Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/feiss.com.au/plugins/system/t3/admin/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/feiss.com.au/plugins/system/t3/admin/js/admin.js |
/** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @package T3 Framework for Joomla! *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2013 JoomlArt.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt * @authors JoomlArt, JoomlaBamboo, (contribute to this project at github * & Google group to become co-author) * @Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/t3fw * @Link: http://t3-framework.org *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ var T3Admin = window.T3Admin || {}; !function ($) { $.extend(T3Admin, { initToolbar: function(){ //t3 added $('#t3-admin-tb-compile-all').on('click', function(){ T3Admin.compileLESS(); return false; }); $('#t3-admin-tb-compile-this').on('click', function(){ T3Admin.compileLESS($('#jform_params_theme').val() || 'default'); return false; }); $('#jform_params_theme').on('change', function(){ var compileThis = $('#t3-admin-tb-compile-this'); compileThis.find('a').html(compileThis.attr('data-msg').replace('%s', this.value || compileThis.attr('data-default'))); }); $('#t3-admin-tb-themer button').on('click', function(){ if(!T3Admin.themermode){ $('#t3-admin-tb-megamenu button').popover('hide'); T3Admin.tbmmid = 0; $(this).popover('show'); clearTimeout(T3Admin.tbthemerid); T3Admin.tbthemerid = setTimeout(function(){ $('#t3-admin-tb-themer button').popover('hide'); }, 2000); } else { $(this).popover('hide'); window.location.href = T3Admin.themerUrl; } return false; }).popover({ trigger: 'manual', placement: 'bottom', container: 'body' }); $('#t3-admin-tb-megamenu button').on('click', function(){ if($('#jform_params_navigation_type :checked').val() != 'megamenu' && !T3Admin.tbmmid){ $('#t3-admin-tb-themer button').popover('hide'); $(this).popover('show'); clearTimeout(T3Admin.tbmmid); T3Admin.tbmmid = setTimeout(function(){ $('#t3-admin-tb-megamenu button').popover('hide'); T3Admin.tbmmid = 0; }, 5000); } else { window.location.href = T3Admin.megamenuUrl; } return false; }).popover({ trigger: 'manual', placement: 'bottom', container: 'body' }); //for style toolbar $('#t3-admin-tb-style-save-save').on('click', function(){ Joomla.submitbutton('style.apply'); }); $('#t3-admin-tb-style-save-close').on('click', function(){ Joomla.submitbutton('style.save'); }); $('#t3-admin-tb-style-save-clone').on('click', function(){ Joomla.submitbutton('style.save2copy'); }); $('#t3-admin-tb-close').on('click', function(){ Joomla.submitbutton(($(this).hasClass('template') ? 'template' : 'style') + '.cancel'); }); // menu assignment toggle $('.menu-assignment-toggle').on ('click', function () { var $this = $(this), $parent = $this.parents('label').length ? $this.parents('label') : $this.parents('h5'), level = $parent.data('level'); $parent.nextAll().each (function () { if (!level || $(this).data('level') > level) { var chk = $(this).find ('.chk-menulink'); chk.prop('checked', !chk.prop('checked')); } else { return false; } }); }); // menu tree toggle $('.menu-tree-toggle').on ('click', function () { var $this = $(this), $parent = $this.parents('label'), level = $parent.data('level'), status = $this.data('status'); $parent.nextAll().each (function () { if ($(this).data('level') > level) { if (status == 'hide') $(this).removeClass ('hide'); else $(this).addClass('hide'); } else { return false; } }); if (status == 'hide') { $this.data('status', 'show'); $this.addClass ('icon-minus').removeClass ('icon-plus'); } else { $this.data('status', 'hide'); $this.removeClass ('icon-minus').addClass ('icon-plus'); } }); }, initRadioGroup: function(){ //convert to on/off $('fieldset.radio').filter(function(){ return $(this).find('input').length == 2 && $(this).find('input').filter(function(){ return $.inArray(this.value + '', ['0', '1']) !== -1; }).length == 2; }).addClass('t3onoff') .find('label').addClass(function(){ return $(this).prev('input').val() == '0' ? 