Direktori : /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/ |
Current File : //usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_surfraw |
#compdef surfraw sr local curcontext="$curcontext" expl state line args ret=1 _arguments -C -A \ '-browser=[set browser]:browser:_command_names' \ '-elvi[list web sites that can be searched]' \ '-escape-url-args=[apply url escaping to arguments]:bool:(yes no)' \ '(-g -graphical)'{-g,-graphical}'[get some windowed sin]' \ '-help[display help information]' \ '-quiet:bool:(yes no)' \ '-new[start in a new window]' \ '(-t -text)'{-t,-text}'[back to the yellow brick road]' \ '(-q -quote)'{-q,-quote}'[quote arguments with quote characters]' \ '-version[display version information]' \ ':elvi:->elvi' \ '*::arg:->subcmd' && ret=0 case $state in subcmd) args=( '-help[display help information]' '*:string:_guard "^-*" "search string"' ) case "$words[1]" in ask|cia|cnn|deblogs|excite|filesearching|foldoc|happypenguin|slashdot|slinuxdoc|sundocs|sunsolve|xxx) _message -e string 'search string' ;; alioth) _arguments $args \ '-type=-:search type:(soft skill people)' && ret=0 ;; altavista) _arguments $args \ '-results=-:[number of results to return]' && ret=0 ;; amazon) _arguments $args \ '-country=-:country code:(uk de fr jp us)' \ '-search=-:topic:(all auctions books cars classical \ dvd electronics garden kitchen music \ outlet photo software toys tools \ vhs videogames zshops wireless)' && ret=0 ;; austlii) _arguments $args \ '-method=-:search method:(any all phrase title boolean)' \ '-results=-:[number of results to return]:number' && ret=0 ;; bbcnews) _arguments $args \ '-scope=-:search scope:(world uk)' && ret=0 ;; cddb) _arguments $args \ '-artists[search artists]' \ '-albums[search albulms]' \ '-songs[search songs]' \ '-all[search all artists, albums and songs]' && ret=0 ;; cite) _arguments \ '-results=-:[number of results to return]' \ '*:search string' && ret=0 ;; ctan) _arguments $args \ '-name[search by filename]' \ '-desc[search descriptions (default)]'\ '-doc[search documentation]' ;; currency) _arguments \ '-l[list all known currency symbols]' \ '-from=-:currency symbol:(EUR USD GBP CAD AUD JPY INR NZD CHF ZAR)' \ '-to=-:currency symbol:(EUR USD GBP CAD AUD JPY INR NZD CHF ZAR)' \ '*:currency amount' && ret=0 ;; cve) _message -e numbers 'CVE Number' ;; debbugs) _arguments \ '-search=:search type:(pkg src bug maint tag submitter severity tag)' \ '-arc[show archived bugs]' \ '-raw[do not sort by status or severity]' \ '-rb[reverse order of bugs shown]' \ '-rst[reverse order of statuses shown]' \ '-rse[reverse order of severities shown]' \ '-merge[sisplay merged bugs only once]' \ '-nohead[so not show table of contents header]' \ '-nofoot[so not show statistics in the footer]' \ '-mbox[view results in mbox format]' \ '-incstat=-[include given status list]:status:_values -s , status open forwarded pending fixed done' \ '-exstat=-[exclude given status list]:status:_values -s , status open forwarded pending fixed done' \ '-incsev=-[include given severities]:severity:_values -s , severity critical grave serious important normal minor wishlist fixed' \ '-exsev=-[exclude given severities]:severity:_values -s , severity critical grave serious important normal minor wishlist fixed' \ '-inctag=-[include given tags]:tag:_values -s , tag potato woody sarge sarge-ignore sid experimental confirmed d-i fixed fixed-in-experimental fixed-upstream help moreinfo patch pending security unreproducible upstream wontfix' \ '-extag=-[exclude given tags]:tag:_values -s , tag potato woody sarge sarge-ignore sid experimental confirmed d-i fixed fixed-in-experimental fixed-upstream help moreinfo patch pending