Direktori : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/plugins/system/easyslider/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/plugins/system/easyslider/assets/js/easyslider.js |
void function ( exports, $, _, Backbone ) { var log = _.noop; //var log = log.bind(console) var YT_API_LOADED = false; var sliders = {}; var View = B.View.extend({ constructor: function ES_View() { B.View.apply(this, arguments); }, show: function () { this.$el.removeClass('jsn-es-hidden').css('opacity', 1); return this; }, hide: function () { this.$el.addClass('jsn-es-hidden'); return this; }, }); exports.ES_BG_Parallax = function($el, $effect, options){ var defaultOpt = { strength: 25, scale: 1.15, animationSpeed: "100ms", type: 'mouse-move', }; options = _.extend(defaultOpt, options); var h = window.innerHeight, w = window.innerWidth, sliderW = $('.jsn-es-stage').width(), sliderH = $('.jsn-es-stage').height(), sh = options.strength / h, sw = options.strength / w, ratioW = (sliderW + options.strength) / sliderW, ratioH = (sliderH + options.strength) / sliderH; options.scale = ratioW > ratioH ? ratioW : ratioH; $effect.css({ 'transform': 'scale(' + options.scale + ')', }) $effect.data('bakcss', $effect.attr('style')) if ( options.type == 'mouse-move') { $('body').on('mouseenter', function(e) { $effect.hasClass('background-active') && $effect.css({ "-webkit-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + ",0,0)", "-moz-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + ",0,0)", "-o-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + ",0,0)", "transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + ",0,0)", "-webkit-transition": "-webkit-transform " + options.animationSpeed + " linear", "-moz-transition": "-moz-transform " + options.animationSpeed + " linear", "-o-transition": "-o-transform " + options.animationSpeed + " linear", "transition": "transform " + options.animationSpeed + " linear" }).on("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function(){ // This will signal the mousemove below to execute when the scaling animation stops $effect.removeClass("ibg-entering") }); }).on('mousemove', function(e){ // This condition prevents transition from causing the movement of the background to lag if (!$effect.hasClass("exiting")) { var pageX = e.pageX || e.clientX, pageY = e.pageY || e.clientY, pageX = pageX - (w / 2), pageY = pageY - (h / 2), newX = (sw * pageX) * - 1, newY = (sh * pageY) * - 1; // Use matrix to move the background from its origin // Also, disable transition to prevent lag $effect.hasClass('background-active') && $effect.css({ "-webkit-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + "," + newX + "," + newY + ")", "-moz-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + "," + newX + "," + newY + ")", "-o-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + "," + newX + "," + newY + ")", "transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + "," + newX + "," + newY + ")", "-webkit-transition": "none", "-moz-transition": "none", "-o-transition": "none", "transition": "none" }); } }).on('mouseleave', function(e) { // Same condition applies as mouseenter. Rescale the background back to its original scale if($effect.data('bakcss')) { //$effect.attr('style', $effect.data('bakcss')); } }); } else if( options.type == 'scroll' ){ var viewportOffet = $el.parents('.jsn-es-viewport').offset(); var totalHeight = sliderH + h; options.scale = (options.strength + sliderH) / sliderH; $effect.css({ 'transform-origin': '50% 100%', 'transform': 'scale(' + options.scale + ')', }) $effect.find('.slide-background-effect').css({ 'background-position': '50% 100%', }); $effect.css({ 'transform-origin': '50% 100%', }) var setScrollCSS = function($effect) { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if ( viewportOffet.top - scrollTop <= h && viewportOffet.top - scrollTop + sliderH >=0) { var translatedY = options.strength * (h - (viewportOffet.top - scrollTop)) / totalHeight //translatedY = 0; $effect.css({ "-webkit-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + ",0," + translatedY + ")", "-moz-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + ",0," + translatedY + ")", "-o-transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + ",0," + translatedY + ")", "transform": "matrix(" + options.scale + ",0,0," + options.scale + ",0," + translatedY + ")", "-webkit-transition": "none", "-moz-transition": "none", "-o-transition": "none", "transition": "none" }); } } setScrollCSS($effect); $(window).on('scroll', function(){ setScrollCSS($effect); }) } } var VimeoPlayer = View.extend({ events: {}, initialize: function (options) { this.playerVars = options.playerVars; _.bindAll(this, 'onMessageReceived'); this.playerOrigin = '*'; if ( window.addEventListener ) { window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessageReceived, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onmessage', this.onMessageReceived, false); } }, postMessage: function ( action, value ) { var data = { method: action }; if ( value ) { data.value = value; } var message = JSON.stringify(data); this.el.contentWindow.postMessage(message, this.playerOrigin); }, onMessageReceived: function ( event ) { // Handle messages from the vimeo player only if ( !