Direktori : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/plugins/vmpayment/klarna/klarna/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/plugins/vmpayment/klarna/klarna/assets/js/klarna_general.js |
var klarna_js_loaded = true; if (typeof klarna == "undefined") { var $$ = $; var $ = jQuery; var klarna = { invoice_fee: 0, sum: 0, gender: '', klarnaGeneralLoaded: true, different_language: false, currentMinHeight_part: 0, currentMinHeight_spec: 0, currentMinHeight_invoice: 0, red_baloon_busy: false, blue_baloon_busy: false, address_busy: false, baloons_moved: false, changeLanguage_busy: false, showing_companyNotAlowed_box: false, gChoice: '', stype: '', errorHandler: { show: function (parentBox, message, code, type) { var errorHTML = '<div class="klarna_errMsg"><span>' + message + '</span></div>'; errorHTML += '<div class="klarna_errDetails">'; if (type != '') { errorHTML += '<span class="klarna_errType">' + type + '</span>'; } if (code != '') { errorHTML += '<span class="klarna_errCode">#' + code + '</span></div>'; } if (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').length == 0) { klarna.errorHandler.create(parentBox); } jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon_content').html(errorHTML); if (typeof showRedBaloon != 'undefined') showRedBaloon(parentBox); }, /** * Creates the red baloon used to show error messages */ create: function (parentBox) { jQuery( '<div class="klarna_red_baloon" id="klarna_red_baloon">' + '<div class="klarna_red_baloon_top"></div>' + '<div class="klarna_red_baloon_middle" id="klarna_red_baloon_content"></div>' + '<div class="klarna_red_baloon_bottom"></div>' + '</div>').appendTo(parentBox); }, prepareRedBaloon: function () { if ((typeof klarna.global.red_baloon_content != 'undefined') && (klarna.global.red_baloon_content != '') ) { var box; if (klarna.global.red_baloon_box != '') { box = jQuery('#' + klarna.global.red_baloon_box) } this.show(box, klarna.global.red_baloon_content); } }, showRedBaloon: function (box) { if (this.busy) return; this.busy = true; var field; if (typeof box == 'undefined') { if (gChoice == klarna.global.invoice_name) { box = jQuery(document).find('#klarna_box_invoice'); } else if (gChoice == klarna.global.part_name) { box = jQuery(document).find('#klarna_box_part'); } else if (gChoice == klarna.global_spec_name) { box = jQuery(document).find('#klarna_box_spec'); } } if (typeof box != 'undefined') { field = box.find('.klarna_logo'); } if (typeof field == 'undefined' || field.length == 0) { field = jQuery('.klarna_logo:visible'); } if (field.length > 0) { var callback = this.fadeRedBaloon; var position = field.offset(); var top = (position.top - jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').height()) + (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').height() / 6); if (top < 0) top = 10; position.top = top; var left = (position.left + field.width()) - (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').width() / 2); position.left = left; jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').css(position); jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').fadeIn('slow', function () { setTimeout(callback, 3000); }); } else { this.busy = false; } }, fadeRedBaloon: function () { this.busy = false; jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').addClass('klarna_fading_baloon'); }, hideRedBaloon: function () { this.busy = false; this.showing_address_error = false; jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').remove(); } }, hidePaymentOption: function (box, animate) { if (typeof animate == 'undefined') { animate = false; } if (animate) { jQuery(box).find('.klarna_box_top_right, .klarna_box_bottom'). hide(); } else { jQuery(box).find('.klarna_box_top_right, .klarna_box_bottom'). fadeOut('fast'); } jQuery(box).animate({'min-height': '55px'}, 200); klarna.showHideIlt(jQuery(box).find('.klarna_box_ilt'), false, animate); }, showPaymentOption: function (box, animate, currentMinHeight, different_language) { if (typeof animate == 'undefined') { animate = false; } if (animate) { jQuery(box).animate({"min-height": currentMinHeight}, 200, function () { klarna.showHideIlt(jQuery(this).find('.klarna_box_ilt'), true); jQuery(this).find('.klarna_box_bottom').fadeIn('fast', function () { jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_content_loader').fadeOut(); if (klarna.showing_companyNotAlowed_box) { klarna.hideRedBaloon(); } }); jQuery(this).find('.klarna_box_top_right').fadeIn('fast'); if (different_language) { jQuery(this).find('.klarna_box_bottom_languageInfo').fadeIn('fast'); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_languageInfo').fadeIn('fast'); } }); } else { jQuery(box).find('.klarna_box_top_right, .klarna_box_bottom').show('fast'); klarna.showHideIlt(jQuery(box).find('.klarna_box_ilt'), true, animate); } }, initPaymentSelection: function (choice) { var isklarna = choice.hasClass('klarnaPayment'); klarna.gChoice = ''; klarna.stype = choice.data("stype"); if (isklarna) klarna.gChoice = choice.attr('id'); //jQuery('input[value="'+choice+'"]').attr("id"); var klarnaBox = jQuery('#paymentForm .klarnaPayment'); klarnaBox.each(function () { var thisStype = jQuery(this).data("stype"); if (klarna.stype != thisStype) klarna.hidePaymentOption('#klarna_box_' + thisStype); else klarna.choosePaymentOption(klarna.stype); }); }, choosePaymentOption: function (choice) { klarna.hideRedBaloon(); klarna.hideBlueBaloon(); klarna.showPaymentOption(jQuery('#klarna_box_' + choice), true, klarna['currentMinHeight_' + klarna.stype], klarna.different_language); }, setGender: function (context, gender) { // This should be refactored to not be able to set other non-gender radio buttons var value; if (gender == 'f' || gender == '0') { jQuery('.Klarna_radio[value=0]', context).attr('checked', 'checked'); } else //if (gender == 'm' || gender == '1') { jQuery('.Klarna_radio[value=1]', context).attr('checked', 'checked'); } }, /** * Hook up jQuery callbacks for the given klarna_box_container(s) or * all klarna options in the document */ initPaymentOptions: function (opts) { if (typeof opts == 'undefined') { opts = jQuery(document); } // specialCampaign only if (typeof InitKlarnaSpecialPaymentElements != 'undefined') InitKlarnaSpecialPaymentElements('specialCampaignPopupLink', klarna.eid, klarna.countryCode); // P-Classes box actions jQuery('.klarna_box', opts).find('ol').find('li').mouseover(function () { jQuery(this).not('.klarna_box_click').addClass('klarna_box_over'); }).mouseout(function () { jQuery(this).not('.klarna_box_click').removeClass('klarna_box_over') }).click(function () { // Reset list and move chosen icon to newly selected pclass chosen = jQuery(this).parent("ol").find('img') klarna.resetListBox(jQuery(this).parent("ol")); chosen.appendTo(jQuery(this).find('div')); jQuery(this).attr("class", "klarna_box_click"); // Update input field with pclass id var value = jQuery(this).find('span').html(); var name = jQuery(this).parent("ol").attr("id"); jQuery(this).closest('.klarna_box').find("input.paymentPlan").attr("value", value); }); if (klarna.countryCode == "de" || klarna.countryCode == "nl") { klarna.setGender(opts, klarna.gender); } // Input field on focus jQuery('.klarna_box', opts).find('input').focusin(function () { klarna.setBaloonInPosition(jQuery(this), false); }).focusout(function () { klarna.hideBaloon(); }); jQuery('.klarna_box_top_flag_list img', opts).click(function () { if (klarna.changeLanguage_busy == false) { klarna.changeLanguage_busy = true; var newIso = jQuery(this).attr("alt"); jQuery('.box_active_language', opts).attr("src", jQuery(this).attr("src")); var box = jQuery(this).parents('.klarna_box_container'); var params; var values; var boxType = box.find('.klarna_box').attr("id"); var Type = boxType.substring(11);//'klarna_box_' if (!Type) { console.log(boxType); return; } klarna.changeLanguage(box, klarna.params, newIso, klarna.countryCode, Type); } }); setTimeout('klarna.prepareRedBaloon()', 1000); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_languageInfo', opts).mousemove(function (e) { klarna.showBlueBaloon(e.pageX, e.pageY, jQuery(this).find('img').attr("alt")); }); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_languageInfo', opts).mouseout(function () { klarna.hideBlueBaloon(); }); jQuery('input.gender.Klarna_radio', opts).bind('change', function () { klarna.gender = jQuery(this).val(); }); jQuery('.Klarna_pnoInputField', opts).each(function () { var pnoField = jQuery(this); jQuery(this).bind("keyup change blur focus", function () { klarna.pnoUpdated(jQuery(this), (jQuery(this).parents('.klarna_box').attr("id") == "klarna_box_invoice")); }); }); }, doDocumentIsReady: function (klarnaBox) { klarnaBox.each(function () { var type = jQuery(this).parents('table').find('.klarnaPayment').data("stype"); klarna['currentMinHeight_' + type] = jQuery(this).children('.klarna_box_top').height(); }); klarna.initPaymentOptions(); }, pnoUpdated: function (box, companyAllowed) { var pno_value = jQuery.trim(jQuery(box).val()); // Set the PNO to the other fields jQuery('.Klarna_pnoInputField').val(pno_value); // Do check if (pno_value != "") { jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_content_loader').is(":hidden").fadeIn('fast'); if (!validateSocialSecurity(pno_value)) { jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_content_loader').fadeOut('fast'); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_address').is(":visible").slideUp('fast'); } else { klarna.getAddress(jQuery(box).closest('.klarna_box'), pno_value, companyAllowed); } } else { jQuery('.referenceDiv').is(":visible").slideUp('fast'); // jQuery('.referenceDiv').is(":hidden").css({"display":"none"}); //Ilogic ! jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_content_loader').fadeOut('fast'); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_address').is(":visible").slideUp('fast'); //jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_address').is(":hidden").css({"display":"none"}); // Ilogic ! } }, /** * Showing and hiding the ILT questions * * @param field * @param show * @param animate */ showHideIlt: function (field, show, animate) { if (show == false) { if (animate == true) field.slideUp('fast'); else field.hide(); } else { var length = field.find('.klarna_box_iltContents').find('.klarna_box_ilt_question').length; if (length > 0) { if (animate == true) field.slideDown('fast'); else field.show(); } } }, prepareRedBaloon: function () { if (klarna.red_baloon_content != '') { if (typeof code == 'undefined') { code = ''; } klarna.errorHandler.show(jQuery('#' + klarna.red_baloon_box), klarna.red_baloon_content, code, ''); } }, showRedBaloon: function (box) { if (klarna.red_baloon_busy) return; klarna.red_baloon_busy = true; var field; if (typeof box == 'undefined') { if (klarna.gChoice == "klarna_invoice") { box = jQuery('#klarna_box_invoice'); } else if (klarna.gChoice == "klarna_partPayment") { box = jQuery('#klarna_box_part'); } else if (klarna.gChoice == "klarna_SpecCamp") { box = jQuery('#klarna_box_spec'); } } if (typeof box != 'undefined') { field = box.find('.klarna_logo'); } if (typeof field == 'undefined' || field.length == 0) { field = jQuery('.klarna_logo:visible'); } var position = field.offset(); var top = (position.top - jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').height()) + (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').height() / 6); if (top < 0) top = 10; position.top = top; var left = (position.left + field.width()) - (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').width() / 2); position.left = left; jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').css(position); jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').fadeIn('slow', function () { klarna.red_baloon_busy = false; setTimeout('klarna.fadeRedBaloon()', 3000); }); }, getAddress: function (parentBox, pno_value, companyAllowed) { if (!klarna.address_busy) { klarna.address_busy = true; data = { action: 'getAddress', country: klarna.countryCode, pno: pno_value } // Get the new klarna_box jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ajax_path, data: data, success: function (xml) { jQuery(xml).find('error').each(function () { var msg = jQuery(this).find('message').text(); var code = jQuery(this).find('code').text(); var type = jQuery(this).find('type').text(); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_content_loader').fadeOut('fast', function () { klarna.address_busy = false; }); klarna.errorHandler.show(parentBox, msg, code, type); }); jQuery(xml).find('getAddress').each(function () { addresses = AddressCollection.fromXML(this); if (typeof klarna.params_invoice != "undefined") addresses.render('#klarna_box_invoice', klarna.params_invoice['shipmentAddressInput']); if (typeof klarna.params_part != "undefined") addresses.render('#klarna_box_part', klarna.params_part['shipmentAddressInput']); if (typeof klarna.params_spec != "undefined") addresses.render('#klarna_box_spec', klarna.params_spec['shipmentAddressInput']); jQuery.each(addresses.addresses, function (i, addr) { if (addr.isCompany) { jQuery('#invoiceType').val("company"); jQuery('.referenceDiv').slideDown('fast'); if (addresses.mode == Address.Single) { jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom').animate({"min-height": "300px"}, 'fast'); } if (companyAllowed == false && typeof klarna.lang_companyNotAllowed != "") { showRedBaloon(jQuery(box)); jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon_content div').html(klarna.lang_companyNotAllowed); klarna.showing_companyNotAlowed_box = true; } else { klarna.hideRedBaloon(); } } else { jQuery('#invoiceType').val("private"); jQuery('.referenceDiv').slideUp('fast'); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom').animate({"min-height": "250px"}, 'fast'); if (klarna.showing_companyNotAlowed_box) klarna.hideRedBaloon(); } }); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_address').slideDown('fast'); jQuery('.klarna_box_bottom_content_loader').fadeOut('fast', function () { klarna.address_busy = false; klarna.hideRedBaloon(); }); }); klarna.address_busy = false; } }); } }, showBlueBaloon: function (x, y, text) { jQuery('#klarna_blue_baloon_content div').html(text); var top = (y - jQuery('#klarna_blue_baloon').height()) - 5; var left = (x - (jQuery('#klarna_blue_baloon').width() / 2) + 5); jQuery('#klarna_blue_baloon').css({"left": left, "top": top}); jQuery('#klarna_blue_baloon').show(); }, hideBlueBaloon: function () { jQuery('#klarna_blue_baloon').hide(); }, showRedBaloonX: function (box) { if (klarna.red_baloon_busy) return; klarna.red_baloon_busy = true; var field; if (typeof box == 'undefined') { if (klarna.gChoice == "klarna_invoice") { box = jQuery('#klarna_box_invoice'); } else if (klarna.gChoice == "klarna_partPayment") { box = jQuery('#klarna_box_part'); } else if (klarna.gChoice == "klarna_SpecCamp") { box = jQuery('#klarna_box_spec'); } } if (typeof box != 'undefined') { field = box.find('.klarna_logo'); } if (typeof field == 'undefined' || field.length == 0) { field = jQuery('.klarna_logo:visible'); } var position = field.offset(); var top = (position.top - jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').height()) + (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').height() / 6); if (top < 0) top = 10; position.top = top; var left = (position.left + field.width()) - (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').width() / 2); position.left = left; jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').css(position); jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').fadeIn('slow', function () { klarna.red_baloon_busy = false; setTimeout('klarna.fadeRedBaloon()', 3000); }); }, fadeRedBaloon: function () { if (klarna.red_baloon_busy) return; jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').addClass('klarna_fading_baloon'); }, hideRedBaloon: function () { if (klarna.red_baloon_busy) return; if (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').is(':visible') && !klarna.red_baloon_busy) { jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').fadeOut('fast', function () { klarna.red_baloon_busy = false; klarna.showing_companyNotAlowed_box = false; }); } }, /** * This function is only available for swedish social security numbers */ validateSocialSecurity: function (vPNO) { if (typeof vPNO == 'undefined') return false; return vPNO.match(/^([1-9]{2})?[0-9]{6}[-\+]?