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Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/modules/mod_menu/
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Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/modules/mod_menu/helper.php

 * @package     Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage  mod_menu
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;

 * Helper for mod_menu
 * @since  1.5
abstract class ModMenuHelper
	 * Get a list of the available menus.
	 * @return  array  An array of the available menus (from the menu types table).
	 * @since   1.6
	public static function getMenus()
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();

		// Search for home menu and language if exists
		$subQuery = $db->getQuery(true)
			->select('b.menutype, b.home, b.language, l.image, l.sef, l.title_native')
			->from('#__menu AS b')
			->leftJoin('#__languages AS l ON l.lang_code = b.language')
			->where('b.home != 0')
			->where('(b.client_id = 0 OR b.client_id IS NULL)');

		// Get all menu types with optional home menu and language
		$query = $db->getQuery(true)
			->select('a.id, a.asset_id, a.menutype, a.title, a.description, a.client_id')
			->select('c.home, c.language, c.image, c.sef, c.title_native')
			->from('#__menu_types AS a')
			->leftJoin('(' . (string) $subQuery . ') c ON c.menutype = a.menutype')


			$result = $db->loadObjectList();
		catch (RuntimeException $e)
			$result = array();
			JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('JERROR_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED'), 'error');

		return $result;

	 * Get a list of the authorised, non-special components to display in the components menu.
	 * @param   boolean  $authCheck    An optional switch to turn off the auth check (to support custom layouts 'grey out' behaviour).
	 * @param   boolean  $enabledOnly  Whether to load only enabled/published menu items.
	 * @param   int[]    $exclude      The menu items to exclude from the list
	 * @return  array  A nest array of component objects and submenus
	 * @since   1.6
	public static function getComponents($authCheck = true, $enabledOnly = false, $exclude = array())
		$lang   = JFactory::getLanguage();
		$user   = JFactory::getUser();
		$db     = JFactory::getDbo();
		$query  = $db->getQuery(true);
		$result = array();

		// Prepare the query.
		$query->select('m.id, m.title, m.alias, m.link, m.parent_id, m.img, e.element, m.menutype')
			->from('#__menu AS m')
			->where('m.menutype = ' . $db->q('main'))
			->where('m.client_id = 1')
			->where('m.id > 1');

		if ($enabledOnly)
			$query->where('m.published = 1');

		if (count($exclude))
			$query->where('m.id NOT IN (' . implode(', ', array_map('intval', $exclude)) . ')');
			$query->where('m.parent_id NOT IN (' . implode(', ', array_map('intval', $exclude)) . ')');

		// Filter on the enabled states.
		$query->join('INNER', '#__extensions AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id')
			->where('e.enabled = 1');

		// Order by lft.


		// Component list
			$components = $db->loadObjectList();
		catch (RuntimeException $e)
			$components = array();
			JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('JERROR_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED'), 'error');

		// Parse the list of extensions.
		foreach ($components as &$component)
			// Trim the menu link.
			$component->link = trim($component->link);

			if ($component->parent_id == 1)
				// Only add this top level if it is authorised and enabled.
				if ($authCheck == false || ($authCheck && $user->authorise('core.manage', $component->element)))
					// Root level.
					$result[$component->id] = $component;

					if (!isset($result[$component->id]->submenu))
						$result[$component->id]->submenu = array();

					// If the root menu link is empty, add it in.
					if (empty($component->link))
						$component->link = 'index.php?option=' . $component->element;

					if (!empty($component->element))
						// Load the core file then
						// Load extension-local file.
						$lang->load($component->element . '.sys', JPATH_BASE, null, false, true)
						|| $lang->load($component->element . '.sys', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $component->element, null, false, true);

					$component->text = JText::_(strtoupper($component->title));
			// Sub-menu level.
			// Add the submenu link if it is defined.
			elseif (isset($result[$component->parent_id]) && isset($result[$component->parent_id]->submenu) && !empty($component->link))
				$component->text = JText::_(strtoupper($component->title));

				$result[$component->parent_id]->submenu[] = &$component;

		return ArrayHelper::sortObjects($result, 'text', 1, false, true);

