Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/administrator/components/com_jmap/framework/pinger/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/administrator/components/com_jmap/framework/pinger/xmlrpc.php |
<?php // namespace administrator\components\com_jmap\framework\pinger; /** * @package JMAP::FRAMEWORK::components::com_jmap * @subpackage framework * @subpackage pinger * @author Joomla! Extensions Store * @copyright (C) 2015 - Joomla! Extensions Store * @license GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); $GLOBALS['xmlrpcI4']='i4'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']='int'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean']='boolean'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDouble']='double'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']='string'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime']='dateTime.iso8601'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBase_64']='base' . '64'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray']='array'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']='struct'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcValue']='undefined'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes']=array( $GLOBALS['xmlrpcI4'] => 1, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt'] => 1, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean'] => 1, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString'] => 1, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDouble'] => 1, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime'] => 1, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBase_64'] => 1, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray'] => 2, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct'] => 3 ); $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_valid_parents'] = array( 'VALUE' => array('MEMBER', 'DATA', 'PARAM', 'FAULT'), 'BOOLEAN' => array('VALUE'), 'I4' => array('VALUE'), 'INT' => array('VALUE'), 'STRING' => array('VALUE'), 'DOUBLE' => array('VALUE'), 'DATETIME.ISO8601' => array('VALUE'), 'BASE' . '64' => array('VALUE'), 'MEMBER' => array('STRUCT'), 'NAME' => array('MEMBER'), 'DATA' => array('ARRAY'), 'ARRAY' => array('VALUE'), 'STRUCT' => array('VALUE'), 'PARAM' => array('PARAMS'), 'METHODNAME' => array('METHODCALL'), 'PARAMS' => array('METHODCALL', 'METHODRESPONSE'), 'FAULT' => array('METHODRESPONSE'), 'NIL' => array('VALUE') // only used when extension activated ); $GLOBALS['xmlrpcNull']='null'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes']['null']=1; $GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']=array(); $GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']['in'] = array(); $GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']['out'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) { $GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']['in'][] = chr($i); $GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']['out'][] = '&#'.$i.';'; } for ($i = 160; $i < 256; $i++) { $GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']['in'][] = chr($i); $GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']['out'][] = '&#'.$i.';'; } $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr'] = array( 'unknown_method'=>1, 'invalid_return'=>2, 'incorrect_params'=>3, 'introspect_unknown'=>4, 'http_error'=>5, 'no_data'=>6, 'no_ssl'=>7, 'curl_fail'=>8, 'invalid_request'=>15, 'no_curl'=>16, 'server_error'=>17, 'multicall_error'=>18, 'multicall_notstruct'=>9, 'multicall_nomethod'=>10, 'multicall_notstring'=>11, 'multicall_recursion'=>12, 'multicall_noparams'=>13, 'multicall_notarray'=>14, 'cannot_decompress'=>103, 'decompress_fail'=>104, 'dechunk_fail'=>105, 'server_cannot_decompress'=>106, 'server_decompress_fail'=>107 ); $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr'] = array( 'unknown_method'=>'Unknown method', 'invalid_return'=>'Invalid return payload: enable debugging to examine incoming payload', 'incorrect_params'=>'Incorrect parameters passed to method', 'introspect_unknown'=>"Can't introspect: method unknown", 'http_error'=>"Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server.", 'no_data'=>'No data received from server.', 'no_ssl'=>'No SSL support compiled in.', 'curl_fail'=>'CURL error', 'invalid_request'=>'Invalid request payload', 'no_curl'=>'No CURL support compiled in.', 'server_error'=>'Internal server error', 'multicall_error'=>'Received from server invalid multicall response', 'multicall_notstruct'=>'system.multicall expected struct', 'multicall_nomethod'=>'missing methodName', 'multicall_notstring'=>'methodName is not a string', 'multicall_recursion'=>'recursive system.multicall forbidden', 'multicall_noparams'=>'missing params', 'multicall_notarray'=>'params is not an array', 'cannot_decompress'=>'Received from server compressed HTTP and cannot decompress', 'decompress_fail'=>'Received from server invalid compressed HTTP', 'dechunk_fail'=>'Received from server invalid chunked HTTP', 'server_cannot_decompress'=>'Received from client compressed HTTP request and cannot decompress', 'server_decompress_fail'=>'Received from client invalid compressed HTTP request' ); $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_defencoding']='UTF-8'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding']='ISO-8859-1'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcName']='XML-RPC for PHP'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcVersion']='2.2.2'; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerruser']=800; $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerrxml']=100; $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_backslash']=chr(92).chr(92); $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_null_extension']=false; $GLOBALS['_xh']=null; class jmap_xmlrpc_client { var $path; var $server; var $port=0; var $method='http'; var $errno; var $errstr; var $username=''; var $password=''; var $authtype=1; var $cert=''; var $certpass=''; var $cacert=''; var $cacertdir=''; var $key=''; var $keypass=''; var $verifypeer=true; var $verifyhost=1; var $no_multicall=false; var $proxy=''; var $proxyport=0; var $proxy_user=''; var $proxy_pass=''; var $proxy_authtype=1; var $cookies=array(); var $accepted_compression = array(); var $request_compression = ''; var $xmlrpc_curl_handle = null; /// Wheter to use persistent connections for http 1.1 and https var $keepalive = false; /// Charset encodings that can be decoded without problems by the client var $accepted_charset_encodings = array(); /// Charset encoding to be used in serializing request. NULL = use ASCII var $request_charset_encoding = ''; var $return_type = 'xmlrpcvals'; function __construct($path, $server='', $port='', $method='') { // allow user to specify all params in $path if($server == '' and $port == '' and $method == '') { $parts = parse_url($path); $server = $parts['host']; $path = isset($parts['path']) ? $parts['path'] : ''; if(isset($parts['query'])) { $path .= '?'.$parts['query']; } if(isset($parts['fragment'])) { $path .= '#'.$parts['fragment']; } if(isset($parts['port'])) { $port = $parts['port']; } if(isset($parts['scheme'])) { $method = $parts['scheme']; } if(isset($parts['user'])) { $this->username = $parts['user']; } if(isset($parts['pass'])) { $this->password = $parts['pass']; } } if($path == '' || $path[0] != '/') { $this->path='/'.$path; } else { $this->path=$path; } $this->server=$server; if($port != '') { $this->port=$port; } if($method != '') { $this->method=$method; } if(function_exists('gzinflate') || ( function_exists('curl_init') && (($info = curl_version()) && ((is_string($info) && strpos($info, 'zlib') !