Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/media/com_akeeba/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/media/com_akeeba/js/confwiz.js |
/** * Akeeba Backup * The modular PHP5 site backup software solution * This file contains the configuration-wizard client-side business logic * @package akeebaui * @copyright Copyright (c)2010-2013 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos * @license GNU GPL version 3 or, at your option, any later version * @version $Id: confwiz.js 527 2011-03-31 14:47:36Z nikosdion $ **/ /** * Setup (required for Joomla! 3) */ if(typeof(akeeba) == 'undefined') { var akeeba = {}; } if(typeof(akeeba.jQuery) == 'undefined') { akeeba.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(); } var akeeba_confwiz_exectimes_table = [30,25,20,14,7,5,3]; var akeeba_confwiz_blocksizes_table = [240, 200, 160, 80, 40, 16, 4, 2, 1]; /** * Boot up the Configuration Wizard benchmarking process */ function akeeba_confwiz_boot() { (function($){ // Initialization akeeba_confwiz_exectimes_table = [30,25,20,14,7,5,3]; // Part sizes to check. Given in number of 128Kb chunks, i.e. // 480 = 60Mb, 400 = 50Mb, 240 = 30Mb, 200 = 25Mb, 160 = 20Mb, // 80 = 10Mb, 40 = 5Mb, 16 = 2Mb, 4 = 512Kb, 2 = 256Kb, 1 = 128Kb akeeba_confwiz_blocksizes_table = [480, 400, 240, 200, 160, 80, 40, 16, 4, 2, 1]; // Show GUI $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','block'); reset_timeout_bar(); // Go! akeeba_confwiz_tryajax(); })(akeeba.jQuery); } /** * Try to figure out the optimal AJAX method */ function akeeba_confwiz_tryajax() { (function($){ akeeba_use_iframe = false; reset_timeout_bar(); start_timeout_bar(10000,100); $('#step-ajax').addClass('step-active'); $('#backup-substep').text( akeeba_translations['UI-TRYAJAX'] ); doAjax( {act: 'ping'}, function() { // Successful AJAX call! akeeba_use_iframe = false; $('#step-ajax').removeClass('label-info'); $('#step-ajax').addClass('label-success'); akeeba_confwiz_minexec(); }, function() { // Let's try IFRAME akeeba_use_iframe = true; reset_timeout_bar(); start_timeout_bar(10000,100); $('#backup-substep').text( akeeba_translations['UI-TRYIFRAME'] ); doAjax( { act: 'ping' }, function() { // Successful IFRAME call $('#step-ajax').removeClass('label-info'); $('#step-ajax').addClass('label-success'); akeeba_confwiz_minexec(); }, function() { // Unsuccessful IFRAME call, we've ran out if ideas! $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTUSEAJAX'] ); }, false, 10000 ); }, false, 10000 ); })(akeeba.jQuery); } /** * Determine the optimal Minimum Execution Time * @param seconds float How many seconds to test * @return */ function akeeba_confwiz_minexec(seconds, repetition) { (function($){ if(seconds == null) seconds = 0; if(repetition == null) repetition = 0; reset_timeout_bar(); start_timeout_bar((2 * seconds + 5) * 1000,100); var substepText = akeeba_translations['UI-MINEXECTRY'].replace('%s', seconds.toFixed(1)); $('#backup-substep').text( substepText ); $('#step-minexec').addClass('label-info'); doAjax( {act: 'minexec', 'seconds': seconds}, function(msg) { // The ping was successful. Add a repetition count. repetition++; if(repetition < 3) { // We need more repetitions akeeba_confwiz_minexec(seconds, repetition); } else { // Three repetitions reached. Success! akeeba_confwiz_apply_minexec(seconds); } }, function() { // We got a failure. Add half a second seconds += 0.5; if(seconds > 20) { // Uh-oh... We exceeded our maximum allowance! $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTDETERMINEMINEXEC'] ); } else { akeeba_confwiz_minexec(seconds,0); } }, false, (2 * seconds + 5) * 1000 ); })(akeeba.jQuery); } /** * Applies the AJAX preference and the minimum execution time determined in the previous steps * @param seconds float The minimum execution time, in seconds */ function akeeba_confwiz_apply_minexec(seconds) { (function($){ reset_timeout_bar(); start_timeout_bar(25000,100); $('#backup-substep').text( akeeba_translations['UI-SAVEMINEXEC'] ); var iframe_opt = 0; if(akeeba_use_iframe) iframe_opt = 1; doAjax( {act: 'applyminexec', 'iframes': iframe_opt, 'minexec': seconds}, function(msg) { $('#step-minexec').removeClass('label-info'); $('#step-minexec').addClass('label-success'); akeeba_confwiz_directories(); }, function() { // Unsuccessful