Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/kichler.com.au/plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/kichler.com.au/plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/js/cssjanus.js |
/** * Creates a CSSJanus object. * * CSSJanus transforms CSS rules with horizontal relevance so that a left-to-right stylesheet can * become a right-to-left stylesheet automatically. Processing can be bypassed for an entire rule * or a single property by adding a / * @noflip * / comment above the rule or property. * * @author "Trevor Parscal" <trevorparscal@gmail.com> * @author "Roan Kattouw" <roankattouw@gmail.com> * @author "Lindsey Simon" <elsigh@google.com> * @author "Roozbeh Pournader" <roozbeh@gmail.com> * @author "Bryon Engelhardt" <ebryon77@gmail.com> * * @class * @constructor * @param {RegExp} regex Regular expression whose matches to replace by a token * @param {String} token Placeholder text */ function CSSJanus() { /* Private Members */ var prepared = false, // Tokens temporaryToken = '`TMP`', noFlipSingleToken = '`NOFLIP_SINGLE`', noFlipClassToken = '`NOFLIP_CLASS`', commentToken = '`COMMENT`', // Patterns nonAsciiPattern = '[^\\u0020-\\u007e]', unicodePattern = '(?:(?:\\[0-9a-f]{1,6})(?:\\r\\n|\\s)?)', numPattern = '(?:[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)', unitPattern = '(?:em|ex|px|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|grad|ms|s|hz|khz|%)', directionPattern = 'direction\\s*:\\s*', urlSpecialCharsPattern = '[!#$%&*-~]', validAfterUriCharsPattern = '[\'"]?\\s*', nonLetterPattern = '(^|[^a-zA-Z])', charsWithinSelectorPattern = '[^\\}]*?', noFlipPattern = '\\/\\*\\s*@noflip\\s*\\*\\/', commentPattern = '\\/\\*[^*]*\\*+([^\\/*][^*]*\\*+)*\\/', escapePattern = '(?:' + unicodePattern + '|\\\\[^\\r\\n\\f0-9a-f])', nmstartPattern = '(?:[_a-z]|' + nonAsciiPattern + '|' + escapePattern + ')', nmcharPattern = '(?:[_a-z0-9-]|' + nonAsciiPattern + '|' + escapePattern + ')', identPattern = '-?' + nmstartPattern + nmcharPattern + '*', quantPattern = numPattern + '(?:\\s*' + unitPattern + '|' + identPattern + ')?', signedQuantPattern = '((?:-?' + quantPattern + ')|(?:inherit|auto))', fourNotationQuantPropsPattern = '((?:margin|padding|border-width)\\s*:\\s*)', fourNotationColorPropsPattern = '(-color\\s*:\\s*)', colorPattern = '(#?' + nmcharPattern + '+)', urlCharsPattern = '(?:' + urlSpecialCharsPattern + '|' + nonAsciiPattern + '|' + escapePattern + ')*', lookAheadNotOpenBracePattern = '(?!(' + nmcharPattern + '|\\r?\\n|\\s|#|\\:|\\.|\\,|\\+|>)*?{)', lookAheadNotClosingParenPattern = '(?!' + urlCharsPattern + '?' + validAfterUriCharsPattern + '\\))', lookAheadForClosingParenPattern = '(?=' + urlCharsPattern + '?' + validAfterUriCharsPattern + '\\))', // Regular expressions temporaryTokenRegExp = new RegExp( '`TMP`', 'g' ), commentRegExp = new RegExp( commentPattern, 'gi' ), noFlipSingleRegExp = new RegExp( '(' + noFlipPattern + lookAheadNotOpenBracePattern + '[^;}]+;?)', 'gi' ), noFlipClassRegExp = new RegExp( '(' + noFlipPattern + charsWithinSelectorPattern + '})', 'gi' ), directionLtrRegExp = new RegExp( '(' + directionPattern + ')ltr', 'gi' ), directionRtlRegExp = new RegExp( '(' + directionPattern + ')rtl', 'gi' ), leftRegExp = new RegExp( nonLetterPattern + '(left)' + lookAheadNotClosingParenPattern + lookAheadNotOpenBracePattern, 'gi' ), rightRegExp = new RegExp( nonLetterPattern + '(right)' + lookAheadNotClosingParenPattern + lookAheadNotOpenBracePattern, 'gi' ), leftInUrlRegExp = new RegExp( nonLetterPattern + '(left)' + lookAheadForClosingParenPattern, 'gi' ), rightInUrlRegExp = new RegExp( nonLetterPattern + '(right)' + lookAheadForClosingParenPattern, 'gi' ), ltrInUrlRegExp = new RegExp( nonLetterPattern + '(ltr)' + lookAheadForClosingParenPattern, 'gi' ), rtlInUrlRegExp = new RegExp( nonLetterPattern + '(rtl)' + lookAheadForClosingParenPattern, 'gi' ), cursorEastRegExp = new RegExp( nonLetterPattern + '([ns]?)e-resize', 'gi' ), cursorWestRegExp = new RegExp( nonLetterPattern + '([ns]?)w-resize', 'gi' ), fourNotationQuantRegExp = new RegExp( fourNotationQuantPropsPattern + signedQuantPattern + '(\\s+)' + signedQuantPattern + '(\\s+)' + signedQuantPattern + '(\\s+)' + signedQuantPattern, 'gi' ), fourNotationColorRegExp = new RegExp( fourNotationColorPropsPattern + colorPattern + '(\\s+)' + colorPattern + '(\\s+)' + colorPattern + '(\\s+)' + colorPattern, 'gi' ), bgHorizontalPercentageRegExp = new RegExp( '(background(?:-position)?\\s*:\\s*[^%]*?)