Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/lightcolab.com/libraries/regularlabs/src/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/lightcolab.com/libraries/regularlabs/src/Protect.php |
<?php /** * @package Regular Labs Library * @version 18.2.5909 * * @author Peter van Westen <info@regularlabs.com> * @link http://www.regularlabs.com * @copyright Copyright © 2018 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ namespace RegularLabs\Library; defined('_JEXEC') or die; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); use JAccess; use JFactory; use JFile; /** * Class Protect * @package RegularLabs\Library */ class Protect { static $protect_start = '<!-- ___RL_PROTECTED___'; static $protect_end = '___RL_PROTECTED___ -->'; static $protect_tags_start = '<!-- ___RL_PROTECTED_TAGS___'; static $protect_tags_end = '___RL_PROTECTED_TAGS___ -->'; static $html_safe_start = '___RL_PROTECTED___'; static $html_safe_end = '___/RL_PROTECTED___'; static $html_safe_tags_start = '___RL_PROTECTED_TAGS___'; static $html_safe_tags_end = '___/RL_PROTECTED_TAGS___'; static $sourcerer_tag = null; static $sourcerer_characters = '{.}'; /** * Check if page should be protected for given extension * * @param string $extension_alias * * @return bool */ public static function isDisabledByUrl($extension_alias = '') { // return if disabled via url if (($extension_alias && JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('disable_' . $extension_alias))) { return true; } } /** * Check if page should be protected for given extension * * @param bool $hastags * @param array $restricted_formats * * @return bool */ public static function isRestrictedPage($hastags = false, $restricted_formats = []) { $cache_id = 'isRestrictedPage_' . $hastags . '_' . json_encode($restricted_formats); if (Cache::has($cache_id)) { return Cache::get($cache_id); } $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input; // return if current page is in protected formats // return if current page is an image // return if current page is an installation page // return if current page is Regular Labs QuickPage // return if current page is a JoomFish or Josetta page $is_restricted = ( in_array($input->get('format'), $restricted_formats) || in_array($input->get('view'), ['image', 'img']) || in_array($input->get('type'), ['image', 'img']) || in_array($input->get('task'), ['install.install', 'install.ajax_upload']) || ($hastags && ( $input->getInt('rl_qp', 0) || in_array($input->get('option'), ['com_joomfishplus', 'com_josetta']) ) ) || (Document::isClient('administrator') && in_array($input->get('option'), ['com_jdownloads']) ) ); return Cache::set( $cache_id, $is_restricted ); } /** * @deprecated Use isDisabledByUrl() and isRestrictedPage() */ public static function isProtectedPage($extension_alias = '', $hastags = false, $exclude_formats = []) { if (self::isDisabledByUrl($extension_alias)) { return true; } return self::isRestrictedPage($hastags, $exclude_formats); } /** * Check if the page is a restricted component * * @param array $restricted_components * @param string $area * * @return bool */ public static function isRestrictedComponent($restricted_components, $area = 'component') { if ($area != 'component' && ! ($area == 'article' && JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option') == 'com_content')) { return false; } $restricted_components = is_array($restricted_components) ? $restricted_components : explode(',', str_replace('|', ',', $restricted_components)); if (in_array(JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option'), $restricted_components)) { return true; } if (JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option') == 'com_acymailing' && ! in_array(JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('ctrl'), ['user', 'archive']) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if the component is installed * * @param string $extension_alias * * @return bool */ public static function isComponentInstalled($extension_alias) { return JFile::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_' . $extension_alias . '/' . $extension_alias . '.php'); } /** * Check if the component is installed * * @param string $extension_alias * * @return bool */ public static function isSystemPluginInstalled($extension_alias) { return JFile::exists(JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/' . $extension_alias . '/' . $extension_alias . '.php'); } /** * Return the Regular Expressions string to match: * The edit form * * @param int $regex_format * * @return string */ public static function getFormRegex() { return '(<form\s[^>]*(' . '(id|name)="(adminForm|postform|submissionForm|default_action_user|seblod_form|spEntryForm)"' . '|action="[^"]*option=com_myjspace&(amp;)?view=see"' . '))'; } /** * Protect all text based form fields * * @param string $string * @param array $search_strings */ public static function protectFields(&$string, $search_strings = []) { // No specified strings tags found in the string if ( ! self::containsStringsToProtect($string, $search_strings)) { return; } $parts = StringHelper::split($string, ['</label>', '</select>']); foreach ($parts as &$part) { if ( ! self::containsStringsToProtect($part, $search_strings)) { continue; } self::protectFieldsPart($part); } $string = implode('', $parts); } /** * Check if the string contains certain substrings to protect * * @param string $string * @param array $search_strings * * @return bool */ private static function containsStringsToProtect($string, $search_strings = []) { if ( empty($string) || ( strpos($string, '<input') === false && strpos($string, '<textarea') === false && strpos($string, '<select') === false ) ) { return false; } // No specified strings tags found in the string if ( ! empty($search_strings) && ! StringHelper::contains($string, $search_strings)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Protect the fields in the string * * @param string $string */ private static function protectFieldsPart(&$string) { self::protectFieldsTextAreas($string); self::protectFieldsInputFields($string); } /** * Protect the textarea fields in the string * * @param string $string */ private static function protectFieldsTextAreas(&$string) { if (strpos($string, '<textarea') === false) { return; } // Only replace non-empty textareas // Todo: maybe also prevent empty textareas but with a non-empty placeholder attribute // Temporarily replace empty textareas $temp_tag = '___TEMP_TEXTAREA___'; $string = RegEx::replace( '<textarea((?:\s[^>]*)?)>(\s*)</textarea>', '<' . $temp_tag . '\1>\2</' . $temp_tag . '>', $string ); self::protectByRegex( $string, '(?:' . '<textarea.*?</textarea>' . '\s*)+' ); // Replace back the temporarily replaced empty textareas $string = str_replace($temp_tag, 'textarea', $string); } /** * Protect the input fields in the string * * @param string $string */ private static function protectFieldsInputFields(&$string) { if (strpos($string, '<input') === false) { return; } $type_values = '(?:text|email|hidden)'; // must be of certain type $param_type = '\s+type\s*=\s*(?:"' . $type_values . '"|\'' . $type_values . '\'])'; // must have a non-empty value or placeholder attribute $param_value = '\s+(?:value|placeholder)\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]+"|\'[^\']+\'])'; // Regex to match any other parameter $params = '(?:\s+[a-z][a-z0-9-_]*(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[0-9]+))?)*'; self::protectByRegex( $string, '(?:(?:' . '<input' . $params . $param_type . $params . $param_value . $params . '\s*/?>' . '|<input' . $params . $param_value . $params . $param_type . $params . '\s*/?>' . ')\s*)+' ); } /** * Protect the script tags * * @param string $string */ public static function protectScripts(&$string) { if (strpos($string, '</script>') === false) { return; } self::protectByRegex( $string, '<script[\s>].*?</script>' ); } /** * Protect all html tags with some type of attributes/content * * @param string $string */ public static function protectHtmlTags(&$string) { // protect comment tags self::protectByRegex($string, '<!--\s[^>].*?