Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/lightcolab.com/media/system/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/lightcolab.com/media/system/js/permissions-uncompressed.js |
/** * Function to send Permissions via Ajax to Com-Config Application Controller */ function sendPermissions(event) { // set the icon while storing the values var icon = document.getElementById('icon_' + this.id); icon.removeAttribute('class'); icon.setAttribute('style', 'background: url(../media/system/images/modal/spinner.gif); display: inline-block; width: 16px; height: 16px'); //get values and prepare GET-Parameter var asset = 'not'; var component = getUrlParam('component'); var extension = getUrlParam('extension'); var option = getUrlParam('option'); var view = getUrlParam('view'); var title = component; var value = this.value; var context = ''; if (document.getElementById('jform_context')){ context = document.getElementById('jform_context').value; context = context.split('.')[0]; } if (option == 'com_config' && component == false && extension == false) { asset = 'root.1'; } else if (extension == false && view == 'component'){ asset = component; } else if (context){ if (view == 'group') { asset = context + '.fieldgroup.' + getUrlParam('id'); } else { asset = context + '.field.' + getUrlParam('id'); } title = document.getElementById('jform_title').value; } else if (extension != false && view != false){ asset = extension + '.' + view + '.' + getUrlParam('id'); title = document.getElementById('jform_title').value; } else if (extension == false && view != false){ asset = option + '.' + view + '.' + getUrlParam('id'); title = document.getElementById('jform_title').value; } var id = this.id.replace('jform_rules_', ''); var lastUnderscoreIndex = id.lastIndexOf('_'); var permission_data = { comp : asset, action : id.substring(0, lastUnderscoreIndex), rule : id.substring(lastUnderscoreIndex + 1), value : value, title : title }; // Remove js messages, if they exist. Joomla.removeMessages(); // doing ajax request jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: document.getElementById('permissions-sliders').getAttribute('data-ajaxuri'), data: permission_data, datatype: 'json' }) .fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, error) { // Remove the spinning icon. icon.removeAttribute('style'); Joomla.renderMessages(Joomla.ajaxErrorsMessages(jqXHR, textStatus, error)); window.scrollTo(0, 0); icon.setAttribute('class', 'icon-cancel'); }) .done(function (response) { // Remove the spinning icon. icon.removeAttribute('style'); if (response.data) { // Check if everything is OK if (response.data.result == true) { icon.setAttribute('class', 'icon-save'); jQuery(event.target).parents().next("td").find("span") .removeClass() .addClass(response['data']['class']) .html(response.data.text); } } // Render messages, if any. There are only message in case of errors. if (typeof response.messages == 'object' && response.messages !== null) { Joomla.renderMessages(response.messages); if (response.data && response.data.result == true) { icon.setAttribute('class', 'icon-save'); } else { icon.setAttribute('class', 'icon-cancel'); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); } }); } /** * Function to get parameters out of the url */ function getUrlParam(variable) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split('&'); for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) { var pair = vars[i].split('='); if (pair[0] == variable) { return pair[1]; } } return false; }