Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/kichler.com.au/plugins/system/jsnpoweradmin/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/kichler.com.au/plugins/system/jsnpoweradmin/assets/js/scrollbar.js |
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # JSN PowerAdmin # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # author JoomlaShine.com Team # copyright Copyright (C) 2012 JoomlaShine.com. All Rights Reserved. # Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com # Technical Support: Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/joomlashine/contact-us.html # @license - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL # @version $Id -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var JSNScrollbar = new Class ({ Implements: [Options], // Default options options: { scrollSize: 45 }, /** * Class constructor */ initialize: function (element, options) { this.el = element; this.setOptions(options); this.createUI(); this.addEvents(); }, /** * Create user interface for scrollbar * @return void */ createUI: function () { var self = this; this.scrollbar = new Element('div', { 'class': 'scrollbar' }); this.handle = new Element('div', { 'class': 'handle' }); this.viewport = new Element('div', { 'class': 'viewport' }); this.overview = new Element('div', { 'class': 'overview' }); this.scrollbar.grab(this.handle); this.viewport.grab(this.overview); this.el.getChildren().each(function (element) { self.overview.grab(element); }); this.el.adopt(this.scrollbar, this.viewport); this.el.addClass('scrollable'); this.refresh(); }, /** * Register event to handle scrollbar * @return void */ addEvents: function () { var self = this; // Add mouse wheel event to scroll element this.el.addEvent('mousewheel', function (event) { isScrollDown = event.wheel > 0 ? false : true; self.setScroll(self.options.scrollSize, isScrollDown); event.stop(); }); /** * Create drag handler for scrollbar */ if(!Browser.ie){ new Drag.Move(this.handle, { container: this.scrollbar, onDrag: function (handle) { self.drag(handle); } }); } }, /** * Scroll up/down that position is based on step * @param step * @param isScrollDown * @return void */ setScroll: function (step, isScrollDown) { var currentPosition = Math.abs(parseInt(this.overview.getStyle('top'))), newPosition = (isScrollDown) ? currentPosition + step : currentPosition - step, handleOffset = newPosition * this.viewRatio, overviewSize = this.overview.getSize(), viewportSize = this.viewport.getSize(), scrollbarSize = this.scrollbar.getSize(); if (newPosition + viewportSize.y > overviewSize.y) { newPosition = overviewSize.y - viewportSize.y; handleOffset = scrollbarSize.y - this.handle.getSize().y; } if (newPosition < 0) { newPosition = 0; handleOffset = 0; } this.handle.setStyles({ top: handleOffset }); this.overview.setStyles({ top: -newPosition }); }, /** * Set scroll offset to new position * @param position * @return void */ scrollToPosition: function (position) { var overviewSize = this.overview.getSize(), viewportSize = this.viewport.getSize(); if (typeof(position) == 'string') { position = (position == 'top') ? 0 : overviewSize.y - viewportSize.y; } if (position >= 0 && position <= overviewSize.y - viewportSize.y) { this.overview.setStyles({ top: -position }); this.handle.setStyles({ top: position * this.viewRatio }); } else { this.overview.setStyles({ top: 0 }); this.handle.setStyles({ top: 0 }); } }, /** * Handling drag event for scrollbar * @param handle * @return void */ drag: function (handle) { var handleOffset = parseInt(this.handle.getStyle('top')), offsetTop = handleOffset / this.viewRatio, viewportSize = this.viewport.getSize(), overviewSize = this.overview.getSize(); if (offsetTop > overviewSize.y - viewportSize.y) { offsetTop = overviewSize.y - viewportSize.y; } this.overview.setStyles({ top: -offsetTop }); }, getCurrentOffset: function () { return Math.abs(parseInt(this.overview.getStyle('top'))); }, /** * Update size for scrollbar, viewport * @return void */ refresh: function () { var size = this.el.getSize(), overviewSize = this.overview.getSize(), paddingTop = parseInt(this.el.getStyle('padding-top')), paddingBottom = parseInt(this.el.getStyle('padding-bottom')), borderTop = parseInt(this.el.getStyle('border-top-width')), borderBottom = parseInt(this.el.getStyle('border-bottom-width')), height = size.y - paddingTop - paddingBottom - borderTop - borderBottom, ratio = overviewSize.y > 0 ? height / overviewSize.y : 0, handleHeight = ratio * height, viewRatio = height > 0 ? handleHeight / height : 0; this.ratio = ratio; this.viewRatio = viewRatio; this.viewport.setStyles({ height: height }); this.scrollbar.setStyles({ height: height }); if (!isNaN(handleHeight)) { this.handle.setStyles({ height: handleHeight }); } if (this.ratio >= 1) { this.el.addClass('scrollbar-disabled'); } else { this.el.removeClass('scrollbar-disabled'); } } });