== null) || isset($info['libz_version']))) )) { $this->accepted_compression = array('gzip', 'deflate'); } if(version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.8') >= 0) { $this->keepalive = true; } $this->accepted_charset_encodings = array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII'); } function setCredentials($u, $p, $t=1) { $this->username=$u; $this->password=$p; $this->authtype=$t; } function setCertificate($cert, $certpass) { $this->cert = $cert; $this->certpass = $certpass; } function setCaCertificate($cacert, $is_dir=false) { if ($is_dir) { $this->cacertdir = $cacert; } else { $this->cacert = $cacert; } } function setKey($key, $keypass) { $this->key = $key; $this->keypass = $keypass; } function setSSLVerifyPeer($i) { $this->verifypeer = $i; } function setSSLVerifyHost($i) { $this->verifyhost = $i; } function setProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername = '', $proxypassword = '', $proxyauthtype = 1) { $this->proxy = $proxyhost; $this->proxyport = $proxyport; $this->proxy_user = $proxyusername; $this->proxy_pass = $proxypassword; $this->proxy_authtype = $proxyauthtype; } function setAcceptedCompression($compmethod) { if ($compmethod == 'any') $this->accepted_compression = array('gzip', 'deflate'); else $this->accepted_compression = array($compmethod); } function setRequestCompression($compmethod) { $this->request_compression = $compmethod; } function setCookie($name, $value='', $path='', $domain='', $port=null) { $this->cookies[$name]['value'] = urlencode($value); if ($path || $domain || $port) { $this->cookies[$name]['path'] = $path; $this->cookies[$name]['domain'] = $domain; $this->cookies[$name]['port'] = $port; $this->cookies[$name]['version'] = 1; } else { $this->cookies[$name]['version'] = 0; } } function& send($msg, $timeout=10, $method='') { // if user deos not specify http protocol, use native method of this client // (i.e. method set during call to constructor) if($method == '') { $method = $this->method; } if(is_array($msg)) { // $msg is an array of jmap_xmlrpcmsg's $r = $this->multicall($msg, $timeout, $method); return $r; } elseif(is_string($msg)) { $n = new jmap_xmlrpcmsg(''); $n->payload = $msg; $msg = $n; } if($method == 'https') { $r = $this->sendPayloadHTTPS( $msg, $this->server, $this->port, $timeout, $this->username, $this->password, $this->authtype, $this->cert, $this->certpass, $this->cacert, $this->cacertdir, $this->proxy, $this->proxyport, $this->proxy_user, $this->proxy_pass, $this->proxy_authtype, $this->keepalive, $this->key, $this->keypass ); } elseif($method == 'http11') { $r = $this->sendPayloadCURL( $msg, $this->server, $this->port, $timeout, $this->username, $this->password, $this->authtype, null, null, null, null, $this->proxy, $this->proxyport, $this->proxy_user, $this->proxy_pass, $this->proxy_authtype, 'http', $this->keepalive ); } else { $r = $this->sendPayloadHTTP10( $msg, $this->server, $this->port, $timeout, $this->username, $this->password, $this->authtype, $this->proxy, $this->proxyport, $this->proxy_user, $this->proxy_pass, $this->proxy_authtype ); } return $r; } /** * @access private */ function &sendPayloadHTTP10($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=10, $username='', $password='', $authtype=1, $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1) { if($port==0) { $port=80; } // Only create the payload if it was not created previously if(empty($msg->payload)) { $msg->createPayload($this->request_charset_encoding); } $payload = $msg->payload; // Deflate request body and set appropriate request headers if(function_exists('gzdeflate') && ($this->request_compression == 'gzip' || $this->request_compression == 'deflate')) { if($this->request_compression == 'gzip') { $a = @gzencode($payload); if($a) { $payload = $a; $encoding_hdr = "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n"; } } else { $a = @gzcompress($payload); if($a) { $payload = $a; $encoding_hdr = "Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n"; } } } else { $encoding_hdr = ''; } // thanks to Grant Rauscher <grant7@firstworld.net> for this $credentials=''; if($username!='') { $bas64FunctionNameEncode = 'base'. 64 . '_encode'; $credentials='Authorization: Basic ' . $bas64FunctionNameEncode($username . ':' . $password) . "\r\n"; } $accepted_encoding = ''; if(is_array($this->accepted_compression) && count($this->accepted_compression)) { $accepted_encoding = 'Accept-Encoding: ' . implode(', ', $this->accepted_compression) . "\r\n"; } $proxy_credentials = ''; if($proxyhost) { if($proxyport == 0) { $proxyport = 8080; } $connectserver = $proxyhost; $connectport = $proxyport; $uri = 'http://'.$server.':'.$port.$this->path; if($proxyusername != '') { $bas64FunctionNameEncode = 'base'. 64 . '_encode'; $proxy_credentials = 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . $bas64FunctionNameEncode($proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword) . "\r\n"; } } else { $connectserver = $server; $connectport = $port; $uri = $this->path; } // Cookie generation, as per rfc2965 (version 1 cookies) or // netscape's rules (version 0 cookies) $cookieheader=''; if (count($this->cookies)) { $version = ''; foreach ($this->cookies as $name => $cookie) { if ($cookie['version']) { $version = ' $Version="' . $cookie['version'] . '";'; $cookieheader .= ' ' . $name . '="' . $cookie['value'] . '";'; if ($cookie['path']) $cookieheader .= ' $Path="' . $cookie['path'] . '";'; if ($cookie['domain']) $cookieheader .= ' $Domain="' . $cookie['domain'] . '";'; if ($cookie['port']) $cookieheader .= ' $Port="' . $cookie['port'] . '";'; } else { $cookieheader .= ' ' . $name . '=' . $cookie['value'] . ";"; } } $cookieheader = 'Cookie:' . $version . substr($cookieheader, 0, -1) . "\r\n"; } $op= 'POST ' . $uri. " HTTP/1.0\r\n" . 'User-Agent: ' . $GLOBALS['xmlrpcName'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['xmlrpcVersion'] . "\r\n" . 'Host: '. $server . ':' . $port . "\r\n" . $credentials . $proxy_credentials . $accepted_encoding . $encoding_hdr . 'Accept-Charset: ' . implode(',', $this->accepted_charset_encodings) . "\r\n" . $cookieheader . 'Content-Type: ' . $msg->content_type . "\r\nContent-Length: " . strlen($payload) . "\r\n\r\n" . $payload; if($timeout>0) { $fp=@fsockopen($connectserver, $connectport, $this->errno, $this->errstr, $timeout); } else { $fp=@fsockopen($connectserver, $connectport, $this->errno, $this->errstr); } if($fp) { if($timeout>0 && function_exists('stream_set_timeout')) { stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout); } } else { $this->errstr='Connect error: '.$this->errstr; $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['http_error'], $this->errstr . ' (' . $this->errno . ')'); return $r; } if(!fputs($fp, $op, strlen($op))) { fclose($fp); $this->errstr='Write error'; $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['http_error'], $this->errstr); return $r; } else { // reset errno and errstr on succesful socket connection $this->errstr = ''; } $ipd=''; do { // shall we check for $data === FALSE? // as per the manual, it signals an error $ipd.