Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/lightcolab.com/administrator/components/com_jce/models/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/lightcolab.com/administrator/components/com_jce/models/profiles.php |
<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Ryan Demmer. All rights reserved * @license GNU/GPL 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * JCE is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('RESTRICTED'); // load base model require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/model.php'; wfimport('admin.models.plugins'); /** * Profiles Model. */ class WFModelProfiles extends WFModel { /** * Convert row string into array. * * @param object $rows * * @return array $rows */ public function getRowArray($rows) { $out = array(); $rows = explode(';', $rows); $i = 1; foreach ($rows as $row) { $out[$i] = $row; ++$i; } return $out; } /** * Get a plugin's extensions. * * @param object $plugin * * @return array extensions */ public function getExtensions($plugin) { wfimport('admin.models.plugins'); $model = new WFModelplugins(); $extensions = array(); $supported = array(); $item = null; if (is_file($plugin->manifest)) { $xml = WFXMLElement::load($plugin->manifest); // get the plugin xml file if ($xml) { // get extensions supported by the plugin if ((string) $xml->extensions) { $supported = explode(',', (string) $xml->extensions); } } } foreach ($model->getExtensions() as $extension) { // the plugin only supports some extensions, move along if (!in_array($extension->folder, $supported)) { continue; } // this extension only supports some plugins, move along if (!empty($extension->plugins) && !in_array($plugin->name, $extension->plugins)) { continue; } $extensions[$extension->folder][] = $extension; } return $extensions; } public function getPlugins($plugins = array()) { $commands = array(); if (empty($plugins)) { $commands = WFModelplugins::getCommands(); } // only need plugins with xml files foreach (WFModelplugins::getPlugins() as $name => $plugin) { if (is_file($plugin->manifest)) { $plugins[$name] = $plugin; } } return array_merge($commands, $plugins); } public function getUserGroups($area) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); if (defined('JPATH_PLATFORM')) { jimport('joomla.access.access'); $query = $db->getQuery(true); if (is_object($query)) { $query->select('id')->from('#__usergroups'); } else { $query = 'SELECT id FROM #__usergroups'; } $db->setQuery($query); if (method_exists($db, 'loadColumn')) { $groups = $db->loadColumn(); } else { $groups = $db->loadResultArray(); } $front = array(); $back = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $create = JAccess::checkGroup($group, 'core.create'); $admin = JAccess::checkGroup($group, 'core.login.admin'); $super = JAccess::checkGroup($group, 'core.admin'); if ($super) { $back[] = $group; } else { // group can create if ($create) { // group has admin access if ($admin) { $back[] = $group; } else { $front[] = $group; } } } } } else { $front = array( '19', '20', '21', ); $back = array( '23', '24', '25', ); } switch ($area) { case 0: return array_merge($front, $back); break; case 1: return $front; break; case 2: return $back; break; } return array(); } /** * Create the Profiles table. * * @return bool */ public function createProfilesTable() { jimport('joomla.installer.helper'); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $driver = strtolower($db->name); switch ($driver) { default: case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': $driver = 'mysql'; break; case 'sqlsrv': case 'sqlazure': case 'sqlzure': $driver = 'sqlsrv'; break; case 'postgresql': $driver = 'postgresql'; break; } $file = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/sql/'.$driver.'.sql'; $error = null; if (is_file($file)) { $query = file_get_contents($file); if ($query) { // replace prefix $query = $db->replacePrefix((string) $query); // Postgresql needs special attention because of the query syntax if ($driver == 'postgresql') { $query = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_table_if_not_exists (create_sql text) RETURNS bool as $$ BEGIN BEGIN EXECUTE create_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_table THEN RETURN false; END; RETURN true; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT create_table_if_not_exists ('" .