(/^https?:\/\/player.vimeo.com/).test(event.origin) ) { return; } if ( this.playerOrigin === '*' ) { this.playerOrigin = event.origin; } var data = JSON.parse(event.data); switch ( data.event ) { case 'ready': this.postMessage('addEventListener', 'play'); this.postMessage('addEventListener', 'pause'); this.postMessage('addEventListener', 'finish'); //this.postMessage('addEventListener', 'playProgress'); if ( this.playerVars.mute ) { this.postMessage('setVolume', '0') } else { var value = '0.8'; if ( this.playerVars.volume && parseFloat(this.playerVars.volume) > 0 ) { value = parseFloat(this.playerVars.volume) / 100; } this.postMessage('setVolume', value) } this.postMessage('setLoop', this.playerVars.loop); this.trigger('ready'); break; case 'playProgress': this.trigger('progress'); break; case 'pause': this.trigger('paused'); break; case 'finish': this.trigger('ended'); break; case 'play': this.trigger('playing'); break; } }, playVideo: function () { this.postMessage('play'); }, pauseVideo: function () { this.postMessage('pause'); }, seekTo: function ( time ) { this.postMessage('seekTo', time / 1000); }, }); var BackgroundView = View.extend({ constructor: function ES_BackgroundView( options ) { View.call(this, options) }, bindings: [ { type: 'style', selector: '.slide-background-effect', attr: { 'backgroundColor': 'color', 'backgroundImage': 'image.src', 'backgroundPosition': 'position', 'backgroundRepeat': 'repeat', 'backgroundSize': 'size', }, parse: function ( value, key ) { switch ( key ) { case 'backgroundImage': return value ? 'url(' + value + ')' : ''; case 'backgroundRepeat': return value ? 'repeat' : 'no-repeat'; default: return value; } } } ], initialize: function () { this.videoLoaded = false; _.bindAll(this, 'resizeVideo'); Object.defineProperty(this, 'slideView', { get: function () { if ( typeof this.isItem !== 'undefined' && this.isItem ) return this.superView.superView.superView; else return this.superView; } }) if ( this.model.get('image.src') ) { this.hasImage = true; this.imgLoading = false; this.imgLoaded = false; } this.on('video:playing', function () { this.videoPlaying = true; }); this.on('video:ended', function () { this.videoPlaying = false; this.slideView.trigger('video:ended'); }); }, ready: function(){ /** * parallax effects * */ if ( this.model.get('parallax.enable') ){//background-active var parallax = this.model.get('parallax').toJSON(); _.delay(_.bind(function(){ var $parent = this.$el.parents('.jsn-es-background'); var settings = { strength: parallax.depth, scale: 1.15, type: parallax.type }; ES_BG_Parallax($parent, this.$el.parent(), settings) },(this)),1000) } /* * * */ }, loadImage: function () { if ( !this.hasImage || this.imgLoading || this.imgLoaded ) return; var self = this; this.imgLoading = true; //this.$loading = $('<div class="jsn-es-loading fa-spin" />') // .appendTo(this.el); var img = new Image; img.onload = function () { self.imgLoaded = true; self.$el.css('background-image', 'url(' + img.src + ')') } img.onerror = function () { console.warn('Failed to load image from src:', img.src); //self.$loading.remove(); } var imgSrc = this.model.get('image.src'); var re = new RegExp("^(http|https)://", "i"); if ( re.test(imgSrc) ) { // do nothing } else { imgSrc = this.rootView.rootURL + imgSrc; } img.src = imgSrc; }, loadVideo: function (isSlideBG) { this.isSlideBG = isSlideBG; this.isOnMobile = /(iPad|iPhone|iPod|Android)/g.test(navigator.userAgent); this.isAndroid= /(Android)/g.test(navigator.userAgent); if ( this.videoLoaded ) return; this.isItem && this.listenTo(this.superView, 'start', function () { log('anim start'); if (this.slideView.isActive() && this.model.get('video.autoplay')) this.playVideo(); }) if ( this.model.get('video.selector') == 'provider' ) { if ( this.isSlideBG && this.isOnMobile) return; if ( this.model.get('video.youtube') ) return this.loadYoutubeVideo(); if ( this.model.get('video.vimeo') ) return this.loadVimeoVideo(); } else if ( this.model.get('video.selector') == 'local' ) { if (this.model.get('video.mp4') || this.model.get('video.ogg') || this.model.get('video.webm')) return this.loadLocalVideo(); } else { if ( this.isSlideBG && this.isOnMobile) return; if ( this.model.get('video.youtube') ) return this.loadYoutubeVideo(); if ( this.model.get('video.vimeo') ) return this.loadVimeoVideo(); if (this.model.get('video.mp4') || this.model.get('video.ogg') || this.model.get('video.webm')) return this.loadLocalVideo(); } }, loadYoutubeVideo: function () { var view = this; var video = this.model.get('video').toJSON(); //alert(navigator.userAgent) if ( video.autoplay ) this.$el.hide(); this.videoLoaded = true; if ( !YT_API_LOADED ) return this.delay(this.loadYoutubeVideo, 1000); //log('Rendering Youtube Video...'); this.yt_player_id = _.uniqueId('yt-player-'); $('<div class="jsn-es-video jsn-es-youtube-video">') .attr('id', this.yt_player_id) .appendTo(this.el); this.yt_player = new YT.Player(this.yt_player_id, { width: '100%', height: '100%', videoId: this.model.get('video.youtubeID'), playerVars: { autohide: 1, autoplay: 0, controls: this.isAndroid ? 1 : ( video.controls ? 1 : 0 ), // TODO: Check youtube loop problem loop: video.loop ? 1 : 0, cc_load_policy: 0, iv_load_policy: 3, modestbranding: 1, rel: 0, showinfo: 0 }, events: { 'onReady': _.bind(function () { this.player = this.yt_player; //this.yt_player.stopVideo(); if ( view.superView.$el.hasClass('jsn-es-item')) { view.superView.$('.item-content').remove(); } if ( video.mute ) { this.yt_player.mute(); } else { this.yt_player.unMute(); this.yt_player.setVolume((video.volume ? video.volume : 80)); } if (video.autoplay && this.slideView.isActive()) { view.resizeVideo(); //this.yt_player.seekTo(1) this.yt_player.playVideo(); setTimeout( function(){ view.$el.show(); }, 500) } }, this), 'onStateChange': _.bind(function ( state ) { switch ( state.data ) { case 0: this.trigger('video:ended'); break; case 1: this.trigger('video:playing'); break; case 2: this.trigger('video:paused'); break; case 3: this.trigger('video:buffering'); break; case 5: this.trigger('video:cued'); break; case -1: break; } }, this) } }); this.$yt_player = this.$('iframe'); this.resizeVideo(); }, loadVimeoVideo: function () { //hide item-content var view = this; var video = this.model.get('video').toJSON(); if ( video.autoplay ) this.$el.hide(); this.videoLoaded = true; this.isItem && this.superView.$('.item-content').hide(); var iframe = this.$vimeo_player = $('<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/' + this.model.get('video.vimeoID') + '?api=1' + '&autoplay=' + ( video.autoplay ? 1 : 0) //+ '&autoplay=0' + '&controls=' + (video.controls ? 