Mini Shell
Mini Shell
* @package FrameworkOnFramework
* @subpackage utils
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('FOF_INCLUDED') or die;
* A helper class which you can use to create component installation scripts
abstract class FOFUtilsInstallscript
* The component's name
* @var string
protected $componentName = 'com_foobar';
* The title of the component (printed on installation and uninstallation messages)
* @var string
protected $componentTitle = 'Foobar Component';
* The list of extra modules and plugins to install on component installation / update and remove on component
* uninstallation.
* @var array
protected $installation_queue = array(
// modules => { (folder) => { (module) => { (position), (published) } }* }*
'modules' => array(
'admin' => array(),
'site' => array()
// plugins => { (folder) => { (element) => (published) }* }*
'plugins' => array(
'system' => array(),
* The list of obsolete extra modules and plugins to uninstall on component upgrade / installation.
* @var array
protected $uninstallation_queue = array(
// modules => { (folder) => { (module) }* }*
'modules' => array(
'admin' => array(),
'site' => array()
// plugins => { (folder) => { (element) }* }*
'plugins' => array(
'system' => array(),
* Obsolete files and folders to remove from the free version only. This is used when you move a feature from the
* free version of your extension to its paid version. If you don't have such a distinction you can ignore this.
* @var array
protected $removeFilesFree = array(
'files' => array(
// Use pathnames relative to your site's root, e.g.
// 'administrator/components/com_foobar/helpers/whatever.php'
'folders' => array(
// Use pathnames relative to your site's root, e.g.
// 'administrator/components/com_foobar/baz'
* Obsolete files and folders to remove from both paid and free releases. This is used when you refactor code and
* some files inevitably become obsolete and need to be removed.
* @var array
protected $removeFilesAllVersions = array(
'files' => array(
// Use pathnames relative to your site's root, e.g.
// 'administrator/components/com_foobar/helpers/whatever.php'
'folders' => array(
// Use pathnames relative to your site's root, e.g.
// 'administrator/components/com_foobar/baz'
* A list of scripts to be copied to the "cli" directory of the site
* @var array
protected $cliScriptFiles = array(
// Use just the filename, e.g.
// 'my-cron-script.php'
* The path inside your package where cli scripts are stored
* @var string
protected $cliSourcePath = 'cli';
* The path inside your package where FOF is stored
* @var string
protected $fofSourcePath = 'fof';
* The path inside your package where Akeeba Strapper is stored
* @var string
protected $strapperSourcePath = 'strapper';
* The path inside your package where extra modules are stored
* @var string
protected $modulesSourcePath = 'modules';
* The path inside your package where extra plugins are stored
* @var string
protected $pluginsSourcePath = 'plugins';
* Is the schemaXmlPath class variable a relative path? If set to true the schemaXmlPath variable contains a path
* relative to the component's back-end directory. If set to false the schemaXmlPath variable contains an absolute
* filesystem path.
* @var boolean
protected $schemaXmlPathRelative = true;
* The path where the schema XML files are stored. Its contents depend on the schemaXmlPathRelative variable above
* true => schemaXmlPath contains a path relative to the component's back-end directory
* false => schemaXmlPath contains an absolute filesystem path
* @var string
protected $schemaXmlPath = 'sql/xml';
* The minimum PHP version required to install this extension
* @var string
protected $minimumPHPVersion = '5.3.3';
* The minimum Joomla! version required to install this extension
* @var string
protected $minimumJoomlaVersion = '2.5.6';
* The maximum Joomla! version this extension can be installed on
* @var string
protected $maximumJoomlaVersion = '3.9.99';
* Is this the paid version of the extension? This only determines which files / extensions will be removed.
* @var boolean
protected $isPaid = false;
* Post-installation message definitions for Joomla! 3.2 or later.
* This array contains the message definitions for the Post-installation Messages component added in Joomla! 3.2 and
* later versions. Each element is also a hashed array. For the keys used in these message definitions please
* @see FOFUtilsInstallscript::addPostInstallationMessage
* @var array
protected $postInstallationMessages = array();
* Joomla! pre-flight event. This runs before Joomla! installs or updates the component. This is our last chance to
* tell Joomla! if it should abort the installation.
* @param string $type Installation type (install, update, discover_install)
* @param JInstaller $parent Parent object
* @return boolean True to let the installation proceed, false to halt the installation
public function preflight($type, $parent)
// Check the minimum PHP version
if (!empty($this->minimumPHPVersion))
if (defined('PHP_VERSION'))
$version = PHP_VERSION;
elseif (function_exists('phpversion'))
$version = phpversion();
$version = '5.0.0'; // all bets are off!
if (!version_compare($version, $this->minimumPHPVersion, 'ge'))
$msg = "<p>You need PHP $this->minimumPHPVersion or later to install this component</p>";
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'gt'))
JLog::add($msg, JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
JError::raiseWarning(100, $msg);
return false;
// Check the minimum Joomla! version
if (!empty($this->minimumJoomlaVersion) && !version_compare(JVERSION, $this->minimumJoomlaVersion, 'ge'))
$msg = "<p>You need Joomla! $this->minimumJoomlaVersion or later to install this component</p>";
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'gt'))
JLog::add($msg, JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
JError::raiseWarning(100, $msg);
return false;
// Check the maximum Joomla! version
if (!empty($this->maximumJoomlaVersion) && !version_compare(JVERSION, $this->maximumJoomlaVersion, 'le'))
$msg = "<p>You need Joomla! $this->maximumJoomlaVersion or earlier to install this component</p>";
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'gt'))
JLog::add($msg, JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
JError::raiseWarning(100, $msg);
return false;
// Workarounds for notorious JInstaller bugs we submitted patches for but were rejected – yet the bugs were
// never fixed. Way to go, Joomla!...
if (in_array($type, array('install', 'discover_install')))
// Bugfix for "Database function returned no error"
// Bugfix for "Can not build admin menus"
return true;
* Runs after install, update or discover_update. In other words, it executes after Joomla! has finished installing
* or updating your component. This is the last chance you've got to perform any additional installations, clean-up,
* database updates and similar housekeeping functions.