(?:\s-->|$)'); // protect html tags self::protectByRegex($string, '<[a-z][^>]*(?:="[^"]*"|=\'[^\']*\')+[^>]*>'); } /** * Protect text by given regex * * @param string $string * @param string $regex */ public static function protectByRegex(&$string, $regex) { RegEx::matchAll($regex, $string, $matches, null, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if (empty($matches)) { return; } $matches = array_unique($matches[0]); $replacements = []; foreach ($matches as $match) { $replacements[] = self::protectString($match); } $string = str_replace($matches, $replacements, $string); } /** * Protect given plugin style tags * * @param string $string * @param array $tags * @param bool $include_closing_tags */ public static function protectTags(&$string, $tags = [], $include_closing_tags = true) { list($tags, $protected) = self::prepareTags($tags, $include_closing_tags); $string = str_replace($tags, $protected, $string); } /** * Replace any protected tags to original * * @param string $string * @param array $tags * @param bool $include_closing_tags */ public static function unprotectTags(&$string, $tags = [], $include_closing_tags = true) { list($tags, $protected) = self::prepareTags($tags, $include_closing_tags); $string = str_replace($protected, $tags, $string); } /** * Protect array of strings * * @param string $string * @param array $unprotected * @param array $protected */ public static function protectInString(&$string, $unprotected = [], $protected = []) { $protected = empty($protected) ? self::protectArray($unprotected) : $protected; $string = str_replace($unprotected, $protected, $string); } /** * Replace any protected tags to original * * @param string $string * @param array $unprotected * @param array $protected */ public static function unprotectInString(&$string, $unprotected = [], $protected = []) { $protected = empty($protected) ? self::protectArray($unprotected) : $protected; $string = str_replace($protected, $unprotected, $string); } /** * Return the sourcerer tag name and characters * * @return array */ public static function getSourcererTag() { if ( ! is_null(self::$sourcerer_tag)) { return [self::$sourcerer_tag, self::$sourcerer_characters]; } $parameters = Parameters::getInstance()->getPluginParams('sourcerer'); self::$sourcerer_tag = isset($parameters->syntax_word) ? $parameters->syntax_word : ''; self::$sourcerer_characters = isset($parameters->tag_characters) ? $parameters->tag_characters : '{.}'; return [self::$sourcerer_tag, self::$sourcerer_characters]; } /** * Protect all Sourcerer blocks * * @param string $string */ public static function protectSourcerer(&$string) { list($tag, $characters) = self::getSourcererTag(); if (empty($tag)) { return; } list($start, $end) = explode('.', $characters); if (strpos($string, $start . '/' . $tag . $end) === false) { return; } $regex = RegEx::quote($start . $tag) . '[\s\}].*?' . RegEx::quote($start . '/' . $tag . $end); RegEx::matchAll($regex, $string, $matches, null, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if (empty($matches)) { return; } $matches = array_unique($matches[0]); foreach ($matches as $match) { $string = str_replace($match, self::protectString($match), $string); } } /** * Protect complete AdminForm * * @param string $string * @param array $tags * @param bool $include_closing_tags */ public static function protectForm(&$string, $tags = [], $include_closing_tags = true) { if ( ! Document::isEditPage()) { return; } list($tags, $protected_tags) = self::prepareTags($tags, $include_closing_tags); $string = RegEx::replace(self::getFormRegex(), '<!-- TMP_START_EDITOR -->\1', $string); $string = explode('<!-- TMP_START_EDITOR -->', $string); foreach ($string as $i => &$string_part) { if (empty($string_part) || ! fmod($i, 2)) { continue; } self::protectFormPart($string_part, $tags, $protected_tags); } $string = implode('', $string); } /** * Protect part of the AdminForm * * @param string $string * @param array $tags * @param array $protected_tags */ private static function protectFormPart(&$string, $tags = [], $protected_tags = []) { if (strpos($string, '</form>') === false) { return; } // Protect entire form if (empty($tags)) { $form_parts = explode('</form>', $string, 2); $form_parts[0] = self::protectString($form_parts[0] . '</form>'); $string = implode('', $form_parts); return; } $regex_tags = RegEx::quote($tags); if ( ! RegEx::match($regex_tags, $string)) { return; } $form_parts = explode('</form>', $string, 2); // protect tags only inside form fields RegEx::matchAll( '(?:<textarea[^>]*>.