Direktori : /home/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/views/packages/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/views/packages/screen.php |
<?php defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; require_once DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/ui/class.ui.screen.base.php'; /* Because the default way is overwriting the option names in the hidden input wp_screen_options[option] I added all inputs via one option name and saved them with the update_user_meta function. Also, the set-screen-option is not being triggered inside the class, that's why it's here. -TG */ add_filter('set-screen-option', 'dup_packages_set_option', 10, 3); function dup_packages_set_option($status, $option, $value) { if ('package_screen_options' == $option) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } return false; } class DUP_Package_Screen extends DUP_UI_Screen { public function __construct($page) { add_action('load-' . $page, array($this, 'Init')); } public function Init() { $active_tab = isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : 'list'; $active_tab = isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'detail' ? 'detail' : $active_tab; $this->screen = get_current_screen(); switch (strtoupper($active_tab)) { case 'LIST': $content = $this->get_list_help(); break; case 'NEW1': $content = $this->get_step1_help(); break; case 'NEW2': $content = $this->get_step2_help(); break; case 'NEW3': $content = $this->get_step3_help(); break; case 'DETAIL': $content = $this->get_details_help(); break; default: $content = $this->get_list_help(); break; } $guide = '#guide-packs'; $faq = '#faq-package'; $content .= "<b>References:</b><br/>" . "<a href='" . esc_url("https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/guide/" . $guide) . "' target='_sc-guide'>User Guide</a> | " . "<a href='" . esc_url("https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/faqs-tech/" . $faq) . "' target='_sc-guide'>FAQs</a> | " . "<a href='https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/quick-start/' target='_sc-guide'>Quick Start</a>"; $this->screen->add_help_tab(array( 'id' => 'dup_help_package_overview', 'title' => esc_html__('Overview', 'duplicator'), 'content' => "<p>{$content}</p>" )); $this->getSupportTab($guide, $faq); $this->getHelpSidbar(); } public function get_list_help() { return __( "<b><i class='fa fa-archive'></i> Packages » All</b><br/> The 'Packages' section is the main interface for managing all the packages that have been created. " . "A Package consists of two core files, the 'archive.zip' and the 'installer.php' file. The archive file is a zip file containing all your WordPress files and a " . "copy of your WordPress database. The installer file is a php file that when browsed to via a web browser presents a wizard that redeploys/installs the website " . "by extracting the archive file and installing the database. To create a package, click the 'Create New' button and follow the prompts. <br/><br/>" . "<b><i class='fa fa-download'></i> Downloads</b><br/>" . "To download the package files click on the Installer and Archive buttons after creating a package. The archive file will have a copy of the installer inside of it named " . "installer-backup.php in case the original installer file is lost. To see the details of a package click on the <i class='fa fa-archive'></i> details button.<br/><br/>" . "<b><i class='far fa-file-archive'></i> Archive Types</b><br/>" . "An archive file can be saved as either a .zip file or .daf file. A zip file is a common archive format used to compress and group files. The daf file short for " . "'Duplicator Archive Format' is a custom format used specifically for working with larger packages and scale-ability issues on many shared hosting platforms. Both " . "formats work very similar. The main difference is that the daf file can only be extracted using the installer.php file or the " . "<a href='https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/faqs-tech/#faq-trouble-052-q' target='_blank'>DAF extraction tool</a>. The zip file can be used by the installer.php " . "or other zip tools like winrar/7-Zip/winzip or other client-side tools. <br/><br/>", 'duplicator' ); } public function get_step1_help() { return __("<b>Packages New » 1 Setup</b> <br/>" . "The setup step allows for optional filtered directory paths, files, file extensions and database tables. To filter specific system files, click the 'Enable File Filters' " . "checkbox and add the full path of the file or directory, followed by a semicolon. For a file extension add the name (i.e. 'zip') followed by a semicolon. <br/><br/>" . "To exclude a database table, check the box labeled 'Enable Table Filters' and check the table name to exclude. To include only a copy of your database in the " . "archive file check the box labeled 'Archive Only the Database'. The installer.php file can optionally be pre-filled with data at install time but is not " . "required. <br/><br/>", 'duplicator'); } public function get_step2_help() { $status1 = sprintf('%1$s Good %2$s', '<span class="badge badge-pass">', '</span>'); $status2 = sprintf('%1$s Notice %2$s', '<span class="badge badge-warn">', '</span>'); //TITLE $msg = sprintf('%1$s Packages » 2 Scan %2$s', '<b>', '</b><br/>'); //MESSAGE $msg .= sprintf( 'In Step-2 of the build process Duplicator scans your WordPress site files and database for any possible issues. Each section is expandable ' . 'and will show more details regarding the parameters of that section. The following indicators will be present for each section: %3$s' . '%1$s Indicates that no issues were detected. It is best to try and get all the values to display this status if possible, but not required. %3$s' . '%2$s Indicates a possible issue. A notice will not prevent the build from running however, if you do have issues then the section should be observed. %4$s', $status1, $status2, '<br/>', '<br/><br/>' ); return $msg; } public function get_step3_help() { return __("<b>Packages » 3 Build</b> <br/>" . "The final step in the build process where the installer script and archive of the website can be downloaded. To start the install process follow these steps: " . "<ol>" . "<li>Download the installer.php and archive.zip files to your local computer.</li>" . "<li>For localhost installs be sure you have PHP, Apache & MySQL installed on your local computer with software such as XAMPP, Instant WordPress or MAMP for MAC. " . "Place the package.zip and installer.php into any empty directory under your webroot then browse to the installer.php via your web browser to launch the install wizard.</li>" . "<li>For remote installs use FTP or cPanel to upload both the archive.zip and installer.php to your hosting provider. Place the files in a new empty directory under " . "your host's webroot accessible from a valid URL such as http://your-domain/your-wp-directory/installer.php to launch the install wizard. On some hosts the root directory " . "will be a something like public_html -or- www. If your're not sure contact your hosting provider. </li>" . "</ol>" . "For complete instructions see:<br/> <a href='https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/quick-start/?utm_source=duplicator_free&utm_medium=wordpress_plugin&utm_content=package_built_install_help4&utm_campaign=duplicator_free#quick-040-q' target='_blank'> How do I install this Package?</a><br/><br/>", 'duplicator'); } public function get_details_help() { return __("<b>Packages » Details</b> <br/>" . "The details view will give you a full break-down of the package including any errors that may have occured during the install. <br/><br/>", 'duplicator'); } }