Direktori : /home/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Libs/Snap/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Libs/Snap/SnapDB.php |
<?php /** * * @package Duplicator * @copyright (c) 2021, Snapcreek LLC * */ namespace Duplicator\Libs\Snap; use Exception; class SnapDB { const CONN_MYSQL = 'mysql'; const CONN_MYSQLI = 'mysqli'; const CACHE_PREFIX_PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMN = 'pkcol_'; const DB_ENGINE_MYSQL = 'MySQL'; const DB_ENGINE_MARIA = 'MariaDB'; const DB_ENGINE_PERCONA = 'Percona'; private static $cache = array(); /** * Return array if primary key is composite key * * @param mysqli|resource $dbh database connection * @param string $tableName table name * @param null|callable $logCallback log callback * * @return string|string[] */ public static function getUniqueIndexColumn($dbh, $tableName, $logCallback = null) { $cacheKey = self::CACHE_PREFIX_PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMN . $tableName; if (!isset(self::$cache[$cacheKey])) { $query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . self::realEscapeString($dbh, $tableName) . '` WHERE `Key` IN ("PRI","UNI")'; if (($result = self::query($dbh, $query)) === false) { if (is_callable($logCallback)) { call_user_func($logCallback, $dbh, $result, $query); } throw new \Exception('SHOW KEYS QUERY ERROR: ' . self::error($dbh)); } if (is_callable($logCallback)) { call_user_func($logCallback, $dbh, $result, $query); } if (self::numRows($result) == 0) { self::$cache[$cacheKey] = false; } else { $primary = false; $excludePrimary = false; $unique = false; while ($row = self::fetchAssoc($result)) { switch ($row['Key']) { case 'PRI': if ($primary === false) { $primary = $row['Field']; } else { if (is_scalar($primary)) { $primary = array($primary); } $primary[] = $row['Field']; } if (preg_match('/^(?:var)?binary/i', $row['Type'])) { // exclude binary or varbynary columns $excludePrimary = true; } break; case 'UNI': if (!preg_match('/^(?:var)?binary/i', $row['Type'])) { // exclude binary or varbynary columns $unique = $row['Field']; } break; default: break; } } if ($primary !== false && $excludePrimary === false) { self::$cache[$cacheKey] = $primary; } elseif ($unique !== false) { self::$cache[$cacheKey] = $unique; } else { self::$cache[$cacheKey] = false; } } self::freeResult($result); } return self::$cache[$cacheKey]; } /** * Escape the regex for mysql queries, the mysqli_real_escape must be applied anyway to the generated string * * @param string $regex Regex * * @return string Escaped regex */ public static function quoteRegex($regex) { // preg_quote takes a string and escapes special characters with a backslash. // It is meant for PHP regexes, not MySQL regexes, and it does not escape &, // which is needed for MySQL. So we only need to modify it like so: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3782379/whats-the-best-way-to-escape-user-input-for-regular-expressions-in-mysql return preg_replace('/&/', '\\&', preg_quote($regex, null /* no delimiter */)); } /** * Returns the offset from the current row * * @param array $row current database row * @param int|string|string[] $indexColumns columns of the row that generated the index offset * @param mixed $lastOffset last offset * * @return string|string[] */ public static function getOffsetFromRowAssoc($row, $indexColumns, $lastOffset) { if (is_array($indexColumns)) { $result = array(); foreach ($indexColumns as $col) { $result[$col] = isset($row[$col]) ? $row[$col] : 0; } return $result; } elseif (strlen($indexColumns) > 0) { return isset($row[$indexColumns]) ? $row[$indexColumns] : 0; } else { return $lastOffset + 1; } } /** * This function performs a select by structuring the primary key as offset if the table has a primary key. * For optimization issues, no checks are performed on the input query and it is assumed that the select has at least a where value. * If there are no conditions, you still have to perform an always true condition, for example * SELECT * FROM `copy1_postmeta` WHERE 1 * * @param \mysqli|resource $dbh database connection * @param string $query query string * @param string $table table name * @param int $offset row offset * @param int $limit limit of query, 0 no limit * @param mixed $lastRowOffset last offset to use on next function call * @param null|callable $logCallback log callback * * @return \mysqli_result */ public static function