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Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_poweradmin/models/
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Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_poweradmin/models/article.php

# JSN PowerAdmin
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# author    JoomlaShine.com Team
# copyright Copyright (C) 2012 JoomlaShine.com. All Rights Reserved.
# Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com
# Technical Support:  Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/joomlashine/contact-us.html
# @license - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL
# @version $Id: article.php 13311 2012-06-14 12:31:48Z hiepnv $

// No direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

 * @package		Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage	com_poweradmin extend com_content
 * @since		1.7
class PoweradminModelArticle extends JModelAdmin
	 * @var		string	The prefix to use with controller messages.
	 * @since	1.6
	protected $text_prefix = 'COM_POWERADMIN';

	 * Method to test whether a record can be deleted.
	 * @param	object	$record	A record object.
	 * @return	boolean	True if allowed to delete the record. Defaults to the permission set in the component.
	 * @since	1.6
	protected function canDelete($record)
		if (!empty($record->id)) {
			if ($record->state != -2) {
				return ;
			$user = JFactory::getUser();
			return $user->authorise('core.delete', 'com_poweradmin.article.'.(int) $record->id);

	 * Method to test whether a record can have its state edited.
	 * @param	object	$record	A record object.
	 * @return	boolean	True if allowed to change the state of the record. Defaults to the permission set in the component.
	 * @since	1.6
	protected function canEditState($record)
		$user = JFactory::getUser();

		// Check for existing article.
		if (!empty($record->id)) {
			return $user->authorise('core.edit.state', 'com_poweradmin.article.'.(int) $record->id);
		// New article, so check against the category.
		else if (!empty($record->catid)) {
			return $user->authorise('core.edit.state', 'com_poweradmin.category.'.(int) $record->catid);
		// Default to component settings if neither article nor category known.
		else {
			return parent::canEditState($record);

	 * Prepare and sanitise the table data prior to saving.
	 * @param	JTable	A JTable object.
	 * @return	void
	 * @since	1.6
	protected function prepareTable(&$table)
		// Set the publish date to now
		if($table->state == 1 && intval($table->publish_up) == 0) {
			$table->publish_up = JFactory::getDate()->toMySQL();

		// Increment the content version number.

		// Reorder the articles within the category so the new article is first
		if (empty($table->id)) {
			$table->reorder('catid = '.(int) $table->catid.' AND state >= 0');

	 * Returns a Table object, always creating it.
	 * @param	type	The table type to instantiate
	 * @param	string	A prefix for the table class name. Optional.
	 * @param	array	Configuration array for model. Optional.
	 * @return	JTable	A database object
	public function getTable($type = 'Content', $prefix = 'JTable', $config = array())
		return JTable::getInstance($type, $prefix, $config);
	 * Return all article exist in database
	public function getAllItemIds()
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();
		$query = $db->getQuery(true);
		$db->setQuery((string) $query);
		return $db->loadObjectList();
	 * Method to get a single record.
	 * @param	integer	The id of the primary key.
	 * @return	mixed	Object on success, false on failure.
	public function getItem($pk = null)
		if ($item = parent::getItem($pk)) {
			// Convert the params field to an array.
			$registry = new JRegistry;
			$item->attribs = $registry->toArray();

			// Convert the params field to an array.
			$registry = new JRegistry;
			$item->metadata = $registry->toArray();

			$item->articletext = trim($item->fulltext) != '' ? $item->introtext . "<hr id=\"system-readmore\" />" . $item->fulltext : $item->introtext;

		return $item;

	 * Method to get the record form.
	 * @param	array	$data		Data for the form.
	 * @param	boolean	$loadData	True if the form is to load its own data (default case), false if not.
	 * @return	mixed	A JForm object on success, false on failure
	 * @since	1.6
	public function getForm($data = array(), $loadData = true)
		// Get the form.
		$form = $this->loadForm('com_poweradmin.article', 'article', array('control' => 'jform', 'load_data' => $loadData));
		if (empty($form)) {
			return false;

		// Determine correct permissions to check.
		if ($id = (int) $this->getState('article.id')) {
			// Existing record. Can only edit in selected categories.
			$form->setFieldAttribute('catid', 'action', 'core.edit');
			// Existing record. Can only edit own articles in selected categories.
			$form->setFieldAttribute('catid', 'action', 'core.edit.own');
		else {
			// New record. Can only create in selected categories.
			$form->setFieldAttribute('catid', 'action', 'core.create');