[0-9]{4}$/) }, resetListBox: function (listBox) { listBox.find('li').each(function () { if (jQuery(this).attr("id") == "click") { jQuery(this).attr("id", ""); } jQuery(this).find('div img').remove(); }); }, hideBaloon: function (callback) { if (jQuery('#klarna_baloon').is(":visible")) { jQuery('#klarna_baloon').fadeOut('fast', function () { if (callback) callback(); return true; }); } else { if (callback) callback(); return true; } }, setBaloonInPosition: function (field, red_baloon) { klarna.hideBaloon(function () { var position = field.offset(); var name = field.attr('name'); var value = field.attr('alt'); if (!value && !red_baloon) { return false; } if (!red_baloon) { jQuery('#klarna_baloon_content div').html(value); var top = position.top - jQuery('#klarna_baloon').height(); if (top < 0) top = 10; position.top = top; var left = (position.left + field.width()) - (jQuery('#klarna_baloon').width() - 50); position.left = left; jQuery('#klarna_baloon').css(position); jQuery('#klarna_baloon').fadeIn('fast'); } else { var top = position.top - jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').height(); if (top < 0) top = 10; position.top = top; var left = (position.left + field.width()) - (jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').width() - 50); position.left = left; jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').css(position); jQuery('#klarna_red_baloon').fadeIn('fast'); } }); }, saveDates: function (replaceBox) { klarna['select_bday'] = jQuery(replaceBox).find('.selectBox_bday').val(); klarna['select_bmonth'] = jQuery(replaceBox).find('.selectBox_bmonth').val(); klarna['select_year'] = jQuery(replaceBox).find('.selectBox_year').val(); }, changeLanguage: function (replaceBox, params, newIso, country, Type) { var paramString = ""; var valueString = ""; data = { action: 'languagepack', subAction: 'klarna_box', type: Type, newIso: newIso, country: country, sum: klarna.sum, fee: klarna.invoice_fee, flag: klarna.flag } // include current field values in request so that the values can be used // in the translation for (var attr in params) { data['params[' + attr + ']'] = params[attr]; var inputValue = jQuery(replaceBox).find('input[name=' + params[attr] + ']').val(); if (typeof inputValue != "undefined") { data['values[' + attr + ']'] = inputValue; } } virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = jQuery(replaceBox).parents('table').find('.klarnaPayment').val(); data['cid'] = virtuemart_paymentmethod_id; klarna.saveDates(replaceBox); jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: klarna.ajaxPath, data: data, success: function (response) { //console.log(response); if (jQuery(response).find('.klarna_box')) { replaceBox.find('.klarna_box').remove(); replaceBox.append(jQuery(response).find('.klarna_box')); if (newIso != klarna.language) replaceBox.find('.klarna_box_bottom_languageInfo').fadeIn('slow', function () { klarna.changeLanguage_busy = false; klarna.language = newIso; }); else replaceBox.find('.klarna_box_bottom_languageInfo').fadeOut('slow', function () { klarna.changeLanguage_busy = false; }); klarna.methodReady(Type); klarna.initPaymentOptions(replaceBox); } else { alert("Error, block not found. Response:\n\n" + response); } } }); }, methodReady: function (Type) { var foundBox = false; box = jQuery('#klarna_box_' + Type); var currentMinHeight = box.height(); // Select birthdate and fill years box // console.log(Type, klarna.countryCode); if (klarna.countryCode == "de" || klarna.countryCode == "nl") { // Years box var date = new Date(); for (i = date.getFullYear(); i >= 1900; i--) { jQuery('<option/>').val(i).text(i).appendTo(box.find('.selectBox_year')) } box.find('.selectBox_bday').val(klarna.select_bday); box.find('.selectBox_bmonth').val(klarna.select_bmonth); box.find('.selectBox_year').val(klarna.select_byear); } // Chosing the active language box.find('.box_active_language').click(function () { jQuery(this).next('.klarna_box_top_flag_list').slideToggle('fast', function () { if (jQuery(this).is(':visible')) { jQuery(this).parent('.klarna_box_top_flag').animate({opacity: 1.0}, 'fast'); } else { jQuery(this).parent('.klarna_box_top_flag').animate({opacity: 0.4}, 'fast'); } }); }); if (Type == 'invoice') { jQuery('input[name='+Type+"_"+klarna.invoice_ITId+']').change(function () { var val = jQuery(this).val(); if (val == "private") { jQuery('#invoice_perOrg_title').text(klarna.lang_personNum); jQuery('#invoice_box_private').slideDown('fast'); jQuery('#invoice_box_company').slideUp('fast'); } else if (val == "company") { jQuery('#invoice_perOrg_title').text(klarna.lang_orgNum); jQuery('#invoice_box_company').slideDown('fast'); jQuery('#invoice_box_private').slideUp('fast'); } }); } } } var $ = $$; } ; Address = function (companyName, firstName, lastName, street, zip, city, countryCode) { this.companyName = companyName; this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; this.street = street; this.zip = zip; this.city = city; this.countryCode = countryCode; this.isCompany = (this.companyName.length > 0); }; Address.fromXML = function (elem) { return new Address( jQuery(elem).find('companyName').text(), jQuery(elem).find('first_name').text(), jQuery(elem).find('last_name').text(), jQuery(elem).find('street').text(), jQuery(elem).find('zip').text(), jQuery(elem).find('city').text(), jQuery(elem).find('countryCode').text() ); }; Address.Mode = function Mode() { } Address.Single = new Address.Mode(); Address.Multi = new Address.Mode(); Address.prototype.inputValue = function () { return [(this.isCompany ? this.companyName : (this.firstName + '|' + this.lastName)), this.street, this.zip, this.city, this.countryCode].join('|'); } Address.prototype.render = function (mode) { if (mode == Address.Single) { return '<p>' + (this.isCompany ? this.companyName : (this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName)) + '</p>' + '<p>' + this.street + '</p>' + '<p>' + this.zip + ' ' + this.city + '</p>' + '<p>' + this.countryCode + '</p>'; } else if (mode == Address.Multi) { return '<option value="' + this.inputValue() + '">' + (this.isCompany ? this.companyName : (this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName)) + ', ' + this.street + ', ' + this.zip + ' ' + this.city + ', ' + this.countryCode; } } AddressCollection = function (addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; this.mode = addresses.length > 1 ? Address.Multi : Address.Single; } AddressCollection.fromXML = function (elem) { var multi = (jQuery('address', elem).length > 1); return new AddressCollection(jQuery('address', elem).map(function () { var addr = Address.fromXML(this); return addr; })); } AddressCollection.prototype.render = function (to, inputName) { var box = jQuery(to).find('.klarna_box_bottom_address_content'); box.empty(); if (this.mode == Address.Single) { var inputValue = this.addresses[0].inputValue(); var input = jQuery('<input type="hidden" name="' + inputName + '" value="' + inputValue + '" />') box.append(input); box.append(this.addresses[0].render(Address.Single)); } else if (this.mode == Address.Multi) { var select = jQuery('<select name="' + inputName + '">') box.append(select); jQuery.each(this.addresses, function (i, addr) { select.append(addr.render(Address.Multi)); }); } } //Load when document finished loading jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { var baloon = $('.klarna_baloon').clone(); $('.klarna_baloon').remove(); var baloon3 = $('.klarna_blue_baloon').clone(); $('.klarna_blue_baloon').remove(); $('body').append(baloon); $('body').append(baloon3); klarna.doDocumentIsReady(jQuery('.klarna_box')); $('.klarna_box_bottom_languageInfo').remove(); if (!klarna.unary_checkout) { var pList = jQuery('#paymentForm input[type=radio][name=virtuemart_paymentmethod_id]'); klarna.initPaymentSelection(pList.filter(":checked")); pList.click(function () { if (klarna.stype != jQuery(this).data("stype")) klarna.initPaymentSelection(jQuery(this)); }); } $('.klarnaPayment').parents('form').submit(function () { var vmmethod = $(this).find('input:radio[name=virtuemart_paymentmethod_id]:checked'); if (!vmmethod.hasClass('klarnaPayment')) return; var action = vmmethod.parents('form').attr('action'); //$.post(action,fields); var selectedTable = vmmethod.parents('table'); var fields = selectedTable.find('*').serializeArray(); fields.push({"name": "task", "value": "setpayment"}); fields.push({"name": "view", "value": "cart"}); fields.push({"name": "klarna_paymentmethod", "value": vmmethod.next('input').val()}); var form = $('<form></form>'); form.attr("method", "post"); form.attr("action", action); //fields $.each(fields, function (key, value) { var field = $('<input></input>'); field.attr("type", "hidden"); field.attr("name", value["name"]); field.attr("value", value["value"]); form.append(field); }); // The form needs to be apart of the document in // order for us to be able to submit it. $(document.body).append(form); form.submit(); return false; }); klarna.baloons_moved = true; });