Mini Shell
Mini Shell
* @package T3 Framework for Joomla!
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2013 JoomlArt.com. All Rights Reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @authors JoomlArt, JoomlaBamboo, (contribute to this project at github
* & Google group to become co-author)
* @Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/t3fw
* @Link: http://t3-framework.org
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
* @package T3
* @description This file should contains information of itself
define('T3', T3_CORE_BASE);
define('T3_URL', T3_CORE_BASE_URL);
define('T3_PATH', T3_CORE_BASE_PATH);
define('T3_REL', T3_CORE_BASE_REL);
define('T3_BASE_MAX_GRID', 12);
define('T3_BASE_WIDTH_PREFIX', 'span');
define('T3_BASE_NONRSP_WIDTH_PREFIX', 'span');
define('T3_BASE_WIDTH_PATTERN', 'span{width}');
define('T3_BASE_WIDTH_REGEX', '/(\s*)span(\d+)(\s*)/');
define('T3_BASE_HIDDEN_PATTERN', 'hidden');
define('T3_BASE_FIRST_PATTERN', 'spanfirst');
define('T3_BASE_RSP_IN_CLASS', false);
define('T3_BASE_ROW_FLUID_PREFIX', 'row-fluid');
define('T3_BASE_DEFAULT_DEVICE', 'default');
define('T3_BASE_DEVICES', json_encode(array('default', 'wide', 'normal', 'xtablet', 'tablet', 'mobile')));
define('T3_BASE_DV_MAXCOL', json_encode(array('default' => 6, 'wide' => 6, 'normal' => 6, 'xtablet' => 4, 'tablet' => 3, 'mobile' => 2)));
define('T3_BASE_DV_MINWIDTH', json_encode(array('default' => 2, 'wide' => 2, 'normal' => 2, 'xtablet' => 3, 'tablet' => 4, 'mobile' => 6)));
define('T3_BASE_DV_UNITSPAN', json_encode(array('default' => 1, 'wide' => 1, 'normal' => 1, 'xtablet' => 1, 'tablet' => 1, 'mobile' => 6)));
define('T3_BASE_DV_PREFIX', json_encode(array('span')));
define('T3_BASE_LESS_COMPILER', 'legacy.less');
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0