Mini Shell
Mini Shell
* @package FrameworkOnFramework
* @subpackage utils
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Protect from unauthorized access
defined('FOF_INCLUDED') or die;
* A helper class which provides update information for the Joomla! CMS itself. This is slightly different than the
* regular "extension" files as we need to know if a Joomla! version is STS, LTS, testing, current and so on.
class FOFUtilsUpdateJoomla extends FOFUtilsUpdateExtension
* The source for LTS updates
* @var string
protected static $lts_url = 'http://update.joomla.org/core/list.xml';
* The source for STS updates
* @var string
protected static $sts_url = 'http://update.joomla.org/core/sts/list_sts.xml';
* The source for test release updates
* @var string
protected static $test_url = 'http://update.joomla.org/core/test/list_test.xml';
* Reads an "extension" XML update source and returns all listed update entries.
* If you have a "collection" XML update source you should do something like this:
* $collection = new CmsupdateHelperCollection();
* $extensionUpdateURL = $collection->getExtensionUpdateSource($url, 'component', 'com_foobar', JVERSION);
* $extension = new CmsupdateHelperExtension();
* $updates = $extension->getUpdatesFromExtension($extensionUpdateURL);
* @param string $url The extension XML update source URL to read from
* @return array An array of update entries
public function getUpdatesFromExtension($url)
// Initialise
$ret = array();
// Get and parse the XML source
$downloader = new FOFDownload();
$xmlSource = $downloader->getFromURL($url);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlSource, LIBXML_NONET);
catch (Exception $e)
return $ret;
// Sanity check
if (($xml->getName() != 'updates'))
return $ret;
// Let's populate the list of updates
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $update */
foreach ($xml->children() as $update)
// Sanity check
if ($update->getName() != 'update')
$entry = array(
'infourl' => array('title' => '', 'url' => ''),
'downloads' => array(),
'tags' => array(),
'targetplatform' => array(),
$properties = get_object_vars($update);
foreach ($properties as $nodeName => $nodeContent)
switch ($nodeName)
$entry[ $nodeName ] = $nodeContent;
case 'infourl':
case 'downloads':
case 'tags':
case 'targetplatform':
$infourlNode = $update->xpath('infourl');
$entry['infourl']['title'] = (string) $infourlNode[0]['title'];
$entry['infourl']['url'] = (string) $infourlNode[0];
$downloadNodes = $update->xpath('downloads/downloadurl');
foreach ($downloadNodes as $downloadNode)
$entry['downloads'][] = array(
'type' => (string) $downloadNode['type'],
'format' => (string) $downloadNode['format'],
'url' => (string) $downloadNode,
$tagNodes = $update->xpath('tags/tag');
foreach ($tagNodes as $tagNode)
$entry['tags'][] = (string) $tagNode;
/** @var SimpleXMLElement[] $targetPlatformNode */
$targetPlatformNode = $update->xpath('targetplatform');
$entry['targetplatform']['name'] = (string) $targetPlatformNode[0]['name'];
$entry['targetplatform']['version'] = (string) $targetPlatformNode[0]['version'];
$client = $targetPlatformNode[0]->xpath('client');
$entry['targetplatform']['client'] = (is_array($client) && count($client)) ? (string) $client[0] : '';
$folder = $targetPlatformNode[0]->xpath('folder');
$entry['targetplatform']['folder'] = is_array($folder) && count($folder) ? (string) $folder[0] : '';
$ret[] = $entry;
return $ret;
* Reads a "collection" XML update source and picks the correct source URL
* for the extension update source.
* @param string $url The collection XML update source URL to read from
* @param string $jVersion Joomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
* @return string The URL of the extension update source, or empty if no updates are provided / fetching failed
public function getUpdateSourceFromCollection($url, $jVersion = null)
$provider = new FOFUtilsUpdateCollection();
return $provider->getExtensionUpdateSource($url, 'file', 'joomla', $jVersion);
* Determines the properties of a version: STS/LTS, normal or testing
* @param string $jVersion The version number to check
* @param string $currentVersion The current Joomla! version number
* @return array The properties analysis
public function getVersionProperties($jVersion, $currentVersion = null)
// Initialise
$ret = array(
'lts' => true,
// Is this an LTS release? False means STS.
'current' => false,
// Is this a release in the $currentVersion branch?
'upgrade' => 'none',
// Upgrade relation of $jVersion to $currentVersion: 'none' (can't upgrade), 'lts' (next or current LTS), 'sts' (next or current STS) or 'current' (same release, no upgrade available)
'testing' => false,
// Is this a testing (alpha, beta, RC) release?
