Current File : /home/lightco1/
* Akeeba Engine
* The modular PHP5 site backup engine
* @copyright Copyright (c)2006-2017 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd
* @license GNU GPL version 3 or, at your option, any later version
* @package akeebaengine
namespace Akeeba\Engine;
// Protection against direct access
defined('AKEEBAENGINE') or die();
use Akeeba\Engine\Core\Database;
use Akeeba\Engine\Util\PushMessages;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
// Try to kill errors display
if (function_exists('ini_set') && !defined('AKEEBADEBUG'))
ini_set('display_errors', false);
define('AKEEBA_CACERT_PEM', __DIR__ . '/cacert.pem');
// Make sure the class autoloader is loaded
require_once __DIR__ . '/Autoloader.php';
* The Akeeba Engine Factory class
* This class is responsible for instantiating all Akeeba Engine classes
class Factory
* A list of instantiated objects which will persist after serialisation / unserialisation
* @var array
protected $objectList = array();
* A list of instantiated objects which will NOT persist after serialisation / unserialisation
* @var array
protected $temporaryObjectList = array();
* The absolute path to Akeeba Engine's installation
* @var string
private static $root;
* Private constructor makes sure we can't directly instantiate the class
private function __construct()
* The magic __sleep method is called before serialising this object. We need to return an array with the properties
* which will be serialised.
* @return array
function __sleep()
return array('objectList');
* Gets a single, internally used instance of the Factory
* @param string $serialized_data [optional] Serialized data to spawn the instance from
* @return Factory A reference to the unique Factory object instance
public static function &getInstance($serialized_data = null)
static $myInstance;
if (!is_null($serialized_data))
$myInstance = unserialize($serialized_data);
if (!is_object($myInstance))
$myInstance = new self();
return $myInstance;
* Internal function which instantiates an object of a class named $class_name.
* @param string $class_name
* @return object
protected static function &getObjectInstance($class_name)
$self = self::getInstance();
if (!isset($self->objectList[$class_name]))
$self->objectList[$class_name] = false;
if (class_exists($class_name, true))
$self->objectList[$class_name] = new $class_name;
return $self->objectList[$class_name];
* Internal function which removes the object of the class named $class_name
* @param string $class_name
* @return void
protected static function unsetObjectInstance($class_name)
$self = self::getInstance();
if (isset($self->objectList[$class_name]))
$self->objectList[$class_name] = null;
* Internal function which instantiates an object of a class named $class_name. This is a temporary instance which
* will not survive serialisation and subsequent unserialisation.
* @param string $class_name
* @return object
protected static function &getTempObjectInstance($class_name)
$self = self::getInstance();
if (!isset($self->temporaryObjectList[$class_name]))
$self->temporaryObjectList[$class_name] = false;
if (class_exists($class_name, true))
$self->temporaryObjectList[$class_name] = new $class_name;
return $self->temporaryObjectList[$class_name];
* Internal function which removes the object of the class named $class_name. This is a temporary instance which
* will not survive serialisation and subsequent unserialisation.
* @param string $class_name The class name of the object to remove
* @return void
protected static function unsetTempObjectInstance($class_name)
$self = self::getInstance();
if (isset($self->temporaryObjectList[$class_name]))
$self->temporaryObjectList[$class_name] = null;
// ========================================================================
// Public factory interface
// ========================================================================
* Gets a serialized snapshot of the Factory for safekeeping (hibernate)
* @return string The serialized snapshot of the Factory
public static function serialize()
// Call _onSerialize in all classes known to the factory
$self = self::getInstance();
if (!empty($self->objectList))
foreach ($self->objectList as $class_name => $object)
$o = $self->objectList[$class_name];
if (method_exists($o, '_onSerialize'))
call_user_func(array($o, '_onSerialize'));
// Serialize the factory
return serialize(self::getInstance());
* Regenerates the full Factory state from a serialized snapshot (resume)
* @param string $serialized_data The serialized snapshot to resume from
* @return void
public static function unserialize($serialized_data)
* Reset the internal factory state, freeing all previously created objects
* @return void
public static function nuke()
$self = self::getInstance();
foreach ($self->objectList as $key => $object)
$self->objectList[$key] = null;
$self->objectList = array();
* Saves the engine state to temporary storage
* @param string $tag The backup origin to save. Leave empty to get from already loaded Kettenrad instance.
* @param string $backupId The backup ID to save. Leave empty to get from already loaded Kettenrad instance.