* @param string $type install, update or discover_update
* @param JInstaller $parent Parent object
public function postflight($type, $parent)
// Install or update database
$dbInstaller = new FOFDatabaseInstaller(array(
'dbinstaller_directory' =>
($this->schemaXmlPathRelative ? JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $this->componentName : '') . '/' .
// Install subextensions
$status = $this->installSubextensions($parent);
// Install FOF
$fofInstallationStatus = $this->installFOF($parent);
// Install Akeeba Straper
$strapperInstallationStatus = $this->installStrapper($parent);
// Make sure menu items are installed
// Make sure menu items are published (surprise goal in the 92' by JInstaller wins the cup for "most screwed up
// bug in the history of Joomla!")
// Which files should I remove?
if ($this->isPaid)
// This is the paid version, only remove the removeFilesAllVersions files
$removeFiles = $this->removeFilesAllVersions;
// This is the free version, remove the removeFilesAllVersions and removeFilesFree files
$removeFiles = array('files' => array(), 'folders' => array());
if (isset($this->removeFilesAllVersions['files']))
if (isset($this->removeFilesFree['files']))
$removeFiles['files'] = array_merge($this->removeFilesAllVersions['files'], $this->removeFilesFree['files']);
$removeFiles['files'] = $this->removeFilesAllVersions['files'];
elseif (isset($this->removeFilesFree['files']))
$removeFiles['files'] = $this->removeFilesFree['files'];
if (isset($this->removeFilesAllVersions['folders']))
if (isset($this->removeFilesFree['folders']))
$removeFiles['folders'] = array_merge($this->removeFilesAllVersions['folders'], $this->removeFilesFree['folders']);
$removeFiles['folders'] = $this->removeFilesAllVersions['folders'];
elseif (isset($this->removeFilesFree['folders']))
$removeFiles['folders'] = $this->removeFilesFree['folders'];
// Remove obsolete files and folders
// Copy the CLI files (if any)
// Show the post-installation page
$this->renderPostInstallation($status, $fofInstallationStatus, $strapperInstallationStatus, $parent);
// Uninstall obsolete subextensions
$uninstall_status = $this->uninstallObsoleteSubextensions($parent);
// Clear the FOF cache
$platform = FOFPlatform::getInstance();
if (method_exists($platform, 'clearCache'))
// Make sure the Joomla! menu structure is correct
// Add post-installation messages on Joomla! 3.2 and later
* Runs on uninstallation
* @param JInstaller $parent The parent object
public function uninstall($parent)
// Uninstall database
$dbInstaller = new FOFDatabaseInstaller(array(
'dbinstaller_directory' =>
($this->schemaXmlPathRelative ? JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $this->componentName : '') . '/' .
// Uninstall modules and plugins
$status = $this->uninstallSubextensions($parent);
// Uninstall post-installation messages on Joomla! 3.2 and later
// Show the post-uninstallation page
$this->renderPostUninstallation($status, $parent);
* Copies the CLI scripts into Joomla!'s cli directory
* @param JInstaller $parent
protected function copyCliFiles($parent)
$src = $parent->getParent()->getPath('source');
foreach ($this->cliScriptFiles as $script)
if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/cli/' . $script))
JFile::delete(JPATH_ROOT . '/cli/' . $script);
if (JFile::exists($src . '/' . $this->cliSourcePath . '/' . $script))
JFile::copy($src . '/' . $this->cliSourcePath . '/' . $script, JPATH_ROOT . '/cli/' . $script);
* Renders the message after installing or upgrading the component
protected function renderPostInstallation($status, $fofInstallationStatus, $strapperInstallationStatus, $parent)
$rows = 0;
<table class="adminlist table table-striped" width="100%">
<th class="title" colspan="2">Extension</th>
<th width="30%">Status</th>
<td colspan="3"></td>
<tr class="row<?php echo($rows++ % 2); ?>">
<td class="key" colspan="2"><?php echo $this->componentTitle ?></td>
<td><strong style="color: green">Installed</strong></td>
<?php if ($fofInstallationStatus['required']): ?>
<tr class="row<?php echo($rows++ % 2); ?>">
<td class="key" colspan="2">
<strong>Framework on Framework (FOF) <?php echo $fofInstallationStatus['version'] ?></strong>
[<?php echo $fofInstallationStatus['date'] ?>]
style="color: <?php echo $fofInstallationStatus['required'] ? ($fofInstallationStatus['installed'] ? 'green' : 'red') : '#660' ?>; font-weight: bold;">
<?php echo $fofInstallationStatus['required'] ? ($fofInstallationStatus['installed'] ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed') : 'Already up-to-date'; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($strapperInstallationStatus['required']): ?>
<tr class="row<?php echo($rows++ % 2); ?>">
<td class="key" colspan="2">
<strong>Akeeba Strapper <?php echo $strapperInstallationStatus['version'] ?></strong>
[<?php echo $strapperInstallationStatus['date'] ?>]
style="color: <?php echo $strapperInstallationStatus['required'] ? ($strapperInstallationStatus['installed'] ? 'green' : 'red') : '#660' ?>; font-weight: bold;">
<?php echo $strapperInstallationStatus['required'] ? ($strapperInstallationStatus['installed'] ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed') : 'Already up-to-date'; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (count($status->modules)) : ?>
<?php foreach ($status->modules as $module) : ?>
<tr class="row<?php echo($rows++ % 2); ?>">
<td class="key"><?php echo $module['name']; ?></td>
<td class="key"><?php echo ucfirst($module['client']); ?></td>
style="color: <?php echo ($module['result']) ? "green" : "red" ?>"><?php echo ($module['result']) ? 'Installed' : 'Not installed'; ?></strong>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (count($status->plugins)) : ?>
<?php foreach ($status->plugins as $plugin) : ?>
<tr class="row<?php echo($rows++ % 2); ?>">
<td class="key"><?php echo ucfirst($plugin['name']); ?></td>
<td class="key"><?php echo ucfirst($plugin['group']); ?></td>