selectUsingPrimaryKeyAsOffset($dbh, $query, $table, $offset, $limit, &$lastRowOffset = null, $logCallback = null) { $where = ''; $orderby = ''; $offsetStr = ''; $limitStr = $limit > 0 ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit : ''; if (($primaryColumn = self::getUniqueIndexColumn($dbh, $table, $logCallback)) == false) { $offsetStr = ' OFFSET ' . (is_scalar($offset) ? $offset : 0); } else { if (is_array($primaryColumn)) { // COMPOSITE KEY $orderByCols = array(); foreach ($primaryColumn as $colIndex => $col) { $orderByCols[] = '`' . $col . '` ASC'; } $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $orderByCols); } else { $orderby = ' ORDER BY `' . $primaryColumn . '` ASC'; } $where = self::getOffsetKeyCondition($dbh, $primaryColumn, $offset); } $query .= $where . $orderby . $limitStr . $offsetStr; if (($result = self::query($dbh, $query)) === false) { if (is_callable($logCallback)) { call_user_func($logCallback, $dbh, $result, $query); } throw new \Exception('SELECT ERROR: ' . self::error($dbh) . ' QUERY: ' . $query); } if (is_callable($logCallback)) { call_user_func($logCallback, $dbh, $result, $query); } if (self::dbConnTypeByResult($result) === self::CONN_MYSQLI) { if ($primaryColumn == false) { $lastRowOffset = $offset + $result->num_rows; } else { if ($result->num_rows == 0) { $lastRowOffset = $offset; } else { $result->data_seek(($result->num_rows - 1)); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); if (is_array($primaryColumn)) { $lastRowOffset = array(); foreach ($primaryColumn as $col) { $lastRowOffset[$col] = $row[$col]; } } else { $lastRowOffset = $row[$primaryColumn]; } $result->data_seek(0); } } } else { if ($primaryColumn == false) { $lastRowOffset = $offset + mysql_num_rows($result); } else { if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { $lastRowOffset = $offset; } else { mysql_data_seek($result, (mysql_num_rows($result) - 1)); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if (is_array($primaryColumn)) { $lastRowOffset = array(); foreach ($primaryColumn as $col) { $lastRowOffset[$col] = $row[$col]; } } else { $lastRowOffset = $row[$primaryColumn]; } mysql_data_seek($result, 0); } } } return $result; } /** * Depending on the structure type of the primary key returns the condition to position at the right offset * * @param mysqli|resource $dbh database connection * @param string|string[] $primaryColumn primaricolumng index * @param mixed $offset offset * * @return string */ protected static function getOffsetKeyCondition($dbh, $primaryColumn, $offset) { $condition = ''; if ($offset === 0) { return ''; } // COUPOUND KEY if (is_array($primaryColumn)) { $isFirstCond = true; foreach ($primaryColumn as $colIndex => $col) { if (is_array($offset) && isset($offset[$col])) { if ($isFirstCond) { $isFirstCond = false; } else { $condition .= ' OR '; } $condition .= ' ('; for ($prevColIndex = 0; $prevColIndex < $colIndex; $prevColIndex++) { $condition .= ' `' . $primaryColumn[$prevColIndex] . '` = "' . self::realEscapeString($dbh, $offset[$primaryColumn[$prevColIndex]]) . '" AND '; } $condition .= ' `' . $col . '` > "' . self::realEscapeString($dbh, $offset[$col]) . '")'; } } } else { $condition = '`' . $primaryColumn . '` > "' . self::realEscapeString($dbh, (is_scalar($offset) ? $offset : 0)) . '"'; } return (strlen($condition) ? ' AND (' . $condition . ')' : ''); } /** * get current database engine (mysql, maria, percona) * * @param \mysqli|resource $dbh database connection * * @return string */ public static function getDBEngine($dbh) { if (($result = self::query($dbh, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version%'")) === false) { // on query error assume is mysql. return self::DB_ENGINE_MYSQL; } $rows = array(); while ($row = self::fetchRow($result)) { $rows[] = $row; } self::freeResult($result); $version = isset($rows[0][1]) ? $rows[0][1] : false; $versionComment = isset($rows[1][1]) ? $rows[1][1] : false; //Default is mysql if ($version === false && $versionComment === false) { return self::DB_ENGINE_MYSQL; } if (stripos($version, 'maria') !== false || stripos($versionComment, 'maria') !== false) { return self::DB_ENGINE_MARIA; } if (stripos($version, 'percona') !== false || stripos($versionComment, 'percona') !== false) { return self::DB_ENGINE_PERCONA; } return self::DB_ENGINE_MYSQL; } /** * Escape string * * @param resoruce|\mysqli $dbh database connection * @param string $string string to escape * * @return string <p>Returns an escaped string.