* @return void
* @throws \RuntimeException When the state save fails for any reason
public static function saveState($tag = null, $backupId = null)
$kettenrad = self::getKettenrad();
if (empty($tag))
$tag = $kettenrad->getTag();
if (empty($backupId))
$backupId = $kettenrad->getBackupId();
$saveTag = $tag . (empty($backupId) ? '' : ('.' . $backupId));
$ret = $kettenrad->getStatusArray();
if ($ret['HasRun'] == 1)
Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Will not save a finished Kettenrad instance");
Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Saving Kettenrad instance $tag");
// Save a Factory snapshot
$factoryStorage = self::getFactoryStorage();
$engine = self::getConfiguration()->get('akeeba.core.usedbstorage', 0) ? 'db' : 'file';
$logger = self::getLog();
$serializedFactoryData = self::serialize();
$result = $factoryStorage->set($serializedFactoryData, $saveTag);
if (!$result)
$saveKey = $factoryStorage->get_storage_filename($saveTag);
$errorMessage = "Cannot save factory state in $engine storage, storage key $saveKey";
throw new \RuntimeException($errorMessage);
* Loads the engine state from the storage (if it exists).
* When failIfMissing is true (default) an exception will be thrown if the memory file / database record is no
* longer there. This is a clear indication of an issue with the storage engine, e.g. the host deleting the memory
* files in the middle of the backup step. Therefore we'll switch the storage engine type before throwing the
* exception.
* When failIfMissing is false we do NOT throw an exception. Instead, we do a hard reset of the backup factory. This
* is required by the resetState method when we ask it to reset multiple origins at once.
* @param string $tag The backup origin to load
* @param string $backupId The backup ID to load
* @param bool $failIfMissing Throw an exception if the memory data is no longer there
* @return void
public static function loadState($tag = null, $backupId = null, $failIfMissing = true)
if (is_null($tag) && defined('AKEEBA_BACKUP_ORIGIN'))
if (is_null($backupId) && defined('AKEEBA_BACKUP_ID'))
$loadTag = $tag . (empty($backupId) ? '' : ('.' . $backupId));
// In order to load anything, we need to have the correct profile loaded. Let's assume
// that the latest backup record in this tag has the correct profile number set.
$config = self::getConfiguration();
if (empty($config->activeProfile))
$profile = Platform::getInstance()->get_active_profile();
if (empty($profile) || ($profile <= 1))
// Only bother loading a configuration if none has been already loaded
$statList = Platform::getInstance()->get_statistics_list(array(
'filters' => array(
array('field' => 'tag', 'value' => $tag)
), 'order' => array(
'by' => 'id', 'order' => 'DESC'
if (is_array($statList))
$stat = array_pop($statList);
$profile = $stat['profile_id'];
$profile = $config->activeProfile;
Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Kettenrad :: Attempting to load from database ($tag) [$loadTag]");
$serialized_factory = self::getFactoryStorage()->get($loadTag);
if ($serialized_factory === false)
if ($failIfMissing)
// Find the new storage engine we need to use
$previousEngine = self::getFactoryStorage()->getStorageEngine();
$newEngine = ($previousEngine == 'file') ? 'db' : 'file';
Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Failed loading temporary data using $previousEngine storage engine. Switching to $newEngine. The backup has failed and MUST be restarted.");
// Switch the engine
$config = Factory::getConfiguration();
$config->set('akeeba.core.usedbstorage', ($newEngine == 'db'));
throw new \RuntimeException("Akeeba Engine detected a problem while saving temporary data. Please restart your backup.", 500);
// There is no serialized factory. Nuke the in-memory factory.
Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, " -- Stored Akeeba Factory ($tag) [$loadTag] not found - hard reset");
Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, " -- Loaded stored Akeeba Factory ($tag) [$loadTag]");
* Resets the engine state, wiping out any pending backups and/or stale temporary data. The configuration parameters
* are:
* global bool True to reset all origins, false to only reset the current origin (default: true)
* log bool True to log our actions (default: false)
* maxrun int Only backup records older than this number of seconds will be reset (default: 180)
* @param array $config Configuration parameters for the reset operation
* @return void
public static function resetState($config = array())
$default_config = array(
'global' => true, // Reset all origins when true
'log' => false, // Log our actions
'maxrun' => 180, // Consider "pending" backups as failed after this many seconds
$config = (object)array_merge($default_config, $config);
// Pause logging if so desired
if (!$config->log)
$originTag = null;
if (!$config->global)
// If we're not resetting globally, get a list of running backups per tag
$originTag = Platform::getInstance()->get_backup_origin();
// Cache the factory before proceeding
$factory = self::serialize();
$runningList = Platform::getInstance()->get_running_backups($originTag);
// Origins we have to clean
$origins = array(
// 1. Detect failed backups
if (is_array($runningList) && !empty($runningList))
// The current timestamp
$now = time();
// Mark running backups as failed
foreach ($runningList as $running)
if (empty($originTag))
// Check the timestamp of the log file to decide if it's stuck,
// but only if a tag is not set
$tstamp = Factory::getLog()->getLastTimestamp($running['origin']);
if (!is_null($tstamp))
// We can only check the timestamp if it's returned. If not, we assume the backup is stale
$difference = abs($now - $tstamp);
// Backups less than maxrun seconds old are not considered stale (default: 3 minutes)
if ($difference < $config->maxrun)
$filenames = Factory::getStatistics()->get_all_filenames($running, false);
$totalSize = 0;
// Process if there are files to delete...
