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Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package/class.pack.php


use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapJson;
use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapUtil;

defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit;
// Exit if accessed directly
if (! defined('DUPLICATOR_VERSION')) {

require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/utilities/class.u.php');
require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/package/class.pack.archive.php');
require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/package/class.pack.installer.php');
require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/package/class.pack.database.php');

 * Class used to keep track of the build progress
 * @package Duplicator\classes
class DUP_Build_Progress
    public $thread_start_time;
    public $initialized           = false;
    public $installer_built       = false;
    public $archive_started       = false;
    public $archive_has_database  = false;
    public $archive_built         = false;
    public $database_script_built = false;
    public $failed                = false;
    public $retries               = 0;
    public $build_failures        = array();
    public $validation_failures   = array();

     * @var DUP_Package
    private $package;

     * @param DUP_Package $package
    public function __construct($package)
        $this->package = $package;

     * @return bool
    public function has_completed()
        return $this->failed || ($this->installer_built && $this->archive_built && $this->database_script_built);

    public function timed_out($max_time)
        if ($max_time > 0) {
            $time_diff = time() - $this->thread_start_time;
            return ($time_diff >= $max_time);
        } else {
            return false;

    public function start_timer()
        $this->thread_start_time = time();

    public function set_validation_failures($failures)
        $this->validation_failures = array();

        foreach ($failures as $failure) {
            $this->validation_failures[] = $failure;

    public function set_build_failures($failures)
        $this->build_failures = array();

        foreach ($failures as $failure) {
            $this->build_failures[] = $failure->description;

    public function set_failed($failure_message = null)
        if ($failure_message !== null) {
            $failure                = new StdClass();
            $failure->type          = 0;
            $failure->subject       = '';
            $failure->description   = $failure_message;
            $failure->isCritical    = true;
            $this->build_failures[] = $failure;

        $this->failed          = true;
        $this->package->Status = DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR;

 * Class used to emulate and ENUM to give the status of a package from 0 to 100%
 * @package Duplicator\classes
final class DUP_PackageStatus
    private function __construct()

    const ERROR         = -1;
    const CREATED       = 0;
    const START         = 10;
    const DBSTART       = 20;
    const DBDONE        = 30;
    const ARCSTART      = 40;
    const ARCVALIDATION = 60;
    const ARCDONE       = 65;
    const COMPLETE      = 100;

 * Class used to emulate and ENUM to determine how the package was made.
 * For lite only the MANUAL type is used.
 * @package Duplicator\classes
final class DUP_PackageType
    const MANUAL    = 0;
    const SCHEDULED = 1;

 * Class used to emulate and ENUM to determine the various file types used in a package
 * @package Duplicator\classes
abstract class DUP_PackageFileType
    const Installer = 0;
    const Archive   = 1;
    const SQL       = 2;
    const Log       = 3;
    const Scan      = 4;

 * Class used to store and process all Package logic
 * Standard: PSR-2
 * @link http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2
 * @package Duplicator\classes
class DUP_Package
    const OPT_ACTIVE = 'duplicator_package_active';

    public $Created;
    public $Version;
    public $VersionWP;
    public $VersionDB;
    public $VersionPHP;
    public $VersionOS;
    public $ID;
    public $Name;
    public $Hash;
    public $NameHash;
    //Set to DUP_PackageType
    public $Type;
    public $Notes;
    public $ScanFile;
    public $TimerStart = -1;
    public $Runtime;
    public $ExeSize;
    public $ZipSize;
    public $Status;
    public $WPUser;
    /** @var DUP_Archive */
    public $Archive;
    /** @var DUP_Installer */
    public $Installer;
    /** @var DUP_Database */
    public $Database;
    /** @var DUP_Build_Progress */
    public $BuildProgress;

     *  Manages the Package Process
    public function __construct()
        $this->ID            = null;
        $this->Version       = DUPLICATOR_VERSION;
        $this->Type          = DUP_PackageType::MANUAL;
        $this->Name          = self::getDefaultName();
        $this->Notes         = null;
        $this->Database      = new DUP_Database($this);
        $this->Archive       = new DUP_Archive($this);
        $this->Installer     = new DUP_Installer($this);
        $this->BuildProgress = new DUP_Build_Progress($this);
        $this->Status        = DUP_PackageStatus::CREATED;

     * Generates a JSON scan report
     * @return array of scan results
     * @notes: Testing = /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=duplicator_package_scan
    public function runScanner()
        $timerStart     = DUP_Util::getMicrotime();
        $report         = array();
        $this->ScanFile = "{$this->NameHash}_scan.json";

        $report['RPT']['ScanTime'] = "0";
        $report['RPT']['ScanFile'] = $this->ScanFile;

        $srv           = DUP_Server::getChecks();
        $report['SRV'] = $srv['SRV'];

        $dirCount  = count($this->Archive->Dirs);
        $fileCount = count($this->Archive->Files);
        $fullCount = $dirCount + $fileCount;

        $report['ARC']['Size']                      = DUP_Util::byteSize($this->Archive->Size) or "unknown";
        $report['ARC']['DirCount']                  = number_format($dirCount);
        $report['ARC']['FileCount']                 = number_format($fileCount);
        $report['ARC']['FullCount']                 = number_format($fullCount);
        $report['ARC']['WarnFileCount']             = count($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Files->Warning);
        $report['ARC']['WarnDirCount']              = count($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Dirs->Warning);
        $report['ARC']['UnreadableDirCount']        = count($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Dirs->Unreadable);
        $report['ARC']['UnreadableFileCount']       = count($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Files->Unreadable);
        $report['ARC']['FilterDirsAll']             = $this->Archive->FilterDirsAll;
        $report['ARC']['FilterFilesAll']            = $this->Archive->FilterFilesAll;
        $report['ARC']['FilterExtsAll']             = $this->Archive->FilterExtsAll;
        $report['ARC']['FilterInfo']                = $this->Archive->FilterInfo;
        $report['ARC']['RecursiveLinks']            = $this->Archive->RecursiveLinks;
        $report['ARC']['UnreadableItems']           = array_merge($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Files->Unreadable, $this->Archive->FilterInfo->Dirs->Unreadable);
        $report['ARC']['Status']['Size']            = ($this->Archive->Size > DUPLICATOR_SCAN_SIZE_DEFAULT) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $report['ARC']['Status']['Names']           = (count($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Files->Warning) + count($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Dirs->Warning)) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $report['ARC']['Status']['UnreadableItems'] = !empty($this->Archive->RecursiveLinks) || !empty($report['ARC']['UnreadableItems']) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $overwriteInstallerParams = apply_filters('duplicator_overwrite_params_data', array());
        $package_can_be_migrate = !(isset($overwriteInstallerParams['mode_chunking']['value'])
                                    && $overwriteInstallerParams['mode_chunking']['value'] == 3
                                    && isset($overwriteInstallerParams['mode_chunking']['formStatus'])
                                    && $overwriteInstallerParams['mode_chunking']['formStatus'] == 'st_infoonly');
        $package_can_be_migrate                         = true;
        $report['ARC']['Status']['MigratePackage']      = $package_can_be_migrate ? 'Good' : 'Warn';
        $report['ARC']['Status']['CanbeMigratePackage'] = $package_can_be_migrate;

