Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_jmap/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_jmap/js/cpanel.js |
/** * Manage client tasks inside component CPanel * * @package JMAP::CPANEL::administrator::components::com_jmap * @subpackage js * @author Joomla! Extensions Store * @copyright (C)2015 Joomla! Extensions Store * @license GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ jQuery(function($){ var CPanel = $.newClass ({ /** * Main selector * * @access public * @property prototype * @var array */ selector : null, /** * Target selector * * @access public * @property prototype * @var array */ targetSelector : null, /** * Canvas context * * @access public * @param String */ canvasContext : null, /** * Chart data to render, copy from global injected scope * * @access private * @var Object */ chartData : {}, /** * Status of the model save entity process for the robots entries * * @access private * @var Object */ modelSaveEntitySuccess : false, /** * Charts options * * @access private * @var Object */ chartOptions : {animation:true, scaleFontSize: 11, scaleOverride: true, scaleSteps:1, scaleStepWidth: 50}, /** * First progress snippet * * @access private * @var String */ firstProgress : '<div class="progress progress-striped active">' + '<div id="progressBar1" class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">' + '<span class="sr-only"></span>' + '</div>' + '</div>', /** * Update status selector * * @access private * @var String */ updateStatusSelector : '#updatestatus label.label-danger', /** * Update process button snippet with placeholder to trigger the update process * * @access private * @var String */ updateButtonSnippet : '<button id="updatebtn" data-content="' + COM_JMAP_EXPIREON + '%EXPIREON%" class="btn btn-small btn-primary">' + '<span class="icon-upload"></span>' + COM_JMAP_CLICKTOUPDATE + '</button>', /** * Object initializer * * @access public * @param string selector */ init : function(selector, targetSelector) { this.constructor.prototype.selector = selector; this.constructor.prototype.targetSelector = targetSelector; //Registrazione eventi this.registerEvents(); // Get target canvas context 2d to render chart if(!!document.createElement('canvas').getContext && $('#chart_canvas').length) { this.constructor.prototype.canvasContext = $('#chart_canvas').get(0).getContext('2d'); $(window).on('resize', {bind:this}, function(event){ event.data.bind.resizeRepaintCanvas(); }) // Start generation this.resizeRepaintCanvas(true); } // Trigger the updates license status checker var context = this; setTimeout(function(){ context.checkUpdatesLicenseStatus(); }, 500); }, /** * Register events for user interaction * * @access public * @property prototype * @return void */ registerEvents : function() { var context = this; // Register events select articoli $(this.selector).on('change', {bind:this}, function(event) { // Disabled complementary dropdown switch(event.target.id) { case 'menu_datasource_filters': event.target.value ? $('#datasets_filters').attr('disabled', true) : $('#datasets_filters').attr('disabled', false); break; case 'datasets_filters': event.target.value ? $('#menu_datasource_filters').attr('disabled', true) : $('#menu_datasource_filters').attr('disabled', false); break; case 'language_option': var langValue = $(event.target).val().replace('-', '_'); $('#jmap_langflag').remove(); $(event.target).parent().append('<img id="jmap_langflag" src="' + jmap_baseURI + 'media/mod_languages/images/' + langValue + '.gif" alt="flag"/>'); break; } event.data.bind.refreshCtrls(event.target, event.target.value); }); // Trigger change by default on page load to populate language query string at startup $('#language_option').trigger('change'); // Trigger if multilanguage is off and random links are on if(!$('#language_option').length && jmap_linksRandom) { this.refreshCtrls(); } // Trigger if multilanguage is off and force format for links is on if(!