Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/plugins/system/jmap/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/plugins/system/jmap/jmap.php |
<?php /** * @author Joomla! Extensions Store * @package JMAP::plugins::system * @copyright (C) 2015 - Joomla! Extensions Store * @license GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' ); jimport ( 'joomla.plugin.plugin' ); /** * Observer class notified on events * * @author Joomla! Extensions Store * @package JMAP::plugins::system * @since 2.1 */ class plgSystemJMap extends JPlugin { /** * Joomla config object * * @access private * @var Object */ private $joomlaConfig; /** * JSitemap config object * * @access private * @var Object */ private $jmapConfig; /** * Detect mobile requests * * @access private * @return boolean */ private function isBotRequest() { $crawlers = array ( 'Google' => 'Google', 'MSN' => 'msnbot', 'Rambler' => 'Rambler', 'Yahoo' => 'Yahoo', 'Yandex' => 'Yandex', 'AbachoBOT' => 'AbachoBOT', 'accoona' => 'Accoona', 'AcoiRobot' => 'AcoiRobot', 'ASPSeek' => 'ASPSeek', 'CrocCrawler' => 'CrocCrawler', 'Dumbot' => 'Dumbot', 'FAST-WebCrawler' => 'FAST-WebCrawler', 'GeonaBot' => 'GeonaBot', 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot', 'Lycos spider' => 'Lycos', 'MSRBOT' => 'MSRBOT', 'Altavista robot' => 'Scooter', 'AltaVista robot' => 'Altavista', 'ID-Search Bot' => 'IDBot', 'eStyle Bot' => 'eStyle', 'Scrubby robot' => 'Scrubby', 'Facebook' => 'facebookexternalhit' ); // to get crawlers string used in function uncomment it // global $crawlers if (isset ( $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] )) { $currentUserAgent = $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // it is better to save it in string than use implode every time $crawlers_agents = '/' . implode ( "|", $crawlers ) . '/'; if (preg_match ( $crawlers_agents, $currentUserAgent, $matches )) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Main dispatch method * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function onAfterInitialise() { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); // Avoid operations if plugin is executed in backend if ( $app->getClientId ()) { return; } // Security safe 1 - If Joomla 3.4+ and JMAP internal link force always the lang url param using the cookie workaround if( $app->input->get ( 'option' ) == 'com_jmap' && version_compare(JVERSION, '3.4', '>=') && $this->jmapConfig->get('advanced_multilanguage', 0)) { $lang = $app->input->get('lang'); $sefs = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages('sef'); $lang_codes = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages('lang_code'); if (isset($sefs[$lang])) { $lang_code = $sefs[$lang]->lang_code; // Create a cookie. $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); $cookie_domain = $conf->get('config.cookie_domain', ''); $cookie_path = $conf->get('config.cookie_path', '/'); setcookie(JApplication::getHash('language'), $lang_code, 86400, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); $app->input->cookie->set(JApplication::getHash('language'), $lang_code); // Set the request var. $app->input->set('language', $lang_code); // Check if remove default prefix is active and the default language is not the current one $defaultSiteLanguage = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_languages')->get('site', 'en-GB'); $pluginLangFilter = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system', 'languagefilter'); $removeDefaultPrefix = @json_decode($pluginLangFilter->params)->remove_default_prefix; if($removeDefaultPrefix && $defaultSiteLanguage != $lang_code) { $uri = JUri::getInstance(); $path = $uri->getPath(); // Force the language SEF code in the path $path = str_replace('/index.php', '/' . $lang . '/index.php', $path); $uri->setPath($path); } } } // Detect if current request come from a bot user agent if ($this->isBotRequest () && $app->input->get ( 'option' ) == 'com_jmap') { $_SERVER ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'; // Set dummy nobot var $app->input->post->set ( 'nobotsef', true ); $GLOBALS['_' . strtoupper('post')] ['nobotsef'] = true; } } /** * Hook for the auto Pingomatic third party extensions that have not its own * route helper and work with the universal JSitemap route helper framework * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function onAfterRoute() { $this->app = JFactory::getApplication (); // Security safe 2 - If Joomla 3.4+ and JMAP internal link revert back the query string 'lang' param to the sef lang code 'en' instead of the iso lang code 'en-GB' $lang = $this->app->input->get('lang'); if( $this->app->input->get ( 'option' ) == 'com_jmap' && version_compare(JVERSION, '3.4', '>=') && strlen($lang) > 2) { $languageCode = $this->app->input->get('language'); $lang_codes = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages('lang_code'); if(isset($lang_codes[$languageCode])) { $sefLang = $lang_codes[$languageCode]->sef; $this->app->input->set('lang', $sefLang); } } // Avoid