*?<\/textarea>|<input[^>]*>)', $form_parts[0], $matches, null, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER ); if (empty($matches)) { return; } $matches = array_unique($matches[0]); foreach ($matches as $match) { $field = str_replace($tags, $protected_tags, $match); $form_parts[0] = str_replace($match, $field, $form_parts[0]); } $string = implode('</form>', $form_parts); } /** * Replace any protected text to original * * @param string|array $string */ public static function unprotect(&$string) { if (is_array($string)) { foreach ($string as &$part) { self::unprotect($part); } return; } self::unprotectByDelimiters( $string, [self::$protect_tags_start, self::$protect_tags_end] ); self::unprotectByDelimiters( $string, [self::$protect_start, self::$protect_end] ); if (StringHelper::contains($string, [self::$protect_tags_start, self::$protect_tags_end, self::$protect_start, self::$protect_end])) { self::unprotect($string); } } /** * @param string $string * @param array $delimiters */ private static function unprotectByDelimiters(&$string, $delimiters) { if ( ! StringHelper::contains($string, $delimiters)) { return; } $regex = RegEx::preparePattern(RegEx::quote($delimiters), 's', $string); $parts = preg_split($regex, $string); foreach ($parts as $i => &$part) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { continue; } $part = base64_decode($part); } $string = implode('', $parts); } /** * Replace any protected text to original * * @param string $string */ public static function convertProtectionToHtmlSafe(&$string) { $string = str_replace( [ self::$protect_start, self::$protect_end, self::$protect_tags_start, self::$protect_tags_end, ], [ self::$html_safe_start, self::$html_safe_end, self::$html_safe_tags_start, self::$html_safe_tags_end, ], $string ); } /** * Replace any protected text to original * * @param string $string */ public static function unprotectHtmlSafe(&$string) { $string = str_replace( [ self::$html_safe_start, self::$html_safe_end, self::$html_safe_tags_start, self::$html_safe_tags_end, ], [ self::$protect_start, self::$protect_end, self::$protect_tags_start, self::$protect_tags_end, ], $string ); self::unprotect($string); } /** * Prepare the tags and protected tags array * * @param array $tags * @param bool $include_closing_tags * * @return bool|mixed */ private static function prepareTags($tags, $include_closing_tags = true) { if ( ! is_array($tags)) { $tags = [$tags]; } $cache_id = 'prepareTags_' . json_encode($tags) . '_' . $include_closing_tags; if (Cache::has($cache_id)) { return Cache::get($cache_id); } foreach ($tags as $i => $tag) { if (StringHelper::is_alphanumeric($tag[0])) { $tag = '{' . $tag; } $tags[$i] = $tag; if ($include_closing_tags) { $tags[] = RegEx::replace('^([^a-z0-9]+)', '\1/', $tag); } } return Cache::set( $cache_id, [$tags, self::protectArray($tags, 1)] ); } /** * Encode string * * @param string $string * @param int $is_tag * * @return string */ public static function protectString($string, $is_tag = false) { if ($is_tag) { return self::$protect_tags_start . base64_encode($string) . self::$protect_tags_end; } return self::$protect_start . base64_encode($string) . self::$protect_end; } /** * Decode string * * @param string $string * @param int $is_tag * * @return string */ public static function unprotectString($string, $is_tag = false) { if ($is_tag) { return self::$protect_tags_start . base64_decode($string) . self::$protect_tags_end; } return self::$protect_start . base64_decode($string) . self::$protect_end; } /** * Encode tag string * * @param string $string * * @return string */ public static function protectTag($string) { return self::protectString($string, 1); } /** * Encode array of strings * * @param array $array * @param int $is_tag * * @return mixed */ public static function protectArray($array, $is_tag = false) { foreach ($array as &$string) { $string = self::protectString($string, $is_tag); } return $array; } /** * Decode array of strings * * @param array $array * @param int $is_tag * * @return mixed */ public static function unprotectArray($array, $is_tag = false) { foreach ($array as &$string) { $string = self::unprotectString($string, $is_tag); } return $array; } /** * Replace