Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /usr/src/maldetect-1.6/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //usr/src/maldetect-1.6/.ca.def

cat > /usr/local/maldetect/conf.maldet <<EOF
# Linux Malware Detect v1.6
#             (C) 2002-2017, R-fx Networks <proj@r-fx.org>
#             (C) 2017, Ryan MacDonald <ryan@r-fx.org>
# This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2
# [ General Options ]

# Enable or disable e-mail alerts, this includes application version
# alerts as well as automated/manual scan reports. On-demand reports
# can still be sent using '--report SCANID user@domain.com'.
# [0 = disabled, 1 = enabled]

# The destination e-mail addresses for automated/manual scan reports
# and application version alerts.
# [ multiple addresses comma (,) spaced ]

# Ignore e-mail alerts for scan reports in which all malware hits
# have been automatically and successfully cleaned.
# [0 = disabled, 1 = enabled]

# This controls the daily automatic updates of LMD signature files
# and cleaner rules. The signature update process preserves any
# custom signature or cleaner files. It is highly recommended that this
# be enabled as new signatures a released multiple times per-week.
# [0 = disabled, 1 = enabled]

# This controls the daily automatic updates of the LMD installation.
# The installation update process preserves all configuration options
# along with custom signature and cleaner files. It is recommended that
# this be enabled to ensure the latest version, features and bug fixes
# are always available.
# [0 = disabled, 1 = enabled]

# This controls validating the LMD executable MD5 hash with known
# good upstream hash value. This allows LMD to replace the the
# executable / force a reinstalltion in the event the LMD executable
# is tampered with or corrupted. If you intend to make customizations
# to the LMD executable, you should disable this feature.
# [0 = disabled, 1 = enabled]

# When defined, the import_config_url option allows a configuration file to be
# downloaded from a remote URL. The local conf.maldet and internals.conf are
# parsed followed by the imported configuration file. As such, only variables
# defined in the imported configuration file are overridden and a full set of
# configuration options is not explicitly required in the imported file.

# The expiry interval for refreshing the local cached version of the imported
# configuration file. The default is every 12h (43200 sec) which should be ok
# for most setups.

# When defined, the import_custsigs_*_url options allow for the custom signature
# files to be downloaded from a remote URL. THIS WILL OVERWRITE ANY LOCAL CUSTOM
# SIGNATURE FILES! It is recommended for large-scale deployments to define these
# variables within a import_config_url file.


# The maximum directory depth that the scanner will search, a value
# of 15 is recommended.
# [ changing this may have an impact on scan performance ]

# The minimum file size in bytes for a file to be included in LMD scans.
# [ changing this may have an impact on scan performance ]

# The maximum file size for a file to be included in LMD scans. Accepted
# value formats are b, k, M. When using the clamscan engine, the max_filesize
# will be dynamically set based on the largest known filesize from the MD5
# hash signature file.
# [ changing this may have an impact on scan performance ]

# The maximum byte depth that the scanner will search into a files content.
# The default signature rules expect a depth size of at least 65536 bytes.
# [ changing this may have an impact on scan performance ]

# Use named pipe (FIFO) for passing file contents hex data instead of stdin
# default; improved performance and greater scanning depth. This is highly
# recommended and works on most systems. The hexfifo will be disabled
# automatically if for any reason it can not be successfully utilized.
# [ 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled ]

# The maximum byte depth that the scanner will search into a files content
#s when using named pipe (FIFO). Improved performance allows for greater
# scan depth over default scan_hexdepth value.
# [ changing this may have an impact on scan performance ]

# If installed, use ClamAV clamscan binary as default scan engine which
# provides improved scan performance on large file sets. The clamscan
# engine is used in conjunction with native ClamAV signatures updated
# through freshclam along with LMD signatures providing additional
# detection capabilities.
# [ 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled ]

# Include the scanning of known temporary world-writable paths for
# -a|--al and -r|--recent scan types.
scan_tmpdir_paths="/tmp /var/tmp /dev/shm"

# Allows non-root users to perform scans. This must be enabled when
# using mod_security2 upload scanning or if you want to allow users
# to perform scans. When enabled, this will populate 'pub/' with user
# owned quarantine, session and temporary paths to faciliate scans.
# [ 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, disabled by default ]

# Process CPU scheduling (nice) priority level for scan operations.
# [ -19 = high prio , 19 = low prio, default = 19 ]

# Process IO scheduling (ionice) priority levels for scan operations.
# (uses cbq best-effort scheduling class [-c2])
# [ 0 = most favorable IO, 7 = least favorable IO ]

# Set hard limit on CPU usage for find and clam(d)scan processes. This
# requires the 'cpulimit' binary to be available on the server. The values
# are expressed as relative percentage * N cores on system. An 8 CPU core
# server would accept values from 0 - 800, 12 cores 0 - 1200 etc...