if (!is_null($filenames))
// Delete the failed backup's archive, if exists
foreach ($filenames as $failedArchive)
if (file_exists($failedArchive))
$totalSize += (int)@filesize($failedArchive);
// Mark the backup failed
if (!$running['total_size'])
$running['total_size'] = $totalSize;
$running['status'] = 'fail';
$running['multipart'] = 0;
$dummy = null;
Platform::getInstance()->set_or_update_statistics($running['id'], $running, $dummy);
$backupId = isset($running['backupid']) ? ('.' . $running['backupid']) : '';
$origins[] = $running['origin'] . $backupId;
if (!empty($origins))
$origins = array_unique($origins);
foreach ($origins as $originTag)
self::loadState($originTag, null, false);
// Remove temporary files
// Delete any stale temporary data
// Reload the factory
// Unpause logging if it was previously paused
if (!$config->log)
// ========================================================================
// Core objects which are part of the engine state
// ========================================================================
* Returns an Akeeba Configuration object
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Configuration The Akeeba Configuration object
public static function &getConfiguration()
return self::getObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Configuration');
* Returns a statistics object, used to track current backup's progress
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\Statistics
public static function &getStatistics()
return self::getObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\Statistics');
* Returns the currently configured archiver engine
* @param bool $reset Should I try to forcible create a new instance?
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Archiver\Base
public static function &getArchiverEngine($reset = false)
static $class_name;
if ($reset)
$class_name = null;
if (empty($class_name))
$registry = self::getConfiguration();
$engine = $registry->get('akeeba.advanced.archiver_engine');
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Archiver\\' . ucfirst($engine);
if (!class_exists($class_name, true))
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Archiver\\Jpa';
if ($reset)
return self::getObjectInstance($class_name);
* Returns the currently configured dump engine
* @param boolean $reset Should I try to forcible create a new instance?
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Dump\Base
public static function &getDumpEngine($reset = false)
static $class_name;
if (empty($class_name))
$registry = self::getConfiguration();
$engine = $registry->get('akeeba.advanced.dump_engine');
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Dump\\' . ucfirst($engine);
if (!class_exists($class_name, true))
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Dump\\Native';
if ($reset)
return self::getObjectInstance($class_name);
* Returns the filesystem scanner engine instance
* @param bool $reset Should I try to forcible create a new instance?
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Scan\Base The scanner engine
public static function &getScanEngine($reset = false)
static $class_name;
if ($reset)
$class_name = null;
if (empty($class_name))
$registry = self::getConfiguration();
$engine = $registry->get('akeeba.advanced.scan_engine');
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Scan\\' . ucfirst($engine);
if (!class_exists($class_name, true))
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Scan\\Large';
if ($reset)
return self::getObjectInstance($class_name);
* Returns the current post-processing engine. If no class is specified we
* return the post-processing engine configured in akeeba.advanced.postproc_engine
* @param string $engine The name of the post-processing class to forcibly return
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Postproc\Base
public static function &getPostprocEngine($engine = null)
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Postproc\\Fake';
if (!is_null($engine))
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Postproc\\' . ucfirst($engine);
if (is_null($engine) || !class_exists($class_name, true))
$registry = self::getConfiguration();
$engine = $registry->get('akeeba.advanced.postproc_engine');
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Postproc\\' . ucfirst($engine);
if (!class_exists($class_name, true))
$class_name = '\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Postproc\\None';
return self::getObjectInstance($class_name);
* Returns an instance of the Filters feature class
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Core\Filters The Filters feature class' object instance
public static function &getFilters()
return self::getObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Core\\Filters');
* Returns an instance of the specified filter group class. Do note that it does not
* work with platform filter classes. They are handled internally by AECoreFilters.