any protected tags to original * * @param string $string * @param array $tags */ public static function unprotectForm(&$string, $tags = []) { // Protect entire form if (empty($tags)) { self::unprotect($string); return; } self::unprotectTags($string, $tags); } /** * Wrap string in comment tags * * @param string $name * @param string $comment * * @return string */ public static function wrapInCommentTags($name, $string) { list($start, $end) = self::getCommentTags($name); return $start . $string . $end; } /** * Get the html comment tags * * @param string $name * * @return array */ public static function getCommentTags($name = '') { return [self::getCommentStartTag($name), self::getCommentEndTag($name)]; } /** * Get the html start comment tags * * @param string $name * * @return string */ public static function getCommentStartTag($name = '') { return '<!-- START: ' . $name . ' -->'; } /** * Get the html end comment tags * * @param string $name * * @return string */ public static function getCommentEndTag($name = '') { return '<!-- END: ' . $name . ' -->'; } /** * Create a html comment from given comment string * * @param string $name * @param string $comment * * @return string */ public static function getMessageCommentTag($name, $comment) { list($start, $end) = self::getMessageCommentTags($name); return $start . $comment . $end; } /** * Get the start and end parts for the html message comment tag * * @param string $name * * @return array */ public static function getMessageCommentTags($name = '') { return ['<!-- ' . $name . ' Message: ', ' -->']; } /** * Get the start and end parts for the inline comment tags for scripts/styles * * @param string $name * @param string $type * * @return array */ public static function getInlineCommentTags($name = '', $type = '', $regex = false) { if ($regex) { $type = 'TYPE_PLACEHOLDER'; } $start = '/* START: ' . $name . ' ' . $type . ' */'; $end = '/* END: ' . $name . ' ' . $type . ' */'; if ($regex) { $start = str_replace($type, '[a-z]*', RegEx::quote($start)); $end = str_replace($type, '[a-z]*', RegEx::quote($end)); } return [$start, $end]; } /** * Wraps a style or javascript declaration with comment tags * * @param string $content * @param string $name * @param string $type * @param bool $minify */ public static function wrapDeclaration($content = '', $name = '', $type = 'styles', $minify = true) { if (empty($name)) { return $content; } list($start, $end) = self::getInlineCommentTags($name, $type); $spacer = $minify ? ' ' : "\n"; return $start . $spacer . $content . $spacer . $end; } /** * Wraps a javascript declaration with comment tags * * @param string $content * @param string $name * @param bool $minify */ public static function wrapScriptDeclaration($content = '', $name = '', $minify = true) { return self::wrapDeclaration($content, $name, 'scripts', $minify); } /** * Wraps a stylesheet declaration with comment tags * * @param string $content * @param string $name * @param bool $minify */ public static function wrapStyleDeclaration($content = '', $name = '', $minify = true) { return self::wrapDeclaration($content, $name, 'styles', $minify); } /** * Remove area comments in html * * @param string $string * @param string $prefix */ public static function removeAreaTags(&$string, $prefix = '') { $string = RegEx::replace('<!-- (START|END): ' . $prefix . '_[A-Z]+ -->', '', $string, 's'); } /** * Remove comments in html * * @param string $string * @param string $name */ public static function removeCommentTags(&$string, $name = '') { list($start, $end) = self::getCommentTags($name); $string = str_replace( [ $start, $end, htmlentities($start), htmlentities($end), urlencode($start), urlencode($end), ], '', $string ); list($start, $end) = self::getMessageCommentTags($name); $string = RegEx::replace( RegEx::quote($start) . '.