Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/lightcolab.com/libraries/regularlabs/src/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/lightcolab.com/libraries/regularlabs/src/Conditions.php |
<?php /** * @package Regular Labs Library * @version 18.2.5909 * * @author Peter van Westen <info@regularlabs.com> * @link http://www.regularlabs.com * @copyright Copyright © 2018 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ namespace RegularLabs\Library; defined('_JEXEC') or die; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); use JFile; /** * Class Conditions * @package RegularLabs\Library */ class Conditions { static $installed_extensions = null; static $params = null; public static function pass($conditions, $matching_method = 'all', $article = null) { if (empty($conditions)) { return true; } $matching_method = in_array($matching_method, ['any', 'or']) ? 'any' : 'all'; $aid = ($article && isset($article->id)) ? '[' . $article->id . ']' : ''; $cache_id = 'pass_' . $aid . '_' . $matching_method . '_' . json_encode($conditions); if (Cache::has($cache_id)) { return Cache::get($cache_id); } $pass = (bool) ($matching_method == 'all'); foreach (self::getTypes() as $type) { // Break if not passed and matching method is ALL // Or if passed and matching method is ANY if ( ( ! $pass && $matching_method == 'all') || ($pass && $matching_method == 'any') ) { break; } if ( ! isset($conditions[$type])) { continue; } $pass = self::passByType($conditions[$type], $type, $article); } return Cache::set( $cache_id, $pass ); } public static function hasConditions($conditions) { if (empty($conditions)) { return false; } foreach (self::getTypes() as $type) { if (isset($conditions[$type]) && isset($conditions[$type]->include_type) && $conditions[$type]->include_type) { return true; } } return false; } public static function getConditionsFromParams(&$params) { $cache_id = 'getConditionsFromParams_' . json_encode($params); if (Cache::has($cache_id)) { return Cache::get($cache_id); } self::renameParamKeys($params); $types = []; foreach (self::getTypes() as $id => $type) { if (empty($params->conditions[$id])) { continue; } $types[$type] = (object) [ 'include_type' => $params->conditions[$id], 'selection' => [], 'params' => (object) [], ]; if (isset($params->conditions[$id . '_selection'])) { $types[$type]->selection = self::getSelection($params->conditions[$id . '_selection'], $type); } self::addParams($types[$type], $type, $id, $params); } return Cache::set( $cache_id, $types ); } public static function getConditionsFromTagAttributes(&$attributes, $only_types = []) { $conditions = []; PluginTag::replaceKeyAliases($attributes, self::getTypeAliases(), true); $types = self::getTypes($only_types); if (empty($types)) { return $conditions; } foreach ($attributes as $type => $value) { if (empty($value)) { continue; } $condition_type = self::getType($type, $only_types); if ( ! $condition_type) { continue; } $value = html_entity_decode($value); $params = self::getDefaultParamsByType($condition_type, $type); $reverse = false; $selection = self::getSelectionFromTagAttribute($condition_type, $value, $params, $reverse); $condition = (object) [ 'include_type' => $reverse ? 2 : 1, 'selection' => $selection, 'params' => (object) [], ]; self::addParams($condition, $condition_type, $type, $params); $conditions[$condition_type] = $condition; } return $conditions; } private static function initParametersByType($params, $type = '') { $params->class_name = str_replace('.', '', $type); $params->include_type = self::getConditionState($params->include_type); } private static function passByType($condition, $type, $article = null) { $aid = ($article && isset($article->id)) ? '[' . $article->id . ']' : ''; $cache_id = 'passByType_' . $type . '_' . $aid . '_' . json_encode($condition) . '_' . json_encode($article); if (Cache::has($cache_id)) { return Cache::get($cache_id); } self::initParametersByType($condition, $type); $cache_id = 'passByType_' . $type . '_' . $aid . '_' . json_encode($condition) . '_' . json_encode($article); if (Cache::has($cache_id)) { return Cache::get($cache_id); } $pass = false; switch ($condition->include_type) { case 'all': $pass = true; break; case 'none': $pass = false; break; default: if ( ! JFile::exists(__DIR__ . '/Condition/' . $condition->class_name . '.php')) { break; } $className = '\\RegularLabs\\Library\\Condition\\' . $condition->class_name; $class = new $className($condition, $article); $class->beforePass(); $pass = $class->pass(); break; } return Cache::set( $cache_id, $pass ); } private static function getConditionState($include_type) { switch ($include_type . '') { case 1: case 'include': return 'include'; case 2: case 'exclude': return 'exclude'; case 3: case -1: case 'none': return 'none'; default: return 'all'; } } private static function makeArray($array = '', $delimiter = ',', $trim = true) { if (empty($array)) { return []; } $cache_id = 'makeArray_' . json_encode($array) . '_' . $delimiter . '_' . $trim; if (Cache::has($cache_id)) { return Cache::get($cache_id); } $array = self::mixedDataToArray($array, $delimiter); if (empty($array)) { return $array; } if ( ! $trim) { return $array; } foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if ( ! is_string($v)) { continue; } $array[$k] = trim($v); } return Cache::set( $cache_id, $array ); } private static function mixedDataToArray($array = '', $delimiter = ',') { if ( ! is_array($array)) { return explode($delimiter, $array); } if (empty($array)) { return $array; } if (isset($array[0]) && is_array($array[0])) { return $array[0]; } if (count($array) === 1 && strpos($array[0], $delimiter) !== false) { return explode($delimiter, $array[0]); } return $array; } private static function renameParamKeys(&$params) { $params->conditions = isset($params->conditions) ? $params->conditions : []; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'condition_') === false && strpos($key, 'assignto_') === false) { continue; } $new_key = substr($key, strpos($key, '_') + 1); $params->conditions[$new_key] = $value; unset($params->{$key}); } } private static function getSelection($selection, $type = '') { if (in_array($type, self::getNotArrayTextAreaTypes())) { return $selection; } $delimiter = in_array($type, self::getTextAreaTypes()) ? "\n" : ','; return self::makeArray($selection, $delimiter); } private static function getSelectionFromTagAttribute($type, $value, &$params, &$reverse) { if ($type == 'Date.Date') { $value = str_replace('from', '', $value); $dates = explode(' - ', str_replace('to', ' - ', $value)); $params->ignore_time_zone = true; if ( ! empty($dates[0])) { $params->publish_up = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dates[0])); } if ( ! empty($dates[1])) { $params->publish_down = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dates[1])); } return []; } if ($type == 'Date.Time') { $value = str_replace('from', '', $value); $dates = explode(' - ', str_replace('to', ' - ', $value)); $params->publish_up = $dates[0]; $params->publish_down = isset($dates[1]) ? $dates[1] : $dates[0]; return []; } if (in_array($type, self::getTextAreaTypes())) { $value = Html::convertWysiwygToPlainText($value); } if (strpos($value, '!NOT!') === 0) { $reverse = true; $value = substr($value, 5); } if ( ! in_array($type, self::getNotArrayTextAreaTypes())) { $value = str_replace('[[:COMMA:]]', ',', str_replace(',', '[[:SPLIT:]]', str_replace('\\,', '[[:COMMA:]]', $value))); $value = explode('[[:SPLIT:]]', $value); } return $value; } private static function getDefaultParamsByType($condition_type, $type) { switch ($condition_type) { case 'Content.Category': return (object) [ 'assignto_' . $type . '_inc' => [ 'inc_cats', 'inc_arts', ], ]; case 