Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/html/upgrade/libraries/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/extras/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/html/upgrade/libraries/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/extras/ntlm_sasl_client.php |
<?php /* * ntlm_sasl_client.php * * @(#) $Id: ntlm_sasl_client.php,v 1.3 2004/11/17 08:00:37 mlemos Exp $ * */ define("SASL_NTLM_STATE_START", 0); define("SASL_NTLM_STATE_IDENTIFY_DOMAIN", 1); define("SASL_NTLM_STATE_RESPOND_CHALLENGE", 2); define("SASL_NTLM_STATE_DONE", 3); define("SASL_FAIL", -1); define("SASL_CONTINUE", 1); class ntlm_sasl_client_class { public $credentials = array(); public $state = SASL_NTLM_STATE_START; public function initialize(&$client) { if (!function_exists($function = "mcrypt_encrypt") || !function_exists($function = "mhash") ) { $extensions = array( "mcrypt_encrypt" => "mcrypt", "mhash" => "mhash" ); $client->error = "the extension " . $extensions[$function] . " required by the NTLM SASL client class is not available in this PHP configuration"; return (0); } return (1); } public function ASCIIToUnicode($ascii) { for ($unicode = "", $a = 0; $a < strlen($ascii); $a++) { $unicode .= substr($ascii, $a, 1) . chr(0); } return ($unicode); } public function typeMsg1($domain, $workstation) { $domain_length = strlen($domain); $workstation_length = strlen($workstation); $workstation_offset = 32; $domain_offset = $workstation_offset + $workstation_length; return ( "NTLMSSP\0" . "\x01\x00\x00\x00" . "\x07\x32\x00\x00" . pack("v", $domain_length) . pack("v", $domain_length) . pack("V", $domain_offset) . pack("v", $workstation_length) . pack("v", $workstation_length) . pack("V", $workstation_offset) . $workstation . $domain ); } public function NTLMResponse($challenge, $password) { $unicode = $this->ASCIIToUnicode($password); $md4 = mhash(MHASH_MD4, $unicode); $padded = $md4 . str_repeat(chr(0), 21 - strlen($md4)); $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_DES, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); for ($response = "", $third = 0; $third < 21; $third += 7) { for ($packed = "", $p = $third; $p < $third + 7; $p++) { $packed .= str_pad(decbin(ord(substr($padded, $p, 1))), 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } for ($key = "", $p = 0; $p < strlen($packed); $p += 7) { $s = substr($packed, $p, 7); $b = $s . ((substr_count($s, "1") % 2) ? "0" : "1"); $key .= chr(bindec($b)); } $ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $challenge, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); $response .= $ciphertext; } return $response; } public function typeMsg3($ntlm_response, $user, $domain, $workstation) { $domain_unicode = $this->ASCIIToUnicode($domain); $domain_length = strlen($domain_unicode); $domain_offset = 64; $user_unicode = $this->ASCIIToUnicode($user); $user_length = strlen($user_unicode); $user_offset = $domain_offset + $domain_length; $workstation_unicode = $this->ASCIIToUnicode($workstation); $workstation_length = strlen($workstation_unicode); $workstation_offset = $user_offset + $user_length; $lm = ""; $lm_length = strlen($lm); $lm_offset = $workstation_offset + $workstation_length; $ntlm = $ntlm_response; $ntlm_length = strlen($ntlm); $ntlm_offset = $lm_offset + $lm_length; $session = ""; $session_length = strlen($session); $session_offset = $ntlm_offset + $ntlm_length; return ( "NTLMSSP\0" . "\x03\x00\x00\x00" . pack("v", $lm_length) . pack("v", $lm_length) . pack("V", $lm_offset) . pack("v", $ntlm_length) . pack("v", $ntlm_length) . pack("V", $ntlm_offset) . pack("v", $domain_length) . pack("v", $domain_length) . pack("V", $domain_offset) . pack("v", $user_length) . pack("v", $user_length) . pack("V", $user_offset) . pack("v", $workstation_length) . pack("v", $workstation_length) . pack("V", $workstation_offset) . pack("v", $session_length) . pack("v", $session_length) . pack("V", $session_offset) . "\x01\x02\x00\x00" . $domain_unicode . $user_unicode . $workstation_unicode . $lm . $ntlm ); } public function start(&$client, &$message, &$interactions) { if ($this->state != SASL_NTLM_STATE_START) { $client->error = "NTLM authentication state is not at the start"; return (SASL_FAIL); } $this->credentials = array( "user" => "", "password" => "", "realm" => "", "workstation" => "" ); $defaults = array(); $status = $client->GetCredentials($this->credentials, $defaults, $interactions); if ($status == SASL_CONTINUE) { $this->state = SASL_NTLM_STATE_IDENTIFY_DOMAIN; } unset($message); return ($status); } public function step(&$client, $response, &$message, &$interactions) { switch ($this->state) { case SASL_NTLM_STATE_IDENTIFY_DOMAIN: $message = $this->TypeMsg1($this->credentials["realm"], $this->credentials["workstation"]); $this->state = SASL_NTLM_STATE_RESPOND_CHALLENGE; break; case SASL_NTLM_STATE_RESPOND_CHALLENGE: $ntlm_response = $this->NTLMResponse(substr($response, 24, 8), $this->credentials["password"]); $message = $this->TypeMsg3( $ntlm_response, $this->credentials["user"], $this->credentials["realm"], $this->credentials["workstation"] ); $this->state = SASL_NTLM_STATE_DONE; break; case SASL_NTLM_STATE_DONE: $client->error = "NTLM authentication was finished without success"; return (SASL_FAIL); default: $client->error = "invalid NTLM authentication step state"; return (SASL_FAIL); } return (SASL_CONTINUE); } }