=fread($fp, 32768); } while(!feof($fp)); fclose($fp); $r = $msg->parseResponse($ipd, false, $this->return_type); return $r; } /** * @access private */ function &sendPayloadHTTPS($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=10, $username='', $password='', $authtype=1, $cert='',$certpass='', $cacert='', $cacertdir='', $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1, $keepalive=false, $key='', $keypass='') { $r = $this->sendPayloadCURL($msg, $server, $port, $timeout, $username, $password, $authtype, $cert, $certpass, $cacert, $cacertdir, $proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername, $proxypassword, $proxyauthtype, 'https', $keepalive, $key, $keypass); return $r; } function &sendPayloadCURL($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=10, $username='', $password='', $authtype=1, $cert='', $certpass='', $cacert='', $cacertdir='', $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1, $method='https', $keepalive=false, $key='', $keypass='') { if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->errstr='CURL unavailable on this install'; $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['no_curl'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['no_curl']); return $r; } if($method == 'https') { if(($info = curl_version()) && ((is_string($info) && strpos($info, 'OpenSSL') === null) || (is_array($info) && !isset($info['ssl_version'])))) { $this->errstr='SSL unavailable on this install'; $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['no_ssl'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['no_ssl']); return $r; } } if($port == 0) { if($method == 'http') { $port = 80; } else { $port = 443; } } // Only create the payload if it was not created previously if(empty($msg->payload)) { $msg->createPayload($this->request_charset_encoding); } // Deflate request body and set appropriate request headers $payload = $msg->payload; if(function_exists('gzdeflate') && ($this->request_compression == 'gzip' || $this->request_compression == 'deflate')) { if($this->request_compression == 'gzip') { $a = @gzencode($payload); if($a) { $payload = $a; $encoding_hdr = 'Content-Encoding: gzip'; } } else { $a = @gzcompress($payload); if($a) { $payload = $a; $encoding_hdr = 'Content-Encoding: deflate'; } } } else { $encoding_hdr = ''; } if(!$keepalive || !$this->xmlrpc_curl_handle) { $curl = curl_init($method . '://' . $server . ':' . $port . $this->path); if($keepalive) { $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = $curl; } } else { $curl = $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle; } // results into variable curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcName'].' '.$GLOBALS['xmlrpcVersion']); // required for XMLRPC: post the data curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // the data curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); // return the header too curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); if(is_array($this->accepted_compression) && count($this->accepted_compression)) { //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, implode(',', $this->accepted_compression)); // empty string means 'any supported by CURL' (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?) if (count($this->accepted_compression) == 1) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->accepted_compression[0]); } else curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ''); } // extra headers $headers = array('Content-Type: ' . $msg->content_type , 'Accept-Charset: ' . implode(',', $this->accepted_charset_encodings)); // if no keepalive is wanted, let the server know it in advance if(!$keepalive) { $headers[] = 'Connection: close'; } // request compression header if($encoding_hdr) { $headers[] = $encoding_hdr; } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); // timeout is borked if($timeout) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout == 1 ? 1 : $timeout - 1); } if($username && $password) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.':'.$password); if (defined('CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH')) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, $authtype); } } if($method == 'https') { // set cert file if($cert) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $cert); } // set cert password if($certpass) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, $certpass); } // whether to verify remote host's cert curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->verifypeer); // set ca certificates file/dir if($cacert) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $cacert); } if($cacertdir) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, $cacertdir); } // set key file (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?) if($key) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $key); } // set key password (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?) if($keypass) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, $keypass); } // whether to verify cert's common name (CN); 0 for no, 1 to verify that it exists, and 2 to verify that it matches the hostname used curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $this->verifyhost); } // proxy info if($proxyhost) { if($proxyport == 0) { $proxyport = 8080; // NB: even for HTTPS, local connection is on port 8080 } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxyhost.':'.$proxyport); //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT,$proxyport); if($proxyusername) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword); if (defined('CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH')) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, $proxyauthtype); } } } if (count($this->cookies)) { $cookieheader = ''; foreach ($this->cookies as $name => $cookie) { $cookieheader .= $name . '=' . $cookie['value'] . '; '; } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, substr($cookieheader, 0, -2)); } $result = curl_exec($curl); if(!$result) { $this->errstr='no response'; $resp=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['curl_fail'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['curl_fail']. ': '. curl_error($curl)); curl_close($curl); if($keepalive) { $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = null; } } else { if(!$keepalive) { curl_close($curl); } $resp = $msg->parseResponse($result, true, $this->return_type); } return $resp; } function multicall($msgs, $timeout=10, $method='', $fallback=true) { if ($method == '') { $method = $this->method; } if(!$this->no_multicall) { $results = $this->_try_multicall($msgs, $timeout, $method); if(is_array($results)) { // System.multicall succeeded return $results; } else { if ($fallback) { // Don't try it next time... $this->no_multicall = true; } else { if (is_a($results, 'jmap_xmlrpcresp')) { $result = $results; } else { $result = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['multicall_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['multicall_error']); } } } } else { $fallback = true; } $results = array(); if ($fallback) { foreach($msgs as $msg) { $results[] = $this->send($msg, $timeout, $method); } } else { foreach($msgs as $msg) { $results[] = $result; } } return $results; } function _try_multicall($msgs, $timeout, $method) { // Construct multicall message $calls = array(); foreach($msgs as $msg) { $call['methodName'] = new jmap_xmlrpcval($msg->method(),'string'); $numParams = $msg->getNumParams(); $params = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $numParams; $i++) { $params[$i] = $msg->getParam($i); } $call['params'] = new jmap_xmlrpcval($params, 'array'); $calls[] = new jmap_xmlrpcval($call, 'struct'); } $multicall = new jmap_xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall'); $multicall->addParam(new jmap_xmlrpcval($calls, 'array')); // Attempt RPC call $result = $this->send($multicall, $timeout, $method); if($result->faultCode() != 0) { // call to system.multicall failed return $result; } // Unpack responses. $rets = $result->value(); if ($this->return_type == 'xml') { return $rets; } else if ($this->return_type == 'phpvals') { $rets = $result->value(); if(!is_array($rets)) { return false; // bad return type from system.multicall } $numRets = count($rets); if($numRets != count($msgs)) { return false; // wrong number of return values. } $response = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $numRets; $i++) { $val = $rets[$i]; if (!is_array($val)) { return false; } switch(count($val)) { case 1: if(!isset($val[0])) { return false; // Bad value } $response[$i] = new jmap_xmlrpcresp($val[0], 0, '', 'phpvals'); break; case 2: $code = @$val['faultCode']; if(!is_int($code)) { return false; } $str = @$val['faultString']; if(!is_string($str)) { return false; } $response[$i] = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $code, $str); break; default: return false; } } return $response; } else // return type == 'xmlrpcvals' { $rets = $result->value(); if($rets->kindOf() != 'array') { return false; // bad return type from system.multicall } $numRets = $rets->arraysize(); if($numRets != count($msgs)) { return false; // wrong number of return values. } $response = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $numRets; $i++) { $val = $rets->arraymem($i); switch($val->kindOf()) { case 'array': if($val->arraysize() != 1) { return false; // Bad value } // Normal return value $response[$i] = new jmap_xmlrpcresp($val->arraymem(0)); break; case 'struct': $code = $val->structmem('faultCode'); if($code->kindOf() != 'scalar' || $code->scalartyp() != 'int') { return false; } $str = $val->structmem('faultString'); if($str->kindOf() != 'scalar' || $str->scalartyp() != 'string') { return false; } $response[$i] = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $code->scalarval(), $str->scalarval()); break; default: return false; } } return $response; } } } // end class jmap_xmlrpc_client class jmap_xmlrpcresp { var $val = 0; var $valtyp; var $errno = 0; var $errstr = ''; var $payload; var $hdrs = array(); var $_cooksarray = array(); var $content_type = 'text/xml'; var $raw_data = ''; function __construct($val, $fcode = 0, $fstr = '', $valtyp='') { if($fcode != 0) { // error response $this->errno = $fcode; $this->errstr = $fstr; //$this->errstr = htmlspecialchars($fstr); // XXX: encoding probably shouldn't be done here; fix later. } else { // successful response $this->val = $val; if ($valtyp == '') { // user did not declare type of response value: try to guess it if (is_object($this->val) && is_a($this->val, 'jmap_xmlrpcval')) { $this->valtyp = 'xmlrpcvals'; } else if (is_string($this->val)) { $this->valtyp = 'xml'; } else { $this->valtyp = 'phpvals'; } } else { // user declares type of resp value: believe him $this->valtyp = $valtyp; } } } function faultCode() { return $this->errno; } function faultString() { return $this->errstr; } function value() { return $this->val; } function cookies() { return $this->_cooksarray; } function serialize($charset_encoding='') { if ($charset_encoding != '') $this->content_type = 'text/xml; charset=' . $charset_encoding; else $this->content_type = 'text/xml'; $result = "<methodResponse>\n"; if($this->errno) { // G. Giunta 2005/2/13: let non-ASCII response messages be tolerated by clients // by xml-encoding non ascii chars $result .= "<fault>\n" . "<value>\n<struct><member><name>faultCode</name>\n<value><int>" . $this->errno . "</int></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>faultString</name>\n<value><string>" . jmap_xmlrpc_encode_entitites($this->errstr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'], $charset_encoding) . "</string></value>\n</member>\n" . "</struct>\n</value>\n</fault>"; } else { if(!is_object($this->val) || !is_a($this->val, 'jmap_xmlrpcval')) { if (is_string($this->val) && $this->valtyp == 'xml') { $result .= "<params>\n<param>\n" . $this->val . "</param>\n</params>"; } else { die('cannot serialize jmap_xmlrpcresp objects whose content is native php values'); } } else { $result .= "<params>\n<param>\n" . $this->val->serialize($charset_encoding) . "</param>\n</params>"; } } $result .= "\n</methodResponse>"; $this->payload = $result; return $result; } } class jmap_xmlrpcmsg { var $payload; var $methodname; var $params=array(); var $content_type = 'text/xml'; function __construct($meth, $pars=0) { $this->methodname=$meth; if(is_array($pars) && count($pars)>0) { for($i=0; $i<count($pars); $i++) { $this->addParam($pars[$i]); } } } function xml_header($charset_encoding='') { if ($charset_encoding != '') { return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset_encoding\" ?" . ">\n<methodCall>\n"; } else { return "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?" . ">\n<methodCall>\n"; } } function xml_footer() { return '</methodCall>'; } function kindOf() { return 'msg'; } function createPayload($charset_encoding='') { if ($charset_encoding != '') $this->content_type = 'text/xml; charset=' . $charset_encoding; else $this->content_type = 'text/xml'; $this->payload=$this->xml_header($charset_encoding); $this->payload.='<methodName>' . $this->methodname . "</methodName>\n"; $this->payload.="<params>\n"; for($i=0; $i<count($this->params); $i++) { $p=$this->params[$i]; $this->payload.="<param>\n" . $p->serialize($charset_encoding) . "</param>\n"; } $this->payload.="</params>\n"; $this->payload.=$this->xml_footer(); } function method($meth='') { if($meth!='') { $this->methodname=$meth; } return $this->methodname; } function serialize($charset_encoding='') { $this->createPayload($charset_encoding); return $this->payload; } function addParam($par) { // add check: do not add to self params which are not xmlrpcvals if(is_object($par) && is_a($par, 'jmap_xmlrpcval')) { $this->params[]=$par; return true; } else { return false; } } function getParam($i) { return $this->params[$i]; } function getNumParams() { return count($this->params); } function &parseResponseFile($fp) { $ipd=''; while($data=fread($fp, 32768)) { $ipd.=$data; } //fclose($fp); $r = $this->parseResponse($ipd); return $r; } function &parseResponseHeaders(&$data, $headers_processed=false) { // Support "web-proxy-tunelling" connections for https through proxies if(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.[0-1] 200 Connection established/', $data)) { $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n"); if($pos || is_int($pos)) { $bd = $pos+4; } else { $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n"); if($pos || is_int($pos)) { $bd = $pos+2; } else { $bd = 0; } } if ($bd) { $data = substr($data, $bd); } else { $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['http_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['http_error']. ' (HTTPS via proxy error, tunnel connection possibly failed)'); return $r; } } while(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.1 1[0-9]{2} /', $data)) { $pos = strpos($data, 'HTTP', 12); if(!$pos && !is_int($pos)) // works fine in php 3, 4 and 5 { break; } $data = substr($data, $pos); } if(!preg_match('/^HTTP\/[0-9.]+ 200 /', $data)) { $errstr= substr($data, 0, strpos($data, "\n")-1); $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['http_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['http_error']. ' (' . $errstr . ')'); return $r; } $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'] = array(); $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'] = array(); $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n"); if($pos || is_int($pos)) { $bd = $pos+4; } else { $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n"); if($pos || is_int($pos)) { $bd = $pos+2; } else { $bd = 0; } } $ar = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim(substr($data, 0, $pos))); while(list(,$line) = @each($ar)) { // take care of multi-line headers and cookies $arr = explode(':',$line,2); if(count($arr) > 1) { $header_name = strtolower(trim($arr[0])); if ($header_name == 'set-cookie' || $header_name == 'set-cookie2') { if ($header_name == 'set-cookie2') { $cookies = explode(',', $arr[1]); } else { $cookies = array($arr[1]); } foreach ($cookies as $cookie) { // glue together all received cookies, using a comma to separate them // (same as php does with getallheaders()) if (isset($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name])) $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name] .