'Easyblog.Category': case 'K2.Category': case 'Zoo.Category': case 'Hikashop.Category': case 'Mijoshop.Category': case 'Redshop.Category': case 'Virtuemart.Category': return (object) [ 'assignto_' . $type . '_inc' => [ 'inc_cats', 'inc_items', ], ]; default: return (object) []; } } private static function addParams(&$object, $type, $id, &$params) { $bool_params = []; $array_params = []; $includes = []; switch ($type) { case 'Menu': $bool_params = ['inc_children', 'inc_noitemid']; break; case 'Date.Date': $bool_params = ['publish_up', 'publish_down', 'recurring', 'ignore_time_zone']; break; case 'Date.Season': $bool_params = ['hemisphere']; break; case 'Date.Time': $bool_params = ['publish_up', 'publish_down']; break; case 'User.Grouplevel': $bool_params = ['inc_children']; break; case 'Url': if (is_array($object->selection)) { $object->selection = implode("\n", $object->selection); } if (isset($params->conditions['urls_selection_sef'])) { $object->selection .= "\n" . $params->conditions['urls_selection_sef']; } $object->selection = trim(str_replace("\r", '', $object->selection)); $object->selection = explode("\n", $object->selection); $object->params->regex = isset($params->conditions['urls_regex']) ? $params->conditions['urls_regex'] : false; break; case 'Agent.Browser': if ( ! empty($params->conditions['mobile_selection'])) { $object->selection = array_merge(self::makeArray($object->selection), self::makeArray($params->conditions['mobile_selection'])); } if ( ! empty($params->conditions['searchbots_selection'])) { $object->selection = array_merge($object->selection, self::makeArray($params->conditions['searchbots_selection'])); } break; case 'Tag': $bool_params = ['inc_children']; break; case 'Content.Category': $bool_params = ['inc_children']; $includes = ['cats' => 'categories', 'arts' => 'articles', 'others']; break; case 'Easyblog.Category': case 'K2.Category': case 'Hikashop.Category': case 'Mijoshop.Category': case 'Redshop.Category': case 'Virtuemart.Category': $bool_params = ['inc_children']; $includes = ['cats' => 'categories', 'items']; break; case 'Zoo.Category': $bool_params = ['inc_children']; $includes = ['apps', 'cats' => 'categories', 'items']; break; case 'Easyblog.Tag': case 'Flexicontent.Tag': case 'K2.Tag': $includes = ['tags', 'items']; break; case 'Content.Article': $bool_params = ['content_keywords', 'keywords' => 'meta_keywords', 'authors']; break; case 'K2.Item': $bool_params = ['content_keywords', 'meta_keywords', 'authors']; break; case 'Easyblog.Item': $bool_params = ['content_keywords', 'authors']; break; case 'Zoo.Item': $bool_params = ['authors']; break; } if (in_array($type, self::getMatchAllTypes())) { $bool_params[] = 'match_all'; if (count($object->selection) == 1 && strpos($object->selection[0], '+') !== false) { $object->selection = ArrayHelper::toArray($object->selection[0], '+'); $params->match_all = true; } } if (empty($bool_params) && empty($array_params) && empty($includes)) { return; } self::addParamsByType($object, $id, $params, $bool_params, $array_params, $includes); } private static function addParamsByType(&$object, $id, $params, $bool_params = [], $array_params = [], $includes = []) { foreach ($bool_params as $key => $param) { $key = is_numeric($key) ? $param : $key; $object->params->{$param} = self::getTypeParamValue($id, $params, $key); } foreach ($array_params as $key => $param) { $key = is_numeric($key) ? $param : $key; $object->params->{$param} = self::getTypeParamValue($id, $params, $key, true); } if (empty($includes)) { return; } $incs = self::getTypeParamValue($id, $params, 'inc', true); foreach ($includes as $key => $param) { $key = is_numeric($key) ? $param : $key; $object->params->{'inc_' . $param} = in_array('inc_' . $key, $incs) ? 