1 : 0) + '" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>'); iframe .appendTo(this.el); this.player = new VimeoPlayer({ el: iframe, playerVars: video }); this.player.on('ready', function () { if (video.autoplay) { view.resizeVideo(); view.playVideo(); setTimeout( function(){ view.$el.show(); }, 500) } }); this.player.on('playing', function () { view.trigger('video:playing') }); this.player.on('paused', function () { view.trigger('video:paused') }); this.player.on('ended', function () { view.trigger('video:ended') }); if ( this.superView.$el.hasClass('jsn-es-item')) { this.superView.$('.item-content').remove(); } else { this.resizeVideo(); } }, loadLocalVideo: function () { this.videoLoaded = true; this.$video = $('<video class="jsn-es-video">') .appendTo(this.el) .attr({ width: '100%', height: '100%', }) .prop({ controls: this.model.get('video.controls'), autoplay: false, loop: this.model.get('video.loop'), }); this.$video.get(0).volume = 1; if ( this.model.get('video.mute') ) { this.$video.prop('muted', true); } _.each([ 'mp4', 'ogg', 'webm' ], function ( type ) { if ( this.model.get('video').get(type) ) $('<source>') .attr('type', 'video/' + type) .attr('src', this.model.get('video').get(type)) .appendTo(this.$video); }, this); this.player = {}; this.player.playVideo = _.bind(function () { this.$video.get(0).play(); }, this); this.player.pauseVideo = _.bind(function () { this.$video.get(0).pause(); }, this); this.player.seekTo = _.bind(function ( time ) { this.$video.get(0).currentTime = time; }, this); if ( this.superView.$el.hasClass('jsn-es-item')) { this.superView.$('.item-content').remove(); } this.$video.get(0).addEventListener('play', _.bind(function ( e ) { this.trigger('video:playing') }, this)); this.$video.get(0).addEventListener('pause', _.bind(function ( e ) { this.trigger('video:paused') }, this)); this.$video.get(0).addEventListener('ended', _.bind(function ( e ) { this.trigger('video:ended') }, this)); if ( this.model.get('video.autoplay')) { this.player.playVideo(); } this.resizeVideo() }, resizeVideo: function ( ) { var width = this.$el.width(); var height = this.$el.height(); if ( !this.$video && !this.$yt_player && !this.$vimeo_player) return; // In case of local video that using video tag which only need to be resized once //if ( this.videoResized ) // return; if ( !width || !height ) return; var ratio = width / height; var videoRatio = 0; var $video; if ( this.$yt_player ) { videoRatio = parseFloat( this.model.get('video.youtubeRatio') ); $video = this.$yt_player; } if ( this.$vimeo_player ) { videoRatio = parseFloat( this.model.get('video.vimeoRatio') ); $video = this.$vimeo_player; } if ( this.$video ) { this.$video.removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height').css({'min-width': '100%', 'min-height': '100%'}) //this.videoResized = true; } // If video need to be resized to fill the container if ( ratio && videoRatio) { // If the video width is smaller than the container width // then scale the video horizontallly to fit left and right if ( videoRatio < ratio ) { $video .attr('width', width + 6) .attr('height', width / videoRatio + 6) .css('margin', '-3px'); } // If the video height is smaller than the container height // then scale the video vertically to fit top and bottom else if ( videoRatio < ratio ) { $video .attr('width', height * videoRatio + 6) .attr('height', height + 6) .css('margin', '-3px'); } } }, playVideo: function () { var view = this; if ( this.videoLoaded && this.slideView.isActive() ) { var interval = setInterval(function () { if ( typeof view.player !== 'undefined' ) { view.player.playVideo(); clearInterval(interval); } }, 100); } }, pauseVideo: function () { if ( this.videoLoaded ) { var view = this; var interval = setInterval(function () { if ( typeof view.player !== 'undefined' ) { view.player.pauseVideo(); clearInterval(interval); } }, 100); } }, stopVideo: function () { if ( this.player ) { this.player.seekTo(0.1); this.player.pauseVideo(); } }, renderProgress: function( progress ) { var data = this.model.toJSON(); var kenburn = this.model.get('kenburn').toJSON(); // position: 50% 50% var from = {}; from.position = _.parseBackgroundPos(data.position, this.$el); from.size = _.parseBackgroundPos(data.size, this.$el); kenburn.position = _.parseBackgroundPos(kenburn.position, this.$el); kenburn.size = _.parseBackgroundPos(kenburn.size, this.$el); var css = {}; css.positionX = kenburn.position.length == 2 && from.position.length == 2 ? ( ( kenburn.position[0] - from.position[0] ) * progress) + from.position[0] + '%' : ''; css.positionY = kenburn.position.length == 2 && from.position.length == 2 ? ( ( kenburn.position[1] - from.position[1] ) * progress) + from.position[1] + '%' : ''; if ( from.size && kenburn.size) { css.size = ( kenburn.size[0] - from.size[0] ) * progress + from.size[0] + '%'; } this.$el.css({ //'transition': 'all 0.3s ' + kenburn.easing, 'background-position-x': css.positionX, 'background-position-y': css.positionY, 'background-size': css.size, 'transform': 'rotate(' + data.position.rotate + 'deg)', }) }, resetBackgroundPos: function(){ var data = this.model.toJSON(); this.$el.css({ transition: 'none', 'background-position': data.position, 'background-size': data.size, 'transform': 'rotate(0deg)', }) }, renderBGTransition: function( duration ){ var kenburn = this.model.get('kenburn').toJSON(); var data = this.model.toJSON(); if ( kenburn.enable) { kenburn.position = _.parseBackgroundPos(kenburn.position, this.$el); kenburn.size = _.parseBackgroundPos(kenburn.size, this.$el); data.position = _.parseBackgroundPos(data.position, this.