Mini Shell
Mini Shell
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/cache.php');
* Class for parsing and compiling less files into css
* @package Less
* @subpackage parser
class Less_Parser{
* Default parser options
public static $default_options = array(
'compress' => false, // option - whether to compress
'strictUnits' => false, // whether units need to evaluate correctly
'strictMath' => false, // whether math has to be within parenthesis
'relativeUrls' => true, // option - whether to adjust URL's to be relative
'urlArgs' => array(), // whether to add args into url tokens
'numPrecision' => 8,
'import_dirs' => array(),
'import_callback' => null,
'cache_dir' => null,
'cache_method' => 'php', //false, 'serialize', 'php', 'var_export';
'sourceMap' => false, // whether to output a source map
'sourceMapBasepath' => null,
'sourceMapWriteTo' => null,
'sourceMapURL' => null,
'plugins' => array(),
public static $options = array();
private $input; // Less input string
private $input_len; // input string length
private $pos; // current index in `input`
private $saveStack = array(); // holds state for backtracking
private $furthest;
* @var Less_Environment
private $env;
private $rules = array();
private static $imports = array();
public static $has_extends = false;
public static $next_id = 0;
* Filename to contents of all parsed the files
* @var array
public static $contentsMap = array();
* @param Less_Environment|array|null $env
public function __construct( $env = null ){
// Top parser on an import tree must be sure there is one "env"
// which will then be passed around by reference.
if( $env instanceof Less_Environment ){
$this->env = $env;
$this->Reset( $env );
* Reset the parser state completely
public function Reset( $options = null ){
$this->rules = array();
self::$imports = array();
self::$has_extends = false;
self::$imports = array();
self::$contentsMap = array();
$this->env = new Less_Environment($options);
//set new options
if( is_array($options) ){
* Set one or more compiler options
* options: import_dirs, cache_dir, cache_method
public function SetOptions( $options ){
foreach($options as $option => $value){
* Set one compiler option
public function SetOption($option,$value){
case 'import_dirs':
case 'cache_dir':
if( is_string($value) ){
Less_Parser::$options[$option] = $value;
* Get the current css buffer
* @return string
public function getCss(){
$precision = ini_get('precision');
$locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0);
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
$root = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(array(), $this->rules );
$root->root = true;
$root->firstRoot = true;
self::$has_extends = false;
$evaldRoot = $root->compile($this->env);
if( Less_Parser::$options['sourceMap'] ){
$generator = new Less_SourceMap_Generator($evaldRoot, Less_Parser::$contentsMap, Less_Parser::$options );
// will also save file
// FIXME: should happen somewhere else?
$css = $generator->generateCSS();
$css = $evaldRoot->toCSS();
if( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){
$css = preg_replace('/(^(\s)+)|((\s)+$)/', '', $css);
//reset php settings
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
return $css;
* Run pre-compile visitors
private function PreVisitors($root){
if( Less_Parser::$options['plugins'] ){
foreach(Less_Parser::$options['plugins'] as $plugin){
if( !empty($plugin->isPreEvalVisitor) ){
* Run post-compile visitors
private function PostVisitors($evaldRoot){
$visitors = array();
$visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_joinSelector();
if( self::$has_extends ){
$visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_processExtends();
$visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_toCSS();
if( Less_Parser::$options['plugins'] ){
foreach(Less_Parser::$options['plugins'] as $plugin){
if( property_exists($plugin,'isPreEvalVisitor') && $plugin->isPreEvalVisitor ){
if( property_exists($plugin,'isPreVisitor') && $plugin->isPreVisitor ){
array_unshift( $visitors, $plugin);
$visitors[] = $plugin;
for($i = 0; $i < count($visitors); $i++ ){
* Parse a Less string into css
* @param string $str The string to convert
* @param string $uri_root The url of the file
* @return Less_Tree_Ruleset|Less_Parser
public function parse( $str, $file_uri = null ){
if( !$file_uri ){
$uri_root = '';
$filename = 'anonymous-file-'.Less_Parser::$next_id++.'.less';
$file_uri = self::WinPath($file_uri);
$filename = basename($file_uri);
$uri_root = dirname($file_uri);
$previousFileInfo = $this->env->currentFileInfo;
$uri_root = self::WinPath($uri_root);
$this->SetFileInfo($filename, $uri_root);
$this->input = $str;
if( $previousFileInfo ){
$this->env->currentFileInfo = $previousFileInfo;
return $this;
* Parse a Less string from a given file
* @throws Less_Exception_Parser
* @param string $filename The file to parse
* @param string $uri_root The url of the file
* @param bool $returnRoot Indicates whether the return value should be a css string a root node
* @return Less_Tree_Ruleset|Less_Parser
public function parseFile( $filename, $uri_root = '', $returnRoot = false){
if( !file_exists($filename) ){
$this->Error(sprintf('File `%s` not found.', $filename));
// fix uri_root?
// Instead of The mixture of file path for the first argument and directory path for the second argument has bee
if( !$returnRoot && !empty($uri_root) && basename($uri_root) == basename($filename) ){
$uri_root = dirname($uri_root);
$previousFileInfo = $this->env->currentFileInfo;
$filename = self::WinPath($filename);
$uri_root = self::WinPath($uri_root);
$this->SetFileInfo($filename, $uri_root);
if( $returnRoot ){
$rules = $this->GetRules( $filename );
$return = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(array(), $rules );
$this->_parse( $filename );
$return = $this;
if( $previousFileInfo ){
$this->env->currentFileInfo = $previousFileInfo;
return $return;
* Allows a user to set variables values
* @param array $vars
* @return Less_Parser
public function ModifyVars( $vars ){
$this->input = $this->serializeVars( $vars );
return $this;
* @param string $filename
public function SetFileInfo( $filename, $uri_root = ''){
$filename = Less_Environment::normalizePath($filename);
$dirname = preg_replace('/[^\/\\\\]*$/','',$filename);
if( !empty($uri_root) ){
$uri_root = rtrim($uri_root,'/').'/';
$currentFileInfo = array();
//entry info
if( isset($this->env->currentFileInfo) ){
$currentFileInfo['entryPath'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['entryPath'];
$currentFileInfo['entryUri'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['entryUri'];
$currentFileInfo['rootpath'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['rootpath'];
$currentFileInfo['entryPath'] = $dirname;
$currentFileInfo['entryUri'] = $uri_root;
$currentFileInfo['rootpath'] = $dirname;
$currentFileInfo['currentDirectory'] = $dirname;
$currentFileInfo['currentUri'] = $uri_root.basename($filename);
$currentFileInfo['filename'] = $filename;
$currentFileInfo['uri_root'] = $uri_root;
//inherit reference
if( isset($this->env->currentFileInfo['reference']) && $this->env->currentFileInfo['reference'] ){
$currentFileInfo['reference'] = true;
$this->env->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
* @deprecated
public function SetCacheDir( $dir ){
if( !file_exists($dir) ){
if( mkdir($dir) ){
return true;
throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory couldn\'t be created: '.$dir);
}elseif( !is_dir($dir) ){
throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory doesn\'t exist: '.$dir);
}elseif( !is_writable($dir) ){
throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory isn\'t writable: '.$dir);
$dir = self::WinPath($dir);
Less_Cache::$cache_dir = rtrim($dir,'/').'/';
return true;
* Set a list of directories or callbacks the parser should use for determining import paths
* @param array $dirs
public function SetImportDirs( $dirs ){
Less_Parser::$options['import_dirs'] = array();
foreach($dirs as $path => $uri_root){
$path = self::WinPath($path);
if( !empty($path) ){
$path = rtrim($path,'/').'/';
if ( !is_callable($uri_root) ){
$uri_root = self::WinPath($uri_root);
if( !empty($uri_root) ){
$uri_root = rtrim($uri_root,'/').'/';
Less_Parser::$options['import_dirs'][$path] = $uri_root;
* @param string $file_path
private function _parse( $file_path = null ){
$this->rules = array_merge($this->rules, $this->GetRules( $file_path ));
* Return the results of parsePrimary for $file_path
* Use cache and save cached results if possible
* @param string|null $file_path
private function GetRules( $file_path ){
$cache_file = $this->CacheFile( $file_path );
if( $cache_file && file_exists($cache_file) ){
// Using serialize
// Faster but uses more memory
case 'serialize':
$cache = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
if( $cache ){
return $cache;
// Using generated php code
case 'var_export':
case 'php':
return include($cache_file);
$rules = $this->parsePrimary();
if( $this->pos < $this->input_len ){
throw new Less_Exception_Chunk($this->input, null, $this->furthest, $this->env->currentFileInfo);
//save the cache
if( $cache_file ){
//msg('write cache file');
case 'serialize':
file_put_contents( $cache_file, serialize($rules) );
case 'php':
file_put_contents( $cache_file, '<?php return '.self::ArgString($rules).'; ?>' );
case 'var_export':
//Requires __set_state()
file_put_contents( $cache_file, '<?php return '.var_export($rules,true).'; ?>' );
return $rules;
* Set up the input buffer
public function SetInput( $file_path ){
if( $file_path ){
$this->input = file_get_contents( $file_path );
$this->pos = $this->furthest = 0;
// Remove potential UTF Byte Order Mark
$this->input = preg_replace('/\\G\xEF\xBB\xBF/', '', $this->input);
$this->input_len = strlen($this->input);
if( Less_Parser::$options['sourceMap'] && $this->env->currentFileInfo ){
$uri = $this->env->currentFileInfo['currentUri'];
Less_Parser::$contentsMap[$uri] = $this->input;
* Free up some memory
public function UnsetInput(){
unset($this->input, $this->pos, $this->input_len, $this->furthest);
$this->saveStack = array();
public function CacheFile( $file_path ){
if( $file_path && Less_Parser::$options['cache_method'] && Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$env = get_object_vars($this->env);
$parts = array();
$parts[] = $file_path;
$parts[] = filesize( $file_path );
$parts[] = filemtime( $file_path );
$parts[] = $env;
$parts[] = Less_Version::cache_version;
$parts[] = Less_Parser::$options['cache_method'];
return Less_Cache::$cache_dir.'lessphp_'.base_convert( sha1(json_encode($parts) ), 16, 36).'.lesscache';
static function AddParsedFile($file){
self::$imports[] = $file;
static function AllParsedFiles(){
return self::$imports;
* @param string $file
static function FileParsed($file){
return in_array($file,self::$imports);
function save() {
$this->saveStack[] = $this->pos;
private function restore() {
$this->pos = array_pop($this->saveStack);
private function forget(){
private function isWhitespace($offset = 0) {
return preg_match('/\s/',$this->input[ $this->pos + $offset]);
* Parse from a token, regexp or string, and move forward if match
* @param array $toks
* @return array
private function match($toks){
// The match is confirmed, add the match length to `this::pos`,
// and consume any extra white-space characters (' ' || '\n')
// which come after that. The reason for this is that LeSS's
// grammar is mostly white-space insensitive.
foreach($toks as $tok){
$char = $tok[0];
if( $char === '/' ){
$match = $this->MatchReg($tok);
if( $match ){
return count($match) === 1 ? $match[0] : $match;
}elseif( $char === '#' ){
$match = $this->MatchChar($tok[1]);
// Non-terminal, match using a function call
$match = $this->$tok();
if( $match ){
return $match;
* @param string[] $toks
* @return string
private function MatchFuncs($toks){
foreach($toks as $tok){
$match = $this->$tok();
if( $match ){
return $match;
// Match a single character in the input,
private function MatchChar($tok){
if( ($this->pos < $this->input_len) && ($this->input[$this->pos] === $tok) ){
return $tok;
// Match a regexp from the current start point
private function MatchReg($tok){
if( preg_match($tok, $this->input, $match, 0, $this->pos) ){
return $match;
* Same as match(), but don't change the state of the parser,
* just return the match.
* @param string $tok
* @return integer
public function PeekReg($tok){
return preg_match($tok, $this->input, $match, 0, $this->pos);
* @param string $tok
public function PeekChar($tok){
//return ($this->input[$this->pos] === $tok );
return ($this->pos < $this->input_len) && ($this->input[$this->pos] === $tok );
* @param integer $length
public function skipWhitespace($length){
$this->pos += $length;
for(; $this->pos < $this->input_len; $this->pos++ ){
$c = $this->input[$this->pos];
if( ($c !== "\n") && ($c !== "\r") && ($c !== "\t") && ($c !== ' ') ){
* @param string $tok
* @param string|null $msg
public function expect($tok, $msg = NULL) {
$result = $this->match( array($tok) );
if (!$result) {
$this->Error( $msg ? "Expected '" . $tok . "' got '" . $this->input[$this->pos] . "'" : $msg );
} else {
return $result;
* @param string $tok
public function expectChar($tok, $msg = null ){
$result = $this->MatchChar($tok);
if( !$result ){
$this->Error( $msg ? "Expected '" . $tok . "' got '" . $this->input[$this->pos] . "'" : $msg );
return $result;
// Here in, the parsing rules/functions
// The basic structure of the syntax tree generated is as follows:
// Ruleset -> Rule -> Value -> Expression -> Entity
// Here's some LESS code:
// .class {
// color: #fff;
// border: 1px solid #000;
// width: @w + 4px;
// > .child {...}
// }
// And here's what the parse tree might look like:
// Ruleset (Selector '.class', [
// Rule ("color", Value ([Expression [Color #fff]]))
// Rule ("border", Value ([Expression [Dimension 1px][Keyword "solid"][Color #000]]))
// Rule ("width", Value ([Expression [Operation "+" [Variable "@w"][Dimension 4px]]]))
// Ruleset (Selector [Element '>', '.child'], [...])
// ])
// In general, most rules will try to parse a token with the `$()` function, and if the return
// value is truly, will return a new node, of the relevant type. Sometimes, we need to check
// first, before parsing, that's when we use `peek()`.
// The `primary` rule is the *entry* and *exit* point of the parser.
// The rules here can appear at any level of the parse tree.
// The recursive nature of the grammar is an interplay between the `block`
// rule, which represents `{ ... }`, the `ruleset` rule, and this `primary` rule,
// as represented by this simplified grammar:
// primary → (ruleset | rule)+
// ruleset → selector+ block
// block → '{' primary '}'
// Only at one point is the primary rule not called from the
// block rule: at the root level.
private function parsePrimary(){
$root = array();
while( true ){
if( $this->pos >= $this->input_len ){
$node = $this->parseExtend(true);
if( $node ){
$root = array_merge($root,$node);
//$node = $this->MatchFuncs( array( 'parseMixinDefinition', 'parseRule', 'parseRuleset', 'parseMixinCall', 'parseComment', 'parseDirective'));
$node = $this->MatchFuncs( array( 'parseMixinDefinition', 'parseNameValue', 'parseRule', 'parseRuleset', 'parseMixinCall', 'parseComment', 'parseRulesetCall', 'parseDirective'));
if( $node ){
$root[] = $node;
}elseif( !$this->MatchReg('/\\G[\s\n;]+/') ){
if( $this->PeekChar('}') ){
return $root;
// We create a Comment node for CSS comments `/* */`,
// but keep the LeSS comments `//` silent, by just skipping
// over them.
private function parseComment(){
if( $this->input[$this->pos] !== '/' ){
if( $this->input[$this->pos+1] === '/' ){
$match = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\/\/.*/');
return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Comment',array($match[0], true, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
//$comment = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\/\*(?:[^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/\n?/');
$comment = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\/\*(?s).*?\*+\/\n?/');//not the same as less.js to prevent fatal errors
if( $comment ){
return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Comment',array($comment[0], false, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
private function parseComments(){
$comments = array();
while( $this->pos < $this->input_len ){
$comment = $this->parseComment();
if( !$comment ){
$comments[] = $comment;
return $comments;
// A string, which supports escaping " and '
// "milky way" 'he\'s the one!'
private function parseEntitiesQuoted() {
$j = $this->pos;
$e = false;
$index = $this->pos;
if( $this->input[$this->pos] === '~' ){
$e = true; // Escaped strings
if( $this->input[$j] != '"' && $this->input[$j] !== "'" ){
if ($e) {
$str = $this->MatchReg('/\\G"((?:[^"\\\\\r\n]|\\\\.)*)"|\'((?:[^\'\\\\\r\n]|\\\\.)*)\'/');
if( $str ){
$result = $str[0][0] == '"' ? $str[1] : $str[2];
return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Quoted',array($str[0], $result, $e, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo) );
// A catch-all word, such as:
// black border-collapse
private function parseEntitiesKeyword(){
//$k = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[_A-Za-z-][_A-Za-z0-9-]*/');
$k = $this->MatchReg('/\\G%|\\G[_A-Za-z-][_A-Za-z0-9-]*/');
if( $k ){
$k = $k[0];
$color = $this->fromKeyword($k);
if( $color ){
return $color;
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Keyword',$k);
// duplicate of Less_Tree_Color::FromKeyword
private function FromKeyword( $keyword ){
$keyword = strtolower($keyword);
if( Less_Colors::hasOwnProperty($keyword) ){
// detect named color
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Color',substr(Less_Colors::color($keyword), 1));
if( $keyword === 'transparent' ){
return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Color', array( array(0, 0, 0), 0, true));
// A function call
// rgb(255, 0, 255)
// We also try to catch IE's `alpha()`, but let the `alpha` parser
// deal with the details.
// The arguments are parsed with the `entities.arguments` parser.
private function parseEntitiesCall(){
$index = $this->pos;
if( !preg_match('/\\G([\w-]+|%|progid:[\w\.]+)\(/', $this->input, $name,0,$this->pos) ){
$name = $name[1];
$nameLC = strtolower($name);
if ($nameLC === 'url') {
return null;
$this->pos += strlen($name);
if( $nameLC === 'alpha' ){
$alpha_ret = $this->parseAlpha();
if( $alpha_ret ){
return $alpha_ret;
$this->MatchChar('('); // Parse the '(' and consume whitespace.
$args = $this->parseEntitiesArguments();
if( !$this->MatchChar(')') ){
if ($name) {
return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Call',array($name, $args, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo) );
* Parse a list of arguments
* @return array
private function parseEntitiesArguments(){
$args = array();
while( true ){
$arg = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesAssignment','parseExpression') );
if( !$arg ){
$args[] = $arg;
if( !$this->MatchChar(',') ){
return $args;
private function parseEntitiesLiteral(){
return $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesDimension','parseEntitiesColor','parseEntitiesQuoted','parseUnicodeDescriptor') );
// Assignments are argument entities for calls.
// They are present in ie filter properties as shown below.
// filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha( *opacity=50* )
private function parseEntitiesAssignment() {
$key = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\w+(?=\s?=)/');
if( !$key ){
if( !$this->MatchChar('=') ){
$value = $this->parseEntity();
if( $value ){
return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Assignment',array($key[0], $value));
// Parse url() tokens
// We use a specific rule for urls, because they don't really behave like
// standard function calls. The difference is that the argument doesn't have
// to be enclosed within a string, so it can't be parsed as an Expression.
private function parseEntitiesUrl(){
if( $this->input[$this->pos] !== 'u' || !$this->matchReg('/\\Gurl\(/') ){
$value = $this->match( array('parseEntitiesQuoted','parseEntitiesVariable','/\\Gdata\:.*?[^\)]+/','/\\G(?:(?:\\\\[\(\)\'"])|[^\(\)\'"])+/') );
if( !$value ){
$value = '';
if( isset($value->value) || $value instanceof Less_Tree_Variable ){
return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Url',array($value, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Url', array( $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Anonymous',$value), $this->env->currentFileInfo) );
// A Variable entity, such as `@fink`, in
// width: @fink + 2px
// We use a different parser for variable definitions,
// see `parsers.variable`.
private function parseEntitiesVariable(){
$index = $this->pos;
if ($this->PeekChar('@') && ($name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G@@?[\w-]+/'))) {
return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Variable', array( $name[0], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
// A variable entity useing the protective {} e.g. @{var}
private function parseEntitiesVariableCurly() {
$index = $this->pos;
if( $this->input_len > ($this->pos+1) && $this->input[$this->pos] === '@' && ($curly = $this->MatchReg('/\\G@\{([\w-]+)\}/')) ){
return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Variable',array('@'.$curly[1], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
// A Hexadecimal color
// #4F3C2F
// `rgb` and `hsl` colors are parsed through the `entities.call` parser.
private function parseEntitiesColor(){
if ($this->PeekChar('#') && ($rgb = $this->MatchReg('/\\G#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/'))) {
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Color',$rgb[1]);
// A Dimension, that is, a number and a unit
// 0.5em 95%
private function parseEntitiesDimension(){
$c = @ord($this->input[$this->pos]);
//Is the first char of the dimension 0-9, '.', '+' or '-'
if (($c > 57 || $c < 43) || $c === 47 || $c == 44){
$value = $this->MatchReg('/\\G([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%|[a-z]+)?/');
if( $value ){
if( isset($value[2]) ){
return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Dimension', array($value[1],$value[2]));
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Dimension',$value[1]);
// A unicode descriptor, as is used in unicode-range
// U+0?? or U+00A1-00A9
function parseUnicodeDescriptor() {
$ud = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(U\+[0-9a-fA-F?]+)(\-[0-9a-fA-F?]+)?/');
if( $ud ){
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_UnicodeDescriptor', $ud[0]);
// JavaScript code to be evaluated
// `window.location.href`
private function parseEntitiesJavascript(){
$e = false;
$j = $this->pos;
if( $this->input[$j] === '~' ){
$e = true;
if( $this->input[$j] !== '`' ){
if( $e ){
$str = $this->MatchReg('/\\G`([^`]*)`/');
if( $str ){
return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Javascript', array($str[1], $this->pos, $e));
// The variable part of a variable definition. Used in the `rule` parser
// @fink:
private function parseVariable(){
if ($this->PeekChar('@') && ($name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(@[\w-]+)\s*:/'))) {
return $name[1];
// The variable part of a variable definition. Used in the `rule` parser
// @fink();
private function parseRulesetCall(){
if( $this->input[$this->pos] === '@' && ($name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(@[\w-]+)\s*\(\s*\)\s*;/')) ){
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_RulesetCall', $name[1] );
// extend syntax - used to extend selectors
function parseExtend($isRule = false){
$index = $this->pos;
$extendList = array();
if( !$this->MatchReg( $isRule ? '/\\G&:extend\(/' : '/\\G:extend\(/' ) ){ return; }
$option = null;
$elements = array();
while( true ){
$option = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(all)(?=\s*(\)|,))/');
if( $option ){ break; }
$e = $this->parseElement();
if( !$e ){ break; }
$elements[] = $e;
if( $option ){
$option = $option[1];
$extendList[] = $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Extend', array( $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Selector',$elements), $option, $index ));
}while( $this->MatchChar(",") );
if( $isRule ){
return $extendList;
// A Mixin call, with an optional argument list
// #mixins > .square(#fff);
// .rounded(4px, black);
// .button;
// The `while` loop is there because mixins can be
// namespaced, but we only support the child and descendant
// selector for now.
private function parseMixinCall(){
$char = $this->input[$this->pos];
if( $char !== '.' && $char !== '#' ){
$index = $this->pos;
$this->save(); // stop us absorbing part of an invalid selector
$elements = $this->parseMixinCallElements();
if( $elements ){
if( $this->MatchChar('(') ){
$returned = $this->parseMixinArgs(true);
$args = $returned['args'];
$args = array();
$important = $this->parseImportant();
if( $this->parseEnd() ){
return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Mixin_Call', array( $elements, $args, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo, $important));
private function parseMixinCallElements(){
$elements = array();
$c = null;
while( true ){
$elemIndex = $this->pos;
$e = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[#.](?:[\w-]|\\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/');
if( !$e ){
$elements[] = $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Element', array($c, $e[0], $elemIndex, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
$c = $this->MatchChar('>');
return $elements;
* @param boolean $isCall
private function parseMixinArgs( $isCall ){
$expressions = array();
$argsSemiColon = array();
$isSemiColonSeperated = null;
$argsComma = array();
$expressionContainsNamed = null;
$name = null;
$returner = array('args'=>array(), 'variadic'=> false);
while( true ){
if( $isCall ){
$arg = $this->MatchFuncs( array( 'parseDetachedRuleset','parseExpression' ) );
} else {
if( $this->input[ $this->pos ] === '.' && $this->MatchReg('/\\G\.{3}/') ){
$returner['variadic'] = true;
if( $this->MatchChar(";") && !$isSemiColonSeperated ){
$isSemiColonSeperated = true;
if( $isSemiColonSeperated ){
$argsSemiColon[] = array('variadic'=>true);
$argsComma[] = array('variadic'=>true);
$arg = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesVariable','parseEntitiesLiteral','parseEntitiesKeyword') );
if( !$arg ){
$nameLoop = null;
if( $arg instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ){
$value = $arg;
$val = null;
if( $isCall ){
// Variable
if( property_exists($arg,'value') && count($arg->value) == 1 ){
$val = $arg->value[0];
} else {
$val = $arg;
if( $val instanceof Less_Tree_Variable ){
if( $this->MatchChar(':') ){
if( $expressions ){
if( $isSemiColonSeperated ){
$this->Error('Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types');
$expressionContainsNamed = true;
// we do not support setting a ruleset as a default variable - it doesn't make sense
// However if we do want to add it, there is nothing blocking it, just don't error
// and remove isCall dependency below
$value = null;
if( $isCall ){
$value = $this->parseDetachedRuleset();
if( !$value ){
$value = $this->parseExpression();
if( !$value ){
if( $isCall ){
$this->Error('could not understand value for named argument');
} else {
$returner['args'] = array();
return $returner;
$nameLoop = ($name = $val->name);
}elseif( !$isCall && $this->MatchReg('/\\G\.{3}/') ){
$returner['variadic'] = true;
if( $this->MatchChar(";") && !$isSemiColonSeperated ){
$isSemiColonSeperated = true;
if( $isSemiColonSeperated ){
$argsSemiColon[] = array('name'=> $arg->name, 'variadic' => true);
$argsComma[] = array('name'=> $arg->name, 'variadic' => true);
}elseif( !$isCall ){
$name = $nameLoop = $val->name;
$value = null;
if( $value ){
$expressions[] = $value;
$argsComma[] = array('name'=>$nameLoop, 'value'=>$value );
if( $this->MatchChar(',') ){
if( $this->MatchChar(';') || $isSemiColonSeperated ){
if( $expressionContainsNamed ){
$this->Error('Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types');
$isSemiColonSeperated = true;
if( count($expressions) > 1 ){
$value = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Value', $expressions);
$argsSemiColon[] = array('name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value );
$name = null;
$expressions = array();
$expressionContainsNamed = false;
$returner['args'] = ($isSemiColonSeperated ? $argsSemiColon : $argsComma);
return $returner;
// A Mixin definition, with a list of parameters
// .rounded (@radius: 2px, @color) {
// ...
