Direktori : /home/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/ctrls/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/ctrls/ctrl.package.php |
<?php use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapJson; defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; // Exit if accessed directly if (!defined('DUPLICATOR_VERSION')) { exit; } require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . '/ctrls/ctrl.base.php'); require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/utilities/class.u.scancheck.php'); require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/utilities/class.u.json.php'); require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/package/class.pack.php'); require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/package/duparchive/class.pack.archive.duparchive.state.create.php'); require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/package/duparchive/class.pack.archive.duparchive.php'); /* @var $package DUP_Package */ /** * Display error if any fatal error occurs occurs while scan ajax call * * @return void */ function duplicator_package_scan_shutdown() { $logMessage = DUP_Handler::getVarLog(); if (!empty($logMessage)) { echo nl2br($logMessage); } } /** * DUPLICATOR_PACKAGE_SCAN * Returns a JSON scan report object which contains data about the system * * @return json JSON report object * @example to test: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=duplicator_package_scan */ function duplicator_package_scan() { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); DUP_Handler::setMode(DUP_Handler::MODE_VAR); register_shutdown_function('duplicator_package_scan_shutdown'); check_ajax_referer('duplicator_package_scan', 'nonce'); DUP_Util::hasCapability('export'); header('Content-Type: application/json;'); @ob_flush(); @set_time_limit(0); $errLevel = error_reporting(); error_reporting(E_ERROR); DUP_Util::initSnapshotDirectory(); $package = DUP_Package::getActive(); $report = $package->runScanner(); $package->saveActiveItem('ScanFile', $package->ScanFile); $package->Archive->saveActiveItem($package, 'dirsCount', $package->Archive->dirsCount); $package->Archive->saveActiveItem($package, 'filesCount', $package->Archive->filesCount); $json_response = DUP_JSON::safeEncode($report); DUP_Package::tempFileCleanup(); error_reporting($errLevel); die($json_response); } /** * duplicator_package_build * Returns the package result status * * @return json JSON object of package results */ function duplicator_package_build() { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); check_ajax_referer('duplicator_package_build', 'nonce'); header('Content-Type: application/json'); $Package = null; try { DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); @set_time_limit(0); $errLevel = error_reporting(); error_reporting(E_ERROR); DUP_Util::initSnapshotDirectory(); $Package = DUP_Package::getActive(); $Package->save('zip'); DUP_Settings::Set('active_package_id', $Package->ID); DUP_Settings::Save(); if (!is_readable(DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/{$Package->ScanFile}")) { die("The scan result file was not found. Please run the scan step before building the package."); } $Package->runZipBuild(); //JSON:Debug Response //Pass = 1, Warn = 2, Fail = 3 $json = array(); $json['status'] = 1; $json['error'] = ''; $json['package'] = $Package; $json['instDownloadName'] = $Package->getInstDownloadName(); $json['runtime'] = $Package->Runtime; $json['exeSize'] = $Package->ExeSize; $json['archiveSize'] = $Package->ZipSize; //Simulate a Host Build Interrupt //die(0); } catch (Exception $e) { $Package->setStatus(DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR); //JSON:Debug Response //Pass = 1, Warn = 2, Fail = 3 $json = array(); $json['status'] = 3; $json['error'] = $e->getMessage() . "\n" . "FILE: " . $e->getFile() . "[" . $e->getLine() . "]\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); $json['package'] = $Package; $json['instDownloadName'] = null; $json['runtime'] = null; $json['exeSize'] = null; $json['archiveSize'] = null; } $json_response = SnapJson::jsonEncode($json); error_reporting($errLevel); die($json_response); } /** * Returns the package result status * * @return json JSON object of package results */ function duplicator_duparchive_package_build() { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] CALL TO ' . __FUNCTION__); check_ajax_referer('duplicator_duparchive_package_build', 'nonce'); DUP_Util::hasCapability('export'); header('Content-Type: application/json'); @set_time_limit(0); $errLevel = error_reporting(); error_reporting(E_ERROR); // The DupArchive build process always works on a saved package so the first time through save the active package to the package table. // After that, just retrieve it. $active_package_id = DUP_Settings::Get('active_package_id'); DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] CURRENT