Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/lightcolab.com/plugins/system/comingsoonpagebuilder/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/lightcolab.com/plugins/system/comingsoonpagebuilder/comingsoonpagebuilder.php |
<?php /** * @version 1.0 * @package plg_comingsoonpagebuilder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2013. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt * @author JoomlaForce Team <support@joomlaforce.com> - http://www.joomlaforce.com */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); jimport( 'joomla.plugin.plugin' ); // For Library jimport('jforce.libraries'); //end lib /** * Override Joomla Views and Layouts * * @package Plugin * @subpackage System * @since 2.5 */ class plgSystemComingSoonPageBuilder extends JPlugin { function plgSystemComingSoonPageBuilder(&$subject, $config) { parent::__construct($subject, $config); //Get Params $this->theme = 'blue'; $this->enablebckslide = '1'; $this->enableplayer = '0'; //Get Images $this->slideduration = '3000'; $this->img1 = $this->params->get( 'img1', '' ); $this->img2 = $this->params->get( 'img2', '' ); $this->img3 = $this->params->get( 'img3', '' ); $this->img4 = $this->params->get( 'img4', '' ); $this->img5 = $this->params->get( 'img5', '' ); $this->img1width =$this->params->get( 'img1width', '' ); $this->img2width =$this->params->get( 'img2width', '' ); $this->img3width =$this->params->get( 'img3width', '' ); $this->img4width =$this->params->get( 'img4width', '' ); $this->img1heigth = $this->params->get( 'img1heigth', '' ); $this->img2heigth = $this->params->get( 'img2heigth', '' ); $this->img3heigth = $this->params->get( 'img3heigth', '' ); $this->img4heigth = $this->params->get( 'img4heigth', '' ); $this->image1 = $this->params->get( 'image1'); $this->image2 = 'no'; $this->image3 = 'no'; $this->image4 = 'no'; //Get Contents $this->enablecontent = $this->params->get( 'enablecontent'); $this->contenttitle = $this->params->get( 'contenttitle'); $this->contenttext = $this->params->get( 'contenttext'); //Get Coundown $this->enablecountdown = $this->params->get( 'enablecountdown', '1' ); //Get Date $this->cyear = $this->params->get( 'cyear'); $this->cmonth = $this->params->get( 'cmonth'); $this->cday = $this->params->get( 'cday'); $this->chour = $this->params->get( 'chour'); $this->cminutes = $this->params->get( 'cminutes'); $this->cutc = $this->params->get( 'cutc'); //Social Icons $this->facebook = $this->params->get( 'facebook', '' ); $this->twitter = $this->params->get( 'twitter', '' ); $this->googleplus = $this->params->get( 'googleplus', '' ); $this->pinterest = $this->params->get( 'pinterest', '' ); $this->instagram = $this->params->get( 'instagram', '' ); $this->youtube = $this->params->get( 'youtube', '' ); $this->vimeo = $this->params->get( 'vimeo', '' ); $this->skype = $this->params->get( 'skype', '' ); $this->soundcloud = $this->params->get( 'soundcloud', '' ); $this->dropbox = $this->params->get( 'dropbox', '' ); $this->rss = $this->params->get( 'rss', '' ); $this->dribbble = $this->params->get( 'dribbble', '' ); $this->digg = $this->params->get( 'digg', '' ); $this->delicious = $this->params->get( 'delicious', '' ); $this->tumbler = $this->params->get( 'tumbler', '' ); $this->plixi = $this->params->get( 'plixi', '' ); $this->stubleupon = $this->params->get( 'stubleupon', '' ); $this->lastfm = $this->params->get( 'lastfm', '' ); $this->mobypicture = $this->params->get( 'mobypicture', '' ); $this->myspace = $this->params->get( 'myspace', '' ); $this->foursquare = $this->params->get( 'foursquare', '' ); $this->gowalla = $this->params->get( 'gowalla', '' ); $this->ichat = $this->params->get( 'ichat', '' ); $this->googlebuzz = $this->params->get( 'googlebuzz', '' ); //End Social Icons //Get Music Player $this->enablemusic = '0'; //Get Youtube Video $this->enableyoutube = '0'; } public function onBeforeRender(){ $app = JFactory::getApplication('site'); if (($app->getCfg('offline'))&&(!$app->isAdmin())) { //echo 'Offline due to configuration setting'; $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $viewName = 'comingsoonpage'; $basePath = __DIR__; $config = array( 'base_path'=>$basePath); require_once $basePath . DS . 'views' . DS . $viewName . DS . 'view.html.php'; JResponse::setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); JResponse::sendHeaders(); $app->close(); } } public function onAfterInitialise() { $this->loadLanguage('', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); } }