        $privileges_to_show_create_proc_func = true;
        $procedures                          = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_col("SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE `Db` = '" . $GLOBALS['wpdb']->dbname . "'", 1);
        if (count($procedures)) {
            $create                              = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_row("SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE `" . $procedures[0] . "`", ARRAY_N);
            $privileges_to_show_create_proc_func = isset($create[2]);

        $functions = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_col("SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE `Db` = '" . $GLOBALS['wpdb']->dbname . "'", 1);
        if (count($functions)) {
            $create                              = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_row("SHOW CREATE FUNCTION `" . $functions[0] . "`", ARRAY_N);
            $privileges_to_show_create_proc_func = $privileges_to_show_create_proc_func && isset($create[2]);

        $privileges_to_show_create_proc_func                 = apply_filters('duplicator_privileges_to_show_create_proc_func', $privileges_to_show_create_proc_func);
        $report['ARC']['Status']['showCreateProcFuncStatus'] = $privileges_to_show_create_proc_func ? 'Good' : 'Warn';
        $report['ARC']['Status']['showCreateProcFunc']       = $privileges_to_show_create_proc_func;

        //$report['ARC']['Status']['Big']   = count($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Files->Size) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $report['ARC']['Dirs']                 = $this->Archive->Dirs;
        $report['ARC']['Files']                = $this->Archive->Files;
        $report['ARC']['Status']['AddonSites'] = count($this->Archive->FilterInfo->Dirs->AddonSites) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';

        $db           = $this->Database->getScannerData();
        $report['DB'] = $db;

        //Lite Limits
        $rawTotalSize                        = $this->Archive->Size + $report['DB']['RawSize'];
        $report['LL']['TotalSize']           = DUP_Util::byteSize($rawTotalSize);
        $report['LL']['Status']['TotalSize'] = ($rawTotalSize > DUPLICATOR_MAX_DUPARCHIVE_SIZE) ? 'Fail' : 'Good';

        $warnings = array(

        //array_count_values will throw a warning message if it has null values,
        //so lets replace all nulls with empty string
        foreach ($warnings as $i => $value) {
            if (is_null($value)) {
                $warnings[$i] = '';

        $warn_counts               = is_array($warnings) ? array_count_values($warnings) : 0;
        $report['RPT']['Warnings'] = is_null($warn_counts['Warn']) ? 0 : $warn_counts['Warn'];
        $report['RPT']['Success']  = is_null($warn_counts['Good']) ? 0 : $warn_counts['Good'];
        $report['RPT']['ScanTime'] = DUP_Util::elapsedTime(DUP_Util::getMicrotime(), $timerStart);
        $fp                        = fopen(DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/{$this->ScanFile}", 'w');

        fwrite($fp, SnapJson::jsonEncodePPrint($report));

        return $report;

     * Validates the inputs from the UI for correct data input
     * @return DUP_Validator
    public function validateInputs()
        $validator = new DUP_Validator();

            array(  'valkey' => 'Name' ,
                    'errmsg' => __('Package name can\'t be empty', 'duplicator'),

            array(  'valkey' => 'FilterDirs' ,
                    'errmsg' => __('Directories: <b>%1$s</b> isn\'t a valid path', 'duplicator'),

            array(  'valkey' => 'FilterExts' ,
                    'errmsg' => __('File extension: <b>%1$s</b> isn\'t a valid extension', 'duplicator'),

            array(  'valkey' => 'FilterFiles' ,
                    'errmsg' => __('Files: <b>%1$s</b> isn\'t a valid file name', 'duplicator'),

        //FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN throws notice message on PHP 5.6
        if (defined('FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN')) {
            $validator->filter_var($this->Installer->OptsDBHost, FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN, array(
                        'valkey' => 'OptsDBHost' ,
                        'errmsg' => __('MySQL Server Host: <b>%1$s</b> isn\'t a valid host', 'duplicator'),
                        'acc_vals' => array(
                            '' ,

        $validator->filter_var($this->Installer->OptsDBPort, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array(
                    'valkey' => 'OptsDBPort' ,
                    'errmsg' => __('MySQL Server Port: <b>%1$s</b> isn\'t a valid port', 'duplicator'),
                    'acc_vals' => array(
                    'options' => array(
                       'min_range' => 0

        return $validator;

     * @return string
    public function getInstDownloadName($onlySecureName = false)
        $mode = ($onlySecureName)
            : DUP_Settings::Get('installer_name_mode');

        switch ($mode) {
            case DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_SIMPLE:
            case DUP_Settings::INSTALLER_NAME_MODE_WITH_HASH:
                $name = basename($this->getLocalPackageFile(DUP_PackageFileType::Installer));
        $info = pathinfo($name);
        return $info['filename'];

     * @return bool return true if package is a active_package_id and status is bewteen 0 and 100
    public function isRunning()
        return DUP_Settings::Get('active_package_id') == $this->ID && $this->Status >= 0 && $this->Status < 100;

    protected function cleanObjectBeforeSave()

     * Saves the active package to the package table
     * @return void
    public function save($extension)
        global $wpdb;

        $this->Archive->Format = strtoupper($extension);
        $this->Archive->File   = "{$this->NameHash}_archive.{$extension}";
        $this->Installer->File = apply_filters(
            "{$this->NameHash}_installer" . DUP_Installer::INSTALLER_SERVER_EXTENSION
        $this->Database->File  = "{$this->NameHash}_database.sql";
        $current_user          = wp_get_current_user();
        $this->WPUser          = isset($current_user->user_login) ? $current_user->user_login : 'unknown';


        do_action('duplicator_lite_build_before_start', $this);


        $packageObj = serialize($this);
        if (!$packageObj) {
            DUP_Log::error("Unable to serialize package object while building record.");

        $this->ID = $this->getHashKey($this->Hash);

        if ($this->ID != 0) {
            DUP_LOG::Trace("ID non zero so setting to start");
        } else {
            DUP_LOG::Trace("ID IS zero so creating another package");
            $tablePrefix = DUP_Util::getTablePrefix();
            $results     = $wpdb->insert($tablePrefix . "duplicator_packages", array(
                'name' => $this->Name,
                'hash' => $this->Hash,
                'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::START,
                'created' => current_time('mysql', get_option('gmt_offset', 1)),
                'owner' => isset($current_user->user_login) ? $current_user->user_login : 'unknown',
                'package' => $packageObj));
            if ($results === false) {
                DUP_LOG::Trace("Problem inserting package: {$wpdb->last_error}");

                DUP_Log::error("Duplicator is unable to insert a package record into the database table.", "'{$wpdb->last_error}'");
            $this->ID = $wpdb->insert_id;

        do_action('duplicator_lite_build_start', $this);

