Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/media/editors/tinymce/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/media/editors/tinymce/js/tinymce-builder.js |
/** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ ;(function($) { "use strict"; /** * Fake TinyMCE object to allow to use TinyMCE translation for the button labels * * @since 3.7.0 */ window.tinymce = { langCode: 'en', langStrings: {}, addI18n: function (code, strings){ this.langCode = code; this.langStrings = strings || {}; }, translate: function (string){ return this.langStrings[string] ? this.langStrings[string] : string; } }; /** * Joomla TinyMCE Builder * * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param {Object} options * @constructor * * @since 3.7.0 */ var JoomlaTinyMCEBuilder = function(container, options) { this.$container = $(container); this.options = options; // Find source containers this.$sourceMenu = this.$container.find('.timymce-builder-menu.source'); this.$sourceToolbar = this.$container.find('.timymce-builder-toolbar.source'); // Find target containers this.$targetMenu = this.$container.find('.timymce-builder-menu.target'); this.$targetToolbar = this.$container.find('.timymce-builder-toolbar.target'); // Render Source elements this.$sourceMenu.each(function(i, element){ this.renderBar(element, 'menu'); }.bind(this)); this.$sourceToolbar.each(function(i, element){ this.renderBar(element, 'toolbar'); }.bind(this)); // Render Target elements this.$targetMenu.each(function(i, element){ this.renderBar(element, 'menu', null, true); }.bind(this)); this.$targetToolbar.each(function(i, element){ this.renderBar(element, 'toolbar', null, true); }.bind(this)); // Set up "drag&drop" stuff var $copyHelper = null, removeIntent = false, self = this; this.$sourceMenu.sortable({ connectWith: this.$targetMenu, items: '.mce-btn', cancel: '', placeholder: 'mce-btn ui-state-highlight', start: function(event, ui) { self.$targetMenu.addClass('drop-area-highlight'); }, helper: function(event, el) { $copyHelper = el.clone().insertAfter(el); return el; }, stop: function() { $copyHelper && $copyHelper.remove(); self.$targetMenu.removeClass('drop-area-highlight'); } }); this.$sourceToolbar.sortable({ connectWith: this.$targetToolbar, items: '.mce-btn', cancel: '', placeholder: 'mce-btn ui-state-highlight', start: function(event, ui) { self.$targetToolbar.addClass('drop-area-highlight'); }, helper: function(event, el) { $copyHelper = el.clone().insertAfter(el); return el; }, stop: function() { $copyHelper && $copyHelper.remove(); self.$targetToolbar.removeClass('drop-area-highlight'); } }); $().add(this.$targetMenu).add(this.$targetToolbar).sortable({ items: '.mce-btn', cancel: '', placeholder: 'mce-btn ui-state-highlight', receive: function(event, ui) { $copyHelper = null; var $el = ui.item, $cont = $(this); self.appendInput($el, $cont.data('group'), $cont.data('set')) }, over: function (event, ui) { removeIntent = false; }, out: function (event, ui) { removeIntent = true; }, beforeStop: function (event, ui) { if(removeIntent){ ui.item.remove(); } } }); // Bind actions buttons this.$container.on('click', '.button-action', function(event){ var $btn = $(event.target), action = $btn.data('action'), options = $btn.data(); if (this[action]) { this[action].call(this, options); } else { throw new Error('Unsupported action ' + action); } }.bind(this)); }; /** * Render the toolbar/menubar * * @param {HTMLElement} container The toolbar container * @param {String} type The type toolbar or menu * @param {Array|null} value The value * @param {Boolean} withInput Whether append input * * @since 3.7.0 */ JoomlaTinyMCEBuilder.prototype.renderBar = function(container, type, value, withInput) { var $container = $(container), group = $container.data('group'), set = $container.data('set'), items = type === 'menu' ? this.options.menus : this.options.buttons, value = value ? value : ($container.data('value') || []), item, name, $btn; for ( var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++ ) { name = value[i]; item = items[name]; if (!item) { continue; } $btn = this.createButton(name, item, type); $container.append($btn); // Enable tooltip if ($btn.tooltip) { $btn.tooltip({trigger: 'hover'}); } // Add input if (withInput) { this.appendInput($btn, group, set); } } }; /** * Create the element needed for renderBar() * @param {String} name * @param {Object} info * @param {String} type * * @return {jQuery} * * @since 3.7.0 */ JoomlaTinyMCEBuilder.prototype.createButton = function(name, info, type){ var $element = $('<div />', { 'class': 'mce-btn', 'data-name': name, 'data-toggle': 'tooltip', 'title': tinymce.translate(info.label) }); var $btn = $('<button/>', { 'type': 'button' }); $element.append($btn); if (type === 'menu') { $btn.html('<span class="mce-txt">' + tinymce.translate(info.label) + '</span> <i class="mce-caret"></i>'); } else { $element.addClass('mce-btn-small'); $btn.html(info.text ? tinymce.translate(info.text) : '<i class="mce-ico mce-i-' + name + '"></i>'); } return $element; }; /** * Append input to the button item * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {String} group * @param {String} set * * @since 3.7.0 */ JoomlaTinyMCEBuilder.prototype.appendInput = function (element, group, set) { var $el = $(element), name = this.options.formControl + '[' + set + '][' + group + '][]', $input = $('<input/>', { type: 'hidden', name: name, value: $el.data('name') }); $el.append($input); }; /** * Set Selected preset to specific set * @param {Object} options Options {set: 1, preset: 'presetName'} */ JoomlaTinyMCEBuilder.prototype.setPreset = function (options) { var set = options.set, preset = this.options.toolbarPreset[options.preset] || null; if (!preset) { throw new Error('Unknown Preset "' + options.preset + '"'); } var $container, type; for (var group in preset) { if (!preset.hasOwnProperty(group)) { continue; } // Find correct container for current set if (group === 'menu') { type = 'menu'; $container = this.$targetMenu.filter('[data-group="' + group + '"][data-set="' + set + '"]'); } else { type = 'toolbar' $container = this.$targetToolbar.filter('[data-group="' + group + '"][data-set="' + set + '"]'); } // Reset existing values $container.empty(); // Set new this.renderBar($container, type, preset[group], true); } }; /** * Clear the pane for specific set * @param {Object} options Options {set: 1} */ JoomlaTinyMCEBuilder.prototype.clearPane = function (options) { var set = options.set; this.$targetMenu.filter('[data-set="' + set + '"]').empty(); this.$targetToolbar.filter('[data-set="' + set + '"]').empty(); }; // Init the builder $(document).ready(function(){ var options = Joomla.getOptions ? Joomla.getOptions('plg_editors_tinymce_builder', {}) : (Joomla.optionsStorage.plg_editors_tinymce_builder || {}); new JoomlaTinyMCEBuilder($('#joomla-tinymce-builder'), options); $("#set-tabs a").on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).tab("show"); }); // Allow to select the group only once per the set var $accessSelects = $('#joomla-tinymce-builder').find('.access-select'); toggleAvailableOption(); $accessSelects.on('change', function () { toggleAvailableOption(); }); function toggleAvailableOption () { $accessSelects.find('option[disabled]').removeAttr('disabled'); // Disable already selected options $accessSelects.each(function () { var $select = $(this), val = $select.val() || [], query = [], $options = $accessSelects.not(this).find('option'); for (var i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++ ) { if (!val[i]) continue; query.push('[value="' + val[i] + '"]'); } if (query.length) { $options.filter(query.join(',')).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); // Update Chosen $accessSelects.trigger('liszt:updated'); } }); }(jQuery));