$('#language_option').length && jmap_forceFormat) { this.refreshCtrls(); } // Enables bootstrap popover $('label.hasClickPopover').popover({ trigger: 'click', placement: 'left', html: 1, noTitle: true }).on('shown.bs.popover', function(){ $(context.selector).trigger('change', [true]); }); $('input.hasClickPopover').popover({ trigger: 'click', placement: 'top', html: 1, noTitle: false, title: function() { return COM_JMAP_CRONJOB_GENERATED_SITEMAP_FILE; }, content: function() { var queryString = $(this).val(); // Split into key/value pairs var queries = queryString.split("&"); var params = {}; // Convert the array of strings into an object for ( i = 0, l = queries.length; i < l; i++ ) { temp = queries[i].split('='); params[temp[0]] = temp[1]; } // Build the file name var sitemapFrontendFilename = jmap_splittingStatus && params.format != 'videos' ? 'sitemapindex_' : 'sitemap_'; sitemapFrontendFilename += params.format; if(params.hasOwnProperty('lang')) { sitemapFrontendFilename += '_' + params.lang; } if(params.hasOwnProperty('dataset')) { sitemapFrontendFilename += '_dataset' + params.dataset; } if(params.hasOwnProperty('Itemid')) { sitemapFrontendFilename += '_menuid' + params.Itemid; } sitemapFrontendFilename += '.xml'; var concatenatePingXmlFormat = "<a data-role='pinger' class='pinger glyphicon glyphicon-flash' href='http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ping?sitemap=" + encodeURIComponent(jmap_livesite + '/' + sitemapFrontendFilename) + "'>" + COM_JMAP_PING_GOOGLE + "</a>" + "<a data-role='pinger' class='pinger glyphicon glyphicon-flash' href='http://www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=" + encodeURIComponent(jmap_livesite + '/' + sitemapFrontendFilename) + "'>" + COM_JMAP_PING_BING + "</a>" + "<a data-role='pinger' class='pinger glyphicon glyphicon-flash' href='http://blogs.yandex.ru/pings/?status=success&url=" + encodeURIComponent(jmap_livesite + '/' + sitemapFrontendFilename) + "'>" + COM_JMAP_PING_YANDEX + "</a>" + "<a data-role='pinger' data-type='rpc' class='pinger glyphicon glyphicon-flash' href='http://ping.baidu.com/ping/RPC2?" + encodeURIComponent(jmap_livesite + '/' + sitemapFrontendFilename) + "'>" + COM_JMAP_PING_BAIDU + "</a>"; return '<input type="text" class="popover-content" value="' + jmap_livesite + '/' + sitemapFrontendFilename + '"/>' + '<label class="glyphicon glyphicon-flash hasClickPopover hasTooltip" title="' + COM_JMAP_PING_SITEMAP_CRONJOB + '" data-content="' + concatenatePingXmlFormat + '"></label>' + '<label class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil hasTooltip" title="' + COM_JMAP_ROBOTS_SITEMAP_ENTRY_CRONJOB + '" data-role="saveentity"></label>'; } }).on('shown.bs.popover', function(event){ $('#xmlsitemap_export label.hasTooltip').tooltip({trigger:'hover', placement:'top'}); // Enables bootstrap popover $('#xmlsitemap_export label.hasClickPopover').popover({ trigger: 'click', placement: 'left', html: 1, container: '#xmlsitemap_export', noTitle: true }); }); // Ensure closing it when click on other DOM elements $(document).on('click', 'body', function(jqEvent){ if(!$(jqEvent.target).hasClass('hasClickPopover') && !$(jqEvent.target).hasClass('popover-content')) { $('label.hasClickPopover, input.hasClickPopover, li.hasClickPopover').popover('hide'); } }); // First Fancybox content type for XML sitemaps format generation/export if($('a.fancybox').length) { $("a.fancybox").fancybox(); } // Google maps Fancybox loading and instance if($('a.fancybox[data-role="opengmap"]').length) { $('a.fancybox[data-role="opengmap"]').fancybox({ beforeLoad: function() { $('#gmap').show(); map = new GMaps({ div: '#gmap', lat: 40.730610, lng: -73.935242, zoom: 1 }); GMaps.geocode({ address: jmap_geositemapAddress, callback: function(results, status) { if (status == 'OK') { var latlng = results[0].geometry.location; map.setCenter(latlng.lat(), latlng.lng()); map.addMarker({ lat: latlng.lat(), lng: latlng.lng() }); map.setZoom(10); } } }); }, afterClose : function () { $('#gmap').remove(); $('a[data-role=opengmap]').after('<div id="gmap"></div>'); }, title : jmap_geositemapAddress }); } if($('a.fancybox.rss').length) { $("a.fancybox.rss").fancybox({ minWidth: '680' }); } if($('a.fancybox_iframe').length) { $("a.fancybox_iframe").fancybox({ type:'iframe', minWidth: '800', maxWidth: '800', minHeight: '640', maxHeight: '640', afterLoad:function(upcoming){ $($('iframe[id^=fancybox]')).attr('scrolling','no'); } }); } $('#fancy_closer').on('click', function(){ parent.jQuery.fancybox.close(); return false; }); $('label.hasRobotsPopover').popover({trigger:'hover', placement:'bottom'}); // Pinger