below operations if the plugin is executed in frontend if (! $this->app->getClientId ()) { return; } // Get component params $this->cParams = JComponentHelper::getParams ( 'com_jmap' ); if (! $this->cParams->get ( 'default_autoping', 0 ) && ! $this->cParams->get ( 'autoping', 0 )) { return; } // Retrieve more informations as much as possible from the current POST array $option = $this->app->input->get ( 'option' ); $view = $this->app->input->get ( 'view' ); $controller = $this->app->input->get ( 'controller' ); $task = $this->app->input->get ( 'task' ); $id = $this->app->input->getInt ( 'id' ); $catid = $this->app->input->get ( 'cid', null, 'array' ); $language = $this->app->input->get ( 'language' ); $name = $this->app->input->getString ( 'name' ); if (is_array ( $catid )) { $catid = $catid [0]; } // Valid execution mapping $arrayExecution = array ( 'com_zoo' => array ( 'controller' => 'item', 'task' => array ( 'apply', 'save', 'save2new', 'save2copy' ) ) ); // Test against valid execution, discard all invalid extensions operations if (array_key_exists ( $option, $arrayExecution )) { $testIfExecute = $arrayExecution [$option]; foreach ( $testIfExecute as $property => $value ) { $evaluated = $$property; if (is_array ( $value )) { if (! in_array ( $evaluated, $value )) { return; } } else { if ($evaluated != $value) { return; } } } } else { return; } // Valid execution success! Go on to route the request to the content plugin, mimic the native Joomla onContentAfterSave // Auto loader setup // Register autoloader prefix require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_jmap/framework/loader.php'; JMapLoader::setup (); JMapLoader::registerPrefix ( 'JMap', JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_jmap/framework' ); JPluginHelper::importPlugin ( 'content', 'pingomatic' ); // Simulate the jsitemap_category_id object for the JSitemap route helper $elm = new stdClass (); $elm->jsitemap_category_id = (int)$catid; // Simulate the $article Joomla object passed to the content observers $itemObject = new stdClass (); $itemObject->id = $id; $itemObject->catid = $elm; $itemObject->option = $option; $itemObject->view = $view ? $view : $controller; $itemObject->language = $language; $itemObject->title = $name; // Trigger the content plugin event $this->_subject->trigger ( 'onContentAfterSave', array ( 'com_zoo.item', $itemObject, false ) ); } /** * Hook for the management injection of the custom meta tags informations * * @access public * @return void */ public function onBeforeCompileHead() { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); // Avoid operations if plugin is executed in backend if ( $app->getClientId ()) { return; } // Get the current URI and check for an entry in the DB table if($this->jmapConfig->get('metainfo_urldecode', 1)) { $uri = urldecode(JUri::current()); } else { // Preserver URLs character encoding if any $uri = JUri::current(); } // Setup the query $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM #__jmap_metainfo" . "\n WHERE " . $db->quoteName('linkurl') . " = " . $db->quote($uri) . "\n AND " . $db->quoteName('published') . " = 1"; $metaInfoForThisUri = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObject(); // Yes! Found some metainfo set for this uri, let's inject them into the document if(isset($metaInfoForThisUri->id)) { $title = trim($metaInfoForThisUri->meta_title); $description = trim($metaInfoForThisUri->meta_desc); $image = trim($metaInfoForThisUri->meta_image); $robots = $metaInfoForThisUri->robots; // Title and og:graph title if($title) { // Append site name, Joomla 3.2+ support if(method_exists($app, 'get')) { if ($app->get('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 2 && trim($app->get('sitename'))) { $title = $title . ' - ' . trim($app->get('sitename')); } elseif ($app->get('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 1 && trim($app->get('sitename'))) { // Prepend site name $title = trim($app->get('sitename')) . ' - ' . $title; } } $document->setTitle($title); $document->setMetaData('title', $title); $document->setMetaData('metatitle', $title); $document->setMetaData('og:title', $title); } // Description and og:graph meta description if($description) { $document->setDescription($description); $document->setMetaData('og:description', $description); } // Set always social share uri $document->setMetaData('og:url', $uri); // Image for social share og:image and twitter:image if($image) { $imageLink = preg_match('/http/i', $image) ? $image : JUri::base() . ltrim($image, '/'); $document->setMetaData('og:image', $imageLink); $document->setMetaData('twitter:image', $imageLink); } // Robots directive if($robots) { $document->setMetaData('robots', $robots); } } // Fix pagination links if detected adding a page number/results suffix to make them unique and not duplicated $isPagination = $app->input->get->get('start', null, 'int'); $isPage = $app->input->get->get('page', null, 'int'); if($isPagination || $isPage) { $jmapParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_jmap'); // Fix pagination is enabled if($jmapParams->get('unique_pagination', 1)) { // Get dispatched component params with view overrides $contentParams = $app->getParams(); // Load JMap language translations $jLang = JFactory::getLanguage (); $jLang->load ( 'com_jmap', JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_jmap', 'en-GB', true, true ); if ($jLang->getTag () != 'en-GB') { $jLang->load ( 'com_jmap', JPATH_SITE, null, true, false ); $jLang->load ( 'com_jmap', JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_jmap', null, true, false ); } // Check if pagination params are detected otherwise fallback $leadingNum = $contentParams->get('num_leading_articles', null); $introNum = $contentParams->get('num_intro_articles', null); if($leadingNum && $introNum) { $articlesPerPage = (int)($leadingNum + $introNum); $pageNum = ' - ' . JText::_('COM_JMAP_PAGE_NUMBER') . ((int)($isPagination / $articlesPerPage) + 1); } else { // Fallback for generic components staring from xxx if($isPage) { $pageNum = ' - ' . JText::_('COM_JMAP_PAGE_NUMBER') . (int)$isPage; } else { $pageNum = ' - ' . JText::_('COM_JMAP_RESULTS_FROM') . $isPagination; } } $currentTitle = $document->getTitle(); $document->setTitle($currentTitle . $pageNum); } } } /** * Hook for the management of the custom 404 page * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function onRenderModule() { static $custom404Handled = false; if($custom404Handled) { return false; } // Mark as handled for next execution cycles $custom404Handled = true; // Get component params and ensure that the custom 404 page is enabled $cParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_jmap'); if(!$cParams->get('custom_404_page_status', 0)) { return false; } // 404 custom page managed as an override by the handleError if($cParams->get('custom_404_page_override', 1)) { return false; } // Execute only in frontend $app = JFactory::getApplication (); if ($app->isAdmin ()) { return false; } // Ensure that the JDocumentError class is instantiated as singleton from the legacy J Error class and an error is present $document = JDocument::getInstance ( 'error' ); if (! isset ( $document->error ) || ! is_object ( $document->error )) { return false; } // Dispatched format, apply only to html document $documentFormat = $app->input->get ( 'format', null ); if ($documentFormat && $documentFormat != 'html') { return false; } // Dispatched template file, ignores component tmpl if ($app->input->get ( 'tmpl', null ) === 'component') { return false; } // Evaluate the error code, 404 only is of our interest and ignore everything else $documentExceptionCode = $document->error->getCode (); if($documentExceptionCode == 404) { // Generate and set a new custom error message based on custom text/html $custom404Text = $cParams->get('custom_404_page_text', null); // Check if a strip tags is required if($cParams->get('custom_404_page_mode', 'html') == 'text') { $custom404Text = strip_tags($custom404Text); } // Set the new Exception message supporting HTML and hoping that htmlspecialchars in not used by the error.php of the template $newException = new JException($custom404Text, 404); $document->setError($newException); $document->error = $newException; } } /** * Hook override for the management of the custom 404 error page * * @access public * @return boolean */ static public function handleError(&$error) { // Get the application object. $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // Dispatched format, apply only to html document $documentFormat = $app->input->get ( 'format', null ); if ($documentFormat && $documentFormat != 'html') { return false; } // Dispatched template file, ignores component tmpl if ($app->input->get ( 'tmpl', null ) === 'component') { return false; } // Make sure the error is a 404 and we are not in the administrator. if (!$app->isAdmin () && $error->getCode () == 404) { // Get component params and ensure that the custom 404 page is enabled $cParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_jmap'); // Generate and set a new custom error message based on custom text/html $custom404Text = $cParams->get('custom_404_page_text', null); // Check if a strip tags is required if($cParams->get('custom_404_page_mode', 'html') == 'text') { $custom404Text = strip_tags($custom404Text); } $newException = new JException($custom404Text, $error->getCode()); // Render the error page. JError::customErrorPage ( $newException ); } } /** * Application event * * @access public */ public function onAfterRender() { // Framework reference $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $doc = JFactory::getDocument (); // Check if the app can start if ($app->isAdmin ()) { return false; } // Check if the app can start if ($doc->getType () !== 'html') { return false; } $option = $app->input->get('option', null); if ( $option == 'com_jmap' && $app->input->get('format') ) { return false; } // Get component params $injectGaJs = $this->jmapConfig->get('inject_gajs', 0); $gajsCode = trim($this->jmapConfig->get('gajs_code', '')); $script = <<<JS <!