// }
// Until we have a finer grained state-machine, we have to
// do a look-ahead, to make sure we don't have a mixin call.
// See the `rule` function for more information.
// We start by matching `.rounded (`, and then proceed on to
// the argument list, which has optional default values.
// We store the parameters in `params`, with a `value` key,
// if there is a value, such as in the case of `@radius`.
// Once we've got our params list, and a closing `)`, we parse
// the `{...}` block.
private function parseMixinDefinition(){
$cond = null;
$char = $this->input[$this->pos];
if( ($char !== '.' && $char !== '#') || ($char === '{' && $this->PeekReg('/\\G[^{]*\}/')) ){
$match = $this->MatchReg('/\\G([#.](?:[\w-]|\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+)\s*\(/');
if( $match ){
$name = $match[1];
$argInfo = $this->parseMixinArgs( false );
$params = $argInfo['args'];
$variadic = $argInfo['variadic'];
// .mixincall("@{a}");
// looks a bit like a mixin definition..
// also
// .mixincall(@a: {rule: set;});
// so we have to be nice and restore
if( !$this->MatchChar(')') ){
$this->furthest = $this->pos;
if ($this->MatchReg('/\\Gwhen/')) { // Guard
$cond = $this->expect('parseConditions', 'Expected conditions');
$ruleset = $this->parseBlock();
if( is_array($ruleset) ){
return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition', array( $name, $params, $ruleset, $cond, $variadic));
// Entities are the smallest recognized token,
// and can be found inside a rule's value.
private function parseEntity(){
return $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesLiteral','parseEntitiesVariable','parseEntitiesUrl','parseEntitiesCall','parseEntitiesKeyword','parseEntitiesJavascript','parseComment') );
// A Rule terminator. Note that we use `peek()` to check for '}',
// because the `block` rule will be expecting it, but we still need to make sure
// it's there, if ';' was ommitted.
private function parseEnd(){
return $this->MatchChar(';') || $this->PeekChar('}');
// IE's alpha function
// alpha(opacity=88)
private function parseAlpha(){
if ( ! $this->MatchReg('/\\G\(opacity=/i')) {
$value = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[0-9]+/');
if( $value ){
$value = $value[0];
$value = $this->parseEntitiesVariable();
if( !$value ){
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Alpha',$value);
// A Selector Element
// div
// + h1
// #socks
// input[type="text"]
// Elements are the building blocks for Selectors,
// they are made out of a `Combinator` (see combinator rule),
// and an element name, such as a tag a class, or `*`.
private function parseElement(){
$c = $this->parseCombinator();
$index = $this->pos;
$e = $this->match( array('/\\G(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+)%/', '/\\G(?:[.#]?|:*)(?:[\w-]|[^\x00-\x9f]|\\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/',
'#*', '#&', 'parseAttribute', '/\\G\([^()@]+\)/', '/\\G[\.#](?=@)/', 'parseEntitiesVariableCurly') );
if( is_null($e) ){
if( $this->MatchChar('(') ){
if( ($v = $this->parseSelector()) && $this->MatchChar(')') ){
$e = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Paren',$v);
if( !is_null($e) ){
return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Element',array( $c, $e, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
// Combinators combine elements together, in a Selector.
// Because our parser isn't white-space sensitive, special care
// has to be taken, when parsing the descendant combinator, ` `,
// as it's an empty space. We have to check the previous character
// in the input, to see if it's a ` ` character.
private function parseCombinator(){
$c = $this->input[$this->pos];
if ($c === '>' || $c === '+' || $c === '~' || $c === '|' || $c === '^' ){
if( $this->input[$this->pos] === '^' ){
$c = '^^';
return $c;
if( $this->pos > 0 && $this->isWhitespace(-1) ){
return ' ';
// A CSS selector (see selector below)
// with less extensions e.g. the ability to extend and guard
private function parseLessSelector(){
return $this->parseSelector(true);
// A CSS Selector
// .class > div + h1
// li a:hover
// Selectors are made out of one or more Elements, see above.
private function parseSelector( $isLess = false ){
$elements = array();
$extendList = array();
$condition = null;
$when = false;
$extend = false;
$e = null;
$c = null;
$index = $this->pos;
while( ($isLess && ($extend = $this->parseExtend())) || ($isLess && ($when = $this->MatchReg('/\\Gwhen/') )) || ($e = $this->parseElement()) ){
if( $when ){
$condition = $this->expect('parseConditions', 'expected condition');
}elseif( $condition ){
//error("CSS guard can only be used at the end of selector");
}elseif( $extend ){
$extendList = array_merge($extendList,$extend);
//if( count($extendList) ){
//error("Extend can only be used at the end of selector");
$c = $this->input[ $this->pos ];
$elements[] = $e;
$e = null;
if( $c === '{' || $c === '}' || $c === ';' || $c === ',' || $c === ')') { break; }
if( $elements ){
return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Selector',array($elements, $extendList, $condition, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
if( $extendList ) {
$this->Error('Extend must be used to extend a selector, it cannot be used on its own');
private function parseTag(){
return ( $tag = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[A-Za-z][A-Za-z-]*[0-9]?/') ) ? $tag : $this->MatchChar('*');
private function parseAttribute(){
$val = null;
if( !$this->MatchChar('[') ){
$key = $this->parseEntitiesVariableCurly();
if( !$key ){
$key = $this->expect('/\\G(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-\*]*\|)?(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-]|\\\\.)+/');
$op = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[|~*$^]?=/');
if( $op ){
$val = $this->match( array('parseEntitiesQuoted','/\\G[0-9]+%/','/\\G[\w-]+/','parseEntitiesVariableCurly') );
return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Attribute',array( $key, $op[0], $val));
// The `block` rule is used by `ruleset` and `mixin.definition`.
// It's a wrapper around the `primary` rule, with added `{}`.
private function parseBlock(){
if( $this->MatchChar('{') ){
$content = $this->parsePrimary();
if( $this->MatchChar('}') ){
return $content;
private function parseBlockRuleset(){
$block = $this->parseBlock();
if( $block ){
$block = $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Ruleset',array( null, $block));
return $block;
private function parseDetachedRuleset(){
$blockRuleset = $this->parseBlockRuleset();
if( $blockRuleset ){
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset',$blockRuleset);
// div, .class, body > p {...}
private function parseRuleset(){
$selectors = array();
while( true ){
$s = $this->parseLessSelector();
if( !$s ){
$selectors[] = $s;
if( $s->condition && count($selectors) > 1 ){
$this->Error('Guards are only currently allowed on a single selector.');
if( !$this->MatchChar(',') ){
if( $s->condition ){
$this->Error('Guards are only currently allowed on a single selector.');
if( $selectors ){
$rules = $this->parseBlock();
if( is_array($rules) ){
return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Ruleset',array( $selectors, $rules)); //Less_Environment::$strictImports
// Backtrack
$this->furthest = $this->pos;
* Custom less.php parse function for finding simple name-value css pairs
* ex: width:100px;
private function parseNameValue(){
$index = $this->pos;
//$match = $this->MatchReg('/\\G([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:\s*((?:\'")?[a-zA-Z0-9\-% \.,!]+?(?:\'")?)\s*([;}])/');
$match = $this->MatchReg('/\\G([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:\s*([\'"]?[#a-zA-Z0-9\-%\.,]+?[\'"]?) *(! *important)?\s*([;}])/');
if( $match ){
if( $match[4] == '}' ){
$this->pos = $index + strlen($match[0])-1;
if( $match[3] ){
$match[2] .= ' !important';
return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_NameValue',array( $match[1], $match[2], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
private function parseRule( $tryAnonymous = null ){
$merge = false;
$startOfRule = $this->pos;
$c = $this->input[$this->pos];
if( $c === '.' || $c === '#' || $c === '&' ){
$name = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseVariable','parseRuleProperty'));
if( $name ){
$isVariable = is_string($name);
$value = null;
if( $isVariable ){
$value = $this->parseDetachedRuleset();
$important = null;
if( !$value ){
// prefer to try to parse first if its a variable or we are compressing
// but always fallback on the other one
//if( !$tryAnonymous && is_string($name) && $name[0] === '@' ){
if( !$tryAnonymous && (Less_Parser::$options['compress'] || $isVariable) ){
$value = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseValue','parseAnonymousValue'));
$value = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseAnonymousValue','parseValue'));
$important = $this->parseImportant();
// a name returned by this.ruleProperty() is always an array of the form:
// [string-1, ..., string-n, ""] or [string-1, ..., string-n, "+"]
// where each item is a tree.Keyword or tree.Variable
if( !$isVariable && is_array($name) ){
$nm = array_pop($name);
if( $nm->value ){
$merge = $nm->value;
if( $value && $this->parseEnd() ){
return $this->NewObj6('Less_Tree_Rule',array( $name, $value, $important, $merge, $startOfRule, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
$this->furthest = $this->pos;
if( $value && !$tryAnonymous ){
return $this->parseRule(true);
function parseAnonymousValue(){
if( preg_match('/\\G([^@+\/\'"*`(;{}-]*);/',$this->input, $match, 0, $this->pos) ){
$this->pos += strlen($match[1]);
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Anonymous',$match[1]);
// An @import directive
// @import "lib";
// Depending on our environment, importing is done differently:
// In the browser, it's an XHR request, in Node, it would be a
// file-system operation. The function used for importing is
// stored in `import`, which we pass to the Import constructor.
private function parseImport(){
$dir = $this->MatchReg('/\\G@import?\s+/');
if( $dir ){
$options = $this->parseImportOptions();
$path = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesQuoted','parseEntitiesUrl'));
if( $path ){
$features = $this->parseMediaFeatures();
if( $this->MatchChar(';') ){
if( $features ){
$features = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Value',$features);
return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Import',array( $path, $features, $options, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
private function parseImportOptions(){
$options = array();
// list of options, surrounded by parens
if( !$this->MatchChar('(') ){
return $options;
$optionName = $this->parseImportOption();
if( $optionName ){
$value = true;
switch( $optionName ){
case "css":
$optionName = "less";
$value = false;
case "once":
$optionName = "multiple";
$value = false;
$options[$optionName] = $value;
if( !$this->MatchChar(',') ){ break; }
}while( $optionName );
return $options;
private function parseImportOption(){
$opt = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(less|css|multiple|once|inline|reference)/');
if( $opt ){
return $opt[1];
private function parseMediaFeature() {
$nodes = array();
$e = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseEntitiesKeyword','parseEntitiesVariable'));
if( $e ){
$nodes[] = $e;
} elseif ($this->MatchChar('(')) {
$p = $this->parseProperty();
$e = $this->parseValue();
if ($this->MatchChar(')')) {
if ($p && $e) {
$r = $this->NewObj7('Less_Tree_Rule', array( $p, $e, null, null, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo, true));
$nodes[] = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Paren',$r);
} elseif ($e) {
$nodes[] = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Paren',$e);
} else {
return null;
} else
return null;
} while ($e);
if ($nodes) {
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Expression',$nodes);
private function parseMediaFeatures() {
$features = array();
$e = $this->parseMediaFeature();
if( $e ){
$features[] = $e;
if (!$this->MatchChar(',')) break;
$e = $this->parseEntitiesVariable();
if( $e ){
$features[] = $e;
if (!$this->MatchChar(',')) break;
} while ($e);
return $features ? $features : null;
private function parseMedia() {
if( $this->MatchReg('/\\G@media/') ){
$features = $this->parseMediaFeatures();
$rules = $this->parseBlock();
if( is_array($rules) ){
return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Media',array( $rules, $features, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
// A CSS Directive
// @charset "utf-8";
private function parseDirective(){
if( !$this->PeekChar('@') ){
$rules = null;
$index = $this->pos;
$hasBlock = true;
$hasIdentifier = false;
$hasExpression = false;
$hasUnknown = false;
$value = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseImport','parseMedia'));
if( $value ){
return $value;
$name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G@[a-z-]+/');
if( !$name ) return;
$name = $name[0];
$nonVendorSpecificName = $name;
$pos = strpos($name,'-', 2);
if( $name[1] == '-' && $pos > 0 ){
$nonVendorSpecificName = "@" . substr($name, $pos + 1);
switch( $nonVendorSpecificName ){
case "@font-face":
case "@viewport":
case "@top-left":
case "@top-left-corner":
case "@top-center":
case "@top-right":
case "@top-right-corner":
case "@bottom-left":
case "@bottom-left-corner":
case "@bottom-center":
case "@bottom-right":
case "@bottom-right-corner":
case "@left-top":
case "@left-middle":
case "@left-bottom":
case "@right-top":
case "@right-middle":
case "@right-bottom":
hasBlock = true;
case "@charset":
$hasIdentifier = true;
$hasBlock = false;
case "@namespace":
$hasExpression = true;
$hasBlock = false;
case "@keyframes":
$hasIdentifier = true;
case "@host":
case "@page":
case "@document":
case "@supports":
$hasUnknown = true;
if( $hasIdentifier ){
$value = $this->parseEntity();
if( !$value ){
$this->error("expected " . $name . " identifier");
} else if( $hasExpression ){
$value = $this->parseExpression();
if( !$value ){
$this->error("expected " . $name. " expression");
} else if ($hasUnknown) {
$value = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[^{;]+/');
if( $value ){
$value = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Anonymous',trim($value[0]));
if( $hasBlock ){
$rules = $this->parseBlockRuleset();
if( $rules || (!$hasBlock && $value && $this->MatchChar(';'))) {
return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Directive',array($name, $value, $rules, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo));
// A Value is a comma-delimited list of Expressions
// font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, serif;
// In a Rule, a Value represents everything after the `:`,
// and before the `;`.
private function parseValue(){
$expressions = array();
$e = $this->parseExpression();
if( $e ){
$expressions[] = $e;
if (! $this->MatchChar(',')) {
if( $expressions ){
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Value',$expressions);
private function parseImportant (){
if( $this->PeekChar('!') && $this->MatchReg('/\\G! *important/') ){
return ' !important';
private function parseSub (){
if( $this->MatchChar('(') ){
$a = $this->parseAddition();
if( $a ){
return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Expression',array( array($a), true) ); //instead of $e->parens = true so the value is cached
* Parses multiplication operation
* @return Less_Tree_Operation|null
function parseMultiplication(){
$return = $m = $this->parseOperand();
if( $return ){
while( true ){
$isSpaced = $this->isWhitespace( -1 );
if( $this->PeekReg('/\\G\/[*\/]/') ){
$op = $this->MatchChar('/');
if( !$op ){
$op = $this->MatchChar('*');
if( !$op ){
$a = $this->parseOperand();
if(!$a) { break; }
$m->parensInOp = true;
$a->parensInOp = true;
$return = $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Operation',array( $op, array( $return, $a ), $isSpaced) );
return $return;
* Parses an addition operation
* @return Less_Tree_Operation|null
private function parseAddition (){
$return = $m = $this->parseMultiplication();
if( $return ){
while( true ){
$isSpaced = $this->isWhitespace( -1 );
$op = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[-+]\s+/');
if( $op ){
$op = $op[0];
if( !$isSpaced ){
$op = $this->match(array('#+','#-'));
if( !$op ){
$a = $this->parseMultiplication();
if( !$a ){
$m->parensInOp = true;
$a->parensInOp = true;
$return = $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Operation',array($op, array($return, $a), $isSpaced));
return $return;
* Parses the conditions
* @return Less_Tree_Condition|null
private function parseConditions() {
$index = $this->pos;
$return = $a = $this->parseCondition();
if( $a ){
while( true ){
if( !$this->PeekReg('/\\G,\s*(not\s*)?\(/') || !$this->MatchChar(',') ){
$b = $this->parseCondition();
if( !$b ){
$return = $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Condition',array('or', $return, $b, $index));
return $return;
private function parseCondition() {
$index = $this->pos;
$negate = false;
$c = null;
if ($this->MatchReg('/\\Gnot/')) $negate = true;
$a = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseAddition','parseEntitiesKeyword','parseEntitiesQuoted'));
if( $a ){
$op = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(?:>=|<=|=<|[<=>])/');
if( $op ){
$b = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseAddition','parseEntitiesKeyword','parseEntitiesQuoted'));
if( $b ){
$c = $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Condition',array($op[0], $a, $b, $index, $negate));
} else {
$this->Error('Unexpected expression');
} else {
$k = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Keyword','true');
$c = $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Condition',array('=', $a, $k, $index, $negate));
return $this->MatchReg('/\\Gand/') ? $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Condition',array('and', $c, $this->parseCondition())) : $c;
* An operand is anything that can be part of an operation,
* such as a Color, or a Variable
private function parseOperand (){
$negate = false;
$offset = $this->pos+1;
if( $offset >= $this->input_len ){
$char = $this->input[$offset];
if( $char === '@' || $char === '(' ){
$negate = $this->MatchChar('-');
$o = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseSub','parseEntitiesDimension','parseEntitiesColor','parseEntitiesVariable','parseEntitiesCall'));
if( $negate ){
$o->parensInOp = true;
$o = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Negative',$o);
return $o;
* Expressions either represent mathematical operations,
* or white-space delimited Entities.
* 1px solid black
* @var * 2
* @return Less_Tree_Expression|null
private function parseExpression (){
$entities = array();
$e = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseAddition','parseEntity'));
if( $e ){
$entities[] = $e;
// operations do not allow keyword "/" dimension (e.g. small/20px) so we support that here
if( !$this->PeekReg('/\\G\/[\/*]/') ){
$delim = $this->MatchChar('/');
if( $delim ){
$entities[] = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Anonymous',$delim);
if( $entities ){
return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Expression',$entities);
* Parse a property
* eg: 'min-width', 'orientation', etc
* @return string
private function parseProperty (){
$name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(\*?-?[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*:/');
if( $name ){
return $name[1];
* Parse a rule property
* eg: 'color', 'width', 'height', etc
* @return string
private function parseRuleProperty(){
$offset = $this->pos;
$name = array();
$index = array();
$length = 0;
$this->rulePropertyMatch('/\\G(\*?)/', $offset, $length, $index, $name );
while( $this->rulePropertyMatch('/\\G((?:[\w-]+)|(?:@\{[\w-]+\}))/', $offset, $length, $index, $name )); // !
if( (count($name) > 1) && $this->rulePropertyMatch('/\\G\s*((?:\+_|\+)?)\s*:/', $offset, $length, $index, $name) ){
// at last, we have the complete match now. move forward,
// convert name particles to tree objects and return:
if( $name[0] === '' ){
foreach($name as $k => $s ){
if( !$s || $s[0] !== '@' ){
$name[$k] = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Keyword',$s);
$name[$k] = $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Variable',array('@' . substr($s,2,-1), $index[$k], $this->env->currentFileInfo));
return $name;
private function rulePropertyMatch( $re, &$offset, &$length, &$index, &$name ){
preg_match($re, $this->input, $a, 0, $offset);
if( $a ){
$index[] = $this->pos + $length;
$length += strlen($a[0]);
$offset += strlen($a[0]);
$name[] = $a[1];
return true;
public function serializeVars( $vars ){
$s = '';
foreach($vars as $name => $value){
$s .= (($name[0] === '@') ? '' : '@') . $name .': '. $value . ((substr($value,-1) === ';') ? '' : ';');
return $s;
* Some versions of php have trouble with method_exists($a,$b) if $a is not an object
* @param string $b
public static function is_method($a,$b){
return is_object($a) && method_exists($a,$b);
* Round numbers similarly to javascript
* eg: 1.499999 to 1 instead of 2
public static function round($i, $precision = 0){
$precision = pow(10,$precision);
$i = $i*$precision;
$ceil = ceil($i);
$floor = floor($i);
if( ($ceil - $i) <= ($i - $floor) ){
return $ceil/$precision;
return $floor/$precision;
* Create Less_Tree_* objects and optionally generate a cache string
* @return mixed
public function NewObj0($class){
$obj = new $class();
if( Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$obj->cache_string = ' new '.$class.'()';
return $obj;
public function NewObj1($class, $arg){
$obj = new $class( $arg );
if( Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$obj->cache_string = ' new '.$class.'('.Less_Parser::ArgString($arg).')';
return $obj;
public function NewObj2($class, $args){
$obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1] );
if( Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args);
return $obj;
public function NewObj3($class, $args){
$obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2] );
if( Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args);
return $obj;
public function NewObj4($class, $args){
$obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3] );
if( Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args);
return $obj;
public function NewObj5($class, $args){
$obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4] );
if( Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args);
return $obj;
public function NewObj6($class, $args){
$obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5] );
if( Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args);
return $obj;
public function NewObj7($class, $args){
$obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6] );
if( Less_Cache::$cache_dir ){
$this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args);
return $obj;
public function ObjCache($obj, $class, $args=array()){
$obj->cache_string = ' new '.$class.'('. self::ArgCache($args).')';
public function ArgCache($args){
return implode(',',array_map( array('Less_Parser','ArgString'),$args));
* Convert an argument to a string for use in the parser cache
* @return string
public static function ArgString($arg){
$type = gettype($arg);
if( $type === 'object'){
$string = $arg->cache_string;
return $string;
}elseif( $type === 'array' ){
$string = ' Array(';
foreach($arg as $k => $a){
$string .= var_export($k,true).' => '.self::ArgString($a).',';
return $string . ')';
return var_export($arg,true);
public function Error($msg){
throw new Less_Exception_Parser($msg, null, $this->furthest, $this->env->currentFileInfo);
public static function WinPath($path){
return str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
* Utility for css colors
* @package Less
* @subpackage color
class Less_Colors {
public static $colors = array(
public static function hasOwnProperty($color) {
return isset(self::$colors[$color]);
public static function color($color) {
return self::$colors[$color];
* Environment
* @package Less
* @subpackage environment
class Less_Environment{
//public $paths = array(); // option - unmodified - paths to search for imports on
//public static $files = array(); // list of files that have been imported, used for import-once
//public $rootpath; // option - rootpath to append to URL's
//public static $strictImports = null; // option -
//public $insecure; // option - whether to allow imports from insecure ssl hosts
//public $processImports; // option - whether to process imports. if false then imports will not be imported
//public $javascriptEnabled; // option - whether JavaScript is enabled. if undefined, defaults to true
//public $useFileCache; // browser only - whether to use the per file session cache
public $currentFileInfo; // information about the current file - for error reporting and importing and making urls relative etc.