$el); var json = {}; json['transition'] = 'all ' + kenburn.duration + 's ' + kenburn.easing; json['-ms-transition'] = 'all ' + kenburn.duration + 's ' + kenburn.easing; json['-o-transition'] = 'all ' + kenburn.duration + 's ' + kenburn.easing; json['-webkit-transition'] = 'all ' + kenburn.duration + 's ' + kenburn.easing; json['-moz-transition'] = 'all ' + kenburn.duration + 's ' + kenburn.easing; if ( data.position[0] != kenburn.position[0] && kenburn.position.length > 0 && kenburn.position[0] != 0) { json['background-position-x'] = kenburn.position[0] + '%'; } if ( data.position[1] != kenburn.position[1] && kenburn.position.length > 1 && kenburn.position[1] != 0) { json['background-position-y'] = kenburn.position[1] + '%'; } if ( kenburn.size[0] != 0) { json['transform'] = 'scale(' + (kenburn.size / 100) + ')'; } this.$el.css(json) } }, }); var NavView = View.extend({ ready: function ( options ) { var enable = this.model.get('enable'); if ( !enable || this.rootView.model.get('slides').length == 1 ) return this.$el.hide(); else if ( this.rootView.model.get('slides').where({hide: false}).length <= 1 ) { return this.$el.hide(); } var style = this.model.get('style'); var template = ES_Nav.templates[ style ]; this.$el .addClass('jsn-es-nav-' + style) .css('transform-style', 'flat'); this.$('.jsn-es-next').html(template.next); this.$('.jsn-es-prev').html(template.prev); this.listenTo(this.superView, 'ready', this.change); this.listenTo(this.superView.model, 'change:slides.active', this.change); }, change: function () { var self = this; var next = this.superView.getNextSlide(); var prev = this.superView.getPrevSlide(); //new Promise(function( resolve, reject ) { // if (next.thumbSource && prev.thumbSource) // resolve(next.thumbSource,prev.thumbSource); // else { // var content = self.$('.jsn-es-next div').length ? self.$('.jsn-es-next div') : self.$('.jsn-es-next'); // var width = content.width(); // var height = content.height(); // // $.getImageThumb(next.model.get('background.image.src'), width, height, function ( src1 ) { // next.thumbSource = src1; // $.getImageThumb(prev.model.get('background.image.src'), width, height, function ( src2 ) { // prev.thumbSource = src2; // resolve(src1,src2); // }) // }) // } //}) // .then(function( nextSrc, prevSrc ) { // self.$('.jsn-es-next img').attr('src', nextSrc); // self.$('.jsn-es-prev img').attr('src', prevSrc); // }); this.$('.jsn-es-next .jsn-es-name').text(next.model.get('name') || ''); this.$('.jsn-es-prev .jsn-es-name').text(prev.model.get('name') || ''); } }); var PaginationView = B.CollectionView.extend({ ready: function () { var enable = this.model.get('enable'); if ( !enable || this.rootView.model.get('slides').length == 1 ) { return this.$el.parent().hide(); } else if ( this.rootView.model.get('slides').where({hide: false}).length <= 1 ) { return this.$el.parent().hide(); } var style = this.model.get('style'); var size = this.model.get('size') || ''; var border = this.model.get('border') || ''; var spacing = this.model.get('spacing'); this.$el.parent() .addClass('dotstyle dotstyle-' + style); this.$('li') .width(size) .height(size) .css('margin', '0 ' + (spacing / 2) + 'px'); }, itemView: View.extend({ events: { 'touchstart': function ( e ) { this.rootView.change(this.$el.index()) e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, 'mousedown': function ( e ) { this.rootView.change(this.$el.index()) } }, modelEvents: { 'change:active': 'setActive' }, ready: function () { this.$('a').text(this.model.get('name') || this.$el.index() + 1) this.setActive(); }, setActive: function () { if ( this.model.index() < this.superView.lastIndex ) this.$el.attr('class', 'current-from-right'); else this.$el.attr('class', ''); this.delay(function () { if ( this.model.get('active') ) this.$el.addClass('current'); else this.$el.removeClass('current'); this.superView.lastIndex = this.model.index(); }, 25) } }) }); var ItemView = View.extend({ constructor: function ES_ItemView( options ) { View.call(this, options) EasySlider.fonts.load(this.model.get('style.font.family')) }, views: { 'background model:style.background > .item-background': BackgroundView.extend() }, bindings: [ { type: 'class', attr: { 'hidden': 'hidden', } }, { type: 'style', attr: { 'visibility': 'style.visible', 'zIndex': 'index', 'left': 'style.position.x', 'top': 'style.position.y', }, parse: function ( value, key ) { switch ( key ) { case 'visibility' : return value ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; case 'left': case 'top': return value * 100 + '%'; default : return value; } } }, { type: 'attr', attr: { 'id': 'attr.id', 'class': 'attr.class', }, parse: function (value, key, view) { switch (key) { case 'class': return view.$el.attr('class') + ' ' + value; default: return value; } } }, /*{ selector: '.item-offset', type: 'style', attr: { //'transform': 'style.offset', 'width': 'style.width', 'height': 'style.height', }, parse: function ( value, key ) { switch ( key ) { case 'transform': return 'translate3d(' + value.x + 'px,' + value.y + 'px,' + value.z + 'px)'; default : return value; } } },*/ { selector: '.item-container', type: 'style', attr: { 'borderWidth': 'style.border.width', 'borderStyle': 'style.border.style', 'borderColor': 'style.border.color', 'borderRadius': 'style.border.radius', 'boxShadow': 'style.box_shadows', }, parse: function ( value, key ) { if( value ) { switch ( key ) { case 'boxShadow': var html = ''; if (value) { _(value).each(function(shadow, i){ html += shadow.x + 'px ' + shadow.y + 'px ' + shadow.blur + 'px ' + shadow.color + (shadow.inset ? ' inset' : '') + (i == value.length - 1 ? '' : ', ') ; }) } return html; default: return value; } } } }, { selector: '.item-content', type: 'html', attr: 'content' }, { selector: '.item-content', type: 'style', attr: { 'color': 'style.font.color', 'fontFamily': 'style.font.family', //'fontSize': 'style.font.size', 'fontWeight': 'style.font.weight', 'fontStyle': 'style.font.style', 'lineHeight': 'style.line_height', 'letterSpacing': 'style.letter_spacing', 'textDecoration': 'style.text_decoration', 'paddingTop': 'style.padding.top', 'paddingLeft': 'style.padding.left', 'paddingRight': 'style.padding.right', 'paddingBottom': 'style.padding.bottom', 'textAlign': 'style.align_h', 'textShadow': 'style.text_shadows', 'alignItems': 'style.flex.alignItems', 'alignContent': 'style.flex.alignContent', 'justifyContent': 'style.flex.justifyContent', 'flexDirection': 'style.flex.direction', 'flexWrap': 'style.flex.wrap', 'flexBasis': 'style.flex.basis', 'flexGrow': 'style.flex.grow', }, parse: function ( value, key ) { switch ( key ) { case 'fontSize': //console.log(this.