Direktori : /usr/local/bin/ |
Current File : //usr/local/bin/gpgmailtunl |
#!/usr/bin/perl # # gpgmailtunl - Program that sends encrypted email. # # This file is part of GnuPG.pm. # # Author: Francis J. Lacoste <francis.lacoste@iNsu.COM> # # Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 iNsu Innovations Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # use strict; use GnuPG; use Getopt::Long; sub usage() { die <<EOF; usage: gpgmailtunl [ options ] --encrypt or gpgmailtunl [ options ] --decrypt EOF exit(64); } sub bounce(@) { print STDERR "gpgmailtunl: ", @_, "\n"; exit( 64 ); }; sub read_secret($) { open SECRET, shift or bounce( "error opening secret file for reading: $!" ); my $secret = <SECRET>; close SECRET; chomp $secret; return $secret; } sub encrypt($\%) { my ( $gpg, $opts ) = @_; my $from = $opts->{from}; $opts->{subject} ||= "Encrypted mail"; $opts->{recipient} ||= $opts->{to}; my $cmd = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t"; $cmd .= " -F\"$from\"" if $from; open( SENDMAIL, "|". $cmd ) or bounce( "error opening pipe to sendmail: $!" ); select SENDMAIL; $| = 1; print SENDMAIL "From: $from\n" if $from; print SENDMAIL <<EOF; To: $opts->{to} Subject: $opts->{subject} EOF eval { $gpg->encrypt( output => \*SENDMAIL, armor => 1, sign => $opts->{sign}, passphrase => $opts->{passphrase}, recipient => $opts->{recipient}, "local-user" => $opts->{"local-user"}, ); }; bounce ( $@ ) if $@; close SENDMAIL or bounce( "error while waiting for sendmail: $!" ); exit 0; }; sub decrypt($\%) { my ( $gpg, $opts ) = @_; open( SENDMAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t" ) or bounce( "error opening pipe to sendmail: $!" ); select SENDMAIL; $| = 1; eval { $gpg->decrypt( output => \*SENDMAIL, passphrase => $opts->{passphrase}, ); }; bounce ( $@ ) if $@; close SENDMAIL or bounce( "error while waiting for sendmail: $!" ); exit 0; } my %opt = (); GetOptions( \%opt, "encrypt", "decrypt", "sign", "secret-file=s", "from=s", "to=s", "subject=s", "homedir=s", "local-user=s", "recipient=s", ) or usage; bounce( "can't use encrypt and decrypt at the same time" ) if $opt{encrypt} and $opt{decrypt}; if ( $opt{decrypt} ) { map { bounce( "conflicting options with encrypt: $_" ) if $opt{$_} } qw( to from subject sign recipient local-user ); } elsif ( $opt{encrypt} ) { bounce( "missing to option" ) unless $opt{to}; } else { bounce( "missing encrypt or decrypt" ); } $opt{passphrase} = read_secret( $opt{"secret-file"}) if $opt{"secret-file"}; my $gpg = new GnuPG( homedir => $opt{homedir} ); if ($opt{encrypt}) { encrypt $gpg, %opt; } else { decrypt $gpg, %opt; } __END__ =pod =head1 NAME gpgmailtunl - Encrypts an email message into the body of another email. =head1 SYNOPSIS gpgmailtunl [options] --encrypt | --decrypt =head1 DESCRIPTION B<gpgmailtunl> is a filter program that either encrypts an email message using the Gnu Privacy Guard and sends it to another recipient or decrypt an email message and forwards unencrypted to another destination. It can be used to exchange emails across an open network betweeen two trusted systems. =head1 TYPICAL USAGE This program is intended to run from program like B<procmail> or B<sendmail> to create an email tunnel between two systems. Of course this is not as secure as using B<gpg> as an end user program, it may be convenient in certain case. =head1 ENCRYPTION To encapsulates an email within another you pipe the message to B<gpgmailtunl>. =head2 OPTIONS GetOptions( \%opt, "encrypt", "decrypt", "sign", "secret-file=s", "from=s", "to=s", "subject=s", "homedir=s", "local-user=s", "recipient=s", ) or usage; =over =item to This is the address to which the encrypted message will be sent. This is the only required fields. =item recipient This sets the keyid that will be used to encrypt the outgoing message. If unset, B<gpgmailtunl> will try to find a key matching the B<to> option. =item subject Sets the subject of the outgoing message. This defaults to "Encrypted mail". =item from Sets the From header line of the outgoing message which will contains the encrypted one. B<sendmail> will provides a default one if this is not set. =item sign If this option is used, the outgoing message will be signed. In this case you should probably use to B<local-user> and B<secret-file> options. =item secret-file File from which the secret to unlock the private used to sign the message can be read. =item local-user The keyid of the user that should sign the outgoing message. The default user will be used if not specified. =item homedir Sets an alternate B<gpg> home directory. (This is where the keyrings are stored.) =back =head1 DECRYPTION To extract an email to be forwarded to the final user you pipe the encrypted email to B<gpgmailtunl> using the B<decrypt> switch. Once decrypted, the encapsulated email message will be sent to the original destinator of the message. =head2 OPTIONS =over =item homedir Sets an alternate B<gpg> home directory. (This is where the keyrings are stored.) =item secret-file File from which the secret to unlock the private used to decrypt the message can be read. =back =head1 AUTHOR Francis J. Lacoste <francis.lacoste@iNsu.COM> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 iNsu Innovations Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =head1 SEE ALSO gpg(1) gpgmailtunl(1) GnuPG(3) =cut