Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_jmap/framework/route/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_jmap/framework/route/helper.php |
<?php // namespace administrator\components\com_jmap\framework\route; /** * * @package JMAP::FRAMEWORK::administrator::components::com_jmap * @subpackage framework * @subpackage route * @author Joomla! Extensions Store * @copyright (C) 2015 - Joomla! Extensions Store * @license GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die (); // Component Helper jimport ( 'joomla.application.component.helper' ); jimport ( 'joomla.application.categories' ); /** * Static generic route helper class * * @package JMAP::FRAMEWORK::administrator::components::com_jmap * @subpackage framework * @subpackage route * @since 2.3 */ final class JMapRouteHelper { /** * Recursive adjacency list model function to find all cat parents * * @param unknown $option * @param string $needles * @return NULL */ protected static function findAllParents($option, $categoryTableName, $categoryParentField, $root, &$allParents, $categoryIdentifier) { static $db; if (! $db) { $db = JFactory::getDbo (); } $query = "SELECT " . $db->quoteName ( $categoryParentField ) . "\n FROM " . $db->quoteName ( $categoryTableName ) . "\n WHERE " . $db->quoteName($categoryIdentifier) . " = " . ( int ) $root; $hasAParentCatId = $db->setQuery ( $query )->loadResult (); if ($hasAParentCatId) { $allParents [] = ( int ) $hasAParentCatId; self::findAllParents ( $option, $categoryTableName, $categoryParentField, $hasAParentCatId, $allParents, $categoryIdentifier); } return $allParents; } /** * Load route manifests * * @access protected * @return array */ protected static function loadRouteManifests() { $directory = JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_jmap/framework/route/manifests/'; $manifestsArray = array (); $iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( $directory ); foreach ( $iterator as $fileinfo ) { if ($fileinfo->isFile () && $fileinfo->getFilename () != 'index.html') { // Load the manifest serialized file and assign to local variable $manifest = file_get_contents ( $fileinfo->getPathname () ); $manifestConfiguration = json_decode ( $manifest ); $componentName = $fileinfo->getBasename ( '.json' ); $manifestsArray [$componentName] = ( array ) $manifestConfiguration; // Cast sublevel object to array if(isset($manifestsArray[$componentName]['name_params'])){ $manifestsArray[$componentName]['name_params'] = (array)$manifestsArray[$componentName]['name_params']; } if(isset($manifestsArray[$componentName]['additional_custom_fields'])){ $manifestsArray[$componentName]['additional_custom_fields'] = (array)$manifestsArray[$componentName]['additional_custom_fields']; } } } return $manifestsArray; } /** * Run the real finding of itemid * *@access protected * @param string $option * @param array $needles * @param object $manifestObject * @param string $thisView * @return int */ protected static function findItem($option, $needles, $manifestObject, $thisView) { static $lookup; static $menuInstance; // Load menu structure only the first time for the first link if (! $menuInstance) { $menuInstance = new JMapRouteMenu (); } // Build the lookup array for this component if not exists if (! isset ( $lookup [$option] )) { $lookup [$option] = array (); $component = JComponentHelper::getComponent ( $option ); $items = $menuInstance->getItems ( 'component_id', $component->id ); foreach ( $items as $item ) { // If some extensions does not support view on menu links, fallback on controller if(isset ( $item ['query'] ) && !isset ( $item ['query'] ['view'])) { $item ['query'] ['view'] = isset($item ['query'] ['controller']) ? $item ['query'] ['controller'] : $thisView; } if (isset ( $item ['query'] ) && isset ( $item ['query'] ['view'] )) { $view = $item ['query'] ['view']; if (! isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] )) { $lookup [$option] [$view] = array (); } if (isset ( $item ['query'] ['id'] )) { // ID identifier for single item // No override already more specific itemid for a certain language if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['id']] )) { $alreadyAssigned = $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['id']]; $alreadyAssignedLanguage = $items [$alreadyAssigned] ['language']; if ($alreadyAssignedLanguage != '*' && $item ['language'] == '*') { continue; } } // Standard assignment using id query identifier $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['id']] = $item ['id']; } elseif (isset ( $item ['query'] ['catid'] )) { // CATID identifier for categories // No override already more specific itemid for a certain language if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['catid']] )) { $alreadyAssigned = $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['catid']]; $alreadyAssignedLanguage = $items [$alreadyAssigned] ['language']; if ($alreadyAssignedLanguage != '*' && $item ['language'] == '*') { continue; } } // Standard assignment using catid query identifier $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['catid']] = $item ['id']; } elseif (isset ( $item ['query'] ['cid'] )) { // CID identifier for categories // No override