public $importMultiple = false; // whether we are currently importing multiple copies
* @var array
public $frames = array();
* @var array
public $mediaBlocks = array();
* @var array
public $mediaPath = array();
public static $parensStack = 0;
public static $tabLevel = 0;
public static $lastRule = false;
public static $_outputMap;
public static $mixin_stack = 0;
public function Init(){
self::$parensStack = 0;
self::$tabLevel = 0;
self::$lastRule = false;
self::$mixin_stack = 0;
if( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){
Less_Environment::$_outputMap = array(
',' => ',',
': ' => ':',
'' => '',
' ' => ' ',
':' => ' :',
'+' => '+',
'~' => '~',
'>' => '>',
'|' => '|',
'^' => '^',
'^^' => '^^'
Less_Environment::$_outputMap = array(
',' => ', ',
': ' => ': ',
'' => '',
' ' => ' ',
':' => ' :',
'+' => ' + ',
'~' => ' ~ ',
'>' => ' > ',
'|' => '|',
'^' => ' ^ ',
'^^' => ' ^^ '
public function copyEvalEnv($frames = array() ){
$new_env = new Less_Environment();
$new_env->frames = $frames;
return $new_env;
public static function isMathOn(){
return !Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] || Less_Environment::$parensStack;
public static function isPathRelative($path){
return !preg_match('/^(?:[a-z-]+:|\/)/',$path);
* Canonicalize a path by resolving references to '/./', '/../'
* Does not remove leading "../"
* @param string path or url
* @return string Canonicalized path
static function normalizePath($path){
$segments = explode('/',$path);
$segments = array_reverse($segments);
$path = array();
$path_len = 0;
while( $segments ){
$segment = array_pop($segments);
switch( $segment ) {
case '.':
case '..':
if( !$path_len || ( $path[$path_len-1] === '..') ){
$path[] = $segment;
$path[] = $segment;
return implode('/',$path);
public function unshiftFrame($frame){
array_unshift($this->frames, $frame);
public function shiftFrame(){
return array_shift($this->frames);
* Builtin functions
* @package Less
* @subpackage function
* @see http://lesscss.org/functions/
class Less_Functions{
public $env;
public $currentFileInfo;
function __construct($env, $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this->env = $env;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
* @param string $op
static public function operate( $op, $a, $b ){
switch ($op) {
case '+': return $a + $b;
case '-': return $a - $b;
case '*': return $a * $b;
case '/': return $a / $b;
static public function clamp($val, $max = 1){
return min( max($val, 0), $max);
static function fround( $value ){
if( $value === 0 ){
return $value;
if( Less_Parser::$options['numPrecision'] ){
$p = pow(10, Less_Parser::$options['numPrecision']);
return round( $value * $p) / $p;
return $value;
static public function number($n){
if ($n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) {
return floatval( $n->unit->is('%') ? $n->value / 100 : $n->value);
} else if (is_numeric($n)) {
return $n;
} else {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("color functions take numbers as parameters");
static public function scaled($n, $size = 255 ){
if( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $n->unit->is('%') ){
return (float)$n->value * $size / 100;
} else {
return Less_Functions::number($n);
public function rgb ($r, $g, $b){
return $this->rgba($r, $g, $b, 1.0);
public function rgba($r, $g, $b, $a){
$rgb = array($r, $g, $b);
$rgb = array_map(array('Less_Functions','scaled'),$rgb);
$a = self::number($a);
return new Less_Tree_Color($rgb, $a);
public function hsl($h, $s, $l){
return $this->hsla($h, $s, $l, 1.0);
public function hsla($h, $s, $l, $a){
$h = fmod(self::number($h), 360) / 360; // Classic % operator will change float to int
$s = self::clamp(self::number($s));
$l = self::clamp(self::number($l));
$a = self::clamp(self::number($a));
$m2 = $l <= 0.5 ? $l * ($s + 1) : $l + $s - $l * $s;
$m1 = $l * 2 - $m2;
return $this->rgba( self::hsla_hue($h + 1/3, $m1, $m2) * 255,
self::hsla_hue($h, $m1, $m2) * 255,
self::hsla_hue($h - 1/3, $m1, $m2) * 255,
* @param double $h
function hsla_hue($h, $m1, $m2){
$h = $h < 0 ? $h + 1 : ($h > 1 ? $h - 1 : $h);
if ($h * 6 < 1) return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * $h * 6;
else if ($h * 2 < 1) return $m2;
else if ($h * 3 < 2) return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * (2/3 - $h) * 6;
else return $m1;
public function hsv($h, $s, $v) {
return $this->hsva($h, $s, $v, 1.0);
* @param double $a
public function hsva($h, $s, $v, $a) {
$h = ((Less_Functions::number($h) % 360) / 360 ) * 360;
$s = Less_Functions::number($s);
$v = Less_Functions::number($v);
$a = Less_Functions::number($a);
$i = floor(($h / 60) % 6);
$f = ($h / 60) - $i;
$vs = array( $v,
$v * (1 - $s),
$v * (1 - $f * $s),
$v * (1 - (1 - $f) * $s));
$perm = array(array(0, 3, 1),
array(2, 0, 1),
array(1, 0, 3),
array(1, 2, 0),
array(3, 1, 0),
array(0, 1, 2));
return $this->rgba($vs[$perm[$i][0]] * 255,
$vs[$perm[$i][1]] * 255,
$vs[$perm[$i][2]] * 255,
public function hue($color){
$c = $color->toHSL();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round($c['h']));
public function saturation($color){
$c = $color->toHSL();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round($c['s'] * 100), '%');
public function lightness($color){
$c = $color->toHSL();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round($c['l'] * 100), '%');
public function hsvhue( $color ){
$hsv = $color->toHSV();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round($hsv['h']) );
public function hsvsaturation( $color ){
$hsv = $color->toHSV();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round($hsv['s'] * 100), '%' );
public function hsvvalue( $color ){
$hsv = $color->toHSV();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round($hsv['v'] * 100), '%' );
public function red($color) {
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[0] );
public function green($color) {
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[1] );
public function blue($color) {
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[2] );
public function alpha($color){
$c = $color->toHSL();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension($c['a']);
public function luma ($color) {
return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round( $color->luma() * $color->alpha * 100), '%');
public function luminance( $color ){
$luminance =
(0.2126 * $color->rgb[0] / 255)
+ (0.7152 * $color->rgb[1] / 255)
+ (0.0722 * $color->rgb[2] / 255);
return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round( $luminance * $color->alpha * 100), '%');
public function saturate($color, $amount = null){
// filter: saturate(3.2);
// should be kept as is, so check for color
if( !property_exists($color,'rgb') ){
return null;
$hsl = $color->toHSL();
$hsl['s'] += $amount->value / 100;
$hsl['s'] = self::clamp($hsl['s']);
return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
* @param Less_Tree_Dimension $amount
public function desaturate($color, $amount){
$hsl = $color->toHSL();
$hsl['s'] -= $amount->value / 100;
$hsl['s'] = self::clamp($hsl['s']);
return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
public function lighten($color, $amount){
$hsl = $color->toHSL();
$hsl['l'] += $amount->value / 100;
$hsl['l'] = self::clamp($hsl['l']);
return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
public function darken($color, $amount){
if( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ){
$hsl = $color->toHSL();
$hsl['l'] -= $amount->value / 100;
$hsl['l'] = self::clamp($hsl['l']);
return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
public function fadein($color, $amount){
$hsl = $color->toHSL();
$hsl['a'] += $amount->value / 100;
$hsl['a'] = self::clamp($hsl['a']);
return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
public function fadeout($color, $amount){
$hsl = $color->toHSL();
$hsl['a'] -= $amount->value / 100;
$hsl['a'] = self::clamp($hsl['a']);
return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
public function fade($color, $amount){
$hsl = $color->toHSL();
$hsl['a'] = $amount->value / 100;
$hsl['a'] = self::clamp($hsl['a']);
return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
public function spin($color, $amount){
$hsl = $color->toHSL();
$hue = fmod($hsl['h'] + $amount->value, 360);
$hsl['h'] = $hue < 0 ? 360 + $hue : $hue;
return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum, and Chris Eppstein
// http://sass-lang.com
* @param Less_Tree_Color $color1
public function mix($color1, $color2, $weight = null){
if (!$weight) {
$weight = new Less_Tree_Dimension('50', '%');
$p = $weight->value / 100.0;
$w = $p * 2 - 1;
$hsl1 = $color1->toHSL();
$hsl2 = $color2->toHSL();
$a = $hsl1['a'] - $hsl2['a'];
$w1 = (((($w * $a) == -1) ? $w : ($w + $a) / (1 + $w * $a)) + 1) / 2;
$w2 = 1 - $w1;
$rgb = array($color1->rgb[0] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[0] * $w2,
$color1->rgb[1] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[1] * $w2,
$color1->rgb[2] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[2] * $w2);
$alpha = $color1->alpha * $p + $color2->alpha * (1 - $p);
return new Less_Tree_Color($rgb, $alpha);
public function greyscale($color){
return $this->desaturate($color, new Less_Tree_Dimension(100));
public function contrast( $color, $dark = null, $light = null, $threshold = null){
// filter: contrast(3.2);
// should be kept as is, so check for color
if( !property_exists($color,'rgb') ){
return null;
if( !$light ){
$light = $this->rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0);
if( !$dark ){
$dark = $this->rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0);
//Figure out which is actually light and dark!
if( $dark->luma() > $light->luma() ){
$t = $light;
$light = $dark;
$dark = $t;
if( !$threshold ){
$threshold = 0.43;
} else {
$threshold = Less_Functions::number($threshold);
if( $color->luma() < $threshold ){
return $light;
} else {
return $dark;
public function e ($str){
if( is_string($str) ){
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($str);
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($str instanceof Less_Tree_JavaScript ? $str->expression : $str->value);
public function escape ($str){
$revert = array('%21'=>'!', '%2A'=>'*', '%27'=>"'",'%3F'=>'?','%26'=>'&','%2C'=>',','%2F'=>'/','%40'=>'@','%2B'=>'+','%24'=>'$');
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous(strtr(rawurlencode($str->value), $revert));
* todo: This function will need some additional work to make it work the same as less.js
public function replace( $string, $pattern, $replacement, $flags = null ){
$result = $string->value;
$expr = '/'.str_replace('/','\\/',$pattern->value).'/';
if( $flags && $flags->value){
$expr .= self::replace_flags($flags->value);
$result = preg_replace($expr,$replacement->value,$result);
if( property_exists($string,'quote') ){
return new Less_Tree_Quoted( $string->quote, $result, $string->escaped);
return new Less_Tree_Quoted( '', $result );
public static function replace_flags($flags){
$flags = str_split($flags,1);
$new_flags = '';
foreach($flags as $flag){
case 'e':
case 'g':
$new_flags .= $flag;
return $new_flags;
public function _percent(){
$string = func_get_arg(0);
$args = func_get_args();
$result = $string->value;
foreach($args as $arg){
if( preg_match('/%[sda]/i',$result, $token) ){
$token = $token[0];
$value = stristr($token, 's') ? $arg->value : $arg->toCSS();
$value = preg_match('/[A-Z]$/', $token) ? urlencode($value) : $value;
$result = preg_replace('/%[sda]/i',$value, $result, 1);
$result = str_replace('%%', '%', $result);
return new Less_Tree_Quoted( $string->quote , $result, $string->escaped);
public function unit( $val, $unit = null) {
if( !($val instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to unit must be a number' . ($val instanceof Less_Tree_Operation ? '. Have you forgotten parenthesis?' : '.') );
if( $unit ){
if( $unit instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ){
$unit = $unit->value;
} else {
$unit = $unit->toCSS();
} else {
$unit = "";
return new Less_Tree_Dimension($val->value, $unit );
public function convert($val, $unit){
return $val->convertTo($unit->value);
public function round($n, $f = false) {
$fraction = 0;
if( $f !== false ){
$fraction = $f->value;
return $this->_math('Less_Parser::round',null, $n, $fraction);
public function pi(){
return new Less_Tree_Dimension(M_PI);
public function mod($a, $b) {
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $a->value % $b->value, $a->unit);
public function pow($x, $y) {
if( is_numeric($x) && is_numeric($y) ){
$x = new Less_Tree_Dimension($x);
$y = new Less_Tree_Dimension($y);
}elseif( !($x instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) || !($y instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('Arguments must be numbers');
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( pow($x->value, $y->value), $x->unit );
// var mathFunctions = [{name:"ce ...
public function ceil( $n ){ return $this->_math('ceil', null, $n); }
public function floor( $n ){ return $this->_math('floor', null, $n); }
public function sqrt( $n ){ return $this->_math('sqrt', null, $n); }
public function abs( $n ){ return $this->_math('abs', null, $n); }
public function tan( $n ){ return $this->_math('tan', '', $n); }
public function sin( $n ){ return $this->_math('sin', '', $n); }
public function cos( $n ){ return $this->_math('cos', '', $n); }
public function atan( $n ){ return $this->_math('atan', 'rad', $n); }
public function asin( $n ){ return $this->_math('asin', 'rad', $n); }
public function acos( $n ){ return $this->_math('acos', 'rad', $n); }
private function _math() {
$args = func_get_args();
$fn = array_shift($args);
$unit = array_shift($args);
if ($args[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) {
if( $unit === null ){
$unit = $args[0]->unit;
$args[0] = $args[0]->unify();
$args[0] = (float)$args[0]->value;
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( call_user_func_array($fn, $args), $unit);
} else if (is_numeric($args[0])) {
return call_user_func_array($fn,$args);
} else {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("math functions take numbers as parameters");
* @param boolean $isMin
function _minmax( $isMin, $args ){
$arg_count = count($args);
if( $arg_count < 1 ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'one or more arguments required');
$j = null;
$unitClone = null;
$unitStatic = null;
$order = array(); // elems only contains original argument values.
$values = array(); // key is the unit.toString() for unified tree.Dimension values,
// value is the index into the order array.
for( $i = 0; $i < $arg_count; $i++ ){
$current = $args[$i];
if( !($current instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) ){
if( is_array($args[$i]->value) ){
$args[] = $args[$i]->value;
if( $current->unit->toString() === '' && !$unitClone ){
$temp = new Less_Tree_Dimension($current->value, $unitClone);
$currentUnified = $temp->unify();
$currentUnified = $current->unify();
if( $currentUnified->unit->toString() === "" && !$unitStatic ){
$unit = $unitStatic;
$unit = $currentUnified->unit->toString();
if( $unit !== '' && !$unitStatic || $unit !== '' && $order[0]->unify()->unit->toString() === "" ){
$unitStatic = $unit;
if( $unit != '' && !$unitClone ){
$unitClone = $current->unit->toString();
if( isset($values['']) && $unit !== '' && $unit === $unitStatic ){
$j = $values[''];
}elseif( isset($values[$unit]) ){
$j = $values[$unit];
if( $unitStatic && $unit !== $unitStatic ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'incompatible types');
$values[$unit] = count($order);
$order[] = $current;
if( $order[$j]->unit->toString() === "" && $unitClone ){
$temp = new Less_Tree_Dimension( $order[$j]->value, $unitClone);
$referenceUnified = $temp->unifiy();
$referenceUnified = $order[$j]->unify();
if( ($isMin && $currentUnified->value < $referenceUnified->value) || (!$isMin && $currentUnified->value > $referenceUnified->value) ){
$order[$j] = $current;
if( count($order) == 1 ){
return $order[0];
$args = array();
foreach($order as $a){
$args[] = $a->toCSS($this->env);
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( ($isMin?'min(':'max(') . implode(Less_Environment::$_outputMap[','],$args).')');
public function min(){
$args = func_get_args();
return $this->_minmax( true, $args );
public function max(){
$args = func_get_args();
return $this->_minmax( false, $args );
public function getunit($n){
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($n->unit);
public function argb($color) {
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($color->toARGB());
public function percentage($n) {
return new Less_Tree_Dimension($n->value * 100, '%');
public function color($n) {
if( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted ){
$colorCandidate = $n->value;
$returnColor = Less_Tree_Color::fromKeyword($colorCandidate);
if( $returnColor ){
return $returnColor;
if( preg_match('/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/',$colorCandidate) ){
return new Less_Tree_Color(substr($colorCandidate, 1));
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("argument must be a color keyword or 3/6 digit hex e.g. #FFF");
} else {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("argument must be a string");
public function iscolor($n) {
return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Color');
public function isnumber($n) {
return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Dimension');
public function isstring($n) {
return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Quoted');
public function iskeyword($n) {
return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Keyword');
public function isurl($n) {
return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Url');
public function ispixel($n) {
return $this->isunit($n, 'px');
public function ispercentage($n) {
return $this->isunit($n, '%');
public function isem($n) {
return $this->isunit($n, 'em');
* @param string $unit
public function isunit( $n, $unit ){
return ($n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) && $n->unit->is( ( property_exists($unit,'value') ? $unit->value : $unit) ) ? new Less_Tree_Keyword('true') : new Less_Tree_Keyword('false');
* @param string $type
private function _isa($n, $type) {
return is_a($n, $type) ? new Less_Tree_Keyword('true') : new Less_Tree_Keyword('false');
public function tint($color, $amount) {
return $this->mix( $this->rgb(255,255,255), $color, $amount);
public function shade($color, $amount) {
return $this->mix($this->rgb(0, 0, 0), $color, $amount);
public function extract($values, $index ){
$index = (int)$index->value - 1; // (1-based index)
// handle non-array values as an array of length 1
// return 'undefined' if index is invalid
if( property_exists($values,'value') && is_array($values->value) ){
if( isset($values->value[$index]) ){
return $values->value[$index];
return null;
}elseif( (int)$index === 0 ){
return $values;
return null;
function length($values){
$n = (property_exists($values,'value') && is_array($values->value)) ? count($values->value) : 1;
return new Less_Tree_Dimension($n);
function datauri($mimetypeNode, $filePathNode = null ) {
$filePath = ( $filePathNode ? $filePathNode->value : null );
$mimetype = $mimetypeNode->value;
$args = 2;
if( !$filePath ){
$filePath = $mimetype;
$args = 1;
$filePath = str_replace('\\','/',$filePath);
if( Less_Environment::isPathRelative($filePath) ){
if( Less_Parser::$options['relativeUrls'] ){
$temp = $this->currentFileInfo['currentDirectory'];
} else {
$temp = $this->currentFileInfo['entryPath'];
if( !empty($temp) ){
$filePath = Less_Environment::normalizePath(rtrim($temp,'/').'/'.$filePath);
// detect the mimetype if not given
if( $args < 2 ){
/* incomplete
$mime = require('mime');
mimetype = mime.lookup(path);
// use base 64 unless it's an ASCII or UTF-8 format
var charset = mime.charsets.lookup(mimetype);
useBase64 = ['US-ASCII', 'UTF-8'].indexOf(charset) < 0;
if (useBase64) mimetype += ';base64';
$mimetype = Less_Mime::lookup($filePath);
$charset = Less_Mime::charsets_lookup($mimetype);
$useBase64 = !in_array($charset,array('US-ASCII', 'UTF-8'));
if( $useBase64 ){ $mimetype .= ';base64'; }
$useBase64 = preg_match('/;base64$/',$mimetype);
if( file_exists($filePath) ){
$buf = @file_get_contents($filePath);
$buf = false;
// IE8 cannot handle a data-uri larger than 32KB. If this is exceeded
// and the --ieCompat flag is enabled, return a normal url() instead.
$fileSizeInKB = round( strlen($buf) / 1024 );
if( $fileSizeInKB >= $DATA_URI_MAX_KB ){
$url = new Less_Tree_Url( ($filePathNode ? $filePathNode : $mimetypeNode), $this->currentFileInfo);
return $url->compile($this);
if( $buf ){
$buf = $useBase64 ? base64_encode($buf) : rawurlencode($buf);
$filePath = '"data:' . $mimetype . ',' . $buf . '"';
return new Less_Tree_Url( new Less_Tree_Anonymous($filePath) );
function svggradient( $direction ){
$throw_message = 'svg-gradient expects direction, start_color [start_position], [color position,]..., end_color [end_position]';
$arguments = func_get_args();
if( count($arguments) < 3 ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( $throw_message );
$stops = array_slice($arguments,1);
$gradientType = 'linear';
$rectangleDimension = 'x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1"';
$useBase64 = true;
$directionValue = $direction->toCSS();
switch( $directionValue ){
case "to bottom":
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%"';
case "to right":
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%"';
case "to bottom right":
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%"';
case "to top right":
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="100%" x2="100%" y2="0%"';
case "ellipse":
case "ellipse at center":
$gradientType = "radial";
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'cx="50%" cy="50%" r="75%"';
$rectangleDimension = 'x="-50" y="-50" width="101" height="101"';
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "svg-gradient direction must be 'to bottom', 'to right', 'to bottom right', 'to top right' or 'ellipse at center'" );
$returner = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' .
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1 1" preserveAspectRatio="none">' .
'<' . $gradientType . 'Gradient id="gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" ' . $gradientDirectionSvg . '>';
for( $i = 0; $i < count($stops); $i++ ){
if( is_object($stops[$i]) && property_exists($stops[$i],'value') ){
$color = $stops[$i]->value[0];
$position = $stops[$i]->value[1];
$color = $stops[$i];
$position = null;
if( !($color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) || (!(($i === 0 || $i+1 === count($stops)) && $position === null) && !($position instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension)) ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( $throw_message );
if( $position ){
$positionValue = $position->toCSS();
}elseif( $i === 0 ){
$positionValue = '0%';
$positionValue = '100%';
$alpha = $color->alpha;
$returner .= '<stop offset="' . $positionValue . '" stop-color="' . $color->toRGB() . '"' . ($alpha < 1 ? ' stop-opacity="' . $alpha . '"' : '') . '/>';
$returner .= '</' . $gradientType . 'Gradient><rect ' . $rectangleDimension . ' fill="url(#gradient)" /></svg>';
if( $useBase64 ){
$returner = "'data:image/svg+xml;base64,".base64_encode($returner)."'";
$returner = "'data:image/svg+xml,".$returner."'";
return new Less_Tree_URL( new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $returner ) );
* @param string $type
private static function Expected( $type, $arg ){
$debug = debug_backtrace();
$last = array_shift($debug);
$last = array_intersect_key($last,array('function'=>'','class'=>'','line'=>''));
$message = 'Object of type '.get_class($arg).' passed to darken function. Expecting `'.$type.'`. '.$arg->toCSS().'. '.print_r($last,true);
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($message);
* Php version of javascript's `encodeURIComponent` function
* @param string $string The string to encode
* @return string The encoded string
public static function encodeURIComponent($string){
$revert = array('%21' => '!', '%2A' => '*', '%27' => "'", '%28' => '(', '%29' => ')');
return strtr(rawurlencode($string), $revert);
// Color Blending
// ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1
public function colorBlend( $mode, $color1, $color2 ){
$ab = $color1->alpha; // backdrop
$as = $color2->alpha; // source
$r = array(); // result
$ar = $as + $ab * (1 - $as);
for( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ){
$cb = $color1->rgb[$i] / 255;
$cs = $color2->rgb[$i] / 255;
$cr = call_user_func( $mode, $cb, $cs );
if( $ar ){
$cr = ($as * $cs + $ab * ($cb - $as * ($cb + $cs - $cr))) / $ar;
$r[$i] = $cr * 255;
return new Less_Tree_Color($r, $ar);
public function multiply($color1, $color2 ){
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendMultiply'), $color1, $color2 );
private function colorBlendMultiply($cb, $cs){
return $cb * $cs;
public function screen($color1, $color2 ){
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendScreen'), $color1, $color2 );
private function colorBlendScreen( $cb, $cs){
return $cb + $cs - $cb * $cs;
public function overlay($color1, $color2){
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendOverlay'), $color1, $color2 );
private function colorBlendOverlay($cb, $cs ){
$cb *= 2;
return ($cb <= 1)
? $this->colorBlendMultiply($cb, $cs)
: $this->colorBlendScreen($cb - 1, $cs);
public function softlight($color1, $color2){
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendSoftlight'), $color1, $color2 );
private function colorBlendSoftlight($cb, $cs ){
$d = 1;
$e = $cb;
if( $cs > 0.5 ){
$e = 1;
$d = ($cb > 0.25) ? sqrt($cb)
: ((16 * $cb - 12) * $cb + 4) * $cb;
return $cb - (1 - 2 * $cs) * $e * ($d - $cb);
public function hardlight($color1, $color2){
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendHardlight'), $color1, $color2 );
private function colorBlendHardlight( $cb, $cs ){
return $this->colorBlendOverlay($cs, $cb);
public function difference($color1, $color2) {
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendDifference'), $color1, $color2 );
private function colorBlendDifference( $cb, $cs ){
return abs($cb - $cs);
public function exclusion( $color1, $color2 ){
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendExclusion'), $color1, $color2 );
private function colorBlendExclusion( $cb, $cs ){
return $cb + $cs - 2 * $cb * $cs;
public function average($color1, $color2){
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendAverage'), $color1, $color2 );
// non-w3c functions:
function colorBlendAverage($cb, $cs ){
return ($cb + $cs) / 2;
public function negation($color1, $color2 ){
return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendNegation'), $color1, $color2 );
function colorBlendNegation($cb, $cs){
return 1 - abs($cb + $cs - 1);
// ~ End of Color Blending
* Mime lookup
* @package Less
* @subpackage node
class Less_Mime{
// this map is intentionally incomplete
// if you want more, install 'mime' dep
static $_types = array(
'.htm' => 'text/html',
'.html'=> 'text/html',
'.gif' => 'image/gif',
'.jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'.jpeg'=> 'image/jpeg',
'.png' => 'image/png'
static function lookup( $filepath ){
$parts = explode('.',$filepath);
$ext = '.'.strtolower(array_pop($parts));
if( !isset(self::$_types[$ext]) ){
return null;
return self::$_types[$ext];
static function charsets_lookup( $type = null ){
// assumes all text types are UTF-8
return $type && preg_match('/^text\//',$type) ? 'UTF-8' : '';
* Tree
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree{
public $cache_string;
public function toCSS(){
$output = new Less_Output();
return $output->toString();
* Generate CSS by adding it to the output object
* @param Less_Output $output The output
* @return void
public function genCSS($output){}
* @param Less_Tree_Ruleset[] $rules
public static function outputRuleset( $output, $rules ){
$ruleCnt = count($rules);
// Compressed
if( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){
for( $i = 0; $i < $ruleCnt; $i++ ){
$rules[$i]->genCSS( $output );
$output->add( '}' );
// Non-compressed
$tabSetStr = "\n".str_repeat( ' ' , Less_Environment::$tabLevel-1 );
$tabRuleStr = $tabSetStr.' ';
$output->add( " {" );
for($i = 0; $i < $ruleCnt; $i++ ){
$output->add( $tabRuleStr );
$rules[$i]->genCSS( $output );
$output->add( $tabSetStr.'}' );
public function accept($visitor){}
public static function ReferencedArray($rules){
foreach($rules as $rule){
if( method_exists($rule, 'markReferenced') ){
* Requires php 5.3+
public static function __set_state($args){
$class = get_called_class();
$obj = new $class(null,null,null,null);
foreach($args as $key => $val){
$obj->$key = $val;
return $obj;
* Parser output
* @package Less
* @subpackage output
class Less_Output{
* Output holder
* @var string
protected $strs = array();
* Adds a chunk to the stack
* @param string $chunk The chunk to output
* @param Less_FileInfo $fileInfo The file information
* @param integer $index The index
* @param mixed $mapLines
public function add($chunk, $fileInfo = null, $index = 0, $mapLines = null){
$this->strs[] = $chunk;
* Is the output empty?
