Current File : /home/lightco1/
* Xref table abstract class to create tables specialised doing xref
* The pkey is the Where key in the load function,
* the skey is the select key in the load function
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage Helpers
* @author Max Milbers
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
defined('_JEXEC') or die();
class VmTableXarray extends VmTable {
/** @var int Primary key */
protected $_autoOrdering = false;
protected $_orderable = false;
protected $_skey = '';
protected $_skeyForm = '';
protected $_pvalue = '';
// function setOrderable($key='ordering', $auto=true){
// $this->_orderingKey = $key;
// $this->_orderable = 1;
// $this->_autoOrdering = $auto;
// $this->$key = 0;
// }
function setSecondaryKey($key,$keyForm=0){
$this->_skey = $key;
$this->$key = array();
$this->_skeyForm = empty($keyForm)? $key:$keyForm;
function setOrderableFormname($orderAbleFormName){
$this->_okeyForm = $orderAbleFormName;
* swap the ordering of a record in the Xref tables
* @param $direction , 1/-1 The increment to reorder by
function move($direction, $where='', $orderingkey=0) {
if(empty($this->_skey) ) {
vmError( 'No secondary keys defined in VmTableXarray '.$this->_tbl );
return false;
$skeyId = vRequest::getInt($this->_skey, 0);
// Initialize variables
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$cid = vRequest::getInt( $this->_pkey );
$order = vRequest::getInt( 'order' ); //I found now two times "order" instead of ordering.
//This sql is broken
$query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `' . $this->_tbl . '` WHERE '.$this->_pkey.' = '.(int)$cid[0].' AND `virtuemart_category_id` = '.(int)$skeyId ;
$db->setQuery( $query );
$id = $db->loadResult();
$keys = array_keys($order);
// TODO next 2 lines not used ????
if ($direction >0) $idToSwap = $order[$keys[array_search($id, $keys)]+1];
else $idToSwap = $order[$keys[array_search($id, $keys)]-1];
if (isset( $cid[0] )) {
$query = 'UPDATE `'.$this->_tbl.'` '
. ' SET `'.$this->_orderingKey.'` = `'.$this->_orderingKey.'` + '. $direction
. ' WHERE `'.$this->_pkey.'` = ' . (int)$cid[0].
' AND `'.$this->_skey.'` = ' . (int)$skeyId
$db->setQuery( $query );
if (!$db->execute())
$err = $db->getErrorMsg();
JError::raiseError( 500, get_class( $this ).':: move '. $err );
* Records in this table are arrays. Therefore we need to overload the load() function.
* TODO, this function is giving back the array, not the table, it is not working like the other table, so we should change that
* for the 2.2. at least.
* @author Max Milbers
* @param int $id
function load($oid=null,$overWriteLoadName=0,$andWhere=0,$tableJoins= array(),$joinKey = 0){
if(empty($this->_skey) ) {
vmError( 'No secondary keys defined in VmTableXarray '.$this->_tbl );
return false;
$pkey = $this->_pkey;
$this->$pkey = $oid;
if(empty($db)) $db = JFactory::getDBO();
$orderby = 'ORDER BY `'.$this->_orderingKey.'`';
} else {
$orderby = '';
$hash = md5((int)$oid. $this->_skey . $this->_tbl . $this->_pkey . $orderby);
if (!isset (self::$_cache['ar'][$hash])) {
$q = 'SELECT `'.$this->_skey.'` FROM `'.$this->_tbl.'` WHERE `'.$this->_pkey.'` = "'.(int)$oid.'" '.$orderby;
$result = $db->loadColumn();
//vmError(get_class( $this ).':: load' );
self::$_cache['ar'][$hash] = false;
} else {
if(empty($result)) $result = array();
if(!is_array($result)) $result = array($result);
self::$_cache['ar'][$hash] = $result;
$skey = $this->_skey;
$this->$skey = self::$_cache['ar'][$hash];
return self::$_cache['ar'][$hash];
* This binds the data to this kind of table. You can set the used name of the form with $this->skeyForm;