= ', ' . trim($cookie); else $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name] = trim($cookie); $cookie = explode(';', $cookie); foreach ($cookie as $pos => $val) { $val = explode('=', $val, 2); $tag = trim($val[0]); $val = trim(@$val[1]); if ($pos == 0) { $cookiename = $tag; $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'][$tag] = array(); $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'][$cookiename]['value'] = urldecode($val); } else { if ($tag != 'value') { $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'][$cookiename][$tag] = $val; } } } } } else { $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name] = trim($arr[1]); } } elseif(isset($header_name)) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name] .= ' ' . trim($line); } } $data = substr($data, $bd); if(!$headers_processed) { // Decode chunked encoding sent by http 1.1 servers if(isset($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['transfer-encoding']) && $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked') { if(!$data = jmap_decode_chunked($data)) { $r = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['dechunk_fail'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['dechunk_fail']); return $r; } } if(isset($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'])) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] = str_replace('x-', '', $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding']); if($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' || $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') { // if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded if(function_exists('gzinflate')) { if($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data)) { $data = $degzdata; } elseif($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip' && $degzdata = @gzinflate(substr($data, 10))) { $data = $degzdata; } else { $r = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['decompress_fail'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['decompress_fail']); return $r; } } else { $r = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['cannot_decompress'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['cannot_decompress']); return $r; } } } } // end of 'if needed, de-chunk, re-inflate response' $r = null; $r = $r; return $r; } function &parseResponse($data='', $headers_processed=false, $return_type='xmlrpcvals') { if($data == '') { $r = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['no_data'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['no_data']); return $r; } $GLOBALS['_xh']=array(); $raw_data = $data; if(substr($data, 0, 4) == 'HTTP') { $r = $this->parseResponseHeaders($data, $headers_processed); if ($r) { $r->raw_data = $data; return $r; } } else { $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'] = array(); $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'] = array(); } // be tolerant of extra whitespace in response body $data = trim($data); $bd = false; $pos = strpos($data, '</methodResponse>'); while($pos || is_int($pos)) { $bd = $pos+17; $pos = strpos($data, '</methodResponse>', $bd); } if($bd) { $data = substr($data, 0, $bd); } // if user wants back raw xml, give it to him if ($return_type == 'xml') { $r = new jmap_xmlrpcresp($data, 0, '', 'xml'); $r->hdrs = $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']; $r->_cooksarray = $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies']; $r->raw_data = $raw_data; return $r; } $resp_encoding = jmap_guess_encoding(@$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-type'], $data); $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']=''; //$GLOBALS['_xh']['qt']=''; //unused... $GLOBALS['_xh']['stack'] = array(); $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'] = array(); $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf']=0; // 0 = OK, 1 for xmlrpc fault responses, 2 = invalid xmlrpc $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason']=''; $GLOBALS['_xh']['rt']=''; // 'methodcall or 'methodresponse' if (!in_array($resp_encoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII'))) { $resp_encoding = $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_defencoding']; } $parser = xml_parser_create($resp_encoding); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true); if (!in_array($GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'], array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII'))) { xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8'); } else { xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding']); } if ($return_type == 'phpvals') { xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'jmap_xmlrpc_se', 'jmap_xmlrpc_ee_fast'); } else { xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'jmap_xmlrpc_se', 'jmap_xmlrpc_ee'); } xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'jmap_xmlrpc_cd'); xml_set_default_handler($parser, 'jmap_xmlrpc_dh'); // first error check: xml not well formed if(!xml_parse($parser, $data, count($data))) { // thanks to Peter Kocks <peter.kocks@baygate.com> if((xml_get_current_line_number($parser)) == 1) { $errstr = 'XML error at line 1, check URL'; } else { $errstr = sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d, column %d', xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($parser), xml_get_current_column_number($parser)); } $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['invalid_return'].' ('.$errstr.')'); xml_parser_free($parser); $r->hdrs = $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']; $r->_cooksarray = $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies']; $r->raw_data = $raw_data; return $r; } xml_parser_free($parser); // second error check: xml well formed but not xml-rpc compliant if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] > 1) { $r = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['invalid_return'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason']); } elseif ($return_type == 'xmlrpcvals' && !is_object($GLOBALS['_xh']['value'])) { $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['invalid_return']); } else { $v = $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']; if($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf']) { if ($return_type == 'xmlrpcvals') { $errno_v = $v->structmem('faultCode'); $errstr_v = $v->structmem('faultString'); $errno = $errno_v->scalarval(); $errstr = $errstr_v->scalarval(); } else { $errno = $v['faultCode']; $errstr = $v['faultString']; } if($errno == 0) { $errno = -1; } $r = new jmap_xmlrpcresp(0, $errno, $errstr); } else { $r=new jmap_xmlrpcresp($v, 0, '', $return_type); } } $r->hdrs = $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']; $r->_cooksarray = $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies']; $r->raw_data = $raw_data; return $r; } } class jmap_xmlrpcval { var $me=array(); var $mytype=0; var $_php_class=null; function __construct($val=-1, $type='') { if($val!==-1 || $type!='') { switch($type) { case '': $this->mytype=1; $this->me['string']=$val; break; case 'i4': case 'int': case 'double': case 'string': case 'boolean': case 'dateTime.iso8601': case 'base' . '64': case 'null': $this->mytype=1; $this->me[$type]=$val; break; case 'array': $this->mytype=2; $this->me['array']=$val; break; case 'struct': $this->mytype=3; $this->me['struct']=$val; break; } } } function addScalar($val, $type='string') { $typeof=@$GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes'][$type]; if($typeof!