Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/administrator/components/com_csvi/rantai/import/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/administrator/components/com_csvi/rantai/import/model.php

 * @package     CSVI
 * @subpackage  Imports
 * @author      Roland Dalmulder <contact@csvimproved.com>
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2006 - 2016 RolandD Cyber Produksi. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
 * @link        http://www.csvimproved.com

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

 * Import model class.
 * @package     CSVI
 * @subpackage  Imports
 * @since       6.0
class RantaiImportModel extends RantaiModel
	 * The fields handler
	 * @var    CsviHelperImportFields
	 * @since  6.0
	protected $fields;

	 * Initialise the import.
	 * @param   int  $csvi_process_id  The ID of the running import
	 * @return  bool  True on success | false on failure.
	 * @since   6.0
	 * @throws  Exception
	 * @throws  CsviException
	 * @throws  RuntimeException
	public function initialiseImport($csvi_process_id)
		// Load the run details
		$query = $this->db->getQuery(true)
			->where($this->db->quoteName('csvi_process_id') . ' = ' . (int) $csvi_process_id);
		$details = $this->db->loadObject();

		if ($details)
			if ($details->csvi_template_id)
				// Run ID is correct, set it
				$this->runId = $csvi_process_id;

				// Set the user ID
				$this->userId = $details->userId;

				// Load the template

				// Setup the addon autoloader
				$component = $this->template->get('component');
				$override = $this->template->get('override');
				$adminTemplate = $this->getAdminTemplate();

				if ($override
					&& file_exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/templates/' . $adminTemplate . '/html/com_csvi/' . $component . '/model/import/' . $override . '.php'))
					JLoader::registerPrefix(ucfirst($component), JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/templates/' . $adminTemplate . '/html/com_csvi/' . $component);

				JLoader::registerPrefix(ucfirst($component), JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_csvi/addon/' . $component);

				// Setup the logger

				// Check if we already have a file to process
				if (empty($details->processfile))
					// Load the folder class

					// Load the first file in line
					$files = JFolder::files($details->processfolder);

					if (is_array($files) && !empty($files))
						$details->processfile = $details->processfolder . '/' . $files[0];

				// Set the file being processed
				if ($details->processfile)
					// Set the folder to process
					$this->processfolder = $details->processfolder;

					// Set the file to process
					$this->processfile = $details->processfile;

					// Load the file

					// Tell the logger about the filename

					// Load the fields

					// Both the file and fields have been setup, let's connect them

					// Let's setup the fields

					// Move the file pointer if needed
					if ($details->position > 0)
					throw new CsviException(JText::_('COM_CSVI_NO_FOLDER_FOUND_TO_PROCESS'), 504);

				return true;
				throw new CsviException(JText::sprintf('COM_CSVI_NO_TEMPLATE_ID_FOUND_RUN', $csvi_process_id), 505);
			throw new CsviException(JText::_('COM_CSVI_NO_VALID_RUNID_FOUND', $csvi_process_id), 506);


	 * Load the import file helper.
	 * @return    void.
	 * @throws  CsviException
	 * @since   6.0
	protected function loadImportFile()
		// Get the template
		$templateId = $this->template->getId();

		if (empty($templateId))
			throw new CsviException(JText::_('COM_CSVI_NO_TEMPLATE_LOADED'), 501);

		// Get the file parts
		$upload_parts = pathinfo($this->processfile);

		// Force an extension if needed
		$force_ext = $this->template->get('use_file_extension');

		if (!empty($force_ext))
			$upload_parts['extension'] = $force_ext;

		// Set the file helper
		if (!array_key_exists('extension', $upload_parts))
			throw new CsviException(JText::sprintf('COM_CSVI_NO_EXTENSION_FOUND_ON_IMPORT_FILE', $this->processfile), 502);
			$fileclass = 'CsviHelperFileImport';

			switch (strtolower($upload_parts['extension']))
				case 'xml':
				case 'xls':
				case 'ods':
					$fileclass .= ucfirst($upload_parts['extension']);
				case 'csv':
				case 'txt':
				case 'tsv':
					$fileclass .= 'Csv';