* @return boolean
public function isEmpty(){
return count($this->strs) === 0;
* Converts the output to string
* @return string
public function toString(){
return implode('',$this->strs);
* Visitor
* @package Less
* @subpackage visitor
class Less_Visitor{
var $methods = array();
var $_visitFnCache = array();
function __construct(){
$this->_visitFnCache = get_class_methods(get_class($this));
$this->_visitFnCache = array_flip($this->_visitFnCache);
function visitObj( $node ){
$funcName = 'visit'.$node->type;
if( isset($this->_visitFnCache[$funcName]) ){
$visitDeeper = true;
$this->$funcName( $node, $visitDeeper );
if( $visitDeeper ){
$funcName = $funcName . "Out";
if( isset($this->_visitFnCache[$funcName]) ){
$this->$funcName( $node );
return $node;
function visitArray( $nodes ){
array_map( array($this,'visitObj'), $nodes);
return $nodes;
* Replacing Visitor
* @package Less
* @subpackage visitor
class Less_VisitorReplacing extends Less_Visitor{
function visitObj( $node ){
$funcName = 'visit'.$node->type;
if( isset($this->_visitFnCache[$funcName]) ){
$visitDeeper = true;
$node = $this->$funcName( $node, $visitDeeper );
if( $node ){
if( $visitDeeper && is_object($node) ){
$funcName = $funcName . "Out";
if( isset($this->_visitFnCache[$funcName]) ){
$this->$funcName( $node );
return $node;
function visitArray( $nodes ){
$newNodes = array();
foreach($nodes as $node){
$evald = $this->visitObj($node);
if( $evald ){
if( is_array($evald) ){
$newNodes[] = $evald;
return $newNodes;
function flatten( $arr, &$out ){
foreach($arr as $item){
if( !is_array($item) ){
$out[] = $item;
foreach($item as $nestedItem){
if( is_array($nestedItem) ){
self::flatten( $nestedItem, $out);
$out[] = $nestedItem;
return $out;
* Configurable
* @package Less
* @subpackage Core
abstract class Less_Configurable {
* Array of options
* @var array
protected $options = array();
* Array of default options
* @var array
protected $defaultOptions = array();
* Set options
* If $options is an object it will be converted into an array by called
* it's toArray method.
* @throws Exception
* @param array|object $options
public function setOptions($options){
$options = array_intersect_key($options,$this->defaultOptions);
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $this->options, $options);
* Get an option value by name
* If the option is empty or not set a NULL value will be returned.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $default Default value if confiuration of $name is not present
* @return mixed
public function getOption($name, $default = null){
return $this->options[$name];
return $default;
* Set an option
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
public function setOption($name, $value){
$this->options[$name] = $value;
* Alpha
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Alpha extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
public $type = 'Alpha';
public function __construct($val){
$this->value = $val;
//function accept( $visitor ){
// $this->value = $visitor->visit( $this->value );
public function compile($env){
if( is_object($this->value) ){
$this->value = $this->value->compile($env);
return $this;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( "alpha(opacity=" );
if( is_string($this->value) ){
$output->add( $this->value );
$this->value->genCSS( $output);
$output->add( ')' );
public function toCSS(){
return "alpha(opacity=" . (is_string($this->value) ? $this->value : $this->value->toCSS()) . ")";
* Anonymous
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Anonymous extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
public $quote;
public $index;
public $mapLines;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $type = 'Anonymous';
* @param integer $index
* @param boolean $mapLines
public function __construct($value, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null, $mapLines = null ){
$this->value = $value;
$this->index = $index;
$this->mapLines = $mapLines;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
public function compile(){
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($this->value, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->mapLines);
function compare($x){
if( !is_object($x) ){
return -1;
$left = $this->toCSS();
$right = $x->toCSS();
if( $left === $right ){
return 0;
return $left < $right ? -1 : 1;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( $this->value, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index, $this->mapLines );
public function toCSS(){
return $this->value;
* Assignment
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Assignment extends Less_Tree{
public $key;
public $value;
public $type = 'Assignment';
function __construct($key, $val) {
$this->key = $key;
$this->value = $val;
function accept( $visitor ){
$this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value );
public function compile($env) {
return new Less_Tree_Assignment( $this->key, $this->value->compile($env));
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( $this->key . '=' );
$this->value->genCSS( $output );
public function toCss(){
return $this->key . '=' . $this->value->toCSS();
* Attribute
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Attribute extends Less_Tree{
public $key;
public $op;
public $value;
public $type = 'Attribute';
function __construct($key, $op, $value){
$this->key = $key;
$this->op = $op;
$this->value = $value;
function compile($env){
$key_obj = is_object($this->key);
$val_obj = is_object($this->value);
if( !$key_obj && !$val_obj ){
return $this;
return new Less_Tree_Attribute(
$key_obj ? $this->key->compile($env) : $this->key ,
$val_obj ? $this->value->compile($env) : $this->value);
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( $this->toCSS() );
function toCSS(){
$value = $this->key;
if( $this->op ){
$value .= $this->op;
$value .= (is_object($this->value) ? $this->value->toCSS() : $this->value);
return '[' . $value . ']';
* Call
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Call extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
var $name;
var $args;
var $index;
var $currentFileInfo;
public $type = 'Call';
public function __construct($name, $args, $index, $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this->name = $name;
$this->args = $args;
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
function accept( $visitor ){
$this->args = $visitor->visitArray( $this->args );
// When evaluating a function call,
// we either find the function in `tree.functions` [1],
// in which case we call it, passing the evaluated arguments,
// or we simply print it out as it appeared originally [2].
// The *functions.js* file contains the built-in functions.
// The reason why we evaluate the arguments, is in the case where
// we try to pass a variable to a function, like: `saturate(@color)`.
// The function should receive the value, not the variable.
public function compile($env=null){
$args = array();
foreach($this->args as $a){
$args[] = $a->compile($env);
$nameLC = strtolower($this->name);
case '%':
$nameLC = '_percent';
case 'get-unit':
$nameLC = 'getunit';
case 'data-uri':
$nameLC = 'datauri';
case 'svg-gradient':
$nameLC = 'svggradient';
$result = null;
if( $nameLC === 'default' ){
$result = Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::compile();
if( method_exists('Less_Functions',$nameLC) ){ // 1.
try {
$func = new Less_Functions($env, $this->currentFileInfo);
$result = call_user_func_array( array($func,$nameLC),$args);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('error evaluating function `' . $this->name . '` '.$e->getMessage().' index: '. $this->index);
if( $result !== null ){
return $result;
return new Less_Tree_Call( $this->name, $args, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo );
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( $this->name . '(', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index );
$args_len = count($this->args);
for($i = 0; $i < $args_len; $i++ ){
$this->args[$i]->genCSS( $output );
if( $i + 1 < $args_len ){
$output->add( ', ' );
$output->add( ')' );
//public function toCSS(){
// return $this->compile()->toCSS();
* Color
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Color extends Less_Tree{
public $rgb;
public $alpha;
public $isTransparentKeyword;
public $type = 'Color';
public function __construct($rgb, $a = 1, $isTransparentKeyword = null ){
if( $isTransparentKeyword ){
$this->rgb = $rgb;
$this->alpha = $a;
$this->isTransparentKeyword = true;
$this->rgb = array();
if( is_array($rgb) ){
$this->rgb = $rgb;
}else if( strlen($rgb) == 6 ){
foreach(str_split($rgb, 2) as $c){
$this->rgb[] = hexdec($c);
foreach(str_split($rgb, 1) as $c){
$this->rgb[] = hexdec($c.$c);
$this->alpha = is_numeric($a) ? $a : 1;
public function compile(){
return $this;
public function luma(){
$r = $this->rgb[0] / 255;
$g = $this->rgb[1] / 255;
$b = $this->rgb[2] / 255;
$r = ($r <= 0.03928) ? $r / 12.92 : pow((($r + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
$g = ($g <= 0.03928) ? $g / 12.92 : pow((($g + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
$b = ($b <= 0.03928) ? $b / 12.92 : pow((($b + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
return 0.2126 * $r + 0.7152 * $g + 0.0722 * $b;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( $this->toCSS() );
public function toCSS( $doNotCompress = false ){
$compress = Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && !$doNotCompress;
$alpha = Less_Functions::fround( $this->alpha );
// If we have some transparency, the only way to represent it
// is via `rgba`. Otherwise, we use the hex representation,
// which has better compatibility with older browsers.
// Values are capped between `0` and `255`, rounded and zero-padded.
if( $alpha < 1 ){
if( $alpha === 0 && isset($this->isTransparentKeyword) && $this->isTransparentKeyword ){
return 'transparent';
$values = array();
foreach($this->rgb as $c){
$values[] = Less_Functions::clamp( round($c), 255);
$values[] = $alpha;
$glue = ($compress ? ',' : ', ');
return "rgba(" . implode($glue, $values) . ")";
$color = $this->toRGB();
if( $compress ){
// Convert color to short format
if( $color[1] === $color[2] && $color[3] === $color[4] && $color[5] === $color[6]) {
$color = '#'.$color[1] . $color[3] . $color[5];
return $color;
// Operations have to be done per-channel, if not,
// channels will spill onto each other. Once we have
// our result, in the form of an integer triplet,
// we create a new Color node to hold the result.
* @param string $op
public function operate( $op, $other) {
$rgb = array();
$alpha = $this->alpha * (1 - $other->alpha) + $other->alpha;
for ($c = 0; $c < 3; $c++) {
$rgb[$c] = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->rgb[$c], $other->rgb[$c]);
return new Less_Tree_Color($rgb, $alpha);
public function toRGB(){
return $this->toHex($this->rgb);
public function toHSL(){
$r = $this->rgb[0] / 255;
$g = $this->rgb[1] / 255;
$b = $this->rgb[2] / 255;
$a = $this->alpha;
$max = max($r, $g, $b);
$min = min($r, $g, $b);
$l = ($max + $min) / 2;
$d = $max - $min;
$h = $s = 0;
if( $max !== $min ){
$s = $l > 0.5 ? $d / (2 - $max - $min) : $d / ($max + $min);
switch ($max) {
case $r: $h = ($g - $b) / $d + ($g < $b ? 6 : 0); break;
case $g: $h = ($b - $r) / $d + 2; break;
case $b: $h = ($r - $g) / $d + 4; break;
$h /= 6;
return array('h' => $h * 360, 's' => $s, 'l' => $l, 'a' => $a );
//Adapted from http://mjijackson.com/2008/02/rgb-to-hsl-and-rgb-to-hsv-color-model-conversion-algorithms-in-javascript
function toHSV() {
$r = $this->rgb[0] / 255;
$g = $this->rgb[1] / 255;
$b = $this->rgb[2] / 255;
$a = $this->alpha;
$max = max($r, $g, $b);
$min = min($r, $g, $b);
$v = $max;
$d = $max - $min;
if ($max === 0) {
$s = 0;
} else {
$s = $d / $max;
$h = 0;
if( $max !== $min ){
case $r: $h = ($g - $b) / $d + ($g < $b ? 6 : 0); break;
case $g: $h = ($b - $r) / $d + 2; break;
case $b: $h = ($r - $g) / $d + 4; break;
$h /= 6;
return array('h'=> $h * 360, 's'=> $s, 'v'=> $v, 'a' => $a );
public function toARGB(){
$argb = array_merge( (array) Less_Parser::round($this->alpha * 255), $this->rgb);
return $this->toHex( $argb );
public function compare($x){
if( !property_exists( $x, 'rgb' ) ){
return -1;
return ($x->rgb[0] === $this->rgb[0] &&
$x->rgb[1] === $this->rgb[1] &&
$x->rgb[2] === $this->rgb[2] &&
$x->alpha === $this->alpha) ? 0 : -1;
function toHex( $v ){
$ret = '#';
foreach($v as $c){
$c = Less_Functions::clamp( Less_Parser::round($c), 255);
if( $c < 16 ){
$ret .= '0';
$ret .= dechex($c);
return $ret;
* @param string $keyword
public static function fromKeyword( $keyword ){
$keyword = strtolower($keyword);
if( Less_Colors::hasOwnProperty($keyword) ){
// detect named color
return new Less_Tree_Color(substr(Less_Colors::color($keyword), 1));
if( $keyword === 'transparent' ){
return new Less_Tree_Color( array(0, 0, 0), 0, true);
* Comment
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Comment extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
public $silent;
public $isReferenced;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $type = 'Comment';
public function __construct($value, $silent, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this->value = $value;
$this->silent = !! $silent;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
//if( $this->debugInfo ){
//$output->add( tree.debugInfo($env, $this), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index);
$output->add( trim($this->value) );//TODO shouldn't need to trim, we shouldn't grab the \n
public function toCSS(){
return Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ? '' : $this->value;
public function isSilent(){
$isReference = ($this->currentFileInfo && isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) && (!isset($this->isReferenced) || !$this->isReferenced) );
$isCompressed = Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && !preg_match('/^\/\*!/', $this->value);
return $this->silent || $isReference || $isCompressed;
public function compile(){
return $this;
public function markReferenced(){
$this->isReferenced = true;
* Condition
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Condition extends Less_Tree{
public $op;
public $lvalue;
public $rvalue;
public $index;
public $negate;
public $type = 'Condition';
public function __construct($op, $l, $r, $i = 0, $negate = false) {
$this->op = trim($op);
$this->lvalue = $l;
$this->rvalue = $r;
$this->index = $i;
$this->negate = $negate;
public function accept($visitor){
$this->lvalue = $visitor->visitObj( $this->lvalue );
$this->rvalue = $visitor->visitObj( $this->rvalue );
public function compile($env) {
$a = $this->lvalue->compile($env);
$b = $this->rvalue->compile($env);
switch( $this->op ){
case 'and':
$result = $a && $b;
case 'or':
$result = $a || $b;
if( Less_Parser::is_method($a, 'compare') ){
$result = $a->compare($b);
}elseif( Less_Parser::is_method($b, 'compare') ){
$result = $b->compare($a);
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('Unable to perform comparison', null, $this->index);
switch ($result) {
case -1:
$result = $this->op === '<' || $this->op === '=<' || $this->op === '<=';
case 0:
$result = $this->op === '=' || $this->op === '>=' || $this->op === '=<' || $this->op === '<=';
case 1:
$result = $this->op === '>' || $this->op === '>=';
return $this->negate ? !$result : $result;
* DefaultFunc
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_DefaultFunc{
static $error_;
static $value_;
static function compile(){
if( self::$error_ ){
throw Exception(self::$error_);
if( self::$value_ !== null ){
return self::$value_ ? new Less_Tree_Keyword('true') : new Less_Tree_Keyword('false');
static function value( $v ){
self::$value_ = $v;
static function error( $e ){
self::$error_ = $e;
static function reset(){
self::$value_ = self::$error_ = null;
* DetachedRuleset
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset extends Less_Tree{
public $ruleset;
public $frames;
public $type = 'DetachedRuleset';
function __construct( $ruleset, $frames = null ){
$this->ruleset = $ruleset;
$this->frames = $frames;
function accept($visitor) {
$this->ruleset = $visitor->visitObj($this->ruleset);
function compile($env){
if( $this->frames ){
$frames = $this->frames;
$frames = $env->frames;
return new Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset($this->ruleset, $frames);
function callEval($env) {
if( $this->frames ){
return $this->ruleset->compile( $env->copyEvalEnv( array_merge($this->frames,$env->frames) ) );
return $this->ruleset->compile( $env );
* Dimension
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Dimension extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
public $unit;
public $type = 'Dimension';
public function __construct($value, $unit = null){
$this->value = floatval($value);
if( $unit && ($unit instanceof Less_Tree_Unit) ){
$this->unit = $unit;
}elseif( $unit ){
$this->unit = new Less_Tree_Unit( array($unit) );
$this->unit = new Less_Tree_Unit( );
function accept( $visitor ){
$this->unit = $visitor->visitObj( $this->unit );
public function compile(){
return $this;
public function toColor() {
return new Less_Tree_Color(array($this->value, $this->value, $this->value));
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
if( Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && !$this->unit->isSingular() ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Multiple units in dimension. Correct the units or use the unit function. Bad unit: ".$this->unit->toString());
$value = Less_Functions::fround( $this->value );
$strValue = (string)$value;
if( $value !== 0 && $value < 0.000001 && $value > -0.000001 ){
// would be output 1e-6 etc.
$strValue = number_format($strValue,10);
$strValue = preg_replace('/\.?0+$/','', $strValue);
if( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){
// Zero values doesn't need a unit
if( $value === 0 && $this->unit->isLength() ){
$output->add( $strValue );
return $strValue;
// Float values doesn't need a leading zero
if( $value > 0 && $value < 1 && $strValue[0] === '0' ){
$strValue = substr($strValue,1);
$output->add( $strValue );
$this->unit->genCSS( $output );
public function __toString(){
return $this->toCSS();
// In an operation between two Dimensions,
// we default to the first Dimension's unit,
// so `1px + 2em` will yield `3px`.
* @param string $op
public function operate( $op, $other){
$value = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->value, $other->value);
$unit = clone $this->unit;
if( $op === '+' || $op === '-' ){
if( !$unit->numerator && !$unit->denominator ){
$unit->numerator = $other->unit->numerator;
$unit->denominator = $other->unit->denominator;
}elseif( !$other->unit->numerator && !$other->unit->denominator ){
// do nothing
$other = $other->convertTo( $this->unit->usedUnits());
if( Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && $other->unit->toString() !== $unit->toCSS() ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Incompatible units. Change the units or use the unit function. Bad units: '".$unit->toString() . "' and ".$other->unit->toString()+"'.");
$value = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->value, $other->value);
}elseif( $op === '*' ){
$unit->numerator = array_merge($unit->numerator, $other->unit->numerator);
$unit->denominator = array_merge($unit->denominator, $other->unit->denominator);
}elseif( $op === '/' ){
$unit->numerator = array_merge($unit->numerator, $other->unit->denominator);
$unit->denominator = array_merge($unit->denominator, $other->unit->numerator);
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $value, $unit);
public function compare($other) {
if ($other instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) {
if( $this->unit->isEmpty() || $other->unit->isEmpty() ){
$a = $this;
$b = $other;
} else {
$a = $this->unify();
$b = $other->unify();
if( $a->unit->compare($b->unit) !== 0 ){
return -1;
$aValue = $a->value;
$bValue = $b->value;
if ($bValue > $aValue) {
return -1;
} elseif ($bValue < $aValue) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
function unify() {
return $this->convertTo(array('length'=> 'px', 'duration'=> 's', 'angle' => 'rad' ));
function convertTo($conversions) {
$value = $this->value;
$unit = clone $this->unit;
if( is_string($conversions) ){
$derivedConversions = array();
foreach( Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$groups as $i ){
if( isset(Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$i}[$conversions]) ){
$derivedConversions = array( $i => $conversions);
$conversions = $derivedConversions;
foreach($conversions as $groupName => $targetUnit){
$group = Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$groupName};
foreach($unit->numerator as $i => $atomicUnit){
$atomicUnit = $unit->numerator[$i];
if( !isset($group[$atomicUnit]) ){
$value = $value * ($group[$atomicUnit] / $group[$targetUnit]);
$unit->numerator[$i] = $targetUnit;
foreach($unit->denominator as $i => $atomicUnit){
$atomicUnit = $unit->denominator[$i];
if( !isset($group[$atomicUnit]) ){
$value = $value / ($group[$atomicUnit] / $group[$targetUnit]);
$unit->denominator[$i] = $targetUnit;
return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $value, $unit);
* Directive
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Directive extends Less_Tree{
public $name;
public $value;
public $rules;
public $index;
public $isReferenced;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $debugInfo;
public $type = 'Directive';
public function __construct($name, $value = null, $rules, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null, $debugInfo = null ){
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
if( $rules ){
$this->rules = $rules;
$this->rules->allowImports = true;
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
$this->debugInfo = $debugInfo;
function accept( $visitor ){
if( $this->rules ){
$this->rules = $visitor->visitObj( $this->rules );
if( $this->value ){
$this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value );
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$value = $this->value;
$rules = $this->rules;
$output->add( $this->name, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index );
if( $this->value ){
$output->add(' ');
if( $this->rules ){
Less_Tree::outputRuleset( $output, array($this->rules));
} else {
public function compile($env){
$value = $this->value;
$rules = $this->rules;
if( $value ){
$value = $value->compile($env);
if( $rules ){
$rules = $rules->compile($env);
$rules->root = true;
return new Less_Tree_Directive( $this->name, $value, $rules, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->debugInfo );
public function variable($name){
if( $this->rules ){
return $this->rules->variable($name);
public function find($selector){
if( $this->rules ){
return $this->rules->find($selector, $this);
//rulesets: function () { if (this.rules) return tree.Ruleset.prototype.rulesets.apply(this.rules); },
public function markReferenced(){
$this->isReferenced = true;
if( $this->rules ){
* Element
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Element extends Less_Tree{
public $combinator = '';
public $value = '';
public $index;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $type = 'Element';
public $value_is_object = false;
public function __construct($combinator, $value, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this->value = $value;
$this->value_is_object = is_object($value);
if( $combinator ){
$this->combinator = $combinator;
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
function accept( $visitor ){
if( $this->value_is_object ){ //object or string
$this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value );
public function compile($env){
if( Less_Environment::$mixin_stack ){
return new Less_Tree_Element($this->combinator, ($this->value_is_object ? $this->value->compile($env) : $this->value), $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo );
if( $this->value_is_object ){
$this->value = $this->value->compile($env);
return $this;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( $this->toCSS(), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index );
public function toCSS(){
if( $this->value_is_object ){
$value = $this->value->toCSS();
$value = $this->value;
if( $value === '' && $this->combinator && $this->combinator === '&' ){
return '';
return Less_Environment::$_outputMap[$this->combinator] . $value;
* Expression
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Expression extends Less_Tree{
public $value = array();
public $parens = false;
public $parensInOp = false;
public $type = 'Expression';
public function __construct( $value, $parens = null ){
$this->value = $value;
$this->parens = $parens;
function accept( $visitor ){
$this->value = $visitor->visitArray( $this->value );
public function compile($env) {
$doubleParen = false;
if( $this->parens && !$this->parensInOp ){
$returnValue = null;
if( $this->value ){
$count = count($this->value);
if( $count > 1 ){
$ret = array();
foreach($this->value as $e){
$ret[] = $e->compile($env);
$returnValue = new Less_Tree_Expression($ret);
if( ($this->value[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Expression) && $this->value[0]->parens && !$this->value[0]->parensInOp ){
$doubleParen = true;
$returnValue = $this->value[0]->compile($env);
} else {
$returnValue = $this;
if( $this->parens ){
if( !$this->parensInOp ){
}elseif( !Less_Environment::isMathOn() && !$doubleParen ){
$returnValue = new Less_Tree_Paren($returnValue);
return $returnValue;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$val_len = count($this->value);
for( $i = 0; $i < $val_len; $i++ ){
$this->value[$i]->genCSS( $output );
if( $i + 1 < $val_len ){
$output->add( ' ' );
function throwAwayComments() {
if( is_array($this->value) ){
$new_value = array();
foreach($this->value as $v){
if( $v instanceof Less_Tree_Comment ){
$new_value[] = $v;
$this->value = $new_value;
* Extend
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Extend extends Less_Tree{
public $selector;
public $option;
public $index;
public $selfSelectors = array();
public $allowBefore;
public $allowAfter;
public $firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath;
public $type = 'Extend';
public $ruleset;
public $object_id;
public $parent_ids = array();
* @param integer $index
function __construct($selector, $option, $index){
static $i = 0;
$this->selector = $selector;
$this->option = $option;
$this->index = $index;
case "all":
$this->allowBefore = true;
$this->allowAfter = true;
$this->allowBefore = false;
$this->allowAfter = false;
$this->object_id = $i++;
$this->parent_ids = array($this->object_id);
function accept( $visitor ){
$this->selector = $visitor->visitObj( $this->selector );
function compile( $env ){
Less_Parser::$has_extends = true;
$this->selector = $this->selector->compile($env);
return $this;
//return new Less_Tree_Extend( $this->selector->compile($env), $this->option, $this->index);
function findSelfSelectors( $selectors ){
$selfElements = array();
for( $i = 0, $selectors_len = count($selectors); $i < $selectors_len; $i++ ){
$selectorElements = $selectors[$i]->elements;
// duplicate the logic in genCSS function inside the selector node.