		// Modify the form based on Edit State access controls.
		if (!$this->canEditState((object) $data)) {
			// Disable fields for display.
			$form->setFieldAttribute('featured', 'disabled', 'true');
			$form->setFieldAttribute('ordering', 'disabled', 'true');
			$form->setFieldAttribute('publish_up', 'disabled', 'true');
			$form->setFieldAttribute('publish_down', 'disabled', 'true');
			$form->setFieldAttribute('state', 'disabled', 'true');

			// Disable fields while saving.
			// The controller has already verified this is an article you can edit.
			$form->setFieldAttribute('featured', 'filter', 'unset');
			$form->setFieldAttribute('ordering', 'filter', 'unset');
			$form->setFieldAttribute('publish_up', 'filter', 'unset');
			$form->setFieldAttribute('publish_down', 'filter', 'unset');
			$form->setFieldAttribute('state', 'filter', 'unset');

		return $form;

	 * Method to get the data that should be injected in the form.
	 * @return	mixed	The data for the form.
	 * @since	1.6
	protected function loadFormData()
		// Check the session for previously entered form data.
		$data = JFactory::getApplication()->getUserState('com_poweradmin.edit.article.data', array());

		if (empty($data)) {
			$data = $this->getItem();

			// Prime some default values.
			if ($this->getState('article.id') == 0) {
				$app = JFactory::getApplication();
				$data->set('catid', JRequest::getInt('catid', $app->getUserState('com_poweradmin.articles.filter.category_id')));

		return $data;

	 * Method to save the form data.
	 * @param	array	The form data.
	 * @return	boolean	True on success.
	 * @since	1.6
	public function save($data)
		// Alter the title for save as copy
		if (JRequest::getVar('task') == 'save2copy') {
			list($title,$alias) = $this->generateNewTitle($data['catid'], $data['alias'], $data['title']);
			$data['title']	= $title;
			$data['alias']	= $alias;

		if (parent::save($data)) {
			if (isset($data['featured'])) {
				$this->featured($this->getState($this->getName().'.id'), $data['featured']);
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Method to toggle the featured setting of articles.
	 * @param	array	The ids of the items to toggle.
	 * @param	int		The value to toggle to.
	 * @return	boolean	True on success.
	public function featured($pks, $value = 0)
		// Sanitize the ids.
		$pks = (array) $pks;

		if (empty($pks)) {
			return false;

		$table = $this->getTable('Featured', 'ContentTable');

		try {
			$db = $this->getDbo();

				'UPDATE #__content AS a' .
				' SET a.featured = '.(int) $value.
				' WHERE a.id IN ('.implode(',', $pks).')'
			if (!$db->query()) {
				throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg());

			if ((int)$value == 0) {
				// Adjust the mapping table.
				// Clear the existing features settings.
					'DELETE FROM #__content_frontpage' .
					' WHERE content_id IN ('.implode(',', $pks).')'
				if (!$db->query()) {
					throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg());
			} else {
				// first, we find out which of our new featured articles are already featured.
				$query = $db->getQuery(true);
				$query->from('#__content_frontpage AS f');
				$query->where('content_id IN ('.implode(',', $pks).')');

				if (!is_array($old_featured = $db->loadColumn())) {
					throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg());

				// we diff the arrays to get a list of the articles that are newly featured
				$new_featured = array_diff($pks, $old_featured);

				// Featuring.
				$tuples = array();
				foreach ($new_featured as $pk) {
					$tuples[] = '('.$pk.', 0)';
				if (count($tuples)) {
						'INSERT INTO #__content_frontpage (`content_id`, `ordering`)' .
						' VALUES '.implode(',', $tuples)
					if (!$db->query()) {
						return false;

		} catch (Exception $e) {
			return false;



		return true;

	 * A protected method to get a set of ordering conditions.
	 * @param	object	A record object.
	 * @return	array	An array of conditions to add to add to ordering queries.
	 * @since	1.6
	protected function getReorderConditions($table)
		$condition = array();
		$condition[] = 'catid = '.(int) $table->catid;
		return $condition;
	 * Custom clean the cache of com_content and content modules
	 * @since	1.6
	protected function cleanCache($group = null, $client_id = 0)

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