style="color: <?php echo ($plugin['result']) ? "green" : "red" ?>"><?php echo ($plugin['result']) ? 'Installed' : 'Not installed'; ?></strong>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Renders the message after uninstalling the component
protected function renderPostUninstallation($status, $parent)
$rows = 1;
<table class="adminlist table table-striped" width="100%">
<th class="title" colspan="2"><?php echo JText::_('Extension'); ?></th>
<th width="30%"><?php echo JText::_('Status'); ?></th>
<td colspan="3"></td>
<tr class="row<?php echo($rows++ % 2); ?>">
<td class="key" colspan="2"><?php echo $this->componentTitle; ?></td>
<td><strong style="color: green">Removed</strong></td>
<?php if (count($status->modules)) : ?>
<?php foreach ($status->modules as $module) : ?>
<tr class="row<?php echo($rows++ % 2); ?>">
<td class="key"><?php echo $module['name']; ?></td>
<td class="key"><?php echo ucfirst($module['client']); ?></td>
style="color: <?php echo ($module['result']) ? "green" : "red" ?>"><?php echo ($module['result']) ? 'Removed' : 'Not removed'; ?></strong>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (count($status->plugins)) : ?>
<?php foreach ($status->plugins as $plugin) : ?>
<tr class="row<?php echo($rows++ % 2); ?>">
<td class="key"><?php echo ucfirst($plugin['name']); ?></td>
<td class="key"><?php echo ucfirst($plugin['group']); ?></td>
style="color: <?php echo ($plugin['result']) ? "green" : "red" ?>"><?php echo ($plugin['result']) ? 'Removed' : 'Not removed'; ?></strong>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Bugfix for "DB function returned no error"
protected function bugfixDBFunctionReturnedNoError()
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Fix broken #__assets records
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('name') . ' = ' . $db->q($this->componentName));
$ids = $db->loadColumn();
catch (Exception $exc)
if (!empty($ids))
foreach ($ids as $id)
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('id') . ' = ' . $db->q($id));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
// Fix broken #__extensions records
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($this->componentName));
$ids = $db->loadColumn();
if (!empty($ids))
foreach ($ids as $id)
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('extension_id') . ' = ' . $db->q($id));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
// Fix broken #__menu records
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('component'))
->where($db->qn('menutype') . ' = ' . $db->q('main'))
->where($db->qn('link') . ' LIKE ' . $db->q('index.php?option=' . $this->componentName));
$ids = $db->loadColumn();
if (!empty($ids))
foreach ($ids as $id)
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('id') . ' = ' . $db->q($id));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
* Joomla! 1.6+ bugfix for "Can not build admin menus"
protected function bugfixCantBuildAdminMenus()
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// If there are multiple #__extensions record, keep one of them
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($this->componentName));
$ids = $db->loadColumn();
catch (Exception $exc)
if (count($ids) > 1)
$extension_id = array_shift($ids); // Keep the oldest id
foreach ($ids as $id)
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('extension_id') . ' = ' . $db->q($id));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
// If there are multiple assets records, delete all except the oldest one
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('name') . ' = ' . $db->q($this->componentName));
$ids = $db->loadObjectList();
if (count($ids) > 1)
$asset_id = array_shift($ids); // Keep the oldest id
foreach ($ids as $id)
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('id') . ' = ' . $db->q($id));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
// Remove #__menu records for good measure! –– I think this is not necessary and causes the menu item to
// disappear on extension update.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('component'))
->where($db->qn('menutype') . ' = ' . $db->q('main'))
->where($db->qn('link') . ' LIKE ' . $db->q('index.php?option=' . $this->componentName));
$ids1 = $db->loadColumn();
catch (Exception $exc)
$ids1 = array();
if (empty($ids1))
$ids1 = array();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('component'))
->where($db->qn('menutype') . ' = ' . $db->q('main'))
->where($db->qn('link') . ' LIKE ' . $db->q('index.php?option=' . $this->componentName . '&%'));
$ids2 = $db->loadColumn();
catch (Exception $exc)
$ids2 = array();
if (empty($ids2))
$ids2 = array();
$ids = array_merge($ids1, $ids2);
if (!empty($ids))
foreach ($ids as $id)
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('id') . ' = ' . $db->q($id));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
* Installs subextensions (modules, plugins) bundled with the main extension
* @param JInstaller $parent
* @return JObject The subextension installation status
protected function installSubextensions($parent)
$src = $parent->getParent()->getPath('source');
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$status = new JObject();
$status->modules = array();
$status->plugins = array();
// Modules installation
if (isset($this->installation_queue['modules']) && count($this->installation_queue['modules']))
foreach ($this->installation_queue['modules'] as $folder => $modules)
if (count($modules))
foreach ($modules as $module => $modulePreferences)
// Install the module
if (empty($folder))
$folder = 'site';
$path = "$src/" . $this->modulesSourcePath . "/$folder/$module";
if (!is_dir($path))
$path = "$src/" . $this->modulesSourcePath . "/$folder/mod_$module";
if (!is_dir($path))
$path = "$src/" . $this->modulesSourcePath . "/$module";
if (!is_dir($path))
$path = "$src/" . $this->modulesSourcePath . "/mod_$module";
if (!is_dir($path))
// Was the module already installed?
