Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/plugins/vmpayment/heidelpay/heidelpay/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/plugins/vmpayment/heidelpay/heidelpay/heidelpay_response.php |
<?php /** * Heidelpay response page for Heidelpay plugin * @author Heidelberger Paymenrt GmbH <Jens Richter> * @version 13.07 * @package VirtueMart * @subpackage payment * @copyright Copyright (C) Heidelberger Payment GmbH * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php */ include('../../../../configuration.php'); $config = new JConfig(); //echo $config->password ; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $key = preg_replace('/_x$/', '', trim($key)); $_POST[$key] = $value; } foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $key = preg_replace('/_x$/', '', trim($key)); $_GET[$key] = $value; } if ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == "443" ) { $Protocol = "https://"; } else { $Protocol = "http://"; } $PATH = preg_replace('@plugins\/vmpayment\/heidelpay\/heidelpay\/heidelpay_response\.php@','', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $URL = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $PATH ; if(ctype_alnum($_GET['on'])){ $on = $_GET['on']; }else{ $on = ''; } $pm = (int) $_GET['pm']; $Itemid = (int) $_GET['Itemid']; $redirectURL = $Protocol.$URL.'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginresponsereceived&on='.$on.'&pm='.$pm.'&Itemid='.$Itemid; $cancelURL = $Protocol.$URL.'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginUserPaymentCancel&on='.$on.'&pm='.$pm.'&Itemid='.$Itemid; function updateHeidelpay($orderID, $connect, $on, $pm) { $comment=""; if ( preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9 -]+$/', $orderID , $str)) { $link = mysql_connect($connect->host, $connect->user , $connect->password); mysql_select_db($connect->db); $result = mysql_query("SELECT virtuemart_order_id FROM ".$connect->dbprefix."virtuemart_orders"." WHERE order_number = '".mysql_real_escape_string($orderID)."';"); $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $paymentCode = explode('.' , $_POST['PAYMENT_CODE']); if ($_POST['PROCESSING_RESULT'] == "NOK") { $comment = $_POST['PROCESSING_RETURN']; } elseif ($paymentCode[0] == "PP" or $paymentCode[0] == "IV") { if($_POST['ACCOUNT_BRAND'] == 'BILLSAFE'){ if (strtoupper ($_POST['CRITERION_LANG']) == 'DE') { $comment = '<b>Bitte überweisen Sie uns den Betrag von '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_CURRENCY'].' '.sprintf('%1.2f', $_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_AMOUNT']).' auf folgendes Konto:</b> <br /><br/> Kontoinhaber : '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_RECIPIENT'].'<br /> Konto-Nr. : '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_ACCOUNTNUMBER'].'<br /> Bankleitzahl: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_BANKCODE'].'<br /> Bank: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_BANKNAME'].'<br /> IBAN: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_IBAN'].'<br /> BIC: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_BIC'].'<br /> <br /> <b>Geben sie bitte im Verwendungszweck UNBEDINGT die Identifikationsnummer<br /> '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_REFERENCE'].'<br /> und NICHTS ANDERES an.</b><br /><br/>'. $_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_LEGALNOTE'].'<br /> Bitte überweisen Sie den ausstehenden Betrag '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_PERIOD'].' Tage nach dem Sie über den Versand informiert wurden.'; } else { $comment = '<b>Please transfer the amount of '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_CURRENCY'].' '.sprintf('%1.2f', $_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_AMOUNT']).' to the following account:</b> <br /><br/> Account holder: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_RECIPIENT'].'<br /> Account No.: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_ACCOUNTNUMBER'].'<br /> Bank Code: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_BANKCODE'].'<br /> Bank: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_BANKNAME'].'<br /> IBAN: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_IBAN'].'<br /> BIC: '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_BIC'].'<br /> <br /> <b>When you transfer the money you HAVE TO use the identification number<br /> '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_REFERENCE'].'<br /> as the descriptor and nothing else. Otherwise we cannot match your transaction!</b><br /><br />'. $_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_LEGALNOTE'].'<br /> Please remit the outstanding amount '.$_POST['CRITERION_BILLSAFE_PERIOD'].' days after you have been notified about shipping'; } }else{ if (strtoupper ($_POST['CRITERION_LANG']) == 'DE') { $comment = '<b>Bitte überweisen Sie uns den Betrag von '.$_POST['CLEARING_CURRENCY'].' '.$_POST['PRESENTATION_AMOUNT'].' auf folgendes Konto:</b> <br /><br/> Land : '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_COUNTRY'].'