	 * Load the menu items from database for the given menutype
	 * @param   string  $menutype  The selected menu type
	 * @return  array
	 * @since   3.7.0
	public static function getMenuItems($menutype)
		$db    = JFactory::getDbo();
		$query = $db->getQuery(true);

		// Prepare the query.
			->from('#__menu AS m')
			->where('m.menutype = ' . $db->q($menutype))
			->where('m.client_id = 1')
			->where('m.published = 1')
			->where('m.id > 1');

		// Filter on the enabled states.
			->join('LEFT', '#__extensions AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id')
			->where('(e.enabled = 1 OR e.enabled IS NULL)');

		// Order by lft.


		// Component list
			$menuItems = $db->loadObjectList();

			foreach ($menuItems as &$menuitem)
				$menuitem->params = new Registry($menuitem->params);
		catch (RuntimeException $e)
			$menuItems = array();
			JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('JERROR_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED'), 'error');

		return $menuItems;

	 * Parse the list of extensions.
	 * @param   array  $menuItems  List of loaded components
	 * @param   bool   $authCheck  An optional switch to turn off the auth check (to support custom layouts 'grey out' behaviour).
	 * @return  array
	 * @since   3.7.0
	public static function parseItems($menuItems, $authCheck = true)
		$result = array();
		$user   = JFactory::getUser();
		$lang   = JFactory::getLanguage();
		$levels = $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();

		// Process each item
		foreach ($menuItems as $i => &$menuitem)
			 * Exclude item with menu item option set to exclude from menu modules
			 * Exclude item if the component is not authorised
			 * Exclude item if menu item set access level is not met
			if (($menuitem->params->get('menu_show', 1) == 0)
				|| ($menuitem->element && $authCheck && !$user->authorise('core.manage', $menuitem->element))
				|| ($menuitem->access && !in_array($menuitem->access, $levels)))

			// Evaluate link url
			switch ($menuitem->type)
				case 'url':
				case 'component':
					$menuitem->link = trim($menuitem->link);
				case 'separator':
				case 'heading':
				case 'container':
					$menuitem->link = '#';
				case 'alias':
					$aliasTo        = $menuitem->params->get('aliasoptions');
					$menuitem->link = static::getLink($aliasTo);

			if ($menuitem->link == '')

			// Translate Menu item label, if needed
			if (!empty($menuitem->element))
				$lang->load($menuitem->element . '.sys', JPATH_BASE, null, false, true)
				|| $lang->load($menuitem->element . '.sys', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $menuitem->element, null, false, true);

			$menuitem->text    = $lang->hasKey($menuitem->title) ? JText::_($menuitem->title) : $menuitem->title;
			$menuitem->submenu = array();

			$result[$menuitem->parent_id][$menuitem->id] = $menuitem;

		// Do an early exit if there are no top level menu items.
		if (!isset($result[1]))
			return array();

		// Put the items under respective parent menu items.
		foreach ($result as $parentId => &$mItems)
			foreach ($mItems as &$mItem)
				if (isset($result[$mItem->id]))

					$mItem->submenu = &$result[$mItem->id];

		// Return only top level items
		return $result[1];

	 * Method to get a link to the aliased menu item
	 * @param   int  $menuId  The record id of the referencing menu item
	 * @return  string
	 * @since   3.7.0
	protected static function getLink($menuId)
		$table = JTable::getInstance('Menu');

		// Look for an alias-to-alias
		if ($table->type == 'alias')
			$params  = new Registry($table->params);
			$aliasTo = $params->get('aliasoptions');

			return static::getLink($aliasTo);

		return $table->link;

	 * Method to cleanup the menu items for repeated, leading or trailing separators in a given menu level
	 * @param   array  &$items  The list of menu items in the selected level
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   3.7.0
	protected static function cleanup(&$items)
		$b = true;

		foreach ($items as $k => &$item)
			if ($item->type == 'separator')
				if ($b)
					$item = false;

				$b = true;
				$b = false;

		if ($b)
			$item = false;

		$items = array_filter($items);

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0