PACKAGE ACTIVE ' . $active_package_id); if ($active_package_id == -1) { $package = DUP_Package::getActive(); $package->save('daf'); DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] PACKAGE AS NEW ID ' . $package->ID . ' SAVED | STATUS:' . $package->Status); //DUP_Log::TraceObject("[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] PACKAGE SAVED:", $package); DUP_Settings::Set('active_package_id', $package->ID); DUP_Settings::Save(); } else { if (($package = DUP_Package::getByID($active_package_id)) == null) { DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] ERROR: Get package by id ' . $active_package_id . ' FAILED'); die('Get package by id ' . $active_package_id . ' FAILED'); } DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] PACKAGE GET BY ID ' . $active_package_id . ' | STATUS:' . $package->Status); // DUP_Log::TraceObject("getting active package by id {$active_package_id}", $package); } if (!is_readable(DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/{$package->ScanFile}")) { DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] ERROR: The scan result file was not found. Please run the scan step before building the package.'); die("The scan result file was not found. Please run the scan step before building the package."); } if ($package === null) { DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] There is no active package.'); die("There is no active package."); } if ($package->Status == DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR) { $package->setStatus(DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR); $hasCompleted = true; } else { try { $hasCompleted = $package->runDupArchiveBuild(); } catch (Exception $ex) { DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] ERROR: caught exception'); Dup_Log::error('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] Caught exception', $ex->getMessage(), Dup_ErrorBehavior::LogOnly); DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] ERROR: after log'); $package->setStatus(DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR); $hasCompleted = true; } } $json = array(); $json['failures'] = array_merge($package->BuildProgress->build_failures, $package->BuildProgress->validation_failures); if (!empty($json['failures'])) { DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] FAILURES ' . print_r($json['failures'], true)); } //JSON:Debug Response //Pass = 1, Warn = 2, 3 = Failure, 4 = Not Done if ($hasCompleted) { DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] COMPLETED PACKAGE STATUS: ' . $package->Status); if ($package->Status == DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR) { DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] ERROR'); $error_message = __('Error building DupArchive package') . '<br/>'; foreach ($json['failures'] as $failure) { $error_message .= implode(',', $failure->description); } Dup_Log::error("Build failed so sending back error", esc_html($error_message), Dup_ErrorBehavior::LogOnly); DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] ERROR AFTER LOG 2'); $json['status'] = 3; } else { Dup_Log::Info("sending back success status"); $json['status'] = 1; } Dup_Log::Trace('#### json package'); $json['package'] = $package; $json['instDownloadName'] = $package->getInstDownloadName(); $json['runtime'] = $package->Runtime; $json['exeSize'] = $package->ExeSize; $json['archiveSize'] = $package->ZipSize; DUP_Log::Trace('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] JSON PACKAGE'); } else { DUP_Log::Info('[CTRL DUP ARCIVE] sending back continue status PACKAGE STATUS: ' . $package->Status); $json['status'] = 4; } $json_response = SnapJson::jsonEncode($json); Dup_Log::TraceObject('json response', $json_response); error_reporting($errLevel); die($json_response); } /** * DUPLICATOR_PACKAGE_DELETE * Deletes the files and database record entries * * @return json A JSON message about the action. * Use console.log to debug from client */ function duplicator_package_delete() { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); check_ajax_referer('duplicator_package_delete', 'nonce'); $json = array( 'success' => false, 'message' => '' ); $package_ids = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'package_ids', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array( 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, 'options' => array( 'default' => false ) )); $delCount = 0; try { DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); if ($package_ids === false || in_array(false, $package_ids)) { throw new Exception('Invalid Request.', 'duplicator'); } foreach ($package_ids as $id) { $package = DUP_Package::getByID($id); if ($package === null) { throw new Exception('Invalid Request.', 'duplicator'); } $package->delete(); $delCount++; } $json['success'] = true; $json['ids'] = $package_ids; $json['removed'] = $delCount; } catch (Exception $ex) { $json['message'] = $ex->getMessage(); } die(SnapJson::jsonEncode($json)); } /** * Active package info * Returns a JSON scan report active package info or * active_package_present == false if no active package is present. * * @return json */ function duplicator_active_package_info() { ob_start(); try { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); if (!check_ajax_referer('duplicator_active_package_info', 'nonce', false)) { throw new Exception(__('An unauthorized security request was made to this page. Please try again!', 'duplicator')); } global $wpdb; $error = false; $result = array( 'active_package' => array( 'present' => false, 'status' => 0, 'size' => 0 ), 'html' => '', 'message' => '' ); $result['active_package']['present'] = DUP_Package::is_active_package_present(); if ($result['active_package']['present']) { $id = DUP_Settings::Get('active_package_id'); $package = DUP_Package::getByID($id); if (is_null($package)) { throw new Exception(__('Active package object error', 'duplicator')); } $result['active_package']['status'] = $package->Status; $result['active_package']['size'] = $package->getArchiveSize(); $result['active_package']['size_format'] = DUP_Util::byteSize($package->getArchiveSize()); } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = true; $result['message'] = $e->getMessage(); } $result['html'] = ob_get_clean(); if ($error) { wp_send_json_error($result); } else { wp_send_json_success($result); } } /** * Controller for Tools * @package Duplicator\ctrls */ class DUP_CTRL_Package extends DUP_CTRL_Base { /** * Init this instance of the object */ public function __construct() { add_action('wp_ajax_DUP_CTRL_Package_addQuickFilters', array($this, 'addQuickFilters')); add_action('wp_ajax_DUP_CTRL_Package_getPackageFile', array($this, 'getPackageFile')); add_action('wp_ajax_DUP_CTRL_Package_getActivePackageStatus', array($this, 'getActivePackageStatus')); } /** * Removed all reserved installer files names * * @param string $_POST['dir_paths'] A semi-colon separated list of directory paths * * @return string Returns all of the active directory filters as a ";" separated string */ public function addQuickFilters() { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); check_ajax_referer('DUP_CTRL_Package_addQuickFilters', 'nonce'); $result = new DUP_CTRL_Result($this); $inputData = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, array( 'dir_paths' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR, 'options' => array( 'default' => '' ) ), 'file_paths' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR, 'options' => array( 'default' => '' ) ), )); try { DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); //CONTROLLER LOGIC $package = DUP_Package::getActive(); //DIRS $dir_filters = ($package->Archive->FilterOn) ? $package->Archive->FilterDirs . ';' . $inputData['dir_paths'] : $inputData['dir_paths']; $dir_filters = $package->Archive->parseDirectoryFilter($dir_filters); $changed = $package->Archive->saveActiveItem($package, 'FilterDirs', $dir_filters); //FILES $file_filters = ($package->Archive->FilterOn) ? $package->Archive->FilterFiles . ';' . $inputData['file_paths'] : $inputData['file_paths']; $file_filters = $package->Archive->parseFileFilter($file_filters); $changed = $package->Archive->saveActiveItem($package, 'FilterFiles', $file_filters); if (!$package->Archive->FilterOn && !empty($package->Archive->FilterExts)) { $changed = $package->Archive->saveActiveItem($package, 'FilterExts', ''); } $changed = $package->Archive->saveActiveItem($package, 'FilterOn', 1); //Result $package = DUP_Package::getActive(); $payload['dirs-in'] = esc_html(sanitize_text_field($inputData['dir_paths'])); $payload['dir-out'] = esc_html($package->Archive->FilterDirs); $payload['files-in'] = esc_html(sanitize_text_field($inputData['file_paths'])); $payload['files-out'] = esc_html($package->Archive->FilterFiles); //RETURN RESULT $test = ($changed) ? DUP_CTRL_Status::SUCCESS : DUP_CTRL_Status::FAILED; $result->process($payload, $test); } catch (Exception $exc) { $result->processError($exc); } } /** * Get active package status * * <code> * //JavaScript Ajax Request * Duplicator.Package.getActivePackageStatus() * </code> */ public function getActivePackageStatus() { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); check_ajax_referer('DUP_CTRL_Package_getActivePackageStatus', 'nonce'); $result = new DUP_CTRL_Result($this); try { DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); //CONTROLLER LOGIC $active_package_id = DUP_Settings::Get('active_package_id'); $package = DUP_Package::getByID($active_package_id); $payload = array(); if ($package != null) { $test = DUP_CTRL_Status::SUCCESS; $payload['status'] = $package->Status; } else { $test = DUP_CTRL_Status::FAILED; } //RETURN RESULT return $result->process($payload, $test); } catch (Exception $exc) { $result->processError($exc); } } }