Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/administrator/components/com_akeeba/View/ControlPanel/
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Current File : /home/lightco1/www/administrator/components/com_akeeba/View/ControlPanel/Html.php

 * @package   AkeebaBackup
 * @copyright Copyright (c)2006-2017 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd
 * @license   GNU General Public License version 3, or later

namespace Akeeba\Backup\Admin\View\ControlPanel;

// Protect from unauthorized access
defined('_JEXEC') or die();

use Akeeba\Backup\Admin\Helper\Status;
use Akeeba\Backup\Admin\Model\ControlPanel;
use Akeeba\Backup\Admin\Model\UsageStatistics;
use Akeeba\Backup\Admin\View\ViewTraits\ProfileIdAndName;
use Akeeba\Backup\Admin\View\ViewTraits\ProfileList;
use Akeeba\Engine\Factory;
use Akeeba\Engine\Platform;
use FOF30\View\DataView\Html as BaseView;
use JHtml;

class Html extends BaseView
	use ProfileList, ProfileIdAndName;

	 * Active backup profile ID
	 * @var   int
	public $profileId = 1;

	 * List of profiles to display as Quick Icons in the control panel page
	 * @var   array  Array of stdClass objects
	public $quickIconProfiles = array();

	 * The HTML for the backup status cell
	 * @var   string
	public $statusCell = '';

	 * HTML for the warnings (status details)
	 * @var   string
	public $detailsCell = '';

	 * Details of the latest backup as HTML
	 * @var   string
	public $latestBackupCell = '';

	 * Do I have to ask the user to fix the permissions?
	 * @var   bool
	public $areMediaPermissionsFixed = false;

	 * Do I have to ask the user to provide a Download ID?
	 * @var   bool
	public $needsDownloadID = false;

	 * Did a Core edition user provide a Download ID instead of installing Akeeba Backup Professional?
	 * @var   bool
	public $coreWarningForDownloadID = false;

	 * Our extension ID
	 * @var   int
	public $extension_id = 0;

	 * Should I have the browser ask for desktop notification permissions?
	 * @var   bool
	public $desktopNotifications = false;

	 * If anonymous statistics collection is enabled and we have to collect statistics this will include the HTML for
	 * the IFRAME that performs the anonymous stats collection.
	 * @var   string
	public $statsIframe = '';

	 * If front-end backup is enabled and the secret word has an issue (too insecure) we populate this variable
	 * @var  string
	public $frontEndSecretWordIssue = '';

	 * In case the existing Secret Word is insecure we generate a new one. This variable contains the new Secret Word.
	 * @var  string
	public $newSecretWord = '';

	 * Is the mbstring extension installed and enabled? This is required by Joomla and Akeeba Backup to correctly work
	 * @var  bool
	public $checkMbstring = true;

	 * The fancy formatted changelog of the component
	 * @var  string
	public $formattedChangelog = '';

	 * Should I pormpt the user ot run the configuration wizard?
	 * @var  bool
	public $promptForConfigurationWizard = false;

	 * How many warnings do I have to display?
	 * @var  int
	public $countWarnings = 0;

	 * Do I have stuck updates pending?
	 * @var  bool
	public $stuckUpdates = false;

	 * Cache the user permissions
	 * @var   array
	 * @since 5.3.0
	public $permissions = array();

	 * Executes before displaying the control panel page
	public function onBeforeMain()
		/** @var ControlPanel $model */
		$model = $this->getModel();

		$statusHelper      = Status::getInstance();
		$this->statsIframe = '';

			/** @var UsageStatistics $usageStatsModel */
			$usageStatsModel   = $this->container->factory->model('UsageStatistics')->tmpInstance();

			if (
				&& class_exists('Akeeba\\Backup\\Admin\\Model\\UsageStatistics')
				&& ($usageStatsModel instanceof UsageStatistics)
				&& method_exists($usageStatsModel, 'collectStatistics')
				$this->statsIframe = $usageStatsModel->collectStatistics(true);
		catch (\Exception $e)
			// Don't give a crap if usage stats ain't loaded