$el.data('scale_factor')) return parseFloat(this.$el.data('scale_factor')) * value + 'px'; case 'flexBasis': return value + 'px'; case 'flexGrow': return value ? '1' : '0'; case 'textShadow': var html = ''; if (value) { _(value).each(function(shadow, i){ html += shadow.x + 'px ' + shadow.y + 'px ' + shadow.blur + 'px ' + shadow.color + (shadow.inset ? ' inset' : '') + (i == value.length - 1 ? '' : ', ') ; }) } return html; default : return value; } } }, { selector: '.item-background', type: 'style', attr: { 'borderRadius': 'style.border.radius', } }, ], events: { 'click .item-container': function(e) { if (!this.isLinkedItem) return; var href = this.model.get('attr.href'); if (href.indexOf('@') == 0) { href = href.replace(/([A-Za-z@\-_]+)/g, ''); if (href || !_.isNaN(href)) { this.rootView.change(parseInt(href) - 1) } } } }, initialize: function () { this.$el.data('scale_factor', 1) this.animStarted = false; this.animEnded = false; var view = this; this.$el.on('resize:item', function(e, scale_factor){ view.resize(scale_factor) }) }, ready: function () { this.slideView = this.superView.superView; this.background.isItem = true; if (this.model.get('attr.href')) { this.isLinkedItem = true; this.$el.addClass('jsn-es-linked-item'); var href = this.model.get('attr.href'); if (href.indexOf('@') != 0) { this.$('a.item-container') .attr('href', href) .attr('target', this.model.get('attr.target')); } } var sliderType = parseInt(this.model.root.get('layout.type')); var timelineMode = parseInt(this.model.root.get('timeline.mode')); this.__dataBinding.updateView(); this.$animation = this.$('.item-animation') this.$animation.css('opacity', 1) switch ( parseInt(this.model.get('animation.in.split')) ) { case 1: this.$inElements = this.$animation.find('.item-content > *'); break; case 2: this.$inElements = this.$animation.find('.split-word'); break; case 3: this.$inElements = this.$animation.find('.split-char'); break; default: this.$inElements = this.$animation; } switch ( parseInt(this.model.get('animation.out.split')) ) { case 1: this.$outElements = this.$animation.find('.item-content > *'); break; case 2: this.$outElements = this.$animation.find('.split-word'); break; case 3: this.$outElements = this.$animation.find('.split-char'); break; default: this.$outElements = this.$animation; } var tweenIn = this.model.get('animation.in').getTweenObj(); var tweenOut = this.model.get('animation.out').getTweenObj(); //tweenIn.delay = 0; //switch (sliderType) { // case 2: // //if (timelineMode == 1) // tweenIn.delay = 0; // tweenOut.delay = 0; // break; //} // If animation in has animation if (tweenIn.duration) { this.animation_in = ES_Timeline({ align: 'normal', paused: true }) .staggerFrom(this.$inElements, this.model.get('animation.in.splitDelay'), tweenIn, { paused: true }); } // If animation in doesn't have duration else { this.animation_in = ES_Tween.from(this.$inElements, _.pick(tweenIn, 'duration','delay'), { paused: true }); // In case this animation has delay, then opacity needs to be 0, if delay == 0 then leave opacity as default // which is 1 so the item appears with slide transition if (tweenIn.delay > 0) { this.animation_in.options.from.opacity = 0; } } if (tweenOut.duration) { this.animation_out = ES_Timeline({ align: 'normal ', paused: true }) .staggerTo(this.$outElements, this.model.get('animation.out.splitDelay'), tweenOut, { paused: true }); } else { this.animation_out = ES_Tween.to(this.$outElements, _.pick(tweenOut, 'duration','delay'), { paused: true }); } this.animation = ES_Timeline({ align: 'normal', paused: true }) .add(this.animation_in) .add(this.animation_out); //this.$('.item-offset').get(0).style.height = ( Math.ceil( this.$('.item-offset').get(0).offsetHeight / 2 ) * 2 ) + "px"; //this.$('.item-offset').get(0).style.width = ( Math.ceil( this.$('.item-offset').get(0).offsetWidth/ 2 ) * 2 ) + "px"; //console.log(this.animation) }, load: function () { if ( !this.loaded ) { this.loaded = true; if ( !this.background.model.get('video.youtubeID') && !this.background.model.get('video.vimeoID') && this.background.model.get('video.selector') == 'provider') this.background.loadImage(); this.background.loadVideo(false); } }, prepare: function () { this.load(); this.animation_in._render(0); }, activate: function ( imediate ) { imediate ? this.animation.play() : this.animation.start(); }, deactivate: function () { //this.animation.stop(); }, renderAnimationAtTime: function ( time ) { this.animation._render(time); // Find out when this item animation in begins if ( typeof this.animation_in.tweens !== 'undefined' && !this.animStarted && time >= this.animation_in.tweens[ 0 ].delay + this.animation_in.tweens[ 0 ].duration ) { this.animStarted = true; this.trigger('start'); } // Find out when this item animation out begins if ( typeof this.animation_out.tweens !== 'undefined' && !this.animEnded && time >= this.animation_out.tweens[ 0 ].delay + this.animation_out.tweens[ 0 ].duration ) { this.animEnded = true; this.trigger('end'); } }, resetAnimationFlags: function () { this.animStarted = false; this.animEnded = false; }, resize: function(scale_factor){ this.$el.data('scale_factor', scale_factor) //scale_factor = scale_factor > 1 ? 