already more specific itemid for a certain language if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['cid']] )) { $alreadyAssigned = $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['cid']]; $alreadyAssignedLanguage = $items [$alreadyAssigned] ['language']; if ($alreadyAssignedLanguage != '*' && $item ['language'] == '*') { continue; } } // Standard assignment using catid query identifier $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['cid']] = $item ['id']; } elseif (isset ( $item ['query'] ['cat'] )) { // CAT identifier for categories // No override already more specific itemid for a certain language if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['cat']] )) { $alreadyAssigned = $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['cat']]; $alreadyAssignedLanguage = $items [$alreadyAssigned] ['language']; if ($alreadyAssignedLanguage != '*' && $item ['language'] == '*') { continue; } } // Standard assignment using catid query identifier $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] ['cat']] = $item ['id']; } elseif (isset($manifestObject['holdon_params']) && isset($manifestObject['name_params'][$view])) { // Try to guess an id param called = view name in the params json serialized for the menu $menuParams = json_decode ( $item ['params'] ); if(isset($menuParams->{$manifestObject['name_params'][$view]})) { // CUSTOM identifier for categories // Add lookups for both single or multiple view params ids if(is_array($menuParams->{$manifestObject['name_params'][$view]})) { foreach ($menuParams->{$manifestObject['name_params'][$view]} as $id) { // No override already more specific itemid for a certain language if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$id] )) { $alreadyAssigned = $lookup [$option] [$view] [$id]; $alreadyAssignedLanguage = $items [$alreadyAssigned] ['language']; if ($alreadyAssignedLanguage != '*' && $item ['language'] == '*') { continue; } } // Standard assignment using custom query identifier $lookup [$option] [$view] [$id] = $item ['id']; } } else { // No override already more specific itemid for a certain language if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$menuParams->{$manifestObject['name_params'][$view]}] )) { $alreadyAssigned = $lookup [$option] [$view] [$menuParams->{$manifestObject['name_params'][$view]}]; $alreadyAssignedLanguage = $items [$alreadyAssigned] ['language']; if ($alreadyAssignedLanguage != '*' && $item ['language'] == '*') { continue; } } // Standard assignment using custom query identifier $lookup [$option] [$view] [$menuParams->{$manifestObject['name_params'][$view]}] = $item ['id']; } } else { // Assign directly to view array name, as a view of fallback categories/frontpage/main entrypoint $lookup [$option] [$view] [] = $item ['id']; // NO identifier found for the view, fallback to view generic scope } } elseif (isset($manifestObject['name_params'][$view])) { $customField = $manifestObject['name_params'][$view]; if(isset($item ['query'] [$customField])) { // CUSTOM identifier for categories // No override already more specific itemid for a certain language if (isset($item ['query'] [$customField]) && isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] [$customField]] )) { $alreadyAssigned = $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] [$customField]]; $alreadyAssignedLanguage = $items [$alreadyAssigned] ['language']; if ($alreadyAssignedLanguage != '*' && $item ['language'] == '*') { continue; } } // Standard assignment using catid query identifier $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] [$customField]] = $item ['id']; } else { // Assign directly to view array name, as a view of fallback categories/frontpage/main entrypoint $lookup [$option] [$view] [] = $item ['id']; // NO identifier found for the view, fallback to view generic scope } } elseif (isset($manifestObject['additional_custom_fields'][$view])) { $customField = $manifestObject['additional_custom_fields'][$view]; if(isset($item ['query'] [$customField])) { // CUSTOM identifier for generic elements in the query string not in params used when in params is also active // No override already more specific itemid for a certain language if (isset($item ['query'] [$customField]) && isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] [$customField]] )) { $alreadyAssigned = $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] [$customField]]; $alreadyAssignedLanguage = $items [$alreadyAssigned] ['language']; if ($alreadyAssignedLanguage != '*' && $item ['language'] == '*') { continue; } } // Standard assignment using catid query identifier $lookup [$option] [$view] [$item ['query'] [$customField]] = $item ['id']; } else { // Assign directly to view array name, as a view of fallback categories/frontpage/main entrypoint $lookup [$option] [$view] [] = $item ['id']; // NO identifier found for the view, fallback to view generic scope } } else { // Assign directly to view array name, as a view of fallback categories/frontpage/main entrypoint $lookup [$option] [$view] [] = $item ['id']; // NO identifier found for the view, fallback to view generic scope } } } } // Search the specific link needles against the lookup array previously