* @param string $filter_name The filter class to load, without AEFilter prefix
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Filter\Base The filter class' object instance
public static function &getFilterObject($filter_name)
return self::getObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Filter\\' . ucfirst($filter_name));
* Loads an engine domain class and returns its associated object
* @param string $domain_name The name of the domain, e.g. installer for AECoreDomainInstaller
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Base\Part
public static function &getDomainObject($domain_name)
return self::getObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Core\\Domain\\' . ucfirst($domain_name));
* Returns a database connection object. It's an alias of AECoreDatabase::getDatabase()
* @param array $options Options to use when instantiating the database connection
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Driver\Base
public static function &getDatabase($options = null)
if (is_null($options))
$options = Platform::getInstance()->get_platform_database_options();
if (isset($options['username']) && !isset($options['user']))
$options['user'] = $options['username'];
return Database::getDatabase($options);
* Returns a database connection object. It's an alias of AECoreDatabase::getDatabase()
* @param array $options Options to use when instantiating the database connection
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Driver\Base
public static function unsetDatabase($options = null)
if (is_null($options))
$options = Platform::getInstance()->get_platform_database_options();
$db = Database::getDatabase($options);
* Get the a reference to the Akeeba Engine's timer
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Core\Timer
public static function &getTimer()
return self::getObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Core\\Timer');
* Get a reference to Akeeba Engine's main controller called Kettenrad
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Core\Kettenrad
public static function &getKettenrad()
return self::getObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Core\\Kettenrad');
// ========================================================================
// Temporary objects which are not part of the engine state
// ========================================================================
* Returns an instance of the factory storage class (formerly Tempvars)
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\FactoryStorage
public static function &getFactoryStorage()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\FactoryStorage');
* Returns an instance of the encryption class
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\Encrypt
public static function &getEncryption()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\Encrypt');
* Returns an instance of the CRC32 calculations class
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\CRC32
public static function &getCRC32Calculator()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\CRC32');
* Returns an instance of the crypto-safe random value generator class
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\RandomValue
public static function &getRandval()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\RandomValue');
* Returns an instance of the filesystem tools class
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\FileSystem
public static function &getFilesystemTools()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\FileSystem');
* Returns an instance of the filesystem tools class
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\FileLister
public static function &getFileLister()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\FileLister');
* Returns an instance of the engine parameters provider which provides information on scripting, GUI configuration
* elements and engine parts
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\EngineParameters
public static function &getEngineParamsProvider()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\EngineParameters');
* Returns an instance of the log object
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\Logger
public static function &getLog()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\Logger');
* Returns an instance of the configuration checks object
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\ConfigurationCheck
public static function &getConfigurationChecks()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\ConfigurationCheck');
* Returns an instance of the secure settings handling object
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\SecureSettings
public static function &getSecureSettings()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\SecureSettings');
* Returns an instance of the secure settings handling object
* @return \Akeeba\Engine\Util\TemporaryFiles
public static function &getTempFiles()
return self::getTempObjectInstance('\\Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\TemporaryFiles');
* Get the connector object for push messages
* @return PushMessages
public static function &getPush()
return self::getObjectInstance('Akeeba\\Engine\\Util\\PushMessages');
// ========================================================================
// Handy functions
// ========================================================================
* Returns the absolute path to Akeeba Engine's installation
* @return string
public static function getAkeebaRoot()
if (empty(self::$root))
self::$root = __DIR__;
return self::$root;
// ========================================================================
// Used in unit testing
// ========================================================================
* Force an object instance which will survive serialisation. This is supposed to be used only in Unit Tests.
* @param string $class_name The class name used internally by the Factory
* @param object|null $object The object to push. Use null to unset the object
* @return void
* @throws \Exception when you try using it outside of Unit Tests
public static function forceObjectInstance($class_name, $object)
if (!interface_exists('PHPUnit_Exception', false))
$method = __METHOD__;
throw new \Exception("You can only use $method in Unit Tests", 500);
$self = self::getInstance();
if (is_null($object) && isset($self->objectList[$class_name]))
$self->objectList[$class_name] = $object;
* Force an object instance which will not survive serialisation. This is supposed to be used only in Unit Tests.
* @param string $class_name The class name used internally by the Factory
* @param object|null $object The object to push. Use null to unset the object
* @return void
* @throws \Exception when you try using it outside of Unit Tests
public static function forceTempObjectInstance($class_name, $object)
if (!interface_exists('PHPUnit_Exception', false))
$method = __METHOD__;
throw new \Exception("You can only use $method in Unit Tests", 500);
$self = self::getInstance();
if (is_null($object) && isset($self->temporaryObjectList[ $class_name ]))
unset($self->temporaryObjectList[ $class_name ]);
$self->temporaryObjectList[ $class_name ] = $object;
* Timeout handler. It is registered as a global PHP shutdown function.
* If a PHP reports a timeout we will log this before letting PHP kill us.
function AkeebaTimeoutTrap()
if (connection_status() >= 2)
Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::ERROR, 'Akeeba Engine has timed out');