</p> */ public static function realEscapeString($dbh, $string) { if (self::dbConnType($dbh) === self::CONN_MYSQLI) { return mysqli_real_escape_string($dbh, $string); } else { return mysql_real_escape_string($string, $dbh); } } /** * * @param resoruce|\mysqli $dbh database connection * @param string $query query string * * @return mixed <p>Returns <b><code>FALSE</code></b> on failure. For successful <i>SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE</i> or * <i>EXPLAIN</i> queries <b>mysqli_query()</b> will return a mysqli_result object. * For other successful queries <b>mysqli_query()</b> will return <b><code>TRUE</code></b>.</p> */ public static function query($dbh, $query) { try { if (self::dbConnType($dbh) === self::CONN_MYSQLI) { return mysqli_query($dbh, $query); } else { return mysql_query($query, $dbh); } } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * * @param resoruce|\mysqli_result $result query result * * @return int */ public static function numRows($result) { if (self::dbConnTypeByResult($result) === self::CONN_MYSQLI) { return $result->num_rows; } else { return mysql_num_rows($result); } } /** * * @param resoruce|\mysqli_result $result query result * * @return array|null|false Returns an array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row. NULL if there are no more rows in result set * */ public static function fetchRow($result) { if (self::dbConnTypeByResult($result) === self::CONN_MYSQLI) { return mysqli_fetch_row($result); } elseif (is_resource($result)) { return mysql_fetch_row($result); } } /** * * @param resoruce|\mysqli_result $result query result * * @return array Returns an associative array of values representing the fetched row in the result set, * where each key in the array represents the name of one of the result set's * columns or null if there are no more rows in result set. */ public static function fetchAssoc($result) { if (self::dbConnTypeByResult($result) === self::CONN_MYSQLI) { return mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } elseif (is_resource($result)) { return mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } } /** * * @param resoruce|mysqli_result $result query result * * @return boolean */ public static function freeResult($result) { if (self::dbConnTypeByResult($result) === self::CONN_MYSQLI) { return $result->free(); } elseif (is_resource($result)) { return mysql_free_result($result); } else { $result = null; return true; } } /** * * @param resoruce|\mysqli $dbh database connection * * @return string */ public static function error($dbh) { if (self::dbConnType($dbh) === self::CONN_MYSQLI) { if ($dbh instanceof \mysqli) { return mysqli_error($dbh); } else { return 'Unable to retrieve the error message from MySQL'; } } else { if (is_resource($dbh)) { return mysql_error($dbh); } else { return 'Unable to retrieve the error message from MySQL'; } } } /** * * @param resoruce|\mysqli $dbh database connection * * @return string // self::CONN_MYSQLI|self::CONN_MYSQL */ public static function dbConnType($dbh) { return (is_object($dbh) && get_class($dbh) == 'mysqli') ? self::CONN_MYSQLI : self::CONN_MYSQL; } /** * * @param resoruce|\mysqli_result $result query resyult * * @return type // self::CONN_MYSQLI|self::CONN_MYSQL */ public static function dbConnTypeByResult($result) { return (is_object($result) && get_class($result) == 'mysqli_result') ? self::CONN_MYSQLI : self::CONN_MYSQL; } /** * This function takes in input the values of a multiple inster with this format * (v1, v2, v3 ...),(v1, v2, v3, ...),... * and returns a two dimensional array where each item is a row containing the list of values * [ * [v1, v2, v3 ...], * [v1, v2, v3 ...], * ... * ] * The return values are not processed but are taken exactly as they are in the dump file. * So if they are escaped it remains unchanged * * @param string $query query values * * @return array */ public static function getValuesFromQueryInsert($query) { $result = array(); $isItemOpen = false; $isStringOpen = false; $char = ''; $pChar = ''; $currentItem = array(); $currentValue = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($query); $i++) { $pChar = $char; $char = $query[$i]; switch ($char) { case '(': if ($isItemOpen == false && !$isStringOpen) { $isItemOpen = true; continue 2; } break; case ')': if ($isItemOpen && !