Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmjsapi.php |
<?php /** * virtuemart table class, with some additional behaviours. * * * @package VirtueMart * @subpackage Helpers * @author Max Milbers * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * * http://virtuemart.net */ /** * * Class to provide js API of vm * @author Max Milbers */ class vmJsApi{ private static $_jsAdd = array(); private static $_be = null; private function __construct() { } private static function isAdmin(){ if(!isset(self::$_be)){ self::$_be = JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin(); } return self::$_be; } public static function safe_json_encode($value){ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) { $encoded = json_encode($value, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } else { $encoded = json_encode($value); } switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: return $encoded; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: return 'Maximum stack depth exceeded'; // or trigger_error() or throw new Exception() case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: return 'Underflow or the modes mismatch'; // or trigger_error() or throw new Exception() case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: return 'Unexpected control character found'; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: return 'Syntax error, malformed JSON'; // or trigger_error() or throw new Exception() case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $clean = utf8ize($value); return safe_json_encode($clean); default: return 'Unknown error'; // or trigger_error() or throw new Exception() } } function utf8ize($mixed) { if (is_array($mixed)) { foreach ($mixed as $key => $value) { $mixed[$key] = utf8ize($value); } } else if (is_string ($mixed)) { if (function_exists ('mb_convert_encoding')) { return mb_convert_encoding($mixed, "UTF-8", "auto"); } else { return utf8_encode($mixed); } } return $mixed; } /** * * @param $name * @param bool $script * @param bool $min * @param bool $defer http://peter.sh/experiments/asynchronous-and-deferred-javascript-execution-explained/ * @param bool $async */ public static function addJScript($name, $script = false, $defer = true, $async = false, $inline = false, $ver = VM_REV){ self::$_jsAdd[$name]['script'] = trim($script); self::$_jsAdd[$name]['defer'] = $defer; self::$_jsAdd[$name]['async'] = $async; if(!isset(self::$_jsAdd[$name]['written']))self::$_jsAdd[$name]['written'] = false; self::$_jsAdd[$name]['inline'] = $inline; self::$_jsAdd[$name]['ver'] = $ver; } public static function getJScripts(){ return self::$_jsAdd; } public static function removeJScript($name){ unset(self::$_jsAdd[$name]); } public static function writeJS(){ $html = ''; foreach(self::$_jsAdd as $name => &$jsToAdd){ if($jsToAdd['written']) continue; if(!$jsToAdd['script'] or strpos($jsToAdd['script'],'/')===0 and strpos($jsToAdd['script'],'//<![CDATA[')!==0){ //strpos($script,'/')===0){ if(!$jsToAdd['script']){ $file = $name; } else { $file = $jsToAdd['script']; } if(strpos($file,'/')!==0){ $file = vmJsApi::setPath($file,false,''); } else if(strpos($file,'//')!==0){ $file = JURI::root(true).$file; } if(empty($file)){ vmdebug('writeJS javascript with empty file',$name,$jsToAdd); continue; } $ver = ''; if(!empty($jsToAdd['ver'])) $ver = '?vmver='.$jsToAdd['ver']; if($jsToAdd['inline']){ $html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$file .$ver.'"></script>'; /*$content = file_get_contents(VMPATH_ROOT.$file); $html .= '<script type="text/javascript" >'.$content.'</script>';*/ } else { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript( $file .$ver,"text/javascript",$jsToAdd['defer'],$jsToAdd['async'] ); } } else { $script = trim($jsToAdd['script']); if(!empty($script)) { $script = trim($script,chr(13)); $script = trim($script,chr(10)); if(strpos($script,'//<![CDATA[')===false){ $html .= '<script id="'.$name.'_js" type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ '.chr(10).$script.' //]]>'.chr(10).'</script>'; } else { $html .= '<script id="'.$name.'_js" type="text/javascript"> '.$script.' </script>'; } } } $html .