$sql = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('module') . ' = ' . $db->q('mod_' . $module));
$count = $db->loadResult();
catch (Exception $exc)
$count = 0;
$installer = new JInstaller;
$result = $installer->install($path);
$status->modules[] = array(
'name' => 'mod_' . $module,
'client' => $folder,
'result' => $result
// Modify where it's published and its published state
if (!$count)
// A. Position and state
list($modulePosition, $modulePublished) = $modulePreferences;
$sql = $db->getQuery(true)
->set($db->qn('position') . ' = ' . $db->q($modulePosition))
->where($db->qn('module') . ' = ' . $db->q('mod_' . $module));
if ($modulePublished)
$sql->set($db->qn('published') . ' = ' . $db->q('1'));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
// B. Change the ordering of back-end modules to 1 + max ordering
if ($folder == 'admin')
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('MAX(' . $db->qn('ordering') . ')')
->where($db->qn('position') . '=' . $db->q($modulePosition));
$position = $db->loadResult();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->set($db->qn('ordering') . ' = ' . $db->q($position))
->where($db->qn('module') . ' = ' . $db->q('mod_' . $module));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
// C. Link to all pages
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('module') . ' = ' . $db->q('mod_' . $module));
$moduleid = $db->loadResult();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('moduleid') . ' = ' . $db->q($moduleid));
$assignments = $db->loadObjectList();
$isAssigned = !empty($assignments);
if (!$isAssigned)
$o = (object)array(
'moduleid' => $moduleid,
'menuid' => 0
$db->insertObject('#__modules_menu', $o);
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
// Plugins installation
if (isset($this->installation_queue['plugins']) && count($this->installation_queue['plugins']))
foreach ($this->installation_queue['plugins'] as $folder => $plugins)
if (count($plugins))
foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $published)
$path = "$src/" . $this->pluginsSourcePath . "/$folder/$plugin";
if (!is_dir($path))
$path = "$src/" . $this->pluginsSourcePath . "/$folder/plg_$plugin";
if (!is_dir($path))
$path = "$src/" . $this->pluginsSourcePath . "/$plugin";
if (!is_dir($path))
$path = "$src/" . $this->pluginsSourcePath . "/plg_$plugin";
if (!is_dir($path))
// Was the plugin already installed?
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($plugin))
->where($db->qn('folder') . ' = ' . $db->q($folder));
$count = $db->loadResult();
catch (Exception $exc)
$count = 0;
$installer = new JInstaller;
$result = $installer->install($path);
$status->plugins[] = array('name' => 'plg_' . $plugin, 'group' => $folder, 'result' => $result);
if ($published && !$count)
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->set($db->qn('enabled') . ' = ' . $db->q('1'))
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($plugin))
->where($db->qn('folder') . ' = ' . $db->q($folder));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing
// Clear com_modules and com_plugins cache (needed when we alter module/plugin state)
return $status;
* Uninstalls subextensions (modules, plugins) bundled with the main extension
* @param JInstaller $parent The parent object
* @return stdClass The subextension uninstallation status
protected function uninstallSubextensions($parent)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$status = new stdClass();
$status->modules = array();
$status->plugins = array();
$src = $parent->getParent()->getPath('source');
// Modules uninstallation
if (isset($this->installation_queue['modules']) && count($this->installation_queue['modules']))
foreach ($this->installation_queue['modules'] as $folder => $modules)
if (count($modules))
foreach ($modules as $module => $modulePreferences)
// Find the module ID
$sql = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q('mod_' . $module))
->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('module'));
$id = $db->loadResult();
catch (Exception $exc)
$id = 0;
// Uninstall the module
if ($id)
$installer = new JInstaller;
$result = $installer->uninstall('module', $id, 1);
$status->modules[] = array(
'name' => 'mod_' . $module,
'client' => $folder,
'result' => $result
// Plugins uninstallation
if (isset($this->installation_queue['plugins']) && count($this->installation_queue['plugins']))
foreach ($this->installation_queue['plugins'] as $folder => $plugins)
if (count($plugins))
foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $published)
$sql = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('plugin'))
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($plugin))
->where($db->qn('folder') . ' = ' . $db->q($folder));
$id = $db->loadResult();
catch (Exception $exc)
$id = 0;
if ($id)
$installer = new JInstaller;
$result = $installer->uninstall('plugin', $id, 1);
$status->plugins[] = array(
'name' => 'plg_' . $plugin,
'group' => $folder,
'result' => $result
// Clear com_modules and com_plugins cache (needed when we alter module/plugin state)
return $status;
* Removes obsolete files and folders
* @param array $removeList The files and directories to remove
protected function removeFilesAndFolders($removeList)
// Remove files
if (isset($removeList['files']) && !empty($removeList['files']))
foreach ($removeList['files'] as $file)
$f = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $file;
if (!JFile::exists($f))
// Remove folders
if (isset($removeList['folders']) && !empty($removeList['folders']))
foreach ($removeList['folders'] as $folder)
$f = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $folder;
if (!JFolder::exists($f))
* Installs FOF if necessary
* @param JInstaller $parent The parent object
* @return array The installation status
protected function installFOF($parent)
// Get the source path
$src = $parent->getParent()->getPath('source');
$source = $src . '/' . $this->fofSourcePath;
if (!JFolder::exists($source))
return array(
'required' => false,
'installed' => false,
'version' => '0.0.0',
'date' => '2011-01-01',
// Get the target path
if (!defined('JPATH_LIBRARIES'))
$target = JPATH_ROOT . '/libraries/fof';
$target = JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/fof';
// Do I have to install FOF?
