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* Manufacturer Model
* @package	VirtueMart
* @subpackage Manufacturer
* @author Patrick Kohl, Max Milbers
* @link https://virtuemart.net
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004 - 2010 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* @version $Id: manufacturer.php 9470 2017-03-13 09:21:54Z Milbo $

// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');


 * Model class for VirtueMart Manufacturers
 * @package VirtueMart
 * @subpackage Manufacturer
 * @author Max Milbers
 * @todo Replace getOrderUp and getOrderDown with JTable move function. This requires the virtuemart_product_category_xref table to replace the ordering with the ordering column
class VirtueMartModelManufacturer extends VmModel {

	 * constructs a VmModel
	 * setMainTable defines the maintable of the model
	 * @author Max Milbers
	function __construct() {
		$this->_selectedOrdering = 'mf_name';
		$this->_selectedOrderingDir = 'ASC';

	* Load a single manufacturer
	public function getManufacturer($id = 0) {

		if(!empty($id)) $this->_id = (int)$id;

			$this->_cache[$this->_id] = $this->getTable('manufacturers');

			$xrefTable = $this->getTable('manufacturer_medias');
			$this->_cache[$this->_id]->virtuemart_media_id = $xrefTable->load($this->_id);

		return $this->_cache[$this->_id];

	 * Bind the post data to the manufacturer table and save it
     * @author Max Milbers
     * @return boolean True is the save was successful, false otherwise.
	public function store(&$data) {

			vmWarn('Insufficient permission to store manufacturer');
			return false;
		} else if( empty($data['virtuemart_manufacturer_id']) and !vmAccess::manager('manufacturer.create')){
			vmWarn('Insufficient permission to create manufacturer');
			return false;
		// Setup some place holders
		$table = $this->getTable('manufacturers');


		// Process the images
		$mediaModel = VmModel::getModel('Media');

		$cache = VmConfig::getCache('com_virtuemart_cat_manus','callback');
		return $table->virtuemart_manufacturer_id;

	function remove($ids){

			vmWarn('Insufficient permissions to delete manufacturer');
			return false;
		return parent::remove($ids);

     * Returns a dropdown menu with manufacturers
     * @author Max Milbers
	 * @return object List of manufacturer to build filter select box
	function getManufacturerDropdown() {
		$db = JFactory::getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT `virtuemart_manufacturer_id` AS `value`, `mf_name` AS text, '' AS disable
						FROM `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_".VmConfig::$vmlang."` ORDER BY `mf_name` ASC";
		$options = $db->loadObjectList();
		array_unshift($options, JHtml::_('select.option',  '0', '- '. vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_SELECT_MANUFACTURER') .' -' ));
		return $options;

	 * Retireve a list of countries from the database.
     * @param string $onlyPuiblished True to only retreive the publish countries, false otherwise
     * @param string $noLimit True if no record count limit is used, false otherwise
	 * @return object List of manufacturer objects
	public function getManufacturers($onlyPublished=false, $noLimit=false, $getMedia=false) {

		$this->_noLimit = $noLimit;
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
		$option	= 'com_virtuemart';

		$view = vRequest::getCmd('view','');
		$virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id	= $app->getUserStateFromRequest( $option.'.'.$view.'.virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id', 'virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id', 0, 'int' );
		$search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest( $option.'.'.$view.'.search', 'search', '', 'string' );

		static $_manufacturers = array();

		$hash = $search.json_encode($virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id).VmConfig::$vmlang.(int)$onlyPublished.(int)$this->_noLimit.(int)$getMedia;

		if (array_key_exists ($hash, $_manufacturers)) {
			vmdebug('Return cached getManufacturers');
			return $_manufacturers[$hash];

		$where = array();
		if ($virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id > 0  && $view == 'manufacturer') {
			$where[] .= ' `m`.`virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id` = '. $virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id;

