Direktori : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/media/system/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/media/system/js/modal-uncompressed.js |
/** * SqueezeBox - Expandable Lightbox * * Allows to open various content as modal, * centered and animated box. * * Dependencies: MooTools 1.4 or newer * * Inspired by * ... Lokesh Dhakar - The original Lightbox v2 * * @version 1.3 * * @license MIT-style license * @author Harald Kirschner <mail [at] digitarald.de> * @author Rouven Weßling <me [at] rouvenwessling.de> * @copyright Author */ var SqueezeBox = { presets: { onOpen: function(){}, onClose: function(){}, onUpdate: function(){}, onResize: function(){}, onMove: function(){}, onShow: function(){}, onHide: function(){}, size: {x: 600, y: 450}, sizeLoading: {x: 200, y: 150}, marginInner: {x: 20, y: 20}, marginImage: {x: 50, y: 75}, handler: false, target: null, closable: true, closeBtn: true, zIndex: 65555, overlayOpacity: 0.7, classWindow: '', classOverlay: '', overlayFx: {}, resizeFx: {}, contentFx: {}, parse: false, // 'rel' parseSecure: false, shadow: true, overlay: true, document: null, ajaxOptions: {} }, initialize: function(presets) { if (this.options) return this; this.presets = Object.merge(this.presets, presets); this.doc = this.presets.document || document; this.options = {}; this.setOptions(this.presets).build(); this.bound = { window: this.reposition.bind(this, [null]), scroll: this.checkTarget.bind(this), close: this.close.bind(this), key: this.onKey.bind(this) }; this.isOpen = this.isLoading = false; return this; }, build: function() { this.overlay = new Element('div', { id: 'sbox-overlay', 'aria-hidden': 'true', styles: { zIndex: this.options.zIndex}, tabindex: -1 }); this.win = new Element('div', { id: 'sbox-window', role: 'dialog', 'aria-hidden': 'true', styles: {zIndex: this.options.zIndex + 2} }); if (this.options.shadow) { if (Browser.chrome || (Browser.safari && Browser.version >= 3) || (Browser.opera && Browser.version >= 10.5) || (Browser.firefox && Browser.version >= 3.5) || (Browser.ie && Browser.version >= 9)) { this.win.addClass('shadow'); } else if (!Browser.ie6) { var shadow = new Element('div', {'class': 'sbox-bg-wrap'}).inject(this.win); var relay = function(e) { this.overlay.fireEvent('click', [e]); }.bind(this); ['n', 'ne', 'e', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'w', 'nw'].each(function(dir) { new Element('div', {'class': 'sbox-bg sbox-bg-' + dir}).inject(shadow).addEvent('click', relay); }); } } this.content = new Element('div', {id: 'sbox-content'}).inject(this.win); this.closeBtn = new Element('a', {id: 'sbox-btn-close', href: '#', role: 'button'}).inject(this.win); this.closeBtn.setProperty('aria-controls', 'sbox-window'); this.fx = { overlay: new Fx.Tween(this.overlay, Object.merge({ property: 'opacity', onStart: Events.prototype.clearChain, duration: 250, link: 'cancel' }, this.options.overlayFx)).set(0), win: new Fx.Morph(this.win, Object.merge({ onStart: Events.prototype.clearChain, unit: 'px', duration: 750, transition: Fx.Transitions.Quint.easeOut, link: 'cancel', unit: 'px' }, this.options.resizeFx)), content: new Fx.Tween(this.content, Object.merge({ property: 'opacity', duration: 250, link: 'cancel' }, this.options.contentFx)).set(0) }; document.id(this.doc.body).adopt(this.overlay, this.win); }, assign: function(to, options) { return (document.id(to) || $$(to)).addEvent('click', function() { return !SqueezeBox.fromElement(this, options); }); }, open: function(subject, options) { this.initialize(); if (this.element != null) this.trash(); this.element = document.id(subject) || false; this.setOptions(Object.merge(this.presets, options || {})); if (this.element && this.options.parse) { var obj = this.element.getProperty(this.options.parse); if (obj && (obj = JSON.decode(obj, this.options.parseSecure))) this.setOptions(obj); } this.url = ((this.element) ? (this.element.get('href')) : subject) || this.options.url || ''; this.assignOptions(); var handler = handler || this.options.handler; if (handler) return this.setContent(handler, this.parsers[handler].call(this, true)); var ret = false; return this.parsers.some(function(parser, key) { var content = parser.call(this); if (content) { ret = this.setContent(key, content); return true; } return false; }, this); }, fromElement: function(from, options) { return this.open(from, options); }, assignOptions: function() { this.overlay.addClass(this.options.classOverlay); this.win.addClass(this.options.classWindow); }, close: function(e) { var stoppable = (typeOf(e) == 'domevent'); if (stoppable) e.stop(); if (!this.isOpen || (stoppable && !Function.from(this.options.closable).call(this, e))) return this; this.fx.overlay.start(0).chain(this.toggleOverlay.bind(this)); this.win.setProperty('aria-hidden', 'true'); this.fireEvent('onClose', [this.content]); this.trash(); this.toggleListeners(); this.isOpen = false; return this; }, trash: function() { this.element = this.asset = null; this.content.empty(); this.options = {}; this.removeEvents().setOptions(this.presets).callChain(); }, onError: function() { this.asset = null; this.setContent('string', this.options.errorMsg || 'An error occurred'); }, setContent: function(handler, content) { if (!this.handlers[handler]) return false; this.content.className = 'sbox-content-' + handler; this.applyTimer = this.applyContent.delay(this.fx.overlay.options.duration, this, this.handlers[handler].call(this, content)); if (this.overlay.retrieve('opacity')) return this; this.toggleOverlay(true); this.fx.overlay.start(this.options.overlayOpacity); return this.reposition(); }, applyContent: function(content, size) { if (!this.isOpen && !this.applyTimer) return; this.applyTimer = clearTimeout(this.applyTimer); this.hideContent(); if (!content) { this.toggleLoading(true); } else { if (this.isLoading) this.toggleLoading(false); this.fireEvent('onUpdate', [this.content], 20); } if (content) { if (['string', 'array'].contains(typeOf(content))) { this.content.set('html', content); } else { this.content.adopt(content); } } this.callChain(); if (!this.isOpen) { this.toggleListeners(true); this.resize(size, true); this.isOpen = true; this.win.setProperty('aria-hidden', 'false'); this.fireEvent('onOpen', [this.content]); } else { this.resize(size); } }, resize: function(size, instantly) { this.showTimer = clearTimeout(this.showTimer || null); var box = this.doc.getSize(), scroll = this.doc.getScroll(); this.size = Object.merge((this.isLoading) ? this.options.sizeLoading : this.options.size, size); var parentSize = self.getSize(); if (this.size.x == parentSize.x) { this.size.y = this.size.y - 50; this.size.x = this.size.x - 20; } if (box.x > 979) { var to = { width: this.size.x, height: this.size.y, left: (scroll.x + (box.x - this.size.x - this.options.marginInner.x) / 2).toInt(), top: (scroll.y + (box.y - this.size.y - this.options.marginInner.y) / 2).toInt() }; } else { var to = { width: box.x - 40, height: box.y, left: (scroll.x + 10).toInt(), top: (scroll.y + 20).toInt() }; } this.hideContent(); if (!instantly) { this.fx.win.start(to).chain(this.showContent.bind(this)); } else { this.win.setStyles(to); this.showTimer = this.showContent.delay(50, this); } return this.reposition(); }, toggleListeners: function(state) { var fn = (state) ? 'addEvent' : 'removeEvent'; this.closeBtn[fn]('click', this.bound.close); this.overlay[fn]('click', this.bound.close); this.doc[fn]('keydown', this.bound.key)[fn]('mousewheel', this.bound.scroll); this.doc.getWindow()[fn]('resize', this.bound.window)[fn]('scroll', this.bound.window); }, toggleLoading: function(state) { this.isLoading = state; this.win[(state) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('sbox-loading'); if (state) { this.win.setProperty('aria-busy', state); this.fireEvent('onLoading', [this.win]); } }, toggleOverlay: function(state) { if (this.options.overlay) { var full = this.doc.getSize().x; this.overlay.set('aria-hidden', (state) ? 'false' : 'true'); this.doc.body[(state) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('body-overlayed'); if (state) { this.scrollOffset = this.doc.getWindow().getSize().x - full; } else { this.doc.body.setStyle('margin-right', ''); } } }, showContent: function() { if (this.content.get('opacity')) this.fireEvent('onShow', [this.win]); this.fx.content.start(1); }, hideContent: function() { if (!this.content.get('opacity')) this.fireEvent('onHide', [this.win]); this.fx.content.cancel().set(0); }, onKey: function(e) { switch (e.key) { case 'esc': this.close(e); case 'up': case 'down': return false; } }, checkTarget: function(e) { return e.target !