*?' . RegEx::quote($end), '', $string ); } /** * Remove inline comments in scrips and styles * * @param string $string * @param string $name */ public static function removeInlineComments(&$string, $name) { list($start, $end) = Protect::getInlineCommentTags($name, null, true); $string = RegEx::replace('(' . $start . '|' . $end . ')', "\n", $string); } /** * Remove left over plugin tags * * @param string $string * @param array $tags * @param string $character_start * @param string $character_end * @param bool $keep_content */ public static function removePluginTags(&$string, $tags, $character_start = '{', $character_end = '{', $keep_content = true) { $character_start = RegEx::quote($character_start); $character_end = RegEx::quote($character_end); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ( ! is_array($tag)) { $tag = [$tag, $tag]; } if (count($tag) < 2) { $tag = [$tag[0], $tag[0]]; } $regex = $character_start . RegEx::quote($tag[0]) . '(?:\s.*?)?' . $character_end . '(.*?)' . $character_start . '/' . RegEx::quote($tag[1]) . $character_end; $replace = $keep_content ? '\1' : ''; $string = RegEx::replace($regex, $replace, $string); } } /** * Remove tags from title tags * * @param string $string * @param array $tags * @param bool $include_closing_tags * @param array $html_tags */ public static function removeFromHtmlTagContent(&$string, $tags, $include_closing_tags = true, $html_tags = ['title']) { list($tags, $protected) = self::prepareTags($tags, $include_closing_tags); if ( ! is_array($html_tags)) { $html_tags = [$html_tags]; } RegEx::matchAll('(<(' . implode('|', $html_tags) . ')(?:\s[^>]*?)>)(.*?)(</\2>)', $string, $matches); if (empty($matches)) { return; } foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = $match[3]; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $content = RegEx::replace(RegEx::quote($tag) . '.*?\}', '', $content); } $string = str_replace($match[0], $match[1] . $content . $match[4], $string); } } /** * Remove tags from tag attributes * * @param string $string * @param array $tags * @param string $attributes * @param bool $include_closing_tags */ public static function removeFromHtmlTagAttributes(&$string, $tags, $attributes = 'ALL', $include_closing_tags = true) { list($tags, $protected) = self::prepareTags($tags, $include_closing_tags); if ($attributes == 'ALL') { $attributes = ['[a-z][a-z0-9-_]*']; } if ( ! is_array($attributes)) { $attributes = [$attributes]; } RegEx::matchAll( '\s(?:' . implode('|', $attributes) . ')\s*=\s*".*?"', $string, $matches, null, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER ); if (empty($matches) || empty($matches[0])) { return; } $matches = array_unique($matches[0]); // preg_quote all tags $tags_regex = RegEx::quote($tags) . '.*?\}'; foreach ($matches as $match) { if ( ! StringHelper::contains($match, $tags)) { continue; } $title = $match; $title = RegEx::replace($tags_regex, '', $title); $string = StringHelper::replaceOnce($match, $title, $string); } } /** * Check if article passes security levels * * @param object $article * @param array $securtiy_levels * * @return bool|int */ public static function articlePassesSecurity(&$article, $securtiy_levels = []) { if ( ! isset($article->created_by)) { return true; } if (empty($securtiy_levels)) { return true; } if (is_string($securtiy_levels)) { $securtiy_levels = [$securtiy_levels]; } if ( ! is_array($securtiy_levels) || in_array('-1', $securtiy_levels) ) { return true; } // Lookup group level of creator $user_groups = new JAccess; $user_groups = $user_groups->getGroupsByUser($article->created_by); // Return true if any of the security levels are found in the users groups return count(array_intersect($user_groups, $securtiy_levels)); } /** * Replace in protect array * * @param array $array * @param string $search * @param string $replacement */ public static function replaceInArray(&$array, $search, $replacement) { foreach ($array as $key => &$string) { // only do something if string is not empty // or on uneven count = not yet protected if (trim($string) == '' || fmod($key, 2)) { continue; } $array[$key] = str_replace($search, $replacement, $string); } } /** * Replace in protect array using Regular Expressions * * @param array $array * @param string $search * @param string $replacement */ public static function pregReplaceInArray(&$array, $search, $replacement) { foreach ($array as $key => &$string) { // only do something if string is not empty // or on uneven count = not yet protected if (trim($string) == '' || fmod($key, 2)) { continue; } $array[$key] = RegEx::replace($search, $replacement, $string); } } }