     * Delete all files associated with this package ID
     * @return void
    public function delete()
        global $wpdb;

        $tablePrefix = DUP_Util::getTablePrefix();
        $tblName     = $tablePrefix . 'duplicator_packages';
        $getResult   = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT name, hash FROM `{$tblName}` WHERE id = %d", $this->ID), ARRAY_A);

        if ($getResult) {
            $row       = $getResult[0];
            $nameHash  = "{$row['name']}_{$row['hash']}";
            $delResult = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `{$tblName}` WHERE id = %d", $this->ID));

            if ($delResult != 0) {
                $tmpPath = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath();
                $ssdPath =  DUP_Settings::getSsdirPath();

                $archiveFile  = $this->getArchiveFilename();
                $wpConfigFile = "{$this->NameHash}_wp-config.txt";

                @chmod($tmpPath . "/{$archiveFile}", 0644);
                @chmod($tmpPath . "/{$nameHash}_database.sql", 0644);
                @chmod($tmpPath . "/{$nameHash}_installer" . DUP_Installer::INSTALLER_SERVER_EXTENSION, 0644);
                @chmod($tmpPath . "/{$nameHash}_scan.json", 0644);
                @chmod($tmpPath . "/{$wpConfigFile}", 0644);
                @chmod($tmpPath . "/{$nameHash}.log", 0644);

                @chmod($ssdPath . "/{$archiveFile}", 0644);
                @chmod($ssdPath . "/{$nameHash}_database.sql", 0644);
                @chmod($ssdPath . "/{$nameHash}_installer" . DUP_Installer::INSTALLER_SERVER_EXTENSION, 0644);
                @chmod($ssdPath . "/{$nameHash}_scan.json", 0644);
                // In older version, The plugin was storing [HASH]_wp-config.txt in main storage area. The below line code is for backward compatibility
                @chmod($ssdPath . "/{$wpConfigFile}", 0644);
                @chmod($ssdPath . "/{$nameHash}.log", 0644);
                @unlink($tmpPath . "/{$archiveFile}");
                @unlink($tmpPath . "/{$nameHash}_database.sql");
                @unlink($tmpPath . "/{$nameHash}_installer" . DUP_Installer::INSTALLER_SERVER_EXTENSION);
                @unlink($tmpPath . "/{$nameHash}_scan.json");
                @unlink($tmpPath . "/{$wpConfigFile}");
                @unlink($tmpPath . "/{$nameHash}.log");

                @unlink($ssdPath . "/{$archiveFile}");
                @unlink($ssdPath . "/{$nameHash}_database.sql");
                @unlink($ssdPath . "/{$nameHash}_installer" . DUP_Installer::INSTALLER_SERVER_EXTENSION);
                @unlink($ssdPath . "/{$nameHash}_scan.json");
                // In older version, The plugin was storing [HASH]_wp-config.txt in main storage area. The below line code is for backward compatibility
                @unlink($ssdPath . "/{$wpConfigFile}");
                @unlink($ssdPath . "/{$nameHash}.log");

     * Get package archive size.
     * If package isn't complete it get size from sum of temp files.
     * @return int size in byte
    public function getArchiveSize()
        $size = 0;

        if ($this->Status >= DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETE) {
            $size = $this->Archive->Size;
        } else {
            $tmpSearch = glob(DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/{$this->NameHash}_*");
            if (is_array($tmpSearch)) {
                $result = array_map('filesize', $tmpSearch);
                $size   = array_sum($result);

        return $size;

     * Return true if active package exist and have an active status
     * @return bool
    public static function is_active_package_present()
        $activePakcs = self::get_ids_by_status(array(
                array('op' => '>=', 'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::CREATED),
                array('op' => '<', 'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETE)
                ), true);

        return in_array(DUP_Settings::Get('active_package_id'), $activePakcs);

     * @param array $conditions es. [
     *                                  relation = 'AND',
     *                                  [ 'op' => '>=' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::START ]
     *                                  [ 'op' => '<' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETED ]
     *                              ]
     * @return string
    protected static function statusContitionsToWhere($conditions = array())
        if (empty($conditions)) {
            return '';
        } else {
            $accepted_op = array('<', '>', '=', '<>', '>=', '<=');
            $relation    = (isset($conditions['relation']) && strtoupper($conditions['relation']) == 'OR') ? ' OR ' : ' AND ';

            $str_conds = array();

            foreach ($conditions as $cond) {
                $op          = (isset($cond['op']) && in_array($cond['op'], $accepted_op)) ? $cond['op'] : '=';
                $status      = isset($cond['status']) ? (int) $cond['status'] : 0;
                $str_conds[] = 'status ' . $op . ' ' . $status;

            return ' WHERE ' . implode($relation, $str_conds) . ' ';

     * Get packages with status conditions and/or pagination
     * @global wpdb $wpdb
     * @param array                 //  $conditions es. [
     *                                      relation = 'AND',
     *                                      [ 'op' => '>=' ,
     *                                        'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::START ]
     *                                      [ 'op' => '<' ,
     *                                        'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETED ]
     *                                   ]
     *                                  if empty get all pacages
     * @param int $limit            // max row numbers fi false the limit is PHP_INT_MAX
     * @param int $offset           // offset 0 is at begin
     * @param string $orderBy       // default `id` ASC if empty no order
     * @param string $resultType    //  ids => int[]
     *                                  row => row without backage blob
     *                                  fullRow => row with package blob
     *                                  objs => array of DUP_Package objects
     * @return DUP_Package[]|object[]|int[]
    public static function get_packages_by_status($conditions = array(), $limit = false, $offset = 0, $orderBy = '`id` ASC', $resultType = 'obj')
        global $wpdb;
        $table = $wpdb->base_prefix . "duplicator_packages";
        $where = self::statusContitionsToWhere($conditions);

        $packages   = array();
        $offsetStr  = ' OFFSET ' . (int) $offset;
        $limitStr   = ' LIMIT ' . ($limit !== false ? max(0, $limit) : PHP_INT_MAX);
        $orderByStr = empty($orderBy) ? '' : ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy . ' ';
        switch ($resultType) {
            case 'ids':
                $cols = '`id`';
            case 'row':
                $cols = '`id`,`name`,`hash`,`status`,`created`,`owner`';
            case 'fullRow':
                $cols = '*';
            case 'objs':
                $cols = '`status`,`package`';

        $rows = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT ' . $cols . ' FROM `' . $table . '` ' . $where . $orderByStr . $limitStr . $offsetStr);
        if ($rows != null) {
            switch ($resultType) {
                case 'ids':
                    foreach ($rows as $row) {
                        $packages[] = $row->id;
                case 'row':
                case 'fullRow':
                    $packages = $rows;
                case 'objs':
                    foreach ($rows as $row) {
                        $Package = unserialize($row->package);
                        if ($Package) {
                            // We was not storing Status in Lite 1.2.52, so it is for backward compatibility
                            if (!isset($Package->Status)) {
                                $Package->Status = $row->status;