1 : scale_factor; var layout = this.rootView.getResponsiveMode(); var fontSize = this.model.get('style_' + layout + '.font.size'); var offset = this.model.get('style_' + layout + '.offset').toJSON(); var width = this.model.get('style_' + layout + '.width'); var height = this.model.get('style_' + layout + '.height'); var newFontSize = Math.round( parseInt(fontSize) * scale_factor ); var newWidth = Math.round( width * scale_factor ); var newHeight = Math.round( height * scale_factor ); var newOffsetX = Math.round( offset.x * scale_factor ); var newOffsetY = Math.round( offset.y * scale_factor ); if ( this.model.get('type') == 'text') { this.$el.css({ transform: 'scale(1,1)' }) this.$('.item-offset').css({ width: newWidth + 'px', height: newHeight + 'px', transform: 'translate3d('+ newOffsetX +'px, '+ newOffsetY +'px, 0px)' }) this.$el.find('.item-content').css({fontSize: newFontSize + 'px'}) } else { this.$('.item-offset').css({ width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px', transform: 'translate3d('+ offset.x +'px, '+ offset.y +'px, 0px)' }) } } }); var ItemsView = B.CollectionView.extend({ constructor: function ES_ItemsView( options ) { B.CollectionView.call(this, options) }, itemView: ItemView }); var SlideView = View.extend({ events: { }, views: { 'items collection:items > .jsn-es-items': ItemsView, 'background model:background > .slide-background-effect': BackgroundView.extend(), }, bindings: [ { type: 'class', attr: { 'jsn-es-active': 'active' } } ], constructor: function ES_SlideView( options ) { View.call(this, options) }, initialize: function () { this.index = this.model.get('index'); this.duration = this.model.get('duration'); this.totalDuration = this.model.get('totalDuration'); this.on('all', function ( type ) { this.rootView.trigger.apply(this.rootView, _(arguments).chain().slice(1).splice(0, 0, ('slide(' + this.index + '):' + type), this).value()); this.rootView.trigger.apply(this.rootView, _(arguments).chain().slice(1).splice(0, 0, ('slide:' + type), this).value()); }); this.on('activate', this.activate); this.on('deactivate', this.deactivate); this.on('end', this.onSlideEnd); this.on('start', this.onSlideStart); this.on('video:ended', this.onVideoEnded); }, ready: function () { var timelineMode = parseInt(this.model.root.get('timeline.mode')); switch ( parseInt(this.model.root.get('layout.type')) ) { case 1: //if (timelineMode == 2) // break; //var transitionDuration = this.model.get('transition.duration'); //_.each(this.items.subViews, function (itemView) { // itemView.animation.delay += transitionDuration; //}); //break; case 2: this.on('transition:enter', this.renderTransitionEnter); this.on('transition:leave', this.renderTransitionLeave); this.on('transition', this.renderBasicTransition); //this.on('animation:start', this.renderAnimationStart); //this.on('animation:end', this.renderAnimationEnd); //this.on('animation', this.renderAnimation); this.renderTransitionLeave(); break; } this.listenTo(this.rootView, 'resize', this.onResize); }, load: function () { if ( !this.loaded ) { this.loaded = true; if ( !this.background.model.get('video.youtubeID') && !this.background.model.get('video.vimeoID') && this.background.model.get('video.selector') == 'provider') this.background.loadImage(); this.background.loadVideo(true); this.rootView.getNextSlide(this.index).load(); this.rootView.getPrevSlide(this.index).load(); _.invoke(this.items.subViews, 'load'); } this.background.$video && this.background.$video.get(0).play(); this.background.resizeVideo(); }, prepare: function () { this.show(); this.load(); log('prepare') _.invoke(this.items.subViews, 'prepare'); return this; }, isActive: function () { return this.rootView.getActiveSlide() === this; }, onVideoEnded: function () { this.slideHasEnded && !this.hasVideoPlaying() && this.rootView.next(); }, hasVideoPlaying: function() { return this.countPlayingVideo() != 0; }, countPlayingVideo: function() { return _.reduce(this.items.subViews, function(count, item) { if (item.background.videoPlaying) count++; return count; }, 0); }, stopAllVideos: function () { this.background.stopVideo(); _(this.items.subViews).each(function ( item ) { item.background.stopVideo(); }); }, playAllVideos: function () { this.background.playVideo(); }, onResize: function() { this.background.resizeVideo(); }, onSlideEnd: function () { log('slide end') this.stopAllVideos(); _(this.items.subViews).invoke('resetAnimationFlags'); // Check if slider type is carousel, trigger end for all items if ( this.rootView.model.get('layout.type') == ES_SLIDER_TYPE_CAROUSEL ) { _(this.items.subViews).invoke('trigger', 'end'); } this.background.resetBackgroundPos() this.background.$el.parents('.jsn-es-background').removeClass('background-active'); }, onSlideStart: function () { this.slideHasEnded = false; log('slide start') this.background.renderBGTransition(this.model.get('duration')); if ( this.model.get('background.parallax.enable') ){//background-active this.background.$el.parents('.jsn-es-background').addClass('background-active'); } // Check if slider type is carousel, trigger start for all items if ( this.rootView.model.get('layout.type') == ES_SLIDER_TYPE_CAROUSEL ) { _(this.items.subViews).invoke('trigger', 'start'); } this.playAllVideos(); }, activate: function () { if ( this.activated ) return this; log('activate'); this.activated = true; _.invoke(this.items.subViews, 'activate'); return this; }, deactivate: function () { if ( !this.activated ) return this; log('deactivate'); this.activated = false; _.invoke(this.items.subViews, 'deactivate'); this.hide(); return this; }, renderTransitionEnter: function () { this.background.resizeVideo() this.prepare(); }, renderTransitionLeave: function () { log('slide leave') _.chain(this.items.subViews) .pluck('animation_out') .invoke('end'); typeof this.rootView.activeIndex != 'undefined' && this.rootView.getActiveSlide().trigger('start') this.trigger('end') }, renderBasicTransition: function ( direction, side, progress ) { switch ( side ) { case 'right': _.each(this.items.subViews, function ( itemView ) { itemView.animation_in.seekPercent(1 - progress); }, this); break; case 'left': _.each(this.items.subViews, function ( itemView ) { itemView.animation_out.seekPercent(progress); }, this); break; } }, renderTransition: function ( direction, side, progress ) { this.rootView.setProgress(progress * 100); switch ( side ) { case 'right': var time = (1 - progress) * 1000; _.each(this.items.subViews, function ( itemView ) { if ( itemView.animation_in.delay < 1000 ) itemView.animation_in._render(time); }, this); break; case 'left': var time = progress * 1000 + this.duration + 1000; _.each(this.items.subViews, function ( itemView ) { if ( itemView.animation_out.delay + itemView.animation_out.duration > this.duration + 1000 ) itemView.animation_out._render(time); }, this); break; } }, renderAnimationStart: function () { this.load(); _.each(this.items.subViews, function ( itemView ) { if ( itemView.animation_in.delay >= 1000 ) { itemView.animation_in._render(0) } }, this) }, renderAnimationEnd: function () { _.each(this.items.subViews, function ( itemView ) { if ( itemView.animation_out.delay <= this.duration + 1000 ) { itemView.animation_out._render(this.duration + 2000) } }, this) }, renderAnimation: function ( progress ) { var time = progress * this.duration; if ( this.background.model.get('kenburn.enable')) { //this.background.renderProgress(progress) } this.rootView.setProgress(progress * 100); _.each(this.items.subViews, function ( itemView ) { itemView.renderAnimationAtTime(time); }, this) }, isOnViewport: function () { var vp_bounds = this.rootView.$viewport.get(0).getBoundingClientRect() var sl_bounds = this.el.getBoundingClientRect(); return sl_bounds.right > vp_bounds.left || sl_bounds.left < vp_bounds.right; }, }); var SlidesView = B.CollectionView.extend({ constructor: function ES_SlidesView( options ) { B.CollectionView.call(this, options) }, itemView: SlideView }); var SliderView = View.extend({ constructor: function ES_SliderView( options ) { options.model.get('slides').reset( options.model.get('slides').filter(function(model){ return model.get('hide') == false; }) ); View.call(this, options) if ( options.rootURL ) { this.rootURL = options.rootURL; } return this }, events: { //'touchstart .jsn-es-next': 'next', //'touchstart .jsn-es-prev': 'prev', 'mousedown .jsn-es-next': 'next', 'mousedown .jsn-es-prev': 'prev', }, modelEvents: { 'change:state.view_mode': 'changeLayoutMode' }, views: { 'slides collection:slides > .jsn-es-slides': SlidesView, 'items collection:items > .jsn-es-global .jsn-es-items': ItemsView.extend({ itemView: ItemView.extend() }), 'background model:background > .slider-background': BackgroundView.extend(), }, bindings: [ { type: 'style', attr: { 'marginTop': 'style.margin.top', 'marginBottom': 'style.margin.bottom', 'marginLeft': 'style.margin.left', 'marginRight': 'style.margin.right', }, } ], initialize: function () { if(arguments[0].rootURL) { this.rootURL = arguments[0].rootURL; } var self = this; this.scale_factor = 1; _(this).bindAll('resize', 'update', 'change', 'next', 'prev', 'pause', 'resume'); sliders[ this.model.get('id') ] = this; var css = _(this.model.get('custom_css')).prefixCSSRules('#' + this.$el.attr('id')); this.$el.before($('<style>').html(css)); this.$('.jsn-es-nav.jsn-es-nav-buttons').each(function () { self.attachView(NavView.extend(), this, { model: self.model.get('nav') }) }); this.$('.jsn-es-pagination').each(function () { self.attachView(PaginationView.extend(), this, { collection: self.model.get('slides'), model: self.model.get('pagination') }) }); this.on('next', function () { this.change(this.getOffsetIndex(1), 'next'); }) this.on('prev', function () { this.change(this.getOffsetIndex(-1), 'prev'); }) }, ready: function () { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad|iPod|iPhone/) && navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari/) ) { //$('meta[name="viewport"]').attr('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1'); //alert(navigator.userAgent) //$('body').css('width', $('body').width() + 1 + 'px') } //alert( $('body').width()) this.setActiveSlide(0); this.$items = this.$('.jsn-es-item'); this.$slides = this.$('.jsn-es-slides > .jsn-es-slide'); this.$wrapper = this.$('.jsn-es-slides'); this.$global = this.$('.jsn-es-global'); this.$stage = this.$('.jsn-es-stage'); this.$viewport = this.$('.jsn-es-viewport'); this.$background = this.$('.slider-background'); this.$progress = this.$('.jsn-es-slide-progress-bar'); switch ( parseInt(this.model.get('layout.type')) ) { case 1: // Standard slider with no drag drop interaction this.controller = new ES_Standard_Controller(this); break; case 2: // Interactive slider this.controller = new ES_Interactive_Controller(this); break; } $(window) .on('resize', this.resize) .on('orientation', this.resize) .on('load', this.resize) //.on('blur', this.pause) //.on('focus', this.resume); this.defer(function () { Function('$', 'slider', 'slide', 'item', this.model.get('custom_js')) .call(this, $, this.slider, this.slide, this.item) _.each(this.items.subViews, function ( itemView ) { itemView.animation.start(); }); this.background.loadImage(); //this.slides.subViews[ 0 ].load(); this.slides.subViews[ 0 ].trigger('start'); //$(window).trigger('resize') this.resize(); this.trigger('change', 0); this.trigger('ready'); }) }, resize: function () { var mode = this.getResponsiveMode(); var padding = parseFloat(this.model.get('layout.padding')); var width = this.width = parseFloat(this.model.get('layout.' + mode + '_w')); var height = this.height = parseFloat(this.model.get('layout.' + mode + '_h')); var auto_width = this.model.get('layout.auto_w'); var auto_height = this.model.get('layout.auto_h'); var full_width = this.model.get('layout.full_w'); var full_height = this.model.get('layout.full_h'); var offset_left = 0; var outer_width = this.outer_width = this.$el.width(); if ( full_width ) { var offset_left = -this.$el.offset().left; outer_width = this.outer_width = document.body.offsetWidth; //outer_width = this.outer_width = this.$el.get(0).offsetWidth; } if ( full_height ) this.