		$this->quickIconProfiles            = $model->getQuickIconProfiles();
		$this->statusCell                   = $statusHelper->getStatusCell();
		$this->detailsCell                  = $statusHelper->getQuirksCell();
		$this->latestBackupCell             = $statusHelper->getLatestBackupDetails();
		$this->areMediaPermissionsFixed     = $model->fixMediaPermissions();
		$this->checkMbstring                = $model->checkMbstring();
		$this->needsDownloadID              = $model->needsDownloadID() ? 1 : 0;
		$this->coreWarningForDownloadID     = $model->mustWarnAboutDownloadIDInCore();
		$this->extension_id                 = $model->getState('extension_id', 0, 'int');
		$this->frontEndSecretWordIssue      = $model->getFrontendSecretWordError();
		$this->newSecretWord                = $this->container->platform->getSessionVar('newSecretWord', null, 'akeeba.cpanel');
		$this->desktopNotifications         = $this->container->params->get('desktop_notifications', '0') ? 1 : 0;
		$this->formattedChangelog           = $this->formatChangelog();
		$this->promptForConfigurationWizard = Factory::getConfiguration()->get('akeeba.flag.confwiz', 0) == 0;
		$this->countWarnings                = count(Factory::getConfigurationChecks()->getDetailedStatus());
		$this->stuckUpdates                 = ($this->container->params->get('updatedb', 0) == 1);
		$user                               = $this->container->platform->getUser();
		$this->permissions                  = array(
			'configure' => $user->authorise('akeeba.configure', 'com_akeeba'),
			'backup'    => $user->authorise('akeeba.backup',    'com_akeeba'),
			'download'  => $user->authorise('akeeba.download',  'com_akeeba'),

		// Load the version constants

		// Set up the GUI behaviours

		// Add the Javascript to the document

	 * Adds inline Javascript to the document
	protected function inlineJavascript()
		$script = <<<JS

;// This comment is intentionally put here to prevent badly written plugins from causing a Javascript error
// due to missing trailing semicolon and/or newline in their code.
akeeba.System.notification.hasDesktopNotification = {$this->desktopNotifications}; 
akeeba.ControlPanel.needsDownloadID = {$this->needsDownloadID};

	protected function formatChangelog($onlyLast = false)
		$ret   = '';
		$file  = $this->container->backEndPath . '/CHANGELOG.php';
		$lines = @file($file);

		if (empty($lines))
			return $ret;


		foreach ($lines as $line)
			$line = trim($line);

			if (empty($line))

			$type = substr($line, 0, 1);

			switch ($type)
				case '=':

				case '+':
					$ret .= "\t" . '<li class="akeeba-changelog-added"><span></span>' . htmlentities(trim(substr($line, 2))) . "</li>\n";

				case '-':
					$ret .= "\t" . '<li class="akeeba-changelog-removed"><span></span>' . htmlentities(trim(substr($line, 2))) . "</li>\n";

				case '~':
					$ret .= "\t" . '<li class="akeeba-changelog-changed"><span></span>' . htmlentities(trim(substr($line, 2))) . "</li>\n";

				case '!':
					$ret .= "\t" . '<li class="akeeba-changelog-important"><span></span>' . htmlentities(trim(substr($line, 2))) . "</li>\n";

				case '#':
					$ret .= "\t" . '<li class="akeeba-changelog-fixed"><span></span>' . htmlentities(trim(substr($line, 2))) . "</li>\n";

					if (!empty($ret))
						$ret .= "</ul>";
						if ($onlyLast)
							return $ret;

					if (!$onlyLast)
						$ret .= "<h3 class=\"akeeba-changelog\">$line</h3>\n";
					$ret .= "<ul class=\"akeeba-changelog\">\n";


		return $ret;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0