc.php 16006 2012-09-13 03:29:17Z hiepnv $ -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); JSNFactory::localimport('libraries.joomlshine.libraries.template'); class JSNJoomlaXTCHelper{ private $_template; private $_document; private $_columns; /** * * Constructure */ public function __construct( $template, $document = null ) { $this->_template = $template; $this->_document = $document; $this->makeArrayColumns(); } public static function getInstance( $template, $document = null ) { static $instances; if (!isset($instances)) { $instances = array(); } if (empty($instances['JSNJoomlaXTCHelper'])) { $instance = new JSNJoomlaXTCHelper( $template, $document ); $instances['JSNJoomlaXTCHelper'] = &$instance; } return $instances['JSNJoomlaXTCHelper']; } /** * * Set document HTML page * * @param HTML $document is HTML of page */ public function setDocument( $document ) { $this->_document = $document; } /** * * Make array store all position in template */ protected function makeArrayColumns(){ //All position not defined in XML $this->_columns = Array('user14', 'user15', 'user16', 'user17', 'user18', 'user19', 'user20', 'user21', 'user22', 'user23', 'user24', 'user25', 'user26', 'user27', 'bottom1', 'bottom2', 'bottom3', 'bottom4', 'bottom5'); $template = JSNFactory::getTemplate(); $positions = $template->loadXMLPositions(); foreach( $positions as $position ){ if ( !in_array( $position->name[0], $this->_columns ) ){ $this->_columns[] = (string) $position->name[0]; } } } /** * * Get <head> */ protected function getHeader() { return preg_replace("/.*<head]*>|<\/head>.*/si", "", $this->_document); } /** * * Get <body> */ protected function getBody() { $body = new stdClass(); $body->attr = ''; if(preg_match_all('#<body\ (.*)>#iU', $this->_document, $matches)) { $body->attr = $matches[1][0]; } preg_match('/<body(.*)>(.*)<\/body>/is', $this->_document, $matches); $body->html = $matches[0]; return $body; } /** * * Render page * * @param (Number) $vms_mode is mode of request */ protected function renderModules( $vms_mode = 0) { $domDocument = new DOMDocument(); $domDocument->loadHTML( $this->_document ); if ( $vms_mode ){ foreach( $this->_columns as $column ){ $contentPosition = $domDocument->getElementById( $column ); if ( is_object($contentPosition) ){ $class = $contentPosition->getAttribute('class'); $contentPosition->setAttribute('class', 'jsn-element-container_inner'); $contentPosition->removeAttribute('id'); foreach( $contentPosition->childNodes as $child ){ $contentPosition->removeChild($child); } $positionContainer = $domDocument->createElement("div"); $positionContainer->setAttribute('class', 'poweradmin-position'); $positionContainer->setAttribute('id', $column.'-jsnposition'); $positionTitle = $domDocument->createElement("p", $column); $positionContainer->appendChild( $positionTitle ); $contentPosition->appendChild( $positionContainer ); } } $this->_document = $domDocument->saveHTML(); }else{ $modulesHTML = Array(); foreach( $this->_columns as $column ){ $contentPosition = $domDocument->getElementById( $column ); if ( is_object($contentPosition) ){ $class = $contentPosition->getAttribute('class'); $contentPosition->setAttribute('class', 'jsn-element-container_inner'); $contentPosition->removeAttribute('id'); foreach( $contentPosition->childNodes as $child ){ $contentPosition->removeChild($child); } if ((string) $column != ''){ $modules = JModuleHelper::getModules( $column ); }else{ $modules = Array(); } $HTML = ''; if ( count($modules) ){ foreach ( $modules as $mod ) { if ($mod->position != $column) continue; $HTML .= JSNHtmlHelper::openTag('div', array('class'=>"poweradmin-module-item", 'id'=>$mod->id.'-jsnposition-published', 'title'=>$mod->title, 'showtitle'=>$mod->showtitle)) .JSNHtmlHelper::openTag('div', array('id'=>"moduleid-'.$mod->id.'-content")) .JModuleHelper::renderModule($mod, array('style'=>'none')) .JSNHtmlHelper::closeTag('div') .JSNHtmlHelper::closeTag('div'); } } $modulesHTML[$column] = $HTML; $positionContainer = $domDocument->createElement("div"); $positionContainer->setAttribute('class', 'poweradmin-position'); $positionContainer->setAttribute('id', $column.'-jsnposition'); $positionContainer->appendChild( new DOMText('HTML'.$column) ); $contentPosition->appendChild( $positionContainer ); } } $this->_document = $domDocument->saveHTML(); foreach ($modulesHTML as $key => $innerHTML ){ $this->_document = str_replace( 'HTML'.$key, $innerHTML, $this->_document ); } } } /** * * Main function to render page */ public function render() { $poweradmin = JRequest::getCmd('poweradmin', 0); $vms_mode = JRequest::getCmd('vsm_changeposition', 0); if ( $poweradmin ){ $header = $this->getHeader(); $this->renderModules( $vms_mode ); $body = $this->getBody(); $HTML = Array(); $HTML[] = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">'; $HTML[] = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="'.$this->_template->language.'" lang="'.$this->_template->language.'" >'; $HTML[] = '<head>'.$header.'</head>'; $HTML[] = '<body '.$body->attr.'>'.$body->html.'</body>'; $HTML[] = '</html>'; echo implode(PHP_EOL, $HTML); }else{ echo $this->_document; } } } ?>