* @author Max Milbers
* @param array $data
public function bind($data, $ignore = array()){
$this->_pvalue = $data[$this->_pkeyForm];
$this->_svalue = $data[$this->_skeyForm];
$orderingKey = $this->_orderingKey;
$this->$orderingKey = $data[$this->_orderingKey];
return true;
* @author Max Milbers, George Kostopoulos
* @see libraries/joomla/database/JTable#store($updateNulls)
public function store($updateNulls = false) {
$returnCode = true;
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$pkey = $this->_pkey;
$skey = $this->_skey;
$tblkey = $this->_tbl_key;
// We select all database rows based on our _pkey
$q = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$this->_tbl.'` WHERE `'.$this->_pkey.'` = "'. $this->_pvalue.'" ';
$objList = $db->loadObjectList();
// We convert the database object list that we got in a more friendly array
$oldArray = null;
if($objList) {
foreach($objList as $obj){
$oldArray[] = array($pkey=>$obj->$pkey, $skey=>$obj->$skey);
// We make another database object list with the values that we want to insert into the database
$newArray = array();
if(!is_array($this->_svalue)) $this->_svalue = array($this->_svalue);
foreach($this->_svalue as $value) $newArray[] = array($pkey=>$this->_pvalue, $skey=>$value);
// Inserts and Updates
$myOrdering = 1;
foreach ($newArray as $newValue) {
// We search in the existing (old) rows to find one of the new rows we want to insert
$result = $this->array_msearch($oldArray, $newValue);
// We start creating the row we will insert or update
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->$pkey = $newValue[$pkey];
$obj->$skey = $newValue[$skey];
$oKey = $this->_orderingKey;
$obj->$oKey = $myOrdering++;
// If the new row does not exist in the old rows, we will insert it
if( $result === false ) {
$returnCode = $db->insertObject($this->_tbl, $obj, $pkey);
else {
// If the new row exists in the old rows, we will update it
$obj->$tblkey = $objList[$result]->$tblkey;
$returnCode = $db->updateObject($this->_tbl, $obj, $tblkey);
else {
// There are zero new rows, so the user asked for all the rows to be deleted
$q = 'DELETE FROM `'.$this->_tbl.'` WHERE `' . $pkey.'` = "'. $this->_pvalue .'" ';
$returnCode = false;
vmError(get_class( $this ).':: store '.$db->getErrorMsg());
// Deletions
if(!empty($oldArray)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($oldArray); $i++) {
$result = $this->array_msearch($newArray, $oldArray[$i]);
// If no new row exists in the old rows, we will delete the old rows
if( $result === false ) {
// If the old row does not exist in the new rows, we will delete it
$q = 'DELETE FROM `'.$this->_tbl.'` WHERE `' . $tblkey.'` = "'. $objList[$i]->$tblkey .'" ';
$returnCode = false;
vmError(get_class( $this ).':: store'.$db->getErrorMsg());
return $returnCode;
* Searches in an array of arrays to find a specific array we want
* @author George Kostopoulos
* @param source array of arrays that we will search
* @param the target array we want to find
protected function array_msearch($parents, $searched) {
if (empty($searched) || empty($parents)) {
return false;
foreach ($parents as $key => $value) {
$exists = true;
foreach ($searched as $skey => $svalue) {
$exists = ($exists && IsSet($parents[$key][$skey]) && $parents[$key][$skey] == $svalue);
if($exists){ return $key; }
return false;
function deleteRelation(){
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$q = 'DELETE FROM `'.$this->_tbl.'` WHERE `'.$this->_pkey.'` = "'. $this->_pvalue.'" ';
vmError(get_class( $this ).':: store'.$db->getErrorMsg(),'Couldnt delete relations');
return false;
return true;