= chr(13); $jsToAdd['written'] = true; } return $html; } /** * Write a <script></script> element * @deprecated * @param string path to file * @param string library name * @param string library version * @param boolean load minified version * @return nothing */ public static function js($namespace,$path=FALSE,$version='', $minified = false) { self::addJScript($namespace,false,false); } /** * Write a <link ></link > element * @param string path to file * @param string library name * @param string library version * @param boolean library version * @return nothing */ public static function css($namespace,$path = FALSE ,$version='', $minified = NULL) { static $loaded = array(); // Only load once // using of namespace assume same css have same namespace // loading 2 time css with this method simply return and do not load it the second time if (!empty($loaded[$namespace])) { return; } $file = vmJsApi::setPath( $namespace, $path, $version='', $minified, 'css'); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet($file.'?vmver='.VM_REV); $loaded[$namespace] = TRUE; } public static function loadBECSS (){ $url = 'administrator/templates/system/css'; self::css('system',$url); if(!class_exists('VmTemplate')) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmtemplate.php'); $template = VmTemplate::getDefaultTemplate(1); $url = 'administrator/templates/'.$template['template'].'/css'; self::css('template',$url); } /** * Set file path(look in template if relative path) * @author Patrick */ public static function setPath( $namespace ,$path = FALSE ,$version='' ,$minified = NULL , $ext = 'js', $absolute_path=false) { $version = $version ? '.'.$version : ''; $filemin = $namespace.$version.'.min.'.$ext ; $file = $namespace.$version.'.'.$ext ; $file_exit_path=''; if(!class_exists('VmTemplate')) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmtemplate.php'); $vmStyle = VmTemplate::loadVmTemplateStyle(); $template = $vmStyle['template']; if ($path === FALSE) { $uri = VMPATH_THEMES .'/'. $template.'/'.$ext ; $path= 'templates/'. $template .'/'.$ext ; } if (strpos($path, 'templates/'. $template ) !== FALSE){ // Search in template or fallback if (!file_exists($uri.'/'. $file)) { $assets_path = VmConfig::get('assets_general_path','components/com_virtuemart/assets/') ; $path = str_replace('templates/'. $template.'/',$assets_path, $path); } $file_exit_path = VMPATH_BASE .'/'.$path; if ($absolute_path) { $path = VMPATH_BASE .'/'.$path; } else { $path = JURI::root(TRUE) .'/'.$path; } } elseif (strpos($path, '//') === FALSE) { if ($absolute_path) { $path = VMPATH_BASE .'/'.$path; } else { $path = JURI::root(TRUE) .'/'.$path; } } //if (VmConfig::get('minified', false) and strpos($path, '//') === false and file_exists($file_exit_path.'/'. $filemin)) $file=$filemin; return $path.'/'.$file ; } /** * Adds jQuery if needed */ static function jQuery($isSite=-1) { if(JVM_VERSION<3){ //Very important convention with other 3rd pary developers, must be kept. DOES NOT WORK IN J3 if (JFactory::getApplication ()->get ('jquery')) { return FALSE; } else { } } else { JHtml::_('jquery.framework'); //return true; } if($isSite===-1) $isSite = !self::isAdmin(); if (!VmConfig::get ('jquery', true) and $isSite) { vmdebug('Common jQuery is disabled'); return FALSE; } if(JVM_VERSION<3){ if(VmConfig::get('google_jquery',true)){ self::addJScript('jquery.min','//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js',false,false, false, ''); self::addJScript( 'jquery-migrate.min',false,false,false,''); } else { self::addJScript( 'jquery.min',false,false,false,''); self::addJScript( 'jquery-migrate.min',false,false,false,''); } } self::jQueryUi(); self::addJScript( 'jquery.noconflict',false,false,true,''); //Very important convention with other 3rd pary developers, must be kept DOES NOT WORK IN J3 if(JVM_VERSION<3){ JFactory::getApplication()->set('jquery',TRUE); } return TRUE; } static function jQueryUi(){ if(VmConfig::get('google_jquery', false)){ self::addJScript('jquery-ui.min', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.9.2/jquery-ui.min.js', false, false, false, ''); } else { self::addJScript('jquery-ui.min', false, false, false,''); } self::addJScript('jquery.ui.autocomplete.html', false, false, false,''); } // Virtuemart product and price script static function jPrice() { if(!VmConfig::get( 'jprice', TRUE ) and !self::isAdmin()) { return FALSE; } static $jPrice; // If exist exit if($jPrice) { return; } vmJsApi::jQuery(); VmConfig::loadJLang( 'com_virtuemart', true ); vmJsApi::jSite(); $jsVars = ""; $jsVars .= "vmSiteurl = '".JURI::root()."' ;\n"; $jsVars .= 'vmLang = "&lang='.VmConfig::$vmlangSef.'";'."\n"; $jsVars .= 'vmLangTag = "'.VmConfig::$vmlangSef.'";'."