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Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_templates/models/styles.php

 * @package     Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage  com_templates
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

 * Methods supporting a list of template style records.
 * @since  1.6
class TemplatesModelStyles extends JModelList
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param   array  $config  An optional associative array of configuration settings.
	 * @see     JControllerLegacy
	 * @since   1.6
	public function __construct($config = array())
		if (empty($config['filter_fields']))
			$config['filter_fields'] = array(
				'id', 'a.id',
				'title', 'a.title',
				'template', 'a.template',
				'home', 'a.home',


	 * Method to auto-populate the model state.
	 * Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion.
	 * @param   string  $ordering   An optional ordering field.
	 * @param   string  $direction  An optional direction (asc|desc).
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   1.6
	protected function populateState($ordering = 'a.template', $direction = 'asc')
		// Load the filter state.
		$this->setState('filter.search', $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.search', 'filter_search', '', 'string'));
		$this->setState('filter.template', $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.template', 'filter_template', '', 'string'));
		$this->setState('filter.menuitem', $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.menuitem', 'filter_menuitem', '', 'cmd'));

		// Special case for the client id.
		$clientId = (int) $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.client_id', 'client_id', 0, 'int');
		$clientId = (!in_array($clientId, array (0, 1))) ? 0 : $clientId;
		$this->setState('client_id', $clientId);

		// Load the parameters.
		$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_templates');
		$this->setState('params', $params);

		// List state information.
		parent::populateState($ordering, $direction);

	 * Method to get a store id based on model configuration state.
	 * This is necessary because the model is used by the component and
	 * different modules that might need different sets of data or different
	 * ordering requirements.
	 * @param   string  $id  A prefix for the store id.
	 * @return  string  A store id.
	protected function getStoreId($id = '')
		// Compile the store id.
		$id .= ':' . $this->getState('client_id');
		$id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.search');
		$id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.template');
		$id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.menuitem');

		return parent::getStoreId($id);

	 * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
	 * @return  JDatabaseQuery
	protected function getListQuery()
		$clientId = (int) $this->getState('client_id');

		// Create a new query object.
		$db = $this->getDbo();
		$query = $db->getQuery(true);

		// Select the required fields from the table.
				'a.id, a.template, a.title, a.home, a.client_id, l.title AS language_title, l.image as image, l.sef AS language_sef'
		$query->from($db->quoteName('#__template_styles', 'a'))
			->where($db->quoteName('a.client_id') . ' = ' . $clientId);

		// Join on menus.
		$query->select('COUNT(m.template_style_id) AS assigned')
			->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__menu', 'm') . ' ON ' . $db->quoteName('m.template_style_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('a.id'))
			->group('a.id, a.template, a.title, a.home, a.client_id, l.title, l.image, e.extension_id, l.sef');

		// Join over the language.
		$query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__languages', 'l') . ' ON ' . $db->quoteName('l.lang_code') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('a.home'));

		// Filter by extension enabled.
		$query->select($db->quoteName('extension_id', 'e_id'))
			->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__extensions', 'e') . ' ON e.element = a.template AND e.client_id = a.client_id')
			->where($db->quoteName('e.enabled') . ' = 1')
			->where($db->quoteName('e.type') . ' = ' . $db->quote('template'));

		// Filter by template.
		if ($template = $this->getState('filter.template'))
			$query->where($db->quoteName('a.template') . ' = ' . $db->quote($template));

		// Filter by menuitem.
		$menuItemId = $this->getState('filter.menuitem');

		if ($clientId === 0 && is_numeric($menuItemId))
			// If user selected the templates styles that are not assigned to any page.
			if ((int) $menuItemId === -1)
				// Only custom template styles overrides not assigned to any menu item.
				$query->where($db->quoteName('a.home') . ' = ' . $db->quote(0))
					->where($db->quoteName('m.id') . ' IS NULL');
			// If user selected the templates styles assigned to particular pages.
				// Subquery to get the language of the selected menu item.
				$menuItemLanguageSubQuery = $db->getQuery(true);
					->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . $menuItemId);

				// Subquery to get the language of the selected menu item.
				$templateStylesMenuItemsSubQuery = $db->getQuery(true);
					->where($db->quoteName('template_style_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('a.id'));

				// Main query where clause.
				$query->where('(' .
					// Default template style (fallback template style to all menu items).
					$db->quoteName('a.home') . ' = ' . $db->quote(1) . ' OR ' .
					// Default template style for specific language (fallback template style to the selected menu item language).
					$db->quoteName('a.home') . ' IN (' . $menuItemLanguageSubQuery . ') OR ' .
					// Custom template styles override (only if assigned to the selected menu item).
					'(' . $db->quoteName('a.home') . ' = ' . $db->quote(0) . ' AND ' . $menuItemId . ' IN (' . $templateStylesMenuItemsSubQuery . '))' .

		// Filter by search in title.
		if ($search = $this->getState('filter.search'))
			if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0)
				$query->where($db->quoteName('a.id') . ' = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
				$search = $db->quote('%' . strtolower($search) . '%');
				$query->where('(' . ' LOWER(a.template) LIKE ' . $search . ' OR LOWER(a.title) LIKE ' . $search . ')');

		// Add the list ordering clause.
		$query->order($db->escape($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.template')) . ' ' . $db->escape($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));

		return $query;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0