$query."');"; } // set query $db->setQuery(trim($query)); if (!$db->query()) { $mainframe->enqueueMessage(WFText::_('WF_INSTALL_TABLE_PROFILES_ERROR').$db->stdErr(), 'error'); return false; } else { return true; } } else { $error = 'NO SQL QUERY'; } } else { $error = 'SQL FILE MISSING'; } $mainframe->enqueueMessage(WFText::_('WF_INSTALL_TABLE_PROFILES_ERROR').!is_null($error) ? ' - '.$error : '', 'error'); return false; } /** * Install Profiles. * * @return bool * * @param object $install[optional] */ public function installProfiles() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); if ($this->createProfilesTable()) { self::buildCountQuery(); $profiles = array('Default' => false, 'Front End' => false); // No Profiles table data if (!$db->loadResult()) { $xml = dirname(__FILE__).'/profiles.xml'; if (is_file($xml)) { if (!$this->processImport($xml)) { $app->enqueueMessage(WFText::_('WF_INSTALL_PROFILES_ERROR'), 'error'); return false; } } else { $app->enqueueMessage(WFText::_('WF_INSTALL_PROFILES_NOFILE_ERROR'), 'error'); return false; } } return true; } return false; } private static function buildCountQuery($name = '') { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); // check for name if (is_object($query)) { $query->select('COUNT(id)')->from('#__wf_profiles'); if ($name) { $query->where('name = '.$db->Quote($name)); } } else { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__wf_profiles'; if ($name) { $query .= ' WHERE name = '.$db->Quote($name); } } $db->setQuery($query); } /** * Process import data from XML file. * * @param object $file XML file * @param bool $install Can be used by the package installer * * @return bool */ public function processImport($file) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $view = JRequest::getCmd('view'); $language = JFactory::getLanguage(); $language->load('com_jce', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); JTable::addIncludePath(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/tables'); $xml = WFXMLElement::load($file); if ($xml) { $n = 0; foreach ($xml->profiles->children() as $profile) { $row = JTable::getInstance('profiles', 'WFTable'); // get profile name $name = (string) $profile->attributes()->name; // backwards compatability if ($name) { self::buildCountQuery($name); // create name copy if exists while ($db->loadResult()) { $name = JText::sprintf('WF_PROFILES_COPY_OF', $name); self::buildCountQuery($name); } // set name $row->name = $name; } foreach ($profile->children() as $item) { switch ($item->getName()) { case 'name': $name = (string) $item; // only if name set and table name not set if ($name && !$row->name) { self::buildCountQuery($name); // create name copy if exists while ($db->loadResult()) { $name = JText::sprintf('WF_PROFILES_COPY_OF', $name); self::buildCountQuery($name); } // set name $row->name = $name; } break; case 'description': $row->description = WFText::_((string) $item); break; case 'types': if (!(string) $item) { $area = (string) $profile->area[0]; $groups = $this->getUserGroups($area); $data = implode(',', array_unique($groups)); } else { $data = (string) $item; } $row->types = $data; break; case 'params': $params = array(); foreach ($item->children() as $param) { $params[] = (string) $param; } $row->params = implode("\n", $params); break; case 'rows': $row->rows = (string) $item; break; case 'plugins': $row->plugins = (string) $item; break; case 'checked_out_time': $row->checked_out_time = $db->getNullDate(); break; default: $key = $item->getName(); $row->$key = (string) $item; break; } } if (!$row->store()) { $app->enqueueMessage(WFText::_('WF_PROFILES_IMPORT_ERROR'), $row->getError(), 'error'); return false; } else { ++$n; } } return true; } } /** * Get default profile data. * * @return object Profile table object */ public function getDefaultProfile() { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $file = JPATH_COMPONENT.'/models/profiles.xml'; $xml = WFXMLElement::load($file); if ($xml) { foreach ($xml->profiles->children() as $profile) { if ($profile->attributes()->default) { $row = JTable::getInstance('profiles', 'WFTable'); foreach ($profile->children() as $item) { switch ($item->getName()) { case 'rows': $row->rows = (string) $item; break; case 'plugins': $row->plugins = (string) $item; break; default: $key = $item->getName(); $row->$key = (string) $item; break; } } // reset name and description $row->name = ''; $row->description = ''; return $row; } } } return null; } public function getEditorParams(&$row) { // get params definitions $xml = WF_EDITOR_LIBRARIES.'