\n"; $Get = vRequest::getGet(); if(!empty($Get['Itemid'])){ $jsVars .= "Itemid = '&Itemid=".(int)$Get['Itemid']."';\n"; } else { $jsVars .= 'Itemid = "";'."\n"; } if(VmConfig::get('addtocart_popup',1)){ $jsVars .= "Virtuemart.addtocart_popup = '".VmConfig::get('addtocart_popup',1)."' ; \n"; if(VmConfig::get('usefancy',1)){ $jsVars .= "usefancy = true;"; vmJsApi::addJScript( 'fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack',false); vmJsApi::css('jquery.fancybox-1.3.4'); } else {//This is just there for the backward compatibility $jsVars .= "vmCartText = '". addslashes( vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRODUCT_ADDED') )."' ;\n" ; $jsVars .= "vmCartError = '". addslashes( vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MINICART_ERROR_JS') )."' ;\n" ; //This is necessary though and should not be removed without rethinking the whole construction $jsVars .= "usefancy = false;"; vmJsApi::addJScript( 'facebox' ); vmJsApi::css( 'facebox' ); } } self::addJScript('jsVars',$jsVars); vmJsApi::addJScript( 'vmprices',false,false); $onReady = 'jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Virtuemart.product(jQuery("form.product")); /*$("form.js-recalculate").each(function(){ if ($(this).find(".product-fields").length && !$(this).find(".no-vm-bind").length) { var id= $(this).find(\'input[name="virtuemart_product_id[]"]\').val(); Virtuemart.setproducttype($(this),id); } });*/ });'; vmJsApi::addJScript('ready.vmprices',$onReady); $jPrice = TRUE; return TRUE; } static function jSite() { if (!VmConfig::get ('jsite', TRUE) and !self::isAdmin()) { return FALSE; } self::addJScript('vmsite',false,false); } static function jDynUpdate() { self::addJScript('dynupdate',false,false); self::addJScript('updDynamicListeners'," jQuery(document).ready(function() { // GALT: Start listening for dynamic content update. // If template is aware of dynamic update and provided a variable let's // set-up the event listeners. if (Virtuemart.container) Virtuemart.updateDynamicUpdateListeners(); }); "); } static function JcountryStateList($stateIds, $prefix='') { static $JcountryStateList = array(); if (isset($JcountryStateList[$prefix]) or !VmConfig::get ('jsite', TRUE)) { return; } VmJsApi::jSite(); self::addJScript('vm.countryState'.$prefix,' vmSiteurl = "'.JURI::root().'";'."\n".' jQuery( function($) { $("#'.$prefix.'virtuemart_country_id").vm2front("list",{dest : "#'.$prefix.'virtuemart_state_id",ids : "'.$stateIds.'",prefiks : "'.$prefix.'"}); }); '); $JcountryStateList[$prefix] = TRUE; return; } /** * Creates popup, fancy or other for TOS */ static function popup($container,$activator){ static $jspopup; if (!$jspopup) { if(VmConfig::get('usefancy',1)){ vmJsApi::addJScript( 'fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack',false,false); vmJsApi::css('jquery.fancybox-1.3.4'); $box = " jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery('div".$container."').hide(); var con = $('div".$container."').html(); jQuery('a".$activator."').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery.fancybox ({ div: '".$container."', content: con }); }); }); "; } else { vmJsApi::addJScript ('facebox',false,false); vmJsApi::css ('facebox'); $box = " jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery('div".$container."').hide(); jQuery('a".$activator."').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery.facebox( { div: '".$container."' }, 'my-groovy-style'); }); }); "; } self::addJScript('box',$box); $jspopup = true; } return; } static function chosenDropDowns(){ static $chosenDropDowns = false; if(!$chosenDropDowns){ $be = self::isAdmin(); if(VmConfig::get ('jchosen', 0) or $be){ vmJsApi::addJScript('chosen.jquery.min',false,false); if(!$be) { //vmJsApi::jDynUpdate(); vmJsApi::addJScript('vmprices'); } vmJsApi::css('chosen'); $selectText = 'COM_VIRTUEMART_DRDOWN_AVA2ALL'; $vm2string = "editImage: 'edit image',select_all_text: '".vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_DRDOWN_SELALL')."',select_some_options_text: '".vmText::_($selectText)."'" ; if($be or vRequest::getInt('manage',false)){ $selector = 'jQuery("select")'; } else { $selector = 'jQuery(".vm-chzn-select")'; } $script = 'if (typeof Virtuemart === "undefined") var Virtuemart = {}; Virtuemart.updateChosenDropdownLayout = function() { var vm2string = {'.$vm2string.'}; '.$selector.'