security unreproducible upstream wontfix' \ '*:package:_deb_packages avail' && ret=0 ;; debcontents) _arguments \ '-arch=-[search specific architecture]:architecture:(i386 m68k alpha sparc powerpc arm)' \ '-distro=-[search specific distribution]:distribution:(stable testing unstable)' \ '*:package:_deb_packages avail' && ret=0 ;; deblists) _arguments $args \ '-shelp[go to search help page]' \ '-results=-[specifiy number of results to return]:number' \ '-dates=-[quarters to search]:date' \ '-case[use case sensitive search]' \ '-errors=-[specify errors allowed]:errors:(0 1 2 best)' \ '-partial[allow partial matches]' \ '-sameline[semi-colon separated words must appear on same line]' \ '-lines=-[specify maximum lines per message]:lines:(0 5 10 50 100)' \ '-list=-[specify list to search]:list:(68k accessibility admintool alpha amd64 announce apache arm autobuild beowulf books boot bsd cd cd-vendors cdwrite changes chinese chinese-big5 chinese-gb commercial consultants ctte curiosa custom dak debbugs deity desktop devel devel-announce devel-changes devel-french devel-games devel-italian devel-m68k-changes devel-portuguese devel-powerpc-changes devel-s390-changes devel-spanish devel-sparc-changes doc dpkg edu emacsen embedded esperanto events-eu events-na faq firewall french gcc glibc gtk-gnome hams handheld hppa hurd i18n ia64 ipv6 isp italian japanese java jr kde kernel l10n-arabic l10n-catalan l10n-czech l10n-danish l10n-dutch l10n-english l10n-finnish l10n-french l10n-german l10n-greek l10n-hungarian l10n-italian l10n-korean l10n-polish l10n-portuguese l10n-romanian l10n-russian l10n-spanish l10n-turkish laespiral laptop lcs-eng legal lex lint-maint lsb lsb-confcall lsb-discuss lsb-impl lsb-spec lsb-test med mentors mips mirrors multimedia newmaint newmaint-admin newmaint-discuss news news-french news-german news-portuguese nonprofit ocaml-maint openoffice parisc perl pilot policy pool powerpc project publicity python qa qa-packages qa-private qt-kde release ruby russian s390 s390-changes security security-announce sgml simplified-chinese snapshots sparc sparc-changes spi-announce spi-general ssh superh testing tetex-maint toolchain ultralinux user user-catalan user-danish user-de user-french user-german user-icelandic user-indonesian user-polish user-portuguese user-spanish user-swedish user-turkish user-ukrainian vgui-discuss vote win32 wnpp women www x)' && ret=0 ;; debpackages) _arguments \ '-release=-:search release:(all main non-US contrib non-free)' \ '-distro=-:search distribution:(all stable testing unstable)' \ '*:package:_deb_packages avail' && ret=0 ;; debpts) _arguments $args \ '-doc[view PTS documentation]' && ret=0 ;; debsec) _message -e string 'package name, bug number or CVE ID' ;; deja) _arguments $args \ '-results=-:[number of results to return]' \ '-m[search for Message-ID]' && ret=0 ;; dmoz) _arguments $args \ '-cat=-[specify category]:category:(All Arts Business Computers Games Health Home Kids_and_Teens News Recreation Reference Regional Science Shopping Society Sports World Adult)' \ '-type=-:type:((c\:categories\ only s\:sites\ only b\:both))' \ '-kids[sites for kids]' \ '-teens[sites for teens]' \ '-mteens[sites for mature teens]' && ret=0 ;; ebay) _arguments $args \ '-country=-:country:(com de uk fr)' \ '-results=-:[number of results to return]:number' && ret=0 ;; etym) _wanted dictword expl 'dictionary word' \ compadd $(look "${PREFIX}") && ret=0 ;; fast) _arguments $args \ '-type=-:search type:(all any phrase)' && ret=0 ;; freebsd) _arguments $args \ '-mail=-[search mailing lists]:enable:(yes no)' \ '-gg=-[search [Google Groups]:enable:(yes no)' \ '-pr=-[query problem reports]:enable:(yes no)' \ '-cvs=-[query cvsweb]:enable:(yes no)' \ '-mid=-[query mailing lists by Message-ID]:enable:(yes no)' \ '-ps=-[go to the port survey page]:enable:(yes no)' \ '-prs=-[go to the problem report survey page]:enable:(yes no)' \ '-elogs=-[go to the build error logs page]:enable:(yes no)' && ret=0 ;; freedb) _arguments $args \ '-artists[search artists]' \ '-albums[search albums]' \ '-songs[search songs]' \ '-rest[search the rest of the data]' \ '-all[search all fields]' \ '-bycat[sort results by category]' \ '*-cat=-:category:(all blues classical country data folk jazz misc newage reggae rock soundtrack)' && ret=0 ;; freshmeat) _deb_packages avail && ret=0 ;; fsfdir) _arguments $args ;; google) _arguments $args \ '(-l --lucky)'{-l,--lucky}'[feeling lucky?]' \ '-results=-:[number of results to return]:' \ '-search=-:topic:(bsd linux mac unclesam)' && ret=0 ;; gutenberg) _arguments $args \ '-title[search titles (default)]' '-author[search authors]' '-num[search etext numbers]' ;; imdb) _arguments $args \ '-category=-:category:(All Titles MyMovies People Characters Quotes Bios Plots)' && ret=0 ;; ixquick) _arguments $args \ '-search=-:search type:(web pics)' \ '-lang=-:language:(english dansk deutsch espanol francais italiano nederlands norsk polski portugues suomi svenska turkce jiantizhongwen nihongo fantizhengwen hangul)' ;; jake) _arguments $args \ '-method=-:search type:(title issn)' \ '-volume=-:volume' \ '-issue=-:issue' \ '-spage=-:start page' \ '-epage=-:end page' \ '-year=-:year' && ret=0 ;; leodict) _arguments \ '-tol=:special character tolerance:(off standard high)' \ '-to=:language:(de en either)' \ '-lang=:webpage is in this language:(en de)' \ '-link=:link results:(on off)' \ '-head=:display headlines:(on off)' \ '-grid=:show results in grid:(on off)' \ '-spell=:spelling tolerance:(off standard force)' \ '*:dictionary word:->dictword' && ret=0 [[ "$state" = dictword ]] && _wanted words expl 'dictionary word' \ compadd $(look "${PREFIX}") && ret=0 ;; netbsd|openbsd) _arguments $args \ '-mail=-[search mailinglists]:enable:(no yes)' \ '-pr=-[query problem reports]:enable:(no yes)' && ret=0 ;; pgpkeys) _arguments \ '-s[display key signatures]' \ '*:key ID or email' && ret=0 ;; pubmed) _arguments $args \ '-db=-:[specify database]:database:(PubMed Nucleotide Protein Genome Structure Popset)' && ret=0 ;; rfc) _arguments $args \ '-results=-:[specify number of results to return]:number' \ '-pdf[return files as PDFs]' \ '-rev[reverse order of results]' \ '-exact[match exact words (instead of prefixes)]' \ '-abs[show abstracts]' \ '-keywords[show keywords]' \ "-nodirect[don't try and go direct to RFC]" \ '-ftp[retrieve RFCs via FTP instead of HTTP]' \ '-field=-:search field:(all number title author keyword)' \ '-search=-:collection:(all rfc std bcp fyi)' && ret=0 ;; scaleplus) _arguments $args \ '-results=-:[number of results to return]' && ret=0 ;; sourceforge) _arguments \ '-exact=-[require all words}:enable:(yes no)' \ '-type=:search type:(soft people freshmeat)' \ '*:project:_deb_packages avail' && ret=0 ;; stockquote) _arguments $args \ '-provider=-[select quote provider]:provider:(yahoo nasdaq quote)' && ret=0 ;; thesaurus|webster) _wanted words expl 'word' compadd $(look "${PREFIX}") && ret=0 ;; rae) _wanted dictionary expl 'palabra diccionario' \ compadd $(look "${PREFIX}") && ret=0 ;; translate) _arguments \ '-from=-:language:(de en es fr it ja ko pt ru zh)' \ '-to=-:language:(de en es fr it ja ko pt ru zh)' \ '-provider=-[select translation service provider]:provider:(raging bablefish)' \ '*:dictionary word:->dictword' && ret=0 [[ "$state" = dictword ]] && _wanted words expl 'dictionary word' \ compadd $(look "${PREFIX}") && ret=0 ;; rhyme) _arguments \ '-method=-:type of word correlation:(perfect syn hom cons rel sub spell pic shake def)' \ '*:dictionary word:->dictword' && ret=0 [[ "$state" = dictword ]] && _wanted words expl 'dictionary word' \ compadd $(look "${PREFIX}") && ret=0 ;; w3css) _arguments \ '-warnings=-[specify level of warnings displayed]:warning level:(all normal important none)' \ '-profile=-:CSS profile:(none css1 css2 css3 svg svgbasic svgtiny mobile atsv-tv tv)' \ '-medium=-:user medium:(all aural braille embossed handheld print projection screen tty tv presentation)' \ :URL:_urls && ret=0 ;; w3html) _arguments \ '-usage[go to validator help page]' \ '-encoding=-[set page encoding]' \ '-encfb[fall back to encoding rather than override]' \ '-doctype=-":[set page doctype]:' \ '-docfb[fall back to doctype rather than override]' \ '-nv[be less verbose]' \ '-showsource[show page source]' \ '-showoutline[show page outline (headings)]' \ '-showparsetree[show parse tree]' \ '-excludeatt[exclude attributes from parse tree]' \ '-err[validate Error (404) pages]' \ :URL:_urls && ret=0 ;; w3link) _arguments \ '-r[check linked documents recursively]' \ '-d=-[recursion depth]:depth' \ '-s[summary only]' \ '-hiderd[hide redirects]' \ '-dhiderd[hide redirects for directories only]' \ "-nolang[don't send the Accept-Language: header]" \ '-cookie[save options in a cookie]' \ :URL:_urls && ret=0 ;; w3rdf) _arguments \ '-output=-:output type:(Triples Graphs Both)' \ '-format=-:graph format:(PNG_EMBED PNG_LINK SVG_LINK SVG_EMBED GIF_EMBED \ GIF_LINK PS_LINK HP_PCL_LINK HP_GL_LINK ISV_ZVTM)' \ '-savedot[save GraphViz DOT file]' \ '-ntriples[display triples in N-Triples format]' \ '-embedded[RDF is not enclosed in <RDF> tags]' \ '-useme[grant w3c permission to save the RDF for developing test cases]' \ '-anon[make anonymous nodes unlabelled]' \ '-fontsize=-:font Size:(10 12 14 16 20)' \ '-orient=-:orientation:(TB LR)' \ '-node=-:node Colour:(Black Blue Darkgreen Red)' \ '-nodetext=-[node text color]:color:(Black Blue Darkgreen Red)' \ '-arc=-[arc color]:color:(Black Blue Darkgreen Red)' \ '-arctext=-:[arc text color]:color:(Black Blue Darkgreen Red)' \ :URL:_urls && ret=0 ;; wayback) _arguments $args \ '-syear=-[start search from this year]:year' \ '-smonth=-:[start search from this month]:month:(jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec)' \ '-sday=-[start search from this day]:number' \ '-eyear=-[end search in this year]:year' \ '-emonth=-[end search in this month]:month:(jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec)' \ '-eday=-[end search in this day]:number' \ '-list[list all pages that match search criteria]' \ '-dups[show dups]' \ '-compare[compare pages]' \ '-pdf[show as PDF]' \ '-alias=-[how to handle site aliases]:alias:(merge show hide)' \ '-redir=-[how to handle redirections]:redir:(hide flag show)' \ '-type=-[file type to search for]:type:(image audio video binary text pdf)' ;; wetandwild) _arguments \ '-city=-[town or City or (US only) zipcode]:' \ '-country=-[two letter domain-style country code]:' \ '-state=-[specify state, province or region]:state' && ret=0 ;; wikipedia) _arguments $args \ '-language=-:[two letter language code]:' && ret=0 ;; woffle) _arguments $args \ '-method=-:search method:(and or bool)' \ '-format=-:result format:(short long)' \ '-sort=-:sort method:(score revscore time revtime title revtitle)' && ret=0 ;; yahoo) _arguments $args \ '-results=-[specify number of results to return]:number' && ret=0 ;; yubnub) _message -e command 'Yubnub Command' ;; esac ;; elvi) _wanted elvi expl elvi compadd \ ${${${(f)"$(_call_program elvi surfraw -elvi)"}%%[[:space:]]##--*}%:*} && ret=0 ;; esac return ret