1 : 0; } unset($object->params->inc); } private static function getTypeParamValue($id, $params, $key, $is_array = false) { if (isset($params->conditions) && isset($params->conditions[$id . '_' . $key])) { return $params->conditions[$id . '_' . $key]; } if (isset($params->{'assignto_' . $id . '_' . $key})) { return $params->{'assignto_' . $id . '_' . $key}; } if (isset($params->{$key})) { return $params->{$key}; } if ($is_array) { return []; } return 0; } private static function getTypes($only_types = []) { $types = [ 'menuitems' => 'Menu', 'homepage' => 'Homepage', 'date' => 'Date.Date', 'seasons' => 'Date.Season', 'months' => 'Date.Month', 'days' => 'Date.Day', 'time' => 'Date.Time', 'accesslevels' => 'User.Accesslevel', 'usergrouplevels' => 'User.Grouplevel', 'users' => 'User.User', 'languages' => 'Language', 'ips' => 'Ip', 'geocontinents' => 'Geo.Continent', 'geocountries' => 'Geo.Country', 'georegions' => 'Geo.Region', 'geopostalcodes' => 'Geo.Postalcode', 'templates' => 'Template', 'urls' => 'Url', 'devices' => 'Agent.Device', 'os' => 'Agent.Os', 'browsers' => 'Agent.Browser', 'components' => 'Component', 'tags' => 'Tag', 'contentpagetypes' => 'Content.Pagetype', 'cats' => 'Content.Category', 'articles' => 'Content.Article', 'easyblogpagetypes' => 'Easyblog.Pagetype', 'easyblogcats' => 'Easyblog.Category', 'easyblogtags' => 'Easyblog.Tag', 'easyblogitems' => 'Easyblog.Item', 'flexicontentpagetypes' => 'Flexicontent.Pagetype', 'flexicontenttags' => 'Flexicontent.Tag', 'flexicontenttypes' => 'Flexicontent.Type', 'form2contentprojects' => 'Form2content.Project', 'k2pagetypes' => 'K2.Pagetype', 'k2cats' => 'K2.Category', 'k2tags' => 'K2.Tag', 'k2items' => 'K2.Item', 'zoopagetypes' => 'Zoo.Pagetype', 'zoocats' => 'Zoo.Category', 'zooitems' => 'Zoo.Item', 'akeebasubspagetypes' => 'Akeebasubs.Pagetype', 'akeebasubslevels' => 'Akeebasubs.Level', 'hikashoppagetypes' => 'Hikashop.Pagetype', 'hikashopcats' => 'Hikashop.Category', 'hikashopproducts' => 'Hikashop.Product', 'mijoshoppagetypes' => 'Mijoshop.Pagetype', 'mijoshopcats' => 'Mijoshop.Category', 'mijoshopproducts' => 'Mijoshop.Product', 'redshoppagetypes' => 'Redshop.Pagetype', 'redshopcats' => 'Redshop.Category', 'redshopproducts' => 'Redshop.Product', 'virtuemartpagetypes' => 'Virtuemart.Pagetype', 'virtuemartcats' => 'Virtuemart.Category', 'virtuemartproducts' => 'Virtuemart.Product', 'cookieconfirm' => 'Cookieconfirm', 'php' => 'Php', ]; if (empty($only_types)) { return $types; } return array_intersect_key($types, array_flip($only_types)); } private static function getType(&$type, $only_types = []) { $types = self::getTypes($only_types); if (isset($types[$type])) { return $types[$type]; } // Make it plural $type = rtrim($type, 's') . 's'; if (isset($types[$type])) { return $types[$type]; } // Replace incorrect plural endings $type = str_replace('ys', 'ies', $type); if (isset($types[$type])) { return $types[$type]; } return false; } private static function getTypeAliases() { return [ 'matching_method' => ['method'], 'menuitems' => ['menu'], 'homepage' => ['home'], 'date' => ['daterange'], 'seasons' => [''], 'months' => [''], 'days' => [''], 'time' => [''], 'accesslevels' => ['access'], 'usergrouplevels' => ['usergroups', 'groups'], 'users' => [''], 'languages' => ['langs'], 'ips' => ['ipaddress', 'ipaddresses'], 'geocontinents' => ['continents'], 'geocountries' => ['countries'], 'georegions' => ['regions'], 'geopostalcodes' => ['postalcodes', 'postcodes'], 'templates' => [''], 'urls' => [''], 'devices' => [''], 'os' => [''], 'browsers' => [''], 'components' => [''], 'tags' => [''], 'contentpagetypes' => ['pagetypes'], 'cats' => ['categories', 'category'], 'articles' => [''], 'php' => [''], ]; } private static function getTextAreaTypes() { return [ 'Ip', 'Url', 'Php', ]; } private static function getNotArrayTextAreaTypes() { return [ 'Php', ]; } public static function getMatchAllTypes() { return [ 'User.Grouplevel', 'Tag', ]; } }