(-?' + numPattern + ')(%\\s*(?:' + quantPattern + '|' + identPattern + '))', 'gi' ), bgHorizontalPercentageXRegExp = new RegExp( '(background-position-x\\s*:\\s*)(-?' + numPattern + ')(%)', 'gi' ), borderRadiusRegExp = new RegExp( '(border-radius\\s*:\\s*)([^;]*)', 'gi' ); /* Private Methods */ /** * Inverts the horizontal value of a background position property. * * @private * @function * @param {String} match Matched property * @param {String} pre Text before value * @param {String} value Horizontal value * @param {String} post Text after value * @return {String} Inverted property */ function calculateNewBackgroundPosition( match, pre, value, post ) { return pre + ( 100 - Number( value ) ) + post; } /** * Inverts the horizontal value of a background position property. * * @private * @function * @param {String} match Matched property * @param {String} pre Text before value * @param {String} value Horizontal value * @param {String} post Text after value * @return {String} Inverted property */ function calculateNewBorderRadius( match, pre, values ) { values = values.split( /\s+/g ); switch ( values.length ) { case 4: values = [values[1], values[0], values[3], values[2]]; break; case 3: values = [values[1], values[0], values[2]]; break; case 2: values = [values[1], values[0]]; break; } return pre + values.join( ' ' ); } /* Methods */ return { /** * Transform a left-to-right stylesheet to right-to-left. * * @method * @param {String} css Stylesheet to transform * @param {Boolean} swapLtrRtlInUrl Swap 'ltr' and 'rtl' in URLs * @param {Boolean} swapLeftRightInUrl Swap 'left' and 'right' in URLs * @return {String} Transformed stylesheet */ 'transform': function( css, swapLtrRtlInUrl, swapLeftRightInUrl ) { // Tokenizers var noFlipSingleTokenizer = new Tokenizer( noFlipSingleRegExp, noFlipSingleToken ), noFlipClassTokenizer = new Tokenizer( noFlipClassRegExp, noFlipClassToken ), commentTokenizer = new Tokenizer( commentRegExp, commentToken ); // Tokenize css = commentTokenizer.tokenize( noFlipClassTokenizer.tokenize( noFlipSingleTokenizer.tokenize( // We wrap tokens in ` , not ~ like the original implementation does. // This was done because ` is not a legal character in CSS and can only // occur in URLs, where we escape it to %60 before inserting our tokens. css.replace( '`', '%60' ) ) ) ); // Transform URLs if ( swapLtrRtlInUrl ) { // Replace 'ltr' with 'rtl' and vice versa in background URLs css = css .replace( ltrInUrlRegExp, '$1' + temporaryToken ) .replace( rtlInUrlRegExp, '$1ltr' ) .replace( temporaryTokenRegExp, 'rtl' ); } if ( swapLeftRightInUrl ) { // Replace 'left' with 'right' and vice versa in background URLs css = css .replace( leftInUrlRegExp, '$1' + temporaryToken ) .replace( rightInUrlRegExp, '$1left' ) .replace( temporaryTokenRegExp, 'right' ); } // Transform rules css = css // Replace direction: ltr; with direction: rtl; and vice versa. .replace( directionLtrRegExp, '$1' + temporaryToken ) .replace( directionRtlRegExp, '$1ltr' ) .replace( temporaryTokenRegExp, 'rtl' ) // Flip rules like left: , padding-right: , etc. .replace( leftRegExp, '$1' + temporaryToken ) .replace( rightRegExp, '$1left' ) .replace( temporaryTokenRegExp, 'right' ) // Flip East and West in rules like cursor: nw-resize; .replace( cursorEastRegExp, '$1$2' + temporaryToken ) .replace( cursorWestRegExp, '$1$2e-resize' ) .replace( temporaryTokenRegExp, 'w-resize' ) // Border radius .replace( borderRadiusRegExp, calculateNewBorderRadius ) // Swap the second and fourth parts in four-part notation rules // like padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px; .replace( fourNotationQuantRegExp, '$1$2$3$8$5$6$7$4' ) .replace( fourNotationColorRegExp, '$1$2$3$8$5$6$7$4' ) // Flip horizontal background percentages .replace( bgHorizontalPercentageRegExp, calculateNewBackgroundPosition ) .replace( bgHorizontalPercentageXRegExp, calculateNewBackgroundPosition ); // Detokenize css = noFlipSingleTokenizer.detokenize( noFlipClassTokenizer.detokenize( commentTokenizer.detokenize( css ) ) ); return css; } }; } /** * Creates a tokenizer object. * * This utility class is used by CSSJanus to protect strings by replacing them temporarily with * tokens and later transforming them back. * * @author Trevor Parscal * @author Roan Kattouw * * @class * @constructor * @param {RegExp} regex Regular expression whose matches to replace by a token * @param {String} token Placeholder text */ Tokenizer = function( regex, token ) { /* Private Members */ var matches = [], index = 0; /* Private Methods */ /** * Adds a match. * * @private * @function * @param {String} match Matched string * @returns {String} Token to leave in the matched string's place */ function tokenizeCallback( match ) { matches.push( match ); return token; } /** * Gets a match. * * @private * @function * @param {String} token Matched token * @returns {String} Original matched string to restore */ function detokenizeCallback( token ) { return matches[index++]; } /* Methods */ return { /** * Replace matching strings with tokens. * * @method * @param {String} str String to tokenize * @return {String} Tokenized string */ 'tokenize': function( str ) { return str.replace( regex, tokenizeCallback ); }, /** * Restores tokens to their original values. * * @method * @param {String} str String previously run through tokenize() * @return {String} Original string */ 'detokenize': function( str ) { return str.replace( new RegExp( '(' + token + ')', 'g' ), detokenizeCallback ); } }; }; /* Initialization */ var cssjanus = new CSSJanus();