Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/kichler.com.au/plugins/system/t3/includes/depend/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/kichler.com.au/plugins/system/t3/includes/depend/js/depend.js |
/** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @package T3 Framework for Joomla! *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2013 JoomlArt.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt * @authors JoomlArt, JoomlaBamboo, (contribute to this project at github * & Google group to become co-author) * @Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/t3fw * @Link: http://t3-framework.org *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ !function($){ var T3Depend = window.T3Depend = window.T3Depend || { depends: {}, controls: {}, infos: {}, ajaxs: {}, register: function(to, depend){ var controls = this.controls; if(!controls[to]){ controls[to] = []; var inst = this; this.elmsFrom(to).on('change.less', function(e){ inst.change(this); }); } if($.inArray(depend, controls[to]) == -1){ controls[to].push(depend); } }, change: function(ctrlelm){ var controls = this.controls, depends = this.depends, ctrls = controls[ctrlelm.name], form = this; if(!ctrls){ ctrls = controls[ctrlelm.name.substr(0, ctrlelm.name.length - 2)]; } if(!ctrls){ return false; } $.each(ctrls, function(idx, ectrl){ var showup = true; $.each(depends[ectrl], function(ctrl, cvals){ if(showup){ var celms = form.elmsFrom(ctrl); showup = showup && !!($.grep(celms, function(celm){ return celm._disabled; }).length == 0); if(showup){ showup = showup && !!($.grep(form.valuesFrom(celms), function(val){ return ($.inArray(val, cvals) != -1); }).length); } } }); form.elmsFrom(ectrl).each(function(){ if(showup){ form.enable(this); } else { form.disable(this); } }); if(controls[ectrl] && controls[ectrl] != ectrl){ form.elmsFrom(this).eq(0).trigger('change'); } }); }, add: function(control, info){ var depends = this.depends, infos = this.infos, form = this, name = info.group + '[' + control + ']'; info = $.extend({ group: 'params', hide: true }, info); $.each(info.elms.split(','), function(el){ var elm = info.group +'[' + $.trim(this) + ']'; if (!depends[elm]) { depends[elm] = {}; } //save info if (!infos[elm]){ infos[elm] = info; } else { $.extend(infos[elm], info); } if (!depends[elm][name]) { depends[elm][name] = []; } depends[elm][name] = depends[elm][name].concat(info.vals.split(',')); form.register(name, elm); }); }, start: function(){ $(document.adminForm).find('h4.block-head').parent().addClass('segment'); this.update(); }, update: function () { var form = this; $.each(this.controls, function(ctrl, ctrls){ form.elmsFrom(ctrl).trigger('change'); }); }, enable: function (el) { el._disabled = false; //selector 'li' is J2.5 compactible if(this.infos[el.name] && this.infos[el.name].hide){ $(el).closest('.adminformlist > li, div.control-group').css('display', 'block'); } else { $(el).closest('.controls, .t3-controls').children().removeClass('disabled'); } }, disable: function (el) { el._disabled = true; //selector 'li' is J2.5 compactible if(this.infos[el.name] && this.infos[el.name].hide){ $(el).closest('.adminformlist > li, div.control-group').css('display', 'none'); } else { $(el).closest('.controls, .t3-controls').children().addClass('disabled'); } }, elmsFrom: function(name){ var el = document.adminForm[name]; if(!el){ el = document.adminForm[name + '[]']; } return $(el); }, valuesFrom: function(els){ var vals = []; $(els).each(function(){ var type = this.type, val = $.makeArray(((type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox') && !this.checked) ? null : $(this).val()); for (var i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++){ if($.inArray(val[i], vals) == -1){ vals.push(val[i]); } } }); return vals; }, addajax: function(name, info){ var ajaxs = this.ajaxs; info = $.extend({ url: info.site == 'admin' ? T3Depend.adminurl : T3Depend.rooturl, func: '' }, info); if(info.query){ var urlparts = info.url.split('#'); if(urlparts[0].indexOf('?') == -1){ urlparts[0] += '?' + info.query; } else { urlparts[0] += '&' + info.query; } info.url = urlparts.join('#'); } if(!ajaxs[name]){ ajaxs[name] = {}; var inst = this; this.elmsFrom(name).on('change.less', function(e){ inst.loadajax(this); }); } ajaxs[name].info = info; }, loadajax: function(ctrlelm){ var ajaxs = this.ajaxs, name = ctrlelm.name, ctrl = ajaxs[name], form = this; if(!ctrl){ ctrl = ajaxs[name.substr(0, name.length - 2)]; } if(!ctrl){ return false; } var info = ctrl.info; if(!info){ return false; } if(ctrl.elms && ctrl.elms.length){ $(ctrl.elms).remove(); ctrl.elms.length = 0; } else { ctrl.elms = []; } if(!this.progElm){ } if(!this.progElm){ this.progElm = $('.t3-progress'); if(!this.progElm.length){ this.progElm = $('<div class="t3-progress"></div>') } this.progElm.appendTo(document.body); var placed = $('#toolbar-box'); if(!placed.length){ placed = $('#t3-admin-toolbar'); } if(placed.length){ this.progElm.appendTo(placed); } } //progress bar //show it first if($.support.transition){ form.progElm .removeClass('t3-anim-slow t3-anim-finish') .css('width', ''); setTimeout(function(){ if(!form.progElm.hasClass('t3-anim-finish')){ form.progElm .addClass('t3-anim-slow') .css('width', 50 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + '%'); } }); } else { form.progElm.stop(true).css({ width: '0%', display: 'block' }).animate({ width: 50 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + '%' }); } $.get(info.url, { jvalue: form.valuesFrom(form.elmsFrom(name))[0], _: $.now() }).always(function(){ //progress bar if($.support.transition){ form.progElm .removeClass('t3-anim-slow') .addClass('t3-anim-finish') .one($.support.transition.end, function () { setTimeout(function(){ if(form.progElm.hasClass('t3-anim-finish')){ $(form.progElm).removeClass('t3-anim-finish'); } }, 1000); }); } else { $(form.progElm).stop(true).animate({ width: '100%' }, function(){ $(form.progElm).hide(); }); } }).done(function(rsp){ var parts = ctrl.info.func.split('.'), fobj = window; for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){ if(!(fobj = fobj[parts[i]])) { break; } } if(fobj && i == parts.length && $.isFunction(fobj)){ fobj(form, ctrlelm, ctrl, rsp); } }); }, segment: function(seg){ if($(seg).hasClass('close')){ this.showseg(seg); } else { this.hideseg(seg); } }, showseg: function(seg){ var segelm = $(seg), snext = segelm.parent().next(); while(snext.length && !snext.hasClass('segment')){ snext.css('display', snext.data('jdisplay') || ''); snext = snext.next(); } segelm.removeClass('close').addClass('open'); }, hideseg: function(seg){ var segelm = $(seg), snext = segelm.parent().next(); while(snext.length && !snext.hasClass('segment')){ snext.data('jdisplay', snext.css('display')).css('display', 'none'); snext = snext.next(); } segelm.removeClass('open').addClass('close'); } }; var JAFileConfig = window.JAFileConfig = window.JAFileConfig || { vars: { }, initialize: function(optionid){ var vars = this.vars; vars.group = 't3form'; vars.el = document.getElementById(optionid); var adminlist = $('#module-sliders').find('ul.adminformlist:first'); if(adminlist.length){ $('<li class="clearfix level2"></li>').appendTo(adminlist); } }, changeProfile: function(profile){ if(profile == ''){ return; } this.vars.active = profile; this.fillData(); if(T3Depend && T3Depend.update){ T3Depend.update(); } }, serializeArray: function(){ var vars = this.vars, els = [], allelms = document.adminForm.elements, pname1 = vars.group + '\\[params\\]\\[.*\\]', pname2 = vars.group + '\\[params\\]\\[.