                            $packages[] = $Package;
        return $packages;

     * Get packages row db with status conditions and/or pagination
     * @param array             //  $conditions es. [
     *                                  relation = 'AND',
     *                                  [ 'op' => '>=' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::START ]
     *                                  [ 'op' => '<' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETED ]
     *                              ]
     *                              if empty get all pacages
     * @param int $limit        // max row numbers
     * @param int $offset       // offset 0 is at begin
     * @param string $orderBy   // default `id` ASC if empty no order
     * @return object[]      // return row database without package blob
    public static function get_row_by_status($conditions = array(), $limit = false, $offset = 0, $orderBy = '`id` ASC')
        return self::get_packages_by_status($conditions, $limit, $offset, $orderBy, 'row');

     * Get packages ids with status conditions and/or pagination
     * @param array             //  $conditions es. [
     *                                  relation = 'AND',
     *                                  [ 'op' => '>=' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::START ]
     *                                  [ 'op' => '<' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETED ]
     *                              ]
     *                              if empty get all pacages
     * @param int $limit        // max row numbers
     * @param int $offset       // offset 0 is at begin
     * @param string $orderBy   // default `id` ASC if empty no order
     * @return array[]      // return row database without package blob
    public static function get_ids_by_status($conditions = array(), $limit = false, $offset = 0, $orderBy = '`id` ASC')
        return self::get_packages_by_status($conditions, $limit, $offset, $orderBy, 'ids');

     * count package with status condition
     * @global wpdb $wpdb
     * @param array $conditions es. [
     *                                  relation = 'AND',
     *                                  [ 'op' => '>=' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::START ]
     *                                  [ 'op' => '<' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETED ]
     *                              ]
     * @return int
    public static function count_by_status($conditions = array())
        global $wpdb;

        $table = $wpdb->base_prefix . "duplicator_packages";
        $where = self::statusContitionsToWhere($conditions);

        $count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(id) FROM `{$table}` " . $where);
        return $count;

     * Execute $callback function foreach package result
     * For each iteration the memory is released
     * @param callable $callback    // function callback(DUP_Package $package)
     * @param array             //  $conditions es. [
     *                                  relation = 'AND',
     *                                  [ 'op' => '>=' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::START ]
     *                                  [ 'op' => '<' ,
     *                                    'status' =>  DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETED ]
     *                              ]
     *                              if empty get all pacages
     * @param int $limit        // max row numbers
     * @param int $offset       // offset 0 is at begin
     * @param string $orderBy   // default `id` ASC if empty no order
     * @return void
    public static function by_status_callback($callback, $conditions = array(), $limit = false, $offset = 0, $orderBy = '`id` ASC')
        if (!is_callable($callback)) {
            throw new Exception('No callback function passed');

        $offset      = max(0, $offset);
        $numPackages = self::count_by_status($conditions);
        $maxLimit    = $offset + ($limit !== false ? max(0, $limit) : PHP_INT_MAX - $offset);
        $numPackages = min($maxLimit, $numPackages);
        $orderByStr  = empty($orderBy) ? '' : ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy . ' ';

        global $wpdb;
        $table = $wpdb->base_prefix . "duplicator_packages";
        $where = self::statusContitionsToWhere($conditions);
        $sql   = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $table . '` ' . $where . $orderByStr . ' LIMIT 1 OFFSET ';

        for (; $offset < $numPackages; $offset++) {
            $rows = $wpdb->get_results($sql . $offset);
            if ($rows != null) {
                $Package = @unserialize($rows[0]->package);
                if ($Package) {
                    if (empty($Package->ID)) {
                        $Package->ID = $rows[0]->id;
                    // We was not storing Status in Lite 1.2.52, so it is for backward compatibility
                    if (!isset($Package->Status)) {
                        $Package->Status = $rows[0]->status;
                    call_user_func($callback, $Package);

    public static function purge_incomplete_package()
        $packages = self::get_packages_by_status(array(
                'relation' => 'AND',
                array('op' => '>=', 'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::CREATED),
                array('op' => '<', 'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETE)
                ), 1, 0, '`id` ASC');

        if (count($packages) > 0) {
            foreach ($packages as $package) {
                if (!$package->isRunning()) {

     * Check the DupArchive build to make sure it is good
     * @return void
    public function runDupArchiveBuildIntegrityCheck()
        //We should not rely on data set in the serlized object, we need to manually check each value
        //indepentantly to have a true integrity check.
        DUP_Log::info("INTEGRITY CHECKS:");

        //SQL CHECK:  File should be at minimum 5K.  A base WP install with only Create tables is about 9K
        $sql_temp_path = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . '/' . $this->Database->File;
        $sql_temp_size = @filesize($sql_temp_path);
        $sql_easy_size = DUP_Util::byteSize($sql_temp_size);
        $sql_done_txt  = DUP_Util::tailFile($sql_temp_path, 3);
        DUP_Log::Trace('[DUP ARCHIVE] ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' ' . __LINE__);

        // Note: Had to add extra size check of 800 since observed bad sql when filter was on
        if (
            !strstr($sql_done_txt, 'DUPLICATOR_MYSQLDUMP_EOF') ||
                !$this->Database->FilterOn && $sql_temp_size < 5120) ||
                ($this->Database->FilterOn && $this->Database->info->tablesFinalCount > 0 &&
                $sql_temp_size < 800
        ) {
            DUP_Log::Trace('[DUP ARCHIVE] ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' ' . __LINE__);

            $error_text = "ERROR: SQL file not complete.  The file {$sql_temp_path} looks too small ($sql_temp_size bytes) or the end of file marker was not found.";
            DUP_Log::error("$error_text", '', Dup_ErrorBehavior::LogOnly);

        DUP_Log::Trace('[DUP ARCHIVE] ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' ' . __LINE__);
        DUP_Log::Info("SQL FILE: {$sql_easy_size}");

        $exe_temp_path = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . '/' . $this->Installer->File;

        $exe_temp_size = @filesize($exe_temp_path);
        $exe_easy_size = DUP_Util::byteSize($exe_temp_size);
        $exe_done_txt  = DUP_Util::tailFile($exe_temp_path, 10);

        if (!strstr($exe_done_txt, 'DUPLICATOR_INSTALLER_EOF') && !$this->BuildProgress->failed) {
            //$this->BuildProgress->failed = true;
            $error_message = 'ERROR: Installer file not complete.  The end of file marker was not found.  Please try to re-create the package.';

            $this->Status = DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR;
            DUP_Log::error($error_message, '', Dup_ErrorBehavior::LogOnly);
        DUP_Log::info("INSTALLER FILE: {$exe_easy_size}");

        //ARCHIVE CHECK:
        DUP_LOG::trace("Archive file count is " . $this->Archive->file_count);

        if ($this->Archive->file_count != -1) {
            $zip_easy_size = DUP_Util::byteSize($this->Archive->Size);
            if (!($this->Archive->Size)) {
                //$this->BuildProgress->failed = true;
                $error_message = "ERROR: The archive file contains no size.";