window open to win on iframe crossorigin limitations $(document).on('click', 'a.pinger', function(jqEvent){ // Prevent open link jqEvent.preventDefault(); // Simple window post to the search engine for HTML submission if($(this).data('type') != 'rpc') { var thisLinkToPing = $(this).attr('href'); window.open(thisLinkToPing, 'pingwindow', 'width=800,height=480'); } else { context.rpcSitemapPing(this); } return false; }); // Label to manage saveEntity on sitemap model $(document).on('click', 'label[data-role=saveentity]', function() { // Trigger JS app processing to create root sitemap file var ajaxTargetLink = $(this).prevAll('input').val(); // Start model ajax saveEntity context.openSaveEntityProgress(ajaxTargetLink); }); // Robots add entries $('#robots_adder').on('click', {bind:this}, function(jqEvent){ jqEvent.preventDefault(); // Call the adder callback jqEvent.data.bind.addRobotsEntry(); }); // Component updater ignition start $(document).on('click', '#updatebtn', function(jqEvent){ context.performComponentUpdate(); }); }, /** * Refresh input link types and a types inside lightbox * * @access public * @method prototype * @param String value the language value selected * @return void */ refreshCtrls : function(elem, value) { // Controls->param mapping intelligent append/replace var controlParamMapper = {'language_option':'&lang=', 'menu_datasource_filters':'&Itemid=', 'datasets_filters':'&dataset=' }; var mappedQueryStringParam = controlParamMapper[$(elem).attr('id')]; // Inject default option $(this.targetSelector).each(function(index, item) { switch($(item).prop('tagName').toLowerCase()) { case 'a': var appendValue = ''; // If chosen valid language if(value) { if($(item).attr('data-role') == 'pinger') { appendValue = encodeURIComponent(mappedQueryStringParam + value); } else { appendValue = mappedQueryStringParam + value; } } var currentValue = $(item).attr('href'); // Existing param if(currentValue.match(new RegExp(mappedQueryStringParam + "[^&.]+", "gi"))) { if($(item).data('language') == 1 && $(elem).attr('id') == 'language_option') {} else { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp(mappedQueryStringParam + "[^&.]+", "gi"), appendValue); } } else { // Case new param appended currentValue = currentValue + appendValue; } // Resetting value $(item).attr('href', currentValue); break; case 'input': default: var appendValue = ''; // If chosen valid language if(value) { if($(item).attr('data-role') == 'pinger') { appendValue = encodeURIComponent(mappedQueryStringParam + value); } else { appendValue = mappedQueryStringParam + value; } } var currentValue = $(item).val(); // If auto versioning reset version parameter if(jmap_linksRandom) { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp(".ver=\\d+", "gi"), ''); } // If auto append extra format query string parameter reset it if(jmap_forceFormat && $(item).attr('data-role') == 'sitemap_links_sef' && !$(item).attr('data-html')) { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp(".format=.+", "gi"), ''); } // Manage double mode for no-SEF or SEF links if($(item).attr('data-role') == 'sitemap_links_sef') { switch($(elem).attr('id')) { case 'language_option': var regexString = typeof(jmap_sef_alias_links) !== 'undefined' ? jmap_sef_alias_links : 'component'; // Existing param if(currentValue.match(new RegExp("http.*/.{2}/" + regexString + "|http.*/.{2}-.{2}/" + regexString, "i"))) { if($(item).data('language') != 1) { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp(".{2}/" + regexString + "|.{2}-.{2}/" + regexString, "i"), value + '/' + regexString); } } else { // Case new param appended currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp(regexString, "i"), value + '/' + regexString); } break; case 'menu_datasource_filters': // Existing param if(currentValue.match(new RegExp("Itemid", "gi"))) { if(value) { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp("Itemid=\\d+", "gi"), 'Itemid=' + value); } else { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp("\\?Itemid=\\d+", "gi"), ''); } } else { // Case new param appended if(value) { currentValue = currentValue + '?Itemid=' + value; } } break; case 'datasets_filters': // Existing param if(currentValue.match(new RegExp("dataset", "gi"))) { if(value) { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp("\\d+-dataset", "gi"), value + '-dataset'); } else { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp("/\\d-formatted/\\d+-dataset", "gi"), ''); } } else { // Case new param appended if(value) { currentValue = currentValue + '/0-formatted/' + value + '-dataset'; } } break; } var currentDataValueNoSef = $(item).attr('data-valuenosef'); // Existing param if(currentDataValueNoSef.match(new RegExp(mappedQueryStringParam + "[^&.]