.each( function () { var swidth = jQuery(this).css("width")+10; jQuery(this).chosen({enable_select_all: true,select_all_text : vm2string.select_all_text,select_some_options_text:vm2string.select_some_options_text,disable_search_threshold: 5, width: swidth}); }); } Virtuemart.updateChosenDropdownLayout();'; self::addJScript('updateChosen',$script); } $chosenDropDowns = true; } return; } static function JvalideForm($name='#adminForm') { static $jvalideForm; // If exist exit if ($jvalideForm === $name) { return; } self::addJScript('vEngine', " jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('".$name."').validationEngine(); }); " ); if ($jvalideForm) { return; } vmJsApi::addJScript( 'jquery.validationEngine'); $lg = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang = substr($lg->getTag(), 0, 2); $vlePath = vmJsApi::setPath('languages/jquery.validationEngine-'.$lang, FALSE , '' ,$minified = NULL , 'js', true); if(!file_exists($vlePath) or is_dir($vlePath)){ $lang = 'en'; } vmJsApi::addJScript( 'languages/jquery.validationEngine-'.$lang ); vmJsApi::css ( 'validationEngine.template' ); vmJsApi::css ( 'validationEngine.jquery' ); $jvalideForm = $name; } static public function vmValidator ($guest=null){ if(!isset($guest)){ $guest = JFactory::getUser()->guest; } // Implement Joomla's form validation JHtml::_ ('behavior.formvalidation'); //j2 //JHtml::_('behavior.formvalidator'); //j3 $regfields = array('username', 'name'); if($guest){ $regfields[] = 'password'; $regfields[] = 'password2'; } $jsRegfields = implode("','",$regfields); $js = "function myValidator(f, r) { var regfields = ['".$jsRegfields."']; var requ = ''; if(r == true){ requ = 'required'; } for (i = 0; i < regfields.length; i++) { var elem = jQuery('#'+regfields[i]+'_field'); elem.attr('class', requ); } if (document.formvalidator.isValid(f)) { if (jQuery('#recaptcha_wrapper').is(':hidden') && (r == true)) { jQuery('#recaptcha_wrapper').show(); } else { return true; //sents the form, we dont use js.submit() } } else { //dirty Hack for country dropdown var cField = jQuery('#virtuemart_country_id'); if(typeof cField!=='undefined'){ if(cField.attr('required')=='required' && cField.attr('aria-required')=='true'){ chznField = jQuery('#virtuemart_country_id_chzn'); var there = chznField.attr('class'); var ind = there.indexOf('required'); var results = 0; if(cField.attr('aria-invalid')=='true' && ind==-1){ chznField.attr('class', there + ' required'); results = 2; } else if(ind!=-1){ var res = there.slice(0,ind); chznField.attr('class', res); } chznField = jQuery('#virtuemart_state_id_chzn'); if(typeof chznField!=='undefined'){ if(results===0){ results = chznField.find('.chzn-results li').length; } there = chznField.attr('class'); ind = there.indexOf('required'); var sel = jQuery('#virtuemart_state_id').val(); if(sel==0 && ind==-1 && results>1){ chznField.attr('class', there + ' required'); } else if(ind!=-1 && (results<2 || sel!=0)){ var res = there.slice(0,ind); chznField.attr('class', res); } } } } if (jQuery('#recaptcha_wrapper').is(':hidden') && (r == true)) { jQuery('#recaptcha_wrapper').show(); } var msg = '" .addslashes (vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_MISSING_REQUIRED_JS'))."'; alert(msg + ' '); } return false; }"; vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.validator',$js); } // Virtuemart product and price script static function jCreditCard() { static $jCreditCard; // If exist exit if ($jCreditCard) { return; } VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart',true); $js = " var ccErrors = new Array () ccErrors [0] = '" . addslashes( vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CREDIT_CARD_UNKNOWN_TYPE') ). "'; ccErrors [1] = '" . addslashes( vmText::_("COM_VIRTUEMART_CREDIT_CARD_NO_NUMBER") ). "'; ccErrors [2] = '" . addslashes( vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CREDIT_CARD_INVALID_FORMAT')) . "'; ccErrors [3] = '" . addslashes( vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CREDIT_CARD_INVALID_NUMBER')) . "'; ccErrors [4] = '" . addslashes( vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CREDIT_CARD_WRONG_DIGIT')) . "'; ccErrors [5] = '" . addslashes( vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CREDIT_CARD_INVALID_EXPIRE_DATE')) . "'; "; self::addJScript('creditcard',$js); $jCreditCard = TRUE; return TRUE; } /** * ADD some CSS if needed * Prevent duplicate load of CSS stylesheet * @author Max Milbers */ static function cssSite() { if (!VmConfig::get ('css', TRUE)) return FALSE; static $cssSite; if ($cssSite) return; // Get the Page direction for right to left support $document = JFactory::getDocument (); $direction = $document->getDirection (); $cssFile = 'vmsite-' . $direction ; if(!class_exists('VmTemplate')) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmtemplate.php'); $vmStyle = VmTemplate::loadVmTemplateStyle(); $template = $vmStyle['template']; if($template){ //Fallback for old templates $path= 'templates'. DS . $template . DS . 