// future TODO - move both logics into the selector joiner visitor
if( $i && $selectorElements && $selectorElements[0]->combinator === "") {
$selectorElements[0]->combinator = ' ';
$selfElements = array_merge( $selfElements, $selectors[$i]->elements );
$this->selfSelectors = array(new Less_Tree_Selector($selfElements));
* CSS @import node
* The general strategy here is that we don't want to wait
* for the parsing to be completed, before we start importing
* the file. That's because in the context of a browser,
* most of the time will be spent waiting for the server to respond.
* On creation, we push the import path to our import queue, though
* `import,push`, we also pass it a callback, which it'll call once
* the file has been fetched, and parsed.
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Import extends Less_Tree{
public $options;
public $index;
public $path;
public $features;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $css;
public $skip;
public $root;
public $type = 'Import';
function __construct($path, $features, $options, $index, $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this->options = $options;
$this->index = $index;
$this->path = $path;
$this->features = $features;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
if( is_array($options) ){
$this->options += array('inline'=>false);
if( isset($this->options['less']) || $this->options['inline'] ){
$this->css = !isset($this->options['less']) || !$this->options['less'] || $this->options['inline'];
} else {
$pathValue = $this->getPath();
if( $pathValue && preg_match('/css([\?;].*)?$/',$pathValue) ){
$this->css = true;
// The actual import node doesn't return anything, when converted to CSS.
// The reason is that it's used at the evaluation stage, so that the rules
// it imports can be treated like any other rules.
// In `eval`, we make sure all Import nodes get evaluated, recursively, so
// we end up with a flat structure, which can easily be imported in the parent
// ruleset.
function accept($visitor){
if( $this->features ){
$this->features = $visitor->visitObj($this->features);
$this->path = $visitor->visitObj($this->path);
if( !$this->options['inline'] && $this->root ){
$this->root = $visitor->visit($this->root);
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
if( $this->css ){
$output->add( '@import ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index );
$this->path->genCSS( $output );
if( $this->features ){
$output->add( ' ' );
$this->features->genCSS( $output );
$output->add( ';' );
function toCSS(){
$features = $this->features ? ' ' . $this->features->toCSS() : '';
if ($this->css) {
return "@import " . $this->path->toCSS() . $features . ";\n";
} else {
return "";
* @return string
function getPath(){
if ($this->path instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted) {
$path = $this->path->value;
return ( isset($this->css) || preg_match('/(\.[a-z]*$)|([\?;].*)$/',$path)) ? $path : $path . '.less';
} else if ($this->path instanceof Less_Tree_URL) {
return $this->path->value->value;
return null;
function compileForImport( $env ){
return new Less_Tree_Import( $this->path->compile($env), $this->features, $this->options, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo);
function compilePath($env) {
$path = $this->path->compile($env);
$rootpath = '';
if( $this->currentFileInfo && $this->currentFileInfo['rootpath'] ){
$rootpath = $this->currentFileInfo['rootpath'];
if( !($path instanceof Less_Tree_URL) ){
if( $rootpath ){
$pathValue = $path->value;
// Add the base path if the import is relative
if( $pathValue && Less_Environment::isPathRelative($pathValue) ){
$path->value = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root'].$pathValue;
$path->value = Less_Environment::normalizePath($path->value);
return $path;
function compile( $env ){
$evald = $this->compileForImport($env);
//get path & uri
$path_and_uri = null;
if( is_callable(Less_Parser::$options['import_callback']) ){
$path_and_uri = call_user_func(Less_Parser::$options['import_callback'],$evald);
if( !$path_and_uri ){
$path_and_uri = $evald->PathAndUri();
if( $path_and_uri ){
list($full_path, $uri) = $path_and_uri;
$full_path = $uri = $evald->getPath();
//import once
if( $evald->skip( $full_path, $env) ){
return array();
if( $this->options['inline'] ){
//todo needs to reference css file not import
//$contents = new Less_Tree_Anonymous($this->root, 0, array('filename'=>$this->importedFilename), true );
$contents = new Less_Tree_Anonymous( file_get_contents($full_path), 0, array(), true );
if( $this->features ){
return new Less_Tree_Media( array($contents), $this->features->value );
return array( $contents );
// css ?
if( $evald->css ){
$features = ( $evald->features ? $evald->features->compile($env) : null );
return new Less_Tree_Import( $this->compilePath( $env), $features, $this->options, $this->index);
return $this->ParseImport( $full_path, $uri, $env );
* Using the import directories, get the full absolute path and uri of the import
* @param Less_Tree_Import $evald
function PathAndUri(){
$evald_path = $this->getPath();
if( $evald_path ){
$import_dirs = array();
if( Less_Environment::isPathRelative($evald_path) ){
//if the path is relative, the file should be in the current directory
$import_dirs[ $this->currentFileInfo['currentDirectory'] ] = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root'];
//otherwise, the file should be relative to the server root
$import_dirs[ $this->currentFileInfo['entryPath'] ] = $this->currentFileInfo['entryUri'];
//if the user supplied entryPath isn't the actual root
$import_dirs[ $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ] = '';
// always look in user supplied import directories
$import_dirs = array_merge( $import_dirs, Less_Parser::$options['import_dirs'] );
foreach( $import_dirs as $rootpath => $rooturi){
if( is_callable($rooturi) ){
list($path, $uri) = call_user_func($rooturi, $evald_path);
if( is_string($path) ){
$full_path = $path;
return array( $full_path, $uri );
$path = rtrim($rootpath,'/\\').'/'.ltrim($evald_path,'/\\');
if( file_exists($path) ){
$full_path = Less_Environment::normalizePath($path);
$uri = Less_Environment::normalizePath(dirname($rooturi.$evald_path));
return array( $full_path, $uri );
* Parse the import url and return the rules
* @return Less_Tree_Media|array
function ParseImport( $full_path, $uri, $env ){
$import_env = clone $env;
if( (isset($this->options['reference']) && $this->options['reference']) || isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) ){
$import_env->currentFileInfo['reference'] = true;
if( (isset($this->options['multiple']) && $this->options['multiple']) ){
$import_env->importMultiple = true;
$parser = new Less_Parser($import_env);
$root = $parser->parseFile($full_path, $uri, true);
$ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(array(), $root->rules );
return $this->features ? new Less_Tree_Media($ruleset->rules, $this->features->value) : $ruleset->rules;
* Should the import be skipped?
* @return boolean|null
private function Skip($path, $env){
$path = realpath($path);
if( $path && Less_Parser::FileParsed($path) ){
if( isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) ){
return true;
return !isset($this->options['multiple']) && !$env->importMultiple;
* Javascript
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Javascript extends Less_Tree{
public $type = 'Javascript';
public $escaped;
public $expression;
public $index;
* @param boolean $index
* @param boolean $escaped
public function __construct($string, $index, $escaped){
$this->escaped = $escaped;
$this->expression = $string;
$this->index = $index;
public function compile(){
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous('/* Sorry, can not do JavaScript evaluation in PHP... :( */');
* Keyword
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Keyword extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
public $type = 'Keyword';
* @param string $value
public function __construct($value){
$this->value = $value;
public function compile(){
return $this;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
if( $this->value === '%') {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Invalid % without number");
$output->add( $this->value );
public function compare($other) {
if ($other instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword) {
return $other->value === $this->value ? 0 : 1;
} else {
return -1;
* Media
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Media extends Less_Tree{
public $features;
public $rules;
public $index;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $isReferenced;
public $type = 'Media';
public function __construct($value = array(), $features = array(), $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
$selectors = $this->emptySelectors();
$this->features = new Less_Tree_Value($features);
$this->rules = array(new Less_Tree_Ruleset($selectors, $value));
$this->rules[0]->allowImports = true;
function accept( $visitor ){
$this->features = $visitor->visitObj($this->features);
$this->rules = $visitor->visitArray($this->rules);
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( '@media ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index );
$this->features->genCSS( $output );
Less_Tree::outputRuleset( $output, $this->rules);
public function compile($env) {
$media = new Less_Tree_Media(array(), array(), $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo );
$strictMathBypass = false;
if( Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] === false) {
$strictMathBypass = true;
Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = true;
$media->features = $this->features->compile($env);
if( $strictMathBypass ){
Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = false;
$env->mediaPath[] = $media;
$env->mediaBlocks[] = $media;
array_unshift($env->frames, $this->rules[0]);
$media->rules = array($this->rules[0]->compile($env));
return !$env->mediaPath ? $media->compileTop($env) : $media->compileNested($env);
public function variable($name) {
return $this->rules[0]->variable($name);
public function find($selector) {
return $this->rules[0]->find($selector, $this);
public function emptySelectors(){
$el = new Less_Tree_Element('','&', $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo );
$sels = array( new Less_Tree_Selector(array($el), array(), null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo) );
$sels[0]->mediaEmpty = true;
return $sels;
public function markReferenced(){
$this->isReferenced = true;
// evaltop
public function compileTop($env) {
$result = $this;
if (count($env->mediaBlocks) > 1) {
$selectors = $this->emptySelectors();
$result = new Less_Tree_Ruleset($selectors, $env->mediaBlocks);
$result->multiMedia = true;
$env->mediaBlocks = array();
$env->mediaPath = array();
return $result;
public function compileNested($env) {
$path = array_merge($env->mediaPath, array($this));
// Extract the media-query conditions separated with `,` (OR).
foreach ($path as $key => $p) {
$value = $p->features instanceof Less_Tree_Value ? $p->features->value : $p->features;
$path[$key] = is_array($value) ? $value : array($value);
// Trace all permutations to generate the resulting media-query.
// (a, b and c) with nested (d, e) ->
// a and d
// a and e
// b and c and d
// b and c and e
$permuted = $this->permute($path);
$expressions = array();
foreach($permuted as $path){
for( $i=0, $len=count($path); $i < $len; $i++){
$path[$i] = Less_Parser::is_method($path[$i], 'toCSS') ? $path[$i] : new Less_Tree_Anonymous($path[$i]);
for( $i = count($path) - 1; $i > 0; $i-- ){
array_splice($path, $i, 0, array(new Less_Tree_Anonymous('and')));
$expressions[] = new Less_Tree_Expression($path);
$this->features = new Less_Tree_Value($expressions);
// Fake a tree-node that doesn't output anything.
return new Less_Tree_Ruleset(array(), array());
public function permute($arr) {
if (!$arr)
return array();
if (count($arr) == 1)
return $arr[0];
$result = array();
$rest = $this->permute(array_slice($arr, 1));
foreach ($rest as $r) {
foreach ($arr[0] as $a) {
$result[] = array_merge(
is_array($a) ? $a : array($a),
is_array($r) ? $r : array($r)
return $result;
function bubbleSelectors($selectors) {
if( !$selectors) return;
$this->rules = array(new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $selectors, array($this->rules[0])));
* A simple css name-value pair
* ex: width:100px;
* In bootstrap, there are about 600-1,000 simple name-value pairs (depending on how forgiving the match is) -vs- 6,020 dynamic rules (Less_Tree_Rule)
* Using the name-value object can speed up bootstrap compilation slightly, but it breaks color keyword interpretation: color:red -> color:#FF0000;
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_NameValue extends Less_Tree{
public $name;
public $value;
public $index;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $type = 'NameValue';
public function __construct($name, $value = null, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
function genCSS( $output ){
. Less_Environment::$_outputMap[': ']
. $this->value
. (((Less_Environment::$lastRule && Less_Parser::$options['compress'])) ? "" : ";")
, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index);
public function compile ($env){
return $this;
* Negative
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Negative extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
public $type = 'Negative';
function __construct($node){
$this->value = $node;
//function accept($visitor) {
// $this->value = $visitor->visit($this->value);
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( '-' );
$this->value->genCSS( $output );
function compile($env) {
if( Less_Environment::isMathOn() ){
$ret = new Less_Tree_Operation('*', array( new Less_Tree_Dimension(-1), $this->value ) );
return $ret->compile($env);
return new Less_Tree_Negative( $this->value->compile($env) );
* Operation
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Operation extends Less_Tree{
public $op;
public $operands;
public $isSpaced;
public $type = 'Operation';
* @param string $op
public function __construct($op, $operands, $isSpaced = false){
$this->op = trim($op);
$this->operands = $operands;
$this->isSpaced = $isSpaced;
function accept($visitor) {
$this->operands = $visitor->visitArray($this->operands);
public function compile($env){
$a = $this->operands[0]->compile($env);
$b = $this->operands[1]->compile($env);
if( Less_Environment::isMathOn() ){
if( $a instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $b instanceof Less_Tree_Color ){
$a = $a->toColor();
}elseif( $b instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $a instanceof Less_Tree_Color ){
$b = $b->toColor();
if( !method_exists($a,'operate') ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Operation on an invalid type");
return $a->operate( $this->op, $b);
return new Less_Tree_Operation($this->op, array($a, $b), $this->isSpaced );
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$this->operands[0]->genCSS( $output );
if( $this->isSpaced ){
$output->add( " " );
$output->add( $this->op );
if( $this->isSpaced ){
$output->add( ' ' );
$this->operands[1]->genCSS( $output );
* Paren
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Paren extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
public $type = 'Paren';
public function __construct($value) {
$this->value = $value;
function accept($visitor){
$this->value = $visitor->visitObj($this->value);
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( '(' );
$this->value->genCSS( $output );
$output->add( ')' );
public function compile($env) {
return new Less_Tree_Paren($this->value->compile($env));
* Quoted
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Quoted extends Less_Tree{
public $escaped;
public $value;
public $quote;
public $index;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $type = 'Quoted';
* @param string $str
public function __construct($str, $content = '', $escaped = false, $index = false, $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this->escaped = $escaped;
$this->value = $content;
if( $str ){
$this->quote = $str[0];
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
if( !$this->escaped ){
$output->add( $this->quote, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index );
$output->add( $this->value );
if( !$this->escaped ){
$output->add( $this->quote );
public function compile($env){
$value = $this->value;
if( preg_match_all('/`([^`]+)`/', $this->value, $matches) ){
foreach($matches as $i => $match){
$js = new Less_Tree_JavaScript($matches[1], $this->index, true);
$js = $js->compile()->value;
$value = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $js, $value);
if( preg_match_all('/@\{([\w-]+)\}/',$value,$matches) ){
foreach($matches[1] as $i => $match){
$v = new Less_Tree_Variable('@' . $match, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo );
$v = $v->compile($env);
$v = ($v instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted) ? $v->value : $v->toCSS();
$value = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $v, $value);
return new Less_Tree_Quoted($this->quote . $value . $this->quote, $value, $this->escaped, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo);
function compare($x) {
if( !Less_Parser::is_method($x, 'toCSS') ){
return -1;
$left = $this->toCSS();
$right = $x->toCSS();
if ($left === $right) {
return 0;
return $left < $right ? -1 : 1;
* Rule
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Rule extends Less_Tree{
public $name;
public $value;
public $important;
public $merge;
public $index;
public $inline;
public $variable;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $type = 'Rule';
* @param string $important
public function __construct($name, $value = null, $important = null, $merge = null, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null, $inline = false){
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = ($value instanceof Less_Tree_Value || $value instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset) ? $value : new Less_Tree_Value(array($value));
$this->important = $important ? ' ' . trim($important) : '';
$this->merge = $merge;
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
$this->inline = $inline;
$this->variable = ( is_string($name) && $name[0] === '@');
function accept($visitor) {
$this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value );
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( $this->name . Less_Environment::$_outputMap[': '], $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index);
$this->value->genCSS( $output);
}catch( Less_Exception_Parser $e ){
$e->index = $this->index;
$e->currentFile = $this->currentFileInfo;
throw $e;
$output->add( $this->important . (($this->inline || (Less_Environment::$lastRule && Less_Parser::$options['compress'])) ? "" : ";"), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index);
public function compile ($env){
$name = $this->name;
if( is_array($name) ){
// expand 'primitive' name directly to get
// things faster (~10% for benchmark.less):
if( count($name) === 1 && $name[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ){
$name = $name[0]->value;
$name = $this->CompileName($env,$name);
$strictMathBypass = Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'];
if( $name === "font" && !Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] ){
Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = true;
try {
$evaldValue = $this->value->compile($env);
if( !$this->variable && $evaldValue->type === "DetachedRuleset") {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Rulesets cannot be evaluated on a property.", null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo);
if( Less_Environment::$mixin_stack ){
$return = new Less_Tree_Rule($name, $evaldValue, $this->important, $this->merge, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->inline);
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $evaldValue;
$return = $this;
}catch( Less_Exception_Parser $e ){
if( !is_numeric($e->index) ){
$e->index = $this->index;
$e->currentFile = $this->currentFileInfo;
throw $e;
Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = $strictMathBypass;
return $return;
function CompileName( $env, $name ){
$output = new Less_Output();
foreach($name as $n){
return $output->toString();
function makeImportant(){
return new Less_Tree_Rule($this->name, $this->value, '!important', $this->merge, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->inline);
* Ruleset
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Ruleset extends Less_Tree{
protected $lookups;
public $_variables;
public $_rulesets;
public $strictImports;
public $selectors;
public $rules;
public $root;
public $allowImports;
public $paths;
public $firstRoot;
public $type = 'Ruleset';
public $multiMedia;
public $allExtends;
var $ruleset_id;
var $originalRuleset;
var $first_oelements;
public function SetRulesetIndex(){
$this->ruleset_id = Less_Parser::$next_id++;
$this->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id;
if( $this->selectors ){
foreach($this->selectors as $sel){
if( $sel->_oelements ){
$this->first_oelements[$sel->_oelements[0]] = true;
public function __construct($selectors, $rules, $strictImports = null){
$this->selectors = $selectors;
$this->rules = $rules;
$this->lookups = array();
$this->strictImports = $strictImports;
function accept( $visitor ){
if( $this->paths ){
$paths_len = count($this->paths);
for($i = 0,$paths_len; $i < $paths_len; $i++ ){
$this->paths[$i] = $visitor->visitArray($this->paths[$i]);
}elseif( $this->selectors ){
$this->selectors = $visitor->visitArray($this->selectors);
if( $this->rules ){
$this->rules = $visitor->visitArray($this->rules);
public function compile($env){
$ruleset = $this->PrepareRuleset($env);
// Store the frames around mixin definitions,
// so they can be evaluated like closures when the time comes.
$rsRuleCnt = count($ruleset->rules);
for( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ){
if( $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition || $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset ){
$ruleset->rules[$i] = $ruleset->rules[$i]->compile($env);
$mediaBlockCount = 0;
if( $env instanceof Less_Environment ){
$mediaBlockCount = count($env->mediaBlocks);
// Evaluate mixin calls.