                DUP_Log::error($error_message, "Archive Size: {$zip_easy_size}", Dup_ErrorBehavior::LogOnly);

            $scan_filepath = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/{$this->NameHash}_scan.json";
            $json          = '';

            DUP_LOG::Trace("***********Does $scan_filepath exist?");
            if (file_exists($scan_filepath)) {
                $json = file_get_contents($scan_filepath);
            } else {
                $error_message = sprintf(__("Can't find Scanfile %s. Please ensure there no non-English characters in the package or schedule name.", 'duplicator'), $scan_filepath);

                //$this->BuildProgress->failed = true;

                DUP_Log::error($error_message, '', Dup_ErrorBehavior::LogOnly);

            $scanReport = json_decode($json);

            //RSR TODO: rework/simplify the validateion of duparchive
            $dirCount          = count($scanReport->ARC->Dirs);
            $numInstallerDirs  = $this->Installer->numDirsAdded;
            $fileCount         = count($scanReport->ARC->Files);
            $numInstallerFiles = $this->Installer->numFilesAdded;

            $expected_filecount = $dirCount + $numInstallerDirs + $fileCount + $numInstallerFiles + 1 - 1;   // Adding database.sql but subtracting the root dir
            //Dup_Log::trace("#### a:{$dirCount} b:{$numInstallerDirs} c:{$fileCount} d:{$numInstallerFiles} = {$expected_filecount}");

            DUP_Log::info("ARCHIVE FILE: {$zip_easy_size} ");
            DUP_Log::info(sprintf(__('EXPECTED FILE/DIRECTORY COUNT: %1$s', 'duplicator'), number_format($expected_filecount)));
            DUP_Log::info(sprintf(__('ACTUAL FILE/DIRECTORY COUNT: %1$s', 'duplicator'), number_format($this->Archive->file_count)));

            $this->ExeSize = $exe_easy_size;
            $this->ZipSize = $zip_easy_size;

            /* ------- ZIP Filecount Check -------- */
            // Any zip of over 500 files should be within 2% - this is probably too loose but it will catch gross errors
            DUP_LOG::trace("Expected filecount = $expected_filecount and archive filecount=" . $this->Archive->file_count);

            if ($expected_filecount > 500) {
                $straight_ratio = (float) $expected_filecount / (float) $this->Archive->file_count;

                $warning_count = $scanReport->ARC->WarnFileCount + $scanReport->ARC->WarnDirCount + $scanReport->ARC->UnreadableFileCount + $scanReport->ARC->UnreadableDirCount;
                    "Warn/unread counts) warnfile:{$scanReport->ARC->WarnFileCount} warndir:{$scanReport->ARC->WarnDirCount}" .
                    " unreadfile:{$scanReport->ARC->UnreadableFileCount} unreaddir:{$scanReport->ARC->UnreadableDirCount}"
                $warning_ratio = ((float) ($expected_filecount + $warning_count)) / (float) $this->Archive->file_count;
                    "Straight ratio is $straight_ratio and warning ratio is $warning_ratio. # Expected=$expected_filecount " .
                    "# Warning=$warning_count and #Archive File {$this->Archive->file_count}"

                // Allow the real file count to exceed the expected by 10% but only allow 1% the other way
                if (($straight_ratio < 0.90) || ($straight_ratio > 1.01)) {
                    // Has to exceed both the straight as well as the warning ratios
                    if (($warning_ratio < 0.90) || ($warning_ratio > 1.01)) {
                        $error_message = sprintf('ERROR: File count in archive vs expected suggests a bad archive (%1$d vs %2$d).', $this->Archive->file_count, $expected_filecount);
                        $this->Status = DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR;

                        DUP_Log::error($error_message, '');

        /* ------ ZIP CONSISTENCY CHECK ------ */
        if ($this->Archive->getBuildMode() == DUP_Archive_Build_Mode::ZipArchive) {
            DUP_LOG::trace("Running ZipArchive consistency check");
            $zipPath = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/{$this->Archive->File}";

            $zip = new ZipArchive();

            // ZipArchive::CHECKCONS will enforce additional consistency checks
            $res = $zip->open($zipPath, ZipArchive::CHECKCONS);

            if ($res !== true) {
                $consistency_error = sprintf(__('ERROR: Cannot open created archive. Error code = %1$s', 'duplicator'), $res);

                switch ($res) {
                    case ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP:
                        $consistency_error = __('ERROR: Archive is not valid zip archive.', 'duplicator');

                    case ZipArchive::ER_INCONS:
                        $consistency_error = __("ERROR: Archive doesn't pass consistency check.", 'duplicator');

                    case ZipArchive::ER_CRC:
                        $consistency_error = __("ERROR: Archive checksum is bad.", 'duplicator');

                $this->Status = DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR;

                DUP_Log::error($consistency_error, '');
            } else {
                DUP_Log::info(__('ARCHIVE CONSISTENCY TEST: Pass', 'duplicator'));
                DUP_LOG::trace("Zip for package $this->ID passed consistency test");


    public function getLocalPackageFile($file_type)
        $file_path = null;

        if ($file_type == DUP_PackageFileType::Installer) {
            DUP_Log::Trace("Installer requested");
            $file_name = apply_filters('duplicator_installer_file_path', $this->getInstallerFilename());
        } elseif ($file_type == DUP_PackageFileType::Archive) {
            DUP_Log::Trace("Archive requested");
            $file_name = $this->getArchiveFilename();
        } elseif ($file_type == DUP_PackageFileType::SQL) {
            DUP_Log::Trace("SQL requested");
            $file_name = $this->getDatabaseFilename();
        } else {
            DUP_Log::Trace("Log requested");
            $file_name = $this->getLogFilename();

        $file_path = DUP_Settings::getSsdirPath() . "/$file_name";
        DUP_Log::Trace("File path $file_path");

        if (file_exists($file_path)) {
            return $file_path;
        } else {
            return null;

    public function getScanFilename()
        return $this->NameHash . '_scan.json';

    public function getScanUrl()
        return DUP_Settings::getSsdirUrl() . "/" . $this->getScanFilename();

    public function getLogFilename()
        return $this->NameHash . '.log';

    public function getLogUrl()
        return DUP_Settings::getSsdirUrl() . "/" . $this->getLogFilename();

    public function getArchiveFilename()
        $extension = strtolower($this->Archive->Format);

        return "{$this->NameHash}_archive.{$extension}";

    public function getInstallerFilename()
        return "{$this->NameHash}_installer" . DUP_Installer::INSTALLER_SERVER_EXTENSION;

    public function getDatabaseFilename()
        return $this->NameHash . '_database.sql';

    public function get_files_list_filename()
        return $this->NameHash . DUP_Archive::FILES_LIST_FILE_NAME_SUFFIX;

    public function get_dirs_list_filename()
        return $this->NameHash . DUP_Archive::DIRS_LIST_FILE_NAME_SUFFIX;