/xml/config/profiles.xml'; // get editor params $params = new WFParameter($row->params, $xml, 'editor'); $params->addElementPath(JPATH_COMPONENT.'/elements'); $params->addElementPath(WF_EDITOR.'/elements'); $groups = $params->getGroups(); $row->editor_params = $params; $row->editor_groups = $groups; } public function getLayoutParams(&$row) { // get params definitions $xml = WF_EDITOR_LIBRARIES.'/xml/config/layout.xml'; // get editor params $params = new WFParameter($row->params, $xml, 'editor'); $params->addElementPath(JPATH_COMPONENT.'/elements'); $params->addElementPath(WF_EDITOR.'/elements'); $groups = $params->getGroups(); $row->layout_params = $params; $row->layout_groups = $groups; } public function getPluginParameters() { } public function getThemes() { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); $path = WF_EDITOR_THEMES.'/advanced/skins'; return JFolder::folders($path, '.', false, true); } /** * Check whether a table exists. * * @return bool * * @param string $table Table name */ public static function checkTable() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $tables = $db->getTableList(); if (!empty($tables)) { // swap array values with keys, convert to lowercase and return array keys as values $tables = array_keys(array_change_key_case(array_flip($tables))); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $match = str_replace('#__', strtolower($app->getCfg('dbprefix', '')), '#__wf_profiles'); return in_array($match, $tables); } // try with query self::buildCountQuery(); return $db->query(); } /** * Check table contents. * * @return int * * @param string $table Table name */ public static function checkTableContents() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); self::buildCountQuery(); return $db->loadResult(); } private function getIconType($icon) { // TODO - Enhance this later to get the type from xml if (in_array($icon, array('styleselect', 'formatselect', 'fontselect', 'fontsizeselect'))) { return 'mceListBox'; } if (in_array($icon, array('numlist', 'bullist', 'forecolor', 'backcolor', 'spellchecker', 'textcase'))) { return 'mceSplitButton'; } return 'mceButton'; } public function getIcon($plugin) { if ($plugin->type == 'command') { $base = 'components/com_jce/editor/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/img'; } else { if (isset($plugin->path)) { $base = $plugin->path.'/img/'; } else { $base = 'components/com_jce/editor/tiny_mce/plugins/'.$plugin->name.'/img'; } } // convert backslashes $base = preg_replace('#[/\\\\]+#', '/', $base); $span = ''; $img = ''; $icons = explode(',', $plugin->icon); foreach ($icons as $icon) { if ($icon == '|' || $icon == 'spacer') { continue; } else { $path = $base.$icon.'.png'; if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE.'/'.$path)) { $img = '<img src="'.JURI::root(true).$path.'" alt="'.WFText::_($plugin->title).'" />'; } $span .= '<div data-button="'.preg_replace('/[^\w]/i', '', $icon).'" class="'.self::getIconType($icon).'"><span class="mceIcon mce_'.preg_replace('/[^\w]/i', '', $icon).'">'.$img.'</span></div>'; } } return $span; } public function saveOrder($cid, $order) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $total = count($cid); JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid, array(0)); JArrayHelper::toInteger($order, array(0)); $row = JTable::getInstance('profiles', 'WFTable'); $conditions = array(); // update ordering values for ($i = 0; $i < $total; ++$i) { $row->load((int) $cid[$i]); if ($row->ordering != $order[$i]) { $row->ordering = $order[$i]; if (!$row->store()) { return false; } // remember to updateOrder this group $condition = ' ordering > -10000 AND ordering < 10000'; $found = false; foreach ($conditions as $cond) { if ($cond[1] == $condition) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $conditions[] = array($row->id, $condition); } } } // execute updateOrder for each group foreach ($conditions as $cond) { $row->load($cond[0]); $row->reorder($cond[1]); } return true; } }