$haveToInstallFOF = false;
if (!JFolder::exists($target))
// FOF is not installed; install now
$haveToInstallFOF = true;
// FOF is already installed; check the version
$fofVersion = array();
if (JFile::exists($target . '/version.txt'))
$rawData = JFile::read($target . '/version.txt');
$rawData = ($rawData === false) ? "0.0.0\n2011-01-01\n" : $rawData;
$info = explode("\n", $rawData);
$fofVersion['installed'] = array(
'version' => trim($info[0]),
'date' => new JDate(trim($info[1]))
$fofVersion['installed'] = array(
'version' => '0.0',
'date' => new JDate('2011-01-01')
$rawData = @file_get_contents($source . '/version.txt');
$rawData = ($rawData === false) ? "0.0.0\n2011-01-01\n" : $rawData;
$info = explode("\n", $rawData);
$fofVersion['package'] = array(
'version' => trim($info[0]),
'date' => new JDate(trim($info[1]))
$haveToInstallFOF = $fofVersion['package']['date']->toUNIX() > $fofVersion['installed']['date']->toUNIX();
$installedFOF = false;
if ($haveToInstallFOF)
$versionSource = 'package';
$installer = new JInstaller;
$installedFOF = $installer->install($source);
$versionSource = 'installed';
if (!isset($fofVersion))
$fofVersion = array();
if (JFile::exists($target . '/version.txt'))
$rawData = @file_get_contents($source . '/version.txt');
$rawData = ($rawData === false) ? "0.0.0\n2011-01-01\n" : $rawData;
$info = explode("\n", $rawData);
$fofVersion['installed'] = array(
'version' => trim($info[0]),
'date' => new JDate(trim($info[1]))
$fofVersion['installed'] = array(
'version' => '0.0',
'date' => new JDate('2011-01-01')
$rawData = @file_get_contents($source . '/version.txt');
$rawData = ($rawData === false) ? "0.0.0\n2011-01-01\n" : $rawData;
$info = explode("\n", $rawData);
$fofVersion['package'] = array(
'version' => trim($info[0]),
'date' => new JDate(trim($info[1]))
$versionSource = 'installed';
if (!($fofVersion[$versionSource]['date'] instanceof JDate))
$fofVersion[$versionSource]['date'] = new JDate();
return array(
'required' => $haveToInstallFOF,
'installed' => $installedFOF,
'version' => $fofVersion[$versionSource]['version'],
'date' => $fofVersion[$versionSource]['date']->format('Y-m-d'),
* Installs Akeeba Strapper if necessary
* @param JInstaller $parent The parent object
* @return array The installation status
protected function installStrapper($parent)
$src = $parent->getParent()->getPath('source');
$source = $src . '/' . $this->strapperSourcePath;
$target = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/akeeba_strapper';
if (!JFolder::exists($source))
return array(
'required' => false,
'installed' => false,
'version' => '0.0.0',
'date' => '2011-01-01',
$haveToInstallStrapper = false;
if (!JFolder::exists($target))
$haveToInstallStrapper = true;
$strapperVersion = array();
if (JFile::exists($target . '/version.txt'))
$rawData = JFile::read($target . '/version.txt');
$rawData = ($rawData === false) ? "0.0.0\n2011-01-01\n" : $rawData;
$info = explode("\n", $rawData);
$strapperVersion['installed'] = array(
'version' => trim($info[0]),
'date' => new JDate(trim($info[1]))
$strapperVersion['installed'] = array(
'version' => '0.0',
'date' => new JDate('2011-01-01')
$rawData = JFile::read($source . '/version.txt');
$rawData = ($rawData === false) ? "0.0.0\n2011-01-01\n" : $rawData;
$info = explode("\n", $rawData);
$strapperVersion['package'] = array(
'version' => trim($info[0]),
'date' => new JDate(trim($info[1]))
$haveToInstallStrapper = $strapperVersion['package']['date']->toUNIX() > $strapperVersion['installed']['date']->toUNIX();
$installedStraper = false;
if ($haveToInstallStrapper)
$versionSource = 'package';
$installer = new JInstaller;
$installedStraper = $installer->install($source);
$versionSource = 'installed';
if (!isset($strapperVersion))
$strapperVersion = array();
if (JFile::exists($target . '/version.txt'))
$rawData = JFile::read($target . '/version.txt');
$rawData = ($rawData === false) ? "0.0.0\n2011-01-01\n" : $rawData;
$info = explode("\n", $rawData);
$strapperVersion['installed'] = array(
'version' => trim($info[0]),
'date' => new JDate(trim($info[1]))
$strapperVersion['installed'] = array(
'version' => '0.0',
'date' => new JDate('2011-01-01')
$rawData = JFile::read($source . '/version.txt');
$rawData = ($rawData === false) ? "0.0.0\n2011-01-01\n" : $rawData;
$info = explode("\n", $rawData);
$strapperVersion['package'] = array(
'version' => trim($info[0]),
'date' => new JDate(trim($info[1]))
$versionSource = 'installed';
if (!($strapperVersion[$versionSource]['date'] instanceof JDate))
$strapperVersion[$versionSource]['date'] = new JDate();
return array(
'required' => $haveToInstallStrapper,
'installed' => $installedStraper,
'version' => $strapperVersion[$versionSource]['version'],
'date' => $strapperVersion[$versionSource]['date']->format('Y-m-d'),
* Uninstalls obsolete subextensions (modules, plugins) bundled with the main extension
* @param JInstaller $parent The parent object
* @return stdClass The subextension uninstallation status
protected function uninstallObsoleteSubextensions($parent)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$status = new stdClass();
$status->modules = array();
$status->plugins = array();
$src = $parent->getParent()->getPath('source');
// Modules uninstallation
if (isset($this->uninstallation_queue['modules']) && count($this->uninstallation_queue['modules']))
foreach ($this->uninstallation_queue['modules'] as $folder => $modules)
if (count($modules))
foreach ($modules as $module)
// Find the module ID
$sql = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q('mod_' . $module))
->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('module'));
$id = $db->loadResult();
// Uninstall the module
if ($id)
$installer = new JInstaller;
$result = $installer->uninstall('module', $id, 1);
$status->modules[] = array(
'name' => 'mod_' . $module,
'client' => $folder,
'result' => $result