== this.content && this.content.contains(e.target); }, reposition: function() { var size = this.doc.getSize(), scroll = this.doc.getScroll(), ssize = this.doc.getScrollSize(); var over = this.overlay.getStyles('height'); var j = parseInt(over.height); if (ssize.y > j && size.y >= j) { this.overlay.setStyles({ width: ssize.x + 'px', height: ssize.y + 'px' }); this.win.setStyles({ left: (scroll.x + (size.x - this.win.offsetWidth) / 2 - this.scrollOffset).toInt() + 'px', top: (scroll.y + (size.y - this.win.offsetHeight) / 2).toInt() + 'px' }); } return this.fireEvent('onMove', [this.overlay, this.win]); }, removeEvents: function(type){ if (!this.$events) return this; if (!type) this.$events = null; else if (this.$events[type]) this.$events[type] = null; return this; }, extend: function(properties) { return Object.append(this, properties); }, handlers: new Hash(), parsers: new Hash() }; SqueezeBox.extend(new Events(function(){})).extend(new Options(function(){})).extend(new Chain(function(){})); SqueezeBox.parsers.extend({ image: function(preset) { return (preset || (/\.(?:jpg|png|gif)$/i).test(this.url)) ? this.url : false; }, clone: function(preset) { if (document.id(this.options.target)) return document.id(this.options.target); if (this.element && !this.element.parentNode) return this.element; var bits = this.url.match(/#([\w-]+)$/); return (bits) ? document.id(bits[1]) : (preset ? this.element : false); }, ajax: function(preset) { return (preset || (this.url && !(/^(?:javascript|#)/i).test(this.url))) ? this.url : false; }, iframe: function(preset) { return (preset || this.url) ? this.url : false; }, string: function(preset) { return true; } }); SqueezeBox.handlers.extend({ image: function(url) { var size, tmp = new Image(); this.asset = null; tmp.onload = tmp.onabort = tmp.onerror = (function() { tmp.onload = tmp.onabort = tmp.onerror = null; if (!tmp.width) { this.onError.delay(10, this); return; } var box = this.doc.getSize(); box.x -= this.options.marginImage.x; box.y -= this.options.marginImage.y; size = {x: tmp.width, y: tmp.height}; for (var i = 2; i--;) { if (size.x > box.x) { size.y *= box.x / size.x; size.x = box.x; } else if (size.y > box.y) { size.x *= box.y / size.y; size.y = box.y; } } size.x = size.x.toInt(); size.y = size.y.toInt(); this.asset = document.id(tmp); tmp = null; this.asset.width = size.x; this.asset.height = size.y; this.applyContent(this.asset, size); }).bind(this); tmp.src = url; if (tmp && tmp.onload && tmp.complete) tmp.onload(); return (this.asset) ? [this.asset, size] : null; }, clone: function(el) { if (el) return el.clone(); return this.onError(); }, adopt: function(el) { if (el) return el; return this.onError(); }, ajax: function(url) { var options = this.options.ajaxOptions || {}; this.asset = new Request.HTML(Object.merge({ method: 'get', evalScripts: false }, this.options.ajaxOptions)).addEvents({ onSuccess: function(resp) { this.applyContent(resp); if (options.evalScripts !== null && !options.evalScripts) Browser.exec(this.asset.response.javascript); this.fireEvent('onAjax', [resp, this.asset]); this.asset = null; }.bind(this), onFailure: this.onError.bind(this) }); this.asset.send.delay(10, this.asset, [{url: url}]); }, iframe: function(url) { var box = this.doc.getSize(); if (box.x > 979) { var modal_width = this.options.size.x; var modal_height = this.options.size.y; } else { var modal_width = box.x; var modal_height = box.y - 50; } this.asset = new Element('iframe', Object.merge({ src: url, frameBorder: 0, width: modal_width, height: modal_height }, this.options.iframeOptions)); if (this.options.iframePreload) { this.asset.addEvent('load', function() { this.applyContent(this.asset.setStyle('display', '')); }.bind(this)); this.asset.setStyle('display', 'none').inject(this.content); return false; } return this.asset; }, string: function(str) { return str; } }); SqueezeBox.handlers.url = SqueezeBox.handlers.ajax; SqueezeBox.parsers.url = SqueezeBox.parsers.ajax; SqueezeBox.parsers.adopt = SqueezeBox.parsers.clone;