Mini Shell
Mini Shell
* @package Joomla.Platform
* @subpackage Form
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
* Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
* Display a JSON loaded window with a repeatable set of sub fields
* @since 3.2
* @deprecated 4.0 Use JFormFieldSubform
class JFormFieldRepeatable extends JFormField
* The form field type.
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $type = 'Repeatable';
* Method to get the field input markup.
* @return string The field input markup.
* @since 3.2
protected function getInput()
JLog::add('JFormFieldRepeatable is deprecated. Use JFormFieldSubform instead.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');
// Initialize variables.
$subForm = new JForm($this->name, array('control' => 'jform'));
$xml = $this->element->children()->asXml();
// Needed for repeating modals in gmaps
// @TODO: what and where???
$subForm->repeatCounter = (int) @$this->form->repeatCounter;
$children = $this->element->children();
// If a maximum value isn't set then we'll make the maximum amount of cells a large number
$maximum = $this->element['maximum'] ? (int) $this->element['maximum'] : '999';
// Build a Table
$head_row_str = array();
$body_row_str = array();
foreach ($subForm->getFieldset() as $field)
// Reset name to simple
$field->name = (string) $field->element['name'];
// Build heading
$head_row_str[] = '<th>' . strip_tags($field->getLabel($field->name));
$head_row_str[] = '<br /><small style="font-weight:normal">' . JText::_($field->description) . '</small>';
$head_row_str[] = '</th>';
// Build body
$body_row_str[] = '<td>' . $field->getInput() . '</td>';
// Append buttons
$head_row_str[] = '<th><div class="btn-group"><a href="#" class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="icon-plus"></span> </a></div></th>';
$body_row_str[] = '<td><div class="btn-group">';
$body_row_str[] = '<a class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="icon-plus"></span> </a>';
$body_row_str[] = '<a class="remove btn button btn-danger"><span class="icon-minus"></span> </a>';
$body_row_str[] = '</div></td>';
// Put all table parts together
$table = '<table id="' . $this->id . '_table" class="adminlist ' . $this->element['class'] . ' table table-striped">'
. '<thead><tr>' . implode("\n", $head_row_str) . '</tr></thead>'
. '<tbody><tr>' . implode("\n", $body_row_str) . '</tr></tbody>'
. '</table>';
// And finaly build a main container
$str = array();
$str[] = '<div id="' . $this->id . '_container">';
// Add the table to modal
$str[] = '<div id="' . $this->id . '_modal" class="modal hide">';
$str[] = $table;
$str[] = '<div class="modal-footer">';
$str[] = '<button class="close-modal btn button btn-link">' . JText::_('JCANCEL') . '</button>';
$str[] = '<button class="save-modal-data btn button btn-primary">' . JText::_('JAPPLY') . '</button>';
$str[] = '</div>';
// Close modal container
$str[] = '</div>';
// Close main container
$str[] = '</div>';
// Button for display the modal window
$select = (string) $this->element['select'] ? JText::_((string) $this->element['select']) : JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT');
$icon = $this->element['icon'] ? '<span class="icon-' . $this->element['icon'] . '"></span> ' : '';
$str[] = '<button class="open-modal btn" id="' . $this->id . '_button" >' . $icon . $select . '</button>';
if (is_array($this->value))
$this->value = array_shift($this->value);
// Script params
$data = array();
$data[] = 'data-container="#' . $this->id . '_container"';
$data[] = 'data-modal-element="#' . $this->id . '_modal"';
$data[] = 'data-repeatable-element="table tbody tr"';
$data[] = 'data-bt-add="a.add"';
$data[] = 'data-bt-remove="a.remove"';
$data[] = 'data-bt-modal-open="#' . $this->id . '_button"';
$data[] = 'data-bt-modal-close="button.close-modal"';
$data[] = 'data-bt-modal-save-data="button.save-modal-data"';
$data[] = 'data-maximum="' . $maximum . '"';
$data[] = 'data-input="#' . $this->id . '"';
// Hidden input, where the main value is
$value = htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $value
. '" class="form-field-repeatable" ' . implode(' ', $data) . ' />';
// Add scripts
JHtml::_('script', 'system/repeatable.js', true, true);
return implode("\n", $str);
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0