$isStringOpen) { $isItemOpen = false; $currentItem[] = trim($currentValue); $currentValue = ''; $result[] = $currentItem; $currentItem = array(); continue 2; } break; case '\'': case '"': if ($isStringOpen === false && $pChar !== '\\') { $isStringOpen = $char; } elseif ($isStringOpen === $char && $pChar !== '\\') { $isStringOpen = false; } break; case ',': if ($isItemOpen == false) { continue 2; } elseif ($isStringOpen === false) { $currentItem[] = trim($currentValue); $currentValue = ''; continue 2; } break; default: break; } if ($isItemOpen == false) { continue; } $currentValue .= $char; } return $result; } /** * This is the inverse of getValuesFromQueryInsert, from an array of values it returns the valody of an insert query * * @param array $values rows values * * @return string */ public static function getQueryInsertValuesFromArray($values) { return implode( ',', array_map( function ($rowVals) { return '(' . implode(',', $rowVals) . ')'; }, $values ) ); } /** * Returns the content of a value resulting from getValuesFromQueryInsert in string * Then remove the outer quotes and escape * "value\"test" become value"test * * @param string $value value * * @return string */ public static function parsedQueryValueToString($value) { $result = preg_replace('/^[\'"]?(.*?)[\'"]?$/s', '$1', $value); return stripslashes($result); } /** * Returns the content of a value resulting from getValuesFromQueryInsert in int * Then remove the outer quotes and escape * "100" become (int)100 * * @param string $value value * * @return int */ public static function parsedQueryValueToInt($value) { return (int) preg_replace('/^[\'"]?(.*?)[\'"]?$/s', '$1', $value); } /** * Return the list of mysqlrealconnect existing flags values from mask * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-connect.php * * @param bool $returnStr if true return define string else values * @param null|int[] $filter if not null only the values that exist and are contained in the array are returned * * @return string[] */ public static function getMysqlConnectFlagsList($returnStr = true, $filter = null) { static $flagsList = null; if (is_null($flagsList)) { $flagsList = array(); if (defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS')) { $flagsList[MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS] = 'MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS'; } if (defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS')) { $flagsList[MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS] = 'MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS'; } if (defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE')) { $flagsList[MYSQLI_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE] = 'MYSQLI_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE'; } if (defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE')) { $flagsList[MYSQLI_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE] = 'MYSQLI_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE'; } if (defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL')) { $flagsList[MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL] = 'MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL'; } if (defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT')) { $flagsList[MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT] = 'MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT'; } } if (is_null($filter)) { $result = $flagsList; } else { $result = array(); foreach ($flagsList as $flagVal => $flag) { if (!in_array($flagVal, $filter)) { continue; } $result[$flagVal] = $flag; } } if ($returnStr) { return array_values($result); } else { return array_keys($result); } } /** * Return the list of mysqlrealconnect flags values from mask * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-connect.php * * @param int $value mask value * * @return int[] */ public static function getMysqlConnectFlagsFromMaskVal($value) { /* MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS 32 MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS 2 MYSQLI_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE 256 MYSQLI_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE 1024 MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL 2048 MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT 64 */ $result = array(); foreach (self::getMysqlConnectFlagsList(false) as $flagVal) { if (($value & $flagVal) > 0) { $result[] = $flagVal; } } return $result; } }