call. Oops! $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTSAVEMINEXEC'] ); }, false ); })(akeeba.jQuery); } /** * Automatically determine the optimal output and temporary directories, * then make sure they are writable */ function akeeba_confwiz_directories() { (function($){ reset_timeout_bar(); start_timeout_bar(10000,100); $('#backup-substep').text( '' ); $('#step-directory').addClass('label-info'); doAjax( {act: 'directories'}, function(msg) { if(msg) { $('#step-directory').removeClass('label-info'); $('#step-directory').addClass('label-success'); akeeba_confwiz_database(); } else { $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTFIXDIRECTORIES'] ); } }, function() { $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTFIXDIRECTORIES'] ); }, false ); })(akeeba.jQuery); } /** * Determine the optimal database dump options, analyzing the site's database */ function akeeba_confwiz_database() { (function($){ reset_timeout_bar(); start_timeout_bar(30000,50); $('#backup-substep').text( '' ); $('#step-dbopt').addClass('label-info'); doAjax( {act: 'database'}, function(msg) { if(msg) { $('#step-dbopt').removeClass('label-info'); $('#step-dbopt').addClass('label-success'); akeeba_confwiz_maxexec(); } else { $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTDBOPT'] ); } }, function() { $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTDBOPT'] ); }, false ); })(akeeba.jQuery); } /** * Determine the optimal maximum execution time which doesn't cause a timeout or server error */ function akeeba_confwiz_maxexec() { (function($){ var exec_time = array_shift(akeeba_confwiz_exectimes_table); if(empty(akeeba_confwiz_exectimes_table) || (exec_time == null)) { // Darn, we ran out of options $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-EXECTOOLOW'] ); return; } reset_timeout_bar(); start_timeout_bar((exec_time * 1.2)*1000, 80); $('#step-maxexec').addClass('label-info'); var substepText = akeeba_translations['UI-MINEXECTRY'].replace('%s', exec_time.toFixed(0)); $('#backup-substep').text( substepText ); doAjax( {act:'maxexec', 'seconds': exec_time}, function(msg){ if(msg) { // Success! Save this value. akeeba_confwiz_apply_maxexec(exec_time); } else { // Uh... we have to try something lower than that akeeba_confwiz_maxexec(); } }, function(){ // Uh... we have to try something lower than that akeeba_confwiz_maxexec(); } ); })(akeeba.jQuery); } function akeeba_confwiz_apply_maxexec(seconds) { (function($){ reset_timeout_bar(); start_timeout_bar(10000,100); $('#backup-substep').text( akeeba_translations['UI-SAVINGMAXEXEC'] ); doAjax( {act: 'applymaxexec', 'seconds': seconds}, function() { $('#step-maxexec').removeClass('label-info'); $('#step-maxexec').addClass('label-success'); akeeba_confwiz_partsize(); }, function() { $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTSAVEMAXEXEC'] ); } ); })(akeeba.jQuery); } function akeeba_confwiz_partsize() { (function($){ reset_timeout_bar(); var block_size = array_shift(akeeba_confwiz_blocksizes_table); if(empty(akeeba_confwiz_blocksizes_table) || (block_size == null) ) { // Uh... I think you are running out of disk space, dude $('#backup-progress-pane').css('display','none'); $('#error-panel').css('display','block'); $('#backup-error-message').html( akeeba_translations['UI-CANTDETERMINEPARTSIZE'] ); return; } var part_size = block_size / 8; // Translate to Mb start_timeout_bar(30000,100); var substepText = akeeba_translations['UI-PARTSIZE'].replace('%s', part_size.toFixed(3)); $('#backup-substep').text( substepText ); $('#step-splitsize').addClass('label-info'); doAjax( {act: 'partsize', blocks: block_size}, function(msg) { if(msg) { // We are done $('#step-splitsize').removeClass('label-info'); $('#step-splitsize').addClass('label-success'); akeeba_confwiz_done(); } else { // Let's try the next (lower) value akeeba_confwiz_partsize(); } }, function(msg) { // The server blew up on our face. Let's try the next (lower) value. akeeba_confwiz_partsize(); }, false, 60000 ); })(akeeba.jQuery); } function akeeba_confwiz_done() { (function($){ $('#backup-progress-pane').hide(); $('#backup-complete').show(); })(akeeba.jQuery); }