     * @param int $type
     * @return array
    public function getPackageFileDownloadInfo($type)
        $result = array(
            "filename" => "",
            "url"      => ""

        switch ($type) {
            case DUP_PackageFileType::Archive:
                $result["filename"] = $this->Archive->File;
                $result["url"]      = $this->Archive->getURL();
            case DUP_PackageFileType::SQL:
                $result["filename"] = $this->Database->File;
                $result["url"]      = $this->Database->getURL();
            case DUP_PackageFileType::Log:
                $result["filename"] = $this->getLogFilename();
                $result["url"]      = $this->getLogUrl();
            case DUP_PackageFileType::Scan:
                $result["filename"] = $this->getScanFilename();
                $result["url"]      = $this->getScanUrl();

        return $result;

    public function getInstallerDownloadInfo()
        return array(
            "id"   => $this->ID,
            "hash" => $this->Hash

     * Removes all files except those of active packages
    public static function not_active_files_tmp_cleanup()
        //Check for the 'tmp' folder just for safe measures
        if (! is_dir(DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath()) && (strpos(DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath(), 'tmp') !== false)) {

        $globs = glob(DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . '/*.*');
        if (! is_array($globs) || $globs === false) {

        $active_pack  = self::get_row_by_status(array(
            'relation' => 'AND',
            array('op' => '>=' , 'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::CREATED ),
            array('op' => '<' , 'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETE )
        $active_files = array();
        foreach ($active_pack as $row) {
            $active_files[] = $row->name . '_' . $row->hash;

        $err_pack        = self::get_row_by_status(array(
            array('op' => '<' , 'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::CREATED )
        $force_del_files = array();
        foreach ($err_pack as $row) {
            $force_del_files[] =  $row->name . '_' . $row->hash;

        // Don't remove json file;
        $extension_filter = array('json', 'txt');

        // Calculate delta time for old files
        $oldTimeToClean = time() - DUPLICATOR_TEMP_CLEANUP_SECONDS;

        foreach ($globs as $glob_full_path) {
            // Don't remove sub dir
            if (is_dir($glob_full_path)) {

            $file_name = basename($glob_full_path);
            // skip all active packages
            foreach ($active_files as $c_nameHash) {
                if (strpos($file_name, $c_nameHash) === 0) {
                    continue 2;

            // Remove all old files
            if (filemtime($glob_full_path) <= $oldTimeToClean) {

            // remove all error packages files
            foreach ($force_del_files as $c_nameHash) {
                if (strpos($file_name, $c_nameHash) === 0) {
                    continue 2;

            $file_info = pathinfo($glob_full_path);
            // skip json file for pre build packages
            if (in_array($file_info['extension'], $extension_filter) || in_array($file_name, $active_files)) {


     * Cleans up the temp storage folder have a time interval
     * @return void
    public static function safeTmpCleanup($purge_temp_archives = false)
        if ($purge_temp_archives) {
            $dir = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/*_archive.zip.*";
            foreach (glob($dir) as $file_path) {
            $dir = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/*_archive.daf.*";
            foreach (glob($dir) as $file_path) {
        } else {
            //Remove all temp files that are 24 hours old
            $dir = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/*";

            $files = glob($dir);

            if ($files !== false) {
                foreach ($files as $file_path) {
                    // Cut back to keeping things around for just an hour 15 min
                    if (filemtime($file_path) <= time() - DUPLICATOR_TEMP_CLEANUP_SECONDS) {

     * Starts the package DupArchive progressive build process - always assumed to only run off active package, NOT one in the package table
     * @return obj Returns a DUP_Package object
    public function runDupArchiveBuild()

        if ($this->BuildProgress->failed) {
            DUP_LOG::Trace("build progress failed so setting package to failed");
            $message = "Package creation failed.";
            return true;

        if ($this->BuildProgress->initialized == false) {
            DUP_Log::Trace('[DUP ARCHIVE] INIZIALIZE');
            $this->BuildProgress->initialized = true;
            $this->TimerStart                 = Dup_Util::getMicrotime();

        //START BUILD
        if (!$this->BuildProgress->database_script_built) {
            $this->Database->build($this, Dup_ErrorBehavior::ThrowException);
            $this->BuildProgress->database_script_built = true;
            DUP_Log::Info('[DUP ARCHIVE] DONE DATABASE');
        } elseif (!$this->BuildProgress->archive_built) {
            DUP_Log::Info('[DUP ARCHIVE] BUILDING ARCHIVE');
            DUP_Log::Info('[DUP ARCHIVE] DONE ARCHIVE');
        } elseif (!$this->BuildProgress->installer_built) {
            // Installer being built is stuffed into the archive build phase

        if ($this->BuildProgress->has_completed()) {

            if (!$this->BuildProgress->failed) {
                // Only makees sense to perform build integrity check on completed archives
            } else {
                DUP_LOG::trace("top of loop build progress failed");

            $timerEnd      = DUP_Util::getMicrotime();
            $timerSum      = DUP_Util::elapsedTime($timerEnd, $this->TimerStart);
            $this->Runtime = $timerSum;

            //FINAL REPORT
            $info  = "\n********************************************************************************\n";
            $info .= "RECORD ID:[{$this->ID}]\n";
            $info .= "TOTAL PROCESS RUNTIME: {$timerSum}\n";
            $info .= "PEAK PHP MEMORY USED: " . DUP_Server::getPHPMemory(true) . "\n";
            $info .= "DONE PROCESSING => {$this->Name} " . @date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n";

            DUP_LOG::trace("Done package building");

            if (!$this->BuildProgress->failed) {
                DUP_Log::Trace('[DUP ARCHIVE] HAS COMPLETED DONE');
                DUP_LOG::Trace("Cleaning up duparchive temp files");
                //File Cleanup
                do_action('duplicator_lite_build_completed', $this);
            } else {
                DUP_Log::Trace('[DUP ARCHIVE] HAS COMPLETED ERROR');
        return $this->BuildProgress->has_completed();

     * Starts the package build process
     * @return obj Returns a DUP_Package object
    public function runZipBuild()
        $timerStart = DUP_Util::getMicrotime();

        DUP_Log::Trace('#### start of zip build');
        //START BUILD
        //PHPs serialze method will return the object, but the ID above is not passed
        //for one reason or another so passing the object back in seems to do the trick
        $this->Database->build($this, Dup_ErrorBehavior::ThrowException);

        DUP_Log::Info("INTEGRITY CHECKS:");
        $dbSizeRead  = DUP_Util::byteSize($this->Database->Size);
        $zipSizeRead = DUP_Util::byteSize($this->Archive->Size);
        $exeSizeRead = DUP_Util::byteSize($this->Installer->Size);

        $timerEnd = DUP_Util::getMicrotime();
        $timerSum = DUP_Util::elapsedTime($timerEnd, $timerStart);