		// Load the file processor
		$this->file = new $fileclass($this->template, $this->log, $this->csvihelper, $this->input);

		// Set the filename

		// Validate the file
		if (!$this->file->processFile())
			throw new CsviException(JText::sprintf('COM_CSVI_CANNOT_PROCESS_FILE', $this->processfile), 503);
			$this->processfile = $this->file->getFilename();

	 * Pre-process any tasks.
	 * @return  void.
	 * @since   6.0
	public function onBeforeImport()
		// Setup the add-on

		// Get the file position
		$started = $this->log->getLinenumber();

		// Write out the import details to the debug log if we haven't started yet
		if (!$started)
			$this->log->add('==========', false);
			$this->log->add('==========', false);

		// Move 1 row forward as we are skipping the first line only at start
		if (!$started && $this->template->get('skip_first_line'))

		// Processes that only need to be called at the start of the file
		if (!$started)
			// Un-publish any items if needed
			if ($this->helper && method_exists($this->helper, 'unpublishBeforeImport'))
				$this->helper->unpublishBeforeImport($this->template, $this->log, $this->db);

	 * Post-process any tasks.
	 * @return  void.
	 * @since   6.0
	 * @throws  UnexpectedValueException
	public function onAfterImport()
		// Check if the import file needs to be deleted
		$from = $this->template->get('source', 'fromupload');

		if ($this->template->get('delete_file') && in_array($from, array('fromserver', 'fromftp'), true))
			// Get the template location
			$location = $local_file = JPath::clean($this->template->get('local_csv_file'), '/');

			switch ($from)
				case 'fromftp':
					$location = JPath::clean($this->template->get('ftpfile'), '/');

					// Start the FTP
					$ftp = JClientFtp::getInstance(

					$ftpFile = $this->template->get('ftproot', '') . $location;
					$this->log->add('Delete file:' . $ftpFile);
				case 'fromserver':
					if (is_dir($location))
						JFile::delete($location . '/' . basename($this->processfile));
						$this->log->add('Delete file:' . $this->processfile);

	 * Print out import details.
	 * @return  void.
	 * @since   3.0
	private function importDetails()
		// Only write out the details if debugging is enabled
		if ($this->template->getLog())
			$this->log->add(JText::_('COM_CSVI_CSVI_VERSION_TEXT') . JText::_('COM_CSVI_CSVI_VERSION'), false);

			if (function_exists('phpversion'))
				$this->log->add(JText::sprintf('COM_CSVI_PHP_VERSION', phpversion()), false);

			// Push out all settings

	 * Add all the settings to the debug log.
	 * @param   array  $settings  The settings to report in debug log.
	 * @return  void.
	 * @since   5.3
	private function processSettings($settings)
		foreach ($settings as $name => $value)
			switch ($name)
				case 'fields':
					if (is_object($value) || is_array($value))
						switch ($name)
							case 'ftpusername':
							case 'ftppass':
							case 'source':
								$this->log->add(JText::_('COM_CSVI_JFORM_' . $name . '_LABEL') . ': ' . $value, false);
								$this->log->add(JText::_('COM_CSVI_IMPORT_UPLOAD_FILE_LABEL') . ': ' . $this->processfile, false);
								switch ($value)
									case '0':
										$value = JText::_('JNO');
									case '1':
										$value = JText::_('JYES');
									case ',':
										$value = 'comma';

								$this->log->add(JText::_('COM_CSVI_JFORM_' . $name . '_LABEL') . ': ' . $value, false);

	 * Run the import.
	 * @param   bool  $isCli  Set if the import is run from CLI
	 * @todo    Routine overrides
	 * @return  bool  true if we continue importing | false if the import is finished/terminated.
	 * @throws  CsviException
	 * @since   6.0
	final public function runImport($isCli = false)
		// Load the template settings
		$component = $this->template->get('component');
		$operation = $this->template->get('operation');
		$override = $this->template->get('override');

