Direktori : /usr/local/src/publicnginx/cpnginx/ |
Current File : //usr/local/src/publicnginx/cpnginx/nginx.php |
<?php ###################################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2012 NginxCP.com. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ###################################################################################### header("Content-Type: text/html\n\n"); // *** Common variables *** $cpAppName = 'Nginx Admin'; $cpAppVersion = '5.2 Stable'; $NGINX_VERSION= str_replace('nginx version: nginx/','',shell_exec('nginx -v 2>&1')); $user = getenv('REMOTE_USER'); if($user != "root") { echo "You do not have the proper permissions to access Nginx Admin..."; exit; } function ejecutar($act) { if($act == "restart") { $var = shell_exec("/etc/init.d/httpd restart"); if(empty($var)) { echo "<p>Nginx Restarted Successfully.</p>"; } else { echo "<p>{$var}</p>"; } } elseif($act == "rebuild") { $var = shell_exec("/scripts/rebuildvhosts"); if(empty($var)) { echo "<p>Command running in background.</p>"; } else { echo "<p>{$var}</p>"; } } elseif($act == "cleanup") { $var = shell_exec("rm -rvf /tmp/nginx_client/*"); if(empty($var)) { echo "<p>No output generated. The folder /tmp/nginx_client is either empty or too full to be deleted using the \"rm\" command. Verify by checking the disk usage of the /tmp partition in WHM. If /tmp is over 70-80% used, you may want to try the following commands via SSH:<br /><br /># cd /tmp/nginx_client/<br /># find . -name '*' | xargs rm</p>"; } else { echo "<p>".nl2br($var)."</p>"; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $cpAppName; ?></title> <meta name="description" content="WHM Plug-in of Nginx for cPanel servers" /> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/themes/x/style_optimized.css' /> <script type="text/javascript"> function okay() { if(confirm('Are you sure of save configuration?')) { document.getElementById('okay').submit(); } return false; } function clog() { document.getElementById('log').submit(); } </script> <style> div#wrap { margin: 0 auto; width: 700px; } </style> </head> <body class="yui-skin-sam"> <div id="pageheader"> <div id="breadcrumbs"> <p> <a href="/scripts/command?PFILE=main">Main</a> >> <a href="nginx.php" class="active"><?php echo $cpAppName; ?></a></p> </div> <div id="doctitle"><h1><?php echo $cpAppName; ?> (v<?php echo $cpAppVersion; ?>) </h1><h4><span>(Nginx Version: (<?php echo $NGINX_VERSION; ?>)</span></h4> </div> <div id="wrap"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr align="center"> <td width="180"><img src="restartservices.gif" alt="Restart Nginx" /></td> <td width="180"><img src="config.png" alt="Nginx Configuration Editor" /></td> <td width="180"><img src="rebuild.png" alt="Rebuild VHosts" /></td> <td width="180"><img src="log.png" alt="View Nginx Log" /></td> <td width="180"><img src="cleanup.gif" alt="cleanup" /></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td><a href="nginx.php?op=restart">Restart Nginx</a></td> <td><a href="nginx.php?op=edit">Configuration Editor</a></td> <td><a href="nginx.php?op=rebuild">Rebuild Vhosts</a></td> <td><form action="nginx.php?op=logs" method="post" id="log">View the last?<br /><input type="text" name="l" value="25" autocomplete="off" /><br /><a href="nginx.php?op=logs" onClick="clog();return false;">View Log</a></form></td> <td><a href="nginx.php?op=cleanup">Cleanup</a></td> </tr> </table><br /> <?php $op = &$_GET['op']; switch($op) { case "restart": echo "<p style=\"color: #009\"><b>Restarting Nginx...</b></p>"; ejecutar("restart"); echo "<p style=\"color: #009\"><b>Done...</b></p>"; break; case "edit": if(isset($_POST['conf'])) { $conf = $_POST['conf']; file_put_contents("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", $conf); echo "<p><b>Configuration has been updated.</b></p>"; if(isset($_POST['c'])) { ejecutar("restart"); } } ?> <form action="nginx.php?op=edit" method="post" id="okay"><textarea name="conf" cols="80" rows="20"><?=shell_exec("cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf")?></textarea><br />Restart Nginx? <input type="checkbox" name="c" /><br /><br /><input type="submit" value="Update!" onClick="okay();return false;" /></form> <? break; case "rebuild": ejecutar("rebuild"); break; case "logs": if(empty($_POST['l'])) { $var = shell_exec("cat /var/log/nginx/error.log"); $l = null; } else { $l = ereg_replace("/[0-9]/","",$_POST['l']); $var = shell_exec("tail -{$l} /var/log/nginx/error.log"); } echo "<p style=\"color: #009\"><b>Log Viewer - Showing Last {$l} Lines</b></p>"; echo "<pre>{$var}</pre>"; break; case "cleanup": echo "<p style=\"color: #009\"><b>Temperary Files Cleanup:</b></p>"; ejecutar("cleanup"); break; default: $run = "Down"; $var = shell_exec("ps -A"); if(strstr($var,"nginx")) { $run = "UP"; } echo "Nginx Service Status: <font style=\"color: #0c0\"><b>{$run}</b></font>"; ?> <p style="color: #0c0">To automated /tmp cleanup add bellow cron <br><b>0 */1 * * * /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -am 1 /tmp/nginx_client</b><br> via crontab -e command</p> <p style="color: #03F"><b>About Nginx Admin</b></p> <p>Nginx Admin is WHM interface of Nginx installer for cPanel server. This plugin will increase your server performance and decrease the server Apache Load. So you can host more websites in a cPanel server than usual. <br>Nginx is known for its high performance, stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption. <br> Unlike traditional servers, Nginx doesn't rely on threads to handle requests. Instead it uses a much more scalable event-driven architecture. This architecture uses small, but more importantly, predictable amounts of memory under load. <br></p> <p>For Support Visit <a href="http://www.nginxcp.com/forums" target='_blank'>http://www.nginxcp.com/forums</a></p> <? } ?> <!-- Begin PayPal Donations by http://johansteen.se/ --> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank"> <div class="paypal-donations"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations" /> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="9xlinux@live.com" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Nginx-Admin Open Source Project" /> <input type="hidden" name="rm" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD" /> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online." /> <img alt="" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" /> </div> </form> <!-- End PayPal Donations --> <p>Nginx Admin: v<?php echo $cpAppVersion; ?> <br>Nginx version: (<?php echo $NGINX_VERSION; ?>)</p><p>©2006-2014, <a href="http://www.nginxcp.com" target='_blank'>NginxCP.com</a></p> </div> </body> </html>