// Plugins uninstallation
if (isset($this->uninstallation_queue['plugins']) && count($this->uninstallation_queue['plugins']))
foreach ($this->uninstallation_queue['plugins'] as $folder => $plugins)
if (count($plugins))
foreach ($plugins as $plugin)
$sql = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('plugin'))
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($plugin))
->where($db->qn('folder') . ' = ' . $db->q($folder));
$id = $db->loadResult();
if ($id)
$installer = new JInstaller;
$result = $installer->uninstall('plugin', $id, 1);
$status->plugins[] = array(
'name' => 'plg_' . $plugin,
'group' => $folder,
'result' => $result
return $status;
* @param JInstallerAdapterComponent $parent
* @return bool
* @throws Exception When the Joomla! menu is FUBAR
private function _createAdminMenus($parent)
$db = $parent->getParent()->getDbo();
/** @var JTableMenu $table */
$table = JTable::getInstance('menu');
$option = $parent->get('element');
// If a component exists with this option in the table then we don't need to add menus
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->select('m.id, e.extension_id')
->from('#__menu AS m')
->join('LEFT', '#__extensions AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id')
->where('m.parent_id = 1')
->where('m.client_id = 1')
->where('e.element = ' . $db->quote($option));
$componentrow = $db->loadObject();
// Check if menu items exist
if ($componentrow)
// @todo Return if the menu item already exists to save some time
//return true;
// Let's find the extension id
->from('#__extensions AS e')
->where('e.element = ' . $db->quote($option));
$component_id = $db->loadResult();
// Ok, now its time to handle the menus. Start with the component root menu, then handle submenus.
$menuElement = $parent->get('manifest')->administration->menu;
// We need to insert the menu item as the last child of Joomla!'s menu root node. By default this is the
// menu item with ID=1. However, some crappy upgrade scripts enjoy screwing it up. Hey, ho, the workaround
// way I go.
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('id') . ' = ' . $db->q(1));
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// Guess what? The Problem has happened. Let's find the root node by title.
$rootItemId = null;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('title') . ' = ' . $db->q('Menu_Item_Root'));
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// For crying out loud, did that idiot changed the title too?! Let's find it by alias.
$rootItemId = null;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('alias') . ' = ' . $db->q('root'));
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// Dude. Dude! Duuuuuuude! The alias is screwed up, too?! Find it by component ID.
$rootItemId = null;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('component_id') . ' = ' . $db->q('0'));
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// Your site is more of a "shite" than a "site". Let's try with minimum lft value.
$rootItemId = null;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->order($db->qn('lft') . ' ASC');
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// I quit. Your site is broken. What the hell are you doing with it? I'll just throw an error.
throw new Exception("Your site is broken. There is no root menu item. As a result it is impossible to create menu items. The installation of this component has failed. Please fix your database and retry!", 500);
if ($menuElement)
$data = array();
$data['menutype'] = 'main';
$data['client_id'] = 1;
$data['title'] = (string)trim($menuElement);
$data['alias'] = (string)$menuElement;
$data['link'] = 'index.php?option=' . $option;
$data['type'] = 'component';
$data['published'] = 0;
$data['parent_id'] = 1;
$data['component_id'] = $component_id;
$data['img'] = ((string)$menuElement->attributes()->img) ? (string)$menuElement->attributes()->img : 'class:component';
$data['home'] = 0;
// No menu element was specified, Let's make a generic menu item
$data = array();
$data['menutype'] = 'main';
$data['client_id'] = 1;
$data['title'] = $option;
$data['alias'] = $option;
$data['link'] = 'index.php?option=' . $option;
$data['type'] = 'component';
$data['published'] = 0;
$data['parent_id'] = 1;
$data['component_id'] = $component_id;
$data['img'] = 'class:component';
$data['home'] = 0;
$table->setLocation($rootItemId, 'last-child');
catch (InvalidArgumentException $e)
JLog::add($e->getMessage(), JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
return false;
if (!$table->bind($data) || !$table->check() || !$table->store())
// The menu item already exists. Delete it and retry instead of throwing an error.
->where('menutype = ' . $db->quote('main'))
->where('client_id = 1')
->where('link = ' . $db->quote('index.php?option=' . $option))
->where('type = ' . $db->quote('component'))
->where('parent_id = 1')
->where('home = 0');
$menu_ids_level1 = $db->loadColumn();
if (empty($menu_ids_level1))
// Oops! Could not get the menu ID. Go back and rollback changes.
JError::raiseWarning(1, $table->getError());
return false;
$ids = implode(',', $menu_ids_level1);
->where('menutype = ' . $db->quote('main'))
->where('client_id = 1')
->where('type = ' . $db->quote('component'))
->where('parent_id in (' . $ids . ')')
->where('level = 2')
->where('home = 0');
$menu_ids_level2 = $db->loadColumn();
$ids = implode(',', array_merge($menu_ids_level1, $menu_ids_level2));
// Remove the old menu item
->where('id in (' . $ids . ')');
// Retry creating the menu item
$table->setLocation($rootItemId, 'last-child');
if (!$table->bind($data) || !$table->check() || !$table->store())
// Install failed, warn user and rollback changes
JError::raiseWarning(1, $table->getError());
return false;
* Since we have created a menu item, we add it to the installation step stack
* so that if we have to rollback the changes we can undo it.