$this->EvalMixinCalls( $ruleset, $env, $rsRuleCnt );
// Evaluate everything else
for( $i=0; $i<$rsRuleCnt; $i++ ){
if(! ($ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition || $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset) ){
$ruleset->rules[$i] = $ruleset->rules[$i]->compile($env);
// Evaluate everything else
for( $i=0; $i<$rsRuleCnt; $i++ ){
$rule = $ruleset->rules[$i];
// for rulesets, check if it is a css guard and can be removed
if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->selectors && count($rule->selectors) === 1 ){
// check if it can be folded in (e.g. & where)
if( $rule->selectors[0]->isJustParentSelector() ){
for($j = 0; $j < count($rule->rules); $j++ ){
$subRule = $rule->rules[$j];
if( !($subRule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) || !$subRule->variable ){
array_splice($ruleset->rules, ++$i, 0, array($subRule));
// Pop the stack
if ($mediaBlockCount) {
$len = count($env->mediaBlocks);
for($i = $mediaBlockCount; $i < $len; $i++ ){
return $ruleset;
* Compile Less_Tree_Mixin_Call objects
* @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $ruleset
* @param integer $rsRuleCnt
private function EvalMixinCalls( $ruleset, $env, &$rsRuleCnt ){
for($i=0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++){
$rule = $ruleset->rules[$i];
if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Call ){
$rule = $rule->compile($env);
$temp = array();
foreach($rule as $r){
if( ($r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) && $r->variable ){
// do not pollute the scope if the variable is
// already there. consider returning false here
// but we need a way to "return" variable from mixins
if( !$ruleset->variable($r->name) ){
$temp[] = $r;
$temp[] = $r;
$temp_count = count($temp)-1;
array_splice($ruleset->rules, $i, 1, $temp);
$rsRuleCnt += $temp_count;
$i += $temp_count;
}elseif( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_RulesetCall ){
$rule = $rule->compile($env);
$rules = array();
foreach($rule->rules as $r){
if( ($r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) && $r->variable ){
$rules[] = $r;
array_splice($ruleset->rules, $i, 1, $rules);
$temp_count = count($rules);
$rsRuleCnt += $temp_count - 1;
$i += $temp_count-1;
* Compile the selectors and create a new ruleset object for the compile() method
private function PrepareRuleset($env){
$hasOnePassingSelector = false;
$selectors = array();
if( $this->selectors ){
Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::error("it is currently only allowed in parametric mixin guards,");
foreach($this->selectors as $s){
$selector = $s->compile($env);
$selectors[] = $selector;
if( $selector->evaldCondition ){
$hasOnePassingSelector = true;
} else {
$hasOnePassingSelector = true;
if( $this->rules && $hasOnePassingSelector ){
$rules = $this->rules;
$rules = array();
$ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset($selectors, $rules, $this->strictImports);
$ruleset->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id;
$ruleset->root = $this->root;
$ruleset->firstRoot = $this->firstRoot;
$ruleset->allowImports = $this->allowImports;
// push the current ruleset to the frames stack
// Evaluate imports
if( $ruleset->root || $ruleset->allowImports || !$ruleset->strictImports ){
return $ruleset;
function evalImports($env) {
$rules_len = count($this->rules);
for($i=0; $i < $rules_len; $i++){
$rule = $this->rules[$i];
if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Import ){
$rules = $rule->compile($env);
if( is_array($rules) ){
array_splice($this->rules, $i, 1, $rules);
$temp_count = count($rules)-1;
$i += $temp_count;
$rules_len += $temp_count;
array_splice($this->rules, $i, 1, array($rules));
function makeImportant(){
$important_rules = array();
foreach($this->rules as $rule){
if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset ){
$important_rules[] = $rule->makeImportant();
$important_rules[] = $rule;
return new Less_Tree_Ruleset($this->selectors, $important_rules, $this->strictImports );
public function matchArgs($args){
return !$args;
// lets you call a css selector with a guard
public function matchCondition( $args, $env ){
$lastSelector = end($this->selectors);
if( !$lastSelector->evaldCondition ){
return false;
if( $lastSelector->condition && !$lastSelector->condition->compile( $env->copyEvalEnv( $env->frames ) ) ){
return false;
return true;
function resetCache(){
$this->_rulesets = null;
$this->_variables = null;
$this->lookups = array();
public function variables(){
$this->_variables = array();
foreach( $this->rules as $r){
if ($r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule && $r->variable === true) {
$this->_variables[$r->name] = $r;
public function variable($name){
if( is_null($this->_variables) ){
return isset($this->_variables[$name]) ? $this->_variables[$name] : null;
public function find( $selector, $self = null ){
$key = implode(' ',$selector->_oelements);
if( !isset($this->lookups[$key]) ){
if( !$self ){
$self = $this->ruleset_id;
$this->lookups[$key] = array();
$first_oelement = $selector->_oelements[0];
foreach($this->rules as $rule){
if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->ruleset_id != $self ){
if( isset($rule->first_oelements[$first_oelement]) ){
foreach( $rule->selectors as $ruleSelector ){
$match = $selector->match($ruleSelector);
if( $match ){
if( $selector->elements_len > $match ){
$this->lookups[$key] = array_merge($this->lookups[$key], $rule->find( new Less_Tree_Selector(array_slice($selector->elements, $match)), $self));
} else {
$this->lookups[$key][] = $rule;
return $this->lookups[$key];
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
if( !$this->root ){
$tabRuleStr = $tabSetStr = '';
if( !Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){
if( Less_Environment::$tabLevel ){
$tabRuleStr = "\n".str_repeat( ' ' , Less_Environment::$tabLevel );
$tabSetStr = "\n".str_repeat( ' ' , Less_Environment::$tabLevel-1 );
$tabSetStr = $tabRuleStr = "\n";
$ruleNodes = array();
$rulesetNodes = array();
foreach($this->rules as $rule){
$class = get_class($rule);
if( ($class === 'Less_Tree_Media') || ($class === 'Less_Tree_Directive') || ($this->root && $class === 'Less_Tree_Comment') || ($class === 'Less_Tree_Ruleset' && $rule->rules) ){
$rulesetNodes[] = $rule;
$ruleNodes[] = $rule;
// If this is the root node, we don't render
// a selector, or {}.
if( !$this->root ){
debugInfo = tree.debugInfo(env, this, tabSetStr);
if (debugInfo) {
$paths_len = count($this->paths);
for( $i = 0; $i < $paths_len; $i++ ){
$path = $this->paths[$i];
$firstSelector = true;
foreach($path as $p){
$p->genCSS( $output, $firstSelector );
$firstSelector = false;
if( $i + 1 < $paths_len ){
$output->add( ',' . $tabSetStr );
$output->add( (Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ? '{' : " {") . $tabRuleStr );
// Compile rules and rulesets
$ruleNodes_len = count($ruleNodes);
$rulesetNodes_len = count($rulesetNodes);
for( $i = 0; $i < $ruleNodes_len; $i++ ){
$rule = $ruleNodes[$i];
// @page{ directive ends up with root elements inside it, a mix of rules and rulesets
// In this instance we do not know whether it is the last property
if( $i + 1 === $ruleNodes_len && (!$this->root || $rulesetNodes_len === 0 || $this->firstRoot ) ){
Less_Environment::$lastRule = true;
$rule->genCSS( $output );
if( !Less_Environment::$lastRule ){
$output->add( $tabRuleStr );
Less_Environment::$lastRule = false;
if( !$this->root ){
$output->add( $tabSetStr . '}' );
$firstRuleset = true;
$space = ($this->root ? $tabRuleStr : $tabSetStr);
for( $i = 0; $i < $rulesetNodes_len; $i++ ){
if( $ruleNodes_len && $firstRuleset ){
$output->add( $space );
}elseif( !$firstRuleset ){
$output->add( $space );
$firstRuleset = false;
$rulesetNodes[$i]->genCSS( $output);
if( !Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && $this->firstRoot ){
$output->add( "\n" );
function markReferenced(){
if( !$this->selectors ){
foreach($this->selectors as $selector){
public function joinSelectors( $context, $selectors ){
$paths = array();
if( is_array($selectors) ){
foreach($selectors as $selector) {
$this->joinSelector( $paths, $context, $selector);
return $paths;
public function joinSelector( &$paths, $context, $selector){
$hasParentSelector = false;
foreach($selector->elements as $el) {
if( $el->value === '&') {
$hasParentSelector = true;
if( !$hasParentSelector ){
if( $context ){
foreach($context as $context_el){
$paths[] = array_merge($context_el, array($selector) );
}else {
$paths[] = array($selector);
// The paths are [[Selector]]
// The first list is a list of comma seperated selectors
// The inner list is a list of inheritance seperated selectors
// e.g.
// .a, .b {
// .c {
// }
// }
// == [[.a] [.c]] [[.b] [.c]]
// the elements from the current selector so far
$currentElements = array();
// the current list of new selectors to add to the path.
// We will build it up. We initiate it with one empty selector as we "multiply" the new selectors
// by the parents
$newSelectors = array(array());
foreach( $selector->elements as $el){
// non parent reference elements just get added
if( $el->value !== '&' ){
$currentElements[] = $el;
} else {
// the new list of selectors to add
$selectorsMultiplied = array();
// merge the current list of non parent selector elements
// on to the current list of selectors to add
if( $currentElements ){
$this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $currentElements, $newSelectors);
// loop through our current selectors
foreach($newSelectors as $sel){
// if we don't have any parent paths, the & might be in a mixin so that it can be used
// whether there are parents or not
if( !$context ){
// the combinator used on el should now be applied to the next element instead so that
// it is not lost
if( $sel ){
$sel[0]->elements = array_slice($sel[0]->elements,0);
$sel[0]->elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element($el->combinator, '', $el->index, $el->currentFileInfo );
$selectorsMultiplied[] = $sel;
}else {
// and the parent selectors
foreach($context as $parentSel){
// We need to put the current selectors
// then join the last selector's elements on to the parents selectors
// our new selector path
$newSelectorPath = array();
// selectors from the parent after the join
$afterParentJoin = array();
$newJoinedSelectorEmpty = true;
//construct the joined selector - if & is the first thing this will be empty,
// if not newJoinedSelector will be the last set of elements in the selector
if( $sel ){
$newSelectorPath = $sel;
$lastSelector = array_pop($newSelectorPath);
$newJoinedSelector = $selector->createDerived( array_slice($lastSelector->elements,0) );
$newJoinedSelectorEmpty = false;
else {
$newJoinedSelector = $selector->createDerived(array());
//put together the parent selectors after the join
if ( count($parentSel) > 1) {
$afterParentJoin = array_merge($afterParentJoin, array_slice($parentSel,1) );
if ( $parentSel ){
$newJoinedSelectorEmpty = false;
// join the elements so far with the first part of the parent
$newJoinedSelector->elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element( $el->combinator, $parentSel[0]->elements[0]->value, $el->index, $el->currentFileInfo);
$newJoinedSelector->elements = array_merge( $newJoinedSelector->elements, array_slice($parentSel[0]->elements, 1) );
if (!$newJoinedSelectorEmpty) {
// now add the joined selector
$newSelectorPath[] = $newJoinedSelector;
// and the rest of the parent
$newSelectorPath = array_merge($newSelectorPath, $afterParentJoin);
// add that to our new set of selectors
$selectorsMultiplied[] = $newSelectorPath;
// our new selectors has been multiplied, so reset the state
$newSelectors = $selectorsMultiplied;
$currentElements = array();
// if we have any elements left over (e.g. .a& .b == .b)
// add them on to all the current selectors
if( $currentElements ){
$this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors($currentElements, $newSelectors);
foreach( $newSelectors as $new_sel){
if( $new_sel ){
$paths[] = $new_sel;
function mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $elements, &$selectors){
if( !$selectors ){
$selectors[] = array( new Less_Tree_Selector($elements) );
foreach( $selectors as &$sel){
// if the previous thing in sel is a parent this needs to join on to it
if( $sel ){
$last = count($sel)-1;
$sel[$last] = $sel[$last]->createDerived( array_merge($sel[$last]->elements, $elements) );
$sel[] = new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements );
* RulesetCall
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_RulesetCall extends Less_Tree{
public $variable;
public $type = "RulesetCall";
function __construct($variable){
$this->variable = $variable;
function accept($visitor) {}
function compile( $env ){
$variable = new Less_Tree_Variable($this->variable);
$detachedRuleset = $variable->compile($env);
return $detachedRuleset->callEval($env);
* Selector
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Selector extends Less_Tree{
public $elements;
public $condition;
public $extendList = array();
public $_css;
public $index;
public $evaldCondition = false;
public $type = 'Selector';
public $currentFileInfo = array();
public $isReferenced;
public $mediaEmpty;
public $elements_len = 0;
public $_oelements;
public $_oelements_len;
public $cacheable = true;
* @param boolean $isReferenced
public function __construct( $elements, $extendList = array() , $condition = null, $index=null, $currentFileInfo=null, $isReferenced=null ){
$this->elements = $elements;
$this->elements_len = count($elements);
$this->extendList = $extendList;
$this->condition = $condition;
if( $currentFileInfo ){
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
$this->isReferenced = $isReferenced;
if( !$condition ){
$this->evaldCondition = true;
function accept($visitor) {
$this->elements = $visitor->visitArray($this->elements);
$this->extendList = $visitor->visitArray($this->extendList);
if( $this->condition ){
$this->condition = $visitor->visitObj($this->condition);
if( $visitor instanceof Less_Visitor_extendFinder ){
function createDerived( $elements, $extendList = null, $evaldCondition = null ){
$newSelector = new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements, ($extendList ? $extendList : $this->extendList), null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->isReferenced);
$newSelector->evaldCondition = $evaldCondition ? $evaldCondition : $this->evaldCondition;
return $newSelector;
public function match( $other ){
if( !$other->_oelements || ($this->elements_len < $other->_oelements_len) ){
return 0;
for( $i = 0; $i < $other->_oelements_len; $i++ ){
if( $this->elements[$i]->value !== $other->_oelements[$i]) {
return 0;
return $other->_oelements_len; // return number of matched elements
public function CacheElements(){
$this->_oelements = array();
$css = '';
foreach($this->elements as $v){
$css .= $v->combinator;
if( !$v->value_is_object ){
$css .= $v->value;
if( !property_exists($v->value,'value') || !is_string($v->value->value) ){
$this->cacheable = false;
$css .= $v->value->value;
$this->_oelements_len = preg_match_all('/[,&#\.\w-](?:[\w-]|(?:\\\\.))*/', $css, $matches);
if( $this->_oelements_len ){
$this->_oelements = $matches[0];
if( $this->_oelements[0] === '&' ){
public function isJustParentSelector(){
return !$this->mediaEmpty &&
count($this->elements) === 1 &&
$this->elements[0]->value === '&' &&
($this->elements[0]->combinator === ' ' || $this->elements[0]->combinator === '');
public function compile($env) {
$elements = array();
foreach($this->elements as $el){
$elements[] = $el->compile($env);
$extendList = array();
foreach($this->extendList as $el){
$extendList[] = $el->compile($el);
$evaldCondition = false;
if( $this->condition ){
$evaldCondition = $this->condition->compile($env);
return $this->createDerived( $elements, $extendList, $evaldCondition );
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output, $firstSelector = true ){
if( !$firstSelector && $this->elements[0]->combinator === "" ){
$output->add(' ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index);
foreach($this->elements as $element){
$element->genCSS( $output );
function markReferenced(){
$this->isReferenced = true;
function getIsReferenced(){
return !isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) || !$this->currentFileInfo['reference'] || $this->isReferenced;
function getIsOutput(){
return $this->evaldCondition;
* UnicodeDescriptor
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_UnicodeDescriptor extends Less_Tree{
public $value;
public $type = 'UnicodeDescriptor';
public function __construct($value){
$this->value = $value;
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
public function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( $this->value );
public function compile(){
return $this;
* Unit
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Unit extends Less_Tree{
var $numerator = array();
var $denominator = array();
public $backupUnit;
public $type = 'Unit';
function __construct($numerator = array(), $denominator = array(), $backupUnit = null ){
$this->numerator = $numerator;
$this->denominator = $denominator;
$this->backupUnit = $backupUnit;
function __clone(){
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
if( $this->numerator ){
$output->add( $this->numerator[0] );
}elseif( $this->denominator ){
$output->add( $this->denominator[0] );
}elseif( !Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && $this->backupUnit ){
$output->add( $this->backupUnit );
return ;
function toString(){
$returnStr = implode('*',$this->numerator);
foreach($this->denominator as $d){
$returnStr .= '/'.$d;
return $returnStr;
function __toString(){
return $this->toString();
* @param Less_Tree_Unit $other
function compare($other) {
return $this->is( $other->toString() ) ? 0 : -1;
function is($unitString){
return $this->toString() === $unitString;
function isLength(){
$css = $this->toCSS();
return !!preg_match('/px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex/',$css);
function isAngle() {
return isset( Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$angle[$this->toCSS()] );
function isEmpty(){
return !$this->numerator && !$this->denominator;
function isSingular() {
return count($this->numerator) <= 1 && !$this->denominator;
function usedUnits(){
$result = array();
foreach(Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$groups as $groupName){
$group = Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$groupName};
foreach($this->numerator as $atomicUnit){
if( isset($group[$atomicUnit]) && !isset($result[$groupName]) ){
$result[$groupName] = $atomicUnit;
foreach($this->denominator as $atomicUnit){
if( isset($group[$atomicUnit]) && !isset($result[$groupName]) ){
$result[$groupName] = $atomicUnit;
return $result;
function cancel(){
$counter = array();
$backup = null;
foreach($this->numerator as $atomicUnit){
if( !$backup ){
$backup = $atomicUnit;
$counter[$atomicUnit] = ( isset($counter[$atomicUnit]) ? $counter[$atomicUnit] : 0) + 1;
foreach($this->denominator as $atomicUnit){
if( !$backup ){
$backup = $atomicUnit;
$counter[$atomicUnit] = ( isset($counter[$atomicUnit]) ? $counter[$atomicUnit] : 0) - 1;
$this->numerator = array();
$this->denominator = array();
foreach($counter as $atomicUnit => $count){
if( $count > 0 ){
for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ){
$this->numerator[] = $atomicUnit;
}elseif( $count < 0 ){
for( $i = 0; $i < -$count; $i++ ){
$this->denominator[] = $atomicUnit;
if( !$this->numerator && !$this->denominator && $backup ){
$this->backupUnit = $backup;
* UnitConversions
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_UnitConversions{
public static $groups = array('length','duration','angle');
public static $length = array(
'm'=> 1,
'cm'=> 0.01,
'mm'=> 0.001,
'in'=> 0.0254,
'px'=> 0.000264583, // 0.0254 / 96,
'pt'=> 0.000352778, // 0.0254 / 72,
'pc'=> 0.004233333, // 0.0254 / 72 * 12
public static $duration = array(
's'=> 1,
'ms'=> 0.001
public static $angle = array(
'rad' => 0.1591549430919, // 1/(2*M_PI),
'deg' => 0.002777778, // 1/360,
'grad'=> 0.0025, // 1/400,
'turn'=> 1
* Url
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Url extends Less_Tree{
public $attrs;
public $value;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $isEvald;
public $type = 'Url';
public function __construct($value, $currentFileInfo = null, $isEvald = null){
$this->value = $value;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
$this->isEvald = $isEvald;
function accept( $visitor ){
$this->value = $visitor->visitObj($this->value);
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$output->add( 'url(' );
$this->value->genCSS( $output );
$output->add( ')' );
* @param Less_Functions $ctx
public function compile($ctx){
$val = $this->value->compile($ctx);
if( !$this->isEvald ){
// Add the base path if the URL is relative
if( Less_Parser::$options['relativeUrls']
&& $this->currentFileInfo
&& is_string($val->value)
&& Less_Environment::isPathRelative($val->value)
$rootpath = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root'];
if ( !$val->quote ){
$rootpath = preg_replace('/[\(\)\'"\s]/', '\\$1', $rootpath );
$val->value = $rootpath . $val->value;
$val->value = Less_Environment::normalizePath( $val->value);
// Add cache buster if enabled
if( Less_Parser::$options['urlArgs'] ){
if( !preg_match('/^\s*data:/',$val->value) ){
$delimiter = strpos($val->value,'?') === false ? '?' : '&';
$urlArgs = $delimiter . Less_Parser::$options['urlArgs'];
$hash_pos = strpos($val->value,'#');
if( $hash_pos !== false ){
$val->value = substr_replace($val->value,$urlArgs, $hash_pos, 0);
} else {
$val->value .= $urlArgs;
return new Less_Tree_URL($val, $this->currentFileInfo, true);
* Value
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Value extends Less_Tree{
public $type = 'Value';
public $value;
public function __construct($value){
$this->value = $value;
function accept($visitor) {
$this->value = $visitor->visitArray($this->value);
public function compile($env){
$ret = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($this->value as $i => $v){
$ret[] = $v->compile($env);
if( $i > 0 ){
return new Less_Tree_Value($ret);
return $ret[0];
* @see Less_Tree::genCSS
function genCSS( $output ){
$len = count($this->value);
for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ){
$this->value[$i]->genCSS( $output );
if( $i+1 < $len ){
$output->add( Less_Environment::$_outputMap[','] );
* Variable
* @package Less
* @subpackage tree
class Less_Tree_Variable extends Less_Tree{
public $name;
public $index;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $evaluating = false;
public $type = 'Variable';
* @param string $name
public function __construct($name, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
public function compile($env) {
if( $this->name[1] === '@' ){
$v = new Less_Tree_Variable(substr($this->name, 1), $this->index + 1);
$name = '@' . $v->compile($env)->value;
$name = $this->name;
if ($this->evaluating) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Recursive variable definition for " . $name, null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo);
$this->evaluating = true;
foreach($env->frames as $frame){
if( $v = $frame->variable($name) ){
$this->evaluating = false;
return $v->value->compile($env);
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("variable " . $name . " is undefined", null, $this->index );
class Less_Tree_Mixin_Call extends Less_Tree{
public $selector;
public $arguments;
public $index;
public $currentFileInfo;
public $important;
public $type = 'MixinCall';
* less.js: tree.mixin.Call
public function __construct($elements, $args, $index, $currentFileInfo, $important = false){
$this->selector = new Less_Tree_Selector($elements);
$this->arguments = $args;
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
$this->important = $important;
//function accept($visitor){
// $this->selector = $visitor->visit($this->selector);
// $this->arguments = $visitor->visit($this->arguments);
public function compile($env){
$rules = array();
$match = false;
$isOneFound = false;
$candidates = array();
$defaultUsed = false;
$conditionResult = array();
$args = array();
foreach($this->arguments as $a){
$args[] = array('name'=> $a['name'], 'value' => $a['value']->compile($env) );
foreach($env->frames as $frame){
$mixins = $frame->find($this->selector);
if( !$mixins ){
$isOneFound = true;
$defNone = 0;
$defTrue = 1;
$defFalse = 2;
// To make `default()` function independent of definition order we have two "subpasses" here.
// At first we evaluate each guard *twice* (with `default() == true` and `default() == false`),
// and build candidate list with corresponding flags. Then, when we know all possible matches,
// we make a final decision.
$mixins_len = count($mixins);
for( $m = 0; $m < $mixins_len; $m++ ){
$mixin = $mixins[$m];
if( $this->IsRecursive( $env, $mixin ) ){
if( $mixin->matchArgs($args, $env) ){
$candidate = array('mixin' => $mixin, 'group' => $defNone);
if( $mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset ){
for( $f = 0; $f < 2; $f++ ){
$conditionResult[$f] = $mixin->matchCondition( $args, $env);
if( $conditionResult[0] || $conditionResult[1] ){
if( $conditionResult[0] != $conditionResult[1] ){
$candidate['group'] = $conditionResult[1] ? $defTrue : $defFalse;
$candidates[] = $candidate;
$candidates[] = $candidate;
$match = true;
$count = array(0, 0, 0);
for( $m = 0; $m < count($candidates); $m++ ){
$count[ $candidates[$m]['group'] ]++;
if( $count[$defNone] > 0 ){
$defaultResult = $defFalse;
} else {
$defaultResult = $defTrue;
if( ($count[$defTrue] + $count[$defFalse]) > 1 ){
throw Exception( 'Ambiguous use of `default()` found when matching for `'. $this->format($args) + '`' );
$candidates_length = count($candidates);
$length_1 = ($candidates_length == 1);
for( $m = 0; $m < $candidates_length; $m++){
$candidate = $candidates[$m]['group'];
if( ($candidate === $defNone) || ($candidate === $defaultResult) ){
$mixin = $candidates[$m]['mixin'];
if( !($mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition) ){
$mixin = new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition('', array(), $mixin->rules, null, false);
$mixin->originalRuleset = $mixins[$m]->originalRuleset;
$rules = array_merge($rules, $mixin->evalCall($env, $args, $this->important)->rules);
} catch (Exception $e) {
//throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($e->getMessage(), $e->index, null, $this->currentFileInfo['filename']);
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($e->getMessage(), null, null, $this->currentFileInfo);
if( $match ){
if( !$this->currentFileInfo || !isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) || !$this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ){
return $rules;
if( $isOneFound ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('No matching definition was found for `'.$this->Format( $args ).'`', null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo);
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler(trim($this->selector->toCSS()) . " is undefined", null, $this->index);
* Format the args for use in exception messages
private function Format($args){
$message = array();
if( $args ){
foreach($args as $a){
$argValue = '';
if( $a['name'] ){
$argValue += $a['name']+':';
if( is_object($a['value']) ){
$argValue += $a['value']->toCSS();
$argValue += '???';
$message[] = $argValue;
return implode(', ',$message);
* Are we in a recursive mixin call?