$el.height(window.innerHeight) else if ( !auto_height ) this.$el.height(height) var outer_height = this.outer_height = this.$el.outerHeight(); var outerRatio = outer_width / outer_height; var ratio = width / height; var scale_factor = Math.min(1, // Maximnun scale 1x ratio >= outerRatio ? outer_width / width : // Bigger than container horizontally outer_height / height); // Bigger than container vertically this.scale_factor = scale_factor; var scale_width = this.width = width * scale_factor; var scale_height = this.height = height * scale_factor; var stage_width = this.stage_width = auto_width ? outer_width : scale_width; var stage_height = this.stage_height = auto_height ? outer_height : scale_height; var scale_padding = padding * 2 * scale_factor; //if (stage_width + padding > outer_width) // stage_width = outer_width - padding; this.setPerspective(stage_width * 2); this.$el.css({ marginTop: padding, marginBottom: padding, height: full_height || auto_height ? outer_height : scale_height + (padding) }) this.$viewport.css({ width: outer_width, marginTop: -padding, marginBottom: -padding, paddingTop: padding, paddingBottom: padding, marginLeft: offset_left + 'px', marginRight: offset_left + 'px', }) this.$stage .css({ width: stage_width, height: stage_height, marginLeft: Math.floor(stage_width / -2), marginTop: Math.floor(stage_height / -2), }) this.$items.css({ transform: 'scale(' + scale_factor + ',' + scale_factor + ')' }) //fix blurry text bug when scale item this.$items.trigger('resize:item', scale_factor); this.trigger('resize'); this.update(); }, update: function () { _(this.slides.subViews).each(function ( slide ) { if( !slide.model.get('hide') ) { _(slide.items.subViews).each(function ( item ) { item.__dataBinding.updateView(); }) } }) _(this.items.subViews).each(function ( item ) { item.__dataBinding.updateView(); }) }, change: function ( index, direction ) { if(this.getSlideAt(index)) { var current = this.getActiveSlide(); current.stopAllVideos(); current.trigger('end'); this.trigger('change', index, direction); this.getSlideAt(index).trigger('start'); } }, next: function ( e ) { // If this function is called by mouse click // force next slide if ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.getActiveSlide().stopAllVideos(); this.trigger('next'); } // If this function is called by controllers when slide timer ends // Check if any video playing, if not then proceed else { if ( this.model.get('autoSlide') && this.model.get('autoSlide.enable') ) { if ( this.model.get('repeat') && !this.model.get('repeat.enable') ) { if ( this.getNextIndex() == 0 && this.model.get('layout.type') == 1 ) { this.trigger('pause:transition'); } else { this.getActiveSlide().slideHasEnded = true; if (!this.getActiveSlide().hasVideoPlaying()) { this.trigger('next'); } } } else { this.getActiveSlide().slideHasEnded = true; if (!this.getActiveSlide().hasVideoPlaying()) { this.trigger('next'); } } } else { // nothing } } }, prev: function ( e ) { if ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } this.trigger('prev'); }, pause: function ( e ) { this.trigger('pause'); }, resume: function ( e ) { this.trigger('resume'); }, slider: function ( id ) { return sliders[ id ]; }, setProgress: function ( percent ) { this.$progress.css({ width: percent + '%' }); return this; }, getResponsiveMode: function () { //var full_width = this.model.get('layout.full_w'); //var width = this.outer_width || (full_width ? document.body.offsetWidth : this.$el.width()); var width = document.body.offsetWidth; if ( this.model.get('layout.mobile') && width <= this.model.get('layout.mobile_under') ) { this.model.set('state.view_mode', 'mobile'); return 'mobile'; } if ( this.model.get('layout.tablet') && width <= this.model.get('layout.tablet_under') ) { this.model.set('state.view_mode', 'tablet'); return 'tablet'; } if ( this.model.get('layout.laptop') && width <= this.model.get('layout.laptop_under') ) { this.model.set('state.view_mode', 'laptop'); return 'laptop'; } this.model.set('state.view_mode', 'desktop'); return 'desktop'; }, setPerspective: function ( distance ) { //this.$viewport.css('perspective', distance + 'px'); //this.$stage.css('transform', 'perspective(' + distance + 'px)'); }, getOffsetIndex: function ( offset, from ) { return this.slides.collection.offsetIndex(offset, from); }, getNextIndex: function ( offset, from ) { return this.slides.collection.nextIndex(offset, from); }, getPrevIndex: function ( offset, from ) { return this.slides.collection.prevIndex(offset, from); }, getOffsetSlide: function ( offset, from ) { return this.getSlideAt(this.getOffsetIndex(offset, from)) }, getNextSlide: function ( offset, from ) { return this.getSlideAt(this.getNextIndex(offset, from)); }, getPrevSlide: function ( offset, from ) { return this.getSlideAt(this.getPrevIndex(offset, from)); }, getSlideAt: function ( index ) { return this.slides.subViews[ index ]; }, getActiveSlide: function () { return this.getSlideAt(this.activeIndex); }, setActiveSlide: function ( index ) { this.activeIndex = !_.isNaN(index) ? index : this.activeIndex; this.activeSlide = this.getSlideAt(this.activeIndex); this.activeSlide.model.set('active', true); return this.activeSlide; }, changeLayoutMode: function () { this.$el.trigger('es:update_layout'); }, clickNextBtn: function () { this.$el.trigger('es:next') }, clickPrevBtn: function () { this.$el.trigger('es:prev') }, }, { counter: 0, fonts: new ES_Fonts, getSliderById: function ( id ) { } }); exports.EasySlider = SliderView; $.getScript('https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api'); setTimeout(function checkYT() { if ( typeof exports.YT !== 'object' ) return setTimeout(checkYT, 1000); if ( typeof exports.YT.Player !== 'function' ) return setTimeout(checkYT, 1000); YT_API_LOADED = true; }, 1000); function roundNumber( n, closest ) { _.isUndefined(closest) && (closest = 1); return Math.round(n / closest) * closest; } }(window, jQuery, _, JSNES_Backbone)