=1) { return 0; } if($type==$GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean']) { if(strcasecmp($val,'true')==0 || $val==1 || ($val==true && strcasecmp($val,'false'))) { $val=true; } else { $val=false; } } switch($this->mytype) { case 1: return 0; case 3: return 0; case 2: $this->me['array'][]=new jmap_xmlrpcval($val, $type); return 1; default: // a scalar, so set the value and remember we're scalar $this->me[$type]=$val; $this->mytype=$typeof; return 1; } } function addArray($vals) { if($this->mytype==0) { $this->mytype=$GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes']['array']; $this->me['array']=$vals; return 1; } elseif($this->mytype==2) { // we're adding to an array here $this->me['array'] = array_merge($this->me['array'], $vals); return 1; } else { return 0; } } function addStruct($vals) { if($this->mytype==0) { $this->mytype=$GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes']['struct']; $this->me['struct']=$vals; return 1; } elseif($this->mytype==3) { // we're adding to a struct here $this->me['struct'] = array_merge($this->me['struct'], $vals); return 1; } else { return 0; } } function kindOf() { switch($this->mytype) { case 3: return 'struct'; break; case 2: return 'array'; break; case 1: return 'scalar'; break; default: return 'undef'; } } function serializedata($typ, $val, $charset_encoding='') { $rs=''; switch(@$GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes'][$typ]) { case 1: switch($typ) { case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBase_64']: $bas64FunctionNameEncode = 'base'. 64 . '_encode'; $rs.="<${typ}>" . $bas64FunctionNameEncode($val) . "</${typ}>"; break; case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean']: $rs.="<${typ}>" . ($val ? '1' : '0') . "</${typ}>"; break; case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']: // G. Giunta 2005/2/13: do NOT use htmlentities, since // it will produce named html entities, which are invalid xml $rs.="<${typ}>" . jmap_xmlrpc_encode_entitites($val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'], $charset_encoding). "</${typ}>"; break; case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']: case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcI4']: $rs.="<${typ}>".(int)$val."</${typ}>"; break; case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDouble']: $rs.="<${typ}>".preg_replace('/\\.?0+$/','',number_format((double)$val, 128, '.', ''))."</${typ}>"; break; case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcNull']: $rs.="<nil/>"; break; default: $rs.="<${typ}>${val}</${typ}>"; } break; case 3: // struct if ($this->_php_class) { $rs.='<struct php_class="' . $this->_php_class . "\">\n"; } else { $rs.="<struct>\n"; } foreach($val as $key2 => $val2) { $rs.='<member><name>'.jmap_xmlrpc_encode_entitites($key2, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'], $charset_encoding)."</name>\n"; $rs.=$val2->serialize($charset_encoding); $rs.="</member>\n"; } $rs.='</struct>'; break; case 2: // array $rs.="<array>\n<data>\n"; for($i=0; $i<count($val); $i++) { $rs.=$val[$i]->serialize($charset_encoding); } $rs.="</data>\n</array>"; break; default: break; } return $rs; } function serialize($charset_encoding='') { reset($this->me); list($typ, $val) = each($this->me); return '<value>' . $this->serializedata($typ, $val, $charset_encoding) . "</value>\n"; } function structmemexists($m) { return array_key_exists($m, $this->me['struct']); } function structmem($m) { return @$this->me['struct'][$m]; } function structreset() { reset($this->me['struct']); } function structeach() { return each($this->me['struct']); } function getval() { reset($this->me); list($a,$b)=each($this->me); if(is_array($b)) { @reset($b); while(list($id,$cont) = @each($b)) { $b[$id] = $cont->scalarval(); } } // add support for structures directly encoding php objects if(is_object($b)) { $t = get_object_vars($b); @reset($t); while(list($id,$cont) = @each($t)) { $t[$id] = $cont->scalarval(); } @reset($t); while(list($id,$cont) = @each($t)) { @$b->$id = $cont; } } // end contrib return $b; } function scalarval() { reset($this->me); list(,$b)=each($this->me); return $b; } function scalartyp() { reset($this->me); list($a,)=each($this->me); if($a==$GLOBALS['xmlrpcI4']) { $a=$GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']; } return $a; } function arraymem($m) { return $this->me['array'][$m]; } function arraysize() { return count($this->me['array']); } function structsize() { return count($this->me['struct']); } } function jmap_iso8601_decode($idate, $utc=0) { $t=0; if(preg_match('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/', $idate, $regs)) { if($utc) { $t=gmmktime($regs[4], $regs[5], $regs[6], $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]); } else { $t=mktime($regs[4], $regs[5], $regs[6], $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]); } } return $t; } function jmap_php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_val, $options=array()) { switch($xmlrpc_val->kindOf()) { case 'scalar': if (in_array('extension_api', $options)) { reset($xmlrpc_val->me); list($typ,$val) = each($xmlrpc_val->me); switch ($typ) { case 'dateTime.iso8601': $xmlrpc_val->scalar = $val; $xmlrpc_val->xmlrpc_type = 'datetime'; $xmlrpc_val->timestamp = jmap_iso8601_decode($val); return $xmlrpc_val; case 'base' . '64': $xmlrpc_val->scalar = $val; $xmlrpc_val->type = $typ; return $xmlrpc_val; default: return $xmlrpc_val->scalarval(); } } return $xmlrpc_val->scalarval(); case 'array': $size = $xmlrpc_val->arraysize(); $arr = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $arr[] = jmap_php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_val->arraymem($i), $options); } return $arr; case 'struct': $xmlrpc_val->structreset(); if (in_array('decode_php_objs', $options) && $xmlrpc_val->_php_class != '' && class_exists($xmlrpc_val->_php_class)) { $obj = @new $xmlrpc_val->_php_class; while(list($key,$value)=$xmlrpc_val->structeach()) { $obj->$key = jmap_php_xmlrpc_decode($value, $options); } return $obj; } else { $arr = array(); while(list($key,$value)=$xmlrpc_val->structeach()) { $arr[$key] = jmap_php_xmlrpc_decode($value, $options); } return $arr; } case 'msg': $paramcount = $xmlrpc_val->getNumParams(); $arr = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $paramcount; $i++) { $arr[] = jmap_php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_val->getParam($i)); } return $arr; } } function jmap_php_xmlrpc_encode($php_val, $options=array()) { $type = gettype($php_val); switch($type) { case 'string': if (in_array('auto_dates', $options) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/', $php_val)) $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime']); else $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']); break; case 'integer': $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']); break; case 'double': $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDouble']); break; // Add support for encoding/decoding of booleans, since they are supported in PHP case 'boolean': $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean']); break; case 'array': $j = 0; $arr = array(); $ko = false; foreach($php_val as $key => $val) { $arr[$key] = jmap_php_xmlrpc_encode($val, $options); if(!$ko && $key !== $j) { $ko = true; } $j++; } if($ko) { $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']); } else { $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray']); } break; case 'object': if(is_a($php_val, 'jmap_xmlrpcval')) { $xmlrpc_val = $php_val; } else { $arr = array(); while(list($k,$v) = each($php_val)) { $arr[$k] = jmap_php_xmlrpc_encode($v, $options); } $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']); if (in_array('encode_php_objs', $options)) { // let's save original class name into jmap_xmlrpcval: // might be useful later on... $xmlrpc_val->_php_class = get_class($php_val); } } break; case 'NULL': if (in_array('extension_api', $options)) { $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval('', $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']); } if (in_array('null_extension', $options)) { $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval('', $GLOBALS['xmlrpcNull']); } else { $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval(); } break; case 'resource': if (in_array('extension_api', $options)) { $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval((int)$php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']); } else { $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval(); } // catch "user function", "unknown type" default: // giancarlo pinerolo <ping@alt.it> // it has to return // an empty object in case, not a boolean. $xmlrpc_val = new jmap_xmlrpcval(); break; } return $xmlrpc_val; } function jmap_decode_chunked($buffer) { // length := 0 $length = 0; $new = ''; $chunkend = strpos($buffer,"\r\n") + 2; $temp = substr($buffer,0,$chunkend); $chunk_size = hexdec( trim($temp) ); $chunkstart = $chunkend; while($chunk_size > 0) { $chunkend = strpos($buffer, "\r\n", $chunkstart + $chunk_size); // just in case we got a broken connection if($chunkend == false) { $chunk = substr($buffer,$chunkstart); // append chunk-data to entity-body $new .