Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/feiss.com.au/libraries/vendor/leafo/lessphp/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/feiss.com.au/libraries/vendor/leafo/lessphp/plessc |
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php // Command line utility to compile LESS to STDOUT // Leaf Corcoran <leafot@gmail.com>, 2013 $exe = array_shift($argv); // remove filename $HELP = <<<EOT Usage: $exe [options] input-file [output-file] Options include: -h, --help Show this message -v Print the version -f=format Set the output format, includes "default", "compressed" -c Keep /* */ comments in output -r Read from STDIN instead of input-file -w Watch input-file, and compile to output-file if it is changed -T Dump formatted parse tree -X Dump raw parse tree EOT; $opts = getopt('hvrwncXTf:', array('help')); while (count($argv) > 0 && preg_match('/^-([-hvrwncXT]$|[f]=)/', $argv[0])) { array_shift($argv); } function has() { global $opts; foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) { if (isset($opts[$arg])) return true; } return false; } if (has("h", "help")) { exit($HELP); } error_reporting(E_ALL); $path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'; require $path."lessc.inc.php"; $VERSION = lessc::$VERSION; $fa = "Fatal Error: "; function err($msg) { fwrite(STDERR, $msg."\n"); } if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") { err($fa.$argv[0]." must be run in the command line."); exit(1); } function make_less($fname = null) { global $opts; $l = new lessc($fname); if (has("f")) { $format = $opts["f"]; if ($format != "default") $l->setFormatter($format); } if (has("c")) { $l->setPreserveComments(true); } return $l; } function process($data, $import = null) { global $fa; $l = make_less(); if ($import) $l->importDir = $import; try { echo $l->parse($data); exit(0); } catch (exception $ex) { err($fa."\n".str_repeat('=', 20)."\n". $ex->getMessage()); exit(1); } } if (has("v")) { exit($VERSION."\n"); } if (has("r")) { if (!empty($argv)) { $data = $argv[0]; } else { $data = ""; while (!feof(STDIN)) { $data .= fread(STDIN, 8192); } } exit(process($data)); } if (has("w")) { // need two files if (!is_file($in = array_shift($argv)) || null == $out = array_shift($argv)) { err($fa.$exe." -w infile outfile"); exit(1); } echo "Watching ".$in. (has("n") ? ' with notifications' : ''). ", press Ctrl + c to exit.\n"; $cache = $in; $last_action = 0; while (true) { clearstatcache(); // check if anything has changed since last fail $updated = false; if (is_array($cache)) { foreach ($cache['files'] as $fname=>$_) { if (filemtime($fname) > $last_action) { $updated = true; break; } } } else $updated = true; // try to compile it if ($updated) { $last_action = time(); try { $cache = lessc::cexecute($cache); echo "Writing updated file: ".$out."\n"; if (!file_put_contents($out, $cache['compiled'])) { err($fa."Could not write to file ".$out); exit(1); } } catch (exception $ex) { echo "\nFatal Error:\n".str_repeat('=', 20)."\n". $ex->getMessage()."\n\n"; if (has("n")) { `notify-send -u critical "compile failed" "{$ex->getMessage()}"`; } } } sleep(1); } exit(0); } if (!$fname = array_shift($argv)) { echo $HELP; exit(1); } function dumpValue($node, $depth = 0) { if (is_object($node)) { $indent = str_repeat(" ", $depth); $out = array(); foreach ($node->props as $prop) { $out[] = $indent . dumpValue($prop, $depth + 1); } $out = implode("\n", $out); if (!empty($node->tags)) { $out = "+ ".implode(", ", $node->tags)."\n".$out; } return $out; } elseif (is_array($node)) { if (empty($node)) return "[]"; $type = $node[0]; if ($type == "block") return dumpValue($node[1], $depth); $out = array(); foreach ($node as $value) { $out[] = dumpValue($value, $depth); } return "{ ".implode(", ", $out)." }"; } else { if (is_string($node) && preg_match("/[\s,]/", $node)) { return '"'.$node.'"'; } return $node; // normal value } } function stripValue($o, $toStrip) { if (is_array($o) || is_object($o)) { $isObject = is_object($o); $o = (array)$o; foreach ($toStrip as $removeKey) { if (!empty($o[$removeKey])) { $o[$removeKey] = "*stripped*"; } } foreach ($o as $k => $v) { $o[$k] = stripValue($v, $toStrip); } if ($isObject) { $o = (object)$o; } } return $o; } function dumpWithoutParent($o, $alsoStrip=array()) { $toStrip = array_merge(array("parent"), $alsoStrip); print_r(stripValue($o, $toStrip)); } try { $less = make_less($fname); if (has("T", "X")) { $parser = new lessc_parser($less, $fname); $tree = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($fname)); if (has("X")) $out = print_r($tree, 1); else $out = dumpValue($tree)."\n"; } else { $out = $less->parse(); } if (!$fout = array_shift($argv)) { echo $out; } else { file_put_contents($fout, $out); } } catch (exception $ex) { err($fa.$ex->getMessage()); exit(1); } ?>