+", "gi"))) { $(item).attr('data-valuenosef', currentDataValueNoSef.replace(new RegExp(mappedQueryStringParam + "[^&.]+", "gi"), appendValue)); } else { // Case new param appended $(item).attr('data-valuenosef', currentDataValueNoSef + appendValue); } } else { // Existing param if(currentValue.match(new RegExp(mappedQueryStringParam + "[^&.]+", "gi"))) { if($(item).data('language') == 1 && $(elem).attr('id') == 'language_option') {} else { currentValue = currentValue.replace(new RegExp(mappedQueryStringParam + "[^&.]+", "gi"), appendValue); } } else { // Case new param appended currentValue = currentValue + appendValue; } } // Auto append extra query string param for sitemap versioning AKA force GWT cache to refresh if(jmap_linksRandom) { // Already a query string? if(currentValue.match(new RegExp("\\?", "gi"))) { currentValue += '&ver=' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000) + 1); } else { // New query string append currentValue += '?ver=' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000) + 1); } } // Auto append extra format query string parameter if(jmap_forceFormat && $(item).attr('data-role') == 'sitemap_links_sef' && !$(item).attr('data-html')) { var linkFormat = $(item).data('valuenosef').match(/format=([a-z]+)/i); // Already a query string? if(currentValue.match(new RegExp("\\?", "gi"))) { currentValue += '&format=' + linkFormat[1]; } else { // New query string append currentValue += '?format=' + linkFormat[1]; } } // Resetting value $(item).val(currentValue); $(item).attr('value', currentValue); break; } }); }, /** * Open first operation progress bar * * @access private * @param String ajaxLink * @return void */ openSaveEntityProgress : function(ajaxLink) { var context = this; // Build modal dialog var modalDialog = '<div class="modal fade" id="progressModal1" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="progressModal" aria-hidden="true">' + '<div class="modal-dialog">' + '<div class="modal-content">' + '<div class="modal-header">' + '<h4 class="modal-title">' + COM_JMAP_ROBOTSPROGRESSTITLE + '</h4>' + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-body">' + '<p>' + this.firstProgress + '</p>' + '<p id="progressInfo1"></p>' + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-footer">' + '</div>' + '</div><!-- /.modal-content -->' + '</div><!-- /.modal-dialog -->' + '</div>'; // Inject elements into content body $('body').append(modalDialog); // Remove fancybox overlay if added cronjob link $('div.fancybox-overlay').fadeOut(); var modalOptions = { backdrop:'static' }; $('#progressModal1').on('shown.bs.modal', function(event) { $('#progressModal1 div.modal-body').css({'width':'90%', 'margin':'auto'}); $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'50%'}); // Inform user process initializing $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + COM_JMAP_ROBOTSPROGRESSSUBTITLE + '</p>'); setTimeout(function(){ context.modelSaveEntity(ajaxLink).always(function(){ if(this.modelSaveEntitySuccess) { // Set 100% for progress $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'100%'}); // Append exit message $('#progressInfo1').append('<p>' + COM_JMAP_ROBOTSPROGRESSSUBTITLESUCCESS + '</p>'); setTimeout(function(){ // Remove all $('#progressModal1').modal('hide'); }, 3000); } else { // Set 100% for progress $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'100%'}).addClass('progress-bar-danger'); // Append exit message $('#progressInfo1').append('<p>' + COM_JMAP_ROBOTSPROGRESSSUBTITLEERROR + '</p>'); setTimeout(function(){ // Remove all $('#progressModal1').modal('hide'); }, 3000); } }); }, 500); }); $('#progressModal1').modal(modalOptions); // Remove backdrop after removing DOM modal $('#progressModal1').on('hidden.bs.modal',function(){ $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); $(this).remove(); // Recover fancybox overlay if added cronjob link $('div.fancybox-overlay').fadeIn(); }); }, /** * Switch ajax submit form to model business logic * * @access private * @param String ajaxLink * @return Promise */ modelSaveEntity : function(ajaxLink) { // Extra object to send to server var ajaxParams = { idtask : 'robotsSitemapEntry', template : 'json', param: ajaxLink }; // Unique param 'data' var uniqueParam = JSON.stringify(ajaxParams); // Request JSON2JSON return $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "../administrator/index.php?option=com_jmap&task=ajaxserver.display&format=json", dataType: 'json', context: this, async: true, data: {data : uniqueParam } , success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { // Set result value this.modelSaveEntitySuccess = data.result; // If errors found inside model working if(!this.modelSaveEntitySuccess && data.errorMsg) { $('#progressInfo1').append('<p>' + data.errorMsg + '</p>'); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, error){ // Append error details $('#progressInfo1').append('<p>' + error.message + '</p>'); } }); }, /** * Interact with ChartJS lib to generate charts * * @access private * @return Void */ generateLineChart : function(animation) { var bind = this; // Instance Chart object lib var chartJS = new JMapChart(this.canvasContext); // Max value encountered var maxValue = 9; // Normalize chart data to render this.constructor.prototype.chartData.labels = new Array(); this.constructor.prototype.chartData.datasets = new Array(); var subDataSet = new Array(); $.each(jmapChartData, function(label, value){ var labelSuffix = label.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "_$1").toUpperCase() bind.constructor.prototype.chartData.labels[bind.chartData.labels.length] = eval('COM_JMAP_' + labelSuffix + '_CHART');; subDataSet[subDataSet.length] = value = parseInt(value); if(value > maxValue) { maxValue = value; } }); // Override scale this.constructor.prototype.chartOptions.scaleStepWidth = 10; if((maxValue / 100) > 0) { var multiplier = parseInt(maxValue / 100); this.constructor.prototype.chartOptions.scaleStepWidth = 10 + (multiplier * 10); } this.constructor.prototype.chartOptions.scaleSteps = parseInt((maxValue / this.chartOptions.scaleStepWidth) + 1); this.constructor.prototype.chartData.datasets[0] = { fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointStrokeColor : "#fff", data : subDataSet }; // Override options this.constructor.prototype.chartOptions.animation = animation; // Paint chart on canvas chartJS.Line(this.chartData, this.chartOptions); }, /** * Make fluid canvas width with repaint on resize * * @access private * @return Void */ resizeRepaintCanvas : function(animation) { // Get HTMLCanvasElement var canvas = $('#chart_canvas').get(0); // Get parent container width var containerWidth = $(canvas).parent().width(); // Set dinamically canvas width canvas.width = containerWidth; $(canvas).css('min-width', canvas.width); canvas.height = 170; // Repaint canvas contents this.generateLineChart(animation); }, /** * Make fluid canvas width with repaint on resize * * @access private * @return Void */ addRobotsEntry : function() { // Reuse snippets var validationSnippet = '<ul class="errorlist"><li class="validation label label-danger">' + COM_JMAP_ROBOTS_REQUIRED + '</li></ul>'; var messageSnippet = '<div class="robots_messages alert alert-success">' + '<h4 class="alert-heading">Message</h4>' + '<p>' + COM_JMAP_ROBOTS_ENTRY_ADDED + '</p>' + '</div>'; // Retrieve values var robotsRule = $('#robots_rule').val(); var robotsEntry = $('#robots_entry').val(); if(robotsEntry) { // Append text to the text area $('#robots_contents').val(function(_, val){ return val + '\n' + robotsRule + robotsEntry; }); // Scroll to bottom the textarea $("#robots_contents").scrollTop($("#robots_contents")[0].scrollHeight); // Reset value $('#robots_entry').val(''); // Append message $('#system-message-container').html(messageSnippet); setTimeout(function(){ $('.robots_messages').fadeOut(500, function(){ $(this).remove(); }); },1000); } else { $('#robots_entry').next('ul').remove().end().after(validationSnippet); $('#robots_entry').addClass('error'); $('#robots_entry').on('keyup', function(jqEvent){ $(this).removeClass('error'); $(this).next('ul').remove(); }); } }, /** * Perform the remote check to validate the updates status license * If the license is valid the update button will be shown * * @access public * @property prototype * @return void */ checkUpdatesLicenseStatus : function() { var updateSnippet = this.updateButtonSnippet; var replacements = {"%EXPIREON%":""}; // Is there an outdated status? if($(this.updateStatusSelector).length) { // Extra object to send to server var ajaxParams = { idtask : 'getLicenseStatus', param: {} }; // Unique param 'data' var uniqueParam = JSON.stringify(ajaxParams); // Request JSON2JSON $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "../administrator/index.php?option=com_jmap&task=ajaxserver.display&format=json", dataType: 'json', context: this, async: true, data: {data : uniqueParam } , success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { // If the updates informations are successful go on, ignore every error condition if(data.success) { replacements = {"%EXPIREON%":data.expireon}; updateSnippet = updateSnippet.replace(/%\w+%/g, function(all) { return replacements[all] || all; }); // Now append the update button beside the status label $(this.updateStatusSelector).parent().after(updateSnippet); // Apply the popover $('#updatebtn').popover({trigger:'hover', placement:'right'}) } } }); } }, /** * Start the managed update process of the componenent showing * progress bar and error messages to the user * * @access public * @property prototype * @return void */ performComponentUpdate : function() { var context = this; // Build modal dialog var modalDialog = '<div class="modal fade" id="progressModal1" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="progressModal" aria-hidden="true">' + '<div class="modal-dialog">' + '<div class="modal-content">' + '<div class="modal-header">' + '<h4 class="modal-title">' + COM_JMAP_UPDATEPROGRESSTITLE + '</h4>' + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-body">' + '<p>' + this.firstProgress + '</p>' + '<p id="progressInfo1"></p>' + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-footer">' + '</div>' + '</div><!-- /.modal-content -->' + '</div><!-- /.modal-dialog -->' + '</div>'; // Inject elements into content body $('body').append(modalDialog); var modalOptions = { backdrop : 'static', keyboard : false }; $('#progressModal1').on('shown.bs.modal', function(event) { $('#progressModal1 div.modal-body').css({'width':'90%', 'margin':'auto'}); $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'50%'}); // Inform user process initializing $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + COM_JMAP_DOWNLOADING_UPDATE_SUBTITLE + '</p>'); // Extra object to send to server var ajaxParams = { idtask : 'downloadComponentUpdate', param: {} }; var uniqueParam = JSON.stringify(ajaxParams); // Requests JSON2JSON chained var chained = $.ajax("../administrator/index.php?option=com_jmap&task=ajaxserver.display&format=json", { type : "POST", data : { data : uniqueParam }, dataType : "json" }).then(function(data) { $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'75%'}); // Inform user process initializing $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + COM_JMAP_INSTALLING_UPDATE_SUBTITLE + '</p>'); // Phase 1 OK, go with the next Phase 2 if(data.result) { // Extra object to send to server var ajaxParams = { idtask : 'installComponentUpdate', param: {} }; var uniqueParam = JSON.stringify(ajaxParams); return $.ajax("../administrator/index.php?option=com_jmap&task=ajaxserver.display&format=json", { type : "POST", data : { data : uniqueParam }, dataType : "json" }); } else { // Phase 1 KO, stop the process with error here and don't go on $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'100%'}).addClass('progress-bar-danger'); // Append exit message $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + data.exception_message + '</p>'); setTimeout(function(){ // Remove all $('#progressModal1').modal('hide'); }, 3000); // Stop the chained promises return $.Deferred().reject(); } }); chained.done(function( data ) { // Data retrieved from url2 as provided by the first request if(data.result) { // Phase 2 OK, set 100% width