= $chunk; $length += strlen($chunk); break; } // read chunk-data and crlf $chunk = substr($buffer,$chunkstart,$chunkend-$chunkstart); // append chunk-data to entity-body $new .= $chunk; // length := length + chunk-size $length += strlen($chunk); // read chunk-size and crlf $chunkstart = $chunkend + 2; $chunkend = strpos($buffer,"\r\n",$chunkstart)+2; if($chunkend == false) { break; //just in case we got a broken connection } $temp = substr($buffer,$chunkstart,$chunkend-$chunkstart); $chunk_size = hexdec( trim($temp) ); $chunkstart = $chunkend; } return $new; } function jmap_guess_encoding($httpheader='', $xmlchunk='', $encoding_prefs=null) { $matches = array(); if(preg_match('/;\s*charset\s*=([^;]+)/i', $httpheader, $matches)) { return strtoupper(trim($matches[1], " \t\"")); } if(preg_match('/^(\x00\x00\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE\x00\x00|\x00\x00\xFF\xFE|\xFE\xFF\x00\x00)/', $xmlchunk)) { return 'UCS-4'; } elseif(preg_match('/^(\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE)/', $xmlchunk)) { return 'UTF-16'; } elseif(preg_match('/^(\xEF\xBB\xBF)/', $xmlchunk)) { return 'UTF-8'; } if (preg_match('/^<\?xml\s+version\s*=\s*'. "((?:\"[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+\")|(?:'[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+'))". '\s+encoding\s*=\s*' . "((?:\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*\")|(?:'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*'))/", $xmlchunk, $matches)) { return strtoupper(substr($matches[2], 1, -1)); } if(extension_loaded('mbstring')) { if($encoding_prefs) { $enc = mb_detect_encoding($xmlchunk, $encoding_prefs); } else { $enc = mb_detect_encoding($xmlchunk); } if($enc == 'ASCII') { $enc = 'US-'.$enc; } return $enc; } else { return $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_defencoding']; } } function jmap_xmlrpc_encode_entitites($data, $src_encoding='', $dest_encoding='') { if ($src_encoding == '') { $src_encoding = $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding']; } switch(strtoupper($src_encoding.'_'.$dest_encoding)) { case 'ISO-8859-1_': case 'ISO-8859-1_US-ASCII': $escaped_data = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&', '"', ''', '<', '>'), $data); $escaped_data = str_replace($GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']['in'], $GLOBALS['xml_iso88591_Entities']['out'], $escaped_data); break; case 'ISO-8859-1_UTF-8': $escaped_data = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&', '"', ''', '<', '>'), $data); $escaped_data = utf8_encode($escaped_data); break; case 'ISO-8859-1_ISO-8859-1': case 'US-ASCII_US-ASCII': case 'US-ASCII_UTF-8': case 'US-ASCII_': case 'US-ASCII_ISO-8859-1': case 'UTF-8_UTF-8': $escaped_data = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&', '"', ''', '<', '>'), $data); break; case 'UTF-8_': case 'UTF-8_US-ASCII': case 'UTF-8_ISO-8859-1': $escaped_data = ''; $data = (string) $data; $ns = strlen ($data); for ($nn = 0; $nn < $ns; $nn++) { $ch = $data[$nn]; $ii = ord($ch); //1 7 0bbbbbbb (127) if ($ii < 128) { switch($ii){ case 34: $escaped_data .= '"'; break; case 38: $escaped_data .= '&'; break; case 39: $escaped_data .= '''; break; case 60: $escaped_data .= '<'; break; case 62: $escaped_data .= '>'; break; default: $escaped_data .= $ch; } // switch } else if ($ii>>5 == 6) { $b1 = ($ii & 31); $ii = ord($data[$nn+1]); $b2 = ($ii & 63); $ii = ($b1 * 64) + $b2; $ent = sprintf ('&#%d;', $ii); $escaped_data .= $ent; $nn += 1; } else if ($ii>>4 == 14) { $b1 = ($ii & 15); $ii = ord($data[$nn+1]); $b2 = ($ii & 63); $ii = ord($data[$nn+2]); $b3 = ($ii & 63); $ii = ((($b1 * 64) + $b2) * 64) + $b3; $ent = sprintf ('&#%d;', $ii); $escaped_data .= $ent; $nn += 2; } else if ($ii>>3 == 30) { $b1 = ($ii & 7); $ii = ord($data[$nn+1]); $b2 = ($ii & 63); $ii = ord($data[$nn+2]); $b3 = ($ii & 63); $ii = ord($data[$nn+3]); $b4 = ($ii & 63); $ii = ((((($b1 * 64) + $b2) * 64) + $b3) * 64) + $b4; $ent = sprintf ('&#%d;', $ii); $escaped_data .= $ent; $nn += 3; } } break; default: $escaped_data = ''; } return $escaped_data; } function jmap_xmlrpc_se($parser, $name, $attrs, $accept_single_vals=false) { if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] < 2) { if (count($GLOBALS['_xh']['stack']) == 0) { if ($name != 'METHODRESPONSE' && $name != 'METHODCALL' && ( $name != 'VALUE' && !$accept_single_vals)) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] = 2; $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason'] = 'missing top level xmlrpc element'; return; } else { $GLOBALS['_xh']['rt'] = strtolower($name); } } else { $parent = end($GLOBALS['_xh']['stack']); if (!array_key_exists($name, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_valid_parents']) || !in_array($parent, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_valid_parents'][$name])) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] = 2; $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason'] = "xmlrpc element $name cannot be child of $parent"; return; } } switch($name) { case 'VALUE': $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']='value'; // indicator: no value found yet $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']=''; $GLOBALS['_xh']['lv']=1; $GLOBALS['_xh']['php_class']=null; break; case 'I4': case 'INT': case 'STRING': case 'BOOLEAN': case 'DOUBLE': case 'DATETIME.ISO8601': case 'BASE' . '64': if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']!='value') { //two data elements inside a value: an error occurred! $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] = 2; $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason'] = "$name element following a {$GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']} element inside a single value"; return; } $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']=''; // reset the accumulator break; case 'STRUCT': case 'ARRAY': if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']!='value') { //two data elements inside a value: an error occurred! $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] = 2; $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason'] = "$name element following a {$GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']} element inside a single value"; return; } // create an empty array to hold child values, and push it onto appropriate stack $cur_val = array(); $cur_val['values'] = array(); $cur_val['type'] = $name; if (@isset($attrs['PHP_CLASS'])) { $cur_val['php_class'] = $attrs['PHP_CLASS']; } $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][] = $cur_val; $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']='data'; // be prepared for a data element next break; case 'DATA': if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']!