# As a design and common use case, LMD typically only scans user space paths
# and as such it makes sense to ignore files that are root owned. It is
# recommended to leave this enabled for best performance.
# [ 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled ]

# This allows for specific user or groups to be ignored entirely from scan
# file lists. This option should be used with care and is not ideal for
# ignoring false positives. Instead, you should use one of the ignore files,
# such as ignore_paths, to exclude a specific file name or path from scans.
# [ comma or white spaced list of user and group names ]

# The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the 'find' file list generation
# will run before it is terminated. All 'find' results up to the point of
# termination will be fully scanned. If performing a full scan of all user paths
# on a large server, it is reasonable to expect the find operation may take a
# long time to complete and as such this feature may interfere. In such cases,
# this feature can be disabled/modified on a per-scan basis using the
# '-co|--config-option' CLI option, such as:
# "maldet -co scan_find_timeout=0 -a /home/?/public_html".
# [ 0 = disabled, 14400 = 4hr recommended timeout ]

# The daily cron 'find' operation performed by LMD detects recently created/modifed
# user files. This 'find' operation can be especially resource intensive and it may
# be desirable to persist the file list results so that other applications/tasks
# may make use of the results. When scan_export_filelist is set enabled, the most
# recent result set will be saved to '/usr/local/maldetect/tmp/find_results.last'
# [ 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled ]

# The default quarantine action for malware hits
# [0 = alert only, 1 = move to quarantine & alert]

# Try to clean string based malware injections
# [NOTE: quarantine_hits=1 required]
# [0 = disabled, 1 = clean]

# The default suspend action for users wih hits
# Cpanel suspend or set shell /bin/false on non-Cpanel
# [NOTE: quarantine_hits=1 required]
# [0 = disabled, 1 = suspend account]

# The minimum userid value that can be suspended
# [ default = 500 ]

# The default startup option for monitor mode, either 'users' or path to line
# spaced file containing local paths to monitor. This option is used for the
# init based startup script. This value is ignored when '/etc/sysconfig/maldet'
# or '/etc/default/maldet' is present with a defined value for $MONITOR_MODE.

# The base number of files that can be watched under a path
# [ maximum file watches = inotify_base_watches*users ]

# The sleep time in seconds between monitor runs to scan files
# that have been created/modified/moved

# The interval in seconds that inotify will reload configuration
# data, including remote configuration imports.

# The minimum userid that will be added to path monitoring when
# the USERS option is specified

# This is the html/web root for users relative to homedir, when
# this option is set, users will only have the webdir monitored
# [ comma spaced list, clear option to default monitor user homedir ]

# Process CPU scheduling (nice) priority level for monitoring process.
# [ -19 = high prio , 19 = low prio, default = 15 ]

# Process IO scheduling (ionice) priority levels for scan operations.
# (uses cbq best-effort scheduling class [-c2])
# [ 0 = most favorable IO, 7 = least favorable IO ]

# Set hard limit on CPU usage for inotify monitoring processes. This requires
# the 'cpulimit' binary to be available on the server. The values are expressed
# as relative percentage * N cores on system. An 8 CPU core system would accept
# values from 0 - 800, a 12 cores system would accept 0 - 1200 etc...

# Log every file scanned by inotify monitoring mode; this is not recommended
# and will drown out your 'event_log' file, intended only for debugging purposes.

# This is a beta feature and as such should be used with caution.
# Currently, this feature can have a substantially negative impact
# on scan performance, especially with large file sets.
# The string length test is used to identify threats based on the
# length of the longest uninterrupted string within a file. This is
# useful as obfuscated code is often stored using encoding methods
# that produce very long strings without spaces (e.g: base64)
# [ string length in characters, default = 150000 ]
string_length_scan="0"		# [ 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled ]
string_length="150000"		# [ max string length ]

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0