Direktori : /var/softaculous/phpbook/ |
Current File : //var/softaculous/phpbook/config.php |
<?php ################################################################################################# # # project : phpBook # filename : config.php # version : 2.1.0 # last modified by : John Bell # modify date : 2006/04/17 # e-mail : info@smartisoft.com # purpose : Configuration File # ################################################################################################# // MySql Configuration $cfg_server = "[[softdbhost]]"; // Your MySQL Server, most cases "localhost" $cfg_database = "[[softdb]]"; // Your MySQL Database Name $cfg_db_user = "[[softdbuser]]"; // Your MySQL Username $cfg_db_pass = "[[softdbpass]]"; // Your MySQL Password // GB Parameters $cfg_sitekey = "[[cfg_sitekey]]"; // Security Key for the image confirmation. DO CHANGE it to whatever you want, as long as you want. Just don't use quotes. $cfg_adminpass = "[[admin_pass]]"; // Password for guestbook administration. CHANGE IT!!! $cfg_gb_title = "[[site_name]]"; // Guestbook page title. Should be no-nonsense descriptive, using more than 60 characters is NOT recommended. $cfg_gb_head = "[[site_name]]"; // Guestbook Header (Name). $cfg_gb_desc = "[[site_desc]]"; // Enter your description of the guestbook here. $cfg_start_url = "[[softurl]]"; // Absolute guestbook location URL with NO trailing slashes $cfg_notify_address = "[[admin_email]]"; // Send entry notification to this address when a user adds a guestbook entry, leaving it empty will disable notify. $cfg_gb_style = "grayblue.css"; // Specify the style sheet to use for the guestbook. Available files are: "grayblue.css" and "darkred.css". $cfg_doctype = ""; // Set to "frames" if you plan to add the guestbook to a html frames based site (shame on you if you do ;) ). $cfg_link_target = ""; // Enter e.g. "_blank" to open non-guetsbook related link URL's in a new browser window (NOT XHTML COMPLIANT!!!). $cfg_censor = true; // Censor message based on the bad words list. $cfg_ask_im_info = true; // Ask for Instant Messaging info (Jabber, ICQ, MSN, AIM and Yahoo) on post entry, set to false will also deactive IM icon display. $cfg_visual_confirm = true; // Ask for a visual confirmation when posting to reduce the amount of spam. $cfg_location_text = false; // If set to false you get a country location dropdown instead of a text input field (see $cfg_locations seeting). $cfg_show_sysinfo = false; // Show the system information on every bottom page, ask yourself the follwoing: do users realy need to know this kind of info? $cfg_ask_http = false; // Ask for the homepage $cfg_allow_url = false; // Allow [url tags in message $cfg_language = "english.php"; // For e.g. German enter german.php (see languages sub-dir for supported file names) $cfg_locations = "worldlong.inc"; // For e.g. Europe enter europe.inc (see locations sub-dir for supported file names) $cfg_lang_dir = "languages"; // Language Directory, no trailing slashes $cfg_loc_dir = "locations"; // Locations Directory, no trailing slashes $cfg_image_dir = "images"; // Image Directory, no trailing slashes $cfg_msg_limit = array(5 ,1000); // Message Limits (min,max). $cfg_time_limit = "30"; // Submit timeout in minutes for flood protection, disabled if "". $cfg_page_entries = "6"; // How many entries per page do you want to see? $cfg_entry_pages = "11"; // How many Page Breaks per page, should be like 5,7,9,11,13 $cfg_table_width = "600"; // Guestbook table width, enter value in pix (e.g. "600") or in % (e.g. "80%") $cfg_table_align = "center"; // To e.g. allign the guestbook table to the center of the page enter "center" $cfg_date_format = "eu"; // For european Date & Time Format enter "eu" $cfg_supportpwd = "2support"; // pwd for support-info, paranoid-setting is "" ################################################################################################# # End Configuration ################################################################################################# //SOFTACULOUS EDITS // Emulate register_globals on if (!ini_get('register_globals')) { $superglobals = array($_SERVER, $_ENV, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_POST, $_GET); if (isset($_SESSION)) { array_unshift($superglobals, $_SESSION); } foreach ($superglobals as $superglobal) { extract($superglobal, EXTR_SKIP); } } ?>