        $this->Runtime = $timerSum;
        $this->ExeSize = $exeSizeRead;
        $this->ZipSize = $zipSizeRead;


        //FINAL REPORT
        $info  = "\n********************************************************************************\n";
        $info .= "RECORD ID:[{$this->ID}]\n";
        $info .= "TOTAL PROCESS RUNTIME: {$timerSum}\n";
        $info .= "PEAK PHP MEMORY USED: " . DUP_Server::getPHPMemory(true) . "\n";
        $info .= "DONE PROCESSING => {$this->Name} " . @date(get_option('date_format') . " " . get_option('time_format')) . "\n";


        return $this;

     *  Saves the active options associted with the active(latest) package.
     *  @see DUP_Package::getActive
     *  @param $_POST $post The Post server object
     *  @return null
    public function saveActive($post = null)
        global $wp_version;

        if (isset($post)) {
            $post = stripslashes_deep($post);

            $name = isset($post['package-name']) ? trim($post['package-name']) : self::getDefaultName();
            $name = str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '_', $name);
            $name = str_replace(array('.', ';', ':', "'", '"'), '', $name);
            $name = sanitize_file_name($name);
            $name = substr(trim($name), 0, 40);

            if (isset($post['filter-dirs'])) {
                $post_filter_dirs = sanitize_text_field($post['filter-dirs']);
                $filter_dirs      = $this->Archive->parseDirectoryFilter($post_filter_dirs);
            } else {
                $filter_dirs = '';

            if (isset($post['filter-files'])) {
                $post_filter_files = sanitize_text_field($post['filter-files']);
                $filter_files      = $this->Archive->parseFileFilter($post_filter_files);
            } else {
                $filter_files = '';

            if (isset($post['filter-exts'])) {
                $post_filter_exts = sanitize_text_field($post['filter-exts']);
                $filter_exts      = $this->Archive->parseExtensionFilter($post_filter_exts);
            } else {
                $filter_exts = '';

            $tablelist = '';
            if (isset($post['dbtables'])) {
                $tablelist = implode(',', $post['dbtables']);

            if (isset($post['dbcompat'])) {
                $compatlist = is_array($post['dbcompat']) ? implode(',', $post['dbcompat']) : sanitize_text_field($post['dbcompat']);
            } else {
                $compatlist = '';

            $dbversion  = DUP_DB::getVersion();
            $dbversion  = is_null($dbversion) ? '- unknown -'  : sanitize_text_field($dbversion);
            $dbcomments = sanitize_text_field(DUP_DB::getVariable('version_comment'));
            $dbcomments = is_null($dbcomments) ? '- unknown -' : sanitize_text_field($dbcomments);

            $this->Created    = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
            $this->Version    = DUPLICATOR_VERSION;
            $this->VersionOS  = defined('PHP_OS') ? PHP_OS : 'unknown';
            $this->VersionWP  = $wp_version;
            $this->VersionPHP = phpversion();
            $this->VersionDB  = sanitize_text_field($dbversion);
            $this->Name       = sanitize_text_field($name);
            $this->Hash       = $this->makeHash();
            $this->NameHash   = sanitize_text_field("{$this->Name}_{$this->Hash}");

            $this->Notes = sanitize_textarea_field($post['package-notes']);
            $this->Archive->Format       = 'ZIP';
            $this->Archive->FilterOn     = isset($post['filter-on']) ? 1 : 0;
            $this->Archive->ExportOnlyDB = isset($post['export-onlydb']) ? 1 : 0;
            $this->Archive->FilterDirs   = sanitize_textarea_field($filter_dirs);
            $this->Archive->FilterFiles  = sanitize_textarea_field($filter_files);
            $this->Archive->FilterExts   = str_replace(array('.', ' '), '', $filter_exts);
            $this->Installer->OptsDBHost      = sanitize_text_field($post['dbhost']);
            $this->Installer->OptsDBPort      = sanitize_text_field($post['dbport']);
            $this->Installer->OptsDBName      = sanitize_text_field($post['dbname']);
            $this->Installer->OptsDBUser      = sanitize_text_field($post['dbuser']);
            $this->Installer->OptsDBCharset   = sanitize_text_field($post['dbcharset']);
            $this->Installer->OptsDBCollation = sanitize_text_field($post['dbcollation']);
            $this->Installer->OptsSecureOn    = isset($post['secure-on']) ? 1 : 0;
            $post_secure_pass                 = sanitize_text_field($post['secure-pass']);
            $this->Installer->OptsSecurePass  = DUP_Util::installerScramble($post_secure_pass);
            $this->Database->FilterOn     = isset($post['dbfilter-on']) ? 1 : 0;
            $this->Database->FilterTables = sanitize_text_field($tablelist);
            $this->Database->Compatible   = $compatlist;
            $this->Database->Comments     = sanitize_text_field($dbcomments);

            update_option(self::OPT_ACTIVE, $this);

     * Update the serialized package and status in the database
     * @return void
    public function update()
        global $wpdb;

        $this->Status = number_format($this->Status, 1, '.', '');
        $packageObj = serialize($this);

        if (!$packageObj) {
            DUP_Log::error("Package SetStatus was unable to serialize package object while updating record.");

        $tablePrefix = DUP_Util::getTablePrefix();
        $table       = $tablePrefix . "duplicator_packages";
        $sql         = "UPDATE `{$table}` SET  status = {$this->Status},";
        $sql        .= "package = '" . esc_sql($packageObj) . "'";
        $sql        .= "WHERE ID = {$this->ID}";

        DUP_Log::Trace("UPDATE PACKAGE ID = {$this->ID} STATUS = {$this->Status}");

        //DUP_Log::Trace('####Executing SQL' . $sql . '-----------');

     * Save any property of this class through reflection
     * @param $property     A valid public property in this class
     * @param $value        The value for the new dynamic property
     * @return null
    public function saveActiveItem($property, $value)
        $package = self::getActive();

        $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($package);
        $reflectionClass->getProperty($property)->setValue($package, $value);
        update_option(self::OPT_ACTIVE, $package);

     * Sets the status to log the state of the build
     * The status level for where the package is
     * @param int $status
     * @return void
    public function setStatus($status)
        if (!isset($status)) {
            DUP_Log::error("Package SetStatus did not receive a proper code.");
        $this->Status = $status;

     * Does a hash already exists
     * Returns 0 if no hash is found, if found returns the table ID
     * @param string $hash An existing hash value
     * @return int
    public function getHashKey($hash)
        global $wpdb;

        $tablePrefix = DUP_Util::getTablePrefix();
        $table       = $tablePrefix . "duplicator_packages";
        $qry         = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT ID, hash FROM `{$table}` WHERE hash = '{$hash}'");
        if (is_null($qry) || strlen($qry->hash) == 0) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return $qry->ID;

