Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/
* @package Joomla.Libraries
* @subpackage Form
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
* Form Field class for the Joomla! CMS.
* @since 1.6
class JFormFieldModulePosition extends JFormFieldText
* The form field type.
* @var string
* @since 1.6
protected $type = 'ModulePosition';
* The client ID.
* @var integer
* @since 3.2
protected $clientId;
* Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
* @param string $name The property name for which to the the value.
* @return mixed The property value or null.
* @since 3.2
public function __get($name)
switch ($name)
case 'clientId':
return $this->clientId;
return parent::__get($name);
* Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
* @param string $name The property name for which to the the value.
* @param mixed $value The value of the property.
* @return void
* @since 3.2
public function __set($name, $value)
switch ($name)
case 'clientId':
$this->clientId = (string) $value;
parent::__set($name, $value);
* Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $element The SimpleXMLElement object representing the `<field>` tag for the form field object.
* @param mixed $value The form field value to validate.
* @param string $group The field name group control value. This acts as as an array container for the field.
* For example if the field has name="foo" and the group value is set to "bar" then the
* full field name would end up being "bar[foo]".
* @return boolean True on success.
* @see JFormField::setup()
* @since 3.2
public function setup(SimpleXMLElement $element, $value, $group = null)
$result = parent::setup($element, $value, $group);
if ($result == true)
// Get the client id.
$clientId = $this->element['client_id'];
if (!isset($clientId))
$clientName = $this->element['client'];
if (isset($clientName))
$client = JApplicationHelper::getClientInfo($clientName, true);
$clientId = $client->id;
if (!isset($clientId) && $this->form instanceof JForm)
$clientId = $this->form->getValue('client_id');
$this->clientId = (int) $clientId;
return $result;
* Method to get the field input markup.
* @return string The field input markup.
* @since 1.6
protected function getInput()
// Load the modal behavior script.
JHtml::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal');
// Build the script.
$script = array();
$script[] = ' function jSelectPosition_' . $this->id . '(name) {';
$script[] = ' document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '").value = name;';
$script[] = ' jModalClose();';
$script[] = ' }';
// Add the script to the document head.
JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration(implode("\n", $script));
// Setup variables for display.
$html = array();
$link = 'index.php?option=com_modules&view=positions&layout=modal&tmpl=component&function=jSelectPosition_' . $this->id
. '&client_id=' . $this->clientId;
// The current user display field.
$html[] = '<div class="input-append">';
$html[] = parent::getInput()
. '<a class="btn modal" title="' . JText::_('COM_MODULES_CHANGE_POSITION_TITLE') . '" href="' . $link
. '" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 800, y: 450}}">'
$html[] = '</div>';
return implode("\n", $html);