		// Set the system limits to the user settings if needed

		// Auto detect line-endings to also support Mac line-endings
		if ($this->template->get('im_mac', false))
			ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);

		// Load the import routine
		$classname = ucwords($component) . 'ModelImport' . ucwords($operation);
		$adminTemplate = $this->getAdminTemplate();

		if ($override
			&& file_exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/templates/' . $adminTemplate . '/html/com_csvi/' . $component . '/model/import/' . $override . '.php'))
			$classname = ucwords($component) . 'ModelImport' . ucwords($override);

		// Instantiate the import routine
		$routine = new $classname(

		if ($routine)
			// Set the last run time for the template
			$query = $this->db->getQuery(true)
				->set($this->db->quoteName('lastrun') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote(JFactory::getDate()->toSql()))
				->where($this->db->quoteName('csvi_template_id') . ' = ' . (int) $this->template->getId());

			// Initialize process data so the import starts
			$processdata = true;
			$return = true;

			// Run setup if needed
			if (method_exists($routine, 'onBeforeStart'))

			// Load any tables if needed
			if (method_exists($routine, 'loadTables'))

			// Start processing data
			while ($processdata)
				// If the number of lines is set to 0, do unlimited import
				if (($this->template->get('import_nolines', 0) == 0) || $isCli)
					$nolines = $this->recordsProcessed + 1;
					$nolines = $this->template->get('import_nolines');

				if (($this->recordsProcessed + 1) <= $nolines)
					// Load the data
					$result = $this->file->readNextLine();

					// Check the load result
					if ($result == false)
						// Finish processing
						$processdata = false;

						// Post Processing now the import is done
						if (method_exists($routine, 'getPostProcessing'))

						$return = false;
						// Increase the line number as we process

						// Load ICEcat data if user wants to
						if (method_exists($this->helper, 'getIcecat'))

						// Set the data to import

						// Notify the debug log what line we are one
						$this->log->add(JText::sprintf('COM_CSVI_DEBUG_PROCESS_LINE', $this->log->getLinenumber()), false);

						// Clear the state

						// Clear the tables
						if (method_exists($routine, 'clearTables'))

						// Start processing record
						if ($routine->getStart())
							// Start processing the records

							// Increase the number of records processed
							// The routine reports a problem, usually unmet conditions

							// Finish processing

							// Stop from processing an error occurred
							$processdata = false;

							$return = false;
					// Prepare for page reload

					// Stop from processing any further, no time left
					$processdata = false;

				// Clean the fields

			// Run setup if needed
			if (method_exists($routine, 'onAfterStart'))
			$this->log->addStats('incorrect', 'COM_CSVI_NO_VALID_CLASS_FOUND');

			// Finish processing

			throw new CsviException(JText::sprintf('COM_CSVI_NO_VALID_CLASS_FOUND', $classname));

		return $return;

	 * Handle the end of the import.
	 * @param   bool  $finished  Set if the import is finished or not.
	 * @return  void.
	 * @since   3.0
	private function finishProcess($finished=false)
		// Check if the import is finished or if we are going to reload
		if ($finished)
			// Close the file

			// Remove the file that has just been imported
			if (JFile::delete($this->file->getFilename()))
				// Remove the processfile setting, this is needed for folder processing to continue
				$query = $this->db->getQuery(true)
					->set($this->db->quoteName('processfile') . ' = ""')
					->set($this->db->quoteName('position') . ' = 0')
					->where($this->db->quoteName('csvi_process_id') . ' = ' . (int) $this->runId);

			// Set the log end timestamp
			$query = $this->db->getQuery(true)
				->set($this->db->quoteName('end') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote(JFactory::getDate(time())->toSql()))
				->where($this->db->quoteName('csvi_log_id') . ' = ' . (int) $this->log->getLogId());
			// Store the current file pointer
			$filepos = $this->file->getFilePos();

			$query = $this->db->getQuery(true)
				->set($this->db->quoteName('position') . ' = ' . (int) $filepos)
				->where($this->db->quoteName('csvi_process_id') . ' = ' . (int) $this->runId);

			// Close the file

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0