     * Makes the hashkey for the package files
     * @return string // A unique hashkey
    public function makeHash()
        try {
            if (function_exists('random_bytes') && DUP_Util::PHP53()) {
                return bin2hex(random_bytes(8)) . mt_rand(1000, 9999) . '_' . date("YmdHis");
            } else {
                return strtolower(md5(uniqid(rand(), true))) . '_' . date("YmdHis");
        } catch (Exception $exc) {
            return strtolower(md5(uniqid(rand(), true))) . '_' . date("YmdHis");

     * Gets the active package which is defined as the package that was lasted saved.
     * Do to cache issues with the built in WP function get_option moved call to a direct DB call.
     * @see DUP_Package::saveActive
     * @return DUP_Package // A copy of the DUP_Package object
    public static function getActive()
        global $wpdb;

        $obj = new DUP_Package();
        $row = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT option_value FROM `{$wpdb->options}` WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1", self::OPT_ACTIVE));
        if (is_object($row)) {
            $obj = @unserialize($row->option_value);
        //Incase unserilaize fails
        $obj = (is_object($obj)) ? $obj : new DUP_Package();

        return $obj;

     * Gets the Package by ID
     * @param int $id A valid package id form the duplicator_packages table
     * @return DUP_Package  // A copy of the DUP_Package object
    public static function getByID($id)
        global $wpdb;
        $obj         = new DUP_Package();
        $tablePrefix = DUP_Util::getTablePrefix();
        $sql         = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `{$tablePrefix}duplicator_packages` WHERE ID = %d", $id);
        $row         = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
        if (is_object($row)) {
            $obj = @unserialize($row->package);
            // We was not storing Status in Lite 1.2.52, so it is for backward compatibility
            if (!isset($obj->Status)) {
                $obj->Status = $row->status;
        //Incase unserilaize fails
        $obj = (is_object($obj)) ? $obj : null;
        return $obj;

     *  Gets a default name for the package
     *  @return string   // A default package name such as 20170218_blogname
    public static function getDefaultName($preDate = true)
        //Remove specail_chars from final result
        $special_chars = array(".", "-");
        $name          = ($preDate)
                            ? date('Ymd') . '_' . sanitize_title(get_bloginfo('name', 'display'))
                            : sanitize_title(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')) . '_' . date('Ymd');
        $name          = substr(sanitize_file_name($name), 0, 40);
        $name          = str_replace($special_chars, '', $name);
        return $name;

     *  Cleanup all tmp files
     *  @param all empty all contents
     *  @return null
    public static function tempFileCleanup($all = false)
        if ($all) {
             //Delete all files now
            $dir = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/*";
            foreach (glob($dir) as $file) {
        } else {
            //Remove scan files that are 24 hours old
            $dir = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/*_scan.json";
            foreach (glob($dir) as $file) {
                if (filemtime($file) <= time() - 86400) {

     *  Provides various date formats
     *  @param $utcDate created date in the GMT timezone
     *  @param $format  Various date formats to apply
     *  @return string  // a formated date based on the $format
    public static function getCreatedDateFormat($utcDate, $format = 1)
        $date = get_date_from_gmt($utcDate);
        $date = new DateTime($date);
        switch ($format) {
            case 1:
                return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i');
            case 2:
                return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            case 3:
                return $date->format('y-m-d H:i');
            case 4:
                return $date->format('y-m-d H:i:s');
            case 5:
                return $date->format('m-d-Y H:i');
            case 6:
                return $date->format('m-d-Y H:i:s');
            case 7:
                return $date->format('m-d-y H:i');
            case 8:
                return $date->format('m-d-y H:i:s');
            case 9:
                return $date->format('d-m-Y H:i');
            case 10:
                return $date->format('d-m-Y H:i:s');
            case 11:
                return $date->format('d-m-y H:i');
            case 12:
                return $date->format('d-m-y H:i:s');
                return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i');

     *  Cleans up all the tmp files as part of the package build process
    public function buildCleanup()
        $files   = DUP_Util::listFiles(DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath());
        $newPath = DUP_Settings::getSsdirPath();

        $filesToStore = array(

        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $fileName = basename($file);
            if (!strstr($fileName, $this->NameHash)) {

            if (in_array($fileName, $filesToStore)) {
                if (function_exists('rename')) {
                    rename($file, "{$newPath}/{$fileName}");
                } elseif (function_exists('copy')) {
                    copy($file, "{$newPath}/{$fileName}");
                } else {
                    throw new Exception('PHP copy and rename functions not found!  Contact hosting provider!');

            if (file_exists($file)) {

     * Get package hash
     * @return string package hash
    public function getPackageHash()
        $hashParts    = explode('_', $this->Hash);
        $firstPart    = substr($hashParts[0], 0, 7);
        $secondPart   = substr($hashParts[1], -8);
        $package_hash = $firstPart . '-' . $secondPart;
        return $package_hash;

    public function getSecondaryPackageHash()
        $newHash   = $this->makeHash();
        $hashParts = explode('_', $newHash);
        $firstPart = substr($hashParts[0], 0, 7);

        $hashParts  = explode('_', $this->Hash);
        $secondPart = substr($hashParts[1], -8);

        $package_hash = $firstPart . '-' . $secondPart;
        return $package_hash;

     *  Provides the full sql file path in archive
     *  @return the full sql file path in archive
    public function getSqlArkFilePath()
        $package_hash      = $this->getPackageHash();
        $sql_ark_file_Path = 'dup-installer/dup-database__' . $package_hash . '.sql';
        return $sql_ark_file_Path;

    private function writeLogHeader()
        $php_max_time = @ini_get("max_execution_time");
        if (SnapUtil::isIniValChangeable('memory_limit')) {
            $php_max_memory = @ini_set('memory_limit', DUPLICATOR_PHP_MAX_MEMORY);
        } else {
            $php_max_memory = @ini_get('memory_limit');

        $php_max_time   = ($php_max_time == 0) ? "(0) no time limit imposed" : "[{$php_max_time}] not allowed";
        $php_max_memory = ($php_max_memory === false) ? "Unabled to set php memory_limit" : DUPLICATOR_PHP_MAX_MEMORY . " ({$php_max_memory} default)";

        $info  = "********************************************************************************\n";
        $info .= "DUPLICATOR-LITE PACKAGE-LOG: " . @date(get_option('date_format') . " " . get_option('time_format')) . "\n";
        $info .= "NOTICE: Do NOT post to public sites or forums \n";
        $info .= "********************************************************************************\n";
        $info .= "VERSION:\t" . DUPLICATOR_VERSION . "\n";
        $info .= "WORDPRESS:\t{$GLOBALS['wp_version']}\n";
        $info .= "PHP INFO:\t" . phpversion() . ' | ' . 'SAPI: ' . php_sapi_name() . "\n";
        $info .= "SERVER:\t\t{$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']} \n";
        $info .= "PHP TIME LIMIT: {$php_max_time} \n";
        $info .= "PHP MAX MEMORY: {$php_max_memory} \n";
        $info .= "MEMORY STACK: " . DUP_Server::getPHPMemory();

        $info = null;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0