built to find an Itemid match if ($needles) { foreach ( $needles as $view => $ids ) { if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] )) { foreach ( $ids as $id ) { if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [$id] )) { return $lookup [$option] [$view] [$id]; } if (isset ( $lookup [$option] [$view] [0] ) && $id === - 1) { return $lookup [$option] [$view] [0]; } } } } } else { // No Itemid match found, fallback on current menu Itemid of JSitemap generation, won't work and will be unuseful, use the manual dropdown system :( $active = $menus->getActive (); if ($active) { return $active ['id']; } } return null; } /** * Get the item route based on complex fallbacks chain for categories and views * * @access public * @param string $option * @param string $thisView * @param int $id * @param object $elm * @param string $mainTable * @return NULL */ public static function getItemRoute($option, $thisView, $id, $elm, $mainTable) { static $manifests; if (! $manifests) { $manifests = self::loadRouteManifests (); } if (! array_key_exists ( $option, $manifests )) { return false; } // Cover cases when view name is not set and used by component links BUT is always set in the menu links and so for Lookup array if(!$thisView) { // Orphan view detected, help rescue view to find a match! $rescueViewsMapping = $manifests[$option]['views_rescue']; foreach ($rescueViewsMapping as $checkValue=>$view) { if(property_exists($elm, $checkValue)) { $thisView = $view; break; } } } // By default the needle is the exact view for this item, valid for items and categories itself if ($id) { $needles = array ( $thisView => array ( ( int ) $id ) ); // Add if any additional custom components entity views if(isset($manifests [$option] ['additional_id_view'])) { $needles [$manifests [$option] ['additional_id_view']] = array ( ( int ) $id ); } // Are we dealing with a view for items that are categories itself? if (preg_match ( '/categor|cats|catg/i', $mainTable )) { // Find all parents category if supported if(isset($manifests [$option] ['categories_parent_id'])) { $categoryIdentifier = isset($manifests[$option]['categories_table_id_field']) ? $manifests[$option]['categories_table_id_field'] : 'id'; $parentCats = array (); $parentCats = self::findAllParents ( $option, $manifests [$option] ['categories_table'], $manifests [$option] ['categories_parent_id'], $id, $parentCats, $categoryIdentifier); if (! empty ( $parentCats )) { $needles [$thisView] = array_merge ( $needles [$thisView], $parentCats ); } } } } // If there is also a categorization and catid add more needles as fallback $catid = isset ( $elm->jsitemap_category_id ) ? $elm->jsitemap_category_id : null; if ($catid) { $needles ['category'] = array ( ( int ) $catid ); // Not casted to int, compatibility with slug as for Docman $needles ['list'] = array ( $catid ); // Add if any additional custom components categories views if(isset($manifests [$option] ['additional_categories_needles'])) { $needles [$manifests [$option] ['additional_categories_needles']] = array ( ( int ) $catid ); } // Find all parents category if supported if(isset($manifests [$option] ['categories_parent_id'])) { $categoryIdentifier = isset($manifests[$option]['categories_table_id_field']) ? $manifests[$option]['categories_table_id_field'] : 'id'; $parentCats = array (); $parentCats = self::findAllParents ( $option, $manifests [$option] ['categories_table'], $manifests [$option] ['categories_parent_id'], $catid, $parentCats, $categoryIdentifier ); if (! empty ( $parentCats )) { $needles ['category'] = array_merge ( $needles ['category'], $parentCats ); $needles ['list'] = $needles ['category']; // Check if custom categories views are set and so update them also if(isset($manifests [$option] ['additional_categories_needles'])) { $needles [$manifests [$option] ['additional_categories_needles']] = $needles ['category']; } } } } // Check if the categories fallback is not already set before define -1 default if(!isset($needles['categories'])) { $needles ['categories'] = array ( - 1 ); } $needles ['frontpage'] = array ( - 1 ); $needles ['home'] = array ( - 1 ); $needles ['front'] = array ( - 1 ); // If the component works using category_id = 0 as the fallback view treated as the home, add a fallback needles accordingly if(isset($manifests [$option] ['category_zero_as_home'])) { // Check if the array has been initialized by items entity case, otherwise it could be a direct category entity case if(!isset($needles ['category'])) { $needles ['category'] = array (); } // Push standard category view as zero leading root array_push($needles ['category'], 0); // Add if any additional custom components categories views as zero leading root if(isset($manifests [$option] ['additional_categories_needles'])) { array_push($needles [$manifests [$option] ['additional_categories_needles']], 0); } } // Find all parents category if supported if(isset($manifests [$option] ['fallback_views'])) { foreach ($manifests [$option] ['fallback_views'] as $fallBackView) { $needles [$fallBackView] = array ( - 1 ); } } if ($foundItemid = self::findItem ( $option, $needles, $manifests [$option], $thisView )) { return $foundItemid; } return false; } }