and mark as completed the whole process $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'100%'}).addClass('progress-bar-success'); // Inform user process initializing $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + COM_JMAP_COMPLETED_UPDATE_SUBTITLE + '</p>'); // Now refresh page setTimeout(function(){ window.location.reload(); }, 1500); } else { // Set 100% for progress $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'100%'}).addClass('progress-bar-danger'); // Append exit message $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + data.exception_message + '</p>'); setTimeout(function(){ // Remove all $('#progressModal1').modal('hide'); }, 3000); } }); }); $('#progressModal1').modal(modalOptions); // Remove backdrop after removing DOM modal $('#progressModal1').on('hidden.bs.modal',function(){ $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); $(this).remove(); }); }, /** * Ping/submit the sitemap by AJAX using a remote XML-RPC service * * @access public * @property prototype * @param HTMLElement element * @return void */ rpcSitemapPing : function(element) { // Retrieve the url of the submitting sitemap clicked var URIs = $(element).attr('href').split('?'); var sitemapLink = decodeURIComponent(URIs[1]); // Build modal dialog var modalDialog = '<div class="modal fade" id="pingingModal">' + '<div class="modal-dialog">' + '<div class="modal-content">' + '<div class="modal-header">' + '<h4 class="modal-title">' + COM_JMAP_PINGING_SITEMAP_TOBAIDU + '</h4>' + '<label class="closepinging glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"></label>' + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-body">' + '<p>' + this.firstProgress + '</p>' + '<p id="progressInfo1"></p>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>'; // Inject elements into content body $('body').append(modalDialog); // Remove fancybox overlay if added cronjob link $('div.fancybox-overlay').fadeOut(); var modalOptions = { backdrop : 'static', keyboard : true }; $('#pingingModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function(event) { $('#pingingModal div.modal-body').css({'width':'90%', 'margin':'auto'}); $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'50%'}); // Inform user process initializing $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + COM_JMAP_PINGING_SITEMAP_TOBAIDU_PLEASEWAIT + '</p>'); // Extra object to send to server var ajaxParams = { idtask : 'submitSitemapToBaidu', param: sitemapLink }; var uniqueParam = JSON.stringify(ajaxParams); // Requests JSON2JSON chained $.ajax("../administrator/index.php?option=com_jmap&task=ajaxserver.display&format=json", { type : "POST", dataType : 'json', context : this, data : { data : uniqueParam } }).then(function(data) { // Phase 1 OK, go with the next Phase 2 if(data.result) { $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'100%'}).addClass('progress-bar-success'); // Inform user process initializing $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + COM_JMAP_PINGING_SITEMAP_TOBAIDU_COMPLETE + '</p>'); } else { // Phase 1 KO, stop the process with error here and don't go on $('#progressBar1').css({'width':'100%'}).addClass('progress-bar-danger'); // Append exit message $('#progressInfo1').empty().append('<p>' + data.exception_message + '</p>'); } setTimeout(function(){ // Remove all $('#pingingModal').modal('hide'); }, 3000); }); }); $('#pingingModal').modal(modalOptions); // Remove backdrop after removing DOM modal $('#pingingModal').on('hidden.bs.modal',function(){ $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); $(this).remove(); // Recover fancybox overlay if added cronjob link $('div.fancybox-overlay').fadeIn(); }); // Live event binding for close button AKA stop process $(document).on('click', 'label.closepinging', function(jqEvent){ $('#pingingModal').modal('hide'); }); } }); // Start JS application $.cpanelTasks = new CPanel('#language_option, #menu_datasource_filters, #datasets_filters', 'input[data-role=sitemap_links], input[data-role=sitemap_links_sef], a[data-role=pinger], a[data-role=torefresh], #xmlsitemap a[href*=sitemap], #xmlsitemap_xslt a[href*=sitemap], #xmlsitemap_export a[href*=sitemap], #rssfeed a[href*=sitemap], a.jmap_analyzer, a.jmap_metainfo, a.jmap_seospider'); });