'off' : 'on' }); //support eplicit define class $('.t3onoff').removeClass('btn-group').find('label').removeClass('btn'); //action $('fieldset.radio').find('label').removeClass('btn-success btn-danger btn-primary').unbind('click').click(function() { var label = $(this), input = $('#' + label.attr('for')); if (!input.prop('checked')){ label.addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); input.prop('checked', true).trigger('change'); } }); //initial state $('.radio input[checked=checked]').each(function(){ $('label[for=' + $(this).attr('id') + ']').addClass('active'); }); //update state $('.t3-admin-form').on('update', 'input[type=radio]', function(){ if(this.checked){ $(this) .closest('.radio') .find('label').removeClass('active') .filter('[for="' + this.id + '"]') .addClass('active'); } }); }, initChosen: function(){ $('#style-form').find('select').chosen({ disable_search_threshold : 10, allow_single_deselect : true }); }, improveMarkup: function(){ var jptitle = $('.pagetitle'); if (!jptitle.length){ jptitle = $('.page-title'); } if(!jptitle.length){ return; } var titles = jptitle.html().split(':'); jptitle.removeClass('icon-48-thememanager').html(titles[0] + '<small>' + titles[1] + '</small>'); //remove joomla title $('#template-manager .tpl-desc-name').remove(); //template manager - J2.5 $('#template-manager-css') .closest('form').addClass('form-inline') .find('button[type=submit]').addClass('btn'); }, hideDisabled: function(){ $('#style-form').find(':input[disabled="disabled"]').filter(function(){ return this.name && this.name.match(/^.*?\[params\]\[(.*?)\]/) }).closest('.control-group').hide(); }, initPreSubmit: function(){ var form = document.adminForm; if(!form){ return false; } var onsubmit = form.onsubmit; form.onsubmit = function(e){ var json = {}, urlparts = form.action.split('#'); if(/apply|save2copy/.test(form['task'].value)){ t3active = $('.t3-admin-nav .active a').attr('href').replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '').substr(1); if(urlparts[0].indexOf('?') == -1){ urlparts[0] += '?t3lock=' + t3active; } else { urlparts[0] += '&t3lock=' + t3active; } form.action = urlparts.join('#'); } if($.isFunction(onsubmit)){ onsubmit(); } }; }, initChangeStyle: function(){ $('#t3-styles-list').on('change', function(){ window.location.href = T3Admin.baseurl + '/index.php?option=com_templates&task=style.edit&id=' + this.value + window.location.hash; }); }, initMarkChange: function(){ var allinput = $(document.adminForm).find(':input') .each(function(){ $(this).data('org-val', (this.type == 'radio' || this.type == 'checkbox') ? $(this).prop('checked') : $(this).val()); }); setTimeout(function() { allinput.on('change', function(){ var jinput = $(this), oval = jinput.data('org-val'), nval = (this.type == 'radio' || this.type == 'checkbox') ? jinput.prop('checked') : jinput.val(), eq = true; if(oval != nval){ if($.isArray(oval) && $.isArray(nval)){ if(oval.length != nval.length){ eq = false; } else { for(var i = 0; i < oval.length; i++){ if(oval[i] != nval[i]){ eq = false; break; } } } } else { eq = false; } } var jgroup = jinput.closest('.control-group'), jpane = jgroup.closest('.tab-pane'), chretain = Math.max(0, (jgroup.data('chretain') || 0) + (!eq && jinput.data('included') ? 0 : (eq ? -1 : 1))); jgroup.data('chretain', chretain).toggleClass('t3-changed', !!(chretain)); $('.t3-admin-nav .nav li').eq(jpane.index()).toggleClass('t3-changed', !!(!eq || jpane.find('.t3-changed').length)); if(this.type == 'radio'){ jinput = jinput.add(jgroup.find('[name="' + this.name + '"]')); } jinput.data('included', !eq); }); }, 500); }, initCheckupdate: function(){ var tinfo = $('#t3-admin-tpl-info dd'), finfo = $('#t3-admin-frmk-info dd'); T3Admin.chkupdating = null; T3Admin.tplname = tinfo.eq(0).html(); T3Admin.tplversion = tinfo.eq(1).html(); T3Admin.frmkname = finfo.eq(0).html(); T3Admin.frmkversion = finfo.eq(1).html(); $('#t3-admin-framework-home .updater, #t3-admin-template-home .updater').on('click', 'a.btn', function(){ //if it is outdated, then we go direct to link if($(this).closest('.updater').hasClass('outdated')){ return true; } //if we are checking, ignore this click, wait for it complete if(T3Admin.chkupdating){ return false; } //checking $(this).addClass('loading'); T3Admin.chkupdating = this; T3Admin.checkUpdate(); return false; }); }, checkUpdate: function(){ $.ajax({ url: T3Admin.t3updateurl, data: {eid: T3Admin.eids}, success: function(data) { var jfrmk = $('#t3-admin-framework-home .updater:first'), jtemp = $('#t3-admin-template-home .updater:first'); jfrmk.find('.btn').removeClass('loading'); jtemp.find('.btn').removeClass('loading'); try { var ulist = $.parseJSON(data); } catch(e) { T3Admin.alert(T3Admin.langs.updateFailedGetList, T3Admin.chkupdating); } if (ulist instanceof Array) { if (ulist.length > 0) { var chkfrmk = !jfrmk.hasClass('outdated'), chktemp = !jtemp.hasClass('outdated'); if(chkfrmk || chktemp){ for(var i = 0, il = ulist.length; i < il; i++){ if(chkfrmk && ulist[i].element == T3Admin.felement && ulist[i].type == 'plugin'){ jfrmk.addClass('outdated'); jfrmk.find('.btn').attr('href', T3Admin.jupdateUrl).html(T3Admin.langs.updateDownLatest); jfrmk.find('h3').html(T3Admin.langs.updateHasNew.replace(/%s/g, T3Admin.frmkname)); var ridx = 0, rvals = [T3Admin.frmkversion, T3Admin.frmkname, ulist[i].version]; jfrmk.find('p').html(T3Admin.langs.updateCompare.replace(/%s/g, function(){ return rvals[ridx++]; })); T3Admin.langs.updateCompare.replace(/%s/g, function(){ return '' }) } if(chktemp && ulist[i].element == T3Admin.telement && ulist[i].type == 'template'){ jtemp.addClass('outdated'); jtemp.find('.btn').attr('href', T3Admin.jupdateUrl).html(T3Admin.langs.updateDownLatest); jtemp.find('h3').html(T3Admin.langs.updateHasNew.replace(/%s/g, T3Admin.tplname)); var ridx = 0, rvals = [T3Admin.tplversion, T3Admin.tplname, ulist[i].version]; jtemp.find('p').html(T3Admin.langs.updateCompare.replace(/%s/g, function(){ return rvals[ridx++]; })); } } T3Admin.alert(T3Admin.langs.updateChkComplete, T3Admin.chkupdating); } } } else { T3Admin.alert(T3Admin.langs.updateFailedGetList, T3Admin.chkupdating); } T3Admin.chkupdating = null; }, error: function() { T3Admin.alert(T3Admin.langs.updateFailedGetList, T3Admin.chkupdating); T3Admin.chkupdating = null; } }); }, initSystemMessage: function(){ var jmessage = $('#system-message'); if(!jmessage.length){ jmessage = $('' + '<dl id="system-message">' + '<dt class="message">Message</dt>' + '<dd class="message">' + '<ul><li></li></ul>' + '</dd>' + '</dl>').hide().appendTo($('#system-message-container')); } T3Admin.message = jmessage; }, systemMessage: function(msg){ T3Admin.message.show(); if(T3Admin.message.find('li:first').length){ T3Admin.message.find('li:first').html(msg).show(); } else { T3Admin.message.html('' + '<div class="alert">' + '<h4>Message</h4>' + '<p>' + msg + '</p>' + '</div>'); } clearTimeout(T3Admin.msgid); T3Admin.msgid = setTimeout(function(){ T3Admin.message.hide(); }, 5000); }, alert: function(msg, place){ clearTimeout($(place).data('alertid')); $(place).after('' + '<div class="alert">' + '<p>' + msg + '</p>' + '</div>').data('alertid', setTimeout(function(){ $(place).nextAll('.alert').remove(); }, 5000)); }, initLoadingBar: function(){ if(!T3Admin.progElm){ T3Admin.progElm = $('.t3-progress'); if(!T3Admin.progElm.length){ T3Admin.progElm = $('<div class="t3-progress"></div>') } T3Admin.progElm.appendTo(document.body); var placed = $('#toolbar-box'); if(!placed.length){ placed = $('#t3-admin-toolbar'); } if(placed.length){ T3Admin.progElm.appendTo(placed); } } }, switchTab: function () { $('.t3-admin-nav a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown', function (e) { var url = e.target.href; window.location.hash = url.substring(url.indexOf('#')).replace ('_params', ''); }); var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash) { $('a[href="' + hash + '_params' + '"]').tab ('show'); } else { var url = $('.t3-admin-nav .nav-tabs li.active a').attr('href'); if (url) { window.location.hash = url.substring(url.indexOf('#')).replace ('_params', ''); } else { $('.t3-admin-nav .nav-tabs li:first a').tab ('show'); } } }, fixValidate: function(){ if(typeof JFormValidator != 'undefined'){ //overwrite JFormValidator.prototype.isValid = function (form) { var valid = true; // Precompute label-field associations var labels = document.getElementsByTagName('label'); for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { if (labels[i].htmlFor != '') { var element = document.getElementById(labels[i].htmlFor); if (element) { element.labelref = labels[i]; } } } // Validate form fields var elements = form.getElements('fieldset').concat(Array.from(form.elements)); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (this.validate(elements[i]) == false) { valid = false; } } // Run custom form validators if present new Hash(this.custom).each(function (validator) { if (validator.exec() != true) { valid = false; } }); if (!valid) { var message = Joomla.JText._('JLIB_FORM_FIELD_INVALID'); var errors = jQuery("label.invalid"); var error = new Object(); error.error = new Array(); for (var i=0;i < errors.length; i++) { var label = jQuery(errors[i]).text(); if (label != 'undefined') { error.error[i] = message+label.replace("*", ""); } } Joomla.renderMessages(error); } return valid; }; JFormValidator.prototype.handleResponse = function(state, el){ // Find the label object for the given field if it exists //if (!