*\\]\\[\\]'; for (var i = 0, il = allelms.length; i < il; i++){ var el = $(allelms[i]); if (el.name && ( el.name.test(pname1) || el.name.test(pname2))){ els.push(el); } } return els; }, fillData: function (){ var vars = this.vars, els = this.serializeArray(), profile = T3Depend.profiles[vars.active], form = this; if(els.length == 0 || !profile){ return; } $.each(els, function(){ var name = this.getName(this), values = (profile[name] != undefined) ? profile[name] : ''; form.setValues(this, $.makeArray(values)); }); }, valuesFrom: function(els){ var vals = []; $(els).each(function(){ var type = this.type, val = $.makeArray(((type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox') && !this.checked) ? null : $(this).val()); for (var i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++){ if($.inArray(val[i], vals) == -1){ vals.push(val[i]); } } }); return vals; }, setValues: function(el, vals){ var jel = $(el); if(jel.prop('tagName').toUpperCase() == 'SELECT'){ jel.val(vals); if($.makeArray(jel.val())[0] != vals[0]){ jel.val('-1'); } }else { if(jel.prop('type') == 'checkbox' || jel.prop('type') == 'radio'){ jel.prop('checked', $.inArray(el.value, vals) != -1); } else { jel.attr('placeholder', vals[0]); jel.val(vals[0]); } } }, getName: function(el){ var matches = el.name.match(this.vars.group + '\\[params\\]\\[([^\\]]*)\\]'); if (matches){ return matches[1]; } return ''; }, deleteProfile: function(){ if(confirm(JAFileConfig.langs.confirmDelete)){ this.submitForm(JAFileConfig.mod_url + '?dptask=delete&profile=' + this.vars.active + '&template='+ JAFileConfig.template, {}, 'profile'); } }, duplicateProfile: function (){ var nname = prompt(JAFileConfig.langs.enterName); if(nname){ nname = nname.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/g, '').replace(/ /, '').toLowerCase(); if(nname == ''){ alert(JAFileConfig.langs.correctName); return this.cloneProfile(); } JAFileConfig.profiles[nname] = JAFileConfig.profiles[this.vars.active]; this.submitForm(JAFileConfig.mod_url + '?dptask=duplicate&profile=' + nname + '&from=' + this.vars.active + '&template=' + JAFileConfig.template, {}, 'profile'); } }, saveProfile: function (task){ if(task){ JAFileConfig.profiles[this.vars.active] = this.rebuildData(); this.submitForm(JAFileConfig.mod_url + '?dptask=save&profile=' + this.vars.active, JAFileConfig.profiles[this.vars.active], 'profile', task); } }, submitForm: function(url, request, type, task){ if(JAFileConfig.run){ JAFileConfig.ajax.cancel(); } JAFileConfig.run = true; JAFileConfig.ajax = $.ajax({ type: 'post', url: url, data: request, complete: function(result){ JAFileConfig.run = false; if(result == ''){ return; } var vars = JAFileConfig; alert(json.error || json.successfull); if(result.profile){ switch (result.type){ case 'new': Joomla.submitbutton(document.adminForm.task.value); break; case 'delete': if(result.template == 0){ var opts = vars.el.options; for(var j = 0, jl = opts.length; j < jl; j++){ if(opts[j].value == result.profile){ vars.el.remove(j); break; } } } else { JAFileConfig.profiles[result.profile] = JAFileConfig.tempprofiles[result.profile]; } vars.el.options[0].selected = true; JAFileConfig.changeProfile(vars.el.options[0].value); break; case 'duplicate': vars.el.options[vars.el.options.length] = new Option(result.profile, result.profile); vars.el.options[vars.el.options.length - 1].selected = true; JAFileConfig.changeProfile(result.profile); break; default: } } } }); }, rebuildData: function (){ var els = this.serializeArray(this.group), form = this, json = {}; $.each(els, function(){ var values = form.valuesFrom(this); if(values.length){ json[this.getName(this)] = this.name.substr(-2) == '[]' ? values : values[0]; } }); return json; } }; $(window).on('load', function() { setTimeout($.proxy(T3Depend.start, T3Depend), 100); }); }(jQuery);