* @return bool
private function IsRecursive( $env, $mixin ){
foreach($env->frames as $recur_frame){
if( !($mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition) ){
if( $mixin === $recur_frame ){
return true;
if( isset($recur_frame->originalRuleset) && $mixin->ruleset_id === $recur_frame->originalRuleset ){
return true;
return false;
class Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition extends Less_Tree_Ruleset{
public $name;
public $selectors;
public $params;
public $arity = 0;
public $rules;
public $lookups = array();
public $required = 0;
public $frames = array();
public $condition;
public $variadic;
public $type = 'MixinDefinition';
// less.js : /lib/less/tree/mixin.js : tree.mixin.Definition
public function __construct($name, $params, $rules, $condition, $variadic = false, $frames = null ){
$this->name = $name;
$this->selectors = array(new Less_Tree_Selector(array( new Less_Tree_Element(null, $name))));
$this->params = $params;
$this->condition = $condition;
$this->variadic = $variadic;
$this->rules = $rules;
if( $params ){
$this->arity = count($params);
foreach( $params as $p ){
if (! isset($p['name']) || ($p['name'] && !isset($p['value']))) {
$this->frames = $frames;
//function accept( $visitor ){
// $this->params = $visitor->visit($this->params);
// $this->rules = $visitor->visit($this->rules);
// $this->condition = $visitor->visit($this->condition);
public function toCSS(){
return '';
// less.js : /lib/less/tree/mixin.js : tree.mixin.Definition.evalParams
public function compileParams($env, $mixinFrames, $args = array() , &$evaldArguments = array() ){
$frame = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(null, array());
$params = $this->params;
$mixinEnv = null;
$argsLength = 0;
if( $args ){
$argsLength = count($args);
for($i = 0; $i < $argsLength; $i++ ){
$arg = $args[$i];
if( $arg && $arg['name'] ){
$isNamedFound = false;
foreach($params as $j => $param){
if( !isset($evaldArguments[$j]) && $arg['name'] === $params[$j]['name']) {
$evaldArguments[$j] = $arg['value']->compile($env);
array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule( $arg['name'], $arg['value']->compile($env) ) );
$isNamedFound = true;
if ($isNamedFound) {
array_splice($args, $i, 1);
} else {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Named argument for " . $this->name .' '.$args[$i]['name'] . ' not found');
$argIndex = 0;
foreach($params as $i => $param){
if ( isset($evaldArguments[$i]) ){ continue; }
$arg = null;
if( isset($args[$argIndex]) ){
$arg = $args[$argIndex];
if (isset($param['name']) && $param['name']) {
if( isset($param['variadic']) ){
$varargs = array();
for ($j = $argIndex; $j < $argsLength; $j++) {
$varargs[] = $args[$j]['value']->compile($env);
$expression = new Less_Tree_Expression($varargs);
array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule($param['name'], $expression->compile($env)));
$val = ($arg && $arg['value']) ? $arg['value'] : false;
if ($val) {
$val = $val->compile($env);
} else if ( isset($param['value']) ) {
if( !$mixinEnv ){
$mixinEnv = new Less_Environment();
$mixinEnv->frames = array_merge( array($frame), $mixinFrames);
$val = $param['value']->compile($mixinEnv);
} else {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Wrong number of arguments for " . $this->name . " (" . $argsLength . ' for ' . $this->arity . ")");
array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule($param['name'], $val));
$evaldArguments[$i] = $val;
if ( isset($param['variadic']) && $args) {
for ($j = $argIndex; $j < $argsLength; $j++) {
$evaldArguments[$j] = $args[$j]['value']->compile($env);
$evaldArguments = array_values($evaldArguments);
return $frame;
public function compile($env) {
if( $this->frames ){
return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition($this->name, $this->params, $this->rules, $this->condition, $this->variadic, $this->frames );
return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition($this->name, $this->params, $this->rules, $this->condition, $this->variadic, $env->frames );
public function evalCall($env, $args = NULL, $important = NULL) {
$_arguments = array();
if( $this->frames ){
$mixinFrames = array_merge($this->frames, $env->frames);
$mixinFrames = $env->frames;
$frame = $this->compileParams($env, $mixinFrames, $args, $_arguments);
$ex = new Less_Tree_Expression($_arguments);
array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule('@arguments', $ex->compile($env)));
$ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(null, $this->rules);
$ruleset->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id;
$ruleSetEnv = new Less_Environment();
$ruleSetEnv->frames = array_merge( array($this, $frame), $mixinFrames );
$ruleset = $ruleset->compile( $ruleSetEnv );
if( $important ){
$ruleset = $ruleset->makeImportant();
return $ruleset;
public function matchCondition($args, $env) {
if( !$this->condition ){
return true;
$frame = $this->compileParams($env, array_merge($this->frames,$env->frames), $args );
$compile_env = new Less_Environment();
$compile_env->frames = array_merge(
array($frame) // the parameter variables
, $this->frames // the parent namespace/mixin frames
, $env->frames // the current environment frames
return (bool)$this->condition->compile($compile_env);
public function matchArgs($args, $env = NULL){
$argsLength = count($args);
if( !$this->variadic ){
if( $argsLength < $this->required ){
return false;
if( $argsLength > count($this->params) ){
return false;
if( $argsLength < ($this->required - 1)){
return false;
$len = min($argsLength, $this->arity);
for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ){
if( !isset($this->params[$i]['name']) && !isset($this->params[$i]['variadic']) ){
if( $args[$i]['value']->compile($env)->toCSS() != $this->params[$i]['value']->compile($env)->toCSS() ){
return false;
return true;
* Extend Finder Visitor
* @package Less
* @subpackage visitor
class Less_Visitor_extendFinder extends Less_Visitor{
public $contexts = array();
public $allExtendsStack;
public $foundExtends;
function __construct(){
$this->contexts = array();
$this->allExtendsStack = array(array());
* @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root
function run($root){
$root = $this->visitObj($root);
$root->allExtends =& $this->allExtendsStack[0];
return $root;
function visitRule($ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
function visitRuleset($rulesetNode){
if( $rulesetNode->root ){
$allSelectorsExtendList = array();
// get &:extend(.a); rules which apply to all selectors in this ruleset
if( $rulesetNode->rules ){
foreach($rulesetNode->rules as $rule){
if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Extend ){
$allSelectorsExtendList[] = $rule;
$rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath = true;
// now find every selector and apply the extends that apply to all extends
// and the ones which apply to an individual extend
foreach($rulesetNode->paths as $selectorPath){
$selector = end($selectorPath); //$selectorPath[ count($selectorPath)-1];
$j = 0;
foreach($selector->extendList as $extend){
$this->allExtendsStackPush($rulesetNode, $selectorPath, $extend, $j);
foreach($allSelectorsExtendList as $extend){
$this->allExtendsStackPush($rulesetNode, $selectorPath, $extend, $j);
$this->contexts[] = $rulesetNode->selectors;
function allExtendsStackPush($rulesetNode, $selectorPath, $extend, &$j){
$this->foundExtends = true;
$extend = clone $extend;
$extend->findSelfSelectors( $selectorPath );
$extend->ruleset = $rulesetNode;
if( $j === 0 ){
$extend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath = true;
$end_key = count($this->allExtendsStack)-1;
$this->allExtendsStack[$end_key][] = $extend;
function visitRulesetOut( $rulesetNode ){
if( !is_object($rulesetNode) || !$rulesetNode->root ){
function visitMedia( $mediaNode ){
$mediaNode->allExtends = array();
$this->allExtendsStack[] =& $mediaNode->allExtends;
function visitMediaOut(){
function visitDirective( $directiveNode ){
$directiveNode->allExtends = array();
$this->allExtendsStack[] =& $directiveNode->allExtends;
function visitDirectiveOut(){
class Less_Visitor_import extends Less_VisitorReplacing{
public $_visitor;
public $_importer;
public $importCount;
function __construct( $evalEnv ){
$this->env = $evalEnv;
$this->importCount = 0;
function run( $root ){
$root = $this->visitObj($root);
$this->isFinished = true;
//if( $this->importCount === 0) {
// $this->_finish();
function visitImport($importNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$importVisitor = $this;
$inlineCSS = $importNode->options['inline'];
if( !$importNode->css || $inlineCSS ){
$evaldImportNode = $importNode->compileForImport($this->env);
if( $evaldImportNode && (!$evaldImportNode->css || $inlineCSS) ){
$importNode = $evaldImportNode;
$env = clone $this->env;
if( (isset($importNode->options['multiple']) && $importNode->options['multiple']) ){
$env->importMultiple = true;
//get path & uri
$path_and_uri = null;
if( is_callable(Less_Parser::$options['import_callback']) ){
$path_and_uri = call_user_func(Less_Parser::$options['import_callback'],$importNode);
if( !$path_and_uri ){
$path_and_uri = $importNode->PathAndUri();
if( $path_and_uri ){
list($full_path, $uri) = $path_and_uri;
$full_path = $uri = $importNode->getPath();
//import once
if( $importNode->skip( $full_path, $env) ){
return array();
if( $importNode->options['inline'] ){
//todo needs to reference css file not import
//$contents = new Less_Tree_Anonymous($importNode->root, 0, array('filename'=>$importNode->importedFilename), true );
$contents = new Less_Tree_Anonymous( file_get_contents($full_path), 0, array(), true );
if( $importNode->features ){
return new Less_Tree_Media( array($contents), $importNode->features->value );
return array( $contents );
// css ?
if( $importNode->css ){
$features = ( $importNode->features ? $importNode->features->compile($env) : null );
return new Less_Tree_Import( $importNode->compilePath( $env), $features, $importNode->options, $this->index);
return $importNode->ParseImport( $full_path, $uri, $env );
$visitDeeper = false;
return $importNode;
function visitRule( $ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
return $ruleNode;
function visitDirective($directiveNode, $visitArgs){
return $directiveNode;
function visitDirectiveOut($directiveNode) {
function visitMixinDefinition($mixinDefinitionNode, $visitArgs) {
return $mixinDefinitionNode;
function visitMixinDefinitionOut($mixinDefinitionNode) {
function visitRuleset($rulesetNode, $visitArgs) {
return $rulesetNode;
function visitRulesetOut($rulesetNode) {
function visitMedia($mediaNode, $visitArgs) {
array_unshift($this->env->frames, $mediaNode->ruleset);
return $mediaNode;
function visitMediaOut($mediaNode) {
* Join Selector Visitor
* @package Less
* @subpackage visitor
class Less_Visitor_joinSelector extends Less_Visitor{
public $contexts = array( array() );
* @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root
function run( $root ){
return $this->visitObj($root);
function visitRule( $ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode ){
$paths = array();
if( !$rulesetNode->root ){
$selectors = array();
if( $rulesetNode->selectors && $rulesetNode->selectors ){
foreach($rulesetNode->selectors as $selector){
if( $selector->getIsOutput() ){
$selectors[] = $selector;
if( !$selectors ){
$rulesetNode->selectors = null;
$rulesetNode->rules = null;
$context = end($this->contexts); //$context = $this->contexts[ count($this->contexts) - 1];
$paths = $rulesetNode->joinSelectors( $context, $selectors);
$rulesetNode->paths = $paths;
$this->contexts[] = $paths; //different from less.js. Placed after joinSelectors() so that $this->contexts will get correct $paths
function visitRulesetOut(){
function visitMedia($mediaNode) {
$context = end($this->contexts); //$context = $this->contexts[ count($this->contexts) - 1];
if( !count($context) || (is_object($context[0]) && $context[0]->multiMedia) ){
$mediaNode->rules[0]->root = true;
* Process Extends Visitor
* @package Less
* @subpackage visitor
class Less_Visitor_processExtends extends Less_Visitor{
public $allExtendsStack;
* @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root
public function run( $root ){
$extendFinder = new Less_Visitor_extendFinder();
$extendFinder->run( $root );
if( !$extendFinder->foundExtends){
return $root;
$root->allExtends = $this->doExtendChaining( $root->allExtends, $root->allExtends);
$this->allExtendsStack = array();
$this->allExtendsStack[] = &$root->allExtends;
return $this->visitObj( $root );
private function doExtendChaining( $extendsList, $extendsListTarget, $iterationCount = 0){
// chaining is different from normal extension.. if we extend an extend then we are not just copying, altering and pasting
// the selector we would do normally, but we are also adding an extend with the same target selector
// this means this new extend can then go and alter other extends
// this method deals with all the chaining work - without it, extend is flat and doesn't work on other extend selectors
// this is also the most expensive.. and a match on one selector can cause an extension of a selector we had already processed if
// we look at each selector at a time, as is done in visitRuleset
$extendsToAdd = array();
//loop through comparing every extend with every target extend.
// a target extend is the one on the ruleset we are looking at copy/edit/pasting in place
// e.g. .a:extend(.b) {} and .b:extend(.c) {} then the first extend extends the second one
// and the second is the target.
// the seperation into two lists allows us to process a subset of chains with a bigger set, as is the
// case when processing media queries
for( $extendIndex = 0, $extendsList_len = count($extendsList); $extendIndex < $extendsList_len; $extendIndex++ ){
for( $targetExtendIndex = 0; $targetExtendIndex < count($extendsListTarget); $targetExtendIndex++ ){
$extend = $extendsList[$extendIndex];
$targetExtend = $extendsListTarget[$targetExtendIndex];
// look for circular references
if( in_array($targetExtend->object_id, $extend->parent_ids,true) ){
// find a match in the target extends self selector (the bit before :extend)
$selectorPath = array( $targetExtend->selfSelectors[0] );
$matches = $this->findMatch( $extend, $selectorPath);
if( $matches ){
// we found a match, so for each self selector..
foreach($extend->selfSelectors as $selfSelector ){
// process the extend as usual
$newSelector = $this->extendSelector( $matches, $selectorPath, $selfSelector);
// but now we create a new extend from it
$newExtend = new Less_Tree_Extend( $targetExtend->selector, $targetExtend->option, 0);
$newExtend->selfSelectors = $newSelector;
// add the extend onto the list of extends for that selector
end($newSelector)->extendList = array($newExtend);
//$newSelector[ count($newSelector)-1]->extendList = array($newExtend);
// record that we need to add it.
$extendsToAdd[] = $newExtend;
$newExtend->ruleset = $targetExtend->ruleset;
//remember its parents for circular references
$newExtend->parent_ids = array_merge($newExtend->parent_ids,$targetExtend->parent_ids,$extend->parent_ids);
// only process the selector once.. if we have :extend(.a,.b) then multiple
// extends will look at the same selector path, so when extending
// we know that any others will be duplicates in terms of what is added to the css
if( $targetExtend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath ){
$newExtend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath = true;
$targetExtend->ruleset->paths[] = $newSelector;
if( $extendsToAdd ){
// try to detect circular references to stop a stack overflow.
// may no longer be needed. $this->extendChainCount++;
if( $iterationCount > 100) {
$selectorOne = $extendsToAdd[0]->selfSelectors[0]->toCSS();
$selectorTwo = $extendsToAdd[0]->selector->toCSS();
}catch(Exception $e){
$selectorOne = "{unable to calculate}";
$selectorTwo = "{unable to calculate}";
throw new Less_Exception_Parser("extend circular reference detected. One of the circular extends is currently:"+$selectorOne+":extend(" + $selectorTwo+")");
// now process the new extends on the existing rules so that we can handle a extending b extending c ectending d extending e...
$extendsToAdd = $this->doExtendChaining( $extendsToAdd, $extendsListTarget, $iterationCount+1);
return array_merge($extendsList, $extendsToAdd);
protected function visitRule( $ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
protected function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
protected function visitSelector( $selectorNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
protected function visitRuleset($rulesetNode){
if( $rulesetNode->root ){
$allExtends = end($this->allExtendsStack);
$paths_len = count($rulesetNode->paths);
// look at each selector path in the ruleset, find any extend matches and then copy, find and replace
foreach($allExtends as $allExtend){
for($pathIndex = 0; $pathIndex < $paths_len; $pathIndex++ ){
// extending extends happens initially, before the main pass
if( isset($rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath) && $rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath ){
$selectorPath = $rulesetNode->paths[$pathIndex];
if( end($selectorPath)->extendList ){
$this->ExtendMatch( $rulesetNode, $allExtend, $selectorPath);
private function ExtendMatch( $rulesetNode, $extend, $selectorPath ){
$matches = $this->findMatch($extend, $selectorPath);
if( $matches ){
foreach($extend->selfSelectors as $selfSelector ){
$rulesetNode->paths[] = $this->extendSelector($matches, $selectorPath, $selfSelector);
private function findMatch($extend, $haystackSelectorPath ){
if( !$this->HasMatches($extend, $haystackSelectorPath) ){
return false;
// look through the haystack selector path to try and find the needle - extend.selector
// returns an array of selector matches that can then be replaced
$needleElements = $extend->selector->elements;
$potentialMatches = array();
$potentialMatches_len = 0;
$potentialMatch = null;
$matches = array();
// loop through the haystack elements
$haystack_path_len = count($haystackSelectorPath);
for($haystackSelectorIndex = 0; $haystackSelectorIndex < $haystack_path_len; $haystackSelectorIndex++ ){
$hackstackSelector = $haystackSelectorPath[$haystackSelectorIndex];
$haystack_elements_len = count($hackstackSelector->elements);
for($hackstackElementIndex = 0; $hackstackElementIndex < $haystack_elements_len; $hackstackElementIndex++ ){
$haystackElement = $hackstackSelector->elements[$hackstackElementIndex];
// if we allow elements before our match we can add a potential match every time. otherwise only at the first element.
if( $extend->allowBefore || ($haystackSelectorIndex === 0 && $hackstackElementIndex === 0) ){
$potentialMatches[] = array('pathIndex'=> $haystackSelectorIndex, 'index'=> $hackstackElementIndex, 'matched'=> 0, 'initialCombinator'=> $haystackElement->combinator);
for($i = 0; $i < $potentialMatches_len; $i++ ){
$potentialMatch = &$potentialMatches[$i];
$potentialMatch = $this->PotentialMatch( $potentialMatch, $needleElements, $haystackElement, $hackstackElementIndex );
// if we are still valid and have finished, test whether we have elements after and whether these are allowed
if( $potentialMatch && $potentialMatch['matched'] === $extend->selector->elements_len ){
$potentialMatch['finished'] = true;
if( !$extend->allowAfter && ($hackstackElementIndex+1 < $haystack_elements_len || $haystackSelectorIndex+1 < $haystack_path_len) ){
$potentialMatch = null;
// if null we remove, if not, we are still valid, so either push as a valid match or continue
if( $potentialMatch ){
if( $potentialMatch['finished'] ){
$potentialMatch['length'] = $extend->selector->elements_len;
$potentialMatch['endPathIndex'] = $haystackSelectorIndex;
$potentialMatch['endPathElementIndex'] = $hackstackElementIndex + 1; // index after end of match
$potentialMatches = array(); // we don't allow matches to overlap, so start matching again
$potentialMatches_len = 0;
$matches[] = $potentialMatch;
array_splice($potentialMatches, $i, 1);
return $matches;
// Before going through all the nested loops, lets check to see if a match is possible
// Reduces Bootstrap 3.1 compile time from ~6.5s to ~5.6s
private function HasMatches($extend, $haystackSelectorPath){
if( !$extend->selector->cacheable ){
return true;
$first_el = $extend->selector->_oelements[0];
foreach($haystackSelectorPath as $hackstackSelector){
if( !$hackstackSelector->cacheable ){
return true;
if( in_array($first_el, $hackstackSelector->_oelements) ){
return true;
return false;
* @param integer $hackstackElementIndex
private function PotentialMatch( $potentialMatch, $needleElements, $haystackElement, $hackstackElementIndex ){
if( $potentialMatch['matched'] > 0 ){
// selectors add " " onto the first element. When we use & it joins the selectors together, but if we don't
// then each selector in haystackSelectorPath has a space before it added in the toCSS phase. so we need to work out
// what the resulting combinator will be
$targetCombinator = $haystackElement->combinator;
if( $targetCombinator === '' && $hackstackElementIndex === 0 ){
$targetCombinator = ' ';
if( $needleElements[ $potentialMatch['matched'] ]->combinator !== $targetCombinator ){
return null;
// if we don't match, null our match to indicate failure
if( !$this->isElementValuesEqual( $needleElements[$potentialMatch['matched'] ]->value, $haystackElement->value) ){
return null;
$potentialMatch['finished'] = false;
return $potentialMatch;
private function isElementValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ){
if( $elementValue1 === $elementValue2 ){
return true;
if( is_string($elementValue1) || is_string($elementValue2) ) {
return false;
if( $elementValue1 instanceof Less_Tree_Attribute ){
return $this->isAttributeValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 );
$elementValue1 = $elementValue1->value;
if( $elementValue1 instanceof Less_Tree_Selector ){
return $this->isSelectorValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 );
return false;
* @param Less_Tree_Selector $elementValue1
private function isSelectorValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ){
$elementValue2 = $elementValue2->value;
if( !($elementValue2 instanceof Less_Tree_Selector) || $elementValue1->elements_len !== $elementValue2->elements_len ){
return false;
for( $i = 0; $i < $elementValue1->elements_len; $i++ ){
if( $elementValue1->elements[$i]->combinator !== $elementValue2->elements[$i]->combinator ){
if( $i !== 0 || ($elementValue1->elements[$i]->combinator || ' ') !== ($elementValue2->elements[$i]->combinator || ' ') ){
return false;
if( !$this->isElementValuesEqual($elementValue1->elements[$i]->value, $elementValue2->elements[$i]->value) ){
return false;
return true;
* @param Less_Tree_Attribute $elementValue1
private function isAttributeValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ){
if( $elementValue1->op !== $elementValue2->op || $elementValue1->key !== $elementValue2->key ){
return false;
if( !$elementValue1->value || !$elementValue2->value ){
if( $elementValue1->value || $elementValue2->value ) {
return false;
return true;
$elementValue1 = ($elementValue1->value->value ? $elementValue1->value->value : $elementValue1->value );
$elementValue2 = ($elementValue2->value->value ? $elementValue2->value->value : $elementValue2->value );
return $elementValue1 === $elementValue2;
private function extendSelector($matches, $selectorPath, $replacementSelector){
//for a set of matches, replace each match with the replacement selector
$currentSelectorPathIndex = 0;
$currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0;
$path = array();
$selectorPath_len = count($selectorPath);
for($matchIndex = 0, $matches_len = count($matches); $matchIndex < $matches_len; $matchIndex++ ){
$match = $matches[$matchIndex];
$selector = $selectorPath[ $match['pathIndex'] ];
$firstElement = new Less_Tree_Element(
if( $match['pathIndex'] > $currentSelectorPathIndex && $currentSelectorPathElementIndex > 0 ){
$last_path = end($path);
$last_path->elements = array_merge( $last_path->elements, array_slice( $selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex));
$currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0;
$newElements = array_merge(
array_slice($selector->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex, ($match['index'] - $currentSelectorPathElementIndex) ) // last parameter of array_slice is different than the last parameter of javascript's slice
, array($firstElement)
, array_slice($replacementSelector->elements,1)
if( $currentSelectorPathIndex === $match['pathIndex'] && $matchIndex > 0 ){
$last_key = count($path)-1;
$path[$last_key]->elements = array_merge($path[$last_key]->elements,$newElements);
$path = array_merge( $path, array_slice( $selectorPath, $currentSelectorPathIndex, $match['pathIndex'] ));
$path[] = new Less_Tree_Selector( $newElements );
$currentSelectorPathIndex = $match['endPathIndex'];
$currentSelectorPathElementIndex = $match['endPathElementIndex'];
if( $currentSelectorPathElementIndex >= count($selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements) ){
$currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0;
if( $currentSelectorPathIndex < $selectorPath_len && $currentSelectorPathElementIndex > 0 ){
$last_path = end($path);
$last_path->elements = array_merge( $last_path->elements, array_slice($selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex));
$slice_len = $selectorPath_len - $currentSelectorPathIndex;
$path = array_merge($path, array_slice($selectorPath, $currentSelectorPathIndex, $slice_len));
return $path;
protected function visitMedia( $mediaNode ){
$newAllExtends = array_merge( $mediaNode->allExtends, end($this->allExtendsStack) );
$this->allExtendsStack[] = $this->doExtendChaining($newAllExtends, $mediaNode->allExtends);
protected function visitMediaOut(){
array_pop( $this->allExtendsStack );
protected function visitDirective( $directiveNode ){
$newAllExtends = array_merge( $directiveNode->allExtends, end($this->allExtendsStack) );
$this->allExtendsStack[] = $this->doExtendChaining($newAllExtends, $directiveNode->allExtends);
protected function visitDirectiveOut(){
* toCSS Visitor
* @package Less
* @subpackage visitor
class Less_Visitor_toCSS extends Less_VisitorReplacing{
private $charset;
function __construct(){
* @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root
function run( $root ){
return $this->visitObj($root);
function visitRule( $ruleNode ){
if( $ruleNode->variable ){
return array();
return $ruleNode;
function visitMixinDefinition($mixinNode){
// mixin definitions do not get eval'd - this means they keep state
// so we have to clear that state here so it isn't used if toCSS is called twice
$mixinNode->frames = array();
return array();
function visitExtend(){
return array();
function visitComment( $commentNode ){
if( $commentNode->isSilent() ){
return array();
return $commentNode;
function visitMedia( $mediaNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
if( !$mediaNode->rules ){
return array();
return $mediaNode;
function visitDirective( $directiveNode ){
if( isset($directiveNode->currentFileInfo['reference']) && (!property_exists($directiveNode,'isReferenced') || !$directiveNode->isReferenced) ){
return array();
if( $directiveNode->name === '@charset' ){
// Only output the debug info together with subsequent @charset definitions
// a comment (or @media statement) before the actual @charset directive would
// be considered illegal css as it has to be on the first line
if( isset($this->charset) && $this->charset ){
//if( $directiveNode->debugInfo ){
// $comment = new Less_Tree_Comment('/* ' . str_replace("\n",'',$directiveNode->toCSS())." */\n");
// $comment->debugInfo = $directiveNode->debugInfo;
// return $this->visit($comment);
return array();
$this->charset = true;
return $directiveNode;
function checkPropertiesInRoot( $rulesetNode ){
if( !$rulesetNode->firstRoot ){
foreach($rulesetNode->rules as $ruleNode){
if( $ruleNode instanceof Less_Tree_Rule && !$ruleNode->variable ){
$msg = "properties must be inside selector blocks, they cannot be in the root. Index ".$ruleNode->index.($ruleNode->currentFileInfo ? (' Filename: '.$ruleNode->currentFileInfo['filename']) : null);
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($msg);
function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode, &$visitDeeper ){
$visitDeeper = false;
$this->checkPropertiesInRoot( $rulesetNode );
if( $rulesetNode->root ){
return $this->visitRulesetRoot( $rulesetNode );
$rulesets = array();
$rulesetNode->paths = $this->visitRulesetPaths($rulesetNode);
// Compile rules and rulesets
$nodeRuleCnt = count($rulesetNode->rules);
for( $i = 0; $i < $nodeRuleCnt; ){
$rule = $rulesetNode->rules[$i];
if( property_exists($rule,'rules') ){
// visit because we are moving them out from being a child
$rulesets[] = $this->visitObj($rule);
// accept the visitor to remove rules and refactor itself
// then we can decide now whether we want it or not
if( $nodeRuleCnt > 0 ){
if( $rulesetNode->rules ){
if( count($rulesetNode->rules) > 1 ){
$this->_mergeRules( $rulesetNode->rules );
$this->_removeDuplicateRules( $rulesetNode->rules );
// now decide whether we keep the ruleset
if( $rulesetNode->paths ){
//array_unshift($rulesets, $rulesetNode);
if( count($rulesets) === 1 ){
return $rulesets[0];
return $rulesets;
* Helper function for visitiRuleset
* return array|Less_Tree_Ruleset
private function visitRulesetRoot( $rulesetNode ){
$rulesetNode->accept( $this );
if( $rulesetNode->firstRoot || $rulesetNode->rules ){
return $rulesetNode;
return array();
* Helper function for visitRuleset()
* @return array
private function visitRulesetPaths($rulesetNode){
$paths = array();
foreach($rulesetNode->paths as $p){
if( $p[0]->elements[0]->combinator === ' ' ){
$p[0]->elements[0]->combinator = '';
foreach($p as $pi){
if( $pi->getIsReferenced() && $pi->getIsOutput() ){
$paths[] = $p;
return $paths;
function _removeDuplicateRules( &$rules ){
// remove duplicates
$ruleCache = array();
for( $i = count($rules)-1; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ){
$rule = $rules[$i];
if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ){
if( !isset($ruleCache[$rule->name]) ){
$ruleCache[$rule->name] = $rule;
$ruleList =& $ruleCache[$rule->name];
if( $ruleList instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $ruleList instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ){
$ruleList = $ruleCache[$rule->name] = array( $ruleCache[$rule->name]->toCSS() );
$ruleCSS = $rule->toCSS();
if( array_search($ruleCSS,$ruleList) !== false ){
$ruleList[] = $ruleCSS;
function _mergeRules( &$rules ){
$groups = array();
$rules_len = count($rules);
for( $i = 0; $i < $rules_len; $i++ ){
$rule = $rules[$i];
if( ($rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) && $rule->merge ){
$key = $rule->name;
if( $rule->important ){
$key .= ',!';
if( !isset($groups[$key]) ){
$groups[$key] = array();
array_splice($rules, $i--, 1);
$groups[$key][] = $rule;
foreach($groups as $parts){
if( count($parts) > 1 ){
$rule = $parts[0];
$spacedGroups = array();
$lastSpacedGroup = array();
$parts_mapped = array();
foreach($parts as $p){
if( $p->merge === '+' ){
if( $lastSpacedGroup ){
$spacedGroups[] = self::toExpression($lastSpacedGroup);
$lastSpacedGroup = array();
$lastSpacedGroup[] = $p;
$spacedGroups[] = self::toExpression($lastSpacedGroup);
$rule->value = self::toValue($spacedGroups);
static function toExpression($values){
$mapped = array();
foreach($values as $p){
$mapped[] = $p->value;
return new Less_Tree_Expression( $mapped );
static function toValue($values){
//return new Less_Tree_Value($values); ??