// Get the current version if none is defined
if (is_null($currentVersion))
$currentVersion = JVERSION;
// Sanitise version numbers
$sameVersion = $jVersion == $currentVersion;
$jVersion = $this->sanitiseVersion($jVersion);
$currentVersion = $this->sanitiseVersion($currentVersion);
$sameVersion = $sameVersion || ($jVersion == $currentVersion);
// Get the base version
$baseVersion = substr($jVersion, 0, 3);
// Get the minimum and maximum current version numbers
$current_minimum = substr($currentVersion, 0, 3);
$current_maximum = $current_minimum . '.9999';
// Initialise STS/LTS version numbers
$sts_minimum = false;
$sts_maximum = false;
$lts_minimum = false;
// Is it an LTS or STS release?
switch ($baseVersion)
case '1.5':
$ret['lts'] = true;
case '1.6':
$ret['lts'] = false;
$sts_minimum = '1.7';
$sts_maximum = '1.7.999';
$lts_minimum = '2.5';
case '1.7':
$ret['lts'] = false;
$sts_minimum = false;
$lts_minimum = '2.5';
case '2.5':
$ret['lts'] = true;
$sts_minimum = false;
$lts_minimum = '2.5';
$majorVersion = (int) substr($jVersion, 0, 1);
//$minorVersion = (int) substr($jVersion, 2, 1);
$ret['lts'] = true;
$sts_minimum = false;
$lts_minimum = $majorVersion . '.0';
// Is it a current release?
if (version_compare($jVersion, $current_minimum, 'ge') && version_compare($jVersion, $current_maximum, 'le'))
$ret['current'] = true;
// Is this a testing release?
$versionParts = explode('.', $jVersion);
$lastVersionPart = array_pop($versionParts);
if (in_array(substr($lastVersionPart, 0, 1), array('a', 'b')))
$ret['testing'] = true;
elseif (substr($lastVersionPart, 0, 2) == 'rc')
$ret['testing'] = true;
elseif (substr($lastVersionPart, 0, 3) == 'dev')
$ret['testing'] = true;
// Find the upgrade relation of $jVersion to $currentVersion
if (version_compare($jVersion, $currentVersion, 'eq'))
$ret['upgrade'] = 'current';
elseif (($sts_minimum !== false) && version_compare($jVersion, $sts_minimum, 'ge') && version_compare($jVersion, $sts_maximum, 'le'))
$ret['upgrade'] = 'sts';
elseif (($lts_minimum !== false) && version_compare($jVersion, $lts_minimum, 'ge'))
$ret['upgrade'] = 'lts';
elseif ($baseVersion == $current_minimum)
$ret['upgrade'] = $ret['lts'] ? 'lts' : 'sts';
$ret['upgrade'] = 'none';
if ($sameVersion)
$ret['upgrade'] = 'none';
return $ret;
* Filters a list of updates, making sure they apply to the specifed CMS
* release.
* @param array $updates A list of update records returned by the getUpdatesFromExtension method
* @param string $jVersion The current Joomla! version number
* @return array A filtered list of updates. Each update record also includes version relevance information.
public function filterApplicableUpdates($updates, $jVersion = null)
if (empty($jVersion))
$jVersion = JVERSION;
$versionParts = explode('.', $jVersion, 4);
$platformVersionMajor = $versionParts[0];
$platformVersionMinor = $platformVersionMajor . '.' . $versionParts[1];
$platformVersionNormal = $platformVersionMinor . '.' . $versionParts[2];
//$platformVersionFull = (count($versionParts) > 3) ? $platformVersionNormal . '.' . $versionParts[3] : $platformVersionNormal;
$ret = array();
foreach ($updates as $update)
// Check each update for platform match
if (strtolower($update['targetplatform']['name']) != 'joomla')
$targetPlatformVersion = $update['targetplatform']['version'];
if (!preg_match('/' . $targetPlatformVersion . '/', $platformVersionMinor))
// Get some information from the version number
$updateVersion = $update['version'];
$versionProperties = $this->getVersionProperties($updateVersion, $jVersion);
if ($versionProperties['upgrade'] == 'none')
// The XML files are ill-maintained. Maybe we already have this update?
if (!array_key_exists($updateVersion, $ret))
$ret[ $updateVersion ] = array_merge($update, $versionProperties);
return $ret;
* Joomla! has a lousy track record in naming its alpha, beta and release
* candidate releases. The convention used seems to be "what the hell the
* current package maintainer thinks looks better". This method tries to
* figure out what was in the mind of the maintainer and translate the
* funky version number to an actual PHP-format version string.