<br /> Kontoinhaber : '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_HOLDER'].'<br /> Konto-Nr. : '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'].'<br /> Bankleitzahl: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_BANK'].'<br /> IBAN: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_IBAN'].'<br /> BIC: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_BIC'].'<br /> <br /> <b>Geben sie bitte im Verwendungszweck UNBEDINGT die Identifikationsnummer<br /> '.$_POST['IDENTIFICATION_SHORTID'].'<br /> und NICHTS ANDERES an.</b><br />'; } else { $comment = '<b>Please transfer the amount of '.$_POST['CLEARING_CURRENCY'].' '.$_POST['PRESENTATION_AMOUNT'].' to the following account:</b> <br /><br/> Country: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_COUNTRY'].'<br /> Account holder: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_HOLDER'].'<br /> Account No.: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'].'<br /> Bank Code: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_BANK'].'<br /> IBAN: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_IBAN'].'<br /> BIC: '.$_POST['CONNECTOR_ACCOUNT_BIC'].'<br /> <br /> <b>When you transfer the money you HAVE TO use the identification number<br /> '.$_POST['IDENTIFICATION_SHORTID'].'<br /> as the descriptor and nothing else. Otherwise we cannot match your transaction!</b><br />'; } } if($_POST['ACCOUNT_BRAND'] == 'BARPAY'){ $comment = '(-'.$_POST['CRITERION_BARPAY_PAYCODE_URL'].'-) </b><br /> </b><br /> Drucken Sie den Barcode aus oder speichern Sie diesen auf Ihrem mobilen Endgerät. Gehen Sie nun zu einer Kasse der 18.000 Akzeptanzstellen in Deutschland und bezahlen Sie ganz einfach in bar. In dem Augenblick, wenn der Rechnungsbetrag beglichen wird, erhält der Online-Händler die Information über den Zahlungseingang.Die bestellte Ware oder Dienstleistung geht umgehend in den Versand'; } }elseif($paymentCode[0] == "DD"){ if(strtoupper ($_POST['CRITERION_LANG']) == 'DE'){ $identCreditor = ''; if($_POST['IDENTIFICATION_CREDITOR_ID'] != ''){ $identCreditor = 'und die Gläubiger ID: '.$_POST['IDENTIFICATION_CREDITOR_ID'].'<br />'; } $comment = 'Der Betrag wird in den nächsten Tagen von folgendem Konto abgebucht:<br /><br /> IBAN: '.$_POST['ACCOUNT_IBAN'].'<br /> BIC: '.$_POST['ACCOUNT_BIC'].'<br /> Die Abbuchung enthält die Mandatsreferenz-ID: '.$_POST['ACCOUNT_IDENTIFICATION'].'<br /> '.$identCreditor.' <br />Bitte sorgen Sie für ausreichende Deckung auf dem entsprechenden Konto.'; }else{ $identCreditor = ''; if($_POST['IDENTIFICATION_CREDITOR_ID'] != ''){ $identCreditor = 'and the creditor identifier: '.$_POST['IDENTIFICATION_CREDITOR_ID'].'<br />'; } $comment = 'The amount will be debited from this account within the next days:<br /><br /> IBAN: '.$_POST['ACCOUNT_IBAN'].'<br /> BIC: '.$_POST['ACCOUNT_BIC'].'<br /> The booking contains the mandate reference ID: '.$_POST['ACCOUNT_IDENTIFICATION'].'<br /> '.$identCreditor.' <br />Please ensure that there will be sufficient funds on the corresponding account.'; } } if (!empty($row->virtuemart_order_id)) { $sql = "INSERT ".$connect->dbprefix."virtuemart_payment_plg_heidelpay SET " . "virtuemart_order_id = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($row->virtuemart_order_id). "\"," . "order_number = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($on). "\"," . "virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($pm). "\"," . "unique_id = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['IDENTIFICATION_UNIQUEID']). "\"," . "short_id = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['IDENTIFICATION_SHORTID']). "\"," . "payment_code = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['PROCESSING_REASON_CODE']). "\"," . "comment = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($comment). "\"," . "payment_methode = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($paymentCode[0]). "\"," . "payment_type = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($paymentCode[1]). "\"," . "transaction_mode = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['TRANSACTION_MODE']). "\"," . "payment_name = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['CRITERION_PAYMENT_NAME']). "\"," . "processing_result = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['PROCESSING_RESULT']). "\"," . "secret_hash = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['CRITERION_SECRET']). "\"," . "response_ip = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']). "\";" ; $dbEerror = mysql_query($sql); } } } $returnvalue=$_POST['PROCESSING_RESULT']; if (!empty($returnvalue)){ if (strstr($returnvalue,"ACK")) { print $redirectURL; updateHeidelpay($_POST['IDENTIFICATION_TRANSACTIONID'], $config, $on, $pm); } else if ($_POST['FRONTEND_REQUEST_CANCELLED'] == 'true'){ print $cancelURL ; } else { updateHeidelpay($_POST['IDENTIFICATION_TRANSACTIONID'], $config, $on, $pm); print $cancelURL; } } else { echo 'FAIL'; } ?>