Mini Shell
Mini Shell
* @package FrameworkOnFramework
* @subpackage form
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Protect from unauthorized access
defined('FOF_INCLUDED') or die;
* Form Field class for FOF
* Relation list
* @package FrameworkOnFramework
* @since 2.0
class FOFFormFieldRelation extends FOFFormFieldList
* Get the rendering of this field type for static display, e.g. in a single
* item view (typically a "read" task).
* @since 2.0
* @return string The field HTML
public function getStatic() {
return $this->getRepeatable();
* Get the rendering of this field type for a repeatable (grid) display,
* e.g. in a view listing many item (typically a "browse" task)
* @since 2.0
* @return string The field HTML
public function getRepeatable()
$class = $this->element['class'] ? (string) $this->element['class'] : $this->id;
$relationclass = $this->element['relationclass'] ? (string) $this->element['relationclass'] : '';
$value_field = $this->element['value_field'] ? (string) $this->element['value_field'] : 'title';
$translate = $this->element['translate'] ? (string) $this->element['translate'] : false;
$link_url = $this->element['url'] ? (string) $this->element['url'] : false;
if (!($link_url && $this->item instanceof FOFTable))
$link_url = false;
if ($this->element['empty_replacement'])
$empty_replacement = (string) $this->element['empty_replacement'];
$relationName = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->name);
$relations = $this->item->getRelations()->getMultiple($relationName);
foreach ($relations as $relation) {
$html = '<span class="' . $relationclass . '">';
if ($link_url)
$keyfield = $relation->getKeyName();
$this->_relationId = $relation->$keyfield;
$url = $this->parseFieldTags($link_url);
$html .= '<a href="' . $url . '">';
$value = $relation->get($relation->getColumnAlias($value_field));
// Get the (optionally formatted) value
if (!empty($empty_replacement) && empty($value))
$value = JText::_($empty_replacement);
if ($translate == true)
$html .= JText::_($value);
$html .= $value;
if ($link_url)
$html .= '</a>';
$html .= '</span>';
$rels[] = $html;
$html = '<span class="' . $class . '">';
$html .= implode(', ', $rels);
$html .= '</span>';
return $html;
* Method to get the field options.
* @return array The field option objects.
protected function getOptions()
$options = array();
$this->value = array();
$value_field = $this->element['value_field'] ? (string) $this->element['value_field'] : 'title';
$input = new FOFInput;
$component = ucfirst(str_replace('com_', '', $input->getString('option')));
$view = ucfirst($input->getString('view'));
$relation = FOFInflector::pluralize((string) $this->element['name']);
$model = FOFModel::getTmpInstance(ucfirst($relation), $component . 'Model');
$table = $model->getTable();
$key = $table->getKeyName();
$value = $table->getColumnAlias($value_field);
foreach ($model->getItemList(true) as $option)
$options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $option->$key, $option->$value);
if ($id = FOFModel::getAnInstance($view)->getId())
$table = FOFTable::getInstance($view, $component . 'Table');
$relations = $table->getRelations()->getMultiple($relation);
foreach ($relations as $item)
$this->value[] = $item->getId();
return $options;
* Replace string with tags that reference fields
* @param string $text Text to process
* @return string Text with tags replace
protected function parseFieldTags($text)
$ret = $text;
// Replace [ITEM:ID] in the URL with the item's key value (usually:
// the auto-incrementing numeric ID)
$keyfield = $this->item->getKeyName();
$replace = $this->item->$keyfield;
$ret = str_replace('[ITEM:ID]', $replace, $ret);
// Replace the [ITEMID] in the URL with the current Itemid parameter
$ret = str_replace('[ITEMID]', JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('Itemid', 0), $ret);
// Replace the [RELATION:ID] in the URL with the relation's key value
$ret = str_replace('[RELATION:ID]', $this->_relationId, $ret);
// Replace other field variables in the URL
$fields = $this->item->getTableFields();
foreach ($fields as $fielddata)
$fieldname = $fielddata->Field;
if (empty($fieldname))
$fieldname = $fielddata->column_name;
$search = '[ITEM:' . strtoupper($fieldname) . ']';
$replace = $this->item->$fieldname;
$ret = str_replace($search, $replace, $ret);
return $ret;
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0