-- Google Analytics --> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', '$gajsCode', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <!-- End Google Analytics --> </body> JS; // Check if the tracking code must be injected, manipulate output JResponse if($injectGaJs && $gajsCode) { $body = JResponse::getBody (); // Replace buffered main view contents at the body end $body = preg_replace ( '/<\/body>/i', $script, $body, 1 ); // Set the new JResponse contents JResponse::setBody ( $body ); } } /* Manage the Joomla updater based on the user license * * @access public * @return void */ public function onInstallerBeforePackageDownload(&$url, &$headers) { $uri = JUri::getInstance($url); $parts = explode('/', $uri->getPath()); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($uri->getHost() == 'storejextensions.org' && in_array('com_jsitemap.zip', $parts)) { // Init as false unless the license is valid $validUpdate = false; // Manage partial language translations $jLang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $jLang->load('com_jmap', JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_jmap', 'en-GB', true, true); if($jLang->getTag() != 'en-GB') { $jLang->load('com_jmap', JPATH_BASE, null, true, false); $jLang->load('com_jmap', JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_jmap', null, true, false); } // Email license validation API call and &$url building construction override $cParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_jmap'); $registrationEmail = $cParams->get('registration_email', null); // License if($registrationEmail) { $prodCode = 'jsitemappro'; $cdFuncUsed = 'str_' . 'ro' . 't' . '13'; // Retrieve license informations from the remote REST API $apiResponse = null; $apiEndpoint = $cdFuncUsed('uggc' . '://' . 'fgberwrkgrafvbaf' . '.bet') . "/option,com_easycommerce/action,licenseCode/email,$registrationEmail/productcode,$prodCode"; if (function_exists('curl_init')){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $apiEndpoint); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $apiResponse = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } $objectApiResponse = json_decode($apiResponse); if(!is_object($objectApiResponse)) { // Message user about error retrieving license informations $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_JMAP_ERROR_RETRIEVING_LICENSE_INFO')); } else { if(!$objectApiResponse->success) { switch ($objectApiResponse->reason) { // Message user about the reason the license is not valid case 'nomatchingcode': $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_JMAP_LICENSE_NOMATCHING')); break; case 'expired': // Message user about license expired on $objectApiResponse->expireon $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JMAP_LICENSE_EXPIRED', $objectApiResponse->expireon)); break; } } // Valid license found, builds the URL update link and message user about the license expiration validity if($objectApiResponse->success) { $url = $cdFuncUsed('uggc' . '://' . 'fgberwrkgrafvbaf' . '.bet' . '/XZY1306TSPQnifs3243560923kfuxnj35td1rtt45663f.ugzy'); $validUpdate = true; $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JMAP_EXTENSION_UPDATED_SUCCESS', $objectApiResponse->expireon)); } } } else { // Message user about missing email license code $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JMAP_MISSING_REGISTRATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS', JFilterOutput::ampReplace('index.php?option=com_jmap&task=config.display#_licensepreferences'))); } if(!$validUpdate) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_JMAP_UPDATER_STANDARD_ADVISE'), 'notice'); } } } /** * Class constructor, manage params from component * * @access private * @return boolean */ public function __construct(&$subject) { parent::__construct ( $subject ); $this->joomlaConfig = JFactory::getConfig (); // Manage partial language translations if editing modules jmap in backend $app = JFactory::getApplication (); if(($app->input->get('option') == 'com_modules' || $app->input->get('option') == 'com_advancedmodules') && $app->input->get('view') == 'module' && $app->input->get('layout') == 'edit' && $app->getClientId ()) { $jLang = JFactory::getLanguage (); $jLang->load ( 'com_jmap', JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_jmap', 'en-GB', true, true ); if ($jLang->getTag () != 'en-GB') { $jLang->load ( 'com_jmap', JPATH_SITE, null, true, false ); $jLang->load ( 'com_jmap', JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/components/com_jmap', null, true, false ); } } // Set the error handler for E_ERROR to be the class handleError method. $cParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_jmap'); $this->jmapConfig = $cParams; if($cParams->get('custom_404_page_status', 0) && $cParams->get('custom_404_page_override', 1)) { JError::setErrorHandling(E_ERROR, 'callback', array('plgSystemJMap', 'handleError')); } } }