$parent->getParent()->pushStep(array('type' => 'menu', 'id' => $component_id));
* Process SubMenus
if (!$parent->get('manifest')->administration->submenu)
return true;
$parent_id = $table->id;
foreach ($parent->get('manifest')->administration->submenu->menu as $child)
$data = array();
$data['menutype'] = 'main';
$data['client_id'] = 1;
$data['title'] = (string)trim($child);
$data['alias'] = (string)$child;
$data['type'] = 'component';
$data['published'] = 0;
$data['parent_id'] = $parent_id;
$data['component_id'] = $component_id;
$data['img'] = ((string)$child->attributes()->img) ? (string)$child->attributes()->img : 'class:component';
$data['home'] = 0;
// Set the sub menu link
if ((string)$child->attributes()->link)
$data['link'] = 'index.php?' . $child->attributes()->link;
$request = array();
if ((string)$child->attributes()->act)
$request[] = 'act=' . $child->attributes()->act;
if ((string)$child->attributes()->task)
$request[] = 'task=' . $child->attributes()->task;
if ((string)$child->attributes()->controller)
$request[] = 'controller=' . $child->attributes()->controller;
if ((string)$child->attributes()->view)
$request[] = 'view=' . $child->attributes()->view;
if ((string)$child->attributes()->layout)
$request[] = 'layout=' . $child->attributes()->layout;
if ((string)$child->attributes()->sub)
$request[] = 'sub=' . $child->attributes()->sub;
$qstring = (count($request)) ? '&' . implode('&', $request) : '';
$data['link'] = 'index.php?option=' . $option . $qstring;
$table = JTable::getInstance('menu');
$table->setLocation($parent_id, 'last-child');
catch (InvalidArgumentException $e)
return false;
if (!$table->bind($data) || !$table->check() || !$table->store())
// Install failed, rollback changes
return false;
* Since we have created a menu item, we add it to the installation step stack
* so that if we have to rollback the changes we can undo it.
$parent->getParent()->pushStep(array('type' => 'menu', 'id' => $component_id));
return true;
* Make sure the Component menu items are really published!
* @param JInstallerAdapterComponent $parent
* @return bool
private function _reallyPublishAdminMenuItems($parent)
$db = $parent->getParent()->getDbo();
$option = $parent->get('element');
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->update('#__menu AS m')
->join('LEFT', '#__extensions AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id')
->set($db->qn('published') . ' = ' . $db->q(1))
->where('m.parent_id = 1')
->where('m.client_id = 1')
->where('e.element = ' . $db->quote($option));
catch (Exception $e)
// If it fails, it fails. Who cares.
* Tells Joomla! to rebuild its menu structure to make triple-sure that the Components menu items really do exist
* in the correct place and can really be rendered.
private function _rebuildMenu()
/** @var JTableMenu $table */
$table = JTable::getInstance('menu');
$db = $table->getDbo();
// We need to rebuild the menu based on its root item. By default this is the menu item with ID=1. However, some
// crappy upgrade scripts enjoy screwing it up. Hey, ho, the workaround way I go.
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('id') . ' = ' . $db->q(1));
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// Guess what? The Problem has happened. Let's find the root node by title.
$rootItemId = null;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('title') . ' = ' . $db->q('Menu_Item_Root'));
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// For crying out loud, did that idiot changed the title too?! Let's find it by alias.
$rootItemId = null;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('alias') . ' = ' . $db->q('root'));
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// Dude. Dude! Duuuuuuude! The alias is screwed up, too?! Find it by component ID.
$rootItemId = null;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('component_id') . ' = ' . $db->q('0'));
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// Your site is more of a "shite" than a "site". Let's try with minimum lft value.
$rootItemId = null;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->order($db->qn('lft') . ' ASC');
$rootItemId = $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadResult();
if (is_null($rootItemId))
// I quit. Your site is broken.
return false;
* Adds or updates a post-installation message (PIM) definition for Joomla! 3.2 or later. You can use this in your
* post-installation script using this code:
* The $options array contains the following mandatory keys:
* extension_id The numeric ID of the extension this message is for (see the #__extensions table)
* type One of message, link or action. Their meaning is:
* message Informative message. The user can dismiss it.
* link The action button links to a URL. The URL is defined in the action parameter.
* action A PHP action takes place when the action button is clicked. You need to specify the
* action_file (RAD path to the PHP file) and action (PHP function name) keys. See
* below for more information.
* title_key The JText language key for the title of this PIM
* description_key The JText language key for the main body (description) of this PIM
* action_key The JText language key for the action button. Ignored and not required when type=message
* language_extension The extension name which holds the language keys used above. For example, com_foobar,
* mod_something, plg_system_whatever, tpl_mytemplate
* language_client_id Should we load the front-end (0) or back-end (1) language keys?
* version_introduced Which was the version of your extension where this message appeared for the first time?
* Example: 3.2.1
* enabled Must be 1 for this message to be enabled. If you omit it, it defaults to 1.
* condition_file The RAD path to a PHP file containing a PHP function which determines whether this message
* should be shown to the user. @see FOFTemplateUtils::parsePath() for RAD path format. Joomla!
* will include this file before calling the condition_method.
* Example: admin://components/com_foobar/helpers/postinstall.php
* condition_method The name of a PHP function which will be used to determine whether to show this message to
* the user. This must be a simple PHP user function (not a class method, static method etc)
* which returns true to show the message and false to hide it. This function is defined in the
* condition_file.
* Example: com_foobar_postinstall_messageone_condition
* When type=message no additional keys are required.