(el.labelref)) { // var labels = $$('label'); // labels.each(function(label){ // if (label.get('for') == el.get('id')) { // el.labelref = label; // } // }); //} // Set the element and its label (if exists) invalid state if (state == false) { el.addClass('invalid'); el.set('aria-invalid', 'true'); if (el.labelref) { document.id(el.labelref).addClass('invalid'); document.id(el.labelref).set('aria-invalid', 'true'); } } else { el.removeClass('invalid'); el.set('aria-invalid', 'false'); if (el.labelref) { document.id(el.labelref).removeClass('invalid'); document.id(el.labelref).set('aria-invalid', 'false'); } } }; } }, compileLESS: function(theme){ var recompile = $('#t3-admin-tb-recompile'); //progress bar recompile.addClass('loading'); if($.support.transition){ T3Admin.progElm .removeClass('t3-anim-slow t3-anim-finish') .css('width', ''); setTimeout(function(){ var width = 5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10), iid = null; T3Admin.progElm .addClass('t3-anim-slow') .css('width', width + '%'); iid = setInterval(function(){ if(!T3Admin.progElm.hasClass('t3-anim-slow')) { clearInterval(iid); return false; } width += Math.floor(Math.random() * 5); T3Admin.progElm .addClass('t3-anim-slow') .css('width', Math.min(90, width) + '%'); }, 3000); }); } else { T3Admin.progElm.stop(true).css({ width: '0%', display: 'block' }).animate({ width: 50 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + '%' }); } $.ajax({ url: T3Admin.adminurl, data: {'t3action': 'lesscall', 'styleid': T3Admin.templateid, 'theme': theme || '' } }).always(function(){ //progress bar recompile.removeClass('loading'); if($.support.transition){ T3Admin.progElm .removeClass('t3-anim-slow') .addClass('t3-anim-finish') .one($.support.transition.end, function () { setTimeout(function(){ if(T3Admin.progElm.hasClass('t3-anim-finish')){ $(T3Admin.progElm).removeClass('t3-anim-finish'); } }, 1000); }); } else { $(T3Admin.progElm).stop(true).animate({ width: '100%' }, function(){ $(T3Admin.progElm).hide(); }); } }).done(function(rsp){ rsp = $.trim(rsp); if(rsp){ var json = rsp; if(rsp.charAt(0) != '[' && rsp.charAt(0) != '{'){ json = rsp.match(new RegExp('{[\["].*}')); if(json && json[0]){ json = json[0]; } } if(json && typeof json == 'string'){ rsp = rsp.replace(json, ''); try { json = $.parseJSON(json); } catch (e){ json = { error: T3Admin.langs.unknownError } } } T3Admin.systemMessage(rsp || json.error || json.successful); } }).fail(function(){ recompile.removeClass('loading'); T3Admin.systemMessage(T3Admin.langs.unknownError); }); }, initT3ThemeExtras: function(){ $('.t3-extra-setting').on('change', function(e, val){ if(val.selected == '0' || val.selected == '-1'){ $(e.target).val(val.selected).trigger('liszt:updated'); } else { var hasExclusive = 0, vals = $(e.target).val(), filterd = $.isArray(vals) && $.grep(vals, function(val){ hasExclusive = hasExclusive || (val == '0' || val == '-1'); return !(val == '0' || val == '-1'); }); if(hasExclusive){ $(e.target).val(filterd).trigger('liszt:updated'); } } }) }, noticeChange: function () { // show notice message when responsive mode change $('input[name="jform[params][responsive]"]').on('change', function(){ // this is radio if ($(this).data('org-val') != $(this).prop('checked')) { T3Admin.systemMessage(T3Admin.langs['switchResponsiveMode']); } }) }, }); $(document).ready(function(){ T3Admin.initSystemMessage(); T3Admin.initLoadingBar(); T3Admin.improveMarkup(); T3Admin.initMarkChange(); T3Admin.initToolbar(); T3Admin.initRadioGroup(); T3Admin.initChosen(); T3Admin.initPreSubmit(); T3Admin.hideDisabled(); T3Admin.initChangeStyle(); T3Admin.initT3ThemeExtras(); //T3Admin.initCheckupdate(); T3Admin.switchTab(); T3Admin.fixValidate(); T3Admin.noticeChange (); }); }(jQuery);