='data') { //two data elements inside a value: an error occurred! $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] = 2; $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason'] = "found two data elements inside an array element"; return; } case 'METHODCALL': case 'METHODRESPONSE': case 'PARAMS': break; case 'METHODNAME': case 'NAME': $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']=''; break; case 'FAULT': $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf']=1; break; case 'MEMBER': $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][count($GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'])-1]['name']=''; // set member name to null, in case we do not find in the xml later on case 'PARAM': $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']=null; break; case 'NIL': if ($GLOBALS['xmlrpc_null_extension']) { if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']!='value') { //two data elements inside a value: an error occurred! $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] = 2; $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason'] = "$name element following a {$GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']} element inside a single value"; return; } $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']=''; // reset the accumulator break; } default: $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] = 2; $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason'] = "found not-xmlrpc xml element $name"; break; } // Save current element name to stack, to validate nesting $GLOBALS['_xh']['stack'][] = $name; if($name!='VALUE') { $GLOBALS['_xh']['lv']=0; } } } /// Used in decoding xml chunks that might represent single xmlrpc values function jmap_xmlrpc_se_any($parser, $name, $attrs) { jmap_xmlrpc_se($parser, $name, $attrs, true); } /// xml parser handler function for close element tags function jmap_xmlrpc_ee($parser, $name, $rebuild_xmlrpcvals = true) { if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] < 2) { $curr_elem = array_pop($GLOBALS['_xh']['stack']); switch($name) { case 'VALUE': if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']=='value') { $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=$GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']; $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']=$GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']; } if ($rebuild_xmlrpcvals) { $temp = new jmap_xmlrpcval($GLOBALS['_xh']['value'], $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']); if (isset($GLOBALS['_xh']['php_class'])) $temp->_php_class = $GLOBALS['_xh']['php_class']; $vscount = count($GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack']); if ($vscount && $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][$vscount-1]['type']=='ARRAY') { $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][$vscount-1]['values'][] = $temp; } else { $GLOBALS['_xh']['value'] = $temp; } } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['_xh']['php_class'])) { } $vscount = count($GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack']); if ($vscount && $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][$vscount-1]['type']=='ARRAY') { $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][$vscount-1]['values'][] = $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']; } } break; case 'BOOLEAN': case 'I4': case 'INT': case 'STRING': case 'DOUBLE': case 'DATETIME.ISO8601': case 'BASE' . '64': $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']=strtolower($name); if ($name=='STRING') { $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=$GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']; } elseif ($name=='DATETIME.ISO8601') { $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']=$GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime']; $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=$GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']; } elseif ($name=='BASE' . '64') { $bas64FunctionNameDecode = 'base'. 64 . '_decode'; $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=$bas64FunctionNameDecode($GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']); } elseif ($name=='BOOLEAN') { if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']=='1' || strcasecmp($GLOBALS['_xh']['ac'], 'true') == 0) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=true; } else { // log if receiveing something strange, even though we set the value to false anyway $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=false; } } elseif ($name=='DOUBLE') { if (!preg_match('/^[+-eE0123456789 \t.]+$/', $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac'])) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']='ERROR_NON_NUMERIC_FOUND'; } else { $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=(double)$GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']; } } else { if (!preg_match('/^[+-]?[0123456789 \t]+$/', $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac'])) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']='ERROR_NON_NUMERIC_FOUND'; } else { $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=(int)$GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']; } } //$GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']=''; // is this necessary? $GLOBALS['_xh']['lv']=3; // indicate we've found a value break; case 'NAME': $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][count($GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'])-1]['name'] = $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']; break; case 'MEMBER': if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']) { $vscount = count($GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack']); $GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][$vscount-1]['values'][$GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'][$vscount-1]['name']] = $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']; } break; case 'DATA': //$GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']=''; // is this necessary? $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']=null; // reset this to check for 2 data elements in a row - even if they're empty break; case 'STRUCT': case 'ARRAY': // fetch out of stack array of values, and promote it to current value $curr_val = array_pop($GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack']); $GLOBALS['_xh']['value'] = $curr_val['values']; $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']=strtolower($name); if (isset($curr_val['php_class'])) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['php_class'] = $curr_val['php_class']; } break; case 'PARAM': // add to array of params the current value, // unless no VALUE was found if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['params'][]=$GLOBALS['_xh']['value']; $GLOBALS['_xh']['pt'][]=$GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']; } break; case 'METHODNAME': $GLOBALS['_xh']['method']=preg_replace('/^[\n\r\t ]+/', '', $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac']); break; case 'NIL': if ($GLOBALS['xmlrpc_null_extension']) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['vt']='null'; $GLOBALS['_xh']['value']=null; $GLOBALS['_xh']['lv']=3; break; } // drop through intentionally if nil extension not enabled case 'PARAMS': case 'FAULT': case 'METHODCALL': case 'METHORESPONSE': break; default: break; } } } function jmap_xmlrpc_ee_fast($parser, $name) { jmap_xmlrpc_ee($parser, $name, false); } function jmap_xmlrpc_cd($parser, $data) { // skip processing if xml fault already detected if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] < 2) { if($GLOBALS['_xh']['lv']!=3) { $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac'].=$data; } } } function jmap_xmlrpc_dh($parser, $data) { // skip processing if xml fault already detected if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] < 2) { if(substr($data, 0, 1) == '&' && substr($data, -1, 1) == ';') { $GLOBALS['_xh']['ac'].=$data; } } return true; }