* When type=link the following additional keys are required:
* action The URL which will open when the user clicks on the PIM's action button
* Example: index.php?option=com_foobar&view=tools&task=installSampleData
* Then type=action the following additional keys are required:
* action_file The RAD path to a PHP file containing a PHP function which performs the action of this PIM.
* @see FOFTemplateUtils::parsePath() for RAD path format. Joomla! will include this file
* before calling the function defined in the action key below.
* Example: admin://components/com_foobar/helpers/postinstall.php
* action The name of a PHP function which will be used to run the action of this PIM. This must be a
* simple PHP user function (not a class method, static method etc) which returns no result.
* Example: com_foobar_postinstall_messageone_action
* @param array $options See description
* @return void
* @throws Exception
protected function addPostInstallationMessage(array $options)
// Make sure there are options set
if (!is_array($options))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions must be of type array', 500);
// Initialise array keys
$defaultOptions = array(
'extension_id' => '',
'type' => '',
'title_key' => '',
'description_key' => '',
'action_key' => '',
'language_extension' => '',
'language_client_id' => '',
'action_file' => '',
'action' => '',
'condition_file' => '',
'condition_method' => '',
'version_introduced' => '',
'enabled' => '1',
$options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
// Array normalisation. Removes array keys not belonging to a definition.
$defaultKeys = array_keys($defaultOptions);
$allKeys = array_keys($options);
$extraKeys = array_diff($allKeys, $defaultKeys);
if (!empty($extraKeys))
foreach ($extraKeys as $key)
// Normalisation of integer values
$options['extension_id'] = (int)$options['extension_id'];
$options['language_client_id'] = (int)$options['language_client_id'];
$options['enabled'] = (int)$options['enabled'];
// Normalisation of 0/1 values
foreach (array('language_client_id', 'enabled') as $key)
$options[$key] = $options[$key] ? 1 : 0;
// Make sure there's an extension_id
if (!(int)$options['extension_id'])
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need an extension_id', 500);
// Make sure there's a valid type
if (!in_array($options['type'], array('message', 'link', 'action')))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need to declare a type of message, link or action', 500);
// Make sure there's a title key
if (empty($options['title_key']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need a title key', 500);
// Make sure there's a description key
if (empty($options['description_key']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need a description key', 500);
// If the type is anything other than message you need an action key
if (($options['type'] != 'message') && empty($options['action_key']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need an action key when they are of type "' . $options['type'] . '"', 500);
// You must specify the language extension
if (empty($options['language_extension']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need to specify which extension contains their language keys', 500);
// The action file and method are only required for the "action" type
if ($options['type'] == 'action')
if (empty($options['action_file']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need an action file when they are of type "action"', 500);
$file_path = FOFTemplateUtils::parsePath($options['action_file'], true);
if (!@is_file($file_path))
throw new Exception('The action file ' . $options['action_file'] . ' of your post-installation message definition does not exist', 500);
if (empty($options['action']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need an action (function name) when they are of type "action"', 500);
if ($options['type'] == 'link')
if (empty($options['link']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need an action (URL) when they are of type "link"', 500);
// The condition file and method are only required when the type is not "message"
if ($options['type'] != 'message')
if (empty($options['condition_file']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need a condition file when they are of type "' . $options['type'] . '"', 500);
$file_path = FOFTemplateUtils::parsePath($options['condition_file'], true);
if (!@is_file($file_path))
throw new Exception('The condition file ' . $options['condition_file'] . ' of your post-installation message definition does not exist', 500);
if (empty($options['condition_method']))
throw new Exception('Post-installation message definitions need a condition method (function name) when they are of type "' . $options['type'] . '"', 500);
// Check if the definition exists
$tableName = '#__postinstall_messages';
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('extension_id') . ' = ' . $db->q($options['extension_id']))
->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q($options['type']))
->where($db->qn('title_key') . ' = ' . $db->q($options['title_key']));
$existingRow = $db->setQuery($query)->loadAssoc();
// Is the existing definition the same as the one we're trying to save (ignore the enabled flag)?
if (!empty($existingRow))
$same = true;
foreach ($options as $k => $v)
if ($k == 'enabled')
if ($existingRow[$k] != $v)
$same = false;
// Trying to add the same row as the existing one; quit
if ($same)
// Otherwise it's not the same row. Remove the old row before insert a new one.
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->q('extension_id') . ' = ' . $db->q($options['extension_id']))
->where($db->q('type') . ' = ' . $db->q($options['type']))
->where($db->q('title_key') . ' = ' . $db->q($options['title_key']));
// Insert the new row
$options = (object)$options;
$db->insertObject($tableName, $options);
* Applies the post-installation messages for Joomla! 3.2 or later
* @return void
protected function _applyPostInstallationMessages()
// Make sure it's Joomla! 3.2.0 or later
if (!version_compare(JVERSION, '3.2.0', 'ge'))
// Make sure there are post-installation messages
if (empty($this->postInstallationMessages))
// Get the extension ID for our component
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($this->componentName));
$ids = $db->loadColumn();
catch (Exception $exc)
if (empty($ids))
$extension_id = array_shift($ids);
foreach ($this->postInstallationMessages as $message)
$message['extension_id'] = $extension_id;
protected function uninstallPostInstallationMessages()
// Make sure it's Joomla! 3.2.0 or later
if (!version_compare(JVERSION, '3.2.0', 'ge'))
// Make sure there are post-installation messages
if (empty($this->postInstallationMessages))
// Get the extension ID for our component
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($this->componentName));
$ids = $db->loadColumn();
catch (Exception $exc)
if (empty($ids))
$extension_id = array_shift($ids);
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('extension_id') . ' = ' . $db->q($extension_id));
catch (Exception $e)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0