		$joinedTables = ' FROM `#__virtuemart_manufacturers` as m';
		$select = ' `m`.*';
		if ( $search && $search != 'true' && $view == 'manufacturer') {
			$db = JFactory::getDBO();
			$search = '"%' . $db->escape( $search, true ) . '%"' ;
			//$search = $db->Quote($search, false);
			$where[] .= ' LOWER( `mf_name` ) LIKE '.$search;

		$ordering = $this->_getOrdering();

		$langFields = array('mf_name','mf_email','mf_desc','mf_url','slug');

		$langFback = ( !VmConfig::get('prodOnlyWLang',false) and VmConfig::$defaultLang!=VmConfig::$vmlang and VmConfig::$langCount>1 );


			$useJLback = false;
				$joinedTables .= ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_'.VmConfig::$jDefLang.'` as ljd ON ljd.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` = m.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`';
				$useJLback = true;
			foreach($langFields as $langField){
				$expr2 = 'ld.'.$langField;
					$expr2 = 'IFNULL(ld.'.$langField.',ljd.'.$langField.')';
				$select .= ', IFNULL(l.'.$langField.','.$expr2.') as '.$langField.'';
			$joinedTables .= ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_'.VmConfig::$defaultLang.'` as ld ON ld.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` = m.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`';
			$joinedTables .= ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_'.VmConfig::$vmlang.'` as l ON l.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` = m.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`';
		} else {
			$select .= ', l.'.implode(', l.',$langFields);
			$joinedTables .= ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_'.VmConfig::$vmlang.'` as l ON l.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` = m.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` ';

		//if ( $search && $search != 'true' or strpos($ordering,'mf_')!==FALSE or $ordering == 'm.virtuemart_manufacturer_id' ) {
			/*$select .= ',`#__virtuemart_manufacturers_'.VmConfig::$vmlang.'`.*, mc.`mf_category_name` ';
			$joinedTables .= ' INNER JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_'.VmConfig::$vmlang.'` USING (`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`) ';*/
		$select .= ',  mc.`mf_category_name`';
		$joinedTables .= ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturercategories_'.VmConfig::$vmlang.'` AS mc on  mc.`virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id`= `m`.`virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id` ';

		if ($onlyPublished) {
			$where[] .= ' `m`.`published` = 1';

		$groupBy=' ';
			$select .= ',mmex.virtuemart_media_id ';
			$joinedTables .= 'LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturer_medias` as mmex ON `m`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`= mmex.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` ';
			$groupBy=' GROUP BY `m`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` ';

		$whereString = ' ';
		if (count($where) > 0) $whereString = ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where).' ' ;

		$_manufacturers[$hash] = $this->_data = $this->exeSortSearchListQuery(0,$select,$joinedTables,$whereString,$groupBy,$ordering );

		return $_manufacturers[$hash];

	static function getManufacturersOfProductsInCategory($virtuemart_category_id,$vmlang,$mlang = false){

			$query = 'SELECT DISTINCT IFNULL(l.`mf_name`,ld.mf_name) as mf_name,IFNULL(l.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`,ld.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`) as virtuemart_manufacturer_id
FROM `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_'.VmConfig::$defaultLang.'` as ld
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_'.$vmlang.'` as l using (`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`)';
			vmdebug('getManufacturersOfProductsInCategory use language fallback');
		} else {
			$query = 'SELECT DISTINCT l.`mf_name`,l.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_' . $vmlang . '` as l';
		// if ($mf_virtuemart_product_ids) {

		$query .= ' INNER JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers` AS pm using (`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`)';
		$query .= ' INNER JOIN `#__virtuemart_products` as p ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = pm.`virtuemart_product_id` ';
		if ($virtuemart_category_id) {
			$query .= ' INNER JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_categories` as c ON c.`virtuemart_product_id` = pm.`virtuemart_product_id` ';
		$query .= ' WHERE p.`published` =1';
		if ($virtuemart_category_id) {
			$query .= ' AND c.`virtuemart_category_id` =' . (int)$virtuemart_category_id;
		$query .= ' ORDER BY `mf_name`';
		$db = JFactory::getDBO();
		$db->setQuery ($query);
		return $db->loadObjectList ();
// pure php no closing tag

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