Direktori : /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/ |
Current File : //usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gradle |
#compdef gradle gradlew local curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1 state state_descr line local gradle_inspect=yes cache_policy tag_order local -A opt_args local -a gradle_group_tasks gradle_all_tasks # Set the caching policy to invalidate cache if the build file is newer than the cache. _gradle_caching_policy() { [[ $gradle_buildfile -nt $1 ]] } zstyle -s ":completion:*:*:$service:*" cache-policy cache_policy || \ zstyle ":completion:*:*:$service:*" cache-policy _gradle_caching_policy # By default, we only complete main tasks (belonging to a group). Secondary tasks are # completed if no main tasks are found. zstyle -a ":completion:*:*:$service:*" tag-order tag_order || \ zstyle ":completion:*:*:$service:*" tag-order 'gradle_group' 'gradle_all' # The completion inspects the current build file to find tasks to complete. Setting # this style to 'no' or 'false' turns off inspection. In that case only the built-in tasks # are completed. zstyle -T ":completion:*:*:$service:*" gradle-inspect || gradle_inspect=no _arguments -C \ '(-)'{-\?,-h,--help}'[Shows this help message.]' \ {-a,--no-rebuild}'[Do not rebuild project dependencies.]' \ {-b,--build-file}'[Specifies the build file.]:build file:_files -g "*.gradle(-.)"' \ {-C,--cache}'[Specifies how compiled build scripts should be cached.]:cache policy:(on rebuild)' \ {-c,--settings-file}'[Specifies the settings file.]:settings file:_files -g "*.properties(-.)"' \ '--continue[Continues task execution after a task failure.]' \ \*{-D+,--system-prop}'[Set system property of the JVM (e.g. -Dmyprop=myvalue).]:system property (prop=val):' \ '(-i --info -q --quiet)'{-d,--debug}'[Log in debug mode (includes normal stacktrace).]' \ '(--nodaemon)--daemon[Uses the Gradle daemon to run the build. Starts the daemon if not running.]' \ '--foreground[Starts the Gradle daemon in the foreground.]' \ {-g,--gradle-user-home}'[Specifies the gradle user home directory.]:home directory:_directories' \ '(-)--gui[Launches the Gradle GUI.]' \ {-I,--init-script}'[Specifies an initialization script.]:init script:_files -g "*.gradle(-.)"' \ '(-d --debug -q --quiet)'{-i,--info}'[Set log level to info.]' \ {-m,--dry-run}'[Runs the builds with all task actions disabled.]' \ '--no-color[Do not use color in the console output.]' \ '(--daemon)--no-daemon[Do not use the Gradle daemon to run the build.]' \ '--no-opt[Ignore any task optimization.]' \ '--offline[The build should operate without accessing network resources.]' \ \*{-P+,--project-prop}'[Set project property for the build script (e.g. -Pmyprop=myvalue).]:project property (prop=val):' \ {-p,--project-dir}'[Specifies the start directory for Gradle.]:start directory:_directories' \ '--profile[Profiles build execution time and generates a report in the <build_dir>/reports/profile directory.]' \ '--project-cache-dir[Specifies the project-specific cache directory.]:cache directory:_directories' \ '(-d --debug -i --info)'{-q,--quiet}'[Log errors only.]' \ "--refresh[Refresh the state of resources of the type(s) specified.]:refresh policy:(dependencies)" \ '(-s --stacktrace)'{-S,--full-stacktrace}'[Print out the full (very verbose) stacktrace for all exceptions.]' \ '(-S --full-stacktrace)'{-s,--stacktrace}'[Print out the stacktrace for all exceptions.]' \ '(-)--stop[Stops the Gradle daemon if it is running.]' \ {-u,--no-search-upward}"[Don't search in parent folders for a settings.gradle file.]" \ '(-)'{-v,--version}'[Print version info.]' \ {-x,--exclude-task}'[Specify a task to be excluded from execution.]:task to exclude:->alltask' \ '*:task:->task' \ && ret=0 if [[ -n $state ]]; then if [[ $gradle_inspect == yes ]]; then # If a build file is specified after '-b' or '--build-file', use this file. Otherwise, # default is the file 'build.gradle' in the current directory. local gradle_buildfile=${${(v)opt_args[(i)-b|--build-file]}:-build.gradle} if [[ -f $gradle_buildfile ]]; then # Cache name is constructed from the absolute path of the build file. local cache_name=${${gradle_buildfile:a}//[^[:alnum:]]/_} if _cache_invalid $cache_name || ! _retrieve_cache $cache_name; then zle -R "Generating cache from $gradle_buildfile" local outputline local -a match mbegin mend # Run gradle/gradlew and retrieve possible tasks. for outputline in ${(f)"$($service --build-file $gradle_buildfile -q tasks --all)"}; do if [[ $outputline == [[:blank:]]#(#b)([[:alnum:]]##)' - '(*) ]]; then # The descriptions of main tasks start at beginning of line, descriptions of # secondary tasks are indented. if [[ $outputline == [[:alnum:]]* ]]; then gradle_group_tasks+=( "$match[1]:$match[2]" ) else gradle_all_tasks+=( "$match[1]:$match[2]" ) fi fi done _store_cache $cache_name gradle_group_tasks gradle_all_tasks fi if [[ $state == task ]]; then _tags gradle_group gradle_all while _tags; do # Offer main tasks and secondary tasks in different tags. _requested gradle_group && _describe 'group tasks' gradle_group_tasks && ret=0 _requested gradle_all && _describe 'secondary tasks' gradle_all_tasks && ret=0 (( ret )) || break done elif [[ $state == alltask ]]; then # After '--exclude-task', we don't make a distinction between main tasks and # secondary tasks. _describe 'all tasks' gradle_group_tasks -- gradle_all_tasks && ret=0 fi fi else _describe 'built-in tasks' '( "dependencies:Displays the dependencies of root project." "help:Displays a help message." "projects:Displays the sub-projects of root project." "properties:Displays the properties of root project." "tasks:Displays the tasks runnable from root project." )' && ret=0 fi fi return ret