$mapped = array();
foreach($values as $p){
$mapped[] = $p;
return new Less_Tree_Value($mapped);
* Parser Exception
* @package Less
* @subpackage exception
class Less_Exception_Parser extends Exception{
* The current file
* @var Less_ImportedFile
public $currentFile;
* The current parser index
* @var integer
public $index;
protected $input;
protected $details = array();
* Constructor
* @param string $message
* @param Exception $previous Previous exception
* @param integer $index The current parser index
* @param Less_FileInfo|string $currentFile The file
* @param integer $code The exception code
public function __construct($message = null, Exception $previous = null, $index = null, $currentFile = null, $code = 0){
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) {
$this->previous = $previous;
parent::__construct($message, $code);
} else {
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
$this->currentFile = $currentFile;
$this->index = $index;
protected function getInput(){
if( !$this->input && $this->currentFile && $this->currentFile['filename'] ){
$this->input = file_get_contents( $this->currentFile['filename'] );
* Converts the exception to string
* @return string
public function genMessage(){
if( $this->currentFile && $this->currentFile['filename'] ){
$this->message .= ' in '.basename($this->currentFile['filename']);
if( $this->index !== null ){
if( $this->input ){
$line = self::getLineNumber();
$this->message .= ' on line '.$line.', column '.self::getColumn();
$lines = explode("\n",$this->input);
$count = count($lines);
$start_line = max(0, $line-3);
$last_line = min($count, $start_line+6);
$num_len = strlen($last_line);
for( $i = $start_line; $i < $last_line; $i++ ){
$this->message .= "\n".str_pad($i+1,$num_len,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'| '.$lines[$i];
* Returns the line number the error was encountered
* @return integer
public function getLineNumber(){
if( $this->index ){
return substr_count($this->input, "\n", 0, $this->index) + 1;
return 1;
* Returns the column the error was encountered
* @return integer
public function getColumn(){
$part = substr($this->input, 0, $this->index);
$pos = strrpos($part,"\n");
return $this->index - $pos;
* Chunk Exception
* @package Less
* @subpackage exception
class Less_Exception_Chunk extends Less_Exception_Parser{
protected $parserCurrentIndex = 0;
protected $emitFrom = 0;
protected $input_len;
* Constructor
* @param string $input
* @param Exception $previous Previous exception
* @param integer $index The current parser index
* @param Less_FileInfo|string $currentFile The file
* @param integer $code The exception code
public function __construct($input, Exception $previous = null, $index = null, $currentFile = null, $code = 0){
$this->message = 'ParseError: Unexpected input'; //default message
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFile = $currentFile;
$this->input = $input;
$this->input_len = strlen($input);
* See less.js chunks()
* We don't actually need the chunks
function Chunks(){
$level = 0;
$parenLevel = 0;
$lastMultiCommentEndBrace = null;
$lastOpening = null;
$lastMultiComment = null;
$lastParen = null;
for( $this->parserCurrentIndex = 0; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++ ){
$cc = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex);
if ((($cc >= 97) && ($cc <= 122)) || ($cc < 34)) {
// a-z or whitespace
switch ($cc) {
// (
case 40:
$lastParen = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
// )
case 41:
if( $parenLevel < 0 ){
return $this->fail("missing opening `(`");
// ;
case 59:
//if (!$parenLevel) { $this->emitChunk(); }
// {
case 123:
$lastOpening = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
// }
case 125:
if( $level < 0 ){
return $this->fail("missing opening `{`");
//if (!$level && !$parenLevel) { $this->emitChunk(); }
// \
case 92:
if ($this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1) { $this->parserCurrentIndex++; continue; }
return $this->fail("unescaped `\\`");
// ", ' and `
case 34:
case 39:
case 96:
$matched = 0;
$currentChunkStartIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) {
$cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex);
if ($cc2 > 96) { continue; }
if ($cc2 == $cc) { $matched = 1; break; }
if ($cc2 == 92) { // \
if ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1) {
return $this->fail("unescaped `\\`");
if ($matched) { continue; }
return $this->fail("unmatched `" + chr($cc) + "`", $currentChunkStartIndex);
// /, check for comment
case 47:
if ($parenLevel || ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1)) { continue; }
$cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1);
if ($cc2 == 47) {
// //, find lnfeed
for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 2; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) {
$cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex);
if (($cc2 <= 13) && (($cc2 == 10) || ($cc2 == 13))) { break; }
} else if ($cc2 == 42) {
// /*, find */
$lastMultiComment = $currentChunkStartIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 2; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) {
$cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex);
if ($cc2 == 125) { $lastMultiCommentEndBrace = $this->parserCurrentIndex; }
if ($cc2 != 42) { continue; }
if ($this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1) == 47) { break; }
if ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1) {
return $this->fail("missing closing `*/`", $currentChunkStartIndex);
// *, check for unmatched */
case 42:
if (($this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1) && ($this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1) == 47)) {
return $this->fail("unmatched `/*`");
if( $level !== 0 ){
if( ($lastMultiComment > $lastOpening) && ($lastMultiCommentEndBrace > $lastMultiComment) ){
return $this->fail("missing closing `}` or `*/`", $lastOpening);
} else {
return $this->fail("missing closing `}`", $lastOpening);
} else if ( $parenLevel !== 0 ){
return $this->fail("missing closing `)`", $lastParen);
//chunk didn't fail
function CharCode($pos){
return ord($this->input[$pos]);
function fail( $msg, $index = null ){
if( !$index ){
$this->index = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
$this->index = $index;
$this->message = 'ParseError: '.$msg;
function emitChunk( $force = false ){
$len = $this->parserCurrentIndex - $this->emitFrom;
if ((($len < 512) && !$force) || !$len) {
$chunks[] = substr($this->input, $this->emitFrom, $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1 - $this->emitFrom );
$this->emitFrom = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1;
* Compiler Exception
* @package Less
* @subpackage exception
class Less_Exception_Compiler extends Less_Exception_Parser{
* Parser output with source map
* @package Less
* @subpackage Output
class Less_Output_Mapped extends Less_Output {
* The source map generator
* @var Less_SourceMap_Generator
protected $generator;
* Current line
* @var integer
protected $lineNumber = 0;
* Current column
* @var integer
protected $column = 0;
* Array of contents map (file and its content)
* @var array
protected $contentsMap = array();
* Constructor
* @param array $contentsMap Array of filename to contents map
* @param Less_SourceMap_Generator $generator
public function __construct(array $contentsMap, $generator){
$this->contentsMap = $contentsMap;
$this->generator = $generator;
* Adds a chunk to the stack
* The $index for less.php may be different from less.js since less.php does not chunkify inputs
* @param string $chunk
* @param string $fileInfo
* @param integer $index
* @param mixed $mapLines
public function add($chunk, $fileInfo = null, $index = 0, $mapLines = null){
//ignore adding empty strings
if( $chunk === '' ){
$sourceLines = array();
$sourceColumns = ' ';
if( $fileInfo ){
$url = $fileInfo['currentUri'];
if( isset($this->contentsMap[$url]) ){
$inputSource = substr($this->contentsMap[$url], 0, $index);
$sourceLines = explode("\n", $inputSource);
$sourceColumns = end($sourceLines);
throw new Exception('Filename '.$url.' not in contentsMap');
$lines = explode("\n", $chunk);
$columns = end($lines);
$this->lineNumber + 1, // generated_line
$this->column, // generated_column
count($sourceLines), // original_line
strlen($sourceColumns), // original_column
for($i = 0, $count = count($lines); $i < $count; $i++){
$this->lineNumber + $i + 1, // generated_line
$i === 0 ? $this->column : 0, // generated_column
count($sourceLines) + $i, // original_line
$i === 0 ? strlen($sourceColumns) : 0, // original_column
if(count($lines) === 1){
$this->column += strlen($columns);
$this->lineNumber += count($lines) - 1;
$this->column = strlen($columns);
// add only chunk
* Encode / Decode Base64 VLQ.
* @package Less
* @subpackage SourceMap
class Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ {
* Shift
* @var integer
private $shift = 5;
* Mask
* @var integer
private $mask = 0x1F; // == (1 << shift) == 0b00011111
* Continuation bit
* @var integer
private $continuationBit = 0x20; // == (mask - 1 ) == 0b00100000
* Char to integer map
* @var array
private $charToIntMap = array(
'A' => 0, 'B' => 1, 'C' => 2, 'D' => 3, 'E' => 4, 'F' => 5, 'G' => 6,
'H' => 7,'I' => 8, 'J' => 9, 'K' => 10, 'L' => 11, 'M' => 12, 'N' => 13,
'O' => 14, 'P' => 15, 'Q' => 16, 'R' => 17, 'S' => 18, 'T' => 19, 'U' => 20,
'V' => 21, 'W' => 22, 'X' => 23, 'Y' => 24, 'Z' => 25, 'a' => 26, 'b' => 27,
'c' => 28, 'd' => 29, 'e' => 30, 'f' => 31, 'g' => 32, 'h' => 33, 'i' => 34,
'j' => 35, 'k' => 36, 'l' => 37, 'm' => 38, 'n' => 39, 'o' => 40, 'p' => 41,
'q' => 42, 'r' => 43, 's' => 44, 't' => 45, 'u' => 46, 'v' => 47, 'w' => 48,
'x' => 49, 'y' => 50, 'z' => 51, 0 => 52, 1 => 53, 2 => 54, 3 => 55, 4 => 56,
5 => 57, 6 => 58, 7 => 59, 8 => 60, 9 => 61, '+' => 62, '/' => 63,
* Integer to char map
* @var array
private $intToCharMap = array(
0 => 'A', 1 => 'B', 2 => 'C', 3 => 'D', 4 => 'E', 5 => 'F', 6 => 'G',
7 => 'H', 8 => 'I', 9 => 'J', 10 => 'K', 11 => 'L', 12 => 'M', 13 => 'N',
14 => 'O', 15 => 'P', 16 => 'Q', 17 => 'R', 18 => 'S', 19 => 'T', 20 => 'U',
21 => 'V', 22 => 'W', 23 => 'X', 24 => 'Y', 25 => 'Z', 26 => 'a', 27 => 'b',
28 => 'c', 29 => 'd', 30 => 'e', 31 => 'f', 32 => 'g', 33 => 'h', 34 => 'i',
35 => 'j', 36 => 'k', 37 => 'l', 38 => 'm', 39 => 'n', 40 => 'o', 41 => 'p',
42 => 'q', 43 => 'r', 44 => 's', 45 => 't', 46 => 'u', 47 => 'v', 48 => 'w',
49 => 'x', 50 => 'y', 51 => 'z', 52 => '0', 53 => '1', 54 => '2', 55 => '3',
56 => '4', 57 => '5', 58 => '6', 59 => '7', 60 => '8', 61 => '9', 62 => '+',
63 => '/',
* Constructor
public function __construct(){
// I leave it here for future reference
// foreach(str_split('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/') as $i => $char)
// {
// $this->charToIntMap[$char] = $i;
// $this->intToCharMap[$i] = $char;
// }
* Convert from a two-complement value to a value where the sign bit is
* is placed in the least significant bit. For example, as decimals:
* 1 becomes 2 (10 binary), -1 becomes 3 (11 binary)
* 2 becomes 4 (100 binary), -2 becomes 5 (101 binary)
* We generate the value for 32 bit machines, hence -2147483648 becomes 1, not 4294967297,
* even on a 64 bit machine.
* @param string $aValue
public function toVLQSigned($aValue){
return 0xffffffff & ($aValue < 0 ? ((-$aValue) << 1) + 1 : ($aValue << 1) + 0);
* Convert to a two-complement value from a value where the sign bit is
* is placed in the least significant bit. For example, as decimals:
* 2 (10 binary) becomes 1, 3 (11 binary) becomes -1
* 4 (100 binary) becomes 2, 5 (101 binary) becomes -2
* We assume that the value was generated with a 32 bit machine in mind.
* Hence
* 1 becomes -2147483648
* even on a 64 bit machine.
* @param integer $aValue
public function fromVLQSigned($aValue){
return $aValue & 1 ? $this->zeroFill(~$aValue + 2, 1) | (-1 - 0x7fffffff) : $this->zeroFill($aValue, 1);
* Return the base 64 VLQ encoded value.
* @param string $aValue The value to encode
* @return string The encoded value
public function encode($aValue){
$encoded = '';
$vlq = $this->toVLQSigned($aValue);
$digit = $vlq & $this->mask;
$vlq = $this->zeroFill($vlq, $this->shift);
if($vlq > 0){
$digit |= $this->continuationBit;
$encoded .= $this->base64Encode($digit);
} while($vlq > 0);
return $encoded;
* Return the value decoded from base 64 VLQ.
* @param string $encoded The encoded value to decode
* @return integer The decoded value
public function decode($encoded){
$vlq = 0;
$i = 0;
$digit = $this->base64Decode($encoded[$i]);
$vlq |= ($digit & $this->mask) << ($i * $this->shift);
} while($digit & $this->continuationBit);
return $this->fromVLQSigned($vlq);
* Right shift with zero fill.
* @param integer $a number to shift
* @param integer $b number of bits to shift
* @return integer
public function zeroFill($a, $b){
return ($a >= 0) ? ($a >> $b) : ($a >> $b) & (PHP_INT_MAX >> ($b - 1));
* Encode single 6-bit digit as base64.
* @param integer $number
* @return string
* @throws Exception If the number is invalid
public function base64Encode($number){
if($number < 0 || $number > 63){
throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid number "%s" given. Must be between 0 and 63.', $number));
return $this->intToCharMap[$number];
* Decode single 6-bit digit from base64
* @param string $char
* @return number
* @throws Exception If the number is invalid
public function base64Decode($char){
if(!array_key_exists($char, $this->charToIntMap)){
throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid base 64 digit "%s" given.', $char));
return $this->charToIntMap[$char];
* Source map generator
* @package Less
* @subpackage Output
class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable {
* What version of source map does the generator generate?
const VERSION = 3;
* Array of default options
* @var array
protected $defaultOptions = array(
// an optional source root, useful for relocating source files
// on a server or removing repeated values in the 'sources' entry.
// This value is prepended to the individual entries in the 'source' field.
'sourceRoot' => '',
// an optional name of the generated code that this source map is associated with.
'sourceMapFilename' => null,
// url of the map
'sourceMapURL' => null,
// absolute path to a file to write the map to
'sourceMapWriteTo' => null,
// output source contents?
'outputSourceFiles' => false,
// base path for filename normalization
'sourceMapBasepath' => ''
* The base64 VLQ encoder
* @var Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ
protected $encoder;
* Array of mappings
* @var array
protected $mappings = array();
* The root node
* @var Less_Tree_Ruleset
protected $root;
* Array of contents map
* @var array
protected $contentsMap = array();
* File to content map
* @var array
protected $sources = array();
* Constructor
* @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root The root node
* @param array $options Array of options
public function __construct(Less_Tree_Ruleset $root, $contentsMap, $options = array()){
$this->root = $root;
$this->contentsMap = $contentsMap;
$this->encoder = new Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ();
// fix windows paths
if( isset($this->options['sourceMapBasepath']) ){
$this->options['sourceMapBasepath'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->options['sourceMapBasepath']);
* Generates the CSS
* @return string
public function generateCSS(){
$output = new Less_Output_Mapped($this->contentsMap, $this);
// catch the output
$sourceMapUrl = $this->getOption('sourceMapURL');
$sourceMapFilename = $this->getOption('sourceMapFilename');
$sourceMapContent = $this->generateJson();
$sourceMapWriteTo = $this->getOption('sourceMapWriteTo');
if( !$sourceMapUrl && $sourceMapFilename ){
$sourceMapUrl = $this->normalizeFilename($sourceMapFilename);
// write map to a file
if( $sourceMapWriteTo ){
$this->saveMap($sourceMapWriteTo, $sourceMapContent);
// inline the map
if( !$sourceMapUrl ){
$sourceMapUrl = sprintf('data:application/json,%s', Less_Functions::encodeURIComponent($sourceMapContent));
if( $sourceMapUrl ){
$output->add( sprintf('/*# sourceMappingURL=%s */', $sourceMapUrl) );
return $output->toString();
* Saves the source map to a file
* @param string $file The absolute path to a file
* @param string $content The content to write
* @throws Exception If the file could not be saved
protected function saveMap($file, $content){
$dir = dirname($file);
// directory does not exist
if( !is_dir($dir) ){
// FIXME: create the dir automatically?
throw new Exception(sprintf('The directory "%s" does not exist. Cannot save the source map.', $dir));
// FIXME: proper saving, with dir write check!
if(file_put_contents($file, $content) === false){
throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot save the source map to "%s"', $file));
return true;
* Normalizes the filename
* @param string $filename
* @return string
protected function normalizeFilename($filename){
$filename = str_replace('\\', '/', $filename);
$basePath = $this->getOption('sourceMapBasepath');
if( $basePath && ($pos = strpos($filename, $basePath)) !== false ){
$filename = substr($filename, $pos + strlen($basePath));
if(strpos($filename, '\\') === 0 || strpos($filename, '/') === 0){
$filename = substr($filename, 1);
return sprintf('%s%s', $this->getOption('sourceMapRootpath'), $filename);
* Adds a mapping
* @param integer $generatedLine The line number in generated file
* @param integer $generatedColumn The column number in generated file
* @param integer $originalLine The line number in original file
* @param integer $originalColumn The column number in original file
* @param string $sourceFile The original source file
public function addMapping($generatedLine, $generatedColumn, $originalLine, $originalColumn, $sourceFile){
$this->mappings[] = array(
'generated_line' => $generatedLine,
'generated_column' => $generatedColumn,
'original_line' => $originalLine,
'original_column' => $originalColumn,
'source_file' => $sourceFile
$norm_file = $this->normalizeFilename($sourceFile);
$this->sources[$norm_file] = $sourceFile;
* Generates the JSON source map
* @return string
* @see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/edit#
protected function generateJson(){
$sourceMap = array();
$mappings = $this->generateMappings();
// File version (always the first entry in the object) and must be a positive integer.
$sourceMap['version'] = self::VERSION;
// An optional name of the generated code that this source map is associated with.
$file = $this->getOption('sourceMapFilename');
if( $file ){
$sourceMap['file'] = $file;
// An optional source root, useful for relocating source files on a server or removing repeated values in the 'sources' entry. This value is prepended to the individual entries in the 'source' field.
$root = $this->getOption('sourceRoot');
if( $root ){
$sourceMap['sourceRoot'] = $root;
// A list of original sources used by the 'mappings' entry.
$sourceMap['sources'] = array_keys($this->sources);
// A list of symbol names used by the 'mappings' entry.
$sourceMap['names'] = array();
// A string with the encoded mapping data.
$sourceMap['mappings'] = $mappings;
if( $this->getOption('outputSourceFiles') ){
// An optional list of source content, useful when the 'source' can't be hosted.
// The contents are listed in the same order as the sources above.
// 'null' may be used if some original sources should be retrieved by name.
$sourceMap['sourcesContent'] = $this->getSourcesContent();
// less.js compat fixes
if( count($sourceMap['sources']) && empty($sourceMap['sourceRoot']) ){
return json_encode($sourceMap);
* Returns the sources contents
* @return array|null
protected function getSourcesContent(){
$content = array();
foreach($this->sources as $sourceFile){
$content[] = file_get_contents($sourceFile);
return $content;
* Generates the mappings string
* @return string
public function generateMappings(){
if( !count($this->mappings) ){
return '';
// group mappings by generated line number.
$groupedMap = $groupedMapEncoded = array();
foreach($this->mappings as $m){
$groupedMap[$m['generated_line']][] = $m;
$lastGeneratedLine = $lastOriginalIndex = $lastOriginalLine = $lastOriginalColumn = 0;
foreach($groupedMap as $lineNumber => $line_map){
while(++$lastGeneratedLine < $lineNumber){
$groupedMapEncoded[] = ';';
$lineMapEncoded = array();
$lastGeneratedColumn = 0;
foreach($line_map as $m){
$mapEncoded = $this->encoder->encode($m['generated_column'] - $lastGeneratedColumn);
$lastGeneratedColumn = $m['generated_column'];
// find the index
if( $m['source_file'] ){
$index = $this->findFileIndex($this->normalizeFilename($m['source_file']));
if( $index !== false ){
$mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode($index - $lastOriginalIndex);
$lastOriginalIndex = $index;
// lines are stored 0-based in SourceMap spec version 3
$mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode($m['original_line'] - 1 - $lastOriginalLine);
$lastOriginalLine = $m['original_line'] - 1;
$mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode($m['original_column'] - $lastOriginalColumn);
$lastOriginalColumn = $m['original_column'];
$lineMapEncoded[] = $mapEncoded;
$groupedMapEncoded[] = implode(',', $lineMapEncoded) . ';';
return rtrim(implode($groupedMapEncoded), ';');
* Finds the index for the filename
* @param string $filename
* @return integer|false
protected function findFileIndex($filename){
return array_search($filename, array_keys($this->sources));
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0