'css' .DS. $cssFile.'.css' ; if(file_exists($path)){ // If exist exit vmJsApi::css ( $cssFile ) ; } else { $cssFile = 'vm-' . $direction .'-common'; vmJsApi::css ( $cssFile ) ; $cssFile = 'vm-' . $direction .'-site'; vmJsApi::css ( $cssFile ) ; $cssFile = 'vm-' . $direction .'-reviews'; vmJsApi::css ( $cssFile ) ; } $cssSite = TRUE; } return TRUE; } // $yearRange format >> 1980:2010 // Virtuemart Datepicker script static function jDate($date='',$name="date",$id=NULL,$resetBt = TRUE, $yearRange='') { if ($yearRange) { $yearRange = 'yearRange: "' . $yearRange . '",'; } $test = (int) str_replace(array('-',' ',':'),'',$date); if(empty($test)){ $date = 0; } if (empty($id)) { $id = str_replace(array('[]','[',']'),'.',$name); $id = str_replace('..','.',$id); } static $jDate; if(!class_exists('VmHtml')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'helpers'.DS.'html.php'); $id = VmHtml::ensureUniqueId($id); $dateFormat = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_DATE_FORMAT_INPUT_J16');//="m/d/y" $search = array('m', 'd', 'Y'); $replace = array('mm', 'dd', 'yy'); $jsDateFormat = str_replace($search, $replace, $dateFormat); if ($date) { $formatedDate = JHtml::_('date', $date, $dateFormat ); } else { $formatedDate = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEVER'); } $display = '<input class="datepicker-db" id="'.$id.'" type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$date.'" />'; $display .= '<input id="'.$id.'_text" class="datepicker" type="text" value="'.$formatedDate.'" />'; if ($resetBt) { $display .= '<span class="vmicon vmicon-16-logout icon-nofloat js-date-reset"></span>'; } // If exist exit if ($jDate) { return $display; } self::addJScript('datepicker',' jQuery(document).ready( function($) { jQuery(document).on( "focus",".datepicker", function() { jQuery( this ).datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, '.$yearRange.' dateFormat:"'.$jsDateFormat.'", altField: $(this).prev(), altFormat: "yy-mm-dd" }); }); jQuery(document).on( "click",".js-date-reset", function() { jQuery(this).prev("input").val("'.vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEVER').'").prev("input").val("0"); }); }); '); vmJsApi::css('ui/jquery.ui.all'); $lg = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang = $lg->getTag(); $vlePath = vmJsApi::setPath('i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-'.$lang, FALSE , '' ,$minified = NULL , 'js', true); if(!file_exists($vlePath) or is_dir($vlePath)){ $lang = 'en-GB'; } vmJsApi::addJScript( 'i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-'.$lang ); $jDate = TRUE; return $display; } /* * Convert formated date; * @ $date the date to convert * @ $format Joomla DATE_FORMAT Key endding eg. 'LC2' for DATE_FORMAT_LC2 * @ revert date format for database- TODO ? */ static function date($date , $format ='LC2', $joomla=FALSE ,$revert=FALSE ){ if (!strcmp ($date, '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) { return vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEVER'); } If ($joomla) { $formatedDate = JHtml::_('date', $date, vmText::_('DATE_FORMAT_'.$format)); } else { $J16 = "_J16"; $formatedDate = JHtml::_('date', $date, vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_DATE_FORMAT_'.$format.$J16)); } return $formatedDate; } static function keepAlive($minlps = 2, $maxlps=5){ static $done = false; if($done) return; $done = true; $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $refTime = ($config->get('lifetime') ); // the longest refresh period is 30 min to prevent integer overflow. if ($refTime > 30 || $refTime <= 0) { $refTime = 30; } $url = 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=virtuemart&task=keepalive'; vmJsApi::addJScript('keepAliveTime','var sessMin = '.$refTime.';var vmAliveUrl = "'.$url.'";var maxlps = "'.$maxlps.'";var minlps = "'.$minlps.'";',false,true); vmJsApi::addJScript('vmkeepalive',false, true, true); } }