* @param string $version The whatever-format version number
* @return string A standard formatted version number
public function sanitiseVersion($version)
$test = strtolower($version);
$alphaQualifierPosition = strpos($test, 'alpha-');
$betaQualifierPosition = strpos($test, 'beta-');
$betaQualifierPosition2 = strpos($test, '-beta');
$rcQualifierPosition = strpos($test, 'rc-');
$rcQualifierPosition2 = strpos($test, '-rc');
$rcQualifierPosition3 = strpos($test, 'rc');
$devQualifiedPosition = strpos($test, 'dev');
if ($alphaQualifierPosition !== false)
$betaRevision = substr($test, $alphaQualifierPosition + 6);
if (!$betaRevision)
$betaRevision = 1;
$test = substr($test, 0, $alphaQualifierPosition) . '.a' . $betaRevision;
elseif ($betaQualifierPosition !== false)
$betaRevision = substr($test, $betaQualifierPosition + 5);
if (!$betaRevision)
$betaRevision = 1;
$test = substr($test, 0, $betaQualifierPosition) . '.b' . $betaRevision;
elseif ($betaQualifierPosition2 !== false)
$betaRevision = substr($test, $betaQualifierPosition2 + 5);
if (!$betaRevision)
$betaRevision = 1;
$test = substr($test, 0, $betaQualifierPosition2) . '.b' . $betaRevision;
elseif ($rcQualifierPosition !== false)
$betaRevision = substr($test, $rcQualifierPosition + 5);
if (!$betaRevision)
$betaRevision = 1;
$test = substr($test, 0, $rcQualifierPosition) . '.rc' . $betaRevision;
elseif ($rcQualifierPosition2 !== false)
$betaRevision = substr($test, $rcQualifierPosition2 + 3);
if (!$betaRevision)
$betaRevision = 1;
$test = substr($test, 0, $rcQualifierPosition2) . '.rc' . $betaRevision;
elseif ($rcQualifierPosition3 !== false)
$betaRevision = substr($test, $rcQualifierPosition3 + 5);
if (!$betaRevision)
$betaRevision = 1;
$test = substr($test, 0, $rcQualifierPosition3) . '.rc' . $betaRevision;
elseif ($devQualifiedPosition !== false)
$betaRevision = substr($test, $devQualifiedPosition + 6);
if (!$betaRevision)
$betaRevision = '';
$test = substr($test, 0, $devQualifiedPosition) . '.dev' . $betaRevision;
return $test;
* Reloads the list of all updates available for the specified Joomla! version
* from the network.
* @param array $sources The enabled sources to look into
* @param string $jVersion The Joomla! version we are checking updates for
* @return array A list of updates for the installed, current, lts and sts versions
public function getUpdates($sources = array(), $jVersion = null)
// Make sure we have a valid list of sources
if (empty($sources) || !is_array($sources))
$sources = array();
$defaultSources = array('lts' => true, 'sts' => true, 'test' => true, 'custom' => '');
$sources = array_merge($defaultSources, $sources);
// Use the current JVERSION if none is specified
if (empty($jVersion))
$jVersion = JVERSION;
// Get the current branch' min/max versions
$versionParts = explode('.', $jVersion, 4);
$currentMinVersion = $versionParts[0] . '.' . $versionParts[1];
$currentMaxVersion = $versionParts[0] . '.' . $versionParts[1] . '.9999';
// Retrieve all updates
$allUpdates = array();
foreach ($sources as $source => $value)
if (($value === false) || empty($value))
switch ($source)
case 'lts':
$url = self::$lts_url;
case 'sts':
$url = self::$sts_url;
case 'test':
$url = self::$test_url;
case 'custom':
$url = $value;
$url = $this->getUpdateSourceFromCollection($url, $jVersion);
if (!empty($url))
$updates = $this->getUpdatesFromExtension($url);
if (!empty($updates))
$applicableUpdates = $this->filterApplicableUpdates($updates, $jVersion);
if (!empty($applicableUpdates))
$allUpdates = array_merge($allUpdates, $applicableUpdates);
$ret = array(
// Currently installed version (used to reinstall, if available)
'installed' => array(
'version' => '',
'package' => '',
'infourl' => '',
// Current branch
'current' => array(
'version' => '',
'package' => '',
'infourl' => '',
// Upgrade to STS release
'sts' => array(
'version' => '',
'package' => '',
'infourl' => '',
// Upgrade to LTS release
'lts' => array(
'version' => '',
'package' => '',
'infourl' => '',
// Upgrade to LTS release
'test' => array(
'version' => '',
'package' => '',
'infourl' => '',
foreach ($allUpdates as $update)
$sections = array();
if ($update['upgrade'] == 'current')
$sections[0] = 'installed';
elseif (version_compare($update['version'], $currentMinVersion, 'ge') && version_compare($update['version'], $currentMaxVersion, 'le'))
$sections[0] = 'current';
$sections[0] = '';
$sections[1] = $update['lts'] ? 'lts' : 'sts';
if ($update['testing'])
$sections = array('test');
foreach ($sections as $section)
if (empty($section))
$existingVersionForSection = $ret[ $section ]['version'];
if (empty($existingVersionForSection))
$existingVersionForSection = '0.0.0';
if (version_compare($update['version'], $existingVersionForSection, 'ge'))
$ret[ $section ]['version'] = $update['version'];
$ret[ $section ]['package'] = $update['downloads'][0]['url'];
$ret[ $section ]['infourl'] = $update['infourl']['url'];
// Catch the case when the latest current branch version is the installed version (up to date site